April 21, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEV1CN MaSihetb and fyiswixtial RUBBER PAGES IDES T RISE 1 T By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YOUK, April 21 (!') Rubber (hurt! unit a uroup of cnlur utility Issues pucuil n mod rut rise In the stock miirkcl to doy. Tim uitviinco. ufittr ii cotiplo of sltililllsli sessions, wim iinMH'Intud by brokers wltli Wall stn-i't io lltif over llio fuct that President Itoosovvll's Monterrey s p e o c Ii Innt night contalnrcl no null-In-ilution lonmrks. Trniiwirtlons expanded on tlio upturn, riiiiiiliii! to iirouncl u mil lion shares, u considerable, Im provement over yesterday's. General Motors and Preferred stocks of Ameiicun P o w u r Ac LIkIU weru prominent In thu lalu dealing. Fuvored Imum Inrliullnu U. S. Bteel, liothlchnm, Chrysler, Goodyear, Goodrich, U. S. Rub ber, Scars Hocbuck, Amcricun Telephone, Western Union, Ken riecott, American S m el 1 1 n K WestlnKliouso, American Can, Gonorul Electric, Texas Co.. Southern pacific, and Southern Hallway, bonds steadied utter irregularity. Closing quotations: American Can 81 Am Tel & Tel Mil Anucondn 211 Calif lacking 2tli Cut Tractor 481 Coininoiiwriiltli & Sou . .11111 General Electric 33 Gennrul Motors 4112 Gl Nor Hy pfd 2UI Illinois Centrnl i:M Jnl'Unrvcster " Kenm'cotl :l Lockheed 2 Long-Boll "A" Ut Montgomery Ward 40 NashKelv N Y Central 17 Northern Pacific 15 Pac Gas & El i!BI Packard Motor 4. Penna R K 20 Republic Steel ... 17i Richfield Oil 0 Safeway Stores 3 IK Sears Hocbuck 002 Southern Pacific 258 Standard Brands fla" Sunshlno Mining 01 Trans-Amorica 81 Union Oil Calif ...w. .wi li Union Pacific Bin U S Steel .. 554 Warnor Pictures 13 LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, April 21 (Al'-USDA) CATTLE: 5U .Slow, steady; one load 00-day fed 080 lb. Idaho Holsteln steers $14 50; medium to good steers, heifers, and rango cows absent; odd fleshy 101)8 lb. common cows $10.25; medium bulls $11.00 $12.00. Calves: None, nominal. HOGS: 150, Around 10 lower; load and half good 252 lb. bar rows mid gills $15.30, extreme top; odd good sows $14.25. SHEEP: Nine; nominal. Good to choice spring ' lumbs quoted Jin. 0(1 $15.75; medium to choice wooled ewes $7.00-$0.00. WHEAT CHICAGO, April 21 W) Nervousness over the prospect of more warehouse stored loan wheat coming on the market eased wheat and other grain prices today. Small domestic flour business restricted buying activity. Grain men said yesterday's advance made It profitable for furmcrs to redeem some of their warehouso Blorcd wheat. Any further upturn, Ihoy added, might bring out considerable quantities as producers novo only until the end of April to el ther redeem this grain or forfeit It to the government. Wheut closed i-ic lower, May $1.44, July $1,431, corn was un changed at ceilings, May $1.03, oats were 1c lower to ic higher and ryo lost i-le. PORTLAND, April 21 AP USDA) CATTLE: Salublo 50. total 123; calves salable 25, total 33; market activo and fully steady on kinds available; steers scarce, few head common $12.00 13.00; medium to good fed steers snlnbln around $13.00-10.00. Cut ters to medium hellers $0. SO LI. 00; ciuinnr and cutler cows $7,00 0.00; fat dairy typo cows 511.00-10.50; heavy Holsteln to $11.25; medium beef cows to 312.25; medium bulls $12.00 13.00; guod bulls quotable to $13.79; or above; good to choice vralers strong at $13.30-10.60; culls down to $0.00. HOGS: Salable 300, total 400; market active, 10-lc higher; good to choice 100-230 lbs. $14,113; to mostly $13.00; 240-203 lbs. $14.23-30; 140-170 lbs. $14.00 14.23; good 400-570 lb. sows $13.23-30; good to choice feeder plus quotable $10.00-17.00. SHEEP: Salable and total 100; miuiu-t active, fully steady; me dium to good wooled lambs $14.00-15.00; good to choice 31-03 lb. .spring lambs $10.00-50, me dium grades down to $14.30; i;ood ewes $U.U0-5U, medium i;ndes $0.00. C II IC A GO, April 21 AP-USDA)---.Sulublo hogs 11.000; to tal lD.O'iOj generally steady with Tuesdoy's averages; lop $15.05; good