t'KGE TWO HERALD 'AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAU-S. OREGON 'Aprn 20, 1f SENATE BULKS OVER ALCOHOL T (Continued From Pag One) WPB vice chairman, and al though it had been discussed with Jeffers, "I can fairly say he is not in unanimous agreement" "In other words," interrupted Senator Wheeler (D-Mont.), "he doesn't think these projects should be deferred. The witness would not go that far, asserting "his views are not in full agreement with ours, and I'd prefer that he speak for him' self." Dr. Whitman, taking full re sponsibility for the decision, told the committee the rubber pro' gram will never suffer from the lack of a single gallon of alco hol." Senator Wheeler recommend ed that "in view of the wide dis. crepancy between the views of Elmer Davis and Jeffers over the rubber program, we should call both of these gentlemen. Know Truth "Jeffers says we are going to have enough rubber," Wheeler said. "Davis says we are not. The American people are entitled to know the truth." 'Tersonally," he added, "I'd be glad to see the OWI eliminat ed I think it would be a bless ing to the country." Appearing before the commit tee with Whitman was John W. Boyer, chief of the WPB alcohol section. LOCAL BONDS FAN (Continued From Page One) war bond "sweetheart" posed for pictures demonstrating their feelings toward the German fueh rer on his birthday. The Indians swatted Hitler with an axe rep resenting their $100,000 pur chase, the girls held him down while Captain. Jack sat on him. A style expert is one who gets women to pay more for fewer clothes. - - ' KEEP WELL There is no substitute for health BE CONSIDERATE of your DOCTOR! If you ever find yourself growing Impatient while waiting for your doctor, re member that he's being call ad upon to do a lot of extra work these days because of the scarcity of doctors. He'll get to you as soon as he can but he can't do the impos sible. Always be consider ate of him. Your doctor's pre scription is a com mand to us to fur nish the highest t T P prescription service. CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS "The Friendly Drug Store" 9th and Main Phone 4514 PLANTVERDIC Potatoes SAN FRANCISCO, April 20 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 1 Califor nia, S Oregon arrived, 2 by truck; 6 broken, 4 unbroken cars on track; market firm; Klamath Russets egg size $1.81, 50-lb. sacks. No. 2s $1.43, culls .96. LOS ANGELES, April 20 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 2 Florida, 4 Utah arrived, 28 by truck from California; S broken cars on track; no sales reported. CHICAGO, April 20 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 25; on track 33; total US shipments 250; old stock; supplies very light; no track trading account of lack of supplies; market unset tled; no track sales reported; new stock; supplies very light; demand good; market firm at ceiling; Montana Bliss Triumphs U. S. No. 1, $4.00; Wisconsin Round Whites, US No. 1, $3.15; Texas Bliss Triumphs victory grade $3.06-10 per 50 lbs. sack. Charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor were filed Tuesday against Melvin Dalton and Sergeant Chester Scott, the two men involved in the runaway girl escapade last week. Dalton and Scott assertedly took the two under-age girls to Dorris and Weed Wednesday, April 14, in an automobile, stay ed at Weed all night and re turned with the girls Thursday. With the aid of city police the two men were picked up for in vestigation, and Tuesday, author ities, after hearing statements from the four Involved, filen de linquency charges against the two young men. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BETTER OIL gives you more heat per coupon.- Buy Stand ard Burner Oils. Peyton & Co. - 4-30 FOR rTHE BETTER grades of fuel oils, accurate, metered de liveries, try Fred H. Heilbron ner, 821 Spring street, tele phone 4153. Distributor Shell Heating Oils. 4-30 FURNACES, Cleaned - Re paired. J. A. Tufts. Phone 7149. 4-26 OIL BURNER Service. .7149. Phone 4-26 CHIMNEYS swept. Phone 7149. 4-26 FOR RENT Fifty acres alfalfa land for spuds, 1 mile south of Oregon Hot Springs in Langell Valley. A. E. McCoy. . 4-26 LANDSCAPING, large size fruit ' trees, flowering end shade trees, evergreen shrubs, roses and perennial flowers. Call us for estimate of complete landscaping your home. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 5-19 LOST Sugar book belonging to Dan Mirich, Chemult, Ore. 4-22 FOR SALE Air conditioner from Brite Spot restaurant; also dishes and 3-burner gas grille. Call 2121 Halley. 4-22 CARPENTER and handy man will build, repair and general maintenance work. 2520 So, 6th, Apt. No. 15. 4-26 FOR SALE 1941 Plymouth. $750. Inq. 1621 Arthur. 4-22 FOR SALE Building lots, re stricted area. Inq. 1621 Artb ur. 4-22 FOR SALE Well drill rig, with tools and cable mounted on GMC truck. $800.00 Phone 8096. 4-22 LOST Lady's black hat. Re ward. Phone 8507. 4-22 FOR SALE 100 sacks Gem seed potatoes. E. C. Cochram, Bonanza. 4.20 LOST Gas ration book A. Phone C35S, Viola Stearns. 