: SERIAL STORY DARK JUNGLES BY JOHN C. FLEMING & THJO STOIlVl Allison Topplnff. rlftr Blrl. tm off 1o 41a4mala, to raft her father's chicle plant tlonu flurry Fleldinir has tried Mny fltnra to df-mude her At Jnerte llarrlMt Henaldo, her fa- ' ther'a attoraer -H waraa Alll - eon to tor haek. Barry ocrom- E an lea them on the ardaoaa mule ack trek Ikrooch the Jnna;la to th plaatarloa. AllUoa'a .tnbborn eonraa-a doeant de-ert her until tho end of the Journey tvhen. a anake atrlkea her male from na der har Ihe faints In Barry's QUICHE COUNTRY CHAPTER XI JARRY was awakened by sham knocking on his door. In the half-light of early morning he saw the towering figure of Jose. "We are ready, senor," he said quietly. Barry dressed quickly and, strapping his automatic to his thigh, came out of the estancia. Jose was already astride his mule and the two pack mules were heavily loaded. Barry glanced briefly toward the main house and then swung himself onto the mule. He heard a door close and turned to see Allison In pale yellow slacks running toward him. . "You would slip away without even saying goodby to a fellow," she said breathlessly. "It was so early," Barry said, "I didn't want to disturb you." Allison offered a small white hand. :"Good luck," she said, her eyes shining like misty flowers. "And if you're ever by this way gain, drop i.T and I'll brew you a pot of poison." "Lovely girl!" Barry smiled. With that Jose shouted some thing in Indian and the mules started down the jungle trail. Barry didn't look back. If he had he would have seen Allison walk slowly, thoughtfully, back to her estancia and brush her hand lightly across her eyes where two hot tears had suddenly sprung. ' They had been moving along the dark, soggy trail for about an hour - when the rain started down like a solid wall. Barry for a time couldn't even see the outline of Jose, who rode only a few feet ahead of him. The jungle was ' still except for din of the rain and the sucking noise as the mules laboriously pulled their feet from the heavy quagmire. A. little after noon the rain ceased as abruptly as it had begun aud the trail came out of the jungle to a broad clear ing that rose gently toward the mountains. Jose held his mule back until Barry was beside him. "That is the end of the jungle," he said. "We now start up to the highlands. By sundown we should reach the village-of-the-market-place. There we will find the .Quiche chief." , .. Barry nodded.. As they climbed - higher and higher above the jungle skirts of the Caribbean the trail became ' more strenuous. The palm trees vanished, sharp ledges of rock dotted the slopes.- The fetid heal of the jungle dropped away and the air was cool and clear. Vig orous pines, cedars and tamaracks rose like a vanguard. Jose pulled up at a mountain cascade of crys tal clear water that sparkled in me sunlight He watered the mules first and then cupped his brown hands to drink himself. . ' "Bueno" he grinned at Barry. Barry found the water cold and sweet. "That mountain ahead," Jose said pointing, "is Santa Maria. It was near this spot that the Quiche tribe fought the Spaniard, Alva rado. There were only a handful of Spaniards against 12,000 In dians. A giant quetzal, the most savage of all the mountain birds, swooped down on Alvarado. He put his lance through him. The ' bird dropped lifeless to the ground and with him Tecum, the Quiche chief, fell dead also. The Quiches lost the battle and many of them were sold as slaves at public auc tion. They have never forgotten, senor, and to this day they hate the white race." A look of fright crossed Jose's face as he spoke the words. - , . "You are not afraid?" Barry . asked. ; "Going into Quiche country is always dangerous, especially with a white stranger. You can look at the old women but never look at the young ones," Jose warned. "It is part of the blood oath of the Chichicastenango. If they ever have anything to do with a white man the sentence is death." "It is their mines that interest me," Barry said firmly, "not their women." 