Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 21, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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Briefs fe'i-i y
Fulleiton. Jr. ; '
NEW YORK, April 21 UP)-
Lew Fonseca has whittled out a
erics of instructive sequences
from the various American
league films shot since 1934 and
will take them on a month's tour
ot army camps to show Uncle
Sam's soldiers the right way to
play baseball. . . . The quarterly
NBA boxers' rankings will be
out next -week. No doubt they'll
give Tony Galento'a comeDacs
th rprnnnition it deserves. . . .
Henry C. Paulssen, a Long Isl
and railroad conductor, recently
bowled two 300 games in 21
When Fred Corcoran, former
professional- golfers' association
tournament manager now work
ing for the Red Cross in'Engand,
put on one-of his popular sports
quizzes recently, he asked:
"What golfer made the grand
The answer came from a ne
gro soldier: "Sam Snead. I was
caddying for him in Atlanta
when he bust a drive 350 yards.
What a grand slam!"
Dick Wakefield, who collect
ed $51,000 for signing with the
Tigers a couple of years ago,
failed to pass ' his economics
course at Michigan last fall
which shows the weakness of
our educational system. , . . Nibs
Price, U. of California basket
ball coach, has been "loaned" to
Piedmont high school, which lost
its entire coaching staff, includ
ing Dutch Warmerdam, to the
armed forces. . . . While waiting
his navy call, the Chicago Bears"
Bill Osmanski started making
pep talks at war plants and his
sports anecdotes, plugs for re
creation programs and. yarns
about his football buddies over
seas got such a swell reception
that he's going to devote all his
time to talking.
Will Connolly, San Francisco
Chronicle: "Beau Jack, Georgia
shoe shine boy and world's light
weight champ in New .York, has
been deferred in the draft be
cause he can neither read nor
write. He has only about $95,000
in the bank in trust. For that we
could forget the alphabet."
Gen. Claire (Flying Tigers)
Chennault isn't the only softball
pitcher who can wear stars on
his shoulders. Brig. Gen. Wolcott
P. Hayes, commander at Scot
field, 111., recently fanned 18
batters in a camp softball game.
Braves Open
Season With
New Manager
BOSTON, April 21 UP)
Three managers will make their
National league debuts today
when the Boston Braves open
their 1943 season against the
Phillies before an expected
crowd of 10,000.
As a result of Casey Stengel's
leg fracture, Coaches Bob Cole
man and George Kelley will
serve as acting co-managers for
the Braves. Bucky Harris, an
American league pilot for 14
terms, will launch his attempt
to master-mind the newly-purchased
Philadelphia club out of
the cellar.
The Coleman-Kelley opening
game pitching selection, one dic
tated by Stenge from his hospi
tal cot, was Righthander Al
Javery. Schoolboy Rowe was
Harris' choice.
Sports Writer to
Stay in Press Box
After Bat Practice
UP) Pvt. Owen Smith, sports
writer for the Salt Lake City
army air base newspaper, took
a turn at batting practice.
Coach Don Galbreath, watch
ing, said Slugger Smith defin
itely will stay with the team all
season "in the press box."
25 Beautiful, Potted
Easter Lilies
To He Given To The Ladies
at the
Easter Dance
at the
Armory Saturday
Regular Admission
MiaA - M4P -itfiv mS p s VkA
These sharpshooting misses mean business and they'U-prove 1
Waade and Blanche Lunde are the Annie Oakleys who make u
Huskies in
Oregon for
Four Tilts
Washington-Idaho Battle
Cancelled; Beavers Turn
Cougars With 8 to 6 Win
W L Pet
Washington 3
Oregon State .. 5
Oregon 3
Wash State 0
Idaho , 0
By The Associated Press
The University of Washington
baseball team will leave for a
four-game Oregon invasion
Thursday and will face a real
challenge for their position atop
the Northern division ladder.
Field conditions yesterday
cancelled the second game of the
Washington-Idaho series, while
Oregon State kept a tight grip
on the runner-up spot by turning
back Washington State 8 to 6.
Washinnton will play rnaay
and Saturday at Corvallis and
Monday and Tuesday against the
University of Oregon at Eugene.
Like Oregon State, the Webfoots
have lost but one game, although
they have played two less than
the Beavers.
Oregon State at Corvallis yes
terday concentrated their efforts
in one big inning .the fourth
when the Beavers took advant
age of two WSC errors, coupled
with a base on balls and five
singles to score six runs. Single
tallies were notched m the first
and eighth innings.
Monday OSC scored an its
runs in one inning in winning
Washington Slate pounded
Andy Frahlcr for 14 hits, but
Frahler kept them fairly well
cinnati Reds left Indiana's base
ball diamond in fine condition,
but the Hoosiers are unlikely, to
have a team.
Sisters in Swim
Mutual congratulations are ex
tended by Gogle sisters of In
dianapolis. Joan, left, 14, ac
counted for biggest upset in Na
tional AAU women's Indoor
swimming meet in Chigaco by
defeating Nancy Merki of Port
land, Ore., by 35 feet in 440
free style. She also bagged 300
yard individual medley, was
third in backstroke. June 16,
took 220 breaststroke.