4-22 IN CHARGED WITH AIDING DELINQUENCY T S TUMBLE OUT DF SKIES (Continued From Page One) patches, on the other hand, have said the transports were on their way from Tunisia.) Raising its total on the flaming Sunday battle over the Sicilian straits, when troop-loaded Ger man transports tumbled out of the sky like leaves in a forest fire, allied headquarters said three more enemy fighting planes had been accounted for by American pilots and their RAF and South American allies from the desert air force. This put the total of enemy losses in that single battle at 58 transports and 19 fighters. The fierce, but somewhat slackened offensive was contin ued yesterday against Marshal Erwin Rommel's aerial ferry route and resulted in the destruc tion of 12 more-Junkers-52's and eight fighters, the communique said. Total Raised Four more axis planes de stroyed in other fighting yester day and 11 in assorted actions Sunday brought the two-day toll to 112. Against these losses, the com munique said the allies had 12 planes missing yesterday. Eleven were announced missing the day before, a two-day total of 23. (A Malta communique said two Junkers-52's and two Junk-ers-88 bombers were shot down by Malta Spitfires yesterday, and Valletta dispatches said a third f, Junkers-52 was accounted for by Mosquito bombers from the Fort ress isle. (In London it was assumed these three were in addition to the figures of the allied head quarters communique, bringing the two-day total to 73 axis transports or 117 planes.) Counter Attack On the ground, the Germans mounted a counter-attack in the central sector against French forces holding Oued.Kebir, south of Bou Arada, but the French beat off the assault easily. The communique said there was patrol activity elsewhere,, but the fact that news was mea gre from the land fronts was not taken as an indication no fight ing was going on. , j Ration Book NoX 3 1 To Replace Others WASHINGTON, April 20 (P) War ration book No. 3 will be distributed to the public by mail in June and July as a replace ment for ration books 1 and 2 when they run out of stamps. In making that announcement today Price Administrator Pren tiss M. Brown at the same time told the public to "step hard" on any rumors that the book might be used for any other purposes. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Saddle horse. 1621 Arthur. Inq. 4-22 WANT honest, reliable service station attendant, man or woman, $150 guarantee. Ap ply 200 South 6th or phone 8404. 4-22 WANTED Housekeeper. Care one child at home, one in school. Phone 7956. 4-22 Start TOMORROW Doon Optn fi4l Mocked for the misshapen thing he was, this twisted disfigured man mad the supreme sacrifice for' a girl that befriended hlml . . . Ma.. mo M.eMUBBAY 1 EDITORIALS ON NEWS (Continued From Page One) on Rommel's air ferry service from Africa to Sicily. Over Sunday and Monday, we shot down 112 of his air craft, including 70 transports. ' Our loss is reported in to day's dispatches to have been 12 planes. "THE news from Tunisia as this is written Is scanty in the extreme. This doesn't meau necessarily that there is littlo fighting It means only that there is LITTLE NEWS. Thore is often a difference. Most of these shot-down Ger man transports were taking Germans AWAY from Africa but it still isn't clear WHAT KIND of Germans. They may be only technicians (which is four-bit word meaning skilled specialists) whose job in Africa may have been completed. Enough news about German counter attacks is filtering through today to indicate that Rommel still has no idea of run. ning for it by way of the beaches. QUR side's bombing attack on the Skoda arms plant at Piisen the other night seems to have been pretty thorough. German experts (reported, presumably, by spies) estimate it will take from three to five months to get the big plant running again, and then only on a restricted scale. yHE Germans are INCREAS A ING their attacks in the Ku ban delta area of the Caucasus, and are said to have achieved nu m e r i c a 1 superiority in some places. Despite the weight of the Ger man attacks, the Russians say, no major successes have been achieved and no new territory gained. WfATCH this attempt to hold " an OFFENSIVE corridor in to the Caucasus., As long as the' Germans hold it strongly, they can look for ward to another offensive move ment. If they give it up, it will be pretty dependable ' evidence that they're giving up the idea of another big drive into Russia and are retiring within the walls of the European fortress. TTHE house of representatives 4nf4av annmiio. a 1 Oil nirfL cultural appropriations bill of three quarters of a BILLION dol lars, with the limitation that NONE of the funds may be used for "incentive" payments to en courage greater production of war crops. Representative Cannon, Mis souri democrat and chairman of the house appropriations com mittee, who sponsored the limit ing amendment, says: "American farmers don't want government handouts." 