April 22, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE F1VB Btlurni Mm. A, S. Zcll, of IIHO C'ullfonilu avenue, Iiuh ro turned from a visit lo Clove Wind, O., where slip enjoyed a vlult Willi her nun, Howe, who In In tint U. 8. navy, completing hprclnl training In tlia biircuu of accounts unit supplies there While there ilia visited Niagara Fnlln, and reports tlmt the poc tliclo thoro "fnlrly takes your I) run Ih iiwuy." There whs atlll Ice on Lake Erie when she rcuchnd Clnvolund, and reports that the weather waa quits cool (liirlng her sojourn there. Haturni Mia, Svcrro Munson hus rolurnod to her elude lit J. C. Penney company after a two weeks' vacation. In conipuny with her mother, Mr. Murthii SJodln and children, Mm, Mini noil vlnltvd friends and relative in Ucllliighain, Wash. While thera ha met her cousin, Zlndu Mathson of Aitkin, Minn., who la employed at Hoeing aircraft. Tho two hnd not met In 14 ycnri. Maundy Thursday Services of holy communion and aermon will ba observed at St. Paul's .'Episcopal church tonlRht, Maundy Thuraduy, at 7.30 o'clock. It waa announced by the Nov. Frederick C. Wlssenbach, rector. Tho three-hour acrvlce will be held Friday from 12 noon lo 3 p. m. On Saturday, services of baptlam will take place. Sarvlclng Planaa Beverly Sandera of the Wavoi la now aviation machlnlat, aervlclng planoi at tho no vii I training Mo tion at Memphla, Tenn, Ilcvorlcy i the duughlcr of Mr, und Mm. A. H. Reed of 312 McKlnloy atreet. Back at Work Phyllis Duf fey, atonoKrupher with t h e Klumath county public health unit, hua resumed her position following an attack of flu. Miss Duffy waa confined to her home, 3208 Shata way. From Seattls Mm. D. J. Mc- Thee of Seattle haa arrived from the north to vialt with her sister, Mm. W. P. McCauley at tho Har ry D. Bolvin homo on Washing ton atrcot. Vacation Betty Nolpp of 2318 South Sixth atrect, haa re turned for En.itor vacation with her parenta, Mr. and Mm. W. B. Neipp and family. Miss Nolpp la In training at Mercy College Expactad Homa T. S. Abbott of the Great Northern railway la expected home ths first of the week from Moyo Brothers clnic In Rochester, Minn., where he haa received treatment. Hla con dition la Improved. Meailai Tho commuiilcublu disousu bulletin issued by the Oregon atalo board of lieulth Hated measles na tho leading ail ment during the week ending April 17. In Kliunuth county alone, where physician reported 10U per cent, there were 37 fuses of measles, ono cuao of chicken pox, three of mumps, and thrco of syphilis, The entire state, during that week, reported 387 ensea uf niciixloH. Delegates Mm. Thomas Mc- Kinney, Mrs, E. E. Elnarson, Mm. Vemo Spiers, Mm, Herbert Dixon, Mm. Wuller Clnrcy ond Mm, Kin 1 1 Hearth, superinten dent of tho Sunday school of the Church of the Nuziircne in Klamath Kalis will go oa dele gates this coming week to the district assembly of that church In Kelso,. Wash. To Medford Mm. Gerald Russell, daughter-in-law of Rev. and Mm. H. L. Russell, will spend tho weekend ut Mcdford visiting her husband who la sta tioned at Cinnp White, uflerwnrd continuing to Snoqunlmlc, Wash., whcro Rev. Russell has accepted a pastorute. Attend Clinic Lydla Krickc Howard mid Bluncho O'Mulley of tho Klamath county public health unit, returned homo Wed nesday night from Bend where they attended a crippled chil dren's clinic conducted by Dr. Lewis D. Chirk, director of crip pled chlldrcn'a eervlec, and Dr. Klmbcrlcy, both of Portland. Return Homo Mm. Glenn E. Jones and daughter, Sally Glyn havo returned to Klamath Falls after a two-wecka visit in Port land with Mm. Jones' father, W. R. Ellis. lug her husbuiid, Ciipl. Priest, U, H. army modlvul corps, who was recently transferred to Tuc son from Stockton, Calif, Rosorvatlona Plans are com pleted for Ihn annual Easter Monday bridge teu to be given by St. I'aiil's guild In the Wlllurd hotel next Monday, April 28, All women of tho city uro Invited. Reservations may ba made by culling a member of tho commit tee, Mrs. Raymond H. Reeves, Mm. DcLos Mills, Mrs. E. B. Gocckncr, Mrs, Hoy Lee, Mm. Joseph PUand and Mm. Marvin K. Lucas, Visiting Mm. William Toml son, tho former Sylvia Hopkins, la visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mm. Ralph S. Hopkins of Honlcy. Mm, Tomlson will be hero for two weeka from her homo In Portland. Raturn Homo Mr. and Mm. J. Frank Adums of Merrill, re turned homo Wednesday from Reno where, their marriage oc curred this week. Mm. Adams I the former Ruth Turner of this city. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Fab. 15, 1843) Train 18 Southbound! 8 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southbound! 7 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 10 p. m. Modford Stag, Westbound, 3:30 p. m., Evening Airmail. Btagaa to Alturas, Ashland, Lake view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m. parly Friday, April 2.'), at 2 p. m. In tho Mooso hall. This is the fourth in tho card party ae ries. Tho public Is invited, Runnings Bala Vanlura club Is giving a rummage sale Satur day, April 24, at tho former Tim's delleutcsson locution on North Ninth atrect behind Why tul's. Hours will be between 10 a, m. and 8 p. m. Special Mooting Tho Neigh bors of Woodcraft will hold a special meeting in the KC hall Friday, April 23, at 5:30 p. m. The purposo of this meeting is for general business and to bal lot on candidates. All members are urged to attend. Merry Mixers Tho Merry Mixem will meet Thursday eve ning, April 22, at 8 p. m. at the home of Lizzie Little, 2444 Orchard way. If It'a a "frozen" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified. Rozendal Attends Venereal Disease Control Course Dr. Peter H. Rozendal, Klam ath county health officer, Is at tending a six weeks' special course in venereal disease con trol now being held In Hot Springs, Ark. The course Is sponsored by the United States public health service. Only one other Oregon doctor is attending the session, Dr, Ro zendal la expected to return the last week In May, ' PROMPTLY RELIEVES TORTURE OF ITCHY SKI II RASH (due to external earn) Zemo a Doetor'a liquid formula , promptly toIIbvm Itrh of simple skis nth. Aids hrallnf. Only mm mm mm . 85. All drusatoras. e&KIVIU Bona of Norway Sons of Norway .will meet in the IOOF hall Saturday at 8 p, m. The business session will bo followed by cards and refreshments. Members and friends aro urged to attend. ' - Moose Card Parly The Wom en of the Mooso will hold a card From Dunsmulr Mrs. Paul , Livingston of Dunsmulr is spend ing several days here. Her bus-! band Is a Southern Pacific cngl-! necr. j Improved Bordcna Rccdcr, lieutenant in the Oregon Wom en's Ambulunco corps, has re covered from a severe attock of Influenza. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McMastcrs of Portland, who have been visiting relatives here, returned on Wednesday evening to their home. To Dunsmulr Mrs. Timothy Murphy has returned to her home In Dunsmulr after a week's visit hero with friends and relatives. Stamp Sale Conger school's Hitler's birthday atamp sale netted $228.60 Tuesday. Tho stamp sales are held after school, To Arliona Mrs. Allan Priest, who Is making her home here ut the Clara Show residence on Homcdnlo road, plans to leave Friday" for Tucson, Arlz.rwhore sho will spend two weeks visit- GET WONDERFUL RELIEF ret Bora mm lick el Simple PILES!! lUmplf pllta need not wrsti mt4 torture) fv with meddentnt Itch, burn en4 Irrita tion, gleert'e tyr.m4 fleppeeherlee brine: lultk, wekume rlttf. Their Ty medka tlun mtin reel cumfert. reduce etreln, help tlihten releied membra nee, vently lubricate end ao'lena. Protective and antt f he An jr. e to ue. It'a wonderful to be free of pile torture avaln. (let srenuln ftteaii't Prraatld Snpeaellartes at your drug tore without delay 0c end 11.20 on aakw'e money-hac iruarantee, l.'S'-'C: 2YV s" v-- .V"?- ... I REFLECTED IN PATENTS BY JOIIANSEX FRIVOLOUS . . . FLIRTATIOUS . . . 8PIRITCDI 0LEAMIN3 BRIGHT PATENT WITH MA$S.PERFSI WEAR THEM NOW WITH 8UIT8 AND LATER 0f ' , . WITH YOUR FAVORITE PRINT8 AND 8HEER8. $"795 7 MODEL A Shoe ioe loys' Trontwood-Tw FINE SUITS 1275 Smart herringbones and ovcrplaids packed full of stamina! Perfectly tailor ed models, tool 10-20. Jr. Rugby Stylos 8.80 Mannish young coat and longles models in tough fabrics. Sizes 2 to 8. MOui Don't overlook" the importance of jacket and skirt out- And above ,'gll, . theyltakejthe I every-day strain fits this year. They're amazingly flexible I In matching your hard-to-reploce, wardrobe, colors, they're suits. In contrasts, they're sports outfits.1 .