Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 19, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    April 19, 1048
To Inatall Officers Flmil
meeting of tho your for tlio Kro
imiiit PTA will ho held Tuesday
nf tt'iiiooii ill liillU o'clock In thn
school iiiKlKurliim when the now
officers will l)o formally Installed
unci reports of III" statu PTA con
vontlon In Portluwl lust week
will bo given by Mm. J. H.
Cashln inn! Mm. Frank Ppyton.
Tho officers nrd Mrs.' J. B.
(.'imhln, president; Mrn. Paul
Winters, vivo nrosldiml; Mm, Ciun
Vluhoa, socrotury, and Audrey
McPhcrson, trouauror. All moth
cm of Fremont pnplli nro cordial
ly invited to attend whether or
nut they nro members of tho
PTA. Ten will be served by thn
motliorn of Mm. Hiucl Cinin'
In Modford Mr. and Mm.
Perry Wilson mill Hon, Dili, ac
companied by Donnlo Hnbln nnd
Mrn. Kenneth Clink, spout Sun
day In Modford nnd nl Ciimp
White. They were gurnlii In tho
vnllcy city of Mr. nnd Mm. O. L.
William nnd Mr. nnd Mm. Iiert
Cook, nil former Kliimuth real
donta. Juno Williams was mnonil
thoao singing at a aoldlor enter
tnlnment program t Cnmp
Whlto Sundny.
In Paiidomi Mr. nnd Mm.
John McCown, for miiny yonm
resident of thin city, nro now
loaned In Pnandonn, Cnllf., ac
cording to word received by
friends. Tho MuCowiu visited In
Suntu Iliirbiira nnd Sun Fran
cisco with midlives. Mrs. Mc
Cown la In defenso work In tho
aouth. They nro llvlnil nt 17D
North Ilulstend street In Push
dona. Condition Same Jmncs Ku
Bono Echer. nnticnt nt Kliimuth
Vnllcy hospital, spout n fulr
weekend, It wus learned. Echer
hns n bullet wound In tho abdo
men following mi altercation
wlllt city police n week ago. W.
L. Hubbnrd, who officers said
wns ahot In tho log by Echer thnt
nmo night, is recovering nicely
at the hospital.
nlgns Mrs. Krcdn Landers,
employed In tho lingerie depart
ment nt Moe's, has resigned her
position nnd plans to leave soon
for tho north to enter defense
Paastt Mm. Margaret Price,
former resident of Klamath
Fnlla for aovernl years, passed
way In Drcmorton, Wash., on
April 10. Funeral services will
bo held in Bremerton on Wed-
noatiuy, April iv. Mrs. Price Is
survived in th ImmerilntA fnm.
Ily by her huabnnd, Vance, nnd
one daughter, Mrs. C a r d 1 1 h
Roturna Homo Mrs. Carl Po
terson nnd daughter, Charlcnc,
of 037 Eldorado street, spent tho
past week In Prospect where
they visited Mrs. Peterson's
mother, Mrs. H. llnukll, for
ninny yenra n resident of Algo
mn. In South Mrs. Olive Vnn
Kirk of nfoo's Is on a two
weeks' vacation which she Is
spending with her daughter,
Mm. Joseph Mnrok of San Jose,
nnd her son, Earl Van Kirk of
Oakland, Calif. Sho will return
next Monday.
k Improving Bob Kent, son of
Atr. and Mrs. Glenn Kent of 737
Pacific Terrace, Is recovering it
the family rcsldenco following n
Kcvcro nttnek of flu.
In Hospital Word hns been
received hero thnt Mm. Paul Hil
ton, who underwent mnjor
opcrntlon nt St. Vincent's hos
pital in Portland, Is doing nicely.
Sho entered tho hospital last
In Valley Mr. nnd Mm. E. B.
Scrruys were nmong the Klam
ath residents who spent Sunday
In tho Rogue river valley.
Colorado Youth Kills Two Children
J (NEA Ttlophoto)
Two children, Donald Matins, 8, and Mllo Fltndt, 11, woro killed when
; they were puahed ovor 178-foot Onatlo Rock, In Colorado, by 18-ycar-old
William Eugene Wymor. Young Wymcr, shown hero with Bheriff Howard
Vincent of Golden, Colo., said ho charged thn lads 10c to see tho top of
I. UioxUlf and.Uicn p.uahc4 tllora.oH but didn't know why ho did 1L
To Bnlom Clydo I.owry,
member of tho stuto pollco force
here, will lonvo within a short
tlmo for Hulem whero ho ex
changes Jobs with Officer Wil
liam Colbert of stulo police. Mrs,
I.uwry unci tlireo children of
North Second street, will oc
company Lowry north.
