PAGE TWELVE DONATES FDR ED GROSS WORK MERRILL Rooms on the econd floor of the building oc cupied by the Merrill branch, First National Bank of Amer ica, which have been donated by the bank will be opened next Wednesday, April 21, to be used for surgical dressings preparation by the Merrill Red Cross unit, it was announced this week by Mrs. Frank Carey, general, chairman. Help will be needed each Wednesday and Friday after noons from 1 p. m. until 5 p. m. and from 8 a. m. on the same day; and cooperation of men of the community, as well as women, is asked. It is hoped that enough men will respond that in the future a class can be held for men only. Mrs. Warren Fruits, Mrs. J. R. Blatch and Mrs. R. L. Dal ton will assist as instructors as each received their training in Klamath Falls, under the direc tion of Mrs. R. R. McCartney of the surgical dressing division. The need is increasing daily for dressings and those who can help are asked to be on hand. SYNOPSIS 07 AXXfAL STATEMENT , OF THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. f 1 Mad lion Atmjub, Xmt York, In the fitttft or New York, on th thfrty-flnt dv of December, 1MZ. made to toe Insunnc Commfuloner ot the 8tt of Ortjoc, yur uaat to law: . . Capital , Amount of capital stock pai4 up- ( mutual company)-. Hone Tola! prvnlum Income for the year ; $ S06.WS.70S.40 iDterpft, dividends and real mate income recelred dur ing the year . tw,iio,srj.78 In com o from other aouroea received during the year Total income .4l,U4,7fi6.907.M Offtbureamenta f aid for loMei, eodowmetiU, annuities and aurrender $ 3M,2U,03J.SO Dividends paid to policyhold er! during me year 106,I5S,WS.9S None ITOl 79.90 Amount returned to policy holders for direct payment of weekly premiums Dfrfdendi paid on capital stock durint the year Comm lit ions and salaries paid during the year . Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year . Amount of all other expendi tures v Total expenditures A seats 806,S5,SS0.87 Value of real eatato owoed (market rallies . 4 5S3.0W.4W.M loans on mortgages and ool' ue,ui,?oJ8 Value of bondi owoed (am. iairai, tic ortued) , i,80T,x,iS. (market Talue) Premium potts ud policy loans ; Cash In banks, U truilt nd on hand Interest and rents due and 305,166.00 5S,M0,1M.C 1K,765,1M.49 00,874,664.34 . 3 13, 63 1. 33 1,018.46.18 accrued JJet uncollected and, deferred premium i , , Other assets (net) ., , , Total admitted aiteti : ': . UsbMltlea Xet ret ems f Gross claims for losses tu paid - Dividends payahle in IMS tt49,tl8.W ,8,M7.O0 Total llabOIUes, except capi tal tf,US,M,W.t Capital paid ud None Surplus over all liabilities $ S68.769.190.46 Surplus as regards policy holders S69,769,1MJ3 i.VW4.81S.576.56 Buainm In Oregon for the Year Xet premiums and annuities re ceived during the year .8,015.S!M2 Dividends paid during the year 412,051.24 jfet losses ana aaims, enaow menu, surrenders, and annul ties paid, during the year UI1.53I.W METROPOLITAN LIPS INIURANOI . COMPANY IiEROY A. LTNCOLJT, Pres. JAMES P. BRADLEY, Sec Statutory resident attorney for service, Israel E. Hervln. Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 22nd day of April, 1943, beginning at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall in Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at public sale for cash on hand all of the following described properties, to-wit: LOT ADDITION KLAMATH of 9 Stt of 10 BLOCK 74 74 105 FIRST SE48' of 2 5 Pt. of 1 (Lot 1, less DV 71, pg. 554) DV101, pg. 294 1 NE9' of 7 '6 NE50' of 1 & 2 26 Balance of 1 & 2 26 RIVERSIDE 4 18 INDUSTRIAL 25 14 S. 9' of 26 14 SE 6' of 35 18 NW 12.6 of 37 18 BUENA VISTA . 8 86 ' MILLS 32i ' , 111 CANAL 8 , ' 1 This sale is made under and by virtue of a warrant or list in tabular form for the collection of special assessment liens, which have been delinquent for more than one year prior to March 18, 1943, on real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, which warrant or list is in my hands. Each of the lots, parcels or tracts above described is located within the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, and is being sold under Sections 56,2201 to 66,2210, Oregon Code 1930 as amended, providing a method of foreclosing special assessment liens. . Fachof sni.d !ots' Parcel and tracts wlu be wld separately and will be struck off to the first bidder offering to pay the City of Klamath Falls the full amount of its assessment liens plus Interest and the costs of and upon this sale. Dated this 18th day of March, 1943. First Publication, 3-20-43. Final publication, 4-17-43. M. 20-27, A. 3-10-17. Liberator's Deadly Stingers iiinK " t-w ' - ' ; "' .