PAGE SEVEN WAR DECLARED' AGABNST CAR .GREMLIN April 23, 104.1 Plot War on Car Gremlins 'V 1 V 4 Ki? "6 nut- - "3 ! I r i. Ml o4 Commanding Olllcer Elbtrl W. Billot calls headquarters staff matting to plot war on car gremlins. Stllot. General Potrolaum wholesale agent, Is ihown at left. Next, to th right. It C. A. (Nick) Nlcholton, operator of th Beacon Service on Eat! Malm Jack Ella of the Mobil Service at Sixth and Walnut! Fred Savage of Fred's Mobil Service at Eleventh and Klamath) and H. B. Dex ter, tank truck salesman for Central Petroleum. Repair Men, Motor Parts Are Scarcer t.nck "f sufficient skilled me chanics l one of the serious war lima conditions which 7'iilinnii an a threat to the continued opera- r ... f I "I lion of many (" m automobiles. Thin Is the substance of a statement Just mucin by D. C. Bi ces, distr i c t j,j .... . ill m n r k a tors of u. o. iiitu Mobil petrole um nnd MiilomntlvA products. "I.nck of skilled mcchnnli's Is really very serious," snid the district mananer, "In ona met rnpolitan area of the rnclflc const 1200 mcchniilcs were working on automobiles a yenr aijo. Now, only about 600 of them are still available for car repair work. This number Is fast diminishing as more me-( chnnics are recalled Into war ; production, or Into service with j miV fighting forces. r . n . Motorists Don't Need Warning "Most motorists aro wise now adays to the fine art of pro tecting their cars so they cmi keep on driving," declared Fred Snvago of Fred's Mobilgns sta tion. "Hence, they don't need to be warned ahout things thai mny go wrong and causa them to become pedestrians Instead of drivers. However, many ore for getful. That's one roason why wo ha e Summer-proofing per iods Just as reminders that It's tlmo to change motor lubricants in, transmission and differential, clean radiators, spark plugs, air and oil filters! pack wheel bearings and give thorough lubrication. Also, that's why we picture the myth ical Gremlin parts destroyers, Yes, It's only to remind motor ists of what may happen If they put things off too long. A word to the wise Is sufficient. W Know How To Exterminate Gremlins! let us Summer Proof Y0UR CAH SUMMER PHOOF 8PECIAL Chattli Lubrication Ropack Front Wheel Bearings Fluth and Raft!! Crankcaie with MOBILOIL Drain. Fluth and Refill Trantmlttlon and Differential Impact Tlret Clean All Gists Check Battery Clean Intlde of Car ALL FOR $950 ONLY (Oil nH Gr'M Kt!r) WILL KILL "0SLAMITT" FRED'S MOBIL SERVICE llth and Klamath O 0 look out for Flatty Gremlin He's a menace to your tires. To wear'em out before their time This little imp conspires. He chuckles at your negligence Because he knows the consequence. So guard your tires from needless wear By giving them the proper care. Essential to your tire protection Is frequent, regular inspection. , o THE NAME "U S" ON A TIRE... means more to-day than ever A Ttnlion Bonnl Ortificntfi pcrmilling tW ptirrlinst ' of new tires, issued according to OP A' regulations, does not stipulate tlic mnke of lircs you inay buy. That decision is your privilege. So with nn OPA tiro rationing ccrrificnlc you enn got U. S. quality and the U. S. assurance of low cost mileage. ) 0 AT M0BILGAS STATIONS AND OTHER LEADING DEALERS Summer-proof Experts Start Move to Defeat Auto Trouble Makers War was declared thla week on thosa mythical Imps who damage automobiles. To ropnl an invasion which threatens the car of every thoughtless or forgotful motorist, Mobil men of this area have "taken up arms," as It were, against an army of imaginary mischief-makers called the Gremlins. These Gremlins constitute the enemy of tha Summer-proof campaign. Gremlin machinery-wreckers have been dubbed the first le gendary character of the world war. History says they were 'discovered' and given a name by an RAF flyer known as Gus. When compelled to make a forced landing, Gus laid all his mechanical troubles directly at the door of- these imagincry little goblins bent on gumming up and grinding up the works. Since that time, other flyers everywhere, and now motorists, have taken up the battle