April 28, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE More Turkeys to Be Raised in Oregon SALEM, April 23 W) Oregon breeders will produce 1,800,000 turkey In 1043, a 10 per cent gain over 1042, the itate depart ment of agriculture estimated to day. There wer 228,000 turkey breeder hen on hand In Oregon January 1, a 18 per cent gain over January 1, 1042. SHOP AT o W.tk.nd H r Krncntlno L'ampboll of Portland apout llio wtickeud hero nn (ho guest of her luiruiitn, Mr, mul Mm, Ernest L. C'umriboll, Mini Ciimpbcll la I'liipluyt-cl In tlui Kiilxrr Ship building company offices in (ho north. Return -Mr. mid Mr. Wlllluin liiirriott mid two children re turned Tumriiiy from l.o Ano li'ji whore llioy hiivo vlnltprl with Unrrlott'a mother, Mr, Cather Ino L, Gnrrlolt. Tr.etm.nt Ophelia Mans f Ir Id, employed In thn offlcu of Ihn ChllniHiln j u in bar com puny, la receiving medical enro at Klamath Volley hospital. In Hoipltol Tom SIhvIii, Lamm Lumber ciimp employe, la receiving treatment nt Klam lh Valley hospital. OBITUARIES LEWIS ADDISON DETWILEfl Lcwla Addison Dctwllcr, a res ident of Klamath Fulla for the last aix montha, passed away In lhl city on Thursday afternoon, April 22, following a prolonged lllneaa. The deceased wn a na tive of Jefferson county, Mo., mid wiia aged 78 yenra, 0 montha and 7 dnya when called. Surviv ing are hi wlfo Snrnh, of Klnm nth Fnlla; two dnughtcra, Delia Collom of Delta, Colo., and Flor ence Thomaaon of Vuncouvcr, Wash.; ono aon, Lomiir of Klnm nth Fnlla: one alater, Idn Rocua of Tins Bluff, Mo.; also 13 grand children. The doceiutcd wna a member of the Coqulllc, Ore., lodge, IOOF. Thn remain real at Wnrd'a Klnmnth Funeral home, 023 High atreet, where frlenda mny cnll Saturday after noon, Funeral arrnngemont will be announced Intor. CLARENCE 8. MAGEE Clarence S, Mngee, a reaident of Klnmnth Fall for the last 20 yenra. passed nwny nt hla Inte residence on Friday morning. April 23, 1043. The decenaed wna a native of Michlgnn and wna nged 60 yenra when called. He la aurvived by a alater, Mra. Charles Mnaon, nnd hla father, E. A. Mngee, both rcaldcnta of Krcmmllng, Colo, Tho remains rest nt Wnrd'a Klnmnth Funeral home, 023 High atreet. Funeral nrrnngement will be announced inter. -i, , FUNERAL JOSEPH BAKER Tho funeral aervlce for the Into Joseph Baker, who pnascd nwny nt Snlem, Ore., on April 20, will tnko place from the Bcntty Methodist church on Snturdny nftcrnoon, April 24, at 1 o'clock. Tho Rev, B. V. Bradshaw will officiate. There will be a morn ing aervlce commencing at 10 o'clock. Commitment ervlcea nnd vault entombment will be in tho Chief Schonchln ceme tery. Friend are Invited to at tend the service. JUST ARRIVED! To Boiton Mra. Armnnd La Fosse of thl city la leaving on Monday for Boaton, Mnaa., whero aha will visit hoc parents nnd other relatives, fcjlio plans to bo gono for about a month. r MAIL CLOSINO TIME (Effective Feb. 15, 1943) Train 18 Southboundi 6 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 10 p. m. M.dtord Stag, Westbound, 3:30 p. m., Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake view and Rocky Point, 7 a. ro. Eaol.s Dane The Eigle auxiliary and drum corps will j sponsor their regular dnnco Snt urdny night at the KG hull. Ks tin Klger and hi music. The public i Invited. ! Meeting The Juv.nll. club of the Oegroo of Honor will hold ' It regular mcotlng Saturday at 1 : p. m., at tho KC hull. Children under 12 are to attend. The j Young People' club will meet Monday at 7 p, m., for a regular business meeting. Boys and girl over 12 oro to be at this ; meeting. Mills School Bond, Stamp Sales Hit New High Record Mill school war bond and stnmp anlea hit a new alnglc dny'a record of $1008,25 on Wed nesday of this week, War Snv. Ing Chairman A. M. Collier said Friday. Tho Hitler birthday event stimulated the anlea, Collier said. He ndded that Mill school grand total for bond nnd stamp sales is now $4643.65. Courthouse Records Complaint Filed Jnckson Horton nnd Helena Hortan