April 21. 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIV1 Mother Dies Eugcilti Shu fi'ldt cf Ihla city iiml hi slater. Mm. (iiii'dini Drvoro, of I.nke vlew, li'fl Hundley morning for Kiili'iu, 111., culled l).v tho auildnn ili'iith of lliclr mother, Mr. Chnrlm Shufuldt. Bhn Imd visited In Kliimnlli Falls several limes mid hud iniiiiy friend hero. An other ion, Wultcr, of 8 o n 1 1 1 o, Wash,, accompanied them, Join ing them cn, route. They expect to be gone for novernl weeka. Holurn From Slullgart Mr. WMIimn L. Curler returned Mmi day from Stuttgart, Ark. She win uccompunled homo by her daughter, Mra. Jack Cornell, who bin been with her husband, Slutf Sergeant Jack C'urnrtt, nt the Stuttgart nrniy air busc. Due to hrr luitibund'a transfer, Mra. Curnett will muko her home with her jmrcnta for the dura lion. Leaving lor South Leaving Saturday night for Los Angeles la Mra. Kollli Moon of tho Town ahop. While there on a bualnoa trip, alio pinna to visit vurloiia ii.,iM. fiiiiiia hicliidlnu Sun Kcr- liiindo nnd Hey Puliimino homo ranch. Her two lliornugnorcci pulnmlnoa, Golden Moon and Pnl.n.Mine Jorrv. hnve been atiibled In Cnllfornla during the winter. Holy Week Services The Rev. Father Timothy Caaey of Sacred lleurt church announced tho following Holy Week scrv leca to bo conducted during tho coming throe daya. Thuraday, aolomn high maaa, 8 a. m., Holy hour from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., In the church; Good Frlrioy, tho muss of pre-auuctlflcd, 8 a. m,, throo hotira devotlonul aervlec, 12 noon to 3 p. m., conducted by riither Joseph Mulnr, CSSR, Way jjf tho Croaa and acrmon, by Wither Mulor, 7:30 p. m.; Huturduy, aolemn high maaa at 8 a, in.; Sunday, massca at 0 a. m., 7 a. m 8 a. m 0:30 a. m., aol emn high mnaa at 11 a. m. Ser mon by Father Mnler, who has apent Holy Week In the Sacred Heart pariah from Portland, whero ho scrvca ua missionary futhcr at Holy Redeemer church. Daughter Born Mr. nnd Mra. Vern Murphy, 2527 Wliuil street, are receiving fellcllntlona on tho birth of a daughter, Linda Klmn, born In the Hlllld6 lioHpltal on April 13. Uuby l.lndn hua a little sister, Patricia livon. Mra. Mur pliv la the former Nclllo Bonner of Pine Bluff. Ark. To Bremerton Mia. Clara Price, who hua been atnying fo n'vmul months nt the homo 0 Mr. and Mra. L. J. Brink, left on Sn'urrlnv mornlnR for Bremer ton, Wnah.. culled by the denlh of her riniightcrmlaw, Mra Vance Price. Leaving Mra. L. J. Robin of 814 South Sixth alrect, ia leav. Ins thla Thuraday for Snn Fran Cisco to apend Enstcr vacation with her daughter Bonnie, who ia attending mcdlcnl accrctary a school. Daughter Born Mr. and Mra. Stanley Miller of 112 High atrrct, nro pnrenU of a daughter born yesterday, April 20, at Klamath Vnlley hospital. Mra. Miller ia tho former Gwendolyn Lorcnz. On Vacation Mr. and Mra. Milton Peniell are planning to snend Faster In Bend, where thev will vlalt Mra. Perncll'a mother, who ia recovorlng from a major operation. On Leave Lt. Roy Skeena, ami of Mr. and Mra. M. E. Jonea of 2009 Dnrrow avenuo. spent the weekend nere wun nis pnr ntm KWina nllnt.1 Ilia own plane In the U. S. army air corps. Correction Auxiliary Gercne Tipton and Auxiliary June Bowne are official recrultcra for the WAACs not recruiting offl cera or official rccrulta aa pre' vioualy atntcd. Takoa Phyalcal While In Portland to toko hor physical for tho WAACa, Helena Hrlczlscse aaw Mra. Eleanor Rooaevelt. Hcl ena ia now waiting her call to re port for duty. Visiting Here Mra. C. W Hayhurst of Portland la expect ed here thla week to vlalt at the home of Mrs. Clara Shaw of Homedale road. Recovering ."Bud" Brodle an employe of Shaw's Stationery Btorc, returned home from the hospital Frldny. He Is recover Ing from a major operation. At Home Mrs. Joseph Cox Is improving at hor home on Wlard street, following a longthy "1 ness. Sho Is employed at Long's On Businois Mr. and Mrs A. B. Bright, of Bend, are here on a business visit, It's ORE TONITE CAi'ORI TAVf Rfl .3 H 10 H W AY T tOUTH III at Home Mra. Rozolla Clitic, accond and third grade toachcr at Rivcraide, ia quite ill nt her