''April 21, 1043 'HOUSE OKAYS PRESIDENT'S AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, April Zt (P) The liouim today paused the n-ate-approved hill extending (or two yenra tho pri'slditnt'a nutlmr lly over n $2.0110,000,000 sliibill ration fund, but added nn amend ment which lis author mild would prevent line of the money In the proponed Joint $(1,000,000,000 in ternntlonnl bunking fund. The miMwuro extendi tho pre IdiMil'n authority over the $2, 000,800,000 stabilization fund but withdraw his power to de value the dollar. The homo on voice vote first approved the amendment offered by Representative Rued (rt-Ill.) to prevent use of tho fund in the proponed International stabilization fund and then quick ly panned the mcanuro on a voice vole, sending it for adjustment of the nenato and houno versions to a conference committee. The colnogo committee lnnort ed Reed' amendment and tho houne approved It within a mut ter of nil mi tea, In no specifying, the commit tee Mild it hnd In mind powiihle poet-war Interniitlonnl stablllza tlon efforts, perhaps Including establishment of an Internation al bunk Into which the ntublllzii Hon fund might go, whereby dl roct control of It by the presi dent might bo lost. Tho restricting amendment, of fered by Rep. Reed (R-lll.), pro vides, "such fund shall not be used In any manner whereby di rect control and custody thereof pauses from the president and the socretary of the treasury. No effort was mndo by the committee In Its action to In clude In tho bill extension be yond June 30 of the president's authority to dovoluo tho dollar. This provision was eliminated from the sonata bill. PTA Notes RIVERSIDE The annual May festival spon sored by Rlvcraldo Pl'A became a war casualty, and members In session Tuesday decided to dis continue the benefit until after the war. Studonls of Iho various clusscs will have lunch' on the Big lnwn before school Is out, it wns announced. The $2000 goal set by River side In the war savings program, was rapidly being completed. Total sales Tuesday were $107.05 in bonds and stamps, and total for the year, so far, is $, according to Vorna Spolrs, prin cipal. Mr. E. A. Fredrick present ed a musical program during the afternoon introducing the school orchestra, string trio, and vari ous classroom groups. Mr. Spolrs announced that tho second annual teachers' tea would bo glvon Friday at 2:30 p. m., In the auditorium for mothers of Riverside children. Mrs. E. A. Fredrick Is In charge of the program. Data of the last meeting which will ba election and Installation of new officers, Is scheduled for May 11, aT.TS.MONT The Altamont Elementary PTA held a regular meeting, Tuesday, April 13, in tho grade school gymnnslum, Tho after noon started with group singing led by Mrs. E. E. Metier. A health group from tho Junior high gave a short demonstration of tholr work in gymnnstics, fol lowed by a skit about vitamins. . After tho business meeting, tho new officers were, installed by Mrs. Rollin Thompson in an Impressive ceremony, Mr. Pas ck played during tho installation, whilo tho corsages were present ed, and the outgoing president, Mrs. Joseph Huck, was glvon a beautiful pin. The now officers are, president, Mrs. Cecil Bark doll; vice president, Mrs. R. E. Ralph; secretary, Mrs. Stiles; treasurer, Mrs. Lucillo