April 10, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Lost and Found LOST G ration book A nnd C and tlr Inspection iillp be longing to Vlnrla Hunt, BOB Hillside. 410 LOST Giisollno rullon book A. Bob Burke, Phono BIH7. 4-20 LOST Oik ratlonlnK bonk. A. Everett McBrlde, 3303 Frieda. 410 LOST Gus rullon bqok, A. Chrlsmun GeoigK, Beully, Or. 4 21 LOST Cms rationing book A. Fred A. Rayer. 9923 Sbiinla way. 420 LOST Gua ration book belong ing to W. 11. Rhode. 911 Roosevelt. 4-20 LOST Sugar ration book be longing to William Thome, 813 k Pine. 4-21 General Notices RUGS FOR SHEA will be old for storage If not colled for by Mny 12. 1043. Doremiu Rug Co. Dial 91179. 4-10 Personal! MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Mnrble and Granlto Work, 116 So. 11th. Phono 0381. 9-1 CALL 0790 for concrete work on vour cemetery lot. 9-12 Transportation 2 STAGES DAILY TO LAKEVIEW AFTER APRIL 15th Leave for Lakevlew 0.00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. ' Arrive Lakevlew 12:00 Noon and 11:00 .P. M. RED BALL STAGE LINE 4-30 10 BorvtcM BLACKSMITH1NO and welding. Tractor, truck and farm mach inery repair. Special built elevators, stackers and buck rakes. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO I04S So. 6th SL Phone 8247 4-23 BELTS for all makes rofrlger ators, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. Merit Washing Mnchlne Service, 611 , South Sixth. 4-30m PAINTING . KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phone 4226. 4-10m LAWNMOWERS Sharpened Bodenhamer Repair Shop, 391 E. Main. 4-23 WOMEN relieve that nagging backache with a Spencer Sup port. Mrs. James Sullivan, registered Spencer corsetiere. Phone 6002. 4-29 PLUMBING HEATING, sheet metal work. P. L. Johnson, 1438 Sargent St. Phone 9329. 4-29 PLOWING By the hour, any amount, tractor with 2-wny plow. Contact at 8th and Main, Victor Cab. 4-19 O PICTURE FRAMING Van's Camera Shop, 727 Main. 4-30m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. Chns Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 4-30 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERINO, reflnlshlng, repairing. Cabi nets built. Carpenter work of nil kinds. Pninllng and knljo- miiilng done. Phone 4917. 3041 Shasta way. 6-7 FLOOR SANDING and roflnish Ing. Clifford Golden. Phono 3922. 4-30m CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Phone 3717. 9-2 SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month. Singer Sewing Con t ter, 1213 Main St. Dial 6771. f 9-8 ILECTROLUX Authoriiod Ser vice. L. C. Cnrr, 621 Mitchell. Phono 71B7. B-8m PICTURE FRAMING Goollnr's, 230 Main. S-J4m HOUSEHOLD refrigeration and washing machine service. Dial 9303 or 8448 after 2 p. m. Victory Service Co., 1009 Pros pect, 6-14 CARE FOR CHILDREN week ends. Phone 8144. 8-14 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Bullous and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. II. M. Allcmlcr, 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7263. 4-30m Educational ACCORDION LESSONS. 407 N. nth. Phone 340B. 4-33 13 Health DR. M. C, CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and rectal dis eases. B32 Main. Dial 7219. 4-30m 14 Help Wanted rtmal WANTED Cook for Malln Hotel, Malln, Ore. 410 WESTERN UNION OFFERS Girls 18 and older an oppor tunity to serve as communica tion carriers. Full or part time. Light, pleasant work with opportunity to lcnrn and advance, Apply Western Union office, Klamath Falls. 4-20 WANTED Experienced maid. Inquire housekoopor at Wll lurd Hotel, 2201tf WANTED Middle-aged lady to take full charge two small children. Call 1803 Siskiyou St., after 4 p. m. 4-10 WANTED Stenographers. Some payroll experience de sirable but not necessary. Those now working in lum ber or other essential Industry should not apply. United States Employment Service, 243 Main Street. 4-20 WANTED Cashier. Inquire Walgren Drug store. Do not telephone. 