and choice 1110-360 lbs. averages $14 R0-$13.03; with thu bulk at $15.00; most good and choice liiO-iao lbs. $14.25-00; good 300-550 lbs. sows $24.00-00. Salable cuttle 0300; salable calves U00: fed steers and year lings steady to 251 lower; choice offerings steady; medium to good grades showed most downturn; these selling at $10.30 downward $14.00 and below; top $17.75 paid for two loads medium cho. co prima steers; several loads $17.00-35; bulk $24.73 $17.00; heifers steady to weak; nvcrnuo cholco offerings topped at- $10.80; bulk ' $14.00-$10.00; cows and bulls very scarce; most classes strong to 25 higher; veal ers steady at $16.00 down; heavy PLAN AID TQ Portland Produce CONSERVE FARM LANGELL VALLEY The Langell Valley soli conservation district supervisors at their regu lar meeting held Saturday, April 10, made plans to assist as many farms as possible In their conser vation work, which will help produce moro food. The district will operate the Marvin land plane two shifts each day. The rate change has been set by tho board of super visors at $3 per hour, which in eludes tractor, operators and land plane, This rule is subject to change by tho board of supervis ors. Tho rata may be changed If moving costs run higher than an ticipated. Thoso furmors having district conservation plans should advise M. D. Settle, secretary of tho dis trict, as soon as possible If they wish to uea the lond plane In or der that the equipment may be routed as rapidly as possible be fore spring planting of crops. The district also has now a small Adams grader which can be loaned to farmers at twenty five cents per hour, actual hours of use without operator or power to pull it. This grader can be pulled by a wheel tractor for constructing border strips. sausage bulls $14.25; cutter cows $0.73 down. Salable sheep 8000; total 8000; lata Tuesday fat lambs closed mostly steady after 10-15 lower opening; good to choice fed west ern wooled lambs $13.25-85; odd loads choice $10.00; top $18.10; good to choice 78-106 lbs. clipped lambs with No. 1 and 2 skins $14.75-$15.00; sheep steady: Just good to choice native ewes $8.00 50.25; top $0.50; today's trade fat lambs mostly steady with Tuesday's; bids and sales good to choice fed western wooled lambs $15.60-83; medium to good loads $14.00-515.25; best offerings held above $16.00; five doubles good to cholco fed western clipped lambs mostly with No. 2 skins $18.00 and 65 head out; under tone about steady on sheep; de mand for few good to choice na tivo ewes around $0.25. Uncle Sam wants to borrow, For freedom for tomorrow ' Buy a War Bond todsyl BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, April 21 (AP USDA) Purchases of 12-months Texas wools in Toxns for future delivery wero recorded today in a grease prico range of 45 to 47 conts; shorn 12-months wool was bought at 48 cents Some contracting of wool took place In Belle Fouch In a great price range of 43 to 48 cents. Purchases woro made in New Mexico Rt 45 and 40 cents for staple fine wool. BIRTHDAY PRESENT FORT JACKSON, S. C. (P) Hitler bought a $1000 war bond for Hitler s birthday. The war bond belongs to Capt. Paul Hitler of Brooklyn, N. Y., for 81 years a member of Uncle SBm's fighting forces a birth day gift to Adolf Hitler. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of a decree of tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Klamath County, made and en tered on April 20, 1D43, my for mer name of Mortimer Zuckcr hm been changed to Mortimer William Crowe. Dated: April 21, 1043. . MORTIMER WILLIAM CREWE. A21-27. No. 22S TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yoursoli Save 36 Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main f Zm? W ! UkJ W UkJ MR. WHATi WHAT'S THE MATTER RAIN-IN-THE-FACE? MR.WHVi OH, I WISH I WERE YOUNG ENOUGH TO GET INTO A UNIFORM AND FIGHTI MR. WHAT" YOU CAN FIGHT PLENTY , TEIL IT TO MY DRAFT OOARDI UNCLE SAM THINKS I HAVEN'T ANY FIGHT LEFT IN ME. MR. WHATi LISTEN THERE'S PLENTY OF FIGHT LEFT IN YOUR CHECK BOOK. PUT MORE