home. Mra. Owight Krone! to aubstltuting for hor. Leora Kopp, also a Riverside teacher, la 111 at her home. Mra. Fred Fletcher ia aubatituting In the fourth grade room. Police Court Leonard L Wayne, city, charged with liquor to Indiana, waa to appear In po llco court Wednesday afternoon. Flvo drunks, two disorderly conduct caucs, two drunk and vng, and two vaga, were brought before Police Judgo Harold rra ney in tho morning court session, Dismissed L, W. Hubbard, who suffered a bullet wound in tho leg recently, was dismissed from Klamath Valley hospital Tuesday afternoon. Ha Is cm- ployed by Lamm Lumber company. Called North Milton Price South Riverside resident, was railed to LaGrunde, Ore., Satur day by the serious Illness of his father. Prlco Is employed as foreman in the composing room of Tho Herald and News. Goes Overaeaa Lt. Learning, graduate of Fort Benning, Gil, left recently for overaeaa duty. Mrs. Learning and Infant daughter will make their home in Tacoma, Wash. Ill Mrs. P. H. Johnsen of Johnson tailor shop in the Pell- can theatre building, la quite 111 at her home, 415 Michigan avenue. In Hospital Mra. George D. Tucker. 533 North Eleventh, is in the Portland General hospital recovering from a major operation. Has Flu At home 111 with the flu is Roland E. Wright of Ala meda street. He is reported improving. Rationing Calendar War Price and Rationing Board, 434 Main street. Office hours daily, 10i30 a. m. to ftiOO p. m.t Saturday, 10:30 a. m. to 4i00 p. m. On Fishing Trip Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Arnold of Canby street, are In the Rogue river valley on a fishing trip. Returns Mrs. Louis Margulls of Margot's has just returned from Portland, where she has been on business. Improving Mrs. Pearl Litton, an employe of La Polnto's, has RATION BOOK NO. J April 30 Red stamps A, B, C, D explro at midnight. April 25 Red stamp K. valid to an unannounced dute. April 30 Blue stamps D, E and F expire at midnight. April 24 Blue stamps G, II and I valid to May 31. SUGAR May 31 Stamp No. 12, good for five pounds, expires at midnight. COFFEE April 25 Stamp No. 20, war ration book No. 1 of book holders 14 years of age or over, good for I pound of cof fee, expires at midnight. GASOLINE May 21 No. S stamps, each good for four gallons, expire at midnight. SHOES June 15 Stamp No. 17, war ration book 1, valid for purchase of one pair of shoes, expires at midnight. Family stamps are Interchangeable. FUEL OIL September 30 Fuel oil 5th period coupon expires. TIRES May 31 "C" book holders must have tires Inspected by this date with at least 45 days elapsing since last Inspection. June 30 "B" book holders must have tirca Inspected by this date with at least 80 days elapsing since last in spection. 8ept. 30 "A" and "D" book holders must have tires inspected by this dato with at least 00 days elapsing since last Inspection. RETAILERS AND WHOLESALERS May 3-14 Register with local board under meals and fots program. Point Inven tory of stock on hand as of close of business May 1 and record of sales from April 25 to May 1st inclusive re quired. INSTITUTIONS April 15-May 5 Register with local board for second period allotments of meats and fats, processed foods, sugar and coffee, Record of moals served in first allot ment period (Mar.-Apr.) re quired. Motor Boat Owners To Be Rationed on Gas This Season Owners of motor boats will be rationed on gasoline this season, Lee Jacobs, acting district ra tioning officer for OPA of Klam- MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. 15, 1943) Traia 13 Southbound) p. m. Train 20 Northbound! 