'April lfl, 1043 HERALD ANT) NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SETE i O -4 s 5 o at A n l i i HP'V ' Mrs. Sherman In Hospital Mm. Clydo Klii'muui, who Iiiih ninny friends In K I urn ii I ) i Kails wIicto aim fiirnicrly resldi'd, I. ii patient ul St. I, lilies hospital In St. I'nul, Minn., where aim underwent mi nni)uliillnii of the rlKlit ley n week MHO, ni-cnrdliiK jo word riunlved here, The npiil'iillon wiih niiiili! nrrcihiiry dun to ii acrimis lllnea. The rihurmiiiui nro now imiklnii thi'lr limnu In SI. Pinil. Shermnn (or molly held tlm ponltliin nf twin iniiMcr for dm C.rciil Norllicin rnllwiiy In tli in diviidoii. Parenla and Palront T h e Parents iind Pillions club of KIM IS will meet Wednesday, April 21, lit 7:;i(l p. m. at the Utile, Theater off Mon Clnlru street. There will be a short hiwliiess meeting followed by n play, presented by nno of Mrs. 13. D. l3l(im(Ulsts'S Ul UtllilLil'H c In uses, In Arliona Word litis been received hero Hint Mm. Scott Rico (Miiureno I.umlell) former ly of this city, la In cliurije of n nursery acliunl In Tmson, All.. Mrs. Hire la with her husband, U. Scott nice, who Is In the nlr corps, Eaiter Bervlco The Chrl.itlnn Endeavor will present an Eiister sunrise service on Muster morn ing. Townspeople lire Invited to attend. The complete protfriim will be published some time next week. No Confaranca There will bo no well child conference held at tho Slmsla school during the month of April because of the abaenco of Dr. I'ctur Itoien dttl. Block Leader Council The civilian defense Block Lender council met Friday noon at tho chamber of commerce director's room to discuss lender training classes. Traatmtnl W, F. Padgett. 1209 H Pino street, Wcyer hoei'ser employe, is In Klamath Valley hospital receiving medi tal treatment. Gone South Mrs. Thomas O'SulIivun of 332 North Ninth street, has gone to Sim Francisco to visit two sisters there. Shasta PTA The Shasta PTA executive meeting will bo held at the Shnstn school, Tuesday, April 20, at 3 p. m. INFLATION SCAnE PORTLAND, April 18 (,T) Attorney Jean Logerquist of tho OPA rent division summoned a Portland apartment owner to ex plain her raising of rental charges abovo the celling. "Why did you do it?" he asked. "I had to rnlso tho rents," she aald, "If I didn't, what am I going to do when Inflation comes?" CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings during our recent bereavement. Dace Bedlion Mrs. Fred DcMnln Mr. Fred DcMnin CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their many nets of kindness and lovely floral offerings ex tended during our recent be reavement, the loss of our be loved husband and father, Silns Warren Kllgore. Mrs. Loulso Kllgore Chnrlcs William Kilgore Silas Wright Kllgoro YES We Have Them at F. R. HAUGER'S o Genuine Shellac Aluminum Paint Stainless Steel and Aluminum Moldings STEEL WOOL Pure Bristle Paint Brushes J if iiiij'i.mii In Hospital Mrs. Henry Grimes, 547 Kldonido street, hns suffered a severe nttm-k of flu lit her homo and Thursday night was moved to Klamath Valley hospital. Sho Is tho daughter of H, S. Crlgsby, Klum nth pioneer, I LOCAL TAX OFFICE No rush developed at the of fice of the stute tax commission agent hi the courthouse Thurs day evening, flnnl night for milk ing state income tux returns. Al though the ufflce was to bo kept open until midnight, nil business was completed by 0 o'clock. Most tuxpayers apparently had already made their returns or sent them In by mall. Tux returns mudc today or In ter are dcllnciucnt. illiliii MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Fab. IS. 1S43) Train 19 Southbound) 6 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Bouthboundi 7 a. m. Train 18 Northbound; 10 p. m. Medford Stsga, Westbound, 3:30 ' p. m., Evening Airmail. Stagas to Alturas, Ashland, Lake riew and Rocky Point. 7 a. m. Eaglet Dane The Eaglas auxiliary and drum corps will sponsor llielr regular dance, Sat urday night at the KC hall. Es tin Klgcr'a music. Tho public is invited. Moose Family Night The Loyal Order of Moose will hold family night Saturday, April 17. Come as you aro. Apron and overall dance. New music, re freshments. Visitors nro Invited. FOWL PARADISE P.KDWOOD CITY. Calif., (IP) Seven chickens survived as fire swept a garage adjoining their coop. Their owner, Mrs, John W. Foster, wanted to reward them for heroic conduct under fire, she snld. So sho turned them loose for a field dny rn her victory gar don. Comes spring and publish ers will agnin tell you that there's little difference between blank verso and blankcty-blank verse. An Illinois man of 80 has seen more than 3000 movies. Ilo ought to be pretty well ac quainted with tho plot. JUST ARRIVED! foriouri: Inlnrrnnfinn III VI IIIHIilWU i ill i II In Time for Easter! ALL THE NEW Spring Suits ot DREW'S MANSTORE The now suits nro Rabiir dines, twills, worsteds nncl twists In 100 wool fab rics, and aro suitable for year n round wear. Col ors Blue, Inn, brown, and grey. Sizes: 35 to 46 Shorts, regulars and longs. $35 o 4750 DREW'S MANSTORE URGES OF Pointing out that the failure to fully utilize existing equip ment for