Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 17, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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'Anrfl IT. 1(W
Frances Sullivan
Weds Pvt. Johnson
Well Known Klamath Couple Repeat Vows in Ne
vada on March Twenty-Eighth
A wedding which took place at one o'clock Sunday after
fioon, March twenty-eighth, in Reno, Nevada, is of interest to
Klamath folks, Frances Sullivan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
Frank Sullivan of Olene, became the bride on that date of
Pvt. Gerald Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of
Pine City, Minnesota.
Attending the wedding were parents of the bride, and her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rex High who were their at
tendants. Mrs. Johnson re-
turned to Klamath Falls for
a brief stay and has returned
to Reno to reside; ' Her. hus
band is stationed near, there.
The bride is a member of
a well known Klamath coun
ty family, a graduate of Hen
ley high school and she also
attended the local business
: college. The groom is' also
: well known among the young
people here.
On Wednesday, March the
thirty' first, a shower -was
given for Mrs. Johnson at the
Lost River grange hall by
Victorine Reiling, Charlene
Reiling, Carlyn Breighthaupt,
Marilyn Breighthaupt . and
Mrs. William Tuback.
Invited to the affair were,
the honor guest, Mrs. Johnson,
and Mrs. Wainright, Miss
; Dumbeck, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs.
Waldrip, Mary Gober, Sadie
Anderson, . Dorothy Jackson,
Jeanette Jackson, Mae La
Prairie, Mrs. Grace Short,
Marguerite Reiling, Mrs. H.
B. Brown, Bonnie McKeehan,
Ann Stevenson, Mary Geb
bart, Mrs. Pauls, Mrs. Right
mier, Mrs. Whitley, Mildred
Tipton, Mary Tipton, Mrs.
Kelly, Verna Cheyne, Mar
guerite Pollard, Mrs. Dewey
Pollard, Dorothy Holzhouser,
Mrs. Dixon, Ethel Dixon, Mrs.
Ruby Cole, Nellie - Arnold,
Mrs. A. R. Campbell, Geral
dine Manning. Hazel Stover,
. Mrs. Eddie Roberts, Mrs. Earl
. Webber, Mrs. Donald Roberts,
Kate Hilyard, Mrs. Boa Tuck
er, Emma Kinney, Vada Rea
McComb, Mrs. Pavitt Newn
ham; Mrs. Brunner, Mary
Brunner, . Mrs. Vic Brown,
Mrs. John Hope, Mrs. Wild
er, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Fish
er, Lucia Webber Maggie
Webber, Mrs. H. Dehlinger,
Mrs. Mary Breighthaupt,
Mrs. Martha Masten, Pat Mas-
ten, Nona Masten, Harriet
Marshall, Olive Marshall, Ida
' Grimes, Elizabeth Sanders,
Ada Brown, Coie Brown,
Mrs. Joe Keller, Martha Kel
ler, Mrs. V. H. Berry, Mrs.
Carol Howe, Mrs. Glenn Deh
linger, Miss Lizzie Short, Pat
Short, Mrs. Minnie Mallory,
Mrs. Ira Orem, Mrs. Clyde
Griffith, Mrs. West, Mrs. Jer
ry Short and Mrs. W. T. Tay
lor. . : .
The : Missionary; society of
the First Baptist church met
In the church parlors at noon
Thursday, for luncheon served
by Circle 1, Mrs. Hudson Bar
rows, chairman. A meeting of
the executive ; board ' at one
o'clock, was followed by the
general meeting at' two. Mrs.
Beckstrom presided over the
business meeting, then turned
the afternoon "program over
to Mrs. . Frank Killian who
told the story of the crucifixr
Ion and resurrection. As she
read passages from the Bible,
pictures were shown illustrat
ing each passage, while Mrs.
Rodney Larsen on the piano
played softly and appropri
ately. There was also group
tinging of familiar, hymns
suited to the topic. About
forty-five members attended.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Poppy
of Roseway drive returned
home the fore part of the
week after spending several
days in the Rogue valley.
While in Ashland they, were
guests of the T. P. Francs,
and also visited with long
time friends, Dr. and Mrs,
Sweeney of Medford.
Mrs. E. A. Geary has con
sented to speak before mem
bers of Roosevelt Parent
Teacher association and their
guests on Tuesday, April the
twentieth. Her topic, "Post
War Rehabilitation," will be
of interest to all PTA mem
bers. The music department
will also contribute to the pro
gram. DANCE
' New
9th and Walnut
New Muile r . .