11 a. m Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m. Train 18 Northbound) 10 p. m. Mediord Stage? Westbound, 3:30 p. m- Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake view and Rocky Point, 7 a. rru Methodist WSCS The Worn en's Society of Christian Service of tho First Methodist church will hold the monthly general meeting on Thursday, April 22 beginning with study class at 10:30 a. m., with Mrs. Paul Ed wards, teacher. There will be a paper sack lunch at noon, to bo followed by an executive board meeting at 1:30 Bnd the regular meeting at 2 p. m with an interesting program planned Mrs. Yadon and Mrs. Edwards will talk on the house bill 1882, granting to the Chinese the right to enter the United States and to become citizens. Rev. Victor Phillips will explain the Orien tal exclusion act. Tea will be served after the meeting by Mrs, Chilcotc's circle. All women of the church and congregation are urged to attend this all-day meeting or any part of It. Pinochle Club The Lucky Thursday Pinochle club will be entertained by Vera Good on April 22, at the home of Nettie Good, 2020 Darrow avenue, Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p. m. Scottish Rite Masons Maun dy Thursday meeting April 22, at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic hall Auxiliary Members of the Eagles auxiliary will meet in regular session Thursday at 8 p m., In the Eagles hall. There will be an Easter party after the meeting. Hasblna The Hasblns of the Eagles auxiliary will meet Fri day at 7:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Sidney Herbert, 2121 Wantland avenue with two birth days to be remembered at this time. Honored will be Betty Wood and Phyllis Stelzenmuel ler. Choir Practice The choir of Altamont Presbyterian church will meet at 7:30 p. m. Wednes day (tonight) at the manse, 4431 South Sixth street, for special Easter rehearsal. been 111 at her home for several days. Home On Furlough Pvt. Wil liam P. Campbell, truck operator at Camp Santa Anita, Calif., ar rived Tuesday to spend a 15-day furlough with his wife, Anita Gwyn Campbell, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Purl Campbell, of Riverview addition. On Buslneaa Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Soule are In Portland on business. They expect to return here Easter Sunday. Injured F. E. Drake, 127 Hillside avenue, ia confined to his home with a back injury. VITAL STATISTICS MILLER Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls Orc April 20, 1B43, to Mr. and Mr. Stanley Miller, 112 High street, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce. Return Homo Mrs. Carl Steinscifer has returned home from a three weeks' visit with her daughter, Fay, who Is secre tary to Lt. Comm. Robbins of the US naval air station In Seattle P I L E S SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lon Of TIltM Ptrmaiwnt RMulttt DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlroprattl PhyvltlM IN Nt, 7th - iiqulra Thutra lids. sri;xn easter in comfort: Without malice, gentlemen, we'd lilt o AyawP" wllh the amout Van Heusen Shirts0 I I 1 Tht only whit ihlrt wkest cellar it wovtt-not jutt ttwti, but tt'owi to fit th human nick I The Boat Buy in the World SmoolW.ColIaretnl pucker, because it woven is a tingle piece imtead of the utual S layers, too ttarchtt, u toil i Lie Magic! Alwsya folda exactly right, Irons perfectly, for the lold-lint is woven in. Keepi a true curve around your neck. All ouafly fabriti, huniry listti. Sua-foriud-ihrunk. Tht fineit thitt you can buy 61 the price. ath Falls, announced today. Gas oline will be alloted on the baais of two and one-half timea the horsepower of the motor but not to exceed 20 gallons for any three months' period. This will Include resort own ers who have boats for hire, as well as Individuals. Industrial Oil Users Advised to Apply for Ration Industrial users of fuel oil for non-heating purposes are advised to apply as soon as possible for their next three months' rations, according to D. M. Rohrer, dis trict fuel oil rationing represen tative for OPA. Rations for tht first three months expire April 30, 1043. Industrial users mny apply 30 days beforo tho cxpirution date and avoid last minute congestion at local boards. 4 for the 2nd VMr toon, M - ;. "' u. math County E Bond V ' n purchases to Buy i. ' U We Need Your Help! V i SUSSED i I U- THEY" GIVE llIEm.;i.4w4J -j - ,' ' YOUR MOEY V! JV ; a to ff if , Ml . 0 ' M 100 , PJU " 1 Uason, Ehrntan & Co. Gf3Ms? WHOLESALE GROCERS If 'tA Klamath Falls, Ore, l V; I mammmtmamm 1 , :. ,. . T . f U. S. WAR BONDSI Tm TTT TTIY T7 o 0 Men's nil uj uv u - & si.oi. 8th and Main