'?;,' h.,i'.'i -: ZZ TTTO ilLICEISlfJS OGGUPIED BY mi . (Continued From Pag One) Sulth rimth of levers' nflnsltv" member of crews taken prison er ' louowmg , aiacic on .iapa neat territory. MBnchukuo and a reai' of Japanese military oper ations" and "found guilty? .of Inhuman acts. , .,.?'. The enemy 'i new show of con tempt for international, law cam less than 24 hours after Maj. Gen. James H, Doolittle, who )sd. the American raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities year ago, called on the United States to blast the Japanese em pin "until they beg for mercy." ' Bomb -Soon ;':-"".'"- DooUWe said U. S. fliers would bomb Tokyo again "soon" - and said he wanted to take part aa the assault. Disclosure of Japan's execu tion of some of the eight Ameri can' fliers taken prisoners .after the 1942 attack on Tokyo was followed today by news of wide . spread aerial blows . against, enemy forces in the southwest Pacific and In Burma. JHILEDFOa v-OB Vent "David Kioenskl. alias Robert Lee Steel, is,tnhe coun ty Jail 'under $1000 ban charged with larceny byUaileeV 'Sieenskl waived preliminary and grand jury 'hearings in Justice court Friday morning. Two weeks ago the accused rented a Palomino horn at the Sunset' riding stables -to go for ride. Neither hofse nor rider returned.' Asked 'to-r'be on the lookout - for anyone ''answering Kicenski's description, snerni Lloyd low found and arrested the mart Thursday. ; . Iwvrak i'vhirh' flirt 'h turned' loose, was located on th-j Keno road Tnurscay.' -.roe souen horse's.' saddle and bridle were found Friday in a cabin on the Ittafclna hmtfaM-rf ranch jvnrth of Merrill, where Ktcenskl had hid den them. for Your Now 100 -wool, toft as down. Loom fitting as you Ilk then White, blue, pink, malie, f rfif Hivy, brown And r(L 2.99 Tho SKIXTSt v Finely tailored In moutWsHf Irig pastel plaids abo lolls! eolers. Pleated and" gored. ICS - .tV" "am.,? I .1.-; .-..- ' r .. ' V A : "J Potatoes BAN rRANCISCO, April S3 (AP-U8DA-Potatoe8: 3 Oregon, 1 Idaho, 1 Texas arrived, 4 un broken. S broken cars on track; by truck 9 arrived: Idaho Rus sets, Utility grade, $3.00. LOS ANGELES, April 23 (AP- USDA Potatoes: IS California, 7 Idaho arrived, IS unbroken, 8 broken cars on track; by truck 35 California, I Utah arrived; no sales reported. ,- , CHICAGO April 83 (AP- USD A) Potatoes: arrivals 20; on. track 20; total U. S. ship ments 268; old stock; supplies very light; practically no track trading .account of lack of sup plies; market unsettled; new stock;, supplies very ugnt; de mand good; market firm at ceil ing; North Dakota Bliss Tri umphs unclassified seed stock $3.30; California Long Whites U. S. No. 1, $2.43 per 80 lb. sack; Texas Bliss Triumphs vic tory grade $3.09-10 per 60 lb. sack.' .: TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BETTER 6n, gives you more heat per coupon. Buy stand ard Burner' Oils. Peyton & Co. 4-80 FOR. THE BETTER grades of fuel oils, accurate, metered de liveries, try Fred H. Heilbron ner, 821 Spring street, tele phone 4153. Distributor Shell Heating Oils. 4-30 FURNACES. . Cleaned - Re paired. J. A. : Tufts. Phone 7149. 4-28 OIL BURNER Service. Phone 7149. 4-28 CHIMNEYS swept Phone 7149. ' ' 4-28 FOR RENT 4 rooms and utility. Clean -and attractive.-; Close uv Adults only. Phone 3338. y k Vi wfx 4-23 FURNISHED apartment. Good view; Gas,' heat- and appli ances $35. 733 Main. 4-27 i One of the Best - Half acre close in on Shasta -way best -of- soil. Nearly new three-bedroom plastered house, garage and. shed, shrubs and trees, ': all . plpwed for planting. $3,900' with $650 down, easy CHILCQT & SMITH !-....:; rStnce 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Members Klamath Realty Board 2. ROOM APT. - Adults. 741 :: Walnut Apply basement. 4-29 GOOD "35 Ford pick-up for sale. See Vera Moore or Bod Smith, ' Balsiger Motor.Co. '. rr ;4-24 FOB SALE Team horses-' wag: on and harness $125. '2 miles east of Midland on old Weed. :i road. J. A. Coe. ' . . '. 4-26 FOR SALE-20 spools new-barb-wire at jnjr ranch. "Charles C. u Crawf ordf -Hildebrand, ore.- -.,i',fl: .iyv-..