i I j It S i page six KLamaHi GltWicU MEN'S BIBLE STUDY CLASSES TO CONTINUE The Womcn'i Bible study classes of Klamath Falls, spon sored by the Fundamental Bible Center, will continue through out the summer with Mrs. G W. Wheatley as the teacher. The following classes are now available for those who are in terested in Bible Institute meth od of study. Monday. 10 a. m., Mills addi tion; Monday, 2 p. m., St. Fran cis park; Tuesday, 2 p. rn.. at the Bible Center; Wednesday, 10 a m, Homcdale; Wednesday, 2 p m., at Bible Baptist church, Wiard street; Friday, 1:30 p. m., at Bible Center. These classes are open to women of various districts who feel the need of 3ible study, in order to be more helpful to church and pastor. Teachers and Christian workers also need ing instruction are cordially in vited to attend. Immanuel Baptist (Northern Con-ntlon) The church is located at the corner of North Eleventh and High streets. Hev. William B. Bice, pastor. Residence, 712 North Third street. Telephone 7400. Director of music, C. E. Logerwell. cmu erhnnl 9:45 a. m. We just need scholars in our school to reach our goal for Easter Sunday. Make a special effort and get out to Sunday school. This hour is not just for chil dren! Mother and Dad, you are invited, too. Mrs. J. D. O'Neal is superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a. m. This is the time when children of God gather in worship of the Father in heaven. We invite you to be with us this week as we think of the "Death of the Saviour as Seen by David." You'll find a real spiritual uplift by being in church on Sunday morning. Evening Gospel hour, 7:30 p. m. Many are finding this service an inspiration to their own souls. "Anyone and every one is welcome at this Bible centered Gospel hour. The pas tor will speak this Sunday eve , ning from the third chapter of Huth, "Ruth Resting." Orchestra practice, Sunday evening, 6:45 to 7:lS. Bring your instrument and be on time. Midweek service Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m. Bring your ' Bible and be prepared for a study in Romans. This is the best service of the week. Young people, special notice! There will be no, meeting at the home of the pastor this week, but there will be a swim ming party at the city swim ming pool Saturday night. Transportation will be supplied after the party. Yes, this is the friendly, Bible-loving church you have heard about and you are wel come to make this your church home if you are a stranger in the city or do not have a regu lar church home. Zlon Lutheran 1025 High street, Victor A. Schulze, pastor. Telephone 6793. Divine worship at 11 a. m., with the fifth of a special bio graphical series of Lenten ser mons based on the leading characters from the Passion his tory of Jesus. Sunday's sermon will present, "Barabbas, the World's Choice." Services will be held on Good Friday evening, April 23, at 8 o'clock. The sermon subject will be "Jesus, the Crucified." The Sunday school meets at 8:45 a. m. featuring filmslides on the Bible stories of the New Testament. Holy Communion will be celebrated on Easter morning in connection with the regular morning worship. The children's confirmation , class meets on Saturday morn ing, 0:30 to 11:30 o'clock, at the parsoniige. This class wel comes any children desiring a basic instruction in the funda mentals of the Christian reli gion as set forth by the Luth eran church. The Lutheran Hour with a stirring Gospel message by Dr. Walter A. Maier and featuring music by the students' chorus of Concordia seminary, St. Louis, Mo., may be heard every Sunday over our local station, KFJI. Mt. takl Preibyterlan Rev, Hugh T. Mitchelmore, minister. Palm Sunday sermon by the pastor, with Junior ser mon for the boys and girls at 8:45 a. m. The Sunday school follows at 10:45. All contributions to th church page for nxt weak, in cbir-ane of