against the Gremlins. Magazines have published long stories about thorn, cartoonists have pictured them, writers have written verses about them, "So It Is," says Elbert W. Stiles, local wholesale agent of General Petroleum corporation, "that our service station experts In announcing their Summer proof car-protection program this season have Identified the Gremlins as the car destroyers they are organized to defeat. Imps Are Well Named "Grindy Gremlin, for in stance, is the little fiend who specializes in grinding up and breaking gears and bearings, Drinky takes joy in drinking tho battery dry, Sludgy goes about the job of creating harm ful sludge in the crankcase oil, Squeaky just loves to create an noying car squeaks, Rusty de lights In ruining radiators and motor cooling systems by cre ating rust and scale, Flatty is an expert at the job of making tires go flat. Wastey drinks up and wastes gasoline, Sparky specializes in wrecking spark plugs. Dusty concentrates in clogging air and oil filters with dust and grime. Scratchy scratches everything in tight. They all take orders from the commander in chief, named Ma jor Trouble. Fly in Gremlin Ointment "But here's the big fly in the Gremlins' ointment. Legend has it that once a motorist drives into a Mobil station for Sum mer-proof service, Major Trou ble calls his mischief makers off the job. "That's why our Mobil men are again featuring oil change, gear lubricant change and lu brication as the 'three musts' of the Summer-proof car-protection program. Many other es sential things, ' such as radi ator, tire and battery inspec tions and services, may be In cluded, dependent on tha con dition of the ears. - Real War-Tim Service "Yes, Mobil experts are well equipped and ready to defeat the Gremlins. And they'll do It. In working as sentinels, on guard against these naughty Goblins, the service station op erators are rendering real war-time service, a service to protect and prolong the Ufa of essential motor transportation. To defeat the Gremlins, with the skilled assistance of our deal ers, means to care for your ear for your country." Summer-Proof Your Car at this Special Price Steam Motor Steam Chassis , Flush Transmission and Differential Chang Oil Pack Front Wheels Jack Elie's Mobil Service CORNER 6TH AND WALNUT $475 riu. Oil mil O'uu Uiwl . - r a ' ittw n re' - rz Grindy Gremlin Isught with glee As he attacks your "T & D." The "T" standj for your ear Transmission He aims to ruin its condition. The "D" Is for your Differential, Where perfect mesh is so essential. He knows that gears that are neglected Cause trouble that is not expected. But why disturb yourself with fears? When "Summer-proofing" guards your gear Sludgy Gremlin -that's Ms name. For many ear ills he's to blame. . He makes that sludgy, sticky gum , That puts your engine on the bum.' Down in your crankcase, out of sigh! He works with fiendish, keen delight. He creates carbon hurts compression To gum the works is his obsession. But if his mischief you would foil. Get Summer grade fresh MobiloiL Adopt the Summer-proofing Piano Consult your nearest Mobil Mao, Here's Squeak Squeak, the Gremlin bird, Whose music you perhaps have heard. He puts canaries in your springs, And does a lot of nasty things. He promotes friction, speeds up wear By advocating lack of care. ! But Charted Mobilubrication Gives Squeaky Gremlin consternation.'1 So why not give your car protection It's time for Summer-proof inspection. tiiftn H toymene Oram jwfne ever your ffvt NtrworJc flefon wiry Monday, Tuii git, WeeWoy, rtvide, 7 fM, PWf. These 3 "MUSTS" for Protection are Due NOW 1. I Drain, flush and chanae off. Drain out eld oil. Clean crankcase thoroughly before fill ing with the correct grade of Mobiloll for summer driving, 2 Moblfubrfcafon with X-Ray Chert. The X-Ray chart shows correct lubricant for each point, enables your Mobil Man to lubricate your car expertly. W Transmission and Dif ferential Service. Winter lu bricants should be replaced now with clean, freth Mobilubricantt of correct grades for summer. S0C0NY-VACUUH 2JOD5I nil