'THIS writer, less positive on that point, can only HOPE that American farmers don't want government handouts which, like gifts from Lady Bountiful, n e a rl y always de bauch the recipient. If we could only be sure that the "gimme" days are over in this country, we could look for ward to the future with greatly increased confidence. , Returning Patty Croup, who has been in Portland working for the Conwhit company, will be home soon to live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Croup of 435 Jefferson street. I "MEN WITH WINGS' I (J I 2ND HIT At f4 VICTUB M-hU-IM I YZ m t m a i m . am 111 11. a a i nun i 11 a j. m m mm mm mm mm. jt ur ' m k n - NAZIS SPEED ASSAULTS AT KUBAN DELTA (Continued From Page One) strong air formations struck at soviet positions, troop concentra tions and supply dumps south of Novorosslsk Sunday night and again inflicted great losses of men and material." The German communique said a fierce strug gle was taking placo there. (In the Don river bond rail transport and railway Installa tions were bombed and 11 trains were severely damaged, the Ger man broadcast said.) (The German radio claimed their heavy artillery was contin uing to shell strategic war plants in Leningrad. (The Germans assorted 178 Russian aircraft were destroyed from April 16 through April 19 with a loss of only 11 German aircraft.) It was not explained whether the Germans were reinforcing their army by sea through the port at Novorossisk or were bringing troops in from the Cri mea over the Kerch strait two aveiiues into the Kuban still held by the nazis. T (Continued From Pago One) cans across the border to heln with seasonal farm work. The meetinc hero in the cnnl. tal of the state of Nucvo Leon, Mr. Roosevelt asserted, is Dart of the whole game of getting to know each other better. He said it ought tot be emphasized that the American-Mexican hnr. der, like the Canadian boundary, is unfortified and undefended, and has been for 06 years, Ihe chief executivo recalled that he had seen a crcat mnnv Latin-American presidents, on a trip to South America Bnd in 1936 and later, and that some times what he termed new leads had developed. Immigration Mistakes He did not indicate whether It was significant in relation to his parley with Avila Camnehn but he said he had talked with many South American presi dents about selective immigra tion to avoid mistake snph nc were made when a large number ARTS CHOSEN By the National Board of Ravlw ONE OF YEAR'S 10 BEST HITS! Dimout Drapes Strictly oft .the face and clonr down on the shoulders Is this turban-and-scarf job worn by actress Eleanor Parker. The Idea is that it will show up swell In a dimout of Germans were allowed to set tle in southern Braill, keep their own language and even street signs, and go their way without mixing with tho rest of the pop ulation. Tho last timo American and Mexican chief executives got to gether was in 1909, when Presi dent Taft and President Diaz de dicated an international undue between El Paso, Tex., and Juarez, Mexico. Lcsngell Valley Mnry Ann Gift spent tho weekend at HlUlebrand with Clara Rittor. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett and Richard, moved Thursday from Klamath Falls to tho Frank Dearborn ranch which they re cently purchuscd. Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn also moved Thursday to 2533 Reclamation street, their new home. Deepest sympathy Is extended to the relatives of Warren Kll gore, who passed away after a long illness. Bill Stewart returned home after a week's stnv at Rnkr. field, Calif. Mrs. Cnrnlvn Henrlinrn miAnl Friday with Mrs. Margaret Dear- uorn ana children. Lloyd Gift spent several days last week at Red Bluff looklns after, his cattle. Mrs. Marv Doarhnrn nnri nillv and Mrs. Cora Lciwltt and Mary, were luncheon guests of Mrs. Re becca House on Friday.. Lila Drlscoll of Bonanza spent the weekend with Hazel Gift. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Rvl and family have moved from ihi Clay Walker ranch So the Hot Springs. HERE IS REAL DOWN-TO-EARTH ENTERTAINMENT! Great Book! Great Picture! M-G-M hoi produced a wondorful picture to stir the hearts of man, women and children ovcrywhoro . . . it will make you cry and laugh and chcor! WJLCHER PLEADS GUILTY TO THEFT Ivan Wllcher, who pleaded guilty In circuit court Monday to tho charge of larceny from II parked automobile, was given n five-year sentence and parollcd to the district attorney's office by Circuit Judgo David R. Van. denherg Monday, Wllehor had waived all pre liminaries and asked to appear directly before tho sentencing magistrate nftor his arrest by state poll co lust week, Numerous articles, said by of ficers lo have been taken from an automobile belonging to E. L. Fields, were found In Wllcher's car at the time tho latter was taken Into custody. Home for Easter Virginia Howard from the University of Oregon, member of Delia Gam ma, ylll bo homo Friday lo spend Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. Bonnlo Howard. Vlilts Parents Mrs. V. W. Kcnglo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adams, with her young son, has been visiting her parents. Tho Kenglas reside In Medford. HURRY! LAST TWO GARY Lost "nmnr -l l Doyl f feiiw Iiowasds! ' 1 U tlyitKKOX tail Ditk a.YTON SV,Tg$l"i j V-wv- mum milium" MmnYlff-T I rriiwt ur ino i niiivkt with TERESA. WRIGHT V "H If too much tun on the bene Oils year gives you good bur surfs you right, r Last Day "Texas Troublf-ShooUri" "Madam Spy" Lair uay it ten" I Tomorrow! THE MloCINi FAMU ALSO! DAYS! GINGER and CARY Together a nicy, Riotous Romance COOPER i VAMICCC" 'It t iv r At -"W 4! 2 11 c. i. .. toe . l.i . TriA moil amnzlna new child; itar in tha hittory of th screen I HOW VALIANT MARGARET CAME TO AMER ICA IS A STORY In Now JK AM r'pilll I AW ill .IT fi YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! -i&x im II