PAGE TEW HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 20, IMS EBINGER HEADS CAMPAIGN FOR SCOUT FUNDS John B. Ebinger, Klamath ' Falls attorney, has been named by the joint board of the Scout- Camp Fire fund to head the 1943 ' financial campaign. Ebinger has been prominent in community activities and was a scoutmaster In Tillamook for a period of five years. In accepting the responsibility as campaign manager, Ebinger qualified his approval with the statement that he would "work with the citizens of Klamath Falls In doing something with our boys and girls rather than just doing something for them.' He stressed the need for in creased guidance and personal leadership of our youth as given in the three agencies represent ed in the fund, the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts, and Camp Fire Girls. The general solicitation period has been set for May 4 to 8. Campaign head quarters have been established at the office of the Modoc Area council, Boy Scouts of America, in the United States National bank building. Heading the team organization as vice chairman of the drive is Vernon Moore of Balsiger Motor company. Moore will ask many of the civic groups to put a team into the fund drive. As an executive committee for the drive, Ebinger has named the following, John Houston, A. M. Collier, Marshall Cornett, A. J. McDonald, U. S. Balentine, Willard Cons tans, W. W. South well, Frank Jenkins, Vera Owens, K. D. EUer and Hal Shade. The executive committee will hold its first meeting tonight in Ebin ger's office at 8 o'clock. .. The board of directors of the Scout-Camp Fire fund is com posed of A. M. Collier, Boy Scouts; Vern Owens, Girl Scouts; A. J. McDonald, Camp Fire Girls. No New Work for Oregon Cities PORTLAND, April 20 (.?) Oregon cities will have to get along for the most part without new construction materials. So declared Maury Maverick, director of the government divi sion of the war . production board, in an address before the League of Oregon Cities. Shortages, he said, make it necessary to use substitutes and second hand material. HOUSE BANS INCENTIVE P y N FUND OKAY E SEATTLE, April 20 (fi) A woman booked as Mrs. Betty El liott Gossler, a merchant sea . man's 17-year-old wife, was , bound over to the" federal grand jury yesterday on charges of having made false statements in uDiainwg inrse lood ration books. She admitted having obtained war ration book No. 1 at Ho ouiam and affain nt TClamntrt Falls, Ore., before applying for books lor nerseu and an army deserter under false names. at Snoqualmie Falls. She told IT. R. rnmmiccmnn. Harry M. Westfall she had torn up the Klamath Falls book and her landlady in Hoquiam had mispiacea ine otner. She remained in jail at the suggestion of the commissioner ana at ner own request. Escaped Prisoners Returned to Salem SALEM, April 20 (P) James Hogler, state prison trusty who escaped last December, and Myr tle Collins, state hospital patient who escaped at the same time, were returned here yesterday by prison officials. They were caught in eastern Oregon. Courthouse Records Complaint! Filed Paul W. Sharp and F. C Adams, doing business as Klam ' ath Medical Clinic, versus T. I. Simpson. Suit to collect bill for professional services. Henry Perkins, attorney for plaintiff. Naomi V. Watkins versus James Thomas Watkins. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and In human1 treatment. Couple mar ried in Kansas City, Mo., January 2, 1928. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff. Justice Court Joseph ames Soares. Operat ing automobile without one red light. Fined $5.50. Benjamin William ohnson. No license tags on trailer. Fined $5.50. Howard Wessley Sinnett. No muffler. Fined $5.50. Reubon Stanton. Operating motor vehicle without one red light. Fined $5.50. Webster Edson Thorton. Fail ure to give right of way. Fined $15. Allen Shirley. Assault Bnd battery. Fined $50 or 25 days. $25 and 121 days suspended. Six months probation. msaxassrErsHEsasaaettman IS YOUR CHILD A JOSE PICKER? It mar b ft tiro of bowel wormil And 1hM roundworm! can cauM real trouble I Other warnlnga are ! uneasy stomach, ner vousnese, Itchinir parts. If you even euepect found worms. Ret Jarne's Verralfuire today 1 JAYNbVS is America's leading proprietary ' worm medicine i used by millions for oyer a century. Acta a-entlr. yet drives out round Warms. Demand JAYNE'S .VSRMIFUGB. By SIDNEY ROBERTS WASHINGTON, April 20 (VP) The house approved a 1944 agri cultural appropriation of $715,- 099,662 today with a limitation that none of the funds shall be used for Incentive payments to encourage greater production of war crops. The measure as adopted also deprives the farm security ad ministration of any funds and discontinues crop insurance pro grams. The maximum payment of farm benefits to any one person was fixed at $500 by 119-80 voice vote. The ban on incentive pay ments was incorporated in an amendment by Chairman Can non (D-Mo.) of the appropriations committee. It was adopted on a 220 to 90 roll call vote. The limitation would prevent the revival of a $100,000,000 in centive payment program which Secretary of Agriculture Wick- ard first outlined two months ago. il!GN SCHOOL Irifir':friff;r; ss'-!Steflljl''!.:iriH.lilrl:lJ!r.jl;i-i-iif;- ill lij BWi, l1Bl .H(l,a j ii I Comnterst ; E I'Sast aw 7 J By ANITA GWYN CAMPBELL By glancing at the school cal endar and seeing what is sched uled for these coming weeks, we see where there will be plenty of busy students until the last day of school. This Friday at 3:35 p. m., nom- gjswlA J body offices who sMaS '- 5 I were nominated awamwV 4amtssa1by the nomina tions committee will be present ed to the student body and fur ther nominations may be made from the floor. April 29 the candidates will make campaign speeches and Friday, April 30, elections will be held. Dr. Polling, who represents the Oregon state system of high er education, will speak to the upperclassmen at 10:25 Thurs day morning. The sons and daughters of the Elks and their friends are invited to a formal dance Fri day, May 14, at the Elks temple. Bettie Hopkins 3,540,770 Betty McKinney ......2,582,610 Vivian Dirschl 2,767,045 Sally Mueller 2,924,210 The contest ends this Frlrlav at 4:30 t. m. Th lllrlrv rirl will be crowned that evening at the Victory enneprt. &n that makes an added attraction. Buy bonds and stamps and enjoy an evening of entertainment Paul O. Landry 1 this question: What Is the Best Investment for Me? ' The . oniwen U. S. War Bonds! The Second War Loan Drive It On They GIVE Thoir Lives, You LEND Your Money! For Information on any Insur ance problem, consult the Landry Co., 313 Main St. Phona 5612 APPHOVA L FOR BILL ON STAB LIZATIDN WASHINGTON, April 20 (.f) The house coinage, weights and measures committee unanimous ly refused today to approve the senate bill extending for two years from next June 30 the president's authority over the $2,000,000,000 stab Miration fund. The committee at a closed ses sion considered numerous amendments, all aimed at re stricting the uses to which the fund could bo put, but no agree ment could be reached, causing the committee to schedule a fur ther session tomorrow. Chairman Somen (D-N.Y.) commenting on the committee's inability to agree on the bill, said "this indicates to me there Is not going to be any International bank. This is the straw that shows how the country is thinking." . Somcrs said the committee unanimously agreed that no ef fort would be made to includo in the bill provision for extension of the president's authority to devaluate the dollar. This pro- Sailor's Mother Discloses