2209U WANTED Woman for house work and care of child, 8 to 8 or 8 to 12. Phone 6871. 4-21 YOUNG LADIES, 18-23, free to travel, Circulation work. Trnvollng expenses guaran teed, transportation paid. See Mrs. Glgnac between 7 to 0 . p. m., Pollcan Hotel. 4-21 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN for housework. Phone (W7U, 4-20 16 Htlp Wantsd. Male MEN WANTED Ripsaw man, rettitw mini, grader, lie-up man. Alturaa Moulding and Box Co., Alturas, Calif. 4-20 ATTRACTIVE POSITION rep resenting life insurance com pany for man 49 to 99. Ex clusive local territory. Guar anteed commissions. Phone or see Mr. Bauman, Elk Hotel, Monday, Tuesday evenings. 4-10 WANTED Man up to 63, handle distribution essential civilian products. Good steady earnings. Business establish ed. No Investment required. Permanent. Write C. L. King, 4912 Hollis St., Oakland, California. 4-21 WANTED Man and wife to do house cleaning in exchange for rent of furnished cottage. Altamont Auto Camp. 4-20 GOOD JOB for experienced mar ried man to work, and wife to cook on ranch. Good sal ary. No children. News-Herald Box 3119. 4-21 MALE HELP WANTED Oregon State Highway Dept. 2996 Altamont Drive Paving Plant Crew 2 Wheelbarrow men, $ .84 pr hr 2 Shovelers 84 pr hr 1 Raker 1.00 pr hr 1 Apprentice raker 00 pr hr 1 Flush coaler B4prhr 1 Burnerman 84 pr hr 4-20 BARBER WANTED 2328 South Sixth. 4-20 WANTED Cleat machine oper ator, steady work. Setzer Box Company, 2970 Third Street, Sacramento, 4-24 WANTED Turndown man Fallers Lumber handler Ttlmmerman Hand-ratchet setter Millwrights WESTERN PINE MILLS 3612, 4400 818 Main 4-21 WANTED Circular sawyer. References required. News- Herald Box 3120. 4-21 18 Situations Wanted MIDDLE-AGED, married man wants buckaroo job with liv ing quarters. Write . or see Floyd Freeman, W. E. Wilson Ranch, Bonanza. 4-18 WANTED POSITION Time keeper, timekeeper's assistant. By mnrriod woman, middle age, experienced, competent. Available May 1. News-Her-aid. Box 3090. 4-21 20 Room and Board ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phone 4769. 102R Jefferson. 3270W 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS 1034 High. 9-9m CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All putside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new lnnersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 4-a0m MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory. Steam heated rooms $3.80 week up. Tran sients $1,00, 8-3m OUTSIDE ROOMS. Crater Ho tel. 120 N. 2nd. 8-9 RIVERVIEW One and two-bed-room apartments, furnished, garage. Phone 8492. 1396U THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Couple. No pots. Villa Marquise, 1320 Oak. ' 1803tf 24 Apartments For Rant VACANCY Lea Apartments. Phono 0047. 1969tf FURNISHED APTS. $4 md up per week. 133 No. 10th. 4-28 24 Apartmanta For Rent 3-ROOM modern, furnished, steam heated apartment. 201 E. Main, side entrance. 4-19 SMALL two-room and one-room apts. 812 Oak. Inquire 808 Oak. 1178tf FOR RENT Apt.-cotUge, close In, on Oak St. $16. Also one for $19. Phona 4272. 8130 evenings. 301 Otf VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.60 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 4-24 PONDOSA APARTMENTS Phone 9627. 4-23 CLEAN, FURNISHED APTS. Also nice room, private bath, garage. Pine and Cedar. 9-8 CLEAN Housekeeping Rooms Close in. Everything furnish ed. $4 week. Sleeping rooms $2 week. 410 So. 6th. 9-8 VACANCY Rex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 8789. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. S-8m CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modntlons with hotel service Complete kitchen and dinette day, week or month. Three blocks from city centor. 4-30m ESPLANADE COURT APART MENTS furnished; by the week or month. Walking dis tance. 1609 Esplanade. 4-30m LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnish ed apt. 2219 So. 6th. 8686. 