'April 23. 1943 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN : la 'CLASSIFIED ADS Lost and round STRAYED from Drelthiupt Bro. frm, Poe Valley, white-faced yearling steer, underslope both ears, underlined W on left ribs. Notify W. A. Koenlg, 303 Wmhlngton Bt., Klamath Falls, 4-26 LOST Gan ration book belong ing to Elmer Walker, Phone 63DB or 3481. 4-23 LOST Sugar rationing book 1. Edmond Hensler, Chlloquln, Ore, 423 LOST 4 ration books No. 1. Nn poind n llamel, MIIImi Hamol, Irene Hnmul, James S. New. 4-23 LOST A gna ration book I wined to Robert O. Black, Merrill AOrc, 4 24 .LOST Wire-haired terrier wear- - Ini 11)43 license No. 00. He ward Call 4011. 4-24 General Notices JUS ED SEWINO MACHINES i bought and sold. Singer Sew lug Center, 1213 Mnln. Dlul ! 8771. -20 t Personala MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works, ! 116 So. lltll. Phone 0381. 5 1 -CALL 87S0 for concrete ! on your cemetery lot. work 512 Traniportatlon 2 STAGES DAILY 1 TO LAKEVIEW AFTER APRIL 15th Leave for Lakevlew 8:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Arrive Lakevlew 12i00 Noon and 11:00 P. M. RED BALL STAGE LINE 4-30 I'M Services 1 BLACKSMITH INQ and welding. Tractor, truck and farm roach ., lnery repair. Special built - levator, atackera and buck rake. " BROWN EQUIPMENT CO 1040 So. 6th St Phone 8247 Q 4-23 BELTS for all make refriger ator, waihera, vacuum clean er, or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 4-30m LAWNMOWERS Sharpened Bodenhamer Repair Shop, 381 E. Main. 4-23 WOMEN relieve that nagging i backacho with a Spencer Sup ! port. Mrs. James Sullivan, i reglatered Spencer corsetiere. Phone 6002. 4-25 - PLUMBING HEATING, sheet- metal work. P. L. Johnson, ,! 1438 Sargent St Phone 9329. i 4-25 .PICTURE Camera FRAMING Shop, 727 Van' Main. 4-30m WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Fulls, Ore. 4-30 .FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING rcfinlshlng, repairing. Cab! nets built. Carpenter work of all kinds. Painting and kalso- ' mining done. Phono 4317, ' 3941 Shasta way. 5-7 , FLOOR SANDING and rcflnish - Ing. Clifford Golden. Phono 3022. 4-30m (CURTAINS laundered and ! stretched. Phone 3717. 8-2 SEWING MACHINES RENTED ; by month. Singer Sowing Con i tcr, 1213 Main St. Dial 8771 ' 8-8 l.ECTROLUX Authorized Ser vice. L. C. Carr, 621 Mitchell, Phone 7167. 8-8m PICTURE FRAMING Goollor', 230 Main. 5-14m .HOUSEHOLD refrigeration and :' washing machine service. Dial 8303 or 8448 after 2 p. m Victory Service Co., 1008 Pre poet. 8-14 22 CARE FOR CHILDREN week end. Phono 6144. 8-14 PAINTING - KALSOMININO H, L. Brown, Phono 4226. 4-30m HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and , Bucklog covered. Alterations on now and old clothing. Mrs. II. .M. Allendcr, 731 Main, QRoom 216. Phone 7263. 4-30m J. A. TUFTS Heating Speclal , 1st. Chimneys, furnaces, oil burner, stoves cleaned, repair 1 ed. Phone 7140. 8-3 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS. 407 ' N.Dth. Phone 3498. 4-33 Health DR. M. C, CA88EL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. B32 Main, Dial 721S. 4 30m 14 Help Wanted female WANTED Experlonced maid. Inquire housekeeper at Wll lard Hotel, 2201tf WANTED Olrl or middle-aged lady (or homework. Small home, two In family. Phone evening, 4032. 4-23 WANTED Olrl or woman to as alat with housework. Phone 73B0. 424 WANTED Competent woman for general houaework and care of two children. Call 1801 Oregon avenue, or phone 3718. 4-33 WOMAN WANTED i- Part-time work. Call Hot Spring Nata lorltim. 4-28 FOUNTAIN GIRL WANTED Good pay, day shift. Apply In person, Burr-O-N. 4-24 WANTED Good experienced cook. Hour 1 to S. Call from 7 to 9 p. m. Dial 8403. 4-23 WANTED 23 registered nureg, 8-hour duty, vacation pay, ilck leave. $103 and up. Box 3373, Herald-New. 424 EXPERIENCED or Inexperienced girl In Inundry. Superior Troy Laundry. 4-24 WANTED Office girl at Herald and New. Somo office exper ience preferred. Apply after noon. 4-24 YOUNG WOMAN for drug tore and aoda fountain work, Per manent, full time Job. Apply In p e r o n. Lee Hendricks Drug, 2212 So. 6th. 4-26 WANTED Woman for general housework, two In family. 