civilian roud-bulldiug will work hardships on all local governments undertaking road building and mulntennnco work, tho government division of tho war production board , today urged tho highway commissions which havo not already done so to adopt tho plan for pooling of road machinery and equipment Initiated by tho division several weeks ago. As tho season for road con struction and repairing is draw ing near, some; commissioners aro faced with the problem of obtaining necessary equipment. Tho problem is not the result of any lack of equipment; a survey of construction equipment own ed by local governments shows thoro is enough such equipment within each state. The fault lies in inndequato use of the equip ment, somo of it being Idle in one place when it is urgently needed elsewhere. , Tho pooling plan Is designed to remedy this, making all equipment available to all local government! within each state. The plan was initiated to re duce requirements for road building machinery Is being di rectly channelled to the mili tary, Pelican Trackmen To Participate In Medford Meet Paul Dellcr, high school track coach, left early this morning with his squad for Medford, to participate In the Medford invi tational track relays, On tho squad making the trip Is Jim Bocchl, who broke the record in practice with the dis cus a few weeks ago, but was un nble to participate In the Rogue River relays last weekend due to a severe cold. WALKING PAPERS? CAMP WHEELER, Ga., VP) A pewly commissioned second lieutenant got his army career off to a good walking start. Ordered to the 18th battalion, ho erroneously reported to the 16th, just in time to accompany a platoon on a IB-mile hike. Returning from the hike, he discovered his error and prompt ly tho next day was transferred to his correct outfit. He arrived just in time to get In on a 13 mile hike. The United States and British armies join In Tunisia. "It's al ways fair weather when good fellows get together." JUST AIUIIYKM! PDDL1NG ROAD IiS DAVMPORT SETS MUG! COMFORTABLE! LUXURIOUS! J ONLY This big, massive set is outstanding for good looks and luxury, and the "Btltwell" nam means durability and long life. Well constructed) hardwood frames throughout, and cov ertd in an exceptionally fine grade figured valour. Solid walnut feet on both chair and davenport. The davenport is 82" overall, and full 62" betweon the arms. The chair is 41" overall with 22" between arms. This is an exceptionally fine buy in a fine living room set. See them nowl Only 20 down terms on the balance. .. Choice of 4 Colors: Mahogany - Wine - Turquoise - Rose Dubarry IL Illl (BallS FURNITURE Sailors Swim on Backs to Avoid "Immersion Blast" FARRAGUT, Idaho, April 16 Sailors are learning to swim on their backs because, reported tlie Fnrrncut naval training sta tion today, it's safer that way. Not sharks, but shells of the high explosive variety have dic tated tills now style In sailor swimming tho report said. These and bombs, exploding un der water near swimming mon, have given this war a new cause for casualties known as "Immersion blast Injury." Little Is known, continued the report, about tho way the actual Injuries are produced, but the victims' lungs are dam Pilots Say, "Japs Stronger Than Ever on Kiska, Attu" By EUGENE BURNS A FAR WESTERN BASE IN THE ANDREANOF ISLANDS, Alaska, March 31 (Delayed) (!') The Japanese are "strong er than ever on Kiska and At tu," returning army pilots re ported after dumping March's thirtieth flight-load of bombs at 25-foot elevation. This thirtieth raid boosted an all-month high to 320 tons of explosive dropped on Kiska and Attu during March, eleventh bomber command figures showed. March heralded the opening of a mighty spring offensive to eradicate the Japanese from the r MEKrAND ; WOMEN IN S SERVICE i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, 1603 Eldorado street, have re ceived word that their son, Cor poral Richard (Dick) Howard, lies been selected for specialized training. Corporal Howard has been transferred from Shcp pard field, Tex., to Chanute field, 111. He is a graduate of KUIIS. and enlisted in the air corps in November, 1942, the same year that he graduated from high school. Sgt. Harold J. Barton, son of Chester V, Barton and nephew of Guy Barton, well known Klamath county ranchers, today wears the silver wings of an aerial gunner in the army air forces. He received the right to wear the coveted insignia and was promoted to sergeant after successfully completing training at the AAF flexible gunnery school at Tyndall Field, Fla. He was thoroughly trained In opera tion of 30 and SO-calibre ma NEW BILTWELL aged, other Internal Injuries suffered and there have been some fatalities. Navy doctors learned, how ever, that men who were swim ming on their backs suffered less injury from the explosions than side or stomach paddlcrs. The "thick, resilient muscle structure of tho back" was credited with providing greater protection "than tho front rib cage." Also being Investigated is a type of life jacket which would protect the abdomen and chest from the underwater shock, the report added. American Islands. Including