Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 23, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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April 23, 10-13
: . - i j , , , virj c.tuc.vnrj
The following ucrod concert
will bo presented by tho First
MoiiKHlihi cnurcn ciiolr on Sun
day evening, April 25, in the
Prultido, "Siuirluy Morning nt
Ulion," Ucndol, Mm, Clcorgo Me-
I'roccmlonnl, hymn 184,
"Uinst tho Lord in Risen To
, any."
Prayer, Rev. Victor Phillips.
Hymn 102, "O For a Thousand
Tongue to Sing," congregation
and choir.
"Gloria in Excclnln," W. A. Mo-
"List! The Cherubic Host."
A. a. Gaul. Soloists, Mm, S. M
Bndeur nnrt Hhii-a lllnl,l,.u
"Victory," (old Alsatian Easter
caroi;, linrvey uiuil, choir,
"In tho End of tin) Shl,lli
Bpcaks, Mrs. Winnlfrcd Glllen,
' Offortorv. "Fairest LnrH .To
' eus," traditional, Mrs. George
"How Lovely li Thy Dwelling
' Place," Brahms.
"Sunrise on Easter Morning,"
w, a, oid, Trumpot olo, Fred
fiooiKo, otanicy Mciiliehcy
Richard Portor aiiH rlinlr
"O Lord Moot Holy," Cesar
rnncK, cnoir.
"Andmitlno," llubny, Mrs, Dn
vld Burgoync, violin, Mrs. J. C,
' O'Neill, acconinnnlst.
"Christ Wont Up Into the
nun, iticliard llagcmun. In
cklentul soprano solo, Mrs, L, E
"Allehilnl Christ Is Risen," An
' dro Kopolyoff, choir.
Benediction, Rev, Victor Phil
' Hp. V. ' ' '
' Immenuel Baptist
' Church
(Northern Convention)
Tho church Is lorn led at the
corner of North Eleventh and
High stroets. Pastor, Rev. Wll.
" Ham B. Hlce. Residence, 712
North Third street, Phone 7400.
Director of music, C. E. Logcr
well. Sunday school, OAS a. m.
Classes for all ages and a stuff
of well-trained adult Bible teach
ers. Mrs. J. D. O'Neal is super
intendent. We Just need a few
more scholars to reach our goal
for next Sunday. Will you be
there to help us reach tho 100
' mark?
MnrnlnD- wnrnhln 11B ... rl
, all tho Sundays In tho year, you
should he found in church this
coming Sunday morning, in mem
ory of tho resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The pastor
will deliver tho Easter sermon
at this morning worship hour,
lio special music.
Evening service, 7:30 o'clock.
This hour will be devoted to an
Easter paguant, given by the
downsta Irs dftnnrtmnnl nf
Sunday school. Wo feel sure
that they have a special treat
iw us ann we want you to be
there, especially you mothers
and dads who have little folks
jn our scliool.
Mid-week service, Wednesday.
7:30 p. m. Prayer and Bible
iuay at tne church. This Bible
atudy Is open to all people, mem
bers of our church or not. Bring
1 your Blblo and notebook If you
so desire and you'll enjoy a study
in the word of God.
; There will bo no young peo
ple s meeting this coming Satur-
, day night, April 24. But we
would encourage oil you young
, folks to attend tho Good Friday
service at the Covenant church
and also tho Easter sunrise scr
vlco early Sunday morning.
Tills Is the fl-lpnrltu ulht...
loving church. Come and make
It your spiritual homo if vn ,.
a strangor In tho city or do not
nvo a cnurcn Home hero. You
are always welcome,
. . St. John. Chapter XIX.
Then Pilule therefore look Johub, and scourged him.
And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on
his head, and they put It on his head, and they put on him
u purple robe.
And said, Hull, King of tho Jews! and they smote him
with their hands.
Pilule therefore went forth aguln, mid sulth unto them,
Behold, I bring him fortli to you, that ye may know that
1 find no fault In him.