4-19 LARGE 2 ROOMS, bath. Elec tric range, refrigerator. Adults. 329 Commercial. 2666U 2-ROOM FURNISHED APTS. Wood and water. $18 and $20. 900 Owens. 4-20 WALKING DISTANCE Clean 2-bcdroom furnished apart ment. Utilities paid. $23. Gar den if desired. 138 Mortimer. 2720U APARTMENT COURT Close to business district. Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bldg. 3220tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No 10th. 318 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT. 409 No. 3rd. 4-20 APARTMENT available for cou pie. Audlcy Apts., 8th and Walnut. Phone 7243. 4-10 FURNISHED duplex. Suitable for one. $38. Garage. LI- dorado and Melrose. Phone 4393. 2293tf FOR RENT 2 room furnished Apt. Wood and water fur nished. $16.00. 2126 Recla mation. 4-19 VACANCY 421 Oak. 4-23 ONE and two rooms with sinks. Utilities furnished. 109 N. Broad. 4-23 VACANCY Hot Springs Court. 221 Spring. 4-23 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. Inquire 430 Washington after 6 p. m. or 129 No. 8th. 3114tf FOR RENT Furnished apt. 433 No. 10th. 3097U TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Electric range, refrig erator. $22.80 month. 1118 Walnut. 3087tf UNFURNISHED APARTMENT 1989 Auburn. 4-24 CLEAN, SMALL Apartments Close In. Utilities furnished $12 to $16 month. Parking space. Call 9432. 2300U FOR RENT 4-room unfurnish ed cottage-like house. Large garden space. Irrigation water paid. City water and lights. City bus service. Also large 2-room cabin, furnished, no children. Call 4806 So. Sixth St. 3099tf 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT 2-room modem house, furnished. 1919 Port land. Phone 4333. 4-19 FOR RENT 2-room modern house, close In. Phona 4933. 4-19 SMALL, MODERN, furnished house. Everything furnished. 2129 Biehn. . 2139U TRUCKS FOR RENT . You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 8-7m TWO SMALL furnished houses with garages. See or call Chris Huuk. Dial 6470. 4-19 FOR SALE OR RENT Unfur nished 3-room cottage. Large back lot and garage. Call 3236. 4-19 NEWLY DECORATED, infur nished five-room house. Range, Call 8208 after 8 p. m. 2135tf FOR RENT House on Conger avenue, one bedroom, fire place, sun porch. Phone 4826 or 9113. 3311tf FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, does In, 718 Jeffer son. 4-22 FOR RfiNT Foui' room houso newly decorat id, Garden space, 860 California Ave. 4-20 34 Automotive Cash Right Now Wanted to Buy ' 8 or 6 Good Clean Late Model Cars For Resale Purpose 6-Cyllnder Preferred Douglas Motor Co.' 734 Klamath Ave. 28 Houses For Rent TWO ROOM house, acre of ground. 2900 Kane St. 4-11) 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT OR LEASE Small apartment house, furnished. Phone 9733. 4-10 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrest mattress, floor waxers. Phone 9333. Klam ath Furniture. 4-30m DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 4-30m 30 Real Estate For Sal East Main Business Building Fine brick and tile business building, 24 by 40. concrete floor, movable partitions, mod ern living quarters with show er In rear room, built to add second story. $4,000.00. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4384 Members Klamath Realty Board 4-19 FOR SALE 720-acre stock and grain ranch. Large hou.se, barn, other buildings, all in good shape. 130 acres under cultivation. Spring water. Theo. W. Flackus, Dairy, Ore. 4-22 FOR SALE QUICK Four-room house. 1441 WiUord Ave. 4-23 FOR SALE New five-room home, corner Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approved loan, monthly payments less than rent. Phone 3301. 2133tf LOT AND 3-ROOM HOUSE $780. Two blocks from South 6th St. Right on bus line. 2440 Shasta way. Phone 7620. 