'T'HE sun was bright as the men A remounted their mules and started on up the winding trail but the wind that swept down from volcanic peaks was cool. On the narrow I path they passed many Quiche Indians dressed in the bril liant colors of their tribe. Their lithe, strong bodies moved over the trail with incredible speed. They carried stout jumping sticks, and swung themselves from rock to rock with the speed of deer. The younger Indians paid no at tention to the white men but the older ones looked at them darkly and sped on their way. , The orange rim of the sun waB silently slipping behind' majestic mountain peaks as the weary cara van came into the village-of-the-market-place. Long rows of brightly colored tents, like strips of colored ribbon, were unfurled against the mountain side. In front of each wore displayed the owner's wares. Thlck blankets of red, green and purple, baskets woven in exotic design, silver pounded Into bowls and jewelry. Jose rodo over to an old Indian who sat in the shadows before his tent. He spoke briefly Jn the sing song language of tbe Quiches. The old man pointed across the way. "What- does he Bay?" Barry asked. 1 "He says the chief and his coun cil' aro sitting now in the large tcrtt over there." , Barry took the letter from tbe LOIS EBY COPYHIOHT. t-43. NEA OKR VICC, INC. waterproof bag that Renaldo had given him and slid from his mule. Together the men walked to the chief's tent. A young warrior guarded the entrance. Jose spoke to him at some length. Finally ho turned back to Barry. "He says Quiches do not like white men but Renaldo is their friend and he will speak to the chief." Presently the Indian came out and motioned them inside. In the dusky light of the tent Barry saw the dark ring of faces. Jose spoke to the chief and then took the letter from Barry's hand. The chief read it and nodded. Jose spoke for a long time in Quiche of all the things Barry had told him. How tho Americano del Norte had gone to war with for eign devils to protect all men's freedom they needed quicksilver now and needed it badly. They would not molest this country or its people. They would gladly give them half of all they mined. After he had finished speaking, the chief talked to his council. They seemed excited and waved their hands. "What do they say?" Barry asked. "They say Renaldo is their friend but they do not know about the white men from tho north," Jose answered. Finally the chief raised his hands and beat them on the ground before him uttering some words. "What is that?" Barry asked. "He says the meeting is over, we should stay as their friends tonight and they will give us their answer 1 in the morning." One of the Indians led them to a tent Barry drew a blanket ; around him and stretched out to sleeo. His head felt light, dizzy, THIS CURIOUS WORLD i!SyrL. iLllSSIilSvLZJfc y' A ml . . - t u rff. f ' 1 riooK.HiLciA-TueiE's scurris."! foovou surrosfl fli" hb liowts foio MDU know vVWat tank ? AW ? e, , . "He's holding ot lor haro and a and Hts builoin& a Fioe , ne suspects that Fiae. tub aboot tho Jm doing tmiS Si. :.