April 22. 1013 .iERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREB MARTINEZ TO ASSIST LOCAL SCOUT LEADER Tho executive bnurd of the Modoc Anm council uniimiiicos tli oniployinciit of Lloyd Pnrkcr Mnrllnrr. an iisslstiinl Boy .Scout executive, cffuellvo Miiy 1, 10411, AccordliiU to K. U. Kliihn, coun cil pieflldmil, Miirllnrz whs elm sm becuuse of III excellent ncoutliiK record unci hid flna celu cntlonnl l)iickKruund. Miii'llncr. in ii i i 1 1 1 1 v o of Tiios, N, M., (i'iduiited from the Uni versity of New Mexico mid took Ki-iKluiito work ut the University of WuNhliiKton, Ho luui been p Kcovilmiislcr for five yenm unci is a uniduiite of tho mitlonnl trulnluK school for scout execu tives. Miirtlucz comeii to thin Doy Seout council to Incrcuso ,-Jho cffectlvcneiiit of tho Boy j.Scout proKrum in the nix mid one-luiir counties served by the council mid us a cllmux to a pro Kiiiiii started two yearn ana to employ a. second professlonnl scout executive for the lurge lll'l'll. Miirtluex will work with Scout Executive liobrrt II. Liunott, nnd will do spec I ill work In the Fre mont nnd I-uko county districts. Ho is expected to report for work on or about April 28. Special attention will bo illven by tho council to tho mutter of oruun i.lnif new troops and to ontab li.iliment of n stronu Cubbing prourum for boys from 9 to 11 years of iikc. Idaho Ranch Man Killed in Home Shooting Fray O PAYETTE, Ida., April 22 (IP) Tom Ilurrls, prominent Pnyetto rancher who was shot in his apartment Monday nliiht, died, nnd his partner, Earl Clark, was held today on an open charge pendlmt invcstlKiition. Prosecutor W, R. McClurc called an inquest. McClure nnd Chief of Police Cecil Mose declined to comment oiv tho shooting except to sny Harris was shot in Ills apart ment, that Clark and four other persons were present, nnd that Clark was held. Harris was wounded In the shoulder, hip, chest and abdo men, Undo Sam your money's asking So the bombs can keep on blast IllK ) Bur a War Bond todayl . National I Commentat' 1 "SOME OF 1 AMERICA' I I nCCB I COMES FROM 1 BATTLE" ii ..j I I lot clarity. P BB uav" I Tk FAMOUS 1 ''", I 1 S E A i 1 vj '4 w i & AlniliKllo miilfnt nnl, nver A hjr wpIrIiI. OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE Completes Training Prlvutc Glen W, Slough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Stough, 2211) Kt- nii street, has oompletcd his four months , training ut Cump Hubert, Calif., and lias been f transferred t o l Indlo, Culir., for desert maneuv ers. Glen serves ax radio techni cian in tho field artillery. He at tended Klamath SO a Union high school here and was also "n former Herald-News car rier, for about four years. Naval Aviation Cadet Glenn I). Plato of Lakoview, Ore, was . - a member of his battalion obsta cle team at the ,U. S. navy pro- flight school at Athens, Gu which reached the finals of the regimental champion ship. In tho rugged physical conditioning program there, every' future navy flier competes in nine sports. . CHILOQUIN Tho commun ity of Chiloquin enjoyed seeing tho many boys homo on fur- lough during tho punt two weeks. One was Harold Collins, 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Collins. Hurold lias been ut Kur rugut navy buso on beautiful Pond 'Oreille lake at Sundpont, Idaho, for the pust nine weeks. IN AUSTRA LIA Earl C. Dccrlng,, S. K. .'lc enlisted in the Seabees in August, 11)42, and .was called into service in November Ho was stationed In Ithodc Island for some time, but at present is In Australia, IN NORTH AFRICA Corp. Stanford Revenue, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Sllvcy of .'ISO.') Sum mers lane, has written an In teresting letter homo from North Africa. Ho tells his fam ily that he "nev er felt better In his life" but thut tho Ameri can soldier lives out of tin cans, "which Isn't half bad," and all the milk is powdered, "I haven't hud a glass of fresh milk for months," Stanford writes. "Wo see very Interesting things here and tho natives treut us very well. Tho French troops treut us especially good. Soldiers buy only live chickens or eggs us everything, Including the na tives, are so dirty and us fur tho natives looking tough well, wo wouldn't take any prizes, "I hear the frogs croaking just like they do buck home in tho spring, and at night the Jackals make such a noise we can hard ly heur, "We really have very little use for money us tho Germans and Italians cleaned out all the best tilings to buy." Corp. Revenue entered the jrmy Mureh 20, 1941, and re ceived his training in tho second armored division at Fort Con ning, Ga. He is the driver of a half track. The second armored division is commanded by Gen eral I'atton and is termed "The Fighting Hell on Wheels," ac cording to Revenue. The corpor ul suys his half track is called "Tho Tomahawk" and he "should be able to bring home some German scalps." He also writes thut no one wants to come home until the Job Is done. CHILOQUIN Maurice Percy, brother of Mrs. Blaine Stinson, Joined tho navy June, 1941, and was at Pearl Harbor when the Japs made their attack and has been in many a