- 4-24 FOR SALE Grocery stock, " $600; fixtures $250. : Lease of ' '.building, for one year if inter ested, otherwise - sell , stock. News-Herald, Box 3522.. 4-26 WANTED Ironing by hour. Phone 8770.. ', ,4r26 WANTED Tracks to haul short logs $8, 21 miles. Write Box 481, Ashland or caU 7121 or state employment office,- city. ::-rz,l:,'y.;y. , . 4-24 WOMAN: '. COOK WANTED Hours 2 to 10 p. m. Buffalo Lunch.' 2441 So. 6th. 4-26 FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 Pole- . Herefords and 4 Herefords, 1 red, 1 roan Durham yearling bulls. Bulls may be seen at Texam yards. Geo. McAnul ty, Kerns Hotel. . 4-24 FOR SALE Six antique chairs. : 2 tables. 741 Walnut St. Ap ply basement, v;; 4-29 FOR SALE By owner, 2 mod- era houses,-1 four-room; one two-room, lawn, trees and ga rages. Close to town. Will take car as down payment Price $2750. 125 Sheldon. 4-26 FOR SALE White Leghorn hens. J. L. Horsley, Bonanza Ore. ' .... 4-26 LOST One tap dancing shoe. Phone 6163. ' 4-24 (MEMS) I f! II FINLAND-NAZI (Continued From Pag One) might not" return to hts post from Washington. " Schoenfeld's automobile was said to nave been sold. N New Policy There has been no new declar ation of policy from Finland re garding her - involved relations with Germany since the recent reelection . of President Rlsto Ryti, who affirmed an intention to carry on the war against so viet Russia, and the creation of new cabinet headed by Pre mier Edwin Linkomles. (State department officials In Washington, confirming the de parture of some of the Helsinki legation personnel, said the ac tion was "an administrative move." Most of those who had remained in Finland prior ; to the withdrawal were military or naval attaches.. , 'Hint'for Paae . (Unofficial Quarters in London recalling reports of United States pressure upon Finland to drop out of the war Interpreted the departure of the U. S. group as a strong hint for Helsinki to make a separate peace while there was still time. The Brit ish foreign office refused to com ment). The consular section and In formation bureau closed earlier; the former upon Finland's initi ative. ..'.:.- War of Nerves Observers in this neutral capi tal expressed opinion' that the withdrawal of . virtually the whole legation staff was part of a war of nerves which they, be lieved .might force the issue as to whether Finland is going to fight on beside the axis or dem onstrate adherence to the . prin ciples of the Atlantic charter by getting out of the war... . The Finns Issued a commun ique in Helsinki saying that "a considerable part of the Amer ican personnel of the United States legation is removing to Stockholm," but that McClintock would remain 'to administer the legation, with 4he aid of a few A Helsinki dispatch which cleared the . Finnish censorship said "the Finns, who- appeared surprised and concerned over the American action expressed hope it would not mean a final breach in relations." -The Germans are reported in reliable quarters, which cannot bet identified by name, to have handed -the Finns virtual ulti matums demanding that Finland sign' up definitely with the axis and reopen military -action against the Leningrad-Murmansk TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Clean 3-room un furnished house near Fairview school. Range, garage. ..Wood shed. Phone 3086. .4-23 FOR SALE or Lease i acre small : bouse on Etna: St '441 Michigan. 4-28 FOB'; SALE , Two-bedroom home five blocks from city center. Phone 8620.. 4-24 FOR SALE 49 acre place four- miles south of Ashland, Ore., 21 miles, from two operating sawmills. Young family or chard. All kinds of berries, I mile of Tolman creek on place. Pasture, wood, four' . room house, garage, woodshed, store-house, small barn. ' Free water right. Three springs on place. One 'well good water. Outside' range available. $2000. $1500 down.. Balance easy terms. Ivan W. Farmer, Rt. 1 Box1 234, Ashland, Ore. Bellview district. 