versus Fred Gordon, Jnno Doe Gordon, Joe White and Alvin Copoland. Suit for mort gage foreclosure, William Gon oiir, attorney for plaintiff. " "Justice Court Everett Esgate. Failure to stop at a stop sign. Fined $5.50. Clara Lucille Schwlngcr. No llcenao tags. Fined $5.50. Sus pended If license secured. Panama Pumps In Tan and Black, Gabardine and Calf $7.45 This Sandal Comes In Black, Brown and Blue Corday $5.95 Buy Better Shoes and Save Ration Stamps M 6 e 1 s S ho e ' D e pt. I r It In Time for Easter! ALL THE NEW Spring Suits . or DREW'S MANSTORE The new suits are gabar dines, twills, worsteds and twists In 100 wool fab rics, and are suitable for year around wear. Col ors Blue, tan, brown, and grey. Size: 38 to 40 Shorts, regular and long. $35 to4750 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main FOR EASTER BEAUTY MILLINERY that add importance and charm to the Easter Costume PRETTIEST OF ALL . . . For the Easter Porode are the ex clusive little flower blooming calots banked with April fresh blossoms. IMPORTANT, TOO ,: . .- are the big brimmed sailors, some In Gibson. Cirl styles that give eye shading charm to the face. Many styles to choose from in' the popular shades. POPULAR FOR DRESS OR CASUAL ... are the new silk grograln flexible wide brimmed hats In white. Shape hem any way you want for off the face, eye shaders or turban style. . And of course there's a galaxy of styles In Berets, Pillboxes, Turbans and Casuals and we might mention the new arrivals In the smart little crochet straw Berets in bright colors. $3.50 to $15.00 f J v it; J jy SI mocs AND O For Easter Beauty DARK SHEER DRESSES WITH FRILLS Magnetic charm for Easter In these lingerie trimmed beauties. Here ore the willow-slim frocks he'll love to see you in. Front skirt fullness tucked flat at the hips . . . low necklines and short sleeves, billowing with sheer white ruffles. CHIFFONS CREPES LACES NAVY BLACK BROWN and of course there's a grand collection of prints and pastels fashioned for the Easter Parade. $14.95 to $22.50 Be Cool and Collected in a L'AIGLON FROCK These lovely new Barclay spun rayons by. L'Aiglon are as fresh as Easter morn ing! The new spring colors are flower-fresh, too. Polka dots, scroll prints and pasreh, in coot styies or one-piece. Here is Easter style at a budget price! SIZES 12 to 44, $7.95 to $12.95 jrii.L i m 3 1 if i COLORFUL AMERSUEDES FOR , EASTER Van Raalte SLIP-ON GLOVES Dip your -. hand Into Easter fashion with a colorf uf pair of these Van Raalte Amersuede classics! Red, green, black, white, navy, and pastels. Designed to flatter and ff highlight your spring costume. Pair $ .UU JUST RECEIVED New Easter Handbags r Something new these lustrou itraw-flbro bags. So rich they look like spun glass. Plastic and wooden frames in several styles. Also in this shipment are many new f festa cord bags lit .bright multi-colors. . - KELLY GREEN NAVY BLACK " TOBACCO: BROWN AND MIXTURES 1 $2.98 to $5.95 . . . Sheer Beauties in Your Perfect Fitting Leg Size1 Belh-Sharmter does the loveliest of lion 1 ...open enough to give n. effect of gos samer sheerness, yet so delicate it seems only a whisper of a pattern on your legs, ' Best of all, these new lace rayons are in our famous Belle Sbarmttr leg siies 5 made to fit perfectly in both width and A length. lace beauties that will never get wrinkles! Here eyrlii.tivelv In Krtil fnrfea small legs, AW(V for middling, Ducbtst jg for tall, full legs. . - - $1.50 Alwoyi LilY.ur yon Stocking Dry Thoreuahly -Riyon is delicate when wet, strong vhca dry to allow stockings to dry for at least 24 hours after laundering, -i '' rl RED , . 4 "i Ml 'i i m pi k & - " fl' IT TAKES AFTER YOlll it, SLITHER SLIP That's th. ttcrtl ol th. labulout iuccoii ot thla rayea knilltd Uri.y Pttaltkin slip. II adapt! ilsslf to your Ho ur, at II dttlantd em a mold ol you, due lo th. cl.v.r tut, Irlm-lalland top, lllm walit and imooth, 4-gortd skltt. Ironing unntnuary- Bicuf vou love met tHinc' $2.15 I' 'i IHt WOMAN'S STOCt.iNc