( SERIAL STORY DARK JUNGLES BY JOHN C. FLEMING & TUB STORYl Alllio Toppla. ' aooletr alrl, la off la Gtatratala. - 1 turn krr fafarr'a chjvte plaata ; tloa. Barry HHlr, mlalac Klaaer m route to taa mm land la ararrh of a qntrkallvcr mlna operated br aa Quiche Indlaa V: trine, aaa fried many- time to aliKnade her. At 1'urrio Barrloa, AlllRoa Introdnera Barrr to Ile ' nnldOp her fafher'a attorner Re-'.-a1do alio vraraa Alltaon to tnra .- back to ao avail. Barrr aecoai- Canlea them oa tho ardnooa mule ark trek fhronjth the Jaajcle to lacvlaatatlcm. Hcaaldo'e snide la lo ao on with hlat tato (toleho territory . LURKING DEATH CHAPTER X i TOR six days the tortuous trek . continued through the rain drenched jungle. Six days of heat, .of aching from the long hours in the saddle, of fighting off the hordes of voracious insects. Even Barry, who had a natural affinity for the tropics, felt the gruelling strain of the continued discom fort. His anxiety for the stubborn girl riding before him mounted. As they reached the chicle es tancla they were using for the night and Allison almost fell from her saddle, anger at Renaldo rose in him. He waited till the servants bad cleared the small thatched hut and she was lying in her mosquito . tent Then he searched out toe ; Spaniard. Renaldo was In the clearing be tide the hut overseeing the un loading of the mules for the night The flickering light of the small campQre illumined his tall erect figure, threw dancing shadows ' across bis narrow, handsome face as he called orders to Jose and the Indian servants. ," Barry went close to the Are for protection against the buzzing in sects. "Is the trio worse than usual?" he asked Renaldo. "About , the same." - Renaldo went on untying ropes lashed about the donkey's head. Barry's anger exploded. "Then why in hell did you let her come?" Renaldo turned darkly amused eyes on Barry, and shrugged. "You' tried to stop her, too, did you not, Mr. Fielding?" Barry glowered at him. "If I had known it was going to be a murderous trek like this," he said bitterly, "I'd have stopped her if I'd had to use brass knuckles for arguments. , How much longer is it?" -. . '. "We ought to be at the head estahcia by mid-afternoon tomor row," the Spaniard murmured im perturbably. "I dont believe shell stand it till then." : - "DENALDO did not answer at once. He waved a graceful 'hand toward the unloaded group of pack mules now being rubbed down by the Indian boys. '; - "They are using a mixture of Isand.and water," he told Barry. ,"It is to scrape off the big red land black ticks that bedevil the I poor creatures." .He. crossed to 'superintend the raking of ramona ! leaves for the mules' feeding. When he finally returned, there j was a strange glimmer of a smile Ion his face. He said to Barry i without preface: I ?You. didn't know her father." Barry scowled at him. "What do you mean?" -I -"Jeremiah Topping," Renaldo ! murmured, the glint of humor ideepening in his eyes. "He was :irail,: too, but he went through (more than six natives could en dureV She win finish the trip. I 'only hope it will prove sufficiently : uncomfortable so that she will re ; turn immediately to the coast" In sudden, blind rage, Barry swung on him. Renaldo staggered back under the blow's impact But as Barry moved in for battle, his arms were suddenly pinioned to his sides by the iron grip of Jose. As he struggled to free him self from the giant muleteer, Re naldo stepped close. There was no anger or resentment on his face. "I do not wish to fight you, Mr. Fielding," he said in quiet, con versational tones. "It is not good for the