( he. WORLD'S ) 1 - Q' eggsl" AMD R3HT WWERB WB OLGTWe MOLE' THAT WB OlSCOV- FLAMES WILL REACH TANK. r-fJUST FOR. THC f M i LARGEST LIVING )' M fWKm'?vrV.O ' The kids --7 yj ered his BuR.eo th?gasolimb HECJORf ! HECK or trjf$L ; 1 ) -fA-n.n i $ I 0 HAVE" 'A J- ' GASOy SOONER. OR. LATER uuwmm SbM i 11 CREATURE, t4 Discovered JJW ' ; '"t uuehr kinda and BOOM- v flSSESsJi)-.! 7 A BLUE WHALE, HAS A Y5? ffjF ft ? CUTWORK MOTIFS A STORAGE I V) ML' J , TANK ADDS VP , UP GOES S . ' J ft fcfesg- UVIV TVI- -) WEI6HT OF ABOUT W'jS 5IVE INDIVIDUALITY TANK FULL VA Mf -jdSViv-- f 1 THAT WAY, TUB ,WMATlL mMJf .. IJPSg. . 1(11 I f .fVltiJ I"E INDIVIDUALITY OFOUNB F 22 I ' "tj I JS" : I y Wosh Tubb By Crom .i , C-a Vs3111lp LILAC 2 I ' ecoBEVy;'; r '. i j A ": HE RE CME"S -MOr"tB 1 H ( " "" " "Mtf fHS, VSSSPsKM. WAS THE MOST FOPULAK. ' -K ONE! C(L Z W1I F . LIFT V(3UR RI4HT WIN4, hi IA&'r 080V T WE SAY A STORM IS COMIN& UP WHEN IT REALLY IS COAMNS DOWN, "ia AJfS. MARTIN VETTE, NEXT: MARINE AUXILIARY LEADER HORIZONTAL .1,5 Pictured V. . S. Marine auxiliary . head, Ma, Cheney Answer to Prevfcws Punle AVl l ATl lOINIClAlp ElTl E sjMc V R I oTu s gjTp 0 E S T SiD R HE L hS S SgT a T E DpTo UsMeP I T HIE" T E R I NBd iwwc ofTR 3 R TpM E RiNr o o UAADMUIaIm A S N . siwtjonEon a r j Air : ii'iirai rnr ZEB UpaCADLTtE- et NlA UHTRUT HgAlDD R E Sis REjsWPEONBgQSBTT E G Oj GIR A NT ElRp A 5 5 ENTtERITIAII lNlMIEliNiT 12 Continent 18 Foot digit 14Era 15 Type measure 16 Thin metal plate 183.1414 IB Fashion SI Insect 32 Piece of wood 49 Sprite 34 Moved awiftly 51 Sailor 37 Half an era 63 Her group o ucean 39 Upward 31 Perform 32 Grain 34 She is a was organized as a measure. . 55 Married 56 Behold! 36 Type of tooth 58 Woody plants S7 Proceed 60 Mother 88 The Marines' 61 Suture motto is 63 Talent Fidelis" 64 Dispatched 42 Sword 66 Reduces 45 Early English 67 Being (comb. taoor.j form) 46 Self . VERTICAL . 47 Within 1 Sun god "Us 2 Made me of i I 3 I IS lb 17 I 18 Ii lio III . 'J' w i J fflM m0Jtm m ,,., P55 ?i -Ml ; m H s If ' " m" H 1 1 n 1 I I rn : proSably from the altitude. stood silently in a corner. "Aren't you going to sleep?" Barry asked him. "I will tnko my blanket and sleep out under the skyi" he an swered. Barry was asleep almost before the Mexican walked away, (To He Continued) Wo wouldn't bo surprised If we nil wind up getting food In pill form. And we won't object if they are to be taken after meals. . 20 Collection at sayings 21 Charge 23 Become gummy ' 25 Bustle 26 Neither 28 Incline . 30 Heathen 33 Edge 35 Piece of work 38 Witness 39 Long fish 40 Hen product 41 Origin 3 Nickname for 42 Courtesy title Timothy 4 Laughter sound 5 Remain 6 Child 43 Female sheep. . 44 Crimson 50 Run away from 52 Contemptible child i 53 Moistens 54 Like 55 Necessity 57 Dolt 59 Before 60 Males . 61 "Coyote .. 7 Stagger 8 And (Latin) 9 Tilt 10 Prince 11 Music note 16 Frolic 17 Negative 19 Her group State" (abbr.) was organized 62 Milliliter in the month (abbr.) of 64 Therefor (abbr.) 65 Toward 1 ni - nifM 1 1- i r mvi r'. f. ii vviw j. Sw sw "V AVOID TH6IR FIRE, AT THE UV-JJ: 1 ,. cCi VT 1 Jere , , Out Our Way 1y J, R. Williams Our f SNAmaaaH.' OH, SUCH T ONLV STEAK fS1 ''A I OH, BUT IT'S FRAeCUWCE.' COOKIM' IN I , Wt" '') I FRAGRANT OH, SUCH A 'AT HOUSE" 111 f jX '4' .TUS' ENOUGH BLISSFUL, ( COME BACK fciH V) . '. BREE2EYWA.FT I HEAVUWLY ) HERE AM' vi' 'V.-N. I I TH' DELICIOUS SWEET SMELL TH' iil -Z -V V SfFKIT BlflHT I 5MFLL.' 1 LIVFO AM' V- IWHRVUV O VOUR . V SM-AAAH.' COOKIM' IM . G krJ II rVl AM ON THE UORNJS OV- fl J "-Wl "5' C r;U .?r-V A DILEMMA.' J H I TrrTTV 1- V oh my A'-'H B Krh v-s-n . S I .! ii f tr- c m. : nni ' mi..,m rrx v v f iSf?SvWSS IM THE HAND Wv. MkT? mm .