Eagles and Frl.nds
OES Meets
Deputy Grand Matron
Pays Official Visit to
Eastern Star
TULELAKE Mrs. Beulah
Weise of Tulelake, deputy
grand matron of the fourth
district, grand chapter of the
state of California, Order of
the Eastern Star, was delight
fully honored on her official
visit to the local chapter on
April sixth when members
here entertained at a six
thirty banquet in the annex of
the Tulelake Presbyterian
A profusion of daffodils and
golden stars with tall lighted
yellow tapers formed the cen
tral note for the banquet
tables. Places were marked
for forty-five guests and the
dinner was served by the
Guild of the church.
Work of the chapter was
later exemplified for Mrs.
Weise's inspection.
Theme of the hour was "You
Are Our Star" with officers
carrying lighted tapers form
ing a huge star in the center
of the hall. Mrs. Ruth Boyd,
worthy matron of the Tulelake
chapter escorted the guests of
honor to the star points where
Mrs. Weise received verses of
good, wishes and gifts.
Returned to the east Mrs.
Weise was presented with an
arm bouquet of red and white
roses and carnations while the
officers sang Irving Berlin's
Mrs. Weise has already visit
ed in addition to Tulelake
chapter, chapters at Fall River
Mills, Adin and Alturas and in
the future will pay her official
visits to Cedarville and Fort
-Mrs. H. D. Schroeder enter
tained Circle S of the First
Methodist church at her home,
2435 Reclamation avenue, on
Thursday, April the eighth.
Twelve were present to enjoy
the luncheon served at noon.
During the business meeting
Mrs. Caroline Kelly presided.
Mrs. Fisher gave the lesson on
Mexico, while members knit
ted on squares for a Red Cross
Circle 2 also met Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. Victor
Phillips, 1005 High street.
Dessert luncheon was served
at half past one o'clock to
eighteen members. Mrs. Peter
Rozendal, chairman, presided
over the business meeting and
Mrs. Earl Redman led the
study period, the subject being
South Central and South Am
erica. Plans were completed
for the rummage sale to be
held Saturday.
Mrs. Joseph Yockey was
honored with a shower Wed
nesday evening when Mrs.
James Bowen and Mrs. Ted.
Butler entertained at the But
ler home, 123 Pershing way.
Guests included Mrs. Yockey,
Mrs. Neil Butler, Mrs. Frances
Hannon, Mrs. Allan Howard,
Mrs. Keith Hall, Mrs. Nancy
McCleary, Mrs. Charles Park
er, Mrs. Lawrence Peterson
and Miss Dorothy Hall.
Mrs. Glen Jones and daugh
ter Sally, are visiting in Port
land for a short time.
Has your car developed q bad case of battered fenders,
body squeaks, chattering joints? Our Spring Tonic pre
scriptiona trip through our body and fender clinic.
It will come out like new. See us for an estimate.
. 1 , , -y
Dorothy Bolton, daughter of Mrs. Marie Bolton
of 2406 Wiard street, and Paul C. Oliver of the
United States navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay
ton C. Oliver, also of Wiard street, were married
March twenty-third in the First Methodist church
at Vallcjo, California. The groom is now at sea
and the bride hns returned here to complete
her studies at Klamath Union high school
Mrs. F. O. Small's illus
trated lecture on "The Birds
of Klamath County" was en
thusiastically received at the
Community Cong regational
church last Wednesday eve
ning. The Junior Women's
circle sponsored this interest
ing meeting and had as their
guests members of the Senior
Women's circle and Laymen's
fellowship. The beautiful col
ored slides used in the lec
ture were loaned by Dr. W.
A. Eliot, president of the
Oregon Audubon society. The
rare collection of birds' nests
was exhibited through the
courtesy of the Horizon Camp
Fire girls.
Hostesses of the evening
were Mrs. E. S. Edwards,
Mrs. Chester Greenwcll. Mrs.
Walter- Patch, Mrs. Robert
Beland. Mrs. Walter Schendcl
and Miss Elizabeth Carey.
' John Lee Staub, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Staub of Bly,
celebrated his first birthday
at the family home on Sun
day, April the eleventh. The
children invited for the after
noon were Aneena Rae Boll
man, Sharon Lee Kuhlman,
James Allen Tikkanen, Bar
bara Lee Stivers, Janet Grif
fen, Neiland Gilbert Griffen,
Terry Nelson, Eugene and
Ray Busbie.
The hostess was assisted by
Loretta Griffen and Mrs.
