t mmmem l' ' I SU"' j iC 1,'rt '''1'',r i " ""' ' ' "''I """t , 1111 " I 'ww'i' n i mini -iH r i ffl 1 'I - . - " :H, 1 - I fcijj TawKr wynyyq'" ""'Waty i nwn . m mi .min ' '. ' '..' ; i" pff wy ' p.' 3 V-,,' '. ' ,;. il " f - -fV I -1 II i ,'. I ,' .' '1 ! i f,' , t; i - -"i - v in il i'U ..,.,.:J .... i...U-itiJj i f-ri r 'ii ir? i ' If iiiiiiUnriMnj - t T r ti 'li il' CD n IE IT r LOII STEWART ... i i A f ' 1 1' ? ) iiiiiiiii'Vii i in Inaugural Ball Plans Are Made Elks and Their Ladies To Honor Newly Elected Officers With Annual Affair This evening is the nnnunl ImuiRiirnl boll given for the Incoming officers of tlio Elks lodfie in tho Elks ballroom for members of tho lodge nnd their Indies. Tho affnir will be the most Important dunce of the year for Ellts. Members of the committee are keeping their plans Xnlrly well streamlined In tho war tlmo spirit and thcro will bo a light supper at one o'clock. " Dancing .starts nt ten o'clock. Commllteo members aro Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van Dorcn, chairmen. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hicks, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Rending nnd Mr. and Mrs. Wyntt Padgett. A number of cocktail par ties are planned beforo tho dance. Mr and Mrs, Malcolm Eploy are entertaining officers nnd appolntlvo officers of tho lodge and their Indies In tho plno paneled room of the Elks lodgo prior to tho danco, Mr. Epley is tho newly elected exalted ruler nnd with Mrs. Epley will lead tho grand mnrch as tho party opens. Their guests will includo I Mr, and Mrs. Prank Peyton, Mr, nnd Mrs. Ray Hugcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Evnns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Scavcy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Offield, Mr. and Mrs, R. F, England, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goblc, Dr. and Mrs. F. Cecil Adnms, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson of Malin, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Clnrk, Mr, nnd Mrs. W. R. Evnns, Mr, W. G. Houston nnd Mr. E. 13. ltall Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Prock hnve asked n group In for cocktails at their home on North Second street just be foro tho parly. Asked lire Mr. nnd Mrs. Justin ' McDonald, Mr. ,aml Mrs. Howard Hau vlllo, Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton. Cotter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson jWlloy Jr., Mr. and Mrs. ''Chnrles Drew Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Deb Potts nnd Mr, nnd Mrs, Russoll Mnrshnll, Mrs. Godfrey C. Blohm of Pacific Torrnco expects to letivo Sunday for Portland to bo with her sister who is ill at her homo in tlta northern city. KLAMATH FOLKS LEAVE FOR EAST Mrs. Carey M. Ramsby left Frldny evening for Washing ton, D. C. where she will ar rive In tlmo to spend Easter with her son-in-law and daughter, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Thcodoro R. Gillcnwaters and thrco children. Mrs. Ramsby plans to spend about thrco months on tho cast const. Also leaving on tho sumo train were Mrs, Robert A. Thompson and young Robert who will travel as far lis Chi cago with Mrs. Ramsby, Mrs. Thompson will then contlnuo to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, whero Robert will enter tho Children's hospital, and his mother will contlnuo to Wash ington for a visit with Lt. Robert A. Thompson, Incidentally, tho Gillcn waters and Thompsons will bo trnnsferred from Wash ington to Ashovllle, North Cnrolinu, where tho United States Army flight control command is being placed. This will probably tako place around May tlie first but In the meantime Mrs, Thompson and Mrs. Ramsby will enjoy their initial stay in tho na tion's cnpilol, Mrs, Thompson will return hero around Jiiuo tho Xlrst. Hero this weekend aro Mr. nnd Mrs, Grant S. Macartney of St. Paul, Minnesota, guests of his brother's family, Mr. nnd Mrs, Rniph R. Macartney Sr of Washington street. Tho visitors nro en routo to their homo nfier spending a short tlmo in Washington on business. Party on Friday Eve Osborn Home Scene Of Supper Honoring Two Visitors Norma Alnsworth of Gig Harbor, Washington, and Bar barn Osborn, daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Dean 11. Osborn, were honored Friday evening with a supper pnrly at seven o'clock at tho Osborn homo on Lawrence street when Shirley Ann and Mary . Jane Mnspn entertained. Both girls are home from Annio Wright seminary and will leave early Sunday morning to return to school In Tacoinn, Washing ton. Supper was followed by dancing and enjoying the af fnir were tho honor guests, Elennor Thomas, Mary Lou Fowler, Ella Tallow, Juno Hanger, Mary Havens, Britta Lion, Nancy Humble, tho hos tesses, and Bill Radcliffe, Jack Proctor, Dale Constnns, Bill Mead, Roy Kephart, Jim Grimes, Stephen Stone, Rob ert Mann, George Ray and Fred and Ted Reeves. Tho girls enjoyed n trip to Camp Whito with Mrs. Os born on Thursday, going through tho camp ns guests of Maurio Spnntz, and several dnys tills week they linvo been riding in Klamath's nice spring weather. On Saturday Britta Lion was hostess for Miss Osborn and Miss Alnsworth nt lunch con and the theatre. 4 PORTLAND VISITORS IN KLAMATH It isn't every day that tho president's wifo waves at you! That's tho way young Kurt Schmidt feels after Mrs. Franklin D, Roosevelt gnvo lilm a hearty smile and a wavo nt tho launching of tho Ala zon Bay In Portland last week. Kurt and his mother, Mrs. Bert Schmidt, now living in Portland, wero homo this week visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James M. Bell of John son street. They wero fortun ate in seeing tho launching of the big air craft carrier. 1 fci ' So much excitement as there wos last week end! It was the Cirls League annual spring formal and the girls asked the boys and a good time was had by all Including all the best bib and tuckers which were pressed for the occasion. The party, given in Pelican Court lost Friday evening, was streamlined and without the usual frill and feathers as to decorations. Palms and flowering branches formed the background for the pretty frocks and dark suits. Patrons were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cra lapp, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schultz. A few pictures were taken by Cowell Barn stable and are shown on this page. Upper left, Joanne Hamilton, president of Girls League, and Jimmy Noel. Lower left, and left to right, Dick Hicks, Letty Linman, Mary Ellen Long and Irwin Heimes. Upper right. Bill Burness, Deqnne Hamilton, Jean Aubrey and Dick Hoyt. Lower right, Fred Fioetke, Vivian Dirschl, Jimmy Howard, Sally Mueller, Bettie Hopkins and Marvin Lucas. Incident ally, Vivian, Sally and Bettie are three of the four Sweetheart of Klamath High candidates In the war bond drive now under way. Betty McKinney is the fourth. Committee members were, Maxine Cope land and Marion Deering, lights; Joy Kent, floor; Beverly Zamsky, Jean Aubrey and Hel en McNulty, decorations; Helen Howrie, coat room; Doris Phillips, programs; Jacqueline Obrist and Mary Ellen Long, furniture; Doro thy Davis and Maxine Liskey, flowers; Letty , Linman, programs. 3 LUNCHEON PARTY ON FRIDAY Mrs. William Spanglcr en tertained at a prettily appoint ted bridge luncheon at her home, 2027 Del More street, Friday afternoon at one o'clock. Guests were seated In tho dining room and the tnble was centered with a lovely arrangement of daffo dils and plum blossoms. In cards, high score went to Mrs, Guy Harmon, low to Mrs, A. P. Heup. Other guests in cluded Mrs. E. D. Hamachor, Mrs. Lorcn Pnlmerton, Mrs. C, L. Hubble, Mrs. WlHard Constnns, Mrs. IJarry Wayne, Mrs. l?ay CouhJrn and Mrs. George Atiler. BOB VEATCH TO GET WINGS IN LUBBOCK . Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S. Veatch will leave this evening for Lubbock Field, Texas, where they -will be among the properly thrilled parents watching their sons receive their silver wings from the Lubbock Advanced Flying school. Date of graduation is April twenty-second. At that time Robert E, Veatch will receive his covet ed wings and will be graduat ed as a pilot with the rank of second lieutenant. .En T0ite homo Mr. and Mrs. Veatch wilt visit at Carlsbad caverns in New Mexico, and also plan to spend a day or two in San Francisco. Plant Sale Slated Both Vegetable and Flowers To Be Offer ed Monday The plant sale, eagerly awaited fcy members of the Klamath Falls Garden club, will begin at one o'clock sharp at the city library audi torium on Monday, April the nineteenth. First come, first served, is the rule of the sale and both vegetable and flower plants will be offered. Mrs. . Will Wood is in charge. All members are urged to bring plants. Following the sal there will be a program starting at half