-S KftM iWlifX' Secrets lu ; : r) HOLD EVERYTHING! Red Rydor By Erod Harmon I i i l V CHIEF.' Vt'LU AIL X 4i5iyr CS A-Ai LUClO 1 ( lHt'Kt IMmDi' rV3Nt, V lOO MV " (y "lit ih'iv?sey fwoor ) QJ!ttjmmMil?i ,'-J . l liule rs,vs.a, put A ro.Ko ) k . l Vl-vsi h?jp5 suck-up .iSiagrr ivfXTJL: a. etitx'fF 1 1 cmt ncvR. jivst rS covueto , .'i r yC . , , Boots end Her Buddiot By V. T. Hajjln by Alice Brook. . rwW P W-rCT . W. V i'' TJMl O Clearly "cut out" for beauty these fascinating cutwork motifs, that give an individual, tasteful touch to linens. It's just buttonhole stitch in matching or contrasting color. Or do the en tire design in outline stitch. Pat tern 7514 contains a transfer pat tern of 18 motifs ranging from 2i by 15 to 21 by 3 J inches; mate rials needed; stitches. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No , to followed by your name and address. ' A world only half educated can only be half free. I am con vinced that education for democ racy throughout the world must somehow be achieved if the world is not to suffer generation after generation from ever more destructive wars. U. S. Educa tion Commissioner Dr. John W. Studebakor. T wonder what a gruelling ex perience it will be to realize the objective of peace, security and freedom, and I wonder whether it will not require more of the qualities of which mankind Is cnpable than winning tho war It self. Undersecretary of Stale Sumner Welles. Undo Sam's food control gents have had numerous meet ings regnrdlng sugar for canning this year, .turn sessions. Allop Oop , 1 By Mortin WO HAIBV-FACED CAVE MAN IS GO- IMG TO OLTT-SMAW -XJl-" I ME YT, ,,-VJ N Determined that alley oop is go img back to moo, doctor wonmug evolved a scheme ...the extensive ramifications of which are still unkmown...except foeth&ome mow im effect Littlo Orphan Annio DER VOICE ON DOT VIRELES6 WD tVX S0UHO CHUST RIGHT IF HERR salt:? iss s ck.ve got TO HELP HIM--AH--G00TI HQ VUH Ey.PKTTS US IT DER VOICE ON DOT I VIRELES6 DID HOD SOUND 1K CHUST RIGHT IF HERR T&$ SALTZ 1 6CK,VE GOT M 1 TO HELP HIM--AH--GO0TI I NO VUN EXPECTS US! jS 1 Boarding am '..yr-v if ''Ki It 4 .4fffcl'V kif : . - . (( VlX;6LBEBT.ISEB ' YliSTEn7,,I BoSP II YOUVfc BOWfcD TO THE TO NOTHIMG V IMEVITABLE AMD PUT A AMD DOM'T I" WUWK. 1 VOL) FOR- i V r.CT it V "V. VE HAFF ARRIVED MITOUT VARNING-OUCKl TEN ARMED GUARDS- I VILL INVESTIGATE I A mm sUj T?r llk-Ja3SL -4V-1-, . f Homo EGAD,3A60M' VJh&M PAVOPW )( I vOTAERMtoE- SHE'LL KNOW I'ME PsQfsMDOrHiCV THFKT COhOFOONDlrD FERRY ft BOAT OOB-"-TRlULV 1 on The uorus o A DILEMMA - .A n )r '. Bv-fHEWAW. AMO&.'; WHysORE,.,x V mkh! MOVJTI-IAT X'Vli X WONDhK II- VOL! CCH.JI.D AMD OOOl-A VJCX ILD I A LOOK DPIVE IMTO LEESBID BRIGHT T.VE, SOME AG AIM ERWAMD3 THAT CHANGE HAVE TO BE. Al TEMDED TO j .. 1 11 AHl CAPTAIt?! ( HELLO. VISKERSl I U Wji 111 l-IULI 1 1 TUU ( UCK riCKK UUK IOK 1 1 M I M BROUGHT THE 1 ISS ON BOARD! f III HERR D0KT0R7I I CHUST WANTED H With Major Hoopla WHEN X GITS MORNED AROUND LAK SOL) IS, MlfiTAU MA30R. T G1ME& UP LAK A I-IOOKED CAT- TOPAZ IS COUSTAUTLV TWO CORRt'.CK GUESSES AHEAD OB ME; I GOT 50 T. KlM DOCK TM' BROOM PRfcTv V &OOD,, ... IIWv LlnvO&riMTZV CD ' DO WITMI GOT THEM OUT OP AT THE. Tl IK. WAV, T CAM CO LIGHTS I OS VJITH hAV CAMPAIGN FOK A TO GET KID OP J OOP "(rr i) - 'JO By Harold Gray ;t DOT VOICE OF COURSEli OVER DER VIRELESS" WONT YOU COME THIS IT DID NOT WAY, SOUND CHUST PLEASE? RIGHT-" J-1 . T9T N. I