Davison; historian, Mrs. Jack Moore. Tho mothers having children entering school this fall aro re minded that Mrs. Myrtle Cnld well will be at tho Altamont ele mentary, gymnasium, April 2D f If Vou Suffer Distress From"N -'FEMALE WEAKNESS Which Make Vou Cranky, Nervous If st such tlmM vou mflr from orismps,1 hscknohe, dtfltrons of "Irregularities", pftrl cxl of the blurs due to functional monthly uinbvirimiiuPB-- Btnrt lit onoe try Lydla E. Plnlc ham's Vegetable Compound, It not only helps rellove monthly pain but also accompanying tired, nervnua feollnRi of this nature. This la due to Its soothing elTeat on on or WOMAN'S MOST IMPORTANT OSOANS. Plnkham'a Compound la the beat known medlolno you can buy that's made oapeolally for women. Taken regularly Plnkham'a Compound helps build up rralatanco against auoh symptoms, Alnoa nnnatomaohlo tonlol follow label directions. lAA - r w Above ar soma of tha man who helped in lh Klamath county campaign Tuesday to "Spank Hitler on his last birthday." Lett to rlghti Myrl C. Adams, of tha Ufa underwriters, an active bond salesman) C. C. Tatman, union loador, who heads up tha big sub-chaiar bond campaign in this counlyi Troy Cook, Junior chamber of commerce, chairman of tha commit! arranging the radio auction of Captain Jack! Colonel 8wigart, auctioneer at tha auction) J. V. Owens, vie chairman of war saving In the county. 1 TO HEAD 0(1 00T OFFICE Jim H. Bused, former Klamath Falls man, has been promoted to the position of manager of the southern Oregon offico of tho of fice of defenso transportation, it wa announced Wednesday. He succeeds Marshal E. Niiumrm, who will become assistant dis trict manager of the Los Angeles office of ODT. Busch hns been senior exami ner for tho district office, which is located ot Mctiford. He wns branch manager of tho Pacific Finance corporation here for six years, and prior to that was with tho ntnto police organization at Klamath. Busch has made frequent visits to Klamath Kalis in connection with his ODT work, and has as sisted In solving the problems created by tho fact tho ODT of fice for a huge area Is located In remote Medford, according to Earl C. Reynolds, secretary of tho chamber of commerce. and 30, beginning at 0:30 a. m., for tho purpose of Inspecting tho children. She will odvlso the mothers If the children aro in need of medical or dental atten tion so that they can bo in read iness for school in the fall. The PTA sponsors this summer round-up and It Is hoped all the little newcomers will be brought to tbe school on ono of theso two days. Tho hostesses for the tea that followed tho meeting were Mrs. Ron Fisher and Mrs. Wonscr. Flowers Say at EASTER Sunday, April 25 In Profusion PLANTS Easter Lilies Hydrangeas Fuchias and Combinations CUT FLOWERS Roses Carnations Snapdragons Spring Flowers , CORSAGES Gardenias Roses Sweet Peas Orchids TELEGRAPH FLOWERS to , distant cities byi Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Service, We Are Bonded Members V '" Deliveries Restricted Please Carry Your Open All Day Easter Sunday Moeller's Klamath Flower Shop 1211 Main St. Phono 4159 Thoy Helped Klamath Spank i , i LI "3 ' 4 OBITUARIES JOSEPH BAKER Joseph Bukcr, a resident of Bcutty, Ore., passed away at Sa Jcm, Ore., Tuesday, April 