2132tf HOMES, farms, business proper- ty. See EVERETT DENNIS 121 N. 8th. Ph. 8491 5-2 1000 ACRE ranch with about 19,000 acres of grazing, 700 acres to crop with 550 water; also deep ,well, modern home new, fine large barn, tractor and all equipment and com bine, 120 acres of alfalfa, 65 rye, all seed needed to put in crop, horses and stock go with place. $25,000. Pearl Moore, O'Kane Bldg., Bend, Ore. 4-20 LARGE 3-ROOM HOUSE, bath, $1679. 201 Eldorado. 4-19 FOR SALE Corner lot; four room, 2-bcdroom house. Screened-in back porch, hard wood floors, concrete founda tion, several fruit trees, large lot. Also a two-room house, furnished, on property. Quick ale for $2790. Phone 3497. 4-21 FOR SALE 4-room modern house, 1 acre ground. 1852 Logan St. 4-24 34 Automotive FOR SALE '38 Hudson sedan. Radio, heater. $390. Inquire 412 Michigan. Phone 6744. 4-19 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut Ph. 7378. 8-6m FOR SALE 1929 Ford coupe, good tires, good motor, 104 Old Fort Road. 4-19 STRICTLY BUSINESS yfp ' ' ' l -Hi S3JJ3T HIVAQ BV'Sy flJ-uC "May I go horn nowf 34 Automotive 4-22 34 Automotive CASH for Your Used Car Pickup or Truck ' See Vern Moore Balsiger' Motor Co. 4-27 W Buy and Sell Used Cars For the Best Deal SEE SELBY LAST Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak '36 CHEVROLET PICKUP Four good tires. $250. H. H. Bell, 1 mile out of Dairy on Bonanza highway. 4-20 FOR SALE House trailer, first house north of grade school. Merrill, C re. 17-21 1941 CHRYSLER COUPE, per fect condition, tires excellent. Melhase Garage. 4-20 WANTED Light trailer ca pable of carrying 2 ton. Lost River Dairy. 306Itf PRIVATE PARTY wants to pur chase for cash, 1940 or 1941 car. Phone 7013 days or 4210 nights. 4-21 35 Fuel Heating BLOCKWOOD Prompt deliver ies, $6.50 per double load. Fred H: Heilbronncr, telephone 4153. - 4-24 38 Miscellaneous For Sal FOR SALE 2 good Flamo gas stoves. Phone 4533. 4-19 FOR SALE 23-jewel railroad - watch, like new. Phone 4533 4-19 FOR SALE Extra good Hension seed barley, $1.75 per cwt. Four miles west of Mac's Store. Bring sacks. H. P. Hathaway, Rt. 1, Box 884. 4-19 DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1485U GLASS Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 3-6m AVON PRODUCTS 6691. Phone 4-18 LANDSCAPING Shade and flowering trees, evergreens, shrubs, large size fruit trees, strawberries and raspberries, roses, blooming size red and white peonies. We trim and spray trees and shrubs. Lake- shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 4-19 HEADQUARTERS for Fine Chamois, $2.00 up. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market. 9-4 DUST MOPS, 60c up. Dust mitts, 20c up. Steel wool, 3 pads 10c. Limit 6 pads. Wall brushes, $1.50. Wet Mops, Scrubs and Brushes of every description. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market. 5-4 GEM Everbearing Strawberry Plants. Hurry they re going fast. 824 Grant St., off Ninth. ,tf LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6617. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 5-8 By McFattri t got rid of all mint.' 38 Miscellaneous For Sal FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments a low as $9 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 2138U UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 2134tf ROOFING See us first for an estimate on all types of roof ing. Scaley Bras., Contractors. Phone 5385. 2456tf RUBBER. STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 8632. 4 -30m WATKINS PRODUCTS. Phone 6623 or 2318 Home. 4-26 18-INCH GREEN SLABS Pine double loads, $4.73; pine and fir mixed, double loads, $3.29; suitable for stoves, fur naces, fireplaces. Peyton & Co., dial 9149. 4-30 AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk Phone 3490. 4-19 FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 532 South River side. 5-8m FOR SALE Cull potatoes, out of certified seed. Breithaupt Bros., Poe Valley. 4-20 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1439 Martin. Phone 5877. 