Then camo Jesus forth, weurlng the crown of thorns,
and the purple robe. And Pilule salth unto them, Behold
tho niun!
When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him,
they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate
sulth unto them, Tuko ye him, and crucify him: for I find
no fault In him,
Tho Jews unsworn! him, Wo have a luw, and by our law
he ought to die, because he made himself tho Son of God.
When Pilate therefore heard thut suylng, he was the
more ufrukl: . .
And went again Into the judgement hull and salth' unto
Jesus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer.
Then salth Pilate unto him, Sneiikcst thou not unto me?
Knowcst thou not Hint I have power to crucify thee, and
huve power to release thee?
Jesus answered, Thou couldcst have no power at all
against mo, except It were given thee from above: there
fore he thut delivcrcth me unto thee hath the' greatest sin.
And from thenceforth Pilalu sought to release lilin: but
tho Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art
not Cesar's friend: whosoever muketh himself a king spcuk
eth against Cesar.
Whun Pllalo therefore hoard that saying, he brought
Jesus forth, and silt down In the Judgment scut in a place
that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbathu.
And It was tho preparation of tho passovvr. and about
tho sixth hour: and he soith unto the Jews, Behold your
But they cried out, Away with him, away with him,
crucify him. Pilate sulth unto them, Shall I crucify your
King? Tho chief priests answered, We have no king but
Cesar. - 7
Them delivered ho him therefore unto them to be cruel
fled. Aud they took Jesus, and led him awuy.
And ho bearing his cross went forth into a place called
the -place of a skull, which is called In the Hebrew, Gol
guthn. When they crucified him, and two others with -him, on
either side one, and Jesus in the midst.
And Pilate wrote a title ond put it on the cross. And
tho writing whs, "Jesus of Nazareth tho King of the Jews."
This title then read many of the Jews for the place where
Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city, and it was written
in Hebrew, unci Greek, and Latin.
Then said tile chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write
not, Tho King of tho Jews: but that he said, 1 am the King
of tho Jews.-Pilate answered, What 'I have written, I have
written. -
Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took
his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part,
and also his coat, now Iho coat was without seam, woven
from the top throughout.
They said therefore among themselves. Lot us not rent
it, but cast lots for it, whoso 11 shall be: that the Scripture
might be fulfilled, which salth, They purled mv raiment
among llicm, and for my vesture they did cast lots.
Now there stood by tho cross of Jesus his mother, and
his mother's sister, Mury the wire of Clcophus, and Mary
. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple
standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother,
Woman, behold thy sonl
Then saith lie to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And
from that hour that disciple look her unto his own homo.
After this, Jesus knowing that nil things were now accom
plished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, salth, I thirst.
Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar, and they
filled a sponge Willi vinegar and put it upon hyssop, and
put It to his mouth, When Jesus therefore had received the
vinegar, ho sold, It is flnlshod: and he bowed his hoad, and
gave up tho ghost.
Royal Neighbors
Buy Millions in
Government Bonds
Additional government bonds
in the amount of $2,500,000 have
been purchased by Royal Neigh
bora of America, giving the so
ciety a total of $5,084,750 invests
cd In United States securities, ac
cording to a report received by
Anna Woolever, 1536 Sargent
street, recorder of camp No. 0808
of Klamath Falls.
In view of Ihc society's cam
paign to sell war bonds and
slumps among its 8848 camps
and 500,000 members, this in
vestment has been designated as
"The Royal Neighbor Mother's
Day purchase of government war
bonds." The society's campaign
opened March 1 und closes May
31, 1U43.
Rev. H. L Russell to Go
To Washington Appointment
First Church
Of Qod
Located nt the corner of Al
tamont drive and Dolnwure
atrcet. Sunday scliool convenes
at 0:45 a, m., Mrs. J, D. Ker-
nutt, superintendent. ' Morning
devotions, 11 o'clock, Pre-scrv-Ice
prnyer meeting at 7 p, m.
Preaching service, 7:30 p. m.
Prayor ond praise service,
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. . . .