Shangri-la to Be Carrier CLEVELAND, April 20 (P) The mother of a suburban Luke wood sailor said today her boh told her an aircraft carrier was the "Shnngrl La" base from which Muj. Gen. Jlmmlo Dool It tie's fliers attacked Tokyo April 18, 1942. . (Sluing rl La,, an Imaginary place in Tibet in James Hilton's novel "Lost Horlion," was the name President Roosevelt gavo vision was eliminated by tlio sen. ato banking committee when it approved tho measure last Fri day, following which tho scnato quickly passed it. reportois as tho tnking-off place of tho planes which carried out tho Tokyo raid.) (Tho Jnpuncao assorted last January 13 Hint tho aircraft car rier Hornet was tho ShiinRii La base used by Doolittlo and his filers.) Mi's. Julia It a d u I o v I c h re vealed her son, Aviation Machin ist's Mate George Radulovich, 20, wus a member of tho car rier's crew and gavo her tho In formation when hero on leave lust December. She said ho Is now on tho west coast. Mrs. Radulovich related her son told her how tho force of Billy Mitchell bombors took off from a carrier 250 miles from Japan amid cheers of tin ship's craw. The mother also said her son informed her the task force es corting tho alrcruft carrier sunk two Jap fishing boats and an en emy destroyer tn routs to tho point where the bombors took off. Mrs. Rudulovlch quoted her son as saying Muj. Gen, Doolittlo was tho first to take off and flew overhead until the bomber squadron assembled In formation and then headed for Japnn. In Washington, Elmer Davis, director of tho office of war In formation, has said tho full story of the raid on Tokyo had nut been rolensrd because thn "se curity aspect of some of the de tails hud not yet boon cleared," Legion Suggests Insignia for Men In 4F Draft Class PORTLAND, April 20 (VP) What would you suggest as In. slgulu for 4-F'ers7 Tho Portland navy post of the American Legion has no sug. Mention, but It wants tin Inslg. nlu legal lied. A petition to congress said the emblem would bo "of great benefit to tho morulo of the mon and boys who, though putrlotia young Americans, have been de prived of tho privllogo of wear ing thoir country's uniform and would avoid any unjust mlsun. (lerstaudlng as to tho wearar'i military status." Always rand tho clussifled ads. for IDIAS TO CUIBRATI (ASTIR Read this week's Julia Leo Wright article in the Family Circlo Mag azine. It gives tempting id on and recipes for an Eaator dinner as well as hints on decorating Easter eggs 1043 stylo. Tho Family Circlo is out every Tuesday. Got your copy free at Safeway. Bright beginnings' for Easter Morn Gayly colored eggs, clever little favors, small gifts and a special kind of break fast they're all bright beginnings for Easter morning. And Easter offers such a fine theme for entertaining family or friends, for food and decorations seem to just naturally lend themselves to such an occasion. Even with rationings and restrictions, it's possible to plan a simple breakfast such as the one we have given here hearty, yet delightfully festive. . " FOR AN EASTER BRUNCH i ' Easter Sunshine Egg Nests with Bacon, Sausage or Ham if available" Hot Cross Buns Jelly or Jam Festive Compote (Mixed canned or fresh fruit served in r, sherbet glasses dessert fashion.) With a Basket of Bunny Cookies Milk Tea Coffes The Easter Sunshine Egg Nests are made of bread cases which are made-to-order-food for using unsliced bread. They can be used for creamed dishes as well as for eggs by browning the cases before filling. When you servo them, remember to tell your guests that cases and filling are eaten together. TO MAKE EASTER SUNSHINE EGG NESTS Trim crusts off a day-old Impound pullman or large loaf of enriched white or wheat bread. Cut into 6 slices about 2 inches, thick. With a sharp knife, hollow out he center of