Pelican Cinder Battle Starts Here Saturday Thirteen Schools, 125 Tracksters Take Part in Eleventh Annual Meet Tomorrow afternoon starting at 2 p. m. on Modoc field, local track fans will have the opportunity of seeing the eleventh annual invitational track and field meet, with the Pelican cinder team and KUHS as'hosts to 13 southern Oregon and northern Califor nia schools. This meet will mark the first official home meet for the Pelican tracksters this year, and should prove to be most outstanding. Between 100 and 125 men will participate, representing Bend, -Kogue River, Weed, Alturas, Ashland, Medford, Lakeview, Oregon Gets Into Second Spot Tie-up Bubolo Puts Wobfeet in Front With Bote Loaded Homer in First Inning DiyiSION Washington .., Oregon .. Oregon State . Wash. State ... Idaho STANDINGS W. L. Pet, 0 1 1 6 5 1.000 .833 .833 .000 .000 By The Associated Press Oregon defending northern division baseball champions moved into a second place tie with Oregon State yesterday by defeating Washington State 6 to 2 and both Oregon schools are in prime position to take over the division lead should the front-running Washington Husk ies falter at any point in their four-game road trip which opens today against OSC at Gorvallis. Washington will play the Beavers again tomorrow and then move to Eugene for two games against Oregon Monday and .Tuesday. A win by the Beavers today would put them ahead of -the Huskies, who so far have played but three games against six for the two Oregon schools. Wash ington State and Idaho have yet to gain a conference victory. ' Two freshmen hurlers, Harold Saltzman for Oregon and Ward Kockey for the Cougars batted on even terms yesterday, each allowing three hits. The Web foots, however, bunched their blows more effectively. Captain Johnny Bubalo put the Webfoots in front with a first-inning home run with mate aboard and the lead never was threatened, . : - ,t -...' San Diego on Tod in Coast Ball Chase Portland Regains Winning Farm With Seventh-Inning Rally to Sink Sacramento By The Associated Press San Diego rode into undis puted leadership in the Pacific Coast league yesterday on a flood of Seattle' errors which cost the Rainiers the ball game, 5 to 2 and left them in sole pos session of the cellar for the first time in many seasons.. Portland regained its winning form and came from behind with a four-run seventh inning splurge that sank Sacramento 6 to 3. San Francisco dropped out of a first place tie by taking a 10 to 7 lacing from Hollywood, the Seals first defeat of the new season. , The best ball game of the day was at Los Angeles, where Oak land beat the Angels 1 to 0 in an old-fashioned pitchers duel. Seattle ran into nothing but trouble against San Diego. Pete Jonas started on the mound and hurled effectively until his mates began to kick the ball around. Speece and Marshall followed him to the mound, but the Padres continued to hit 'em and tho Rainiers continued to drop em. -u oacramemo a home run by Packy Rogers in the first in. ning helped to bolster Portland's morale. The clincher was a triple by Right Fielder Rupert Thompson and a double by First Baseman Barton. Series will continue today at San Diego, Sacramento and Los Angeles. Hollywood and San Francisco are idle. UCLA Grid Star Goes East for Naval Training LOS ANGELES, April 