Doris Busbie in serving birth
day cake to the children on
the lawn. Others who called
during the afternoon to wish
little John Lee a happy birth
day were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Stivers, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Ongaro, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ford Rugg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Clark, Jack O'Neil, George
Hoyt, Aretha Hudson, Evelyn
Hudson, Kay Bishop, Garnet
Rae Worrell and Mrs. Bert
The Junior Matrons' Sun
day school class of the First
Methodist church was enter
tained Monday evening, April
the twelfth, at the home of
Mrs. Wendell B. Smith, 1114
East street, Mrs. Paul Deller,
assisting. The business meet
ing was led by Mrs. Bruce
Binkley, president of the class
and later Mrs. George Casper,
senior advisor, reviewed "The
Robe," by Lloyd C. Douglas,
and Mrs. T. B. Powers gave a
piano selection.
The next social meeting
will be Monday evening, May
the tenth, in the church par
lors honoring members of the
Mizpah class at the annual
Mother's day party.
To f- i-rtSaBK,
MERRILL Miss Beth Rob
ley who left Inst weekend for
service in the WAACs was
honored before lenving with a
prettily appointed luncheon
followed by an afternoon of
cards at the home of Mrs. Roy
McNeill with Mrs. Warren
Fruits and Mrs. R. L. Dalton
The honor guest was pre
sented with a corsage of red,
white and blue and tabic ap
pointments and other flowers
about the room were in the
same patriotic note. She was
presented also with a gift.
Invited for the afternoon
were Mrs. Cora Rycraft, Mrs.
Clyde Fox, Mrs. Lester Moore,
Mrs. J. E. Stevenson, Mrs. Le
land Pope, Mrs. Elmer Stukcl,
Mrs. Fred Stukel, Mrs. E. E.
Kilpatrick, Mrs. R. H. Ander
son, Mrs. Ray Merrill, Mrs.
H. O. Cox, Mrs. Roy Beasley,
Louise Fotheringham and Mar
tha Robison of San Francisco
who was visiting at the home
of her parents, ,Mr. arid Mrs.
Walter Robison. . .
. Nancy Joyce Elliott, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. El
liott, 2234 Garden avenue,
celebrated her seventh birth
day Saturday afternoon, April
the tenth with a party for sev
eral of her friends. From half
past two o'clock until five they
played "Hunt the Thimble,"
"Ruth and Jacob," "Three on
a String" and several out-of-door
games. Birthday cake
was served at a table bright
with spring flowers to Clau
dctte Oakes, Sue Ann Sessler,
Sharon, and Shirlie Gicngcr,
Darlene Woods, Anita Pence,
Beverly Fuller,. Karen Brol
lier, Betty Jean Haynes, Bob
bie Stivers and to Nancy's
teacher, Mrs. Linfesty.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
O'Sullivan of 358 Hillside
avenue are parents of a son,
their second child, born April
fifteenth at Klamath Valley
hospital. Both mother and
child are doing nicely. Mama
is the former Elizabeth Galla
gher. Plans are being made for
a square dance to be given
by the Business and Profes
sional Women's club in the
Willard hotel at half past
seven o'clock Monday eve
ning, April nineteenth, In the
use 666
Are Said
Langell Valley Folks
Gather at Social Af
Friends and neighbors gath
ered at the parish hull in Lun
gell valley on Saturday eve
ning, April tho tenth, for a
farewell party in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Frunk Dearborn
and Gone and Will Wilkorson, ,
The Wllkerson brothers
luivo lived in Lungell valley
for fifty-fivo years and recent
ly sold their ranch and arc
moving to Ashland. Mr. and
Mrs. Dearborn have sold their
ranch and aro moving to
Klamath Falls.
Supper was served at eight
o'clock to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Dearborn, Gene and Will Wit
kcrson, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
Thomas and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Smith and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift
and family, Mr. and Mrs. San
dre Romvcldt, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl McCoy and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Lcavitt and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Ilcllckscn and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Moore and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Jones and daughter, Mrs.
Johnnie Campbell and daugh
ter, Lyman Fitzhugh and son,
Al Dearborn and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Tcarc, Mr. and
Mrs. D. R. Alftin, Mr. and
Mrs. William Novatny, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Dearborn,
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. John Horn, Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. S. T. Robison, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Revell, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Pepplc, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Frazicr, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Nork, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Monroe, Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Partridge, Mrs. Effio
Oilman, Mrs. Buck Bolcy, Mrs.
Florence Botkins, Mrs. Ray
Davis, Mrs. Ora Johnson, Mrs.
Claude Murray, Ross Miles,
W. A. Prince, L. A. Constnn.i,
T. A. Boggs, Lynn Gibson,
Bob Pepplc, Obio Newton, Ed
Miller and Ralph Womack.