5-14 AVON PRODUCTS 6144. Phone 5-14 8-FOOT round walnut extension table. 1123 Crescent. Phone 4384. 4-19 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS $3.25, 126 cubic ft., delivered. Or save by hauling your own in truck or trailer. Metier Bros., South 6th and Altamont. Phone 5852. 3338tf 200 SACKS Netted Gen) seed potatoes. Irven Johnson, Route 1. Box 654-A, 4 miles north of Merrill. 4-20 FOR SALE Galgalus and Bart seed wheat and hension seed barley at ranch in Poe valley. Tel 3208 or 6911. A. W Schaupp. 4-20 22 FT. COMMERCIAL Kelvina tor refrigerator; i H. P. Kel- vinator ice plant for beer cool er, etc. Cools 20 cu. ft Phone 4632 or 7611. 4-20 FOUR BURNER Gas Range. Good oven, broiler and ton light. $100. Can be seen at 1427 Oregon avenue. 4-19 FOR SALE Complete set of home wood working power tools. 2501 Vine. 4-23 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 4-30m NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805tf WE HAVE good selection of pure Bristle Paint and Kalsomlne Brushes for painting contract ors subject to slight restric tions. F. R. Hauger, 515 Mar ket 9-4 AVON PRODUCTS Alda Kemp Phone 6691. 5-18 IMPROVED Oregon Strawberry Plants. Phone 3384. 4-20 FOR SALE Seed potatoes, and milk cow. W. D. Dingier, Rt. 1, Box 802. 4-21 FOR SALE Red Hampshire setting eggs. 3927 So. 6th. Phone 4041. 4-24 WANTED 60 sacks of good seed potatoes. Call at 2705 Wiard or 'phone 5923. 4-20 38 Fer Sal or Trad RAWLEIGH Products. Frank Lelbleln.- 2916 Bisbee. 5-17 FOR SALE or trade for late model car, - $1200 equity in 3-room house, one year old Fireplace, floor furnace and hardwood floors. 2901 Vine. 4-19 FOR SALE Half-acre ground good house, new garage and woodshed, small chicken house and park, city lights and wa ter, nice lawn and trees, all fenced. . 1409 Etna St. $1200 if taken at once. C. L. Berry. 4-21 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath Falls in come property for acreage. Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bldg. 321Btf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY CASH for H to 5 h.p. 110-volt D.C, used motors Send list of equipment and prices to J. R. McColm, 3579 N. E. Fremont St., Portland, Ore. 4-21 WANTED Small canacitv saw mill complete or will buy car riage separate. R. R. bibck man, 2901 Vine. - 4-23 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED John Deere power cultivator. Martin Dingier, Rt. 1, Box 09. 4-10 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Live poultry of all Kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 TRISTRAM NOBLE herd sire, 17 mo. Very typy and good pro duction. Mrs. H. L. Plank, Junction City, Ore. 4-20 46 Financial AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE SALARY LOANS A. Ask for Loan B. Bring Identification C. Complete Loan TODAY! COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 116 South Sixth Street Telephone 3265 CASH LOANS WITHOl'T ENDORSERS S WAYS TO ORT A CONSUMER ' CASH LOAN , PHONE . WRITE . COME IN Toil occd no co-ilsiKri or 'ndorien to f't t consumer loan THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-TKCOMB LOAKS On your not only. Xo f atdga. mtit. Jffo -isnr ISO. S-FI'RMTrFP. lOANfi Vi'ir ctiirietr ft mom Important thin th furniture itself. NO. I A t'TO LOAN'S fM to 1600 cub toani nd reff- QIQCiOI. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY - (5135 720 Pine St. s-sm Phone 7711 4-30 See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment-Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 4-30m First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms -:- Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 4-30m 48 Business Opportunities FOR LEASE Hotel and cafe in live small town near Klamath Falls. News-Herald Box 3035. 