229 High St. Phone 3367. 4-26 waaaag bsi ii ii iiiiiib a IS Help Wantad, Male Mech anic WANTED Experienced over haul mechanic, steady employ ment, good wage, guarantee. See service manager, DICK B. MILLER CO. 4-23 WANTED Cleat machine oper ator. Steady work. Setter Box Company, 2570 Third Street. Sacramento. 4-24 WANTED Turndown man Fallen Lumber handler Trlmmerman Hnnd-ratchet setter Millwrights WESTERN PINE MILLS Phone 3612 or 4400 SIB Main 4-23 WANTED Boy to ct pins. Good pay. Apply Bowling Al loy, 819 Main St., any day at 6 p. m. 4-23 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN or Saleswoman Wanted or any one who can qualify. A very fine opportunity. Write Her ald and News, Box 2893. 4-23 WANTED Young married man to work on farm. House fur. nished. Sam Mackey, Malin, 4-24 WANTED Full time Janitor, man or woman. See Vera Moore, Balsiger Motor Co 4-23 FOUR BOX FACTORY cut-off men wanted. 48 hours week, night shift. If you are em ployed In essential war work under an employment stablll ration plan, do not apply un less you have a certificate of separation, Ralph L. Smith Lumber Co., Alturas. 4-28 GOOD JOB for experienced mar ried man to work, and wife to cook, on ranch. Good salary. No children. Box 3115, Her- aid-News. 4-26 ATTRACTIVE POSITION repre- - acntlng well established life insurance company for man 45 to 55, Exclusive local terrl tory. Guaranteed Income plus commissions. Phono or sec Mr. Bauman, Elk Hotel, Tuesday evening. 4-26 18 Situations Wanted carpenter and handy man will build, repair and general maintenance work. 2520 So, 6th. Apl. No. 15. 4-28 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close in. Phone 4768, 1028 Jefferson. 3270tf Rooms For Rent OUTSIDE ROOMS. Crater tel. 120 N. 2nd. Ho-6-9 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms, All with new innorsprlng mattresses. Free parking. 4-30m ROOMS 820 Jefferson. 4-28 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the. armory. Steam heated rooms $3.50 week up. Tran sients $1.00. 3 -3 m ROOMS 1034 High. 8-8m THREE-ROOM fin nished apart ment. Couple. No pet Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. 1803tf ROOM FOR BENT 614 No. 8-1 13 10th. 34 Automotive Easter Ford Specials USED CARS 1935 Ford 2 dr. sedan 1936 Ford coupe 1 1936 Ford coupe 1936 2 dr. sedan 1936 Ford 4 dr. sedan 1937 Ford 4 dr. sedan 1937 Ford 2 dr. sedan 1938 Ford 4 dr. sedan 1 939 Ford coupe ALL DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION FOR THE DU RATION, AND PRICED FOR EVERY PURSE. WE ALSO HAVE OTHER MAKES AND MODELS. Lombard Motors 424 So. 6th 24 Aparlmant For Rent RIVERVIEW One and two-bedroom apartments, furnished, garage. Phone 8452. 1356tf VACANCY Lee Apartment. Phone 9047. 158Stf FURNISHED APTS. $4 and up per week. 133 No. 10th. 4-25 FOR RENT Apt.rcottage, close in, on Oak St. 18. Also one for $10. Phone 4272. 8130 evenings. 3010tf VACANCY Everything fur nished. 33.30 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 4-24 PONDOSA APARTMENTS Phone 5827. 4-23 CLEAN, FURNISHED APTS. Also nice room, private bath, garage. Pine and Cedar.- 3-8 CLEAN Housekeeping Rooms Close in. Everything furnish ed. $4 week. Sleeping rooms $2 week. 410 So. 5 111. 5-8 VACANCY Rex Arm Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5769. New management, - Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 8-8m CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete kitchen and dinette, day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 4-30m ESPLANADE-COURT APART MENTS furnished;' by the week or month. Walking dls tance. 1805 Esplanade. 4-30m APARTMENT COURT Close lo business district. Fred D Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bide 3220U FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No 10th. '5-18 FURNISHED duplex. Suitable for one. $35. Garage. El dorado and Melrose. Phone 4355. 