7 April 10. 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NTKB Adolph Hitler: April 20, 1889-? 1943 And Here's A Even Goebbels' "House Painter Blues" Can't Sing Away Hitler's Fears on His Last Birthday! Happy? Last Birthday And How! fife ' tflir 3s happy unTHDAY, fs. Xftofl? t&AMM I w w'jMmmsffm Schfckdgruber The War Bonds You Buy Today Tomorrow Will Buy the Homes That You Are Fighting For SPANK HITLER With Another Bond On His Birthday Captain Jack Will Crow Over Radio KFJI For every "Birthday" Bond you buy from the Junior Chamber of Commerce by phone on Hitler's Birthday April 20 : Phone 5155 TUESDAY Between 6:30 and 7 P. ML Celebrate Hitler's Last Birthday Buy War Bonds Tomorrow! This Patfe donated, in the Interests of the 2nd War. Loan, the Following Firntsi Big Basin Lumber Company Klamath Cabinet Shop Builders Lumber Company Klamath VaUey Lumber Company J. W. Copelaml Yards Charles S. Schaal Brake Lumber Company Suburban Lumber Company v F. B. Hanger Swan Lake Lumber Company Home Lumber and Supply Company The Glass House