23 (P) Ensign Ken Snelling, fullback on UCLA's Rose Bowl football team that was beaten New Year's day by Georgia, left today for the cast coast where he will un dergo an intensive course In na val ordnance before being as signed to active duty. Snelling, a graduate of the university's mechanical'' engi neering school, was commis sioned last nionth. Bonanza, Malin, Henley, Merrill, Dorris and Tulelake. Medford as usual will be tough as they have plenty of rugged competition in Dipple, Braley McKnisht, Bayliss, Meier and Casebeer. Ashland has Caton a cinder artist capable of 52 and under in the 440. Alturas is sending a fair-sized squad including Bob Rush, for mer KUHS athlete, and a versa tile weight man and broad jump er. Rogue River, a last minute entry, is coming with a good miler. A squad of 15 to 20 men from Lakeview is to participate. All of the county B league has been invited and most of her first and second place men in the recent meet held here are potential threats in their fields. One man especially who win bear plenty of watching is Ken Duncan, the boy who took three firsts and was on the winning relay team of Malin in the coun ty meet Bend has a mainstay In Gillis who is reported to have thrown the shot 44 i feet this year. If he keeps this pace in the meet he will be tough to beat Bend is sending 12 men. Weed, Dorris and Yreka are strictly "darkhorse" candidates, but have sent many good men in the past to the invitational. Yreka defeated Medford in a dual meet last year though Med ford went on to win the Oregon State meet at Eugene. Th local Pelicans, fresh from their recent victory over Med ford, will be aiming for a vic tory in this meet. The boys are all in top physical condition, and snould give a commendable per formance. 1 This meet will have no bear ing whatsoever on the State meet. - Officials of the meet are: Di rector of meet, Joe Peak; clerk of course, Harold Hendrickson; starter, Dwight French; announc er, Lynn Roycroft; public ad dress, John Sandmeyer; head timer, Dave Bridge Timers will be Bob Glennoh, Bob Howard and Ralph Hill; head judge of finish, Wayne Scott; judges of finish, Gerald Clemens, Houston Robison, Low ell Kaup and Lane Warren; head field judge, Frank Ramsey; field judges, Paul Angstead, Verne Spiers, Stewart Patty, Ernie Bishop, Rev. Johnson and Carl Muender. r Silver medals are to be award ed to all first place winners, and ribbons . to all those finishing second, third, fourth and fifth. Plaques will go to the high point men of the meet, and to the win ning schools. Coach Deller of KUHS makes no prediction on the meet other than that this will undoubtedly be one of the more outstanding meets of the year, and should be the closest and fastest The track is in good condition and fast, Admission will be 35 cents adults, 10 cents children. Time trials will be run in the morning at 11 a. m. and the regu lar meet is to start promptly at Z p. m. PAGE EIGHT April 23, 1913 Seeks Outdoor Title j . I LiMwrrr7TT'fr'i wht' wi-p$t& ' Patty Aspinall (above) of the Riviera club, Indianapolis, Ind., will be seeking an Indoor title to go with hor 200-mstor outdoor breast stroke crown in the national AAU Senior Women's Indoor swimming meet at Chicago. Yawning Stands Alarm Major League Ball Men Reds Whip Cards 1 to 0 Before Scant