To Toxas Mr. and Mm. El
bert S. Veutch left Sunday for
Lubbock, Tcx where they will
attend graduation nt tho Lub
bock field where their son, Bob,
will receive his wings. En route
homo Mr. nnd Mrs. Veutch will
visit at Curlsbnd, N. M., und in
Sun Francisco for a short time.
On Furlough Lester Lodlcn
of tho United States navy, bus
arrived from Sun Francisco to
visit his brother' family, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Dennis Lodicn of Dud
ley Heights, Ho bus been In the
navy for n year, and In that
time bus been completely around
tho world.-
Son Born Mr. and Mrs. John
Penny of 1535 Austin street, nro
parents of a son born April 18
at Hlllsldo hospital. Tho Infant
weighed 0 pounds, 4 ounces at
birth. Penny Is with Bultuglla
and Burger.
To Eureka Mrs. Robert P.
Elllngson Jr., and young son,
Robbie, are plnimTng to leave
this weekend for Eureka, Cnllf.,
whero they will spend Easter
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Ruzlc.
In Klamath Mr. nnd Mrs. N.
H. Bogtic, Mrs. Mary Robinson
und Mrs. Mary Peurson, all of
Morrill, were in Klamath Falls
Sunday evening when they saw
San Francisco visitors off on
tho train.
To Sacramtnto Mm. Cal Nel
son, of Modoc Point, left Sotur
day for Sacramento for a two
weeks' visit with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Orvin Nelson.'
Aaaoclatlon Members of tho
Tollce Beneficiary association
will meet nl 2:30 p. m. in tho
officers' room of tho city hall to
hear Slato Pollco Officer Walter
Walker speak on report writing.
Hsturns Faye Lucas, em
ployed In tho county Juvenile of
fice, returned Monday from a
trip lo Portland. While there she
visited tho various institutions
for placement of delinquent and
dopendant children.
Siator Visits Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. McMustcrs of Portland are
visiting at the homes of Mm. Mc
Mustcrs' sisters, Mrs. Charles
Thomas, 2105 Wantland avenue,
and Mrs. Robert High, 524 High
Has the Moailos Liltlo John
ny Coppago Is confined to the
homo of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Coppago of Lowell
street, with a cuso of tho measles.
Bik Gone Frceland Clcod,
121S.Owcns street, filed a report
with city polico stating that his
red Traveler bicycle was stolen
Sunday from Seventh and Main
From Virginia Dr. and Mrs.
D. Jones, of Virginia, are visit
ing at tho homo of Mr. and Mm.
W. C. Milkcy, B25 High street.
Dr. Jonos is a slato veterinarian.
Back Home Nell Lindbergh,
employed In tho office of Weyer
haeuser Timber company, has
returned to Klnmath Falls, after
a week's vacation in San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles,
Hera for Weekend Mrs. Roy
F, Nye anfl Lucille Nelter of
Ashland spent tho weekend vis
iting at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Sabo.
Klamath e o u n t y's pioneer
dairy operated by Mrs. .Clara
Collmon of the Old Fort road,
beenmo a war casualty this week
when Mrs. Collinan announced
that sho had gone out of business.
Tho Collmon dairy dates bock
to 1018, when deliveries wcro
made In tho old homo and buggy
manner. At vorlous dairy aliow
In Portland, Mm. Collmon took
first prizes and honorable men
tions In the quality of milk from
the Collman herd. Several
months ago, when help went to
war, Mrs. Collman Bought as
sistance from tho Klamath
Creamery which took over de
livery for her.
Cows from the Collman herd
have been sold off in small lots,
It was learned. Many of Mrs.
Collmon's original customers
have remained with her for 25
years. There was always a
waiting list In tho little dairy's
(Effoctivo Feb. 15, 1943)
Train 19 Southbound: 6 p. m.
Train 20 Northbound! 11 a. m.
Train 17 Southbound: 7 a. m.
Train 16 Northbound: 10 p. m.