2295tf FOR RENT Furnished duplex, Close In. Phone 6523. 31fl8tf ONE and two rooms with sinks, Utilities furnished. 109 N Broad. 4-23 VACANCY Hot Springs Court. 221 Spring. 4-23 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. Inquire 439 Washington after 8 p. m. or 125 No. 8th 3114tf FOR RENT No. 10th. -Furnished apt. 433 3097U UNFURNISHED APARTMENT 1985 Alburn. 4-24 CLEAN, SMALL Apartments- Close In. Utilities furnished, $12 to $16 month, Parking space. Call 8452. 2S00U FOR RENT Furnished apart ment suitable for two. Elec tric range, Frlgldalre, steam heat. 1411 Main. 4-25 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Fuel and utilities fur nished. 1808 Main. 230SU FURNISHED 3-room apartment, Comfortable and clean. $25 per month. Close in. 754 No 10th St. 4-28 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT. Private bath. Two blocks off Main, 61 2 i High. 4863. 4-23 3-ROOM partly furnished house. Clean. Cheap, Al Sloan, conn ty clerk's office. 3712U APARTMENT, furnished, wood, water, $20. 924 Jefferson, 4-24 FOR RENT Two steam heated, furnished apts, One with two bedrooms, one with one bed room. Air conditioned, 201 E. Main, side entrance. 4-24 VACANCY 421 Oak. 4-23 FOR RENT Newly decorated 3-room apartment. Electric utilities, hardwood floors, close In. Adults only, no pets. 927 Lincoln. Apply at 915 Lin coln. 4-24 2-ROOM APARTMENT Close In, 403 No. 3rd.- 4-20 Automotive Lot 821 So. 8th 4-16-21-23 24 Apartment For Rent FOR RENT 3-room steam heat ed, furnished apt. Phone 6393 or 7731. 3175U FURNISHED 2-room apartment. Water paid. Couple only. No parking space. Inquire after noons, 716 No. 9th. $23 month, 1796tf 28 House For Rent FOR RENT Unfurnished 3-room modern. Inquire 432 Owens. 4-26 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 5-7m FOR RENT 3-room furnished house. Inquire 125 No. 8th or 439 Washington after 6. 3180tf FURNISHED HOUSE Adults only. Phone 6865. 4-23 FOR RENT Six-room modern house. Floor coverings, gar den space, chicken yard. Last big house on Sacramento St., J Stewart addition. Also 5-room house, same location. 4-23 SMALL, MODERN, furnished house. Everything furnished 2125 Biehn. 2139lf TWO-ROOM HOUSE Close in Adults only. $12 month. 510 ' So. 5th. 4-23 BACHELORS' CABINS Close in. $10 month. 510 So. 5th. 3-21 CLEAN, modern 4-room house two bedrooms, gas range, heat er, floor covering, garage, Adults. $27.50. 2310 Orchard. Phone 4376. 4-24 FOR RENT 3-room modern house. Garden space, garage, lawn and shade trees. Stewart- Lenox. Phone 5017. 4-23 TWO-ROOM partly furnished house, $12. 3440 Boardman Ave., cabin 5. 4-23 FOR SALE CHEAP Small five room house. Phone 7340. 4-28 FURNISHED 3-room house. Elec tric range, washer, Frigldaire, newly decorated. Garage. Wa ter. Close in. Phone 4253 or 914 Lincoln. 3173tf FOUR-ROOM unfurnshed house. Close in. 827 No. 2nd. 3172tf 28 Miscellaneous For Rent WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrest mattress, floor waxerj. Phone 5353. Klam ath Furniture. 4-30m DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 4-30m FOR RENT Fifty acres alfalfa land for spuds, 1 mile south of Oregon Hot Springs in Langell Valley. A. E. McCoy. 4-26 FOR RENT I acre garden plot, Phone 4981. T 4-24 FOR RENT 10 acres clover land for potatoes, cash rent; also 13 acres grain land on shares, located on main high way between Dairy and Bo nanza. Call at Irrigation office In Bonanza. 4-24 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE QUICK Four-room house. 1441 Wllford Ave. 4-23 YOUR CHANCE TO RETIRE Income properly and home lo cated Mt. Shasta City. Attrac tive 8-room modem home with upstairs apartment; also one unit with 4 furnished- 3-room apart- menus; two separate units each with furnished flat. Beautiful surroundings. N Ice Incom e. Write W. N. Gregory, P. O. Box 26, Mt. Shasta City, Calif. 4-24 FOR SALE 4-room .modern house, 1 acre ground, 1852 Logan St. 4-24 FOR SALE New five-room home, corner Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approved loan, monthly payments less than rent. Phone 3301. 