each block of bread, leaving a -inch wall, on the. sides and bottom. Dot inside of the cases with softened butter. Drop 1 or 2 eggs into each case. Season with salt and- pepper and dot top with butter. Bake immediately on a cookie sheet or drip pan in a moderate oven (350 F.) 25 minutes or until eggs are set and cases browned. Serve hot on heated dishes. Serves 6. Note: These cases may be made the night before. Bake longer at lower temperature for firmer eggs. FOR TABLE DECORATIONS v Made-to-order decorations for Easter morning may be real blossoms if you are fortunate enough to have them, or a transplanted bare twig decorated with pastel crepe paper blossoms. Use a small twig with a blossom attached on white cards for place markers. They are gay and spring-like and score another bright beginning. DO SOMETHING WITH EGGS And dyed or decorated egg shells have their place on the Easter table, too. Prepare by washing eggs thoroughly to remove oils adhering to the shell. Then crack small end and peel back enough of the shell to permit the egg to drop through. Wash inside immediately with cold water and shell is ready for dyes and trimmings. . Safeway Homemakers' Burton JULIA LEE WnlOHT, Director Fresh Eggs, strictly fresh, Grade A Large Per Dozen 38c Powdered Sugar.. ..1-lb. pkg. 9c Condensed Milk, all brands. Baby cant 5c ( 8R) Cheese, Wisconsin Sharp, Lb 46e (16R) Cheese, Shefford, American, Pimiento 2-lb. loaf 78c Salnd Dressing, Duchess, I6-01. Jar 24c (10) Chili Sauce, Moncta, 12'vox. bottle 17e Ha'ley's Horseradish Mnarrl. 6-ox. jar 2 for 19e Pnriera Raviola, 16-oz. alass 2 for 29c ( 8) Tomato Sauce, Gardenside, 8-ox. can 5e (24) Tomnocj, Gardenside, Std., No. 2'i can 14e (14) Cut Reans, Briar Gate, No. 2 can .". 2 for 35e (16) Peas, Sugar Belle, No. 2 can 15c Pts. (17) Spinach, Sunny Garden, No. IVi can 17e (8) Green Split Peas, 2-lb. bag 24c ( 6) Tomato Soup, Rancho, 10 54-oi. cam 7a ( 8) Corn, Del Mais Nlblets, 12-oz. can 13 ( 6) Campball' Chicken Soup, 10!j-oi. can 16a ( 6) Kraut Juice, Llbby's, 12-oi. bottle 10a (22) Tomato Juice, Sunny Dawn, 46-ox. can 21e ( 6) Pruna Juice, Llbby's, 32-ox. bottle 28a ( 8) Church' Grape Juice, 32-os. bottle 31a ( 4) Grapefruit Juice, Town House, uniwt., No. 2 can 13s (24) Peaches, Caitle Crest Fancy, No. 2'i can 24e Raisins, Seedless, 4-lb. pkg. 47c Paas Egg Dyes Gay, sur-to. apply colors Pkg. 10a 3 -25c (14) Applesauce, Llbby's, No. 2 can ............ 11a ( 1) Baby Foods, Gerber'i, 4'i-oi. cam 7e Van Camp's Tenderonl, 6-oi. pkg 2 for 19a Bread, Julia Lee Wright, IVi-lb. loaf 13c Rltf Crackers . 1 lb. 22s Oyster Crackers, Dandy........ pkg. 20a Jail Well, assorted, pkg Sa Canada Dry Sparkling Water, 28-ox. bottle 13a (Plus 5c bottle deposit) Nob Hill Coffee Mb. bag 25a Airway Coffee 1lb. bag 21c Edwards Coffee ...1 -lb. bag 26s riavoraid, assorted flavors, 5c pkgs. .......... 3 far 10 Hew egg dishes win taste-approval Because eggs are so nutritious and universally popular, we're always on the lookout for new ways of serving them. And we recommend these tatls-pleatlng offering for any meal of the day. fgsi, you know, are good in place of meat, bosldos being rich In Vitamins A, B, E, and minerals. Coek them with low heat in ordernot to toughen their delicate protein. COTTAGE CHEESE OMELET To a 4-cgg omelet, add a cup of cottage cheese, beating it well into the egg-yolks. Pre pare in tho usual way and serve sizzling hot. It's delicious! CRUMB-SCRAMBLED EGGS- Combine 1 cup bread crumbs with cup of milk and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Mix well with 4 beaten eggs, sea son and ' scramble. And try baking this same egg-crumb mixture in tomato cups. It's a delightful way to make 4 eggs take care of 6 appctitics. CREAMED EGGS- Heat sliced, hard-cooked eggs in seasoned white sauce. Servo on top of