the previous nine months, the Japanese have dodged 2,300,440 pounds of ex plosives since they occupied Attu and Kiska early in June, 1942. A returning pilot said "the Japanese heavy and light gun fire was the heaviest yet. (He has flown over Kiska since last July.) More lead was thrown into tho air at us today than a month ago and it was more deadly." A minute study of aerial photographs show that the Jap anese have more gun emplace ments in Kiska and Attu today than they had March 1. chine guns, first on ground ranges and later in the air in preparation for service as a crew member on a bomber. Aviation Cadet John W. Yeo man is now at the Chico army flying school in Chico, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Yeoman, Oakland, Calif., and former residents of this city. John is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fink of Klamath Falls. Ho started his training at Santa Ana, Calif., in October of 1942. Before entering the air corps he was with the 249th coast artillery, Battery C. Fort Lewis, Wash. He has been in the service two and one-half years. PURE THEORY RIGBY, Idaho, (IP) Pvt. Hubert Burton made the mis take of trying to explain snow to New Guinea natives, he wrote to Rigby friends. "I wasted half an hour; they thought I was talking about rain. "I got a picture with some snow in it. They began to un derstand, but still couldn't see why it was cold. "I quit." J Nevada was the first state to adopt the uniform Narcotic act, on March 10, 1933. Pay Only $8.50 per month CAPTAIN JACK HITS AUCTION u Klamath county's oft "auction cd" bantam rooster, "Captain Jack" again goes on the block, benefit of Uncle Sam's second war loan, Tuesday evening, April 20 over local station KFJI, The Klamath county junior chamber of commerce is sponsor ing Captain Jack's bond auction and elaborate arrangements have been made complete with auc tioneer and all trimmings. The phone calls, bids on Captain Jack will be broadcast Just as they come in the whole program pat terned after some of the newest big-time radio shows. As each bid is phoned In it is added to the amount already sub scribed. Thus the bid of a $100 bond would make Captain Jack's value raise from $1000 to $1100. Outlying communities and service clubs are invited to participate, entering their bids during the broadcast by phone. FIGHT FLEE BEETLE Corvallis, April 16 OP) Flee beetles are out earlythis sea son and are already finding Victory gardens far enough along to devour, says Dr. Don C. Mote, entomologist at the OSC experiment station. Poison dust applied weekly for three consecutive weeks will usually give complete con trol if applied as soon as the bugs appear, Dr. Mote said. Ro tenone is preferred, but if not available either calcium arse nate or cryolite at 40 per cent strength are fully effective. The last two are also poisonous to man and must be thoroughly washed off where tops are to be used less than 15 days after the application. A train passenger is now three times as safe as one who used that mode of transporta tion in 1893. All people hope for the best, but have you noticed how many more people are working for it these days? Oftenlna Qaialute Special Starts Thursday, April 15th Package of Your Favorite Brand of - CIGARETTES' With Every 8 Gals. Gasoline And Look g A f 5 , Besides What You 2 V E on These HIGH QUALITY Independent Brands WILSHIRE ETHYL Me higher quality sold. Compares with Ethyls selling for more. You save at least 2e on every gallon . WILSHIRE POLLY Highest anti-knock quality gasoline. WILSHIRE SUPER Long miteage gas. "Regular" in erer? rsiptet except the Save ration tickets and 2s gallon besides. WILSHIRE RADIO Highest octane low price gasoline sold lm Oregon. Try a and save 2c a gallon. Fill up at these Wilshire OH Co. Independent Stations MAIN and CONGER So. 6th and MARKET 2996 So. 6th (Oil City) MERRILL (Oil City) Police Hunt Man To Give Medal Found In Klamath PORTLAND, April 16 (IP) Portland police are hunting for a man, not to arrest, but to give a medal. He is Granville M. Smith. The medal is a Carnegie award bearing the inscription: fmm'mmm'.imti!mmmv 1 aim'ir It ' , . "ill if"' Mil , I I I .i . . 11 & ' CTT -J iT Example of Cost of Motor Overhaul of Popular 6-Cyl. Car Item Labor Parts Install Rings $18.70 $8.85 Grind Valves 4.05 Replace Piston Pint 2.70 3.90 Adjust Main Bearings 3.60 Remove Ring Ridges 2.05 ........ Expand Pistons 3.60 O'l 1.75 Gaskets .... 2.55 Wash and Vacuum Ask Us for an Estimate on Your Car Genuine Parts Work Guaranteed 100 -k Payable On Easy Monthly Installments IF. IS-i'H "Granville M. Smith, who saved Hani F. Gerlach from suffocation. Eugene, Oregon, June 26, 1922." The medal was turned In to police by Luther J. Neuter of Portland who said he found It about a year ago In house which he rented in Klamath Falls. Since then, he said, ha has been attempting to locate the owner but without success. - y r , $34.70 $17.05 Total $51.75 Dick B. Miller Co. The Big Olds Tower at 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 '"" 25c or pries. l'9ie tankful 23ic 21HC HJ'f Us 3 F.R.H AUGER 19S E. Main 733 Main J US Market Phone 7221