- ...'! '".-T. . A dressy blouse makes them dressy a tailored one transforms them into business garb and a. sweater, makes them good for school or sports wear.? That's" why jackets andskirts play s'uchan important! role this Easter when only. the. USEFUL is'smart for, wartime wardrobesIA 4 Blacki! Perfectly Tailored Rayon Gabardine 298 Now when you need them most a wonderful pur chase of slack suits. Choose from new tapered slacks in hard weave Gab-, ardine some belted with saddle stitching others plain Lovely new colors. Sizes 12-20. Spring Stylo in Mony-Seoson Fobrics! TOWN-CLAD FINE SUITS 2975 e Fine All Wool Worsteds I e Perfectly Draped Modelsl e Season's Bost Patterns! A round-robin of Easter per fection all wrapped up In ono value-packed suit of clothesl Style that wins them tho place of honor In any Easter Parade with enough good taste to keep in fashion ' for years to come (and with stamina to match!) And alt tagged with YOUR kind of price, tool In The Eastor PIcturol Marathon HATS 298 Stylos that make your entire outfit ' look "right"! Find" fur foils In handsomo regular weights, mid --many light- weights with plans for tho summer soasonl Perfectly de tailed, tool Hog. U. S. Pat. Off. . - Y ; 4 1 If - V1- . I ... ff.K'v-p.-t : I Sill It x- J 98 Frock to Lead the . Easter Parade! LADIES DRESSES 7 9b BRILLIANT JERSEY PRINTS! SOPHISTICATED BLACK AND NAVY! MANY OTHERS It's "love at first sight" for these new Austelle frocks; ' Long on femininity and charm, they're just the lovely dresses you want for Easter. We've a marvelous col- .. ' lection here rat a wartime savings, tool' Sizes 9-44. " Easter Outfit for Little Siitet V. MISSES' PASTEL SUITS 7?0 Who says we've forgotten little sister for Easter? : She's the little girl who's a great favorite herel 1 . (Una. J suits for her correctly styled iT (S, long wearing inrougn spring ana v ; t 0 low priceai sizes & 10 Bi4. f k.. jjj ' it With The Spring-like Touches ' WOMEN'S STRAW HATS Tiny f lower-covered. calots . . ..amus-.. ng little padre sailors . . . Dashing' pompadour hats and gay berets in every form! You'll love every one of them on sight! Come in today and have your hat selected by the time you ensemble your whole outfit. . All smartly trimmed and veiled. Gayly Trimmed Hats 2.98 Give your Easter Costume that 'extra' touch with one of these smart hats! Exquisite styles . . .-bright colors! FILL ALL YOUH $TANf Books Styled For Your Easter! COATS AND SUITS Smart New Spring Designs! BUDGET DRESSES e Boxy Sport Styles e Fitted Dressy Type: 1650 498 Your fashion sense will be de lighted with these' new, inex pensive styles for Easter! Smart sports coats in all-wool Shetland or dressy types in rayon twill. Lovely suits in rayon-and-wool plaid or solid toned all-wool Shetland in ' sport or dressy styles. Smart spring colors, 17.20. e Ono or Two-Piece Styles . e Dressy or Casual Types Classic styles that you will find . both practical and pretty! Love- . ly jacket frocks of new, linen- .' like rayon that will wear well and long! Other smart styles in shirtwaist or dirndl types) -12 to 20. - 1 " iitfuVihfr.Mli Color In Your Accessories! Spring Gloves 98c Trim little sliortie styles to wear with your suits, or a gracious long length for dress wear. All smartly stitched! Soft suede fab rics in lovely Easter colors! Complete Your Outfit! Smart Handbags 1.59 Each one styled with all the tricks of the season! Wonderful ' big pouches, slim envelope styles to tuck underarm, or good looking top-handle types. Attractive shades! Flower-like Wisps! . Handkerchiefs 23c Big cotton, squares Just strewn with spring flowers to bloom from your pocket or peek' from your bag. Lovely sheer batiste in an extra large size. You'll want several! Sheer Flattery For Spring Rayon Hosiery 79c Sleek-look Ing with 8 clear dull finish that smart hos iery demands! Dressy sheers or heavier service weights so practical for everyday wear! Compli mentary shades. i fa bBAHi? lift AS IS (IHribU 717 MAIN