2133U 34 30 Real Estate For Sale Special Near Fremont Schoo Complete home, one bedroom and sleeping porch. Full base ment, wood furnace, lovely lawn Priced $3675. $580 down. Bal ance like rent. JOHN McFEE. Office phone 4521. 4-24 LARGE HOUSE suitable for rooming, small hotel or apart ment. Excellent buy or might lease. VERY NEAT little modern home on good half acre. A good buy IF YOU NEED a nice 3-bedroom home see this one. LIST YOUR PROPERTY with me if It's worth the money, 1 11 try to sell it. NELSON REAL ESTATE 1951 So. 6th Phone 8763 4-24 LOT AND 3-ROOM HOUSE $750. Two blocks from South 6th St. Right on bus line, 2440 Shasta way. Phone 7820, 2132tf HOMES, farms, business proper ty, bee EVERETT DENNIS 121 N. 8th. Ph. 8491 5-2 1000-ACRE STOCK RANCH Will run 1000 head cattle. Good range and water rights. 300 acres spud land. Box 3379 Herald-News. 5-3 32 Raal Estate Wanted HAVE TWO CLIENTS who want to buy homes in Mills addition. John McFee. Phone 4521. 4-23 HAVE CASH BUYERS for your property If price Is right. E, Gray Real Estate, corner 7th and Pine. 4-23 wanted 50 acre or more good farm land, with or with out buildings. News-Herald Box 3502. 4-29 34 Automotive CASH for Your Used Car Pickup or Truck See Vcrn Moore Balsiger Motor. Co. 4-27 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 5-6m WANTED Light trailer ca pable of carrying 2 ton. Lost River Dairy. 3061U WANTED TO BUY Good Model A or B Ford coupe. Write Charles Jones, Tulelake, Calif. 4-23 FOR SALE 1939 Chevrolet station wagon; Good rubber, radio and heater. $795. No trade. News-Herald Box 3163. 4-23 WILL PAY CASH for Model A coupe or roadster. Call 7309 after 5 p. m. 4-23 FOR SALE 1939 Mercury four- aoor seaan. Good condition radio and heater, 8 good tires. Call at 123 S. Laguna after 5 p. m. 4-24 WE BUY AND SELL Used Cars. For the best deal,, see Selby last. Public Used Car Lot, 7th and Oak. 3384tf 35 Fuel Heating BLOCKWOOD Prompt deliver ies, $6.50 per double load. Fred H. Heilbronner, telephone 4153. 4-24 36 Mlsctllaneous For Sale LANDSCAPING. large size fruit trees, flowering and shade trees, evergreen shrubs, roses and perennial flowers. Call us for estimate of complete landscaping your home. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 8-19 BAGGAGE FOR SALE for room rent. W. E. Tubbs. Arcade Hotel. 4-24 RUMMAGE SALE April 24, a us wo. 9th, by Venture Club. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 4-23 WE HAVE good selection of pure Bristle Paint and Kalsomine Brushes for painting contract ors subject to slight restric tions. F. R. Hauger, 515 Mar ket 8-4 NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805U STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath, Phone 5871. 4-30m AVON PRODUCTS Alda Kemp Phono 6601. 5-18 FOR SALE setting eggs. Phono 4041. Red Hampshire 3927 So. 6th. 4-24 FOR SALE Cabbage and-tomato plr.nts. Morrlll-Lakevlew Junction. Crystals. 4-26 GLASS Mirrors, resllverlng, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut. Phone 7376. 8-6m 38 Miscellaneous for SaU Auction Saturday, April 24, 1943, ont p. m. at Leo Wells ranch, 8 miles north and east of Tula- lake. Ranch i sold and the following will be sold at public auction: 130 sacks Hanschen seed barley. 150 sacks wheat. 360 new grain sacks. 300 pickup sack. Hay derrick, mast and boom. Spike harrow. Grain drill. Hay rake. . Mower. Cultivator. 2-way plow, horse drawn. Wagon and rack. Harness. DeLaval separator. 100 ft. garden hose. Ford truck. . 2-wheel trailer. FURNITURE Howard upright piano. G. E. reingerator, electric range, wood range. Living room, din ing room, bedroom sets. Rugs, dishes. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Come prepared to buy. Leo Wells owner. Chas. K. Wlese, auctioneer. 4-23 PALMER'S BEST BUYS in USED FURNITURE. See them today and save: 1 fine gas range. 1 large dining suite. . 2 nice twin bed suites. 10 wood ranges, $18.00 up. 10 heaters and. circulators. 3 large oil circulators. 3 nice bed davenos. 