Crowd; Dodgers Blast Through Giants McMinnville Takes Five Firsts, Wins Yamhill Track Meet McMINNVILLE. April 23 (VP) McMinnville placed first in five events and amassed 381 points to win the annual Yamhill coun ty high school track and field meet yesterday. Willamina was second with 27 points while Newberg followed with 20, Dayton 17,- Yamhill 6 and Sheridan H. isi-naifgwiiiniaa COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. San Diego 4 0 1.000 San Francisco 3 1 .750 Portland 3 1 .750 Los Angeles 2 2 .500 Oakland 2 2 .500 Sacramento 1 3 ,250 Hollywood 1 , 3 ,250 Seattle 0 4 .000 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. St. Louis 1 0 1.000 New York 1 0 1.000 Boston ...1 0 1.000 Cleveland 1 1 .500 Detroit 1 1 .500 Washington 1 1 .500 Chicago 0 1 .000 Philadelphia 0 2 .000 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Cincinnati 2 0 1.000 Brooklyn 0 1.000 Pittsburgh 1 1 .500 Chicago 1 1 .500 Philadelphia 0 0 .000 Boston ;.......0 0 .000 New York 0 - 1 .000 St. Louis 0 2 .000 By JUDSON BAILEY (Associated Press Sports Writer) The 11 games that have been played in the new major league baseball season have convinced almost everybody that the new Balata ball is just that a lot of Balata but the deadness of the ball has not alarmed as many persons as the deadly emptiness of the stands for the early games. Weather reports in wartime are of necessity scant and the first reaction to the shrinkage in attendance was to blame it on unseasonable conditions such as caused postponements of all four eastern openers on Wednesday. Unfavorable weather has been responsible in varying degrees and in certain instances, such as the tiny turnout of 5860 fans in big Yankee stadium yesterday to see the American league chamir- 10ns edge out the Washington Senators, 5-4. On the other hand it had noth ing to do with the fact that only 1897 persons went to Crosley field in Cincinnati to see another pitching classic in which the Reds again whipped the world champion St. Louis Cardinals, 1-0 in ten innings. The small attendance goes deeper than the weather. Many thousands of baseball fans are now in military service and countless others are too busy in war work to get to games on weekday afternoons. The major leagues may have to play more night games and possibly will ex periment with morning contests. Cincinnati's second-day crowd was a drop from 27,709 on Wed nesday in spite of the fact that there was every reason to ex pect a duplication of the spectac ular struggle which the Reds and Cards waged the' day before. A repeat performance is exact ly what the few fans present re ceived, too, for Lefty Ernie White of the Cards and the vet eran Ray. Starr of the Reds pitch ed scorelcssly till the last of the tenth. Then Lonnic Frey, who had led off the 11th inning the day before with a single and eventually carried the winning run across, did it again. He hit safely, was sacrificed to second, went to third on a single by Max Marshall and came home on an other single by Bart Haas. Starr gave five hits and no walks, while White was touched for six safeties and an equal number of passes. The Brooklyn Dodgers, mean while easily thrashed the New York Giants, 5-2, before 16.775 fans at Ebbets field. Ed had pitched six-hit ball and his team mates got him four runs in the