Aprfl in, 194S page sir HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PRODUCT I0N0F LUMBER TO BE SHORT M L WASHINGTON, April 19 (VP) Lumber production this year will bo more than 2,000,000,000 feet short of the war production board's goal of 32.000,000.000 feet set In January, Henry Clep per, chief of the program section of WPB's lumber division re ported today. Basing the estimate on reports of first quarter production, Clepper said the lumber short age has grown "progressively worse" In the last four months and has spread to nearly all com mercial species. The reduced output was bs cribed, at a recent meeting of the millwork advisory commit tee, to loss of manpower, bad weather and shortage of equip ment. Other factors blamed were the increased use of lum ber for war purposes and its widespread substitution for metals. J. Philip Boyd, lumber di vision director, said box and crating requirements for war purposes may increase to the point where they will take 50 per cent of all lumber produced this year. These needs have placed a heavy strain on western pine output, Boyd said, adding that it is likely lumber used for other purposes will have to be diverted to box and crating. WORKERS GET GAS SALEM, April 19 (Pro cedure to assure civilian defense workers of gasoline for the per formance of their official duties has been approved by the office of price administration, Jerrold Owen, state defense administra tor, announced today. Individual applications for ex tra gasoline mileage must bear the approval of the applicant's immediate superior and of the county defense coordinator. The later officials are also held re sponsible for notifying local ra tioning boards of changes in or termination of the civilian de fense worker's duties. Food and Drink hi . , : ; . iniir V V; Gov. Colgate W. Darden, Jr, of Virginia, welcomes United Na tions food conference delegates to his state, but warns them they must observe Virginia drinking laws when they con vene at Hot SDiinES. "Brightest Boy" Drafted in Army SEATTLE, April 19 ?) Still modestly trying to shake the "brightest boy in America" nick name imposed when he won the Thomas A. Edison scholarship 14 years ago, Wilbur B, Huston, 31, today was inducted into the army. Bank Fails To Get Review of Labor Board Order WASHINGTON, April 19 (fP) The Bank of America National Trust and Savings association, of San Francisco, described as the fourth largest bank in the United States, failed today to obtain a supreme court review of a labor board order holding the bank to be subject to the National Labor Relations act. Aged Relative of Dan Boone Dies PENDLETON. April 19 UP) Boone Watson, 90, colorful Uma tilla county pioneer, second old est democrat in Oregon and relative of Daniel Boone, died here yesterday afternoon after a long illness. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon SfSI8 OF ANNUAL STATEMENT OT IB?,UNK5D STATES BRANCH OEN 5PftCI.8SST' nRB LIFE AS-5,i.I;:E,C?,RPPItt.TI0N- LIMITED, t.,Per.th Scotland (U. S. branch. 4l4 Walnut street. Philadelphia, in thj state ttSSSUff- lS4zi "Lade 10 insurance pKinf ?oVt-lhl " Oron- . . CAPITAL Amount of capital atock paid up ( eoo.000.00 u , . INCOME "5 Prelmums received Ini.';?.",8 'J? 3 $20,505,489.40 Interest, dividends and rents received during: . the year Income from other "lu'v",flo sources received dur- Ins the year . 101,151.76 S.8S2.125.7S 1.661.082.97 Total Income 521.816,659.61 . , DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid durlnc 'J', year. Including ad, CommKinn trrcn' --- $10. IBS, 700. 28 T.K'.d ft"1" tht vear. J??J t'censes and fees .Pft'd durlnE the vear., . Dividends paid on capital piuck aunmr the vear Amount of all other ei- pendlturea 2,364,808.40 Total exwndltures 520.104.726.41 V.1. n-DJTED .ASSETS value of real estate 1,25?'. mi"J value I 498,500.00 J5?.fn portMSM and Va ,VM,d "'".615.46 nann .... PrNnjumn in courie"o"f Interest and rents dua and accrued ... Other asseta (nelTII 2.964,751.82 8.826,137.21 1H.3S2.72 iO.HUZ.BS Total admitted aascH. $44.105.273,36 n. . , , MABILITIES" Oross claims for losses Am"K f ffiBHHJ "" C.S,nfom,mf.,ro5-ina ' " Total lleblllllel, except Capital pald'iip"""" Sum us over .tf ftrenr. ..rr5y.Vf.V.d.wTcV- "o holders , ls.ooo.ono.nn ftifX. S44. 105.273.311 iBfaL-ss-" i-m-m-i DUU.UUU.UU 'llfisfflEsO N TirfmtiimB received NefUfee.''V.?3' Km Ins year .. 