5 good radios, cheap, 50 beds, springs, mattresses. Palmer Want to Buy: 100 complete houses furniture. Be sure to see him before you sell. PALMER'S BARGAIN. HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 Try Palmer's First and Save! 4-30 16-INCH GREEN SLABS Pine double load6, $4.75; pine and fir mixed, double loads, $5.25; suitable for stoves, fur naces, - fireplaces. Peyton it Co., dial 5149. . 4-30 FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 532 South River side. , 5-8 m AVON PRODUCTS Phone 5-14 6144. LARGE SELECTION 9 foot and 12 foot Armstrong felt base floor covering. Heavy weight. 65c square yard. Lucas Furni ture. 195 E. Main. 4-28 FOR SALE Wedding ring and '.i karat engagement ring. 135 Sheldon after 5 p. m. 4-24 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. , 1485tf HEADQUARTERS for. Fine Chamois,. $2.00 up. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market. . 5-4 DUST MOPS, 60c up. Dust mitts. 20c up. 1 Steel wool, 3 pads 10c. Limit 6 pads. Wall brushes, . $1.50. Wet Mops, Scrubs and Brushes of every description. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market. " ' 5-4 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6617. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 5-8 FIX IT NOW Protect your home, we have a complete line of wood and asphalt shingles. Let us estimate your roof re quirements. No down pay ment, as low as $5 per month J. W. Copeland Yards, 66 Main. Phone 3197. 4-24 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwoel In sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $3 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 J138tf UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 2134U ROOFING See us first for an estimate on- all types of roof ing, Sealey Bros., Contractors. Phone 8385. 2456tf RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 . No. 4th. Phone 6632. 4-30m WATKWS PRODUCTS. 6623 or 2318 Home. Phone 4-26 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1433 Martin. Phone 5677. 5-14 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS . $3.25, 128 cubic ft., delivered. Or save by hauling your own in truck or trailer,- Metier Bros., South 6th and AHamont. Phone 5852. - 3338U FOR SALE Complete set of home wood working power tools. 2301 Vine. 4-23 FOR SALE Fully equipped trailer house. 2520 So. 6th. 4-27 FOR SALE Hot Point electric stove, chair, p. m. $35; also baby's high 318 Laguna after 5:30 ,t 4-23 31 Mlsctllaneous For Sale CUT FLOWERS, daffodil for Easter 25c dozen. Lakeshore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 4-24 ODD SIZE RUGS, ALL WOOL 12x13 ft., $83.80; 11.3x12 ft., $78.25; 12x18 ft., $117.90; 9x15 ft. blue Frieze; 2 American Oriental design, 11.3x12 ft.. $241.95; 1 American Oriental design, 9x21 ft., $330.93. Lucas Furniture, 19c E. Main. 4-24 SWING ROCKERS $16.73. Lucas Furniture, 195 E. Main. 4-28 PRACTICALLY NEW Chinn cy cle-truck. See Dan at Balslg?r Motor Co. 4-23 HIGH CHAIRS $4.50 and $8. Lucas Furniture. 4-24 JUST RECEIVEDI Big stock oc casional chairs. $7.25, $10.75 $11, $13.25, $14.80, $18.73 $17.75. Lucas Furniture, 193 E. Main. BUY NOWI 4-28 FOR SALE Set of harness and collar, $25. W. D. Dingier. 4-24 DRY BODY FIR, aome 18, most ly 24 and 48 Inch. Write King Cole Service Station, Keno. 4-29 38 For Sale or Trad RAWLEIGH Products. Frank Leiblein. 2916 Blsbee. 5-17 FOR SALE OR TRADE One building lot on Orchard way. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St Phone 4943. 4-26 WANTED TO TRADE or sell 3 acres and modern house, cel lar and garage, for 40-acre ranch. Phone 3006. 4-24 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath Falls in come property for acreage! Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bldg. ' 3219tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Small capacity saw mill complete or will buy car riage separate. R. R. Black man, 2501 Vine. 4-23 WANTED Spud planting. Have D-2 Cat and Iron Age two-row picker type planter with fer tilizer attachment. Available April 23. Five dollars per hour. No small jobs consid ered. Address Box 3364, Herald-News. 4-23 WANTED TO - RENT Unfur nished 2-bedroom apartment. Steam heat if possible. Close in: Adults. Paul Trippett, .4430 Bisbee.St, . . 