natives to see white men bickering among themselves. Re lease him, Jose." As the muleteer dropped his huge arms, Renaldo added, "Please know I am also trying to do what is best for Miss Topping. It is only to my best interests. After all, she is my em ployer." . ;TIARRY was forced to admit as the mule train sloshed along I the next afternoon that Renaldo ! was' right Though he had carried jAllison to her mule that morning, looking too white and sick to sit upright she had stuck it out hour after hour through the fetid heat of the day, swaying drunkenly in the saddle but refusing to stop. . Only once did she come out of her sick stupor to notice what was going on. . "Wont It ever stop raining?" she asked, bitterly. . Henaldo replied quietly, "This is called the 'rain forest' There probably Is more rainfall around here than any other spot in the I world. That is why the zapote tree grows so well." "Thanks!" Her voice was a .muffled half scream, half sob. : Barry thought for a minute the had broken. But her sobs dwin dled out wearily and her small body in the torn and muddy white .suit continued to stay compara tively upright on the muscular llitlle mule as it sloshed along the slippery trail. He could see her pat the animal's shaggy neck after a- hard bit of going, and murmur affectionate , words of praise. She would stick it out, he thought with reluctant admiration, just as Re naldo had predicted. ' - . When at last Renaldo turned in b'l saddle and called back, "An-tT-ier hour wilt sea us at home!" Barry could scarcely believe it ' The, Indian boys chattered jubi lantly, sang wailing melodies to relieve their impatience. Even the mules seemed to sense their trial was! about over. The caravan moved with a quickened tempo.' L. Allison turned slowly and looked LOIS EBY COPYRIGHT. 1049. NEA SERVICE. INC. back at Barry. There was a dazed look on her damp, white petal face, and she formed the words with difficulty but with a quaver ing note of mirth. "Did you see Cassidy's ears when Renaldo said 'home'? You should feel him. He's quivering all over." "He's made a stout march for a homebody," Barry grinned. He could see the mule shaking now. It took sidewise mincing steps back toward one side of the trail. Sudden apprehension clutched Barry. He dug spurs into his own animal and started forward, call ing, "Something's there!" and pull ing at the flashlight in his pocket Even as he rode forward, the slender writhing form slid upward through the air in the arc of light toward its preyl As Allison's shrill scream echoed through the dark fastness of the jungle, the cold horror of a night mare gripped Barry. His gun and Renaldo's spoke almost together. The snake lay writhing its last in the ooze of the trail. But Barry knew it had been too late. He reached the girl's side as Renaldo came up. His arm jerked sumy with the flashlight Kenaldo tore it from him and swept the light i over Allison's body with thorough speed. Then slowly he moved St down over the front flank of the animal. "Take her off," he said brusque- ly. "Thank God, the mule got it" His command was none too soon. Allison was scarcely off when the small animal toppled into the mud. - "Cassidy!" Allison screamed. "Can't you help him, Renaldo?" "There is nothing that can be done," Renaldo said steadily. His foot indicated the still form of the snake. "That is a bushmaster. In a few minutes Cassidy will be THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferauson WALRUS, N EARLY DAYS, yTZHl WERE &C-ArAQU. IN THE iKl vsgfRE&fW Mans greed and failure to ration his ittliiNe SOON BROUGHT ABOUT THE TOTAL EXTINCTION OP THE LARGE ACADIAN HERDS. I t . WK. i yj u, NEA SERVICE. 