4-20 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed executor of the estate of Mary R. Motschenbacher, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klam ath County, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate are required to present same, duly verified, to the undersigned at the law offices of R. C. Groes beck, 538 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. AUGUST ANDRIEU, Executor of the Estate of Mary R. Motschenbacher, deceased. Dated: April 19, 1943. A. 10, 26; M. 3, 10, 17 No. 223 BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main & Spring Phone 3144 1 v 0. K., Buddy? 1 1 ' '"l's 4 1 'f':TJL.Y Screen dream Irene Manning! has been chosen Buddy Poppyj Girl for 1943 In connection, with V. T. W. flower sale the week preceding Memorial Day. I LEGAL NOTICES ORDER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OT THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF JOH ANNE SIEMENS, a minor. -The petition of Elsie Siemens, as guardian of the estate of Johanne Siemens, a minor, for the sale of her Interest In certain real property, hereinafter de scribed, this day coming on reg ularly to be heard, and no per son appearing In opposition to said petition, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, after a full examination into the facts and circumstances, and after hearing and examining the peti tion aforesaid and the' evidence introduced in open court, the court finds: that due service of notice of said hearing was given , in the manner and form required by law, and by that certain order of this court, dated the 8th day of March, 1943, to the next of kin of said minor, and to all per sons interested in said estate, by publication of order to show cause in accordance with law; and that it is necessary and to the advantage and best interest! of said minor and all persons la terested in said estate that said interest of said ward in thi property hereinafter described be sold in order to provide funds for the support and maintenance of said minor, - IT IS THEREFORE OR DERED, ADJUDGED and DE CREED that the said guardian be, and she hereby is, authorized to sell the interest of said minor in the real property hereinafter described at private sale. The property to be sold M described as follows: s An undivided one-third fa. terest in and to the Northeasterly 50 feet by 50 feet of Lot 6 and of Lot 6, in Block Thirty-five (35), of Hot Springs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Klam ath County, State of Oregon. Done in open court this 10 day of April, 1943. "DAVID R. VANDENBERG. Circuit Judge, . Apr. 12, 19, 26; May 3 No. 213 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap pointed executor of the estate of Theodor Heim, deceased, and has qualified. AU persons hav ing claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of L. Orth Sisemore, Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from March 29, 1943. John H. Houston, Executor, Mr. 29; A. 5-12-19-26, No. 203, SUMMON8 Equity No. 6616 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. R. M. FERGUSON, Plaintiff, vs. R. B. FERGUSON, Defendant. To: R. B. Ferguson, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, GREET ING: You are hereby required , to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in th above entitled suit and court on or before May 3, 1943, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for th relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: divorce from you upon the grounds of deser tion for a period of mor than one year. This summons is served up on you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg, Judge of the above entitled court, said or der being dated April 5, 1943 and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and successive weeks (5 Insertions). The date of the first publication is April S, 1043, and the date of the last publication is May 3, 1943. W. LAMAR TOWNSEND Attorney for Plaintiff, 214 Willlts Building Klamath Falls, Oregon. i A. 5, 12,. 19, 26; M. 3 No. 206 Li