4-24 . tJftV Doors Open "w Ii30 - 6:45 lASHIBi TUB lAMMIIT'l. ''M4Aa . - V?ftrsA MUM DONLCVT vsmrniM at t sit MILITARYSEEN av" HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON railway, which feeds United Na tions supplies into Russia. Little Chang The front has been ' little changed for more than a year, with combat limited largely to sniping and patrol actions. The Finns signed th antl-comlntern pact, out have no other publl- cited agreement with the Ger mans as allies. The Finn have argued that they are unable to make peace because they ar economically dependent on Germany, see no practical way of getting five or six nasi divisions out of north ern Finland and, without guar antee from the United Nations, are unwilling to trust Russia. The heavy censorship limited discussion of the new political ramifications in dispatches from Finland. EDITORIALS ON NEWS' (Continued From Page One) it. Every development In air warfare calls for MORE AIR DE VELOPMENT to meet it MOST of today's news (at least is secondary to th Tunisian fighting. The Germans Ui still rein forcing their. Kuban armies and shifting hundreds of planes into the Crimea for. use across the narrow Kerch, strait In the Ku ban delta. Red Star says, the Ger mans launched SEVEN succes sive waves of tank-led Infantry men. All seven were stopped, Mos cow says, and not a dent was made in the Russian lin. 'THERE'S hen on in Finland. The, main body of the U. S. legation staff leaves Helsinki by planet for Stockholm. An iron clad censorship is Immediately clamped down oh all Finnish po litical dispatches. Our own state department (in Washington) closes up like a clam. We'll have to wait to see what it's all about OUR navy announces occupa tion nf th FUlrn lutanrli. 1100 miles east of the Solomons. Th news is given out following Jap air attack on the Ellice group. When the occupation took place we don t know, and we can only guess as to the reason. One guess is that we may be building up a series of island stepping-stone bases to speed up the flying in of more planes, es pecially fighters, to the South Pacific. ' - ' . In ' these highly important stepping-stone bases, the Japs have a distinct edge fVi us E : Charges of obtaining- money under false pretenses were filed against Harold Lee Fisher, 23, in justice court Thursday. Fisher waived both preliminary and grand jury hearings. Fisher' was arrested by state police Wednesday on. a charge of operating a vehicle without a license and given 15 days in the county Jail. : Later,- under ques tioning, .he admitted passing some 20 bad checks throughout Oregon and .California.: ; The accused is. being held. In the county . Jail on $1000 cash bail. CLEANUP ' SAN FRANCISCO, W) The bring-back-the-emptles campaign got a real boost from Mrs. Char lotte Baker and vice versa. : She cleaned her basement and garage, turned In 8268 empty milk, carbonated beverage and beer bottles. They, brought her $93.75 enough for five $25 war bonds. ' Hans Norland, Fir Insurance. FIRST-RUN rs Tha Old V TEXKITTEft rwmAW mm i SB I l J IE AFTER CONVICTION (Continued From Pg4 One) Mrs. James when she resisted his efforts to enter her berth. N Rcommndtton Tha Jury returned no recom mendation for leniency. Thus, under Oregon law, the convic tion carried the death penalty. For 17 hour and S3 minutes th Jury of eight women and tour men mulled tha fate of the negro who assertedly confessed to Los Angeles police he thought tho Norfolk, Va., girl was "Just my type of woman I couldn t get her out of my mind." He was accused 'of - slashing Mrs. James' throat as the west coast limited sped along the snow-covered Willamette valley, Statement Told In one of three unsigned state ments admitted Into evidence, th negro told how h cautious ly felt of th sleeping woman's form, then unfastened the cur tains of her berth and straddled her body. , She struggled desperately al most throwing him out of the berth, on' statement said and he plunged a knife he had lust sharpened deep into, her neck and drew it down across her throat, almost decapitating her. Th Jury never heard the storv from his own lips.