first three innings. The Giants would not have been any com petition at all except for Man ager, Mel Ott, who made four of their hits and batted in both their runs. . The Chicago Cubs turned the tables on the Pittsburgh Pirates with a 4-3 triumph. A long fly by Phil Cavarretta with the bases loaded in the seventh was needed to break a tic score al though Claude Passcau and Ed die Hanyzewski held the Pirates to five hits. At New York Joe Gordon came through with the first home run of the major league season, but it took a double by Roy (Stormy) Wcathcrly with the bases loaded in the last of the ninth to bring the Yankees from behind and subdue the Sen ators. The Yanks were outhit 8-6. Tex Hughson, 22-gamc winner last year, chalked up victory No. 1 by shutting out the Philadel phia Athletics, 1-0, on three hits, but the once ferocious Red sock crs were held to two hits them selves by Jess Flores and Roger Wolff. However, one was a fourth-inning double by Pete Fox, who got across with a run. Virgil Trucks pitched a 4-0 four-hit shutout for Detroit against the Cleveland Indians to avenge the Tigers' opening day whitewashing. Etaoseve.t Drops Mills in Final Softball Round In the first round of the gram mar school softball finals Roose velt defeated Mills by a 5 to 2 score and won the right to face Fairview in the class A finals next Wednesday, April 29. 1 Mosby of Mills was the leading hitter of the game, collecting j two binglcs in two official times to the plate. Pitcher "Porky" El lis of Roosevelt hurled a marvel- ( ous four-hit job and allowed but j one earned run, while his team- 1 mates collected five runs and ! five hits from the offerings of ! Pitcher Stone of Mills. The B league consolation game saw Fremont defeat Mills 5 to 1. Fremont got nine hits and five runs and Mills made six hits but ; received credit for only one run. j Sankin collected three for three for Fremont and Dawes and Floras drove out two hits In two times at bat for Mills. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save H Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main Veteran! of Foreign Wart BIG OPENING SATURDAY SKATELAND 515 Klamath Ave. Across From City Library Music by Pappy Gordon's OREGON HILLBILLIES Regular Admission Prices . f Dance Every Saturday Auspices Pelican Post 1383, V. F. W. -hi-i.Uim Fight World Eyes Champ Of Lightmen NBA Gives List "of Title Pugs; Angott, Beau Jack Hold Logical Contenders NEW YORK, April 23 (TP) Wanted: One lightweight cham pion. . 1 That's all tho National Boxing association needs to mako Its list of world titlo holders complete, In the association's quarterly ratings, released today, the lightweight throne is left vacant, with Sammy Angott and Beau Jack listed as tho logical con tenders. Tho winner of a bout between those two, It was stated, would be recognized. Prexy Abe Greene said that inasmuch as the NBA Is adher ing to its pulley of recognizing champions whose title claims urc undisputed, tho Angott Jack winner would be crowned, as Angott Is unbeaten as a light weight in splto of his brief re tirement, and Jack continues to be recognized as the leading challenger. If Bob Montgomery defeats Jack next mouth, Urocno con tinued, Montgomery would bo given tho first position for a titlo bout with Angott. Few changes aro noted in tho