fAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 23, 104 rrcrrti hks-& -JiSF c?tvn I 'scfi&zyvz PRESBYTERIANS Id PRESENT EASTER PLAY ' The choir of the First Presby terian church, under the leader ship of Lilllo E. Darby, is pre senting the Easter Cantata by Nevin, as a part of the morning service. The time of the open ing of the worship period has been advanced 10 minutes. The Easter audience more than taxes the capacity of the auditorium, so that everyone should be seat ed prior to 10:80 a. m.; when the service begins. Mrs. Arthur Hall Denison will be at the or gan.' The program follows: organ prelude, "Paean Exultant." by Smith. Processional, "Fairest, Lord Jesus," (Arr. by Willis). Pastoral greeting with choir re sponse, "Grace and Peace," by Clenahan, The choir and con gregation unite in singing "The Doxology," after the call to wor ship, and the "Gloria Patri," after the invocation and Lord's Prayer. The sacrament . of baptisms will then be administered. All parents -are requested to contact the pastor, the Rev. Theodore Smith, telephone 5477 at the residence. 435 North Second street, or 7311 at the church. - Easter ' cantata, "The Cruci fied," Nevin. : "The Upper Room." Scripture reading. . Quiet meditation opens with the . women's chorus, "Assur ance;" and closes with "Our Fathers' God to . Thee, Author of Liberty." : Choir offertory, "We. Give Thee But Thine Own," by Schu mann, : - Organ offertory, "Easter," by Worrell. . -. . "Gethsemane." "Betrayal." " . "The Judgment." "Calvary." . Message by the Pastor, ."The Resurrection in a Tragic World." -"Resurrection:"- -' ';-.-' ' ; ; "Christ the Lord, is Risen To day," by Worgon. Benediction.: ' Choir dismissal, "Threefold Amen. Organ postlude, "Postludium,1 by 'Armstrong. . Ftrt Christian Church 'The - Downtown Church." Pine ' street at Ninth. Arthur Charles Bates, minister. .. v. The Bible school meets at the hour of 0:45 a. m. Stanley Ken dall is the superintendent. There will be special Easter features in the Bible school. , ' : The special Easter service be gins at 11 o'clock. The organ ist, Mrs. Mary Hayden, will play "Largo" by Dvorak as the prel ude opening the services.;. The choir and the congregation- will sing, "Gloria Patri" and the minister will give the invoca tion, which will be followed by the choir response,' "Almighty Father" The Easter opening hymn is, "Christ, The Lord Is Risen." ' The . Scripture lesson will be taken from John's Gos pel, 20th chapter. - The com munion hymn and' meditation followed by the observance of the Lord's Supper. Special choir number, "Praise, Ye Je hovah" Mrs. Vera . Howard di recting. The Easter message will be "The . Peace of the Resurrec tion," by the minister. The in vitation hymn is the opportunity- for all wishing to unite with the church either by con fession or statement. No doubt there will be several who will become members either by be ing baptized or by a transfer of their membership. There will be a baptismal service follow ing the sermon. Following the benediction the choir will sing as a response, "Hear Our Pray er." The postlude, "Easter, Fan tasy" by the organist closes the service. Evening services begin at the hour of 6:30 p. m. The Chris tian Endeavor meetings and the adult- class in "Evangelism" meeting at the same ' hour. Evangelistic service begins at 7:30 p. m. The girls' chorus un der the direction of Mrs. Vera Howard will sing at this serv ice. The minister will speak on, "Is. Easter the End?" There will be a great crowd attending services here this Sunday. Ar rangements have been made to accommodate all who come. , Klamath Tempi Located at 1007 Pine street, Daniel.' B. .Anderson, pastor. Phone 3874.' Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.: morning worship, 11a. m. Easter sermon by the ; pastor.. Young people s meeting, 8:30 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7,:45 p. m. Lively song service. Every body welcome. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday 7:45 p. m. Broadcast over KFJI Saturdoy, 6:30 p. m, - Altamont Community Presbyterian Meeting in the Junior High school, corner of South Sixth and Summers lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, pastor. Special Easter service with Communion of the Lord's Sup per, 11 a. m. There will be re ception of members and observ ance of the sacrament of Bap tism. The pastor will give a short Easter sermon and medi tation. Special music to include, prelude, "Easter Joy," Hosmer; offertory, "Easier Dawn," Hod son; postlude. "Hosnnna in Ex cclsis," Armstrong. Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchelmore. pianist. Flute solo, "Awakening Chorus. Ga briel, to be played by Harold Peyton, and an Easter number by the chorus choir. 