20, 1043 following a lengthy Illness. Tho deceased was a native of Tho Dalles, Ore., and a resident of tho Klamath reservation for tho greater part of his life. The deceased was 87 years when called. So Is survived by two sons, Quincy of Bcatty, Ore., and Blurton of Reno, Nov.; four daughters, Rosio Forrest of Al turns, Calif., Martha Parazoo of Chiloquin, Ore., Lounita Crane of Bcntty nnd Audrey Lddington of Nixon, Nov.; and 15 grand children and nine great grand children. Funeral arrangements will bo onnounced later by Word' Klamath Funeral home. GEORGE W. KINKEAD Gcorgo W. Kinkcad, a resident of Bly, Ore., since April 8, 1943 and a former resident of Port land, Ore., passed away near Bly on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The deceased was a na tive of Wildcrvillc, Va., and was aged 59 years, 6 months and 28 days when called. Besides his wife, Edith of Bly, ho is sur vived by two daughters, Lillian Kinkcad nnd Doris Croutcr of Portland, Ore.; two sons, George of Union, Ore., James, U. S. navy; two sisters, Lois Gilmorc of Portland and Isabella of Butte, Mont., and his father, Charles F. of Butte, Montana. Tho remains rest at Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, 925 High street. Tho funeral notice will appear clscwhcro In this is sue ot the paper. Police Reserve Lieutenants will meet tonight in tho city hall at 8 p. m. m I Make your dollars flood right in, So more battles we can win Buy a War Bond today! It Best M. ."-ft.- . !i 'j'w"- LI',..,.' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Hitler t DIRECTORS Ballots for the nomination of 14 members of the chamber of commerce, from which seven will be chosen to serve as board of directors from May 1, 1943, to April 30, 1945, were counted Monday. The 14 elected were Don Drury, G. C. Blohm, Mitchell Tillotson, William Ganong, Henry Semon, A, M. Collier, E. A. Geary, N. E. Long, Nelson .Reed, T. B. Watters, Fred Hell bronner, Ken Klahn, M. E. Cor nett, A. H. Bussman. Ballots for the selection of seven directors to be chosen from tho above names will be sent out to chamber members this week, to be returned not later than Tuesday, April 27. On the election committee are Rudy Jacobs, chairman, Ed Bell, Nick Long, J. A. Souther. Friendship Club Members of the Friendship club win meet Friday, April 23, at the home of Blanche Motschcnbachcr, 710 North Eleventh street, for des sert at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Webb is the co-hostess. After the busi ness meeting auction bridge will be played and all members and friends are invited. W 1! . .; IN CHOSEN I RADIO AUCTION BOND BUYERS NAMES LISTED The following Is a list of per sona and the size of bonds they purchased during the successful Junior Chamber of Commerce Captain Jack radio auction last niKht: Aii'tnyrimtJ Purchaien flM, Roll AlitMl Z.'j, Dctn Abbott ZorB Amlrk 12-',, Vior one) Awltrtrm Hrn AndTion 12), Paul AmWton Umtilbf and UrlI0 Atutf I MX), fi-Mle Il-llifd 125, Mr. 1.4 Mn. Uvrne JUIIiml :'Jf Jlallou A Wriflit fA, Miitm Hilly f4, M. J. Hnrnri fiw, Mr. Itarfti flirt Jlarton SlOW, Win. K. and Nina I'. ftf-k :", Mr. Jawrenc -mey . i). llTkli-r fl"0, I'vt. V.. K. ftf-nntr A, Mr. am) Mm. fHiU Hrmon '0 Kill U union 125, lime ninklry 110-j, Illan JHnkky Wen .Ml Hirikky J, A. IWcM Vt, M'lvln H'iw rnnn 'M, KII1il O. Jlowne IlrodicrltonrJ nt Uruwtlx Fireman A, Kngliitiian M0, fj'iv Jlrfitinaii t', A In an J Hcii Bmf. rUHn 1 W, Carrie itrfntn Jantt liriii ti't. It. h. PrownHI 11'. Larrtt Mr-t AgnM Bryan 'A, M H. Buck nr VA John BurnMt ti-S, Brotherhood of Joorttryman, YUimhttt and 8t-sm Itttera ih cat 191 'MO, Bnirk Uarag VA. . Vrra T,. Thai 25, A. V. Collier t-'AOd, Get alrllna Con rail I itio Carnlnl .V00. LoyM Vnmrr X, A. It. Camr.bell V0. Ruth Carr B. V. Caldwell 1100, Harold Camphell IW, Mrt. John CaldwHl fiene Cervaka W. V. Cool VAO. Ontral Llor Council tm. rel Conk VA. K. II. Cooper H'ayn- Cwjy V, Y.. W. 1ark VA. A. M. Coliler H0. Oaytn C. Carnlnl W. Tex Ca tlehmy 41000, W. R. Canton $100, Ptaff Hfft. Jeiw B. bj Krfwin t'roia Troy Co.k 9100. Kfinclt DennU 125, Krfrett Dcnnli KS. Manna DennU M. FrnMt Dcnnli 125, Billy Malton Jr. IM, Frank Douglai $100, Berl llolan 125, Mrt, Huirh Hull VAO. Patty nuhrr Wm. Olnher 125, Vlrttil Datli $100, C. O. Indcn $25, Benton IMion VA, Judy Dewey 25. Nancy Dewey $. Bnldy Kvnna 1000, M. V. Kwinff $25. Dick Kathrrton $100. R. K. England $100. Earl Ef eat $;5. t. I. Krdman $250. Rill Klllntt $2000. John Fhlnger $100, Jack Elttrelm 25, Donald Flttrelm $25. Jimmy Erdmao 25. O. R. Fife $100. Ed FroM $25, Jack Franey 100. C. h. Frailtr $100. litr Fay 25. W. fl. Forrett VA. Mm. Kat Fal't '-0, Mrt. Jim VerRiJuon $100. Jean Fahnlanrler VA, Jarnea Ftr 100, T. A. Fldler 100, Clar unr Klocclilnl 25. (ilirllla llllrn 11. F. 0. Olrneer VA. Oeorao Orovei .'-00. Harry Ooellrr 1100. Jim fJrlm't VA, Mr. and Mrt. Henry Grime 100. Marian fireen 25. Margaret Gerher 25. Mar. Iln Gerher 25, Sylvia Gerher 25. Cora M. 0hrk 25. Q. V. Gillen VA. Winifred Gtl len 50. Karen Gtitz-nHerrer 2S. O. V. God dard 35. "Pappy" Gordon 100, Bobby Griffith $25. Mr. and Mrt. Gen Tlill VA, .TarVI Henry 15 Hohert Hilton 100. Richard Hilton T5. Jamea milmi 25. Mr. ara Hortham 100, Ralph T. Howard fiW. Marilyn nail 25. Marr Jan Howard. 25. Mrt. Oeorce Helmi 50. David Hull W. B. E. nayden liy. W. Y nilvard $1000. Mr. and Mr. Ror Hetner I00. Mr. and Mrt. Mnrra Howard 25. Joan Hult K5. Barbara Anne Ilnhble 100. Rblrley W n-il.ble 100. Mr. and Mrt. Charlea How. ry 500. D. E. Heath $1. Wally Hector $50. A. E. Johmon 50. Thomai G. Johnton 100 Mn. I-na Johnton 100. Prt. FC Clar rnn. Johnton 25. Mr. and Mr. R-t Jarrett iono. Dean Jone 25. C. T. Jonet 5. Klamnth County Court 75.onr). Claude Kemt 1000. Annie K. Kldd i5. norace Kep hart 25. R- E. KUptrirk 50. Mrt. K. E. Kllpatrlek 50. Mn. Kand 2-'.. Mr. . TV. J. Keller 100. J. H. KMd 55, n. n. KenaRa 200, Karhel Kaler .50. Mary Tiu Kelloit t Ssndra Kenatton 25. Douplat Kenatton 5 Klam!th Marhlne n" Ix-nmotlve 5000. Georp" Klinkliammer 100. Klamath Falls Tim Companv $100. Roper Klahn $100. Mn. Georce, Kolnfji 75. Rot Kephart $25. Klartl ath Batln Seed Co. 100. Joeph Kmera 25. Jame lwlt 1000. I. t. liow 100. O. E. Tcerwell 25. Gladrt Mnffttet $25. John and nelen Ijimbert 100. Sharlyn Diana Te ttS, Robert Allan T 25, Era Lewln 50. Pearl Litton 2-5. Sutannit T,ltoi $25, Mn. W E. Lamm $500, Fred Lloyd 100. Dan and Dava I.ltkev 10.000. Fred taantrffl 25, II. D. Landnim 50, Nlek E. I-on 500. Mr. T.amproptilon wn. MHtl T.ampropuloa jno, Heo Ijmpropulo! 