OF YOUR DOL LARS IN UNIFORMI MR. WHY. DOLLARS IN UNIFORMI WAR BONDS. ..AND THOSE DOLLARS WILL COME HOME WEARING SERVICE STRIPES OF INTEREST. IBf H. I. Wayne, Gn. Agent Great Northern Station Bldg. Phon 4101 u J BUufm Portland Tihiki Seattle Spokane Minneapolis SI. Paul Ohleifo rOKTUND. Of.. April tl fAH-BUT-TEfl AA (rfl prloU, ilet cirt"fli, ttiy; A f'I print., SIVjei cirUisi, He; 11 rii. prltu. tie lb. SHTTCKrAT-ririt qvilllf. nulmun of 4 of I pr mil ttMltr. drllm.4 la Port lap'l. StAtHe lb. pmahjtn qqillt. nut. mum of .14 of I pr ni d4ltr. H-Wfc lb. Till. rout o4 eoiinlry prlaU, U lu than flrit, or IWiM roni)4 1u.Hl it Port land u undar flrit, or M-M'io lb. CffKtSK-S'llloi orleo to Portland r. Itllrrai Orr0 Irlpl.li, 9o lb.; loaf, Mo lb. i trlplata to wholtialara, lit lb. loaf, )'( p.o. a. IO Kornlaal prlea la ratallori, A irada, larir, Mlo; K. Iar. H VK; a. nadlum UiH: B. mrdluni, Mine! A, laiall lie dor, Nominal prka to proauerai A, larir. ST SOm II. Una. u saoi A, medium, 8617c; B, rnadlum, Sl-Soo dm. Live POVLTar-Butlol prlua: Mo. I irada Uhors brollara. in I lb.. 0c eolorad Irjtrt uodar t1 lb., lie; do to 4 Ibi., Ilej eolorad roaatars ovrr 4 Ibi., Slo; lVafbori hana und.r tH ba.. Ut', ovar 14 lb... t7ei rolorad bm f Ibi., V, tlc ovrr S Iba., toe; Ko. I (red tiaea, to Itaa; rajaeta, loo laaa, rooaure, loo lb. nrtSSKKO TVRKErS-Salllesprleai: coud. try draaaad hue M-Uo; pmraara aloeka braa. No. I, MHoi coeh-cerrri ''( tont, o.ar 20 Iba.. lie, oaab-eerr. JtABBITS Oovaraneob MlllBfl averaia couolrr klll'd to ratallara. Ho lb.; lira prleo to produeora. Ue lb. ONION6-47raro 0Oo dof. buscb.i; Or.goo dry, K.lt HQ-Hi. ba. POTATOES-Nav Teiaa m.4 Nil pn tA tb. baf. New Plorlda. M.SO buabal hamper. lUed etoek, tC lb. Old table etork-caih-od e.irr price; No. 1 (A) DeicbuLa 114); No. I IA) large, tSM; No. . Il4i-I1.M W lb. hat; local, IU cental Near California White W-oJ ceotal. (OUNTBV MEATS-Relllos prlea to te teller) oountry kllleo1 boga, beat butehera, IW lto Ibi.. Wei realere, AA, tie; A, tevi h, J Hie; C, n(io D, mit lb.; eanner. culler cowi (oev oelllas). lHc lb-, bulla loe eelllng), I74c lb.; Iambi, AA, c; A, I'V; B, iettci C, Uc; e.a 8. uic; It, Ittie lb. WOOL 1W1 eootraeUt Oregon raacb, aomtnal, St-lre lb.; croMbrade, to-IJo lb. MORAIB-IM IMBOotb. M lb. J1AV Wboleial price. : Alfalfa, No. I, of better, Wi He. I, HI Ml oat-raUb. lis A4 ton, valley polnU; tlDOUry fealley), fi do Moataoa, Hl.M-CH toa; dor.r, IM-So ton. O. HAPPY DAYI L08 ANGELES, W Mr. George Adam'a 70th birthday celebration: She set out at 8 a. m. from her Tujunga home for all-day stroll. Reaching Los Angeles' exposi tion park by 10 a. m., she visit ed the museum, later calling on friends in the city. By 7:30 p. m., she was home again. Her mileage: 42. And she does it every year. Always read the classified ads. Point Values Cut In Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Soups WASHINGTON, April 21 IP Blue ration coupons will buy about twice as much frozen fruits and vegetables and canned and dehydrated soups starting tomorrow. Dry blackeyed peas will be ratlon-froc. A slash in the point values of these goods was announced by office of price administration to prevent warm-weather spoilage and relieve a clogging of storage space resulting from slow sales. It was the second major change In coupon costs of rationed fruits and vegetables, and came as the OPA was considering an overhaul of some of its meat points, including possible reductions on luncheon and other ham and an Increase on beef hamburger. These meat changes, if made, probably will come at the end of the month. Point Bargains Fanclera of frozen foods re ceived what officials described as obvious "point bargains," primarily to clear commercial refrigerators of the remnants of last year's pack and make way for this year's. When the new crops come out, they are likely to be point-priced again at about the old levels. The one-pound size of frozen fruit was cut from 13 to 6 points, one-pound package of frozen baked beans from 8 to 