HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON April 22. IMS PAGE six m ssjI STOCK STEADY " ..a ShcmA ManJzetl and fyincMxtial f rOU know how it'i possible to ee clear through a bot tle of colorless or light-col ored liquid . . . Well, a new line ot toiletries lor men has taken advantage of that In a very clever way that makes awfully attractive bot tles designed to appeal to men. If you've been in Currin's re cently, you've seen them, prob ably . . . The toiletries arc call ed "Sportsman," and all the pic tures are appropriate to this great sportsmen's country! For instance, take a bottle of shaving lotion . . , The glass is clear and the liquid is a cool green ... On the front of the bottle is a silhouette, in color, of a duck rising out of the wa ter .. . And on the other side of the bottle, visible through the green liquid, are the reeds and coarse grass on shore . . . Making an amazingly lifelike background for the duck. Anything in the "Sportsman" . line would make a dandy gift for a man ... In the bottles, In various sizes, are shaving lo tion, hair dressing and cologne . . . And the shaving cream comes in a duck, with the duck's back for a lid! Prices? . . . Well, single items cost from $1.50 to $2.50 . . . .-And sets cost from $3 to $5. And I know any man would enjoy the high quality and mas- culine fragrance of the "Sports man" line ... (So will you!) By the way , . . They were unpacking big boxes while I was at Currin's Tuesday . . . The first shipment of Seaforth for Men toiletries since Christ mas ... So now there's a full selection of these old stand-bys. - Mod SINCE costume jewelry is so important now I think I ought to tell you about the big selection at Moe's . . . including tne "better ewel ry" for which you can pay up to $19.85. This is sterling silver or plas ' tic, set with rhinestones or Czechoslovakian brilliants, and, of course, it more delicately made than the less inexpensive costume jewelry . . . Some is un-set sterling silver, too . . And it's all very lovely. Most of the "junk jewelry.' as we gals fondly call it, runs to color and size ... As you'll see at Moe's ... This is by de sign to set off natural or beige tones which are so plentiful now, or to accent pastel cos tumes. Large, bright beads are tre mendously popular . . . Wheth' er ineyre made of wood or plastic . . . And you can have several of different colors be cause they're so inexpensive ... You'll find them on. the table of $1 to $1.95 pieces. And, of course, pearls always are good . . . Moe's has them in all sizes, any number of strands and in earrings, brace lets and necklaces ... At prices up to $6.50. There are some ceramic pins at Moe's that had me fooled un til I picked them up . . .- They're covered with gilt and look like gold jewelry . . . But their lack of weight gives them awayl You'll find some darling lit tle Humel-type figures in cera mic pins ... And multiple strand necklaces of shells . , . In fact there's just about every kind of costume jewelry at Moe's. 0 IINENS are so hard to get now that I simply must tell you what I saw at Garce lon's yesterday ... A whole new shipment of lace din ner clothsl There are several different sizes and qualities . . . And the prices range from $2.25 to $12.50. Rationing hasn't affected plans for Easter entertaining very much ... I really was sur prised at the number of break fasts, brunches and dinners I've learned are going to be given next Sunday. , At Garcelon's they told me that quite a few people have asked them for suggestions on Easter entertaining and table decoration ... So I might men tion here that everyone there, from Mrs. Garcclon on down, is very helpful . whenever ad vice is needed on those things. And don't forget this store , carries the nicest things in town . , . In Fostoria and Duncan Rlassware, Haviland, Spode and the new, utterly lovely Fran ciscan china . . , You'll find many patterns, for new sets or fill-ins, at Garcelons. NE nice thing about being laid up is that your friends bring you the best books they can find ... So I'm prepared to talk about my reading ... All of it from books that you will find at Shaw Sta tionery. For chuckles and genuine en joyment there is "The Human Comedy" by William Saroyan . . . Written in his understand ing style and full of homely hu mor. It's about Homer, "the fastest messenger boy in the San Joaquin valley" . . . About his little brother, Ulysses, whose unsure steps and curiosity get him into little-boy predicaments . . . And about his