ratings. In the featherwolght class Sal Bartola moves nearer the top through his split-dcciiiioii defeat at the hands of Willie Pep, who is ranked leading con tender for Jackie Cnllura's crown. Greene said that while Callura has so vein I months before ho is obligated to defend his titlo against a ranking fciithor, the NBA still is trying to bring about a match between him and Pep to settle the question of su periority. Tho rulings include: HEAVYWEIGHT Cliumplou Joo Louis. Logical contender Billy Conn. Out standing boxers M11II0 Hnttlnu, Turkey Thompson, Tumi Muurl ello, Lee Suvold, LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT Champion Gun Lvnuevlch. Logical contender, Jimmy lliv Ins. Outstanding boxers Anton Chrlstofoi'ltlls, Lloyd Marshall, Frcddlo Mills. MIDDLEWEIGHT Champion Tony Zulu. Logi cal contenders George Abrams, Tony Clancloln Martin, Ernlo Vlgh, Coley Welch, Juke La Mot tu, Outstanding boxers Joso Du.iora, llolman Williams, Char llo Burley, Archlo Moure, Sieve Belloiso. WELTERWEIGHT Champion Freddie (R e d) Coi'hrtmu. Logical contenders Ray Robinson, floury Arm strong. Outstanding boxers California Jackie Wilson, Marly Beaver Golfers, , Inland Empire Area CORVALL1S, Ore., April 23 (P) Tennis and golf teams rep resenting Oregon Slnto will In vade the Inland empire thin weekend fur mutches with tlm thilvKi'ailv nl Idaho. Washington nnd Washington Stiite. Tho tennis toiun opens today ngalnst Idaho at Moscow mill meets Wushliigtiin 8I11I0 nt Pull man tomorrow. Tho golfers coin pete ngulnst Washington lomor row at Scuttle Servo, Krllzlo '.Ivle, Young Kid McCoy, Louis Kid Cocou, Whan In Madlord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modarn Joe and Ann EarUy Proprietors ;TKe Greatest Mother ; 1 tr 11 '.': in inc vvofia ir.7a:ii:nni-zw W. C. Strong A. L. Winn a. I. Jtflm C. L. Link C. . Sarr J. A. Mayhew D. A. Porter K. Dolr Ruby Ktnntrly Vtldla Gallon Prod Plonk Vert Harrre lr;ne Vlson Ola Wilton Ntllle William 0. R. Ptrliln Ida L'ndew H. p. leaver J. I. O'Kelly 0. Seroiuilne Toward Dunn Thelma Thompaon John Pledger M.irle toward Vara Bruoa ,. V. 0. Davldeon C. R. Young , P. K- Poppy Cha. A. Pock iloy Hugglna Hclmulh Oohrlng uora Doctor Marlorla While Hsrry Brown .. MIMred Moiby M. H. lull. B. O. Breehla Dorla Shufalt . Oorolhia M. Ward . Prank Pranklln R. B. Davlior) . W. D. BUby La Ida Hayne R. K. Holme E. W richer A. L. Swanoon . Ray A. Piok e. 0. cotton loo Shock B. L. Wlleher M. M. Wilton . Dtan Qlllock Oladya Brown - Hsrmm Llndow R. M. Wllllama . Lyda Neweom Roto l Holllday . Mary J. tchnabel 4. E Cra r,b L, K. Granger , E. P. Oodoon . Kenneth Heler Stllnt Zimmerman Ltah Kuril Clara Colllll Jean Donovan Dorothy Millar Petri Boya Ruth Ballay , a, O. Smith Tttilt E. Blhy Art Wilton Thilma Thurman Jack Mlllir Ghat. A. Sylvaotar Evaratt Lanmdorf -0, A. Wllllama Joa E. Alklna Mlldrad coopar -J. D. Foliar ... . ... H, R. Brannon H. A. LaBama Chirm 4. Kuetra H. E. Otlgtr m. 0. Hum E. E. Brllaa Ruth. Your M Simon Patirwn Connla A. Pranklln . Ruth Hawaii Dorothy Portir H, K. Pranklln Ryland Shock Loo Kampo . . 