- Defense At torney Leroy Lomax did not call on him to testify. - - Being Transferred : At the time of her death. Mrs. James was southbound from Se attle to . Sah Diego, Calif., to which her husband, Ensign Rich ard F. James, Was being trans ferred. The two were obliged to board separate . trains at Port land, Ore., because of a shortage r-riM V -1 iii I " r ?ND LAU6H H,T I . . Ik. f I Kathleen HOWARD Elys KNOXj Starts Midnight Saturday The Most. Welcome Hit of the Season! . , of sleeping car accommodations. Folkes will ba sentenced noxt Monday by Circuit-Judge L, O. Lewelling. Lomax said he would seek a new trial, and failing in that, would appeal to tha state suprema court. , , (Continued From Pag On) portance of this victory ranks alongside the success of last Sun- dayt when 77 enemy planes, in cluding 58 Junkers-52 transports wire destroyed in one engage ment," the air fore announced. (The Junkers 52 Is designed to carry from IB. to 20 soldiers or 8000 pounds of cargo. It it pow ered by threo engines J : In all, 38 axis pianos were shot down, during the day, against an announced loss of five allied aircraft y -. Short Fight The battle with the transports, regarded here as the most Im portant stroke against enemy supply lines since the start of war, lasted less than 10 minutes, Flames burst from -many of th great carriers as they: were hit by the fighter bursts. All the transports and the 10 fighters dropped In the sparkling gulf, the sea approacn to mnis. on-. servers said some transports ap peared -to be carrying gasoline. Troops who broke clear of the wreckage were seen struggling In the water. Our share must not be nom inal share based on biased gen eralities and phrases, but it must be based on -sacrifices in the - maintenance of peace by force. Undersecretary of Stat Sumner Welles. rrj.1,1 Now , HAL ROACH mnmU 1 5$ POLLY if CAFE OWNERS REMINDED OF PRICE FILING , Owners : of restaurants . and Othar eating and drinking estab lishments in Klamath Falls were reminded today by Edith Tucker of th local prlc rationing board to file immediately copies of very menu or price list id ui during th period of April 4 to April 10. i- "If you own or operate a restaurant,- hotel, cat, dining car, bar, delicatessen,, soda fountain, catering business or any other eating or drinking place," stated Mrs. Tucker, "it is your direct responsibility to file these lists with your local board." According to Mrs, Tucker the filing requirements are very sim ple. A menu, bill of fare, or price list for, all meals served during the period of April 4 to April 10 must be signed and filed with the war price and rationing board, 434 Main, not later than May 1. A copy of each rrienu or price list Is to' be retained by the establishment. It the menus do not show all th food items, meals or beverages, offered dur ing the specified period a sup ! Ends TonlghtJ - , a! nm sjai "", WANT SOMETHINGVV FUNNY.. : TMs fs A Honey ' I I It ' th Fattest, Most IseftlM . II, , JzhX Wot ''H' YsMrt Jl feVV - See ft 1 " i Bob Doing Undercover UJLlJl j ..Work In WashlngtonL i ' , , , . ' t. ' - j It's all about Washington u i and spies and a strip-teas ; 11 1 " queen . . .and thingal - , . '-A ( l, f:r -yy:c:t .. . Xprft 88. 1M plementary prlc list , must b prepared and submitted. "In the event that eating and drinking Mtabllshmsnt do not us menus," continued Mrs. Tucker, "a price list containing every food item, meal and brr g offered during th vn day period must b prepared and sub mitted to tha war price and ra tioning board befor May 1. A filing of menus or price el foods served during th seven day period from April 4 to April 10 is th first step on an OPA order designed to bring under prlc control th costs of "eating out." Ivan Leaner, ranch hand, ar rested at Bly Wednesday en a charge of having no operator's license, was brought into Jus tice court Friday morning and charged with assault and rob bery while armed with a - dan gorous weapon. Leeper waived preliminary hearing and Is In th county jail on $5000 bond. Th second charge grew out of an alleged assault against ,E, M. Prouty, Klamath Falls thestr projec tionist, whom, police said, of fered to give tha man lift from Bonanta. En route, it la under-, stood, Leeper struck Prouty with a gun, robbed him of 7, and then made off witn nis car. Don't Miss HI j iOHEDIll IN ASSAULT CHARGE -ZTLV--' I r , I .'- : 'M 1H0W "on SAll AT I oun SOX CMI&S lattWl,," -l 7 2.99 la M t ;? MAW a Jl I I . 2nd Big Hit tjb f' 11 "" 11 1 1 aVsesBSSBBBsStassMasljSjHtlhM