duel since that date, always coming out on top regardless of the odds. At one port in tho South Pacific, Maur ice was greatly disappointed be cause he was unable to locate a number of Chiloquin boys he knew were near there. Maurice is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Percy, now living In Klamath Falls. T 10 MOTHERS KILL CHILDREN THEN SELIES SEATTLE, April 22 (IP) Ob sessed with despondency, two mothers killed their children mid committed suicide in wide ly separated parts of Seattle last night, the coroner's office report ed today. Coroner John P. Brill Jr., said Mrs. SumucI H. Ruymer, 34, drowned six-months-old Sandra Louise Raymer and herself in Green lake shortly before mid night. The bodies were recov ered early today. A few hours earlier, Mrs, John L. Frey, 24, drowned her son, John Roger Frey, 4, in a bath tub, slushed the throat of her daughter, Linda Carol Frey, 17 months old, and then lay down on a bed and cut her own wrists and throat, said Brill. EASTER SPECIAL Wl NOW HAVE LUSTOR OIL PERMANENTS S4.00 OPIH EVKNIHCI (Y APPOINTMENT MARY'S BEAUTY SHOP 4)1 Main Dial 1171 Upalalra Wlllltl Bids. WJU 1 m& Cinderella .' &0&vU hsgg- " Easter ' 'Mf ' X ; Designed by o famous child's stylist, produced by one of the finest makers -' and the fairest in the land at this thrifty price! Dainty pastel confections in plain colors and prints. Beauti fully fashioned of better washfast rayon fabrics 6 months to 6V1 years. Buy several! ForEter" Best Royal Pttrp Hosiery 93c .rayons"" sroQrt ne . yeomen s si . ioyi. GaV AnMet ArraV fc 17 pal .ex-top. pa r wc , a 111 'It Sizes Worth 2.49 "June O'Day" 2.29 Classic long boxy cardigan sweaters, expertly fashioned of all-wool zephyr yarns. . Blue, red, beige, yellow, dark rose. Sizes 32 to 40. Junior Misses' Easter Slips 49c Cut-to-fit 4-Roro-slylcs with pretty lace and embroidered trims. Made of fine nainsook. Sizes 4 to 16 years. 'Rollic' Suits For Small Lads 1.29 Fine combed cotton knits In dark pastel shades. . Polo shirt top. Bib-style suspen der pants, Boys' sizes 1-14, Two Reclamation Projects Ready For WPB Views WASHINGTON, April 22 IIP) Two of the several reclamation projects which westerners con tend would contribute most to ward new food supplies are ready for submission to the war production board, Senator Mur dock (D-Utah) said today. Murdock said they are the Newton project In Utah and the Roza in Washington state.' They will be recommended, he said, to the facilities committee of the WPB by the agriculture depart ment, which has been working with the reclamation service to prepare data for the board's con sideration. Always read the classified ads. Of the inhabitants of Nevada, than one-half of them living U 5305 are Indians, with more I non-reservation areas. .. .1 '. 4a 11 I flit pm jtm TUt TOWNaflHCP Leathers and Fabrics $1.29 to $18 XT ) I ( V ICEEP YOUR CAR SPIC AND SPAN Cool As the Spray of the Sea OCEAN BREEZE SEAT COVERS COUPE ' 4,D5 w 7.45 Smart PhlJ Twill fiktr and Htarf CUlh . Dovbfy RlnferttJ . ' LtalhH Pomlf and Binding YouH ba snrprlsed sow macta new seat corers win add to th sppearsnea of your car. Tbe Ocean Brees covers are beanti i ally tailored for coupe, coach and sedan. COACH and SEDAN... ..........10.95 and 12.95 Special! : Balanctd .r , - Vegetable Garden ; Actual $2.05 value 29 for only ; ,. , . Right here la this one col lection of primary vegetable seeds is the ideal balanced home garden. Complete' planting Instructions; new.; fresh seedsl Packaged by W. Atlee Burpee Co. Savel w GARDEN BOOKLET aad ej. 2Sc Paetefe at tURfCFS SUM ftlAHT ZINNIA SEEDS YES, YOU CAN BUY NEW SCREENS THIS Y I Alt I ; : , FIRESTONE IntHxlucU Coven Any Surfacal WAIX-TONE ONLY 2.)79 1. Soft, mellow tones in pastel colors. One gallon covers the walls of an ordinary room. PLASTIC SCREEN For JUplaMMtttf for Nw SctmhT Wiilublt. Will Net Sfin" Nvtr Nttdt Painting Guaranteed Rmtprr-f, Fadeprool RsisH Rain, Snow.Titat nd Cold Rfxiblt Yitldi Under Impact and Returns to Original Shape Eaiy to Apply, No Sharp Edges Square) Foot L k m It V f . Slumberide Baby, nammock 1.9ft . Sofe, comfoffol'e . rodent fcsrweee wiWows f, . Just the thing to ease the trip for mother and baby. Both ends of hammock are laced on sturdy metal bars to make it steady. Fielder's Glove 1.98 eal top-grain e 0 whld e. Standard sis. Baseball 69c It will stay lively for a long, long time! Sllex - U ret ton Coffccuiaker Softball Value 69 Strongly stitched over a soundly constructed center. Deluxe Softball. ..... 1.1 9 5 DAY SERVICE! . Spring Itntlon fill' ' : ' ' l 7 4 . No drags or udlmM - . Eight-tup tlxa Pyrez bowls can be wed o . any type of beat. This . easy.' pouring, attractive coffeemakei saves on coffee and produces ., wonderful brew. t: for tong.if Mileage and ; Guaranteed Quality INSIST UPON finston FACTORY-CONTROLLED RECAPPING FACTORY TRAINED IXPERTS EXCLUSIVI FIRESTONE RUIIER FORMULA . APPLICATION AND CURJN CONTROLLED IV RIOID INSPECTION f . U) and V BOYS' . SIZES Sweat Shirt . Full-cut armholei for easy freedom. Made of all virgin yarns with double cotton fleece lining, ' ; 1 527 Main Phone 3234 T .