As parting gifts from their
friends, an electric clock was
presented to the Dearborns,
and a wool blanket to the Wll
kersons. Best wishes to tho
community for happiness and
health In their new homes
were expressed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin
entertained at their home In
Upper Lang;ll valley on Wed
nesday evening, in honor of
James Bradshaw who is leav
ing soon for the marines. A
potluck supper was enjoyed
by the following: James Brad
shaw, Rev. and Mrs. Carl
Book, Mrs. Maxlne Cox, Betty
Clark, WiKle Mae Randall,
Phylll3 Patterson, Mary Ann
Gift, Shirley Fleschcr, Mar
jorie Benton, Edna Shelley,
Billie DeVaul, Lorraine and
Mildred Martin, Melvln Mech
am, Ralph Vinson, Earl Hit
son, Robert Conlcy, Bill Hood,
Sterling Stewart, Louis Han-
Now If th Ttm to BUY
To get a good foundation
these days really good,
get a "tailored" garment,
cut and designed with
the knife edge precision
that foundations mutt
now have if they are to
eontrol comfortably.
Come see and you'll agree.
:fcv m
1" .
Wed In Reno, Novnda, on Sunday, March the
twenty-eighth, were Miss Frances Sullivan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of
Olene, and Pvt. Gerald Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Johnson of Pino City. Minnesota.
Ella Harnett Hush
dull, Harry Coleman, Paul
Fitzhugh, Kel.sey Rowland,
Billlo Custer, Bert Goff, Bob
and Dairy McBeth and Tom
House. James was given fare
well gifts from tho young peo
ple's Sunday school class, of
which he was a member.
Mrs. Mary Dearborn enter
tained with a dinner party on
Sunday, in honor of her
granddaughter, Doris Lcavitt,
who celebrated her fourteenth
birthday. Hearts was pluycd
following the dinner. Guests
were Doris Lcavitt, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Dearborn, Cath
erine, Bill and Henry, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Lcavitt. Mary
and Calvin, and Albert Dear
born and Charles.
Mrs. Bessie Frazicr enter
tained ot bridgo at her homo
on Monday afternoon. Daffo
dils decorated the rooms. First
prize went to Mrs. Theresa
Teorc, low prizo to Mrs. Lela
Murray, and Mrs. Mary Leidy
received traveling. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs.
Frazicr to Mrs. Viola Dear
born, Mrs. Madge Monroe,
Mrs. Lela Murray, Mrs. Grace
Revell, Mrs. Mary Lclcly, Mrs.
Mary Dearborn, Mrs. Iiobbl
etto Gift, Mrs. Harriett Robi
son, Mrs. Theresa Tcarc, Mrs.
Cora Lcavitt ond Mrs. Chris
tine Brown of Bonanza.
. .
The Thursday Contract
club was entertained at tho
home of Iclollnc Schupp on
April fifteenth. Dessert was
served to Bertha Hewitt,
Clara McPlicrscn, Fannio
Thompson, Ruth Stanley,
Pearl Yorkeland, Wllla Bark,
Stella Drydcn and tho hos
tess. High score for tho after
noon went to Clara Mc
Phcrrcn, second to Bertha
Hewitt ond traveling to Fan
nie Thompson. Clara McPhcK
rcn will entertain April
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gove
spent last Tucsdoy visiting in
the Rogue River valley.
"tut; 1
Prosperity chapter, No. 100,
Mulln, will be tho guest of
Aloha chapter No. 01, Order
of the Eastern Star, Tuesday
evening, April tho twenty
seventh. The program for that
event will open with a potluck
dinner at six-thirty in tho
Masonic temple, Klumath av
enue. Mrs. George Casper Is
chairman for the special enter
tainment being arranged for
tho pleasure of tho guests.
All members and visiting
members of Aloha chapter aro
asked to bring a green salad,
or a dessert. Other items for
tho menu will bo provided by
the chapter. Several candi
dates will receive the degree of
the order al this meeting.
The above announcement
was made by Mrs. Clarence A.
Humble, worthy matron, at
the regular session of Alohn
chapter held Tuesday evening.
After tho ritualistic ceremon
ies and brief business session,
refreshments were served In
tho reception hull. Hostesses
were Mrs. L. E. Mead and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joa Mulunl
entertained members of the
Midland grange and friends
Saturday evening with a curd
party. Guest award went to
Mr. Ward Dolnn, Plnochla
honors went to Mrs, Leo Sut
ton ond Mrs. Ward Dolan, Mr.