Modford Stage. Westbound, 3:30
p, m., Evtning Airmail.
Stagta to Alturaa, Aahland, Lake-
view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m.
Rlv.r.ld. PTA Tho April
meeting of Riverside PTA will
bo held Tueadoy at 2:30 p. m.
In tho school auditorium, At
this time tho students will pre
sent a musical program under
the direction of Mrs. E. A. Fred
rick, music supervisor. Plans
will bo discussed for tho re-1
malnder of tho year and the
May festival project decided.
Tea will bo served.
Roosovalt PTA Mrs. E, A.
Gcory will speak beforo mem
bers of Roosevelt PTA on Tues
day afternoon. Her topic will
be, "Post-Wnr Rehabilitation,":
nnd will bo of interest to all
PTAers. Tho music department
will present the program.
Postponed Tho Dorcaa circle
of the Presbyterian church which
was to have met Thursday will
not meet until April 29, it was
announced today.
Cancolltd The club mooting
of the Eagles auxiliary to have
been held Wednesday nt the
homo of Urscl Bratton, has been
Indefinitely postponed. Tho wo
men were to have sewn lor the
American Red Cross.
Ladies Aid Klamath Luther
an Ladies Aid will meet Tues
day, April 20, at 2 p. m. at the
church at Cross and Crescent
streets. There will bo a book re
vuo of "In His Steps" by Mrs.
Victor Joscphson. Also music.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Frank
JJorn and Mrs. Bert Eclls.
Indian Woman
Booked on Charge
Of Drunk Driving
Lottie Miller, Modoc Point In
dian woman, was arrested by
city police nt Ninth street and
Klamath avenue Saturday eve
ning and booked on a charge of
driving whilo under the influ
ence of liquor. Police said they
found tho woman disorderly
whilo making tho arrest. Sho
was released Monday on pay
mont of a $100 fine. Her driver's
license was suspended.
Also In police court were four
drunks, one drunk and disorder
ly, two disorderly conduct cases,
and 11 traffic tickets were paid.
Courthouse Records
Complaints Filed
Pcaurl Baty versus Stanley C.
Mnsten. Sulf to collect wages.
U. S. Bnlcntlnc, attorney for
Justice Court
Gordon Charles McKay. Ang
ling without a license. Fined
Stolen Car Cecil E. Adams
of Tulclnko reported to city po
llco the theft of his 1934 Chev
rolet, light blue color, from
Tulclnko this weekend.
From Dunimuir Mrs. W. E,
Young of Dunsmulr was a guest
Inst week nt tho homo of Char
les Chandler In Altnmont.
P i L E S
No Loh of Tlmo
Pimunini Ruullal
Chlropraotlt Phyilelin
in No, 7th - Eiqulrs TltMtri Bldg.
Phonr 70(1
No Bananas?
NT li-VS
Yes, we have bananas today
maybo not In the U. S., but
there are plenty In tho South
Seas. This U. S. soldier winding
up a brief respite from war on
a South Pacific isle leaves
loaded down with farewell gifts
from natives.
Fashioned With Your
Spring Urge In Mlndl
Flowered Patternal
Rayon Bemberga!
Every line, every detail of
these smart frocks, are as
new and sparkling as
spring itsclfl Soft rayon
bemberg, gayly flowered
' In soft colors ... in smart
dressmaker, button - front
styles! Sizes 12-20, 38-44.
Secoxd Floor
Styled for Youl
In styles and colors
to add dnali to ' nil
your spring outfits I
" "V'"
Rayon Fabrlcl
Dressy or tailored
styles, nicely stitched I
New spring colors I
Maik Floor
Ellen O'Kcefe, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan O'Kcefe of 335 Pa
cific Terrace, and a student at
Sacred Heart academy, won the
first prize offered in the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary sponsored
essay contest, "Making America
Strong." Second prize was taken
by Dorothy Kavdcr, student of
the Klamath Union high school.
Both essays were considered out
standing, according to Henry
Perkins, who acted as one of the
The winning essay will be read
Bright Plaidal Smart
All-wool Herringbone
All-wool Shetlanda
Fine Cavalry Twill
If you must watch your
budget . . . you'll do your
self a favor If you watch
Penncy's new fashions!