4 points, and the customary 12 ounce size of other frozen vege tables from a 6-10 point range to a flat rate of 4 points. Soups Cut The customary 10V4-ounce can of tomato soup was cut from 6 to 3 points and other canned soups from 6 to 4 points. For dry or dehydrated soups, the new values are only a fourth of what they started out to be when processed food rationing began March 1. The points were cut in half March 29, and again approximately in half, effective tomorrow. The 2M-ounce pack age will take a single point. The south, where blackeyed peas are popular, will hail point freeing of this dry vegetable. Other varieties of dry beans, peas and lentils were unaffect ed and remain at 4 points per pound. Next month's blue coupons. which are G, H and J, may be used starting Saturday. Thus, during the last week of the 1 month, both April and May! stamps will be usable simultaneously. Courthouse Records Marriages KEMMISH - McGREGAR. ; Claude B. Kemmish, 24, soldier, j Native of South Dakota, resident ; of army air base, Muroc, Calif. Beryle Elizabeth McGregar, 20. Native of South Dakota, resident of Klamath Falls. Justice Court Herbert Como McManua. Op erating a motor vehicle as pri vate carrier without a permit. Fined $10. Fine suspended if PUC permit obtained. Larry Jack Hendricks. No ii- cense tags. Fined $10. Morton Sachrider. Operating , vehicle as private carrier with out a permit. Fined $10. Fine suspended if PUC obtained. Jose Benevides. Operating mo tor vehicle as private carrier , without a permit. Fined $10. ' Fine suspended if PUC obtained. Charles Robert Shipman. Ang ling with more than one line. Fined $25 or 30 days and $7.20 costs. $20 and 30 days suspended. Earl Frank Matthews. Angling with more than one line. Fined $25 or 30 days and $7.20 costs. $20 and 30 days suspended. Eunice Irene HulL Failure to procure operator's license. Fined $5.50. 1 .; i a i 7 K 1 I , :B3P lSWeidl i I 7 7 ' yw- : aaE3f; -I If i I "M"V'..:V- i "Few Example of Cost of Motor Overhaul of Popular 6-Cyl. Car Item Install Rings Grind Valves Replace Piston Pins Adjust Main Bearings Remove Ring Ridges .. Expand Pistons .... Oil Gaskets Wash and Vacuum Labor $18.70 4.0S 2.70 3.60 2.05 . 3.60 Parts S8.85 "9M $34.70 117.01 $51.75 Total Ask Us for an Estimate on Your Car ic Genuine Parts Work Guaranteed 100 Payable On Easy Monthly Installments Dick B. Miller Co. The Big Olds Tower at 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 Jlxo tlslsalssj. SOFT from easy living7?St GULLIBLE fo propaganda UNWILLING fo sacrifice... iTHose are onlya few of die iinpIeaSaJil tfungStEe Xx& S 'saying about tie American people. They are convinced thai America will crack up at home that Americans haven't go! -iwhat it takes to win the war on the home front. jpThey have learned to respect our men, our planes, oar gunf vutd tanks and ships. Let's teach them to respect the men and women behind those fighting forces.' The time has come for American homes to strike Hack to taky the aggressive just as our armies have taken die aggressive .on the battle fronts pf the world. Ym can strike back by conserving food, clotting. transportatwoT Yoi can strike back by salvaging essential materials. Yob can strike back by refusing to spread rumors. Ym can strike back by buying War Savings Bonds and Stamps. Yon can strike back by preparing your home against air raids. iWith the American home front entering its aggressive phased the V-Home drive, provides the opportunity for this direct and united aggressive action against the enemy. If we are to have a hard-hitting army of 11,000,000 men on thV fighting front we must have a hard-hitting army of 125,000,000 . on the home front. ' , Rededicate your home to Victory, an'd keep it tfiat way! tety make the V-Home sticker on our window more than just a dogan.Tr let's make it a symbol the symbol of que will to.. win! ruTsfeteBenl Va BeeH frepsre'd n'3 relessVd By BLITZ-VPXINHARD COMPANY wMi ifiri5firSvil of k Civilian )Var Services, Oregon Stall Dejemt. Couiuil 1.7 2.61