big brother, Mark, who is in the army . .' . It's a book you'll think about after reading. Pearl Harbor "For All Men Born," by Mar garet Mackprang Mackay, is en tirely different . . . But it leaves you with the same kind of feel ing, somehow. It's about a group of people in Hawaii and starts in August, 1941 . . . Honolulu, the meeting place of nationalities, just be fore the attack on Pearl Har bor was a place of intriguing interest ... It was a miniature, world, and the book deals with English, Austrian, Hawaiian born, American, Dutch, Jap, Filipino and Chinese, who are thrown together there. Then the Japs attack Pearl Harbor and each one is vitally af.":ted in some way . . . The attack does something to the life of each one . . . Especially the hero and heroine. California Win ' When Mrs. Shaw brought up this book she said, "You'll like it, because it's such a nice story" . . . Well, I'd say it was more than that! It's called "The Cup and the Sword" and is by Alice Tisdale Hobart, who wrote "Oil for the Lamps of China" . . . This one is laid in the grape districts of tne Ssan Joaquin and Napa val leys of California, in the period between the two world wars . . . About a family that be lieved in the wine they made as in the honor of themselves and their relatives . . . It's very well done. Occupied Franc Ethel Vance, who leaped to fame as the author of "Escape," has written another novel full of suspense and human interest . . . It s called "Reprisal" . . . It centers on a love story, but the background is devoted to six people in Occupied France . . . At the time when the mur der of a German officer of oc cupation brings reprisal the taking of 20 hostages who are to be shot if the murderer is not found within three days. Well, this is getting long, so I'll continue about books next j week. DESPITE LOSS OF EASY GAINS Br VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, April 22 P Stocks were relatively steady to day despite the market's inabil ity to hold in full the moderate gains established in the early dealings. Utilities showed considerable activity for a time, especially the lower priced group. Volume generally tapered after midday but total dealings again topped a million shares. Stocks attracting a little sup port during most of the session included U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Boeing, Doug las, Western Union, Electric Power and Light, Anaconda, Air Reduction, American Can, Stan dard Oil (N. J.), Western Un ion, Electric Power and Light and Engineers Public Service. Rails held within small frac tions of the previous closings. Among specialties, best foods dis played some strength on a fair turnover. , Closing quotations: American Can . 801 Am Car It Fdy 331 Am Tel & Tel Uit Anaconda 394 Calif Packing 27 Cat Tractor . 46 General Electric General Motors Gt Nor Ry pfd Illinois Central Int Harvester Kennecott .... Lockheed . Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv N Y Central Northern Pacific Pac Gas & El Packard Motor Penna R R Republic Steel Richfield OH Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Brands . Sunshine Mining Trans-America 9i Union Oil Calif 19 Union Pacific 9U U S Steel .:. 551 Warner Pictures 13 choice 180-360 lbs. $24.00-15.05; top $15.05; good 360-550 lbs. sows $14.50-75. Salable cattle 4000; salable calves 800; good and choice fed steers and yearlings 10-15 cents higher; nothing strictly choice here; top $17.10; best yearlings $16.75; bulk fed steers and year lings $14.25-16.75: medium to good beef cows strong at $12.00 upward; several strictly good lots $14.00 and canners and cut ters $7.50-9.75; vealcrs fully steady at $14.50-16.00; light, thin cattle moderately active ' at $13.50-1 5.50. Salable sheep 9000; total 9500; late Wednesday good to choice fed western wooled lambs 90-100 lbs., $25.40-90; good and choice fed western clipped lambs with No. 1 and 2 skins $15.00-15; sheep stead'; top $9.50 on odd head choice ewes; others down ward to $9.25 and below. To day's trade-fat lambs slow; gen erally asking fully steady prices and refusing lower bids early; talking around $15.50-75 on good to choice fed wooled lambs now held at $15.90-16.00; undcrtoned about steady on sheep; or around $8.00-8.25 on good and choice ewes. 351 50 291 13i 67i 33 221 9! 39i 9i 17i 15) 28? 