A cordlnl Invitation is ex
tended to tho public to uttond
all of, these services. Rov, J, D.
Kerntitt, pastor,
Rev. H. L. Russell, fnr in VMM
pastor or Iho Church of tho Na.
arena In Klnmnth Fn1l U lnm.
Ing Monday morning for Sno-
quaimlo, Wash., where ho has ac
cepted an appolnmont. Rev. and
Mrs. Russell will be accompanied
oy ineir dnughtcr-ln-law. Mrs
Gerald Russell. They plan to
spend the coming week at Kelso,
wasn., to attend the district as
sembly of the church, then will
conunuo to snoqualinlc
The church, organized In July,
iuzb, with 11 mombors includ
ing me pastor, urst met in a
tent, but when Rev. Russell, its
lourth pastor arrived, the for
mer church building on Martin
street was partially completed
He finished the work on that
building, succeeded in paying
oir tno outstanding obligations,
and then ho and Mi nn r.prniri
built almost without outside
holp, tho distinctive now church
on ijarnon avenue, afterward re
modeling the old church into an
attractive and modem parson
age. .
Rev. Russell Is a member of
tho Klamath Ministerial associa
tion and has been very coopera
tive, Mrs. Russell has been a
great help In tho work of the
church, and botli are flnc-splrlt-
oa, cievotca and above all, friend
ly people who will bo greatly
missed here, members of tho as
sociation said,
On Easter morning there will
be a short program during the
Sunday school hour, and Rev.
Russell will speak at the morn
ing and evening services.
His SUCCCSSOr In tho wnrlr nf
tno cnurcn wilt bo Rev. Bert-
rnnd Peterson of Ashland.
Modoc Point Baptist
Mission Sunday School
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Worship service, 11:15 a. m.
The Modoc Point S un ri n v
school will present a spcciul Eas
ter service this Sunday morning.
Tho regular Sunday school ser
vice will have a special open
ing service and story for the
children. Classes for all ages,
and OVervbodv is wnlenmn. Th
adult class is besinnine the sfnrtv
of tho fourteenth chapter of the
uook of Komans. Come and join
us In tho study of this Drofltablc
chapter. '
During the worshln hour. tli
special service will include a
flannclaranh nlctnvn nf th
ter story, 'which will bo followed
oy a cnnciioiisnt service. If you
have never been permitted, to
witness or loin in n sorvlnn nf
this kind you are cordially In
vited to attend this service and
Everybody is cordially Invllnri
and oil are welcome. We have
no creed but the Bible, and we
loach not h nc but the nihin
which is the inspired word of
God, and as such must bo hnn.
Eiblo BoDtlit Church
(Northern Convention)
"The Southend Community
Church with the Chimes," Wiard
street at South Sixth. Take
city bus to Idella's corner. The
pastor is G. W. Wheatlcy, who
will speuk nt the morning serv
ice. Nadine Dinning is in charge
of the music. '
The morning worship hour is
10 o'clock. The pastor will
speak on "God's Model of an
Argument." The truth of the
Resurrection with new em
phasis, as found in the Word of
God. The service will begin
promptly on the hour.
Beautiful steel-eut Easter sou.
venir church bulletins will be
distributed at the morning serv
ice. There will also be a soeeinl
gm to all attending this morn
ing service at 10 o clock.
Bible school al 11 n'cWIr
with classes for all ages. The
pastor is the teachpr nf th
adult class. Those attending tho
worship service arc invited to
attend one of these interesting
'The hieh srhnnl Vnimn
People's fellowship" meets at
u:ou p. in.
SnOCIill Enstor nrnifrnm nl
7:45 D. nr. unHnr thn CltnAruicinn
of Frances Smith tho superin-
lonncnt, with each department
or ine Bible school taking a
special part.
Mrs. frank Hafsnn luill Un
the guest soloist of the evening.
Somcthlne ehlirelv npiu nnrl
never before seen in Klamath
I' nils, will be tho presentation
of tho resurrection story in rich
oil paints. The seen nnH -l.np.
alters are brought into view bc-
ire your eyes. Special light
ing effects will mnkn thic ni
ture live in your memory. This
scene will bo ofcrcd by Mrs.
wncatlcy and her class.