Phil Motschcnbaeher ond Mr.
August Andrcu, and in "500"
scores wcro held by Mrs.
Pearl Burnett, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Huff and Mr. Lester PI
nclll. Refreshments wcro served
ot a late hour. Daffodils dec
orated tho supper tables and
tho Easter motif was used.
Llctmrd CMm.lnlnUI
YOU'VE heard a man remark. "I'll be glad
when my hair's ALL gono. Nover had any
fun with it anyway." You can admlro such
cheerfulness In tho face ot
what ha considers tho Inevit
able, but, no high school girl
ever dreamed of marrying a
bald-headed man. (And for
tunately, most matches aro
made beforo neglect uncovers
that shining dome.)
Tho point Is, girls, wo've
given up expecting our hc
rncn to do anything about it
themselves, so it's tlmo YOU
took a hand.
A RECEDING hairline will respond to mas.
sago and a homo routine of brushing and
applications ot Individualized pomades and lo
tions. Tho Ogllvlo Method Shop, operated in
Now York for mon exclusively, recommends
a lotion for each Individual condition of tho
scalp dry, oily or devitalized ono for remov
ing loose dandruff, and a rich pomndo to help
keep tho halrllno.
Tho brush wo recommend is a club typo
brush, with a short, stubby convenient handle.
Tho bristles aro extra long and flexlblo,
SOAP and water shampoos should not bo too
frequent, but tho scalp and hnlr should ha
kept immaculately ' clean between Hl'.nmpoo
with a cleansing lotion oxpeclally modo for
this purpose, In this way nnturul oils of tho
scalp nro not so easily dried out.
REMEMBER, you have to look nt him, so
you might as well keen somo hnlr fn i
him off.
Monday, April 19
Garden club plant sale mid
exhibit, l::i(l l. in., small li
brary club rouniN.
lll'W sciuuro dtmclug lni't,
7:110 p. ni., Wllliii'tl hotel,
Wodneidny, April 21
Altiimout Cim'ilim rluli wlih
Mrs. Ilei'liert Molinis, Lake
view highway, I!;:i0 p.. in, ,
AN W club with Mrs, Cieui'ge
Wlrtz, B1!0 Jefferson struct. ,
Thursday, April 22
St, I'aiil'N (iulld, U o'clock
suck lunch, Miss llnzel Morrl-
son to review "Tho Hobo,"
Surgical dressings project !
day at Allamoiit Junior high
school, II a. in, to 1U nnon: 1
to 4 p. ni and 7 to 10 p. m.
Bnturday, April 24 ..
Opening of SKatelaiid for."
weekly Saturday nlglit dunces '.
under auspices of IVIIcim
post 13113, VKW. Located on ,
Klamath avenue, opposite lhO(
city library. Music each Sat-,
unlay by Gordon's Oregon
Monday. April 26
A, it, Hitl .,ikI(. MrtM.Inu
brldgo tea by Guild of St. '
Paul's at Willard hotel,
Kdlth Cunning book club of
lll'W with Mrs. Clara Shaw,
Homedalo road, 7:30 p. in.
Minerva book club of lll'W
with Mrs. Harvey D. Park,
7:30 p. in.
Tuoiday. April 27
Prosperity OKS, Mulln, to
bo guests of Aloha chapter ut
potluck dinner, 0:30 p. m.,
Masonic temple.
Saturday. May 1
Annual Shrine benefit '
daiico for Crippled Children's
hospital, Portland, at Khun- '
ath Foils armory.
Sunday, May 2
Delia Kappa Gamma with
Mrs. William Owsley. Eldor
ado street. Last meeting of
Monday. May 3 g
Meeting of versa group with "
Mrs. Itulph Porter, 1123 Lin- ',
coin street.
Regular meeting of Klam
ath County League of Women 1
Voters to be held In the small :
club room of the city library."
Mrs. M. J. Young will be In .
charge of the program.
Monday. May 10
Junior Matrons of Methn.
dlst church to honor Mizpah
class at annual Mother's Day
Library club meeting, elec-'
lion of officers, silver tea, '
noncompclltlvo exhibit of
spring flowers. Main auditor
ium of city library. 2 p. m,
Saturday, Mny IS
AAUW senior girls tea to
ho given at homo of Mrs. Nel
son Reed, Del Moro street, .
Mrs. O. K. Puckelt. chairman.
When in Modford
Stay at
Thoroughly Modern
Joe and Ann Eirloy
522 S. 6th St.
Phono 4149
Evorbody's Drug-
-808 Main