1 ( THERE ARE ZOO I DIFFERENT TYPES OF ( ) CHEESE ANSWER: The name comes from the Greek, philadelphus, which means 'brotherly love.'' i NEXT: A whale of a onrerenee,-?' I ARMY AIR CADET INSIGNE HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted is sleeve insigne worn by a V. S. Army 12 East (Fr.) 13 Inquisitive 14 Female hare 16 Street (abbr.) 17 Doctor (abbr.) 18 Tree 19 Steamship (abbr.) 21 Symbol for tantalum 22 Prolix 24 Appellation 27 Ireland 28 White frost 29 Symbol for radon 30 Hawaiian bird 32 Wine vessel 34 Symbol for Answer to RUITILEPGC I JUDISeTs I!Lseam ASSERT ME USTAY S'JoIrIe R E5 Zjii ear 2S W,LW asITa MiEALiOA OLOUNT Riee 5 R S L t L DUTI DlT 2 5 R TlH I C K a- F A Tjg COLD M T gp I NflA besp HOPjjOA R FE U DjP I I N L A N D F AIR M a! R E L sItMlIeIsi tr i IbIuInIaIl 40 Droop 41 Symbol for ilUnium 43 Indian bovine 45 Sicilian volcano 47 Prevarication" 50 Speech 52 Music note 53 Senior (abbr.) 54 Aero tin 35 Compass point 66 Bone 36 Electrified 57 That thing . particle 87 Measure of area 39 Indian mulberry 58 Self 60 One who concedes 63 Onager 64 Diversion i t 3"7s r" t a" ?" "" To" n! zi z im,ixwu r mt 1 I w ' ' ; W Jl f "' "" ST" " w n- 11 SO S. " ' ' J I I I I I II II I jl twice his site. If you will pep mit " Allison nodded. She sobbed as Renaldo's shot rang out The Spaniard said soothingly as he holstered his gun. "We are prac tically at the estancla. We will tret vou to vour bed." I But Allison had fainted in ' Barry's arms. (To Be Continued) More U-boats and speed boats are constantly being put into service to attack convoys. We must pursue the enemy tena ciously and doggedly and allow him no respite wherever he shows himself. Grand Adml. Carl Doenitz of Germany. $25 CREDIT ONLY $5 DOWN $5 A MONTH Don't will till you hart ttifl monty to buy th thlnp you mod. Otl ttj buying powtr In PutxtutM Coupon Books today ind spwtd It whon you mod It for any numbtr of artlclta. which don't ooot moro than M uoh. Or pay a Httlo mor down and gat coupons that buy hlfhar prieod mtrchandlM. Usual ur rylns ehargt. ( (JlJriY 15 PHILADELPHIA CALLED THE CITY OP BROTHERLY LOVE." Previous Puzxle consumed 17 Prehistoric reptiles 20 Outsiders 23 The gods 25 Commended 26 Exclamation 31 Wise bird 33 Extinct bird 37 Blue 38 Fail to follow suit in cards 41 Be persistent 42 Endures 44 Bought (abbr.) VERTICAL 1 Aft 2 Vermont . (abbr.) 3 Heights (comb, form) 4 Measure 5 Angers 6 Lubricant' 7 Alaskan city 8 Cubic (abbr.) . 9 Y&upon 10 Editor (abbr.) 11 Indian poles of symbols' 12 Compound ether 15 Has been 46 Symbol for, . tellurium 48 Press 49 Warmth 50 Counter (prefix) SI College buhd ing (colloq.) 55 Indian 59 It is borne the sleeve, just below the-" shoulder 61 Railroad (abbr.) 62 Half-em 63 Any J f v J I Purehiii m - JnC; 1 Coupon. I yl J -d th I 2& ' " " Bogy "S Out Our Way ZMI MA-AH COME fU LISTEN .' IP NOTHIN'BUT --V CAMS EGAD, B0W6.' 30UX fAORNllMG, Wi iMiiH HEREf I'LL SHOW ?A MOUSE AND SOU USED iNT 'T 30VE WHWft afffiiSS VOU WHV WE'RE A FOUR-CAR GARAGE teErt TO LP FfWM. YfS:? P 1111 ALWAVS GETTINd I ! VOU'D AULUS BE RRKIM' J 2a ffi MorkS vJlTW TU& ) WAi I BOR14 V W- il I RAILROAD ROU6E TH' CAR WHERE TH' lS' f . T ViJlf CMnaT I "TTfT-ll UlHinHTKTWAv US FROM TH'lJ'jll MOUSE COULDN'T f . 