-. ;""-r" ' ' . 7 Jl"J) 3 . . v.. .r Here's a hun's-eye view of a B-24 Liberator bomber's movable tail turret, where twin .50-caliber machine guns are mounted to fight off attack from the rear. Oregon News Noies By The Associated Press The state war bond staff an nounced in Portland the first fivo Have nf sales in Oregon's second war loan campaign reached a total of $l6,d,ia. TULELAKE BONO TULELAKE Climbing fast, the total of the war bond quota of $110,000 for the Tulelake dis trict was nearing the top when the corps of twenty women re ported at a meeting of the Vic tory fund committee Thursday night. In the first four days of the campaign $85,000 in bonds of various series had been sold. Quota for Siskiyou county is $997,000 or the month of April. Serving on the committee ap pointed by William A. Day, chairman of the Victory fund of the 12th federal reserve dis trict are . L. Booth, chairman, Floyd A. Boyd, G. W. Osborne, E.: A. Davis and R. M. Prior. Response to the canvass of homes and business houses has been spontaneous and generous and the committee expects to exceed the total before the end of the month deadline. Assisting the committee in the drive are Mrs. Walter Rey nolds, Mrs. Lillian Geaney, Mrs. Frank Zlabek, Mrs. Sarah Welsh. Mrs. Gerald Stark, Mrs. Eddie Gresham, Mrs. Fred Tay lor, Mrs. Byrd Keitz, Mrs. A. E Ryckman, Mrs. Albert Larson and Mrs. Merton Brown. Mrs. A. W. Hardman, Mrs. M. C. Wilkinson, Mrs Marvin Thomas, Mrs. Frank Mosebar, Mrs. Olney L. Rudd, Mrs. Clark W. Fensler, Mrs. Tom Kadous, Mrs. D. W. Turnbaugh and Mrs. J C. Stevenson Jr. Lakeview Public Schools Get New Superintendent LAKEVIEW C. C. Caldwell of Wasco, Ore., has been ap- pointed superintendent of the Lakeview public schools, the po sition left vacant when William H. Baker received his call to the naval construction battalion several weeks ago. He and Mrs. Caldwell arrived last Thursday. TO WHOM ASSESSED DATE LEVIED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT Lottie Lambert September 14, 1925 Street $ 14.16 Lottie Lambert September 14, 1925 Street 98.61 James E. Swansen June 30, 1928 Street 77.14 Allen Sloan November 19, Sewer 81.02 V, Verna Anderson November 15, Sower 13.71 C L. Bigelow August 26, 1927 ' Street 94.55 M. L. & Alice Johnson May 4, 1927 Street and Sewer 518.86 M. L, & Alice Johnson May 4, 1927 Street and Sewer , 358.62 Dr. E. D. Lamb May 4, 1927 Street . 482.58 G. W. Chapman May 13, 1927 Sewer ' 37.33 G. W. Chapman May 13, 1927 Sewer 13.32 Earl F. & Zclla R. Blankensl December 6, 1927 Street , ' 7.16 Earl F. & Zella R. Blankenship December 6, 1927 Street 11.43 ....). C C Cline June 13, 1927 Street 242.65 G. & Katherine Neubcrt September 10, . 1927 Street 117.73 David W. Johnson et al June 30, 1928 Street ' 330.25 or 16 per cent of the month's quota of $100,000,000. . . . rne Oregon Wood Products com pany of Newberg announced a new war use for Oregon sap lings weaving them into fend ers for naval vessels, easing the shortage of rope. . . . Portland clubs joined the war loan campaign, the Lions club pledging $264,436 and the Optimist club setting its quota at $1,000,000. . . . The Oregon branch of the American society for the control of cancer an nounced a drive for field re cruits would open Monday. . . . Charles P. Garvin, manager of the National Stationers asso ciation, sand in Portland that he believed the paper shortage would not become serious. . . . An Iowa couple, George O. Hauser, now in the coast guard, and Dorothy Mae Roseland, were married in Portland and, since their parents couldn't at tend, the director of the service men's center sent a phonograph recording of the ceremony to them. SIRE TO BOND SALE LAKEVIEW J. C. Clark, prominent Lakeview breeder of registered Hereford bulls, to do nating one of his best sires to a Lake county rancher purchas ing War Bonds, according to an announcement this week by the farm program committee of the Lake county War Bond sales committee. Sealed bids will be received from ranchers with the bull go ing to the highest bidder in War Bonds. The tentative date for the auction has been set as August 14. However, this may be re vised by a committee of cattle men assisting with the project. April 22 New Date For Beef Ceilings WASHINGTON, April. 