100. Chrlt TAmpropulM 200. Ortena Lampropuloa 100, Cantana I.ampropnlot 100. tarry I,ond $i5, Alta Irrer 50. Erne.t and Maudte fnnon 50. Butch Lapy-ley ;s. Mary Leaver S5, Twlt DISTINCTIVE APPAREl Phone 8222 901 Moin motched hat and bag . 7.50 As soucy a pair as ever perked up a Spring costume! Straw "Skimmer" sailor flaunting a perky bow and edging of checked taffeta . . . matching checked handbag . . . the pair only 7.50! Black, navy, red Kelly or turf tone with white, 'AD, Mti. V.it. liw. fstqr Joj Utwtj ti, H.'irle. Jill. V). Ms. J.in MeAvojr WW, HMrtt MrCli-lko Mr. rnifl Mr,, V.rrif McClfllnii $VJ0, HUiilry Mil kll.n W, Mn. rrnl Mcl'or mrk VO, K'Jrd MrCr.ckrrk Si'., J. II. Mclionild fM, R. Mi-Ur.n 1100, VA Milan n lim, li. .n Milllck V.'i. llarnM M. Mai rr IM. fllla Mann Orll. Marlln t'A, Larry Martin 1'. Marian Mattli.wi fU, Mr. snrl Hr.. Jr Slatllrk IIOOQ. J. . Mat w.ll .VW. Rlrharil Mi-llm.a l&j. Mattel t' M.rornan M0. Mr. an! Mn, W. H. Mrt "I Marilyn Mlllrr 1'H. (l-nr. Ml.- ('I'll 23, Old) Mlkk.lirn IIW). Mlllrr ll-r-pantile, Moa'a llpp't. Htnra iVKal. Jlarr.ll Mlll-r K. Marilyn K. Mlll'r tiV Jarkla Mnlfatt IJ, Tom and N.rlra Mr.rralt l, O.rar Mnllll 126, Jr Morrpll IW, Ix.lnria Mnrrl. r,. Hr.. K. N. or K'nn.ll, Moty 1100. Mr.. K. N. or Anna Moty IIOO, Mr.. K. K. or I'alrlrla Moty ll. Mr. or Mil. A. D. Mullmaui IViO, Mrt. Ham Mu.hen Br. VI, Yirii Myrr. A W. J. Kanrarrow 125, Mr.. W. 1. Nanrar. row ta. W. t. Naal, 1100, N. Batttry k W.MInn WVa. 1100, Ulailj, N.laon 12.'.. Karali .V.lann IIV0, Jim I. K.mlall R',. Annaorlla N-wlon Ki. K. A. Nlrhnlion 1100. Jolm M. O'Hiilllran IS, Mr. or Mr.. R. II. Ollv.r W, Oriental Cafa ltt. Trd ritterlittn '0. V. I), O'lKli W, Jolm riwlnm 2.'t. Martin II. Palm.r 1100. W. ?.. I'ilm-r tfl. JT.rrnan Pane, and family 125, chapter tf rr.0 8lilrhood VA Gloria P.tentelner III). Mr.. Frank Pertnn 1 at lz',. Frank Peyton X at 125, Jean Peyton Z at 12.1, Dale Peyton t at 12-V R I Hie Pickett t at I2S. A. V. Plrkett V, Dl'plien Z. lyah Plrkett IV). V. II. Pool 2A, Fred Pope IIOO. J. II. Poppy 1100, Karen Porter IV), fyroy Porter IVI. Tloiiklaa Power, 11V Mildred Prather 1100. Mary Ann Preaton I2.1, Mr. or Mn. h. E. Prl.it lino. Arrh Proctor IV). Mr. or Mrs. P.. P.. Pack ett 129, liiila Polln 12000. tiny Qtisckenbtiih tVi, Phil Quliienhcrry 12S. Mr. and ?.frs. Jamea Ttoliinion VSA. Darla Tya Reher 125. Mr,. P.lla Pililnette ta. Do lore, Jtoblnann 3. II. K. Ileeder IIOO. John R.her IIOO, W. R. Ittce 12., Mr. and Mr.. John R.lletto IIOO. Je.a Rimer W. Max Rnsa 1100, Nelaon Reed 20.0ri0, U. F.hl Reher 1200, Walter Rnynolr 1100. Mr. and Mri. Henry Rtidham lino. VItIiui ham 126, P.d gchneeheek lino, Allen 8loan 12.7, Mra. Baho 1100, Mn. Ray Btephenaon 12.',. Hazel Shield K.S. Mn. Stanley Blrnky 125, Mrs. Mary F.llen Sweeney list), John ScTioemaker IIOO, Vaufhn Schmeck 125, Mai Saunder, V), B. D. Smelcer vj, Mr. and Mn. Ray Schmeck 125. Jimmy Otto Souther 125. Auhrey Bralth 1100, Mn. Walter H. Steyen, 12.1, R. O. Stein 11000. Mra. V.. II. Sinclair 150. Win Southwell IIOO. Ansjelo Be rrna 1100, Patricia Stewart 121. Jin. L. D. THIS IS THE IN A REALLY Fashion Right! Priced Right! If you like the flattering soft de tails of a dressmaker style, or the free and easy swing of a casual your coat is here! 12-20, 38-44. Tailored