crisp toast or between split muffins For variety now and then, add a bit of mustard, catsup, meat sauce, or chopped parsley to tho sauce. For a main dish at dinner, try add ing cooked peas, carrots, or grated cheese Creamed dev iled eggs aro delicious, too. EGOS ORANGE To 8 beaten eggs, add 3 tbspe. orango juice, 2 tbsps. catsup or tomato sauce (optional), and seasonings to taste. Cook in top of a double ' boiler until firm and gelatin ous, stirring all the while. Spoon out on hot, crisp toast, sprinkle with grated orange rind, and serve immediately. This offering is elegant enough to be a party dish, yet simple enough for frequent rcpotition at family meals. Flour, Kitchen Craft, 49-lb. sack $1.89 Flour, Drifted Snow, 2-lb. bag 13e 49-lb. sack $2.09 Swansdown Cake Flour, Large pkg 26c Yeast, Fleischmann's, Cakes 3 for 10c (15R) Snowdrift Shortening, 3-lb. glass 73c (15R) Royal Satin Shortening, 3-lb. glass 64c Vanilla Extract, Schilling's, 2-or. bottle 33c Corn Meal, Albor's yellow,, 9-lb. sack .'. 39c Shredded Ralston, 12-ox. pkg 13e . Cheerioats, 7-ox. pkg., 2 for 25c Oats, Alber's Reg., and Quick, Large pkg .i... 24c Oats, Quaker, Reg. and Quick, Large pkg. ..: 24c Grapenut Flakes, 12-ox. pkg. 2 for 27e (5R) Oleomargarine, Dale wood, 1-lb. pkg.. 24c THEY GIVE THEIR LIVES YOU LEND YOUR MONEY! Buy That Extra War Bond Today! Y Hf R COMES AVS. 6CNSON HELLO THERE, NOW-SHE HAS SIX GROW1N3 YOU TWO! HOW I CHILDREN. LETS ASK HER WHAT SHE ) ARE Will THINKS ABOUT POINT RATIONING BENSON I Y HELLO THERE,! HEAVENS I I 0ONT EXPECT TO HAVE SUCH A BAD TIM. ' I INTEND TO SHOP AT ALWAYS... 'MRS. BENSON, rMRYV WOUL0 UKE TO KNOW HOW YOU'RE GOING 10 J AWf OUT UNDER THE I NEW RATION PUN 71 SAFErWOAS WONT SAY THAT! MEflWsilS 1 THE ONE WHO WAS h J$r SYSi VVONDEaNG!BUT,.. J$ r k SAFi W Ay ME A TS (7R) (8R) (6R) (4R) (8R) (7R) (5R) Skinned Hams far Easter. Half or whole, any brand lb. 41c Sliced Bacon .'. lb. 47e Beef Roasts, blade cuts lb. 30e . Rib Bailing Beef lb. 24c Sirloin Steak '. lb. 37c Shoulder of Pork Roasts, center cut lb. 35c . Frankfurters, Bologna, Liversausage 25 e GUARANTEED PRODUCE -3 Apples, extra fancy Winosaps lb. 12c Grapefruit, Coachefla Valley, ulcy and sweet.. 7c Asparagus, U. S. No. 1,, tender spears.. ......... .lb.. 12Vie. Rhubarb, home grown lb. 7'ic Green Onions and Radishes,, locally grown, bu. 6'ie Tomatoes, good color, solid, for slicing lb. 23c STRAWBERRIES Lowost market price for strawber- ries. Stock up now and save your ration paints. BUY MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH, INSTEAD Of CANNED, IN ORDER TO MAKE MY RATION COUPONS CO FURTHER. IN FACT, I EXPECT TO SAVE MONEY, BECAUSE..'. ' SAFEWAY SELLS PRODUCE V WE'RE GOING j 1 BY WEIGHT AND I CAN BUY TO -AND RIGHT JUST THE QUANTITIES I NEED NOW-WHIL6 NO WASTE OR LEFTOVERS. IT'S EARLY IN YOU GIRLS SHOULD BUY A THE WEEK I J pRoouce by the pound J Dog Food, Kellogg's Gro-Pup Meal Il-oi. pkg. 10 Old Dutch Cleanser, Cans 2 for 13e Su-Purb Granulated Soap, 24-os. pkg 20s Swan Soap, Reg. bor....4 for 25s P A G Soap, small bars 10 for 39s Crystal White Soap, Giant bar ......2 for 9s Lava Soap, med. bar, 3 for 20a Guest Ivory Soap, bars, 3 for 14s Vano, quart 29a Jelly Glasses, tall, Vi pt., Dosen 43c Jar Rubbers, regular.. ..dox. 4c Kerr Mason Jars, pts,, dot. 69a Quarts dox. 89e 's-gal. dox. $1.19 Toilot Tissue, Silk, Rolls 4 for 1S Milk Bone, Tiny Bits, Pkg. 1l Soda Crackers, Tasty Maid, ' 2-lb. pkg 27s Cigarettes, Camels, Chester fields, Lucklos, carton.. ..$1, 28 (7R) Salmon, Llbby's red, 15'j-oi. tin 39a (3R) Salmon, Llbby's red, No. Vt tin 26c Ivory day buy on mora vegetable fresh The Govornmont is asking evcrjrt housewife- to holp make oxintlngj canned foods last longer. Thoy urge , you to buy moro of your daily vegetables froah and loss foods that aro in cans. SAFEWAY