17 (P) The office of price administra tion changed from April 14 to April 22 the effective date of new cents per pound price ceil ings at the wholesale level for ground beef, corned beef and dried beef. EARL HEUVEL, Chief of Police of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FIRST AID TO ' BE TAUGHT TO LAKEVIEW First aid classes for block wardens and oilier members of the Lake county civilian defense groups will be organized Friday night, it was announced Monday by Henry Sarles, first aid chairman of the Lake county chapter of the Red Cross. The first session will ,be held Friday night in the district court rooms in the court house under the direction of Fred Peat, Instructor, assisted by a number of other qualified first aiders. The following Monday Les Passmore and Phil Carrol of the Underwood Lumber com pany will organize standard first aid classes for employes of that firm. This will be In structed by Dick Claudson and Leonard Proctor, and will be carried on as an integral part of the safety program of the company which has won nation al recognition as outstanding. Sergeant Frank J. Kuhln, commander ot the local army recruiting office, announced to day that applications for avia tion cadet training in the army air corps are now being ac cepted from young men between the ages of 17 and 26, inclusive. Applicants in this age group may apply for training as pilots, bombardiers and navigators re gardless of their status under selective service. Qualified ap plicants under 18 years of age will be enlisted in the air corps reserve and will be called for training when they have reach ed their eighteenth birthday. Applicants 18 or older will be called as soon as facilities, per mit. Ceiling Prices On Lettuce Go Into -Effect Today SAN FRANCISCO, April -17 ("1 The office of price admin istration has 'announced that these ceiling prices for lettuce in the five states of this OPA region would go into effect to day, FOB . country shipping points: Iced crates, of four or five dozen heads, $4.50. Ice crates, of six dozen heads, $3.50. Dry crates, 50 cents less in each category. The states are California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona and Nevada. Eleven Killed In Patrol Plane Crash NORFOLK, Va., April 17 JP) The fifth naval district made public today the names of four officers and seven enlisted men who were killed yesterday when a navy patrol plane crash ed and burned shortly after a take-off from the Norfolk naval air station. All the plane's oc cupants died in the accident, which occurred at nearby Camp Allen. PURPOSE OF No. 201 DEFENSE IN Siskiyou Citizens Get Easter Seals TULELAKE Residents of Siskiyou county have recolved envelopes of teals that are sold annually at Euster for the ben efit of crippled children. The seals are mnllod by the Siski you county crippled children's society.. Three thousand letters were sent George Luttroll, pres ident, said in asking generous support of this worthy under taking. Care and training of handi capped children is far reach ing program, and In the pres ent world crisis the need is more urgent than in normal times. The sale closes Easter Sunday. Mrs. M. McDonagh It super visor ot child welfare In this county. t r WAAC Officers to Visit In Lakeview LAKEVIEW Three uni formed representatives of the women's army auxiliary corps district recruiting headquart ers In Portland will visit Lake view during the week starting April 22 as part of an Intensive drive in southern Oregon to enroll much needed women In the WAAC. Warrant Officer Lester Otta way, Auxiliary Nina Kecncy, and Auxiliary Cleta Bcrkemcr make up the traveling staff which will bring the latest in formation about the women's army to Lakeview. PTA In Lakeview Elects Officers LAKEVIEW At the regular meeting of the PTA Tuesday evening, an election of officers was held, which resulted in the following being named: dent, Mrs, Arnold Wiman; vice president, Mrs. P. D. McDouRal secretary, Mrs. Sylvester Win- gard; treasurer, Mrs. Rudy Mc Clane; historian, Mrs. William Holloway. These officers will serve for the year 1943-44. REFERENDUM FILED SALEM, April 17 IP) Ballot title for a referendum vote on the Burke bill restricting sale of fortified wines to state liquor stores and agencies was filed In the state department today. SYNOPSIS OP ANNt'AL STATF.MBKT OF TUB INVESTORS SYNDICATE of Minneapolis, In th State of Minolta, on thu thlrty-flral oj of Dnvmhrr, 1U, rnart.1 to ihf InauianM romml.. lime? of thfl Statt of Oregon, pursuant to lawi Capital Amount of capital stock paid "P I,(M,?M.M InUrMt tarntd Dividends earned . . Uortgaira ttt and coojmls- 'ons . Initial payment recelpta Profit on aaJ of bonds and securities Real astata Inooma and T.7.U.I.U.M :m,s;j.i; i,o; a7S.IMt.05 jpeniea - -.. Collection revenue .. , Transfer and duplicate fees Fees and commissions from subsidiary and affiliated companies Miscellaneous H,s;7.m 1,090.474. M Total 4 1I,1M,1II.M Vet appropriations to reserve Commissions paid , Contract and certificate Inter est espenses miscellaneous Other contract and certificate expeoee Irfan agency expense mlseet laneoile . Salaries Rent , Depreciation on real estate Depreciation 00 furniture and fixtures Taxes ,, 7,W.l(.7 I.WS.UI.SO 9H.M1.W Mt,l70.M SM.MO.M 1.470.I77.U 1II.023.U U.399.M lT.SM.U 2.IS9.H7 7S.H74.I1I IM.UI.71 OUier operating expense Total Net loss front operations 4 :,3tl.20 Other Income credits net ad justment of prior year's In come and expense items Kef loss . -4 . 