past two o'clock. Colored slides which were made from original paintings by R. Bruce Horsfall to illustrate Dr. W. A. Eliot's book, "Birds of the Pacific Coast," will be shown. Mrs. F. O. Small will present a bird talk, and Mrs. E. D. Lamb will run the slides. The public is invited and mem bers are asked to bring a guest. There wil be a display of the Horizon Camp Fire Girls' collection of bird nests, MISS M'GRATH HONORED ON THURSDAY, The many friends e Delia McGrath will regret to learn that she will leave Klamath Falls within a short time- to make her homo in San Fran cisco after a residence here of many years. In Miss McGrath's honor, women members of The Her ald and News staff met for a supper party Thursday eve ning at Lucca's ' following cocktails at the hasne of Mrs. Don Wells. Miss McGrath was presented with a gift from the group which included Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. Don Wells, Mrs. Malcolm Ep ley, Mrs. Lawrence Holph, Mrs. Roderick Smith, Mrs. Harold Raymond, Mrs. How ard Graham, Mrs. Vergil Nel son, Mrs. A. B. Wade, Mrs. Delbcrt Addison, Mrs. Frank Payne, Mrs. Neal Stewart and Kathleen Liviiitsturi. Easter Monday Is " . Date Scheduled Final Plans Made for Annual 'Affair To Be Given By St, Pauls Guild April 26 There have been a few parties this year, as compared to past seasons, and Klamath Falls women will look forward to an afternoon of cards on Monday, April twenty-sixth, when they go to the Willard hotel 1o play bridge at the annual East er Monday benefit tea, sponsored by the Guild of St. Paul'i Episcopal church. . All women of the city are invited to attend and reserva tions may be made with any member of the Guild committee, it was announced by Mrs. Ralph S. Hokins, president. This group is made up of Mrs. KLAMATH GIRLS HONORED AT UNIVERSARY Of Interest to Klamath Falls residents is word from the University of Oregon at Eu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al len Sloan of Payne street, was chosen to attend the Matrix dinner honoring outstanding students in various depart ments. Miss Sloan represented her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, in lettters, arts and music Another Klamath girl, Mar Jorie Young,.daughter" of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young, Is the newly named editor of The Emerald, University publica tion. Lt Drew Is Statlsnad in Wales Word has been received that Frank Pierce Drew, now stationed with the United States navy in Wales, has been promoted from ensign to the rank of lieutenant j. g.5. Mrs. Drew and David are here vis iting at the N. B. Drew home. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Drew entertained with a family dinner honoring the visitors, . Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Stearns and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton are expected home this weekend from a stay in San Francisco. The Dalton's. daughter, Betty Lou, will return here for Easter va cation from Dominican college to visit her parents at their Malin ranch. Raymond H. Reeves, Mrs.' DeLos Mills, Mrs.. E. B. Go e c k n e r, Mrs, Roy Lee, Mrs, Joseph Piland and Mrs, Marvin K. Lucas. Mrs. R. Henry Anderson Is general chairman and will be assisted by the following committees. Refreshments, Mrs. ' Tho mas Hampton, Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. D. V. Kuyken dall, Mrs. William Barron, Mrs. W. B. Hendrickson, Mrs. John Cashin and Mrs. L. S. Tyrrell. Tea table, Mrs. Charles Jo seph Martin. Door, Mrs. Carey Ramsby, Mrs. Carl Micheison. . . Hostesses, Mrs. Ralph S. Hopkins, Mrs. Charles F. Scharfersstein, Mrs. Lyle O, Mills and Mrs. Horace E. Gctz. , Decorations, Miss Kaxel Morrison. Pouring, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Reeves, Mrs.' Harold Shaffer and Mrs. Frederick C. Wissenbach. Little Janet Perry will spend one week here with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. . James R. Hall of Rosewsy drive, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fo ter Perry of Mcd&rd are Ing Easter Sunday for Victoria to attend the Rotary conven tion. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Perry' are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. MoTdoff of this city. Mrs. George Wirtz will en tertain for members of the Art Needle Work club at her home, 528 Jefferson street, at two o'clock Wednesday after noou of this week. '