Other deDartmcnts nartiplnnt.
ine in the evonlnff sprvir-n uiii
be, primary department with
nose smith and Mrs. Balantlnc
illnior rionnrlmpnl ,;li Tv.fB
Smith, intermedlale department
with Mrs. O'Neal, adults with
Mr. Whcatlev.
The public Is Invited n a I.
tend one and all of tha servirM
of Easter Sundav nt "Tho
Church with the Old Gospel
and the Whole Gospel."
Apostolic Faith
At 228 North Eluhth trM
under the electric iirn ".Toe.
tho Light of the World."
Sunday. 9:30 a. m.. Rnnrfav
school with classes and efficient
teachers for all noes and ernrlna
Morning worship. 11 o'clock.
7:45 p. in., special orchestra se
lections with, Evelyn Craig di
recting, also selected vocal num
bers followed by personal tes
timonies. Concluding with a
fundamental gospel sermon by
spirit-filled ministers.
Wednesday and Friday, 8
p. m regular services. Cordial
invitation to all services is ex
tended the public. Collections
arc never, taken. Come as you
The Christian Missionary Al
liance church at Bly will present
an Easter program this Sunday.
Under the direction nf Rnh,,ri
Bolick, there will be an Easter
cantata Sunday evening at 8
o'clock. The cantata, "Life
Everlasting," has bass, tenor,
soprano, and contralto solos, a
duct, trio, quartet, and several
chorus numbers. Mrs. A. h.
Book will accompany on the pi
ano. There will be a regular Easter
morning service at 11 o'clock
with special musical numbers.
The pastor, Rev. Floyd Pollock,
cordially invites the public to at
tend both these services.
ZIon Lutheran
Victor A. Schulze, pastor. 1025
High street. Telephone 6793,
Divine wnrshln with n enpntnl
Easter message based on the
easier Linsnel. Hn v nmmnn nn
will be celebrated in connection j
wiin ino morniniy wnr; n citr.
vice which begins nt 11 o'clock.
Tho Sunday school meets at
0:45 a. m. featuring film slides
and lessons based on the Resur
rection of Jesus.
Tho children's confirmation
class meets at tho parsonage on
Saturday mornings, 0:30 to 11:30
o ciocK, mis class welcomes any
children desiring a basic instruc
tion in the fnnrtnmnntnla nf 4Vin
Christian religion as set forth by
tne taithcran church,
Tho Lutheran hour with an
Easter messaep hv nr. Wnlinr A
Maler nnd featuring music by
the students' chorus of Concordia
seminary, St. Louis, Mo., may bo
heard at 1 o'clock nvrr tho lnr.nl
Easter Mass to Be
Sung at Merrill
Catholic Church
MERRILL High mass will be
sung at 8:30 o'clock Easter morn
ing by the choir of St. Augus
tine's Catholic church with low
mass at 10 o'clock. Father James
O'Conner will be nssUioH hv
Father Gabriel of the Benedic
tine monastery, Mt. Angel, Ore.
Father Gabriel is well known
here and in Klamath Falls.
Becinninc Sundav Miv
continuing through Friday, May
7. Father Maier nf fhp BnHmn.
torist order. Portland, will fnn.
duct a mission, each evening of
me wcck at o o clock.
Free Methodist
Corner of South Ninth street
and Plum avenue. W. H. Mc
Corrriick, pastor. During the
Sunday school hour a program
will be given by the various
classes and the Sunday morning
message at 11:15 a. m. will be
on the subject, "Power," as it
was demonstrated on the resur
rection morn.
Sunday evening services:
YPMS, 7 p. m., preaching at 8
p. m. we invite you to these
Easter services. Prayer meeting
at v: p. m. Thursday.
St. Paul's EoiscoDal
Located at Eighth and Jeffer
son streets. Hev. Frederick C
Wissenbach. rector.
Saturday, services of Holy
Baptism. Arraneemonts mav hp
made by the parents with the
Services for Easter Sunday:
7 a. m.. choral pplphrnttnn nf
tne Holy Communion. Proces'
sional, 170. Ante communion
service. Offertory, "Christ Our
Passover." bv Schillinc. Anthem
by the choir. Post-communion
service. Gloria In Excelsis.
Closing prayers and benediction.
Processional, 170.
Church scliool service, 10
a. m. Shortened form of mom
ma nraver and mitp hnv nffpr.
ing. Choral celebration of the
oty communion and sermon,
11 a. ra. Processional, 169. Ante-communion
service. Sprmnn
hymn, 173. Offertory, "Christ
uur Passover," Schilling. An
them bv tha choir. Sura
corda and Santus. Snln "Fnr
Not, Ye Israel," Dudley Buck,
sung oy Mrs. ti. M, Shapleigh.
Communion. Gloria in ExppIcic
Recessional, 170.
The First Church nf Phrlct
Scientist, announces a troa
turo on Christian Science en
titled. "Christinn Cnlonpo ti,a
Revelation of True Freedom,"
by Richard J. Davis, CBS, San
Jose, Calif.
Mr. Davis is a mnmhoi n
.......ww JL .lit.
board of lectureshin nf Iho
mother church in Rnctnn ht..,.
Data of the lecture is Friday!
cipru ju, at o p. m., in the
church buildlnc. Tnnh nd
Washington streets. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
JM-J,., nil in.
TULELAKE A sunrise Easter
service will be conducted by the
young people of the Tulelake
Community Presbyterian church
at 5:45 at the peninsula and for
a brief span of time the war and
world chaos will bo forgotten in
the early morning worship hour.
Rev. Hugh L. Bronson will
bring the Easter message at the
early service and at the regular
morning service.
Musical numbers by Patty Gen
try and by Conrad Schultz will
be presented at the sunrise ser
vice which will be followed by
an Easter breakfast at the annex
of the church. Mrs. A. E. Ryck
man will be in charge.
Sunday school will be at the
regular hour and an Easter an
them will be sung during the
sermon hour by a mixed chorus
directed by Mrs. Frank Bell.
Mrs. E. W. Staunton will be at
the piano.
The little folks vill oferthe
old story of the Resurrection
with music and recitations at 8
o'clock in the evening and young
people of the church under the
direction of Mrs. Ray Aiken will
present an Easter play, "The
Great Inheritance." The cast in
cludes Marjorie Larsen, Dorothy
inomas, Caroline Ryckman, Jim
Kelson, Howard Moore and Wal
ler Meshke.
A mixed chorus will sing.
Assembly of God
748 Oak street. Rev. A. Har
old Persing, pastor. Residence,
844 Eldorado street, phone 5735.
Tonight at 7:45 o'clock, Evan
gelist John Dean Lewen will
speak on the subject, 'Then the
Fire of The Lord Fell."
, Saturday night, no meeting.
Sunday morning being Easter
Sunday, we will have a sunrise
prayer meeting. Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m., with Mrs. Al Ken
nedy in charge. We plan on
going over the top this Sunday.
Morning hour of worship begin
ning at 11 o'clock. Evangelistic
Lewen to speak on the subject,
"God's Treasure Chest." The
book of Ephesians. Young peo
ple will meet at 6:30 p. m., under
the leadership of Jim Kennerly.
Evangelistic service beginning
at 7:45 p. m., with the evangelist
speaking on "The Story of My
Life From the Monastery to the
Bible." This will be Evangelist
Lewen's final service with us.
We urge the public to make a
special effort to hear this stir-1
rine sermon.
For the services of the week '
we announce: Tuesday, 7:45 p.
m., prayer meeting; Wednesday, :
the Ladies' Missionary society
meeting at Mrs. Maxwell's at'
10 a. m., 426 South Seventh'
street. Thursday. 7:45 n. m Hp. '
votional and preaching. j
Young People Hold Easter
Sunrise Services on Hill
The annual Easter sunrise ser
vice snonsored bv thn vnnntr nsn
pie of Klamath Falls churches,
win do neia at 3:43 a. m. Sun
Earl Whillnek' "M m n r
Garden" is now in spring dress
ana tne publ c Is invited to
make use of it as a resting spot,
tne local business man an
nounced today.
Whitlock said he has a new
gardener for the Sixth and Pino
beauty spot. He is A. R. Bakke,
formerly a gardener in Glacier
national parx.
Whitlock said he had noticed
editorial comment about the
need of a resting and waiting
place in downtown Klamath
Falls for outside visitors, and
said that in the summer month
the Memory Garden will func
tion nicely in that manner.
Sprogue Riyer
Friends Church
Evert J. Tuning, pastor.
' Sunday services Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; worship serv
ice, 11 a. m.; evangelistic serv
ice, 7:30 p m.
Wednesday, prayer and praise
service, 8 p. m.
If you have no church home
we welcome you to worship
with us. Located in Sprague
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent streets. .
L. K. Johnson, pastor. Phone
3452. Mrs. Carl Brandsness, or
ganist. ;
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Bible class, 9:45 a. m.
Easter moraine sunrise snr-
vice, 6:08 a. m. This service will
be suDDorted bv a full vested
choir, anthems and hymns. The
cross will be unveiled at this
Easter Sunday festive wotship,
11 a. m. This is the regular full
liturgical service customary on
Easter Sunday.
Our church is open to all who
wish to worship. If you have no
church home in this city we sin
cerely invite you to share our
church home with us.
day, April 25, on the hill ovr
looking Hot Springs and the cltn
In the event of unfavorable
weather, the service will bo held
In the First Presbyterian church.
Sixth and Pine streets, nt th
same hour.
Following Is the program! 1
Call to worshiD. Robertn Alx.
ander. .
Hymn, "Christ Arose," Dean
Stephens, leader.
Hymn, "The Old Rugged
Scripture, Rev. Cecil C. Brown.
Prayer, Rev. E. K. Johnson.
Special, Dean Stephens. .
"Easter Thoughts," Rev! Vlo.
tor Phillips.
Benediction, Rev. W. B. Rice.
The Salvation
Special Easter services, at
Fourth street and Klamath ave
nue. "The Easter Message," 11 a. m.
"The Atonement," 8 p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Young People's service, 6:30
p. m.
Major William Charles Cnrrr
Will be the sneakpr. Mnrlnlln
Curry, soloist.
811 S. 6th Phone 5689
Ward Arnold. Serviceman
BELL. Calif.. IJPi Anin.nl
Trainer Ramon Ibanez might be
persuaded to solve the farm la
bor shortage. His two monkeys.
Cookie and Murphy, keep hif
victory garden tilled. ....
Newsnanermpn wnfnhnl a
demonstration in which Cookie
took a small : spade, dug a
straight row, picked lettuce from
a nearby row. then due a second
straight furrow.
We have to keen thpm nnt ni
the garden to prevent them from
overdoing," said Ibanez.
You'll make A. Hitler curse
When you loosen up you
purse ... .... .
Buy s War Bond today!
: Interesting
Routinei in
Tap, Ballet, Toe, Character,
Acrobatic, Adagio,, .Novel
ty. Spanish,,,-Tango . and
Ballroom 'Dancing
i v. .. ... ., . .
"Monthly Motor Car Maintenance"
Future aeneratloni will m.
member the last resting place
ot your loved one when prop
erly marked when IH-nll.
tied in keeping with your
feelina of reverence with n
memorial that will stand for
all time.
You will find the designs
to suit vour taste amona our
Klomoth Foils Marble
and Granite Works
118 B. llth St. Phone 6381
1 illlill.i"U..ll.iij.LU.tnijeeiii
n IS
. via i,.""on4 ;
-"?vroln. 7""- WWe.r
orod. and revered.
station, KFJI.
410 So. 6th St
Phone 4113