Four Misses Who Hit
Grade School B Teams in
Firsi Leg of Softball Go
In the first round of the gram
mar school B softball tourna
ment last night, two close and
high scoring games resulted.
In an extra inning game, Peli
can defeated Fremont by a 10 to
9 score. Highlight of the game
was Fremont's return from be-
Slugger to
Get Shot at
White Hammers Thomas to
Pulp in Los Angeles Ring
Before 10,000 Last Night
A Baltimore negro, Luther
(Slugger) White, has earned a
shot at Henry Armstrong, and
probably will get it here at
Wrigley Field next month.
White, a human buzz-saw in
side the ropes, hammered John
Thomas, a topnotch negro boxer
of Los Angeles, all around the
ring last night in the Olympic
stadium while 10,000 partisan
spectators applauded 'Thomas
courageous but losing battle.
Thomas, who had won 30
straight fights until the Gary,
Ind., negro, Willie Joyce, shaded
him a few weeks ago, came
mighty close to suffering the
first knockout of his career. The
bell saved him that .ignominty
in the first round.
The prospect of Armstrong,
himself a crowder, tangling
with the windmill White, looks
quite intriguing. Promoter Joe
Lynch says he has Armstrong's
signature for May 22. He plan
ned to use Joyce in the spot,
since Joyce gained a decision
over Armstrong when they met
here recently. But a jaw frac
ture Joyce suffered in that
scrap hasn't healed, so White,
who is faster than Armstrong,
although he doesn t punch so
hard, most likely will get his
W. L. Pet.
Portland 2 0 1.000
San Francisco 2 0 1.000
San Diego 2 0 1.000
Los Angeles 1 1 ,500
Oakland 1 1 .500
Sacramento 0 2 .000
Hollywood 0 2 .000
Seattle 0 2 .000
Ran Diego 8, Seattle 8.
Ran Francisco 4, Hollywood S.
Oakland 8, Angeles fi.
Portland 2, Saertmento 1.
GarriM Today.
Seattle at Ran Diego,
Portland at'Hacramentfl. '
Oakland at fas Angeles.
Hollywood at Ran Francisco.
. . where he's the picture
of well-fed satisfaction,
after the delightful meal
he's just enjoyed. ,
1 to curious Japs. Left to right:
p the Sea-Tac all-girl riile team
April 21, 1943
hind in the fifth inning to score
five runs and tie the ball game.
Pelican enjoyed a 9 to 4 lead
at the time and only after the
sixth inning went scoreless and
was able to make the winning
Fairvicw defeated Mills 16 to
10 in the other B game. Fair
view started the game off with a
bang when they scored nine runs
in the first inning. Jimmie
Thornton was the leading Fair
view hitter, getting two hits in
three times at bat. Lust led the
Mills aggregation of sluggers
with a perfect day at the plate,
slapping out two hits in two of
ficial trips to the plate. Fair
view collected 16 runs on IS hits
and Mills made 10 runs on the
strength of 11 hits.
Schedule for Thursday, April
22: . '
Mills A's vs. Roosevelt A's.
Winner of this game will face
the winner of the Conger-Fair-view
Fremont B's vs. Mills B's. This
game is first round of the con
solation B's.
Finals for both the A winners
and B consolation winners will
be held this weekend.
Short Travel for
Landis to See
Opening Game
CHICAGO, April 21 (VP)
Baseball Commissioner K. M.
Landis, adhering strictly to
wartime travel limitations, will
venture little more than three
miles today to watch the launch
ing of the 1943 major league
baseball season.
He will attend the Chicago
Cubs-Pittsburgh Pirates game
at Wrigley field.
Landis' apartment Is in the
1300 block north; Wrigley Field
is 3600 north.
Dusak, St. Louis Cardinals re
cruit outfielder last season, heads
prospects for the Fort Sheridan
baseball team.
the beer with
high .Q.(lt Quenches!)
Jerry Kupa, Marlon Blake, Grace
oi the Seatile-Tacoma shipyards.
Senators in
First Place
After Start
Athfotics Subduod 7 to 5
At Washington Team Leads
American League for Day
Associated Press Sports Writer
Spring is here! All the people
who have been doubting It for
various reasons, especially the
weather, had to be convinced
today because the baseball sea
son is now open.
The Washington Senators sub
dued the Philadelphia Athletics,
7-5, yesterday In the nation's
capital and took over first
placo in the American league
for at least one day.
The formal bow for the Na
tional and American leagues as
a wholo today called for this
National St. Louis at Cin
cinnati, New York at Brooklyn,
Pittsburgh at Chicago and Phila
delphia at Boston.
American Washington at
New York, Boston at Phila
delphia, Detroit at Cleveland
and Chicago at St. Louis.