41 291 171 93 40 688 251 61 6k i HEARD good news at Whyt al's yesterday ... All the Alexandra de Markofi lip sticks will be priced at $1 for the duration... They have been $1.50 up to now, you know . And do I love the texture and the shades! By the way, have you ever used Alexandra de Markoff "Veil of Beauty"? It's entirely different from any foundation cream I've ever used . . . Part ly, I suppose, because it's more than a foundation . . , You can dispense with powder altogether Although I always add a little powder on my nose. My shade is Rose Perle . . . And it does something for my complexion nothing else does Especially after I've snrav- ed Fragrant Fern Cologne all over me, with that cool, elusive fragrance of fresh, damp ferns that is so stimulating. Speaking of that, have vou yet tried the Alexandra de Mar- Kou "rloating Bath Mitts"? They really float, you know . . . The only mitts that do . . . And it takes ages to get all the fluf fy bubbles and velvety lather out of them ... The flnw.r fragrances cling to you a lontf time, too. A box of Floating Bath Mill would make a wonderful Easter gift for yourself or a friend , , . Five in a box cost $2.25. At WhyUl's. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, April 22 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable 25 nominal; steers, heif ers, and range cows absent; few common cows $10.00-25, bulk cutters $9.00-50, canners $7.50 $8.25; medium bulls $11.00- $12.00; calves 500. Nominal; about 500 head southwest calves through. HOGS: Salable 150. Around 5' lower; about load and package good barrows and gilts $15.15 25, latter extreme top; odd good sows $14.25. SHEEP: Salable none. Nomi nal; good to choice spring lambs quoted $15.00-75; medium to choice ewes $7.00-$8.00. CHICAGO, April 22 (AP USDA) Salable hogs 10,000; total 20,000; steady, good and PORTLAND, Ore., April 22 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable and total 150; calves salable 25, total 40; market active, mostly steady on kinds available; qual ity rather poor: steers and heif ers scarce; medium and good fed steers salable around $15.00 16.50; common heifers $10.50 to $12.00; cahncr and cutter cows $7.00-9.25; fat dairy type cows $9.50-10.5; odd heifers to $11.00 and above; good heavy beef cows up to $12.75; medium-good bulls $12.00-13.50, odd head $14.00; common bulls down to $10.50; good vealers $15.50-16.00, choice quotable to $16.50. HOGS: Salable 350, total 500; market active, 25 cents higher; good and choice 180-235 lbs. 15.10-25; 250-300 lbs. $14.50-75; light lights $14.00-50; good sows steady at $13.25-50: choice light feeder pigs quotable to $17.50. SHEEP: Salable 50, total 100; market steady but mostly nomi nal' medium springs lambs $15, common down to $11.50; com mon wooled lambs $10.50; good choice fed lambs salable up to $15.50 or above; good ewes sal able $8.00-50. WLB GETS DISPUTE WASHINGTON, .April 22 M) Secretary of Labor Perkins an nounced today she had certified the soft coal wage dispute to the war labor board. ora REVISES PRICE LIST POULTRY WASHINGTON, April 23 m Tho office of price administra tion today revised poultry prices throughout the country and an nounced "a campaign to smash the black market in poultry." The price order, effective Im mediately, establishes uniform prices for each type of poultry and cut the current prices of drawn and quick-frozen eviscer ated poultry by 1 to 10 cents per pound, but Increased prices of quick-frozen eviscerated broil ers and fryers by li to 2 cents per pound. The new prices were based on cost at country shipping points, replacing a former system based on cost of delivery to tho buyer, Under the old system, buyers of different cities could lcgully of' fer varying prices for the same poultry on the same farm, and officials said this encouraged black market activities. Although the new order di rectly affects only . country prices. OPA determines whole sale and retail prices by percent' age markups on the country LEGAL NOTICES' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed I Administrator of the Estate of I Harry M. Acklcy. Deceased, and I the copartnership of the Acklcy i Lumber Company, by the Circuit I Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has quali fied. All persons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of Wm. Ktiykendall. Ill South Seventh Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from April 15, 1943. E. M. BUBB, Administrator. A. 15. 