'f ROG PROSPECT OPa--' r ; f 6il.LV, OR I , IfPM. CAR-COME Alk i GET BACK TO HER' L ' ''-r BUSTLING &007JftHj ?. I PICK IT UP h W - "mLyCWM BABIES.' TM ATMNJOB saMRTA TvYaSTWEKiT f:, - ;HILlJjIBtt.l JlIL-T'ODW ?A QUICK BREfK-) X. ALOMG ? h ' ... V w wnMuivMw ygM,;V 4-B l.I I I -J .HOLD EVERYTHING! "why can't I wear 'em ain't this a war to save western civilization?" CHANGE-ABOUT CROCHETED IN 7531 by Alice Brooks It's a suit season it's the time to make the most of every frockl Jiffy crochet this smart neckwear and let it work trans formations in your wardrobe. The bow in pineapple design, revers trimmed with lace, the rosette with matching cuffs cost little to make. Pattern 7531 contains directions for neck wear; list of materials; stitches. To obtain this pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept. Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No , to followed by your name and address. AND YOU? HELENA, Mont., (P) Helena Montana of Brooklyn, N. Y., wrote to ask how Helena and Montana got their names. Governor Sam C. Ford told her a gold miner named the capital city for Helena, Ga., and early Spanish explorers who were awed by the mountains contributed tho Montana. He's mighty curious, though, about Helena Montana of Brook lyn. PRODUCTIVE EARTH LULING, Tex., (P) J. H. Lowery started to dig, after his dogs began baying at a hole in the ground. He found; A cottontail rabbit. Four more bunnies. Three polecats. ' A mother opnosuin with a 4-7 cc . iwpio iiwtt we. T. a tia. n a nt, of. IDEAS JIFFY dozen babies. - By Red Ryder Freckles and Hit Friends Pop. vou'rs on thf gas RATIONING, BOARD LET I BELIEVE CARD HAS MR. s .i A 'CCARO. VES. SCUTILB ' I'M sure Wash Tubbs WE'RE OuTOP THE ACK-AC. KEEP YOUR EVESOPEM FOB Boots and Her Buddies LKt P, wut JS0 KiCt TO Allep Oop Little Orphan Annio J I ' 1 H XI StSi tAlit M g VHEAW I jfel SO YOU'VE GOT A V THIS IS NO f AMO YOOLL WCfT A 1 f BUT I'M NOT V f ,Sv g .... ' l JOB FORME,EH7 1 TRICK..' IF YOU'RE X NEEP A SILK J INTERESTEPC.,.,, , TV& Jfoq U LISTEN, DOC, IF THIS I GOING TO STAY .TOPPER ON IM ANY- IHSt erSwP V -tt '. J if T IS SOME TRICK V IN AMERICA, V -THIS JOB, V THIMG ( PLENTY IWTERESTEPv . "ft A' ! i.Sy 7 V.- A YOU'VE COOKED UP ( VOU' RE GOING A EITHER J BUT WAR J JW THIS JOB...BECAUSE! if V t J ,1 TGET ME BACK. TO TO WORK-- J 3 .WORK. ttS WAR WORK ANP ) LY L -' Jl AM V MOO HARD.' ? ff, V. A MIGHTY IMPORTANT . i SJ4k- 'p. AUJTff folks V DOWN IN TOWN WORPMNS ARE WORRYIH' .ABOUT BOUT THEIR K0 'IHV? IN Ttf JUNIOR A lCOMMANDOS- J J, R. Williamt Our Boarding Houia WUSN He T Cl WAMTBO To- WANOLi VS tift fyjfjfi APPUEO NO. SOW, This "THING MY WAY I (V Ti t JTig. ' f '.- FOR IT, NO BUT HILDA IT WAS STRICTLY V , V-fl V Vf,, lijf i I' DID HEf I GO A PERSONAL MATTBR p,.SSk -fcC i vIRa OECLAR6 AWAY AND SCUTTLO WAS liS -JSSi M V3il 'i j. I Hi AMY I AND DOMT MY BABV NOW I 'itwinLty C W froRBO Borne. ihimk its nwe i TUnNeo d7mTs?' '(I K ASOUNff V MB HIM OVER, lb THE' POUCe CO. pkt2TW afLillrW 1 1 (1 A r J" .irQ ' rASi! JSJ a. a T u a l.lV. -K " f-ff B TUIMK HE HAS we has ; fuiens cowes owe A fBeKfi-wu. ih a tvpi ai W FRONTAL ATTACk?, IT6 WK065 BLA2IN WITH MACHINt OUN ANP CANNON PIRE 1 TO WSWJOOCT: WEU..TM WDS H(WE OEEH OUT NIGHTS 60 MUCH tfiTEW, CATCHIK NAZIS, THPX THBR FOLKS ftREGETTIN' CURIOUS -J J I VJtU.O H V 9?IP-IT sonb! "from THE TIME rrOPEWf.D FIRE AT60OYAR05 DUTIL IT5 PAST, TWO ECON05. behind it cams ANOTHER, AMP ANOTHER tara.jMi prWCTiaaj;liij I MM HM-M-WHV NOT START A RJEGUUR GARRISON HERE? S"J BEHIND IT CWES IT .- . " ' ' I OUTY-QUARO MOUNT--WE COULD HAVE GREW PLACE FOR IT A BAND- ALL SORTS 0 THINGS tW. J! : . With Major Hoopla By Fred Harmon By Blossor By Cran wt m uavm, im, J, "tuio. . . mt. en. .U.Z By V. T. Hamlin By Martin By Harold Gray WOU.D BECJOOD "lA.. LKL. AHD Til' KIOS CAN DO THUR JOB WITHOUT S1ARTIN' A LOT SPORT NOUNQSTERS- QUESTIONS - mi wr'TJiajJ, I ' " V71 FOR THE I WNQSTERS-J tm im u i WM