4-24 I BUY USED PIANOS for cash. add only value of recondition ing work and sell on terms. Louis R. Mann, Tuner, Derby's, 120 N. 7th. Phones 4519 or 7175. 5-21 PAY CASH used set lady's golf clubs. Phone 6681. 4-26 WANTED TO RENT by May 1, four or five-room furnished house. Phone 7564. 4-26 44 Livestock and Poultry SIX 1 and 2-year-old Holstein steers, 104c pr lb. Francis Hannon, Tulelake. 4-24 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. . 6-17 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkeys and gobblers. Blue ribbon strain. Also turkey set ting eggs. P. O. Box 853. 4-24 FOR SALE Grain fed hogs, ready to butcher. Phone 3045, or 4441 Homedale road. 4-23 FOR SALE Purebred Jersey cows. Rt. 1, Box 498, So. 6th. 4-24 FOR SALE Milk cow $90; Hol- ctein bull $45; Jersey bull $30 Also 3 sows with pigs. W. D. Dingier, Rt. 1, Box 802, Hen ley Dist. . 4-24 FOR SALE! Bred gilts and sows, boar. J. R. Taylor, state line, Merrill. 4-28 48 Financial See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 4-30m Ask us about EQUITABLE Disappearing Loans Low Rotes . Prompt Service If you want to buy a home or refinance your mortgage, ask us about the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH HI N. 9th ' Phone 4564 Since 1909 Tue-Fri-tf 48 Financial AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE SALARY LOANS A. Ask for Loan B. Bring Identification C. Complete Loan TODAYI COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 116 South Sixth Street Telephone 3263 M-IU CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENOOnSERS , S WATS TO OET A CONSUMER CASH LOAN PHONE . WRITE . COME IN Tou oecd bo co-ilxocri or aodonori to fk a eomumir loio THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-INCOME WANS On your note only. K wig iMtfii' mcma, .in co-UinTt 50. S-KCRN1TIJBE LOANS i ur cn racier u mora Important: than the farnftur lUtJf. NO. SACTO LOANS ISO to S00 eaib loans and rfl Dancing. . . CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY (M83J 720 Pine St. 8 JM) Phone 7711 4-30 First Federal Has Plenty of Money a Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rent Long Tjerma -s- Low Rat FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc of Klamath Falls - Sixth and Main Phone 6198 4-S0ra WANTED TO BORROW $6000 at 8 as crop loan. Refer ences and co-signer. News Herald Box 1798. 4-29 . .. - . WANTED LOAN . . Want to borrow $2000 or $1500 on property selling for $3500. Give first mortgage. Box 3381, Herald-News1ni4y 48 Business Opportunities' FOR SALE Murphey's Beauty Shop, 511 Main. Complete equipment and doing good business. Will sacrifice for $500 cash or will sell equip ment. Owner leaving . city May 1st. 3166tf Wounded Woman Tells Bizarre Shooting Story NAPA, Calif., April 23 P) A Napa woman, near collapse from a bullet wound In the breast, prayed in an Oakland chapel yesterday. She then told Oakland police a bizarre story that led to the discovery of the bodies of her mother and her brother here. The woman, Mrs. Helen Rob ertson, 47, recovering in an Oak land hospital, was quoted by Oakland Police Inspector Wil liam Perry as saying her mother, Mrs. Bessie Griffiths,- 68, shot her for no apparent reason yes terday morning1 after killing her brother, Mayne Griff iths,. 45. Youth Indicted For Extortion Notes to Stars BOISE, Ida., April 23 (fP) Roger Dee Barker, 19-year-old filer, Idaho youth indicted for sending extortion notes to movie stars, is en route to Los Angeles in custody of Chief Deputy U. S, . Marshal James W. Ames. Barker was charged with sending the notes to Mickey Hooney, Dcanna Durbln, Better Davis and Rosalind Russell and also to California's former Gov ernor Culbert Olson. Trial will be held in federal court in Los Angeles, . BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main at Spring Phona 3144 r