22, 29; M. 6 No. 220. TIGHTENS FALSE ITEETH P E L E S- SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lom .of Tim Ptrminont RMUHsl DR. E. M. MARSHA CMraprictla PhyoltJM tM No. 7th - IKjulr. TMatrl llds- price, and officials said both J $1,441, July $1,431-1, corn win . . . . ... i , --lit..... Muu wholesale and retail prices will be expected to conform to the now country prices. WHEAT CHICAGO. April 22 (VT) Trading in grains win listless and price changes minor today as little interest was shown hi making new commitments In view of tomorrow's Good Friday holiday. Oats displayed strength at one time, serving to firm oth er sections of tho market. Wheat closed i-ic higher, May unchnnged at collings, May $1.05. oats advanced i-lo and ryo was up .1 cents, BOSTON WOOL BOSTON. April 22 (AP-USDA) Mi'diuiu wools wcr In demand today by manufacturers for tine in Himy blanket orders, i Sales of country-graded three-eighths and qutirlcr-blood wools were murin at tlin following grease hams prices, delivered mill: Ohio and Michigan, 54c; Missouri 53ic; Iowa and Minnesota, 52ic. Prices to growers In the fleece wool sillies wore rrpunou a llulitlv easier. To make your conscience fori nice, Miiko a llltle sacrifice Buy a War Bond todtyl Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slid or Slip rmtMH. Ifl liiiitol ftnt1rr In h cftrlnhl") nn Ur ft nt plat, hnlili faftr I'Mlt mot flitnlr In pUr, Do n-.l fit,, flip rf riwh. Nn 1'iM.tm. gfif. a. it Lit or r"t. KAH tf.K Nl U IMIlnt Itt'ill rlr ). HoM rhrrk "lal n.w (.ioitif tiffaih), lift nmrrm t ny flriti tnrr. inw m. !. V if: Mtim 'M la M c at anofTW. rooo MAmurt, ecucATUtiM irons AN WHCfKVt COOO THINOS AM MU OR NO COST 9iW titf HOT A rOWBEl, MOT A PASTE Km It HEW. EAST. MOWTY-SAYWC WAY TO QOTCH.T W hit Im FIT TIGHTER. Maratr ijpT ironT to yfa tod pUe movOu H bJ a triad, ft atxra toHdlto, AMbr pfcto mwjlr to tt afetpa at m mtxA. tutooq a bettor Bl No tarn or boibar. Not a paato m powdar yon haa to ppT Mti day lOTTT tiemai p-art el aa ptato . . . aotid, toatolaaa. fcamlam ttataral to. eeaar. ar to daaa and awftofy. etooOficUy , dialgnici to eoaapanaato tor Mami ahrtokaajt and 4w wciMtoa. lUaaw ptatos at hea. Saa aTMnar Om appUeattoa laala lor aeafta. Eatoy OMMft eeaafcxt Tfj KUDT. MONEY BACK g no aaltolad. Sold bv Lit HI NORtCKt, IAST IIOI PHARMACY, IVIRBOPY'I ORUQ STORE and othar good druftKUIfc Daffodil Cake A delicious blend' of tender fluffy Angel Food and Sunshine Cake. ' Iced with a creamy butter icing and decorated with daffodils. Saturday Spacial $1.00 Easter Cookies Assorted dozen 30c Hot Cross Buns Is dozen 40c Full of Choice Fruits Purex- Gal. 47 M Gal. 25t Quart 14 Dus Granulated Soap Top Valuat Buy Bonds Buy Dusl Lira Pkg 23 Ivory Soap, Ntw Improved, Gutst Sis ........ 4 for 19 Camay, New Improved 3 Cakas 19t Spry. (15 points) 3 -Lb, Glass Jar 70 C Boraxo, 10-Os 2 Ctns. 25C Borax Powdar - 2-Lb. Pkg.25C Cinamit Ctreal .... Lg. Pkg. 37 Drifted Bnow Flour 25 Lbs. $l.JO Swanidown Flour ... 49 Lbs. $2.09 Crater Lak Chi (8 Points) Lb, 38 Crattr Lak Butttr (8 points) Lb. 55 Nuco OUomargarln (8 Points) Lb. 25 Ptanui Butter, Cardan No. I 2-Lb. Jar 53 Royal Club Egg-Noodlts and Chicken Lb. Jar 27 Salad Dressing, Table Qun Full Ouart 31 NalUys PlckUi, Assorted 12-Ot. 17 Egg-Dysi, Past 3 Pkgs. 25 GRADE A LARGE EGGS DOZ. 38e HAMS -HAMS PRE-COOKED. PLENTY FOR EA8TER M WHOLE OR SLICED Pork Steak Lb. 34c Beef Roast Bi.d. cut Lb. 29c Veal Roast .. Lb. 33c Sirloin Steak Fancy Bttf Lb, 39c Beef Liver Lb. 32c Com In and 8 Our Variaty of Choic Mtats MAKE THIS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR TURKEYS AND POULTRY. FOR YOUR EASTER DINNER PEAS 18c (16B) points. mtdlum its swtet tandtr varltty Buy lh best for your points. SALMON 25c (7R) points. Whltworth somtthlng dllftrtnt at Emll'i always CRACKERS J lb. b0K 31c Krlspy sodas slightly salttd wafers and priced right. GREEN LIMAS low 15c (11B) points. Tiny sis tndr. grn limts to srv with Eattar ham. CORN J0.OI.,lB 17c (14B) points. Diamond A golden yellow krnls. MALTED MILK l0, pk, 21c 0 points. Nstli It's good. Oranges Florida Thin Skin, Swot ........ Lb. 9c Radishes and Onions vXX. 27c Lettuce Ntw Crop, rrh tnd CrUp HMd 15c Calovas Extra Larg .,...... ., for 29c Points prlc, (3R) Cltantd Shrimp, $& 7.0li ttn 33,5 (3R) Royal Club Shrimp 8-Tl-oi. tin 30 (4R) Rd Salmon 8-os, tin 35 (7R) Cosmo Pink Salmon le-os. tin 25 (4R) Mlncd Clams, 7.01. 28 (SR) Swift's Prm u'.'et. tin 35 (SR) Wilton's Mor J2.M 35 (4R) Sardin FULL, . B os'. 17 (3R) Royal Crabm.it 6H.oi 53 (8B) Welch'. Grip Julc 32.0E. , 4g (I0B) C.H.B. Tomato Julc i5.01i tn g,t (22B) Xffr Tomato Julc 48.0l, tin 23 (14B) Uteri Grten Beans 20-os, tin 15 Get This Pre-War Special 1 Packsg Post's 40 Bran Flakts FREE With Each Paekag Giant Post Toattle. 13c