1U.SM.H Admltted Assets Caab ton hand, . lo banks and In transit f 0.1SI. 79.41 Bonds and securities , , , , 36,240, federal . Houslns; Administra tion Insured mortgages . 114,834, utner nrat mort- gases on real es tate -4M,48I,t.M tout eontln. gent liability as endorser on mort gages acquired by - - controlled subsldl. airy 11.997,4.g 1,4JJ,JM.!7 Contracts for ssle of real as. tate . l,e,iH.7s Loans on contracts and . eer. tlflcatea - Notes receivable Accounts receivable . so, AM, 072, 1,147, son, ii.ii, .7K7.4S ,313.17 ,700.94 M.s.7 Keal estate Stocks of wholly owned . and ' controlled companies Furniture and fixtures , ... Other assets . 100,1 ,124.03 Total admitted suets I74,M,07.HI Includes Items deposited with various States, Provinces, or depositaries pursuant, to various requirements of. statutes of, rul ings by, or agreements made with approval of such Stales and Provinces, or of nny regulatory or supervisory authorities there of. . llahlllllst Contract and certificate cash surrender values . 4lin,3Mi79.M Interim payments on Install ment conlracla 22,370,899.03 Accrued liabilities not due and deferred credits O2,l0.91 Contract .and . certificate re. . servra . 0,371,991.30 Tteserve for exchange fluctua tions . 1.073.W All other liabilities . 1,8,0I2.II3 Total liabilities except capi tal 4171,101,737.10 ftspltsl paid up... 11,113,722.115 Hiirplus over an liabilities 1,749,0111.77 3.203,33912 Total 1 l74,.m07.2 Business In Orsgon for ths Yssr : Certlflcstes receipts during the year , 4138,818.07 Certificate maturities and aurren- dera during the year , tf0,86243 Counona and Interest paid or ac crued on certificates during the year , . 8,51940 INVESTORS OVHDICATI K, K. CHAIIll, Pres. RAM'll KKNNON, See, Sinfultry resident attorney for service, Alfred A. Hampson, Paul P. Parrena ntitf Andrew Koerner, WW Pacific Uulldliig, Purt. land, Oregon, ChHoquin The Chlloquin mill was able to resume work last Mouduy, The Pacific Fruit truck of Klamath Falls collected many tin cans at the local grade school turned in by the school children. Mrs. K. L. Zlerlein of Lamm's camp was In Chlloquin Thurs day. Mrs. S, W. Potty of Pelican Bay camp was. in Chlloquin on Tuesday. Willis Noland, Mrs. Mlnnto and son Remo, were In Klamath Falls Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lowls and son, were in Klamath Falls Thursday. The Chlloquin basketball team traveled to Klamath Falls on GUARD AGAINST r iiMuTW MskiiilktXiWnfJirWi w,W.W,4fB si mjLjiimmk IT'S FLUHRER'S ..YOUR GROCER HAS IT! Thursday night to attend the banquet held for the state cham pion Klamath Falls Pelicans at the Wlllard hotel. Mining Assessment Suspension Extended WASHINGTON, April 17 (V) The innuta mines conimittco has recommended adopt Ion of a res olution (S Res 42) by Senator McCarran (D-Nov.) which would extend until Juno 30. 1944, the suspension of mining claim assessment work. , Your freedom can be Insured with war bonds. Hani Morland, Insurance, 118 N. 7th. iV "SerWSss. i . ,s' f -; DIET DEFICIENCY ' SERVE E A For Every Health Element For War-Time Meal Planning ROUGHAGE Your System O Take a tip from the thrifty houiowlvoil Enjoy delicious, tempting FLUHRER'S ROMAN MEAL BREAD rich In proteins to help supply on rgy; full of the minerals and othor valuable olomonts of the wholo grain wheat and ryo that evory healthy system needs. Easy to assimilate, flavored with pure fruit juices, it alio provides the roughage that promotes health and vigor. You'll find it ploasingly difforont from so-called "health" breads richer, mom flavor ful, a good bread you can eat at every meal and truly enjoyl Your family will "go for it" in a big way. T DANCE EVERY ' SATURDAY NIGHT ARMORY Muslo by Baldy's Band Dancing I Till I Regular Admission wis You Want For The Needs . . . ROMAN MEAL has bn a cereal favorite for 30 yanri. Now you may enjoy Its famous flavor In ROMAN MEAL BREAD , . . grand for toasting or landwlchts, tool