1.IM Wyatt H. M. Honklrra QMrxa H. Ensal . D. B. calhoon B. P. Judd V. L. McBllh . A. L. Spick A. 0. Kinntrly 0. w. aii.ock J. Wthl T. A, Bardln D. L. Dim W. L. Doatir R. A. Hirdln I'll Collllt W. K. Brown M. R. JinMnt ft'tila Thoma ..,,-.,., Mia E. Dalyaa AIM BlMonitta Lana Jaokion Jack Oummlngt WEYERHAEUSER BOX PAD TORY EMPLOYEI-Nllht Shift Jtl.H Ray Bruoa . D. P, Irwin Elmar Colion R. D. McParland . Arlla Moora I.N . I.M t.M MM t.M These last contribution! are gratefully acknowUdgtdi WEYBRHAUSER BOX PAS TOny EMPLOYES, Day hill II!!. M .1 I.0O 1.00 - 1.00 in I.M 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 I.M 1.10 1.99 . .00 t oo - t oo t.M -. too . 1.M .u I.CO t.M I.OO - 1.00 t.M t.oa l.of t.M in - I.M . I.M t.M I.M - I.M I.M I.M , t.M t.M t.M I.M . t.M t.M . t.M I.M I.M I.M . t.M . t.M I.M . t.M t.M . t.M I.M t.M 1.M t.M 1.10 t.M t.M . I-" . Ray Church Roy M. Dun , Archlo 0. Oia --. Ibirt Rtmty . Ruttlll L. Palrchlld I to LlMotho . Ollvsr Rlehardaon , Oiort Waltira .. Ollla Burl . ,. Vara Bakar Ida Blngman . L. W. Allm a. D. Smith A. E. Oiborn W. W. Biker - Prniat Brown Olyda Pullum . . Albert McParland I L. Baldwin S. McKImm O. 4. Golcon L. B. McParland . Mltcellantoua Contribution! I Mr. and Mra. Gltn Kiwltt Rid Croat Bot Social oommltlto - 1 1- Prank Obcnchaln A Son . William Hablnck . H, L .Wliao . Alda Kemp CI im Olytr .. M,ry hllaort Hrt. E. E. Brtwlnglon . Mra. J. A. Roo .. Mrc 0. H. Himaktr W. T. Wllhrow -. A Prlind -.- 4. Q. nindterd .. P. H. Colton . Mr. and Mra. Tlndall John Tlndall Harry Tlndall Mr, and Mra. V. L. Alaiandw Ida Llndow , Monta Johnaon . Twin Olrll" Grocery Mra. Harold Bbcrlcln Mra. L. E. Hmry Mra. Rii Qnlory . . Ihtphird Muala 60. Andy Sullivan Mra. Johnoon Mra. ttan'iy Bowling - Alfred Bakken . .. Mrc, MaoBilh ... t.M I.M t.M t.M tea I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M I.M t.M I.M t.M t.M I.M I.M M I.M .M 1.M I.M I.M t.M I.M t.M I.M I.M t.M I.M 1.00 1.M I.M 1.M I.M t.Ot) .H I.M 1.M 1.IM i.M I.M 1.011 1.M Mrt. 4. E. Trnneloea , Mrc. W. P. Yunee Mrt. Jimea A. Rowley Mra. Margaret Wllllama . Mra. 0. Morrllln Mra, - A.-Lwaina , - n - Mra. Waller Puller Mrt. R. J. Patteraon Mn. Oecer Young . Mre. Erneet Birkao - Marvin Arnltt , . P. Otttl Mra. Mill sutler -. R. L. Brlnagar Mre. R. March Harold Ollmoro ... Bill Palyay . ... Mra. R. Hopktna - Stewart Day , . . " Mra. Lloyd Brown Mn. Lorina Wlleon ..-. Mr. and Mrt. 0. E. Ichllltr Ruby Brown Mr. and Mra, M. L. Bratton Mr. and Mra. Ed Pouton - Mre. Barbara Richmond Mr. Vina M. Padgall Homer Amouroui Mra. Vincent Ichiro Peul Li von Plllltrlo ..... Luclllt tcrogglno . Mre. Raymond Gummlnge Mr. and Mra. 0. P. Van Riper Mra. O. Heuberl . Klamath Really Board Claude E. Maalera .... Dickie Mature Marilyn Maltera . Mrt, B, M. Welch Mre. Dewey Thurmen service Leoguo oommunlly fund Robtrt Hogan Hendcrton Oolnam, Bryan Thurman Ed Bllllnga Mr, and Mre. Cowbrougtl Van Brinhim - Mr. and Mra. Jimee Telrlck Mr. and Mrc. -imte Stona .... Mr, and Mrt. Prank Howard . Margaret Pelmer .-, Mr. and Mrt, Sllil Shepherd Local union Spregue River eehool Mrt. Mlllletnt Riddle Mrt. Wilktr ..r Mrt. Oharlelte Sohilr Mra. Cherlee Borough Mre. Ellen HOMata Quanla Hulchlni Marlon Bell . Mrt, Dlhhon Coop ... Mrt, Polke Haddock Prank gueher Mre. Leon Hailing Mre, Arthur Hill Mre. PIMtle Rom . Mrt, Purl Shadier Mra. Jim Loo per : Mr. and Mre. ollfton Jimee Mr, and Mra. A, Rodgtra Mra. Jain Wool Polk Mrt, Emma Itevoneon I.M I U I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M I.M I.M ,sa I.M I.M t.