You'll revel in all-wool
Shetland . . . dashing wrap
around styles in cavalry
twill'. . . intriguing soft
wool. Popular . spring
shades. 9-20.,
Secoxo Flook
Styles for Every Womanl
Lustrous Rayon Satlnl
Smooth Rayon Crepel
Dainty with Lacel
Smartly Plain Styleal
So many styles to choose
from . . . you can select
your favorites with certain
dresses in mindl Some are
straight cut with four
gores and double yokes,
others cut on the bias to
fit smoothly under the
sheerest frocks! Froths of '
lace at tho neck and hem
line ... or untrimmed
styles if you prefer. All
Dainty, fresh looking
collars to brighten up
dark dresses I
at the regular meeting of the
auxiliary, to bo held Tuesday
evening, April 20, according to
Mrs. J. H, Hunter, Americanism
chairman. This essay has also
been sent to Portland, to be en
tered In the state contest.
Mrs. Hunter said several other
very good essays were entered,
and she desires to thank all who
took part in the contest.
If it's a "frozen" article you
need, advertise for a used one
In tho classified.
(YtCfO lill I SllVWyiH I M VW1 wva viviliv aiiwa B w IllWI MIWM V
Easier charmers. Their job is to keep up morale long after the Easter parade
is overl That's why it is so important to get tested, accepted fashions Iht
ohly kind we sell at Penney'sl These typical Penney fashions will give you .'
not only a smart Easter but plenty of satisfying wear, too..
Smartly Tailored or
With Pretty Floweral
Spring HATS
A new hat is Just the
right thing to lift
your spirits and
these are spirit-lifters
every one! Your step
will be lighter and
your head higher the
second you try on
one of these delight
ful new padre sailors,
or smart flowered
heart-shaped bonnets!
Kit ntl.ni. -I ..T.-
with feather or ruch-V?1.
ing trimming!
. Thrift Savings In
Genuine fur felt In
spite of the low
price and top-style,
tool Shades to blend
with YOUR Eostcr
outfit! Shown is the
new bound edge Me
dallion I
2 n
Mai Floor-
maAid., ii h inn
Have Two Cigars!
Twins Born to Wife
Of State Policeman
Sgt, E. W. Tichcnor of state
police was passing out doublo
batches of cigars Monday follow
ing the birth of twin sons to
Mrs. Tichenor at Klamath Val
ley hospital.
First to arrive Sunday morn
ing at 12:06 o'clock was Donald
Paul weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces.
(m1!a anAnnrl TMc VArlf ' anils' r I A til AC mi
ifll ill
Sreoxn Fr.ooR
Fine Fur Felts Priced To
Ease Your Wartime Budget!
M ViT-iijc-ri-;:-: :i;r.- Tr:r m
Boya' New
Jim Penney
Genuine all
with wide
welt trim,
and jaunty
Reg. U. S. Tut. Off.
At 1:30 a., m. John Martin ar
rived. He tipped the scale l
6 pounds 8 ounces. Tha Ttehv
enors have two other tons, Earl
William and Carroll Jay making
four little boyt now at 1110
Summers lane. i
The war effort hai gone W
the capltol dome no paint Job
thli year.
It always seemi that JV-
dearest friends cost you nottw,
ing. .....
I'll I! MAra ill MM tiiafti
Be Smart Thla Spring
With a Really day Hall'
You'll find life brighter
the minute you - tee '
these lovely "new sailors ;
that are crisp and' shin-.
Ing . . . the tiny calota '.
that are a mass" of flow-'
ers . . . and the pompa!
dour types that sit gayr
ly on your head to show '
off 'your new . hairdo! . v
You'll f 1 n d cygewtat'
berets and conservative ."
off -face styles, for; your;.'!
suits! Grand choiee ' . cat .
Small Fry Join the Easter '"T
Ilati to win her : heart t.r'i
Big wide-eyed bonnets. .
saucy sailors and soft A- r .
breton rollers with, all , v
the ribbons and flowers .' ". '
little girls love!. - '., 'v ?'
1943 Headlines by Marathon ;
All of spring's newest and BEST details-..
are represented in this grand ' group!
Stitched crowns (at left), also bound-edges, .
medallions, wide brims every one a HIT! .
The Head First (shown at
left) la Just one of many,
leader j-to-be I Othera boaat .
contrasting bands, boon Br
idges and perfect STYLE! '
All Wool
wool felts
snap brims,
novelty band