40,500 10 t.NP.or company. United fitaYea branch, o-neral Afc Went Klre andLlie tfHSl Sl:..h'K Name of . BnlteJ ?J?.te aiotutqry resident a? jervc, Ivan W. Clark of J Clark company. ' Residont Agent . JAMES H. DRISCOLL Williams Bldg. Klamath Falls, Ore. ttorney i iqiuil Mary Corrigan in Charge of "Nickel Hop" at University UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Mary Corrigan, freshman in Journalism, of Klamath Falls, j was m charge of the Nickel hop at Sigma Kappa, held late last week. Miss Corrigan Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corrigan of Klamath Falls. Josephine Reginato To Head Softball For Oregon Women UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The head named this week for girls' softball intramurals was Josephine Julia Reginato, Klam ath Falls, junior In sociology. Miss Reginato is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Regi nato of Klamath Falls. ALL IS CONFUSION WASHINGTON, Conn., (JP) Nobody knows whether it's the weather, or competition from airplanes, but the wild geese flying over this town seem to be confused in their age-old spring task of flying north. On one especially cold day last week, one observer reports, a flock overhead gave up their V-formation and flew around in circles for a time. Then they landed, and after much dis cordant squawling flew off again, apparently in final agreement on which way was north."-' By the end of the war, pro ductive capacity properly used can save the world, and impro perly applied could become an economic menace. We must therefore find a sound and sen sible solution. Secretary of Commerce Jesse Jones. SYNOPSIS of Animal Statement of thl UNITED STATES FIRE INBUKANCE COMPANY of New Torlc lo the Stat, of New York, on the thirty-first day of December. 1942. made to the Insurance Commissioner of tha State of Orecoa, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital atock oald up 2,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received f!n rf f the year &,ST4,$4r9.8l Interest, dividends and rent received durlnc . the year 1.355.4041.8J Income from other sources received during tha year R14.341.8S Total Income 817,244,851.31 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid durlna the venr Inrhiitlne arflust. ment expenses . 8, tommisons ana aaianea paid during; the year--. Taxes, license and fees Dividends paid on oapttal stock durlne the year Amount of all other ex. pendlturea - 118.1S4 82 .948.8S4.81 448.026.1S ,000,000.00 ,091.970.41 Total expendlturea .... 815.607,065.69 ADMITTED ASSETS value of real estate owned . (market value) ,8 SS.S53.36 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. 170,128.07 Value of bonda owned (amortlied) 13,992,872.36 Value of stocks owned (market value) 12,683.591.4 Cash tn bank &nd on hand 8.067,789.01 Premiums in course of col lection written sine . September 30. 1042 1,782,626.79 Interest and rent dua ana accrued 64.825.87 Other asseta (net) 6S2.23L60 Total admitted assets. .837,410,616.09 LIABILITIES Gross claim for losses unpaid $ 4,022.849.00 Amount of unearned pre. mliims on all outatand- Ing risks ... 12,478,808.30 Due for commission and prokeraje. , 177,000.00 All other lUbfimeVanj reserves 731 341.74 Total llabllltlea, ttteapt r"X''?'-,i 817,474,196.01 up 8 2,000,000.00 Surplus over all llabll ltlea 17,936.422 OS Sumltl HI YiwmrA mIIk... holdera 819.9S8.42I0S onTS:v.7.-v,-f,-.-.:-.-"'1-'-"- 31. 11142, Market Quo tations for all Bonda and Blocks owned the total admitted assets and sur plus would be Increaatd BUSINESS IN OREOON FOR TBI TXAX hi "ihi rcctlv'i dur Net"k)sse, pa'd auHnrtheYeVr"?',??? ""il.0,..0.' ? OJJMW. United Slates lira insurance Company. Bi.tmol'. S5fa7' O-.Wakeman. FnIJIr)l .'"'dent attorney for service, Ioauranca Commissioner, Salem, Orator Resident Agents D. N. CLEMENS Insurance Aaanev . 209 Underwood Bldg. Ph. 3778 THE LANDRY CO. 313 Main Ph, 3612 Okay, Gentlemen-" fcrn's (Dur Tw-Hs Worth To Help Matte It n irthday ii fn other years this money might have gone toward the purchase of a new linotype machine. You can't put out a newspaper, these days, without lots of intricate, expensive machines. A. M. Collltr (right), G. C. Blohm, Chalrmon 2nd Wat Lean Today, though, we're equipping those printers who have 'learned to' make another kind of machine talk . . . and it takes an unending stream of intri cate, expensive machines to talk in terms of Hit ler's LAST Birthday! Whtn V.Doy eomei, this Bpnd will com In handy to buy a linotyp for uio of our returning toldior-printen. b)