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M I.M I.M MU t.M I.M I.M I.M I.M .U I.M . .11 l,M I.M .11 I.M t.M t.M t.M I.M t.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M I.M I.M t.M I.M .It 1.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M 1.01 I.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M 1.M 1.M I.M I.OO ' I.M I.M I.M 1.M I.M I.M t.M I.M t.M 1.M I.M I.M 1.11 I.M .11 .11 1.00 M 10.00 1,00 I.M u t.U 10.M 1,00 ,10 I.M .10 .10 I.M I0.M 11.10 I.M t,M I.M ..... 1,10 .10 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.M 1.00 1.11 t.M I.M .10 I.M t.M 1,00 1.00 Mrt. J. B. Poet Mra. Dan Drake Mre. Oerloe Lugo Mr. and Mrt. Ollvtr Hammone Mra. Ivan Pinker Mtrlano Valla Mra. Jane Lawyer - Ro, Varntll Rutettl Ktrman H. Datla I.M I.M t.M I.M to t.o Mr. and Mra. J. P. Young . GUI Scout Troop Ho. I IB-M Mre. Hirlty MlWIIIIimt I.M M m Stone .. t.M Doe Ktlltr , t.M Bin Wcllord . Orne Hoberlaon Miry Ohtloquln .. Vlnee Bodnor lemlly Aihlty gllnbard .10 Jvae Qreen t.M Blanche M. Montgomery . I.M Mrt. M. Himhlln I.M Mrt. M, W, thephard I.M t.M t.M I.M Mra. L. Ill Mra. R. 0. Paeaoll , Mre. Ray Pcroreo .. Mrt. Oeuglit Hom . Mrt. Wm. Rhttn lily 0. Clirk Mrt. 0. O. Evint Mre. Sally Jickton . I.M l. t.M I.M t.M t.M t.M Mrt. R. T. Lett Mr, end Mrt. Art Hotf . Mre. E. R. Himbtln Mrt. J. J. Ipltitr Mr. Rty McDonald I.M I.M .la I.M I.M t.M I.M t.M Mra. Jimt J. Huffman Mrt. Don Gilce ... Mrt. R. C. Moore Crater Lake Lumber company tto.M O. A. Pullir II. M 0. O. Dugh J. I.M 0. L. Rume . , I.M Mr. ind Mrt. Piut B. Edtn I.M Ladli Stwlng elub I.M Mr. am Mn. W. H. Tompklne Ir, .. I.M Mr. and Mra. W. H. Tompkirw Jr. t.M Mr. and Mra. Aldo Parrenl 10 Mr. end Mre. 0. R. letlghl I.M Mre. L. D. Wyllo . Hiltn Htneen . W Leon Qtorge , I.M Mr, and Mre. Herman Hill t.M Mr. and Mra. Lewie Ore lay t.M Bmle Young Mr, and Mra. A. L. Lick 1.01 Mr. and Mre. W. J. Premo I.M Inn Krldtr , I M vnma Leek 1-M Mr. and Mr. Byrd TompklnO.. I.M Mr. and Mre. lorn Oempbell I.U Htrold Dinltleon I.M Mr. and Mre. E. Hoiberg I.M Mr. and Mre. Earl H. Johmon I.M P. I Wllllimeo- I M Ed linurro .. I.M Mr. end Mra. R. L. Kemp I.M Mra. Our ButbM I.M Mr. and Mr. T. W. Itdow 1I.M R. W. Blunder . Annoymoui H. IW . P. M. Ihapltlgh Bldniy Orottan Ktnnith Wtlkolt J. K. McLcllin :4rt. Civanaugh J. I. Irwin . .- Plermee Dtly Ire Ilrhd . Kalhlitn Vaughn Hal Thomaton H. R. Olirk L. M. Inydtr . Rtloh Poetir . 0. B. Dannie ,.... ,...- H. Jickton A. M. Loutlon Mrt. Chit. Ipldtll . Pred Pouder A Prlind .... Mre. Prink Ithulltr lam Lucie fltrton Chit . Prink J. Riymond Orlt Mirwvse .. J. 0. Mirmo . , Roy Pireroo Din Chuchlch Btrl Wlgaine . Riy L. Hureiktr W. A. Hill W. A. Miyo Btrnlee Jonce D. J. Winter Mr. and Mre. Ben Pctue W. J. flurmcla Matt laneon Meik Koonlr . Qto. Arutirton W . A. Dolk . . Lloyd Wtlker Bin I. Polk Leo Lehrmen John Itlmtne 1. I.M I.M .11 I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I 00 I.M I.M I.M 1.M 1. a I.M IM I.M I.M 111 I.M t.M Mr. John Shepherd . 4, 0. Plnney 0. K. Brown B. peak . Joe Oardner John p. O'lulllvan E. Maiwin . A Prlind Olarrnoa H. Oumlngham , J. P. Keating Emit Hadberg L. Paaok 1 Mrt. Ed lanttrr Mr. Rohirl Piltolt Mr. and Mra. Art Puller Mr, Gut HelMH Jack PatorMn r Ed May . 1.0 t.M t.M t.M I.M 1,00 I.M I.M I.M 1.00 1.00 I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M t.M I.M P. A. Van Slaruwln Rilph flilee , . Jim Hill Viola Hill Virgil Polk ..