In winning the inaugural In
Griffith stadium the Senators
confirmed the suspicions of
many observers that play this
season would be more slovenly,
that the ball Is "more dead,"
that crowds in midweek will
be smaller and that Washington
is improved over last year.
The turnout for the inaugural
was the smallest in many years
at Washington, 25,093, and the
game itself was a stumbling af
fair with the Senators making
three errors and the Athletics
calling on four hurlcrs.
Woods. Army grldder, is the only
cadet who has won a navy mon
ogram. 'Woods transferred from
If you don't pay a little out,
How can we the axis rout?
Buy a War Bond todayl
When in Modford
Stay at
Thoroughly Modern
Joe and Anne Earley
Beavers Top
Heap; Drop
Sac 2 to 1
Portland Holds Unsullied
Early Season Record; No
Wins Yot for Saattlo Men
By The Associated Press
Portland hold to tho puce yes
terday and continued us one ot
the three Pacific coast Ivugiio
tennis with uiisollud early season
records, defeating Sumimenlo 2
to 1 when an error gave tliu
Beavers a run to break a 1-1 tie
In tho eighth inning, Scattlo hot
yet to break into the win column,
losing yesterday 6 to 5 to Sun
At Sacramento, Portland
Cutchur Roy Eusteiwood, who
had walked, cumo home on an er
ror, to keep Portland at the top
of tho heap, along with Sim
Francisco and San Diego, Wild
ness by Al Brazlu, Sacramento
pitcher, contributed to tho Beav
er victory. Jack Wilson, pitching
for Portland, allowed six hits.
The Pudre victory over Seattle
was the result of a four-hit four
run combination in tho eighth
inning. First Baseman George
McDonald started the rally with
a triple which spelled defeat for
Pitcher Hal Turplit, who yielded
10 hits. Frank Dusso,' pitching
throughout for San Diego, al
lowed 13.
Attendance figures showed J
decided drop from, the opening
day. At San Francisco, for exam
ple, the turn-out was 1804, com
pared with Sunday's record 16,
000. A mere 427 watched the
Portland-Sacramento gumo and
others had corresponding
In other league games San
Francisco defeated Hollywood
4-3 when Outfielder Frcnchy
Uhnlt singled to score two men
in tho ninth, and Oakland de
feated Los Angeles 8-5 with a six
run burst In tho first Inning.
Hollywood Stars
Signs Nashville's
Top Righthander
HOLLYWOOD, April 21 tP)
Don Pulford, a righthander who
pitched nine victories and 10
losses for Nashville last season,
has been signed on a 30-day
trial basis by tho Hollywood
Stars, Business Manager Oscar
Rcichow announced lust night.
He will join the Hollywood
club in San Francisco.
y Tha Assoelalad Prats
KKW YIIIK"Jpa Tarter. VA. Rome,
V. V., outiwlnted Jacklt Cooper, !M, Ut,
caco (S).
MIS ANnKt.ES I.uther "Sinner" White.
1314. naltlninre, outpointed John Ttiomai,
1.11, Ia Antrlrs (101.
'TpHE lovely enter-.
X tainer goes to
Panama to cheer our
troops. Soldiers want to
enjoy a Coca-Cola with
her and talk. A pretty
and a Coke... just like home.
In Iceland) the news told how
troops had a good-natured fight to get the first
Cokes available. Such are the stories from our
fighting men everywhere.
To mean so much, a drink must have some
thing In taste, In goodness and In true
refreshing qualities. Just to sip Ice-cold
Coca-Cola is to find all those things. Yen,
all the difference between something really
refreshing and just something to drink.
WagSft .lii..lwl,rmniilaii.iTiFifimCI I f r " 1 W.
Maybt It's a make-shift dressing room, but Uncle
jam's soldiers have given it a homelike (ouch
. . , fresh flowers end a frosty bottle of Coke, Who
could ask for more!
Even with war and so many Coca-Cola bottling plants In
enemy-occupied countries, our fighting men are delighted
to find Coca-Cola being bottled In so many places all over
the globe.
86S Spring St. Phone 6832
Oops! Be Careful!
Shortstop Johnny O'Nolll,
above, ol the Portland- Beavers,
puts plonly of "oomph" Into the
opening ot spring training at
San Joie, Calif,
Naval School Has
150 Fields, 2000
Softball Teams
!') Softball teams at the
Great Lakes naval training sta
tion will not have to lenvo their
baso for competition.
A program In being arranged
for about 2000 teams, to be
i'" "Jtai hona mo 0' A
:t pvpym time
: IH 1 1 f I 1
made up Into several leagues.
Thero Is no uliorliigo of play
Inn uiuii'it nliniit mil fluids hrlntt
livallalilo fur tho milloin.
Just Arrlvedl
Gabardino Shirts
The shirt you've been wait
ing 'orl "Gambler" type, hard
finished niyon guluirdlno
.unurt In dark colors, Three
button flap pockets. Got
yours while our stock Is com
plete! Si7.cs 1-IV4-17.
always the better buy I
1 ivfer
' n Ta
') "-
The best is )