Suit Classics 16.95 Crisp chalk stripes In navy, black and brown and popular spring pastel plaids. Classic man tailored. Sizes 12 to 20. Easter Calls For Pretty New HATS Tempting hats to top off your Easter finery! Dressy straw braids, wide-brimmed folts and casuals. Bright flower trims! Romantic veil ing! All headsizes. SEARS, Stepheni liooo. Hr. and Mrt, A. T. Ittph ena 1100. Anton Suly 11000. Mrt. Walur Slarr 125, Alms Bwatman 2S, Delia Shan. leluli 126, Mr. and Mn. John Beverln f'A Mark Bandera 125, Mr. and Mra. John Brlhy 1100, (en, B'lhy 126. Jerry Belhy 126, Charlea K'lhy 125. Boh Belby 121. Ella May Smith 126, Wanda Smith IIOO, R. W. and J. R. Steele S7W0. Kenneth Smith US, Floyd Ship man 126. Pauline Bnty Itooo. Charles Srhn.s '", l.vno Bkllllniton IM, F.lton or Wanda Sinltli 26. JilllS Tayenner I'iS, C. C. Thompson 150. Roma and Jerry Thomaa 115, Mrs, Mitchell Tillotson IMO. W. T. Taylor HI, Jan, Tlni. ley 12.6, Tavenner Jr. 125. Fred, Ustlrk 126, Mrs. Allen TTnf,r ill. Vanca Vanpel 125, Valdai Family 1100, Vic tor Vasak 126. Wilson Title Abstract by Belt. Hop kins II00O, Mrs. Klmer War, 1200. Franrla .. Wheeler 12.5. Ann, fe-s flna Wheeler 125, Mrs. Xellla Wallac 125, Warren Whltlork 12.',. Mr. and Mrt. W. K. Wlnkley 160, Walter Wlesendaner VM. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Wood IV). Clyd, Williams 125. Walter and Perffy Wlesendanser IV). Mr. and Mrs. H, O. Worllcy 12.',, K T. Whitney lr. Miss Alma Ware 12.'.. Tommy Whl.tler IM, Wlllard Hotel 11000. Mrs. Mattle Worley 2, Jimmy Ward 125. Joan Marie Woodruff 126. H. W. Walts IV) (Ilend.Ore), Frank Tanear Hi, Bally Zadow 1100. FUNERALS GEORGE W. KINKEAD The funeral service for the late George W. Kinkead who passed away near Bly, Ore., on Tuesday, April 20, will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral home, 925 High street, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. Victor Phillips of the First Methodist church officiating. . Commit ment services and interment will follow in the Linkville cemetery. Friends are invited to attend the services. LOUIS JAMES M'CLURE Funeral services for the late Louis James McClure, who YEAR OF ALL YEARS SMART EASTER SUIT SEARS' FEATURES DRESSMAKER AND $16.95 $0)98 2 Sears stores hive polled or marked celling prices In. .compliance with Government regulations .... ROEBUCK AND CO. 133 8o. th St. PAGE THREE passed away In this city Mon day, April 10, 1013, following an extended Illness will be held in the chapel of tho Enrl Whit lock funeral home, Pina street at Sixth, Thursday, April 22, at 2:30 p. m with the Rev. Freder ick C. Wisscnbach of St. Paul's Episcopal church of this city of ficiating. Commitment services and vault entombment Linkville cemetery. Friends are Invited,' Return Horn Mrs. Lloyd Low, who underwent a major operation over two weeks ago at Medford, returned home Wed nesday. Mrs. Low Is recuperat ing nicely. Remember Future generations will re member tha last resting place of your loved on when prop erly marked when Identi fied in keeping with your feeling of reverence with a memorial that will tand for all time. ' You will find the design to suit your tata among our diaplay. Klamath Falls Marblt and Granite Works 118 S. lllh St. - Phone 6381 TO INVEST AND COAT! TAILORED Ldfer! r' I