-. Qto. Monthrup . Itm Ptlly ... Oliud Pareioo -. , Allred B. Embury Lydla Embury ... Lwta Henki Blmir Onry . 0. W. Bllee Mr. and Mre. Btrl Mirth . Chit. E. Poeter -Myrlle Potltr R. v. Martin Don Vttch Erneet Lee Hugo Kadln A. H. Olrka Erie Latitn J. 0. Pifira O. L. Protl H. Botwill - J. 0. Reymond . K. J. Madleon - Orvll Hanty Bddia Htrron E. L. PUIdl Roy R. Madim Tom Juttman . Merte Jonee A. M, Lynch 1 S. MePell Arthur Plgg ' Mre. Anborgctlt 100 Mr. and Mr. Martin Kraagcr . t.oo John Roettrolle ' Mr. w. Gucgitlen . ....... t.oo Mr. and Mm, Ed Piirton I.M Mr. and Mrt. Owen Ludwlek 1.00 Mra. Ellen Qoddard 100 Judge Phiuipe Oeorga Mutto Roy D. Merlin .. Mr, and Mr. Victor Mork Mr, and Mra. Robert Oolohan . W. Prtlturg Andy Ortll Eugene N. Rolle JemM I. Huffman Wayne Chaee H. 0. Oleon H. H. Herper Aren Treeey Jeck Dunlen . Lull Qultcppctl . . Robert Peter 10.10 I.M I.M I.M I.UO I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M I.U I II IM I.M I.M M I.M I.M t.M IM t M 10.M a.ju I.M I.M I.M I.M a.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M 0. M 1. M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M t.M I.M I.IrO I.M 1.01 I.M I.M 1.09 I.M I.M t.M 1.00 t.M 11.00 1,00 Rote Oarvlnl Jiek Peerltt . Ben Lewver Alice Clinton 0 1.10 t.M t.M 1.00 1.00 Mr. ind Mrt. Prenk Reynold t.M Mr. and Mr, o, 0, pinner . M, P. Pugh Oelvln Bemey Pete Orob -. .. aicnglr' Oroeery Itor Billy Van lloyha Ann Wollord - Mr. and Mra. 0. e. Htldrlth nd Qary Itoneman rattolt . Ttd Rtime Jeck Pugh . . p, a. Ihort .. John Imlth Orioe Reynold , . Ray Newttum . tone Linn . Therman Perrleh Rutttl Barclay . , Claud Tooker L. R. Itrlngfellow 0. I. Wllllama W. 0. Tomnklni Pay lllllman V. J, Jonphion .. I.M t.M I.M I.M I.M t.M t.M I.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.M 1.00 1.00 I.M 1.00 1.00 I.M 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.1m 1.00 1.0 Lomle Drefko -. pill Brolltk ... 0. I. MarMII .. C. H. Robert 1.00 Rov Orent .. 10 J, W. Tilloikl . I.M H, O. Adimt . ... 10.00 Lllind Peraioo 1.00 a. A. Outtaleon .... I.M Rey Jonw .... - - LOO H, W. Hocclton I M Mr. and Mra. Ray Ohaie ..- 10.00 Mr. and Mre. Hilton Robtrt- ion ' Joa Ketlir 1.00 A Plrltnd t.0 Pillun Bay Lbr. Co, tlo.H Pillcan Bay amployaM 10l.1l Culinary Alliance Ho, ill 11,11 Kilplm Plywood Oo em filoyitt 11.00 Itandard Oil 0o el Oillf. .oo Elmar Aydtlott 10.00 Mr, Kruml 1.00 R. p, Brillenttiln ...... 1.00 Mrt, Ohtt. B. Dnw ...-...... 10.00 Klamalh Thttlret 1111.11 Towmrnd Olub No, 1 tl.uo Ivory Pint employoM (Bly) 11.00 O'Dtll Lumbtr 00, ..... to.M Kalplna plywood Oo. . 10.00 Drichulea Lbr 00., cmployeee .- 11,00 Mr. Prenk Ltlhllln ..... ... t.M Krlio Rroe 1.00 Arrow Trantlt, Ino, 11.00 THE GOAL IS REACHED! Klamath has done it again! Through voluntary contributions the Klamath County Red Cross war chest fund has been swelled to $32,510. Red Cross war-time activities are assured for an other year. The Klamath county chapter wishes tc THANK YOU ALL for your splendid response! TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS - $32,510.52 Your Dollars help rf makepo$sible thtf AMERICAN V RED CROSS These ads published for the Klamath County Chapter of the American Red Cross by the " ' moke-possitsfe fh