'Bible school with special Easter music by the junior chor us, 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Kenton Knight, director. There were 151 in Bible school last Sun day. If you are not in some other school we welcome you to join our growing numbers. The Intermediate - J u n i o r Christian Endeavor and Sigma Pi Young People's society will have a union Easter meeting at the manse, 4431 South Sixth street, 6:30 p. m. Friday, the Junior Christian Endeavor will have a party at the manse after school. It will include a covered dish supper and indoor recreation later. The Katherine Beattie Mis sionary society will meet to sew, at the home of Mrs. W. S. Metier, 2927 Bisbee street, First Methodist Church "In the Heart of the City," at North Tenth and High streets, Rev. Victor Phillips, minister. Residence, 1005 High street, telephone 3688. Director of music, Andrew Loney Jr., ac companist, Mrs. George W. Mc Intyre. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Prelude by Mrs. Mclntyre, "The Heavens Are Telling," from "The Creation," by Hadyn. Pro cessional by the choir, "Christ The Lord is Risen Today." There will be special Easter music as follows: Mrs. Winnifred Gillen will sing the solo, "In the End of The Sabbath," by Speaks. The offertory will be, "Adoration," from 'The Holy City," by Gaul. The choir will sing the anthem, "Christ Went Up Into the Hills," by Richard Hageman. The in cidental solo in this anthem will be sung by Mrs. L. E. Juniper. The minister will preach on the subject," "The Easter Hope." There will be baptism and ad mission of new members. The church Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all age groups with trained teachers. Dr. Peter H. Rozendal is general superintendent with L. K. Phelps serving as acting superintendent while Dr. Rozen dal is out of the city. The Methodist youth fellow ship will meet at 6:30 p. m., in two groups, the high school group in the league room and the older group of young people in the church school assembly room. All young people are cordially invited to attend these meetings of devotion, discussion and fellowship. A sacred concert of Easter'mu sic will be given by our large sanctuary choir in the evening at 7:45 p. m., with Andrew Loney Jr., directing and Mrs. George W. Mclntyre, accompan ist. This choir has been doing excellent work and this concert promises to be outstanding in its emphasis in music of the joyful message of Easter. The public is cordially invited to attend these services on Easter Sunday. On Good Friday evening at 8 o'clock, there will be a candle light communion service. The Holy Communion will be served under the light of the cross. All who care to participate in this service in remembrance of our Risen Lord are invited to do so. Mt. Lakl Presbyterian Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore, minister. The Easter service at 9:45 a. m., with observance of the sacraments of the Lord's Sup per and Baptism. Members will be received. The Sunday school follows ' the morning service, 10:45 o'clock. Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20. . By REV. GEORGE W. WHEATLEY. Bible Baptist Church. At this" Easter time we stand before the open tomb. Across the chasm of 1900 years, we hear the echoes from the voices of the angels who kept their tryst in the resurrec tion garden. Facing eternity with those who lean above the battlements of heaven, wo join the shout, "He is risen!" There is something about Easter morning that silences all denials, differences are forgotten, for Jesus Christ, what ever we would that He be unto us, is the greatest fact of all history. ' Standing before the open tomb, there still comes the words loud and clear, "It is finished," assuring us the great work that would liberate and set men free, was now com pleted for all time. Looking into the open tomb we see written these words of comfort: "But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, Ho that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you." (Romans 8:11). - Call Him a tradition if you will, but when the Easter sun arises and- sends its pulsating rays over the mountain peak, you discover His tradition girdling the nations. Call Him merely a super man if you will, but on Easter morning you will find Him on a throne of adoration, high and lifted up above all the sons of men. Acclaim Him intellectually and surround Him with the limitations of the finite mind if you will, but when Easter morning stillness opens out upon the fields and market places, you will know within the deeper channels of your being that flood from hidden springs of the larger life fed from the fountain that was opened on a skull-shaped hill long ago, "That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." Call Him the lowly Galilean, the Carpenter of Nazareth or the great Teacher if you will, or even heaven's only be gotten Son, but standing beside the fisherman Disciple, you will have to add your voice to His trumpet of the ages, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" His face is the center of art. His theme is the heart of song. His name is above every name. The spittle with which He mixed the clay to anoint the eyes of the blind has cemented the walls of hospitals around the world. His arms still lift the fallen and downtrodden. His words of comfort in the holy Bible, still comforts the bereaved and brings peace to a lonely heart. His gospel is the healing of the nations. His love and His cross save us from our sins and in His resurrection is our glorious hope of immortality. While there will be some nations at this Easter time who will give no thought upon these things, because they long ago have cast them from their way of life, and because of sin and greed, they are "Passing the Lord and praising the ammunition." Let us thank God for our country, and pray that she will continue to look to Almighty God for guidance and divine protection. . "So near to God We cannot nearer be; For, in the person of His Son, We are as near as He." "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." (Colossians 3:1). Easier Service At First Baptist Church The First Baptist church. Eighth and Washington streets, cordially invites the public to its special taster services. All of the Sunday services are dedicated to the personal, bodily resurrection of the Saviour, and each service will feature special music and Easter songs. The mu sic is under the direction of H. G. Shirey. Ruth Gysbers is the organist and Mrs. H.. G. Shirey, pianist. The program for the morning worship follows: Organ prelude, selected. Doxology. Invocation, by the pastor. Response, choir. Hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." Hymn, "He Lives On High." Prayer. Anthem, "Song of Eastertide," Nolte, choir. Announcements. Offertory, organ and piano duet, "Christ Arose," by Lowry, Ruth Gysbers and Mrs. Shirey. . Vocal solo, "Holy City," Ad ams, H. G. Shirey. Message, "He That Was Dead," pastor. The choir of the church will present another of its programs of sacred music at 8 p. m. "Dur- First Covenant Church 823 Walnut avenue. Pastor, R. E. Johnson. Phone, 8517. The Good Friday union ser vice is to be held in our church tonight,' Friday, at 7:45 o'clock. We welcome the friends of Klam ath Falls to this service; The program will, be, found in an other place in the paper. Our Sunday services will be as follows: No Sunday school at 10 a. m., but we meet at 10:30 a. m. for an Easter program. The boys and girls will take part in songs and speaking of Easter pieces. The pastor will spek on "The Empty Tomb," using the blackboard as part of the mes sage. At 7:45 p. m., the evening service will bo devoted to the Easter message. We welcome our friends to all of the services. Wednesday mid-week fellowship at 7:45 p. m., and Mrs. R. E. Johnson will take charge as the pastor will be on conference In Los Angeles. for Public ing the past years this choir has won the praise of the community by presenting some of the most outstanding programs of relig ious music heard in the city," Mr. Brown stated. The program for the evening service follows: Congregational singing. Prayer. Hymn, "I Come to the Gar den," choir. Hymn, 'The Old Rugged Cross," choir. Hymn, "Christ Arose," choir. Announcements. Offertory, , organ and piano duet, McKinney; Ruth Gysbers and Mrs. Shirey. Anthem, "Now Is Christ Ris en," Holton, choir. Special music, selected. Anthem, "Easter Bells," Nolte, choir. Message, "Him They Com pelled to Bear His Cross," pastor. Recessional. " Latter-Day Saints A special Easter service will be presented by the Latter-Day Saints church, located in the au ditorium of the city library, cor ner of Fourth street and Klamath avenue, this Sunday at 11 a. m. The program will tell the "Story of the Resurrection" in narration and song. Featured soloists will be E. E. Burrows, faella Provost and Richard Metier. Sisters Ells worth, Hansen and Holt of the Mission office will be in attend ance. . There will be no regular eve ning Sacrament meeting on East er Sunday, the special 11 o'clock program being the only service for the day. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purs Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mrs. A, A. Ward, ownr Willard Ward, U. S. Navy, Manager Arthur W. Lanen, Acting Mgr. 97.5 High Phon 3334 Community Congregational Located on Garden avenue be tween East Main and Murtin streets has Rev. Eugcno V. Haynes as Its pastor. A nursery under adult super vision is conducted each Sunday morning in the parsonage during the hour of the worship service. Parents are welcome to leave the children while at church, Easter is the greatest day of all the year In the life of the Christian church. This year as our thoughts and pruycrs are with those who arc far from home and who face Imminent danger, this Easter with its mes sage of Eternal Life should meun much to us. A complete program of in spiration and worship Is planned at this church next Sunday with the following services scheduled. A sunrise service of worship at 6:30 a. m. In the church sanc tuary to be conducted by mem bers of Comrades of the Way with the Church of Youth at tending in a body. Breakfast will be served to these groups follow ing the service in the commun ity hall. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. The church school service of worship at 9:45 a. in. with a spe cially prepared program to be given by the primary depart ment under the leadership of Mary Eckstein assisted by Mrs. R. B. Elliott. All departments to gether with their parents will meet in the church for this ser vice. The worship service at 1 1 a. m. in a beautifully decorated church. "Are We Immortal?" is the sermon theme of the minis ter as he speaks at this service. Music under the direction of Mrs. Henry W. Moore will In clude: Jubilate by Bortnainsky to be sung by the choir as a pre lude before entering the sanctu ary. The choir will also song "O Sons and Daughters," as the of fertory. Guest soloist for this ser vice will bo John Pasek, violin ist, who is playing two numbers, "Adoration" by Borowskl and "Prayer" by Ernst. The choir Is also to sing. "The Resurrection" by Hughes as a solo and chorus combination. The public is cordially invited to worship at this great service on Easter Sunday morning. Unity Center - I "Easter" will be the subject of i ncv. nora o. cuioi s aaurcas m the Unity Centes lecture Sunday at 8 p. m. In the banquet room of the Hotel Elk. The flower ceremony, which is such a lovely and vital part of the Unity Easter service, will also be given. A study class in truth funda mentals is held each Monday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. at 628 Pacific Terrace. These classes aro open to all who wish to at tend. Before and after each Sunday evening lecture the Unity library is open to the public where liter ature may be borrowed or pur chased. Each Monday forenoon Rev. Elliot will be at the Elk hotel for conferenco with any one in need of spiritual guidance or healing. Unity teaches that many peo ple In the world today are fol lowing Jesus in the Resurrection and aro rising from the tombs of fear, despair, death, ill health, sin, and want through the appli cation of the principles that Jesus taught and used. These principles, when understood and applied, arc efficacious in mak ing man whole and free. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all to attend the Easter ser vice and the Monday truth class. APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH 228 NORTH EIGHTH STREET Dedicates lh Nw . .' Hammond Electric Organ In Special Concert Friday Night, 7:45 p. m. Organist Miss Naomi Frost, Mcdfoxd, Oregon Organ Will B Heard Sunday, 11 a, m, ' Special Easter Service Alio 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic Servlc i ' ' SPEAKERS ' Rev, C. W, Frost Rr. B. J, Robinson Medford, Or. 8an Francisco, Calif. THE CHURCH WITHOUT A COLLECTION PLATE Knights Templar To Participate in Easter Services Calv a r y C o m m a n d e r y, Knights Templar, will partici pate in divine services at tho Klamath Lutheran church at 11 o'clock Easter Sunday morning, April 25, it was announced by Walter E. Wlcsendanger, emi nent commander. Sir Knights will report at the asylum In full templar uniform on the day at 10 a. m, for tho purpose of attending Easter ser vices In h body. The families and friends of Sir Knights are most cordially invited to bo present at the church, Scientist Tenth and Washington streets This church, a branch of Tho Mother church the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Muss., holds services each Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. "Probation After Death" Is the subject of tho Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, April 25. The Golden Text will be "God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave; for he shall receive me" (Ps. 49-15). Among the citations which will comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from tho Bible: "Yet, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and they stalf thpy comfort me" (Ps. 23:4). The Lesson-Sermon also will include tho following correlative passages from the Christian Sci ence textbook, "Science and Health with Key to tho Scrip tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "We know that all will bo changed 'in the. twinkling of an eye,' when the last trump shall sound; but this last call of wis dom cannot come till mortals have already yielded to each les ser call in the growth of Chris tian character. Mortals need not fancy that belief in the experi ence of death will awaken them to glorified being. Universal sal vation rests on progression and probation, and is unattainable without them" (p. 291), Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. A meeting which includes tes timonies of Christian Science healing Is held every Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. A frco Christian Science read ing room is located at 1023 Main street, whero the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrow ed or purchased. All are cordially invited to at tend the services and use the reading room. ' Radio program KFJI, 2 to 2:15 p. m. each Monday under the direction of committee on pub lication for Oregon. , Sacrsd Heart Catholic Church Corner of Eighth and High streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas tor. Sunaay masses are at 7 a. m., 8 a. m. 9:30 a. m., and 11 a. m, Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and 9:30 a. m. Confessions every Saturday and tho eves of Holy , days and first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m., and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Dally mass at 8 a. m. Religious Instruction classes are held every Saturday at 9:30 a. m. for Catholic children in public grade schools except dur ing vacation. High school dis cussion club meets every Sun day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex cept during vacation. First PrMbyttrlin Church The First Presbyterian church is located on North Sixth and Pino streets. The pnntor li the Rev. Thcodoro Smith, the choir director,. Lilllo E. Darby, and tho organist, Mrs. A. H. Dcnlton. The morning program with cantata by Nevin "The Cruci fied," Is presented elsewhere In this Issue, The time of opening for this special service Is 10:50 a. m. Evening worship Is at 7:30 o'clock and opens with the or gan preludo, "Andante," by Stults. Tho offertory Is "Memor ies" by Hopkins and the post lude, "Postlude," by Kern. The pastor will speak on "A Living Hope." Tho Bible school opens at 0:49 a. m. with Mrs. Theodore Smith, g o n e r a I superintendent, in charge. All classes will be held as usual, but the study period will be shortened on account of the Easter service following. Tho three Christian Endeavor groups meet at 6:30 p. m. To these societies of different ages all young peoplo aro cordially Invited, Bib! Auditorium The program for the week, un der the direction of Evangelist A. L. Beuiloy, Is as follows: Fri day night the subject will be 'Tho Coming of Elijah the Pro phet." Regular services will be conducted on Saturday begin ning at 9:30 a. m. Bible classes will be conducted for both old and young. At 11 o'clock the topic will be, "Can a Person Be Almost a Christian and Yot Be Saved?" "God's Unmlngled Wrath and the Seven Last Plagues" wilt be the subject for Sunday night, Tuesday night Evangelist Mac Laffcrty will speak on "Baby lon, the Mother of Harlots, and Her Daughters." Thursday night the topic will bo "Prophets and Divine Dreams." The public Is Invited to these special meetings which will con tinue for only a few weeks more. Come for the music beginning at 7:30 o'clock for the evening meetings. Church ot Christ (Downtown) All members and friends are extended a special and cordial invitation to attond the down town Church of Christ Sunday morning services: song scrvlco 10 a. m.; Blblo study, classes, 10:15 a. m.; sermon and wor ship, 11 a. m.; communion, 11:45 a. m.; evening services, 7:30 o'clock Located in the KC hall over tho Rainbow theatre, Church of Christ The loyal congregation of the Church of Christ meets regu larly at Shasta school. Bible classes convene at 10 . m. The regular Lord's day service Is at 11 a. m with the evening serv ice at 7:30 o'clock. Two hour bus service is available to tho school on Sundays. This con gregation should not be con fused with any other. Flowers Say It Best at EASTER In Profusion- PLANTS .. . Easter; Lilies Hydrangeas Fuchias ; : and Combinations CUT FLOWERS Roses , Carnations Snapdragons ' , Spring Flowers CORSAGES - Gardenias Roses ; ' Sweet Peas Orchids TELEGRAPH FLOWERS to distant cities by Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Service,. We Are Bonded Members ' Deliveries Restricted' ) Please Carry Your Own .Open All Day Easter Sunday Moeller's Klamath Flower Shop 1211 Main St. . .... Phone 4159 BIBLE BAPTIST GIVES PROGRAM FOR EASTER In addition' to th regular Easter service at 10 o'clock at the Bible Baptist church, Wiard street and South Sixth, there will be a special Easter program at 7:45 p, m under the super vision ot Frances Smith, super intendent. Various department of the Bible school from pri mary to adults will take part. Mrs. Frank Rafson will be th guest soloist, Tho resurrection story In oil colors will bo prosentod wllh-s special lighting effects. This i something entirely new to Klam ath Falls, and will be long re membered, as th plcturo takes form before your oyes. This Is not to be confused with other forms of picture or chalk talks. The pastor, G. W. Whealloy, will speak at the 10 o'clock service on "God's Model of an Argument." An Easter mensaga new and refreshing from God ' word. At this service all who attend will receive a beautiful souvenir folder of the service and a spe cial Easter gift. Friends planning to attend this service are asked to observe the starting time, which is 10 o'clock. Pilgrim Holiness ' Located at 222B Wanttand avenue, Rev, Sherman Moor,, -v. pastor. Following a short les-i on period, our Sunday school will present Its program. Uniquely, the wondrous Easttr story will be portrayed by th u s e of music, flannel board, chalk and art object. Th pro gram is as follows: 'Th Angel's Message," by th cradle roll under th dlreo tion of Mrs. Hazel Heubleln. 'The Lesson of the Cross" by the beginners' class under th direction of Mrs.- Leona Hayes, 'The Crucifixion," with chalk sketch by the primary class un der th direction of Mis Mil. dred Calhoun, 'Th Resurrection," junior class, using the flannel board under the direction ot Mrs. Vir ginia Shearer. Reading and Scrlptur by th,. Intermediate classes under th) direction of James Graham. For hi Easter sermon, th pastor his chosen th sutject, "Resurrection Power." His top ic for the evening will be, "Pre sent Tense Salvation." The services will be supported by appropriate vocal and orchestral music. W Invito you to wor ship with us. Regular service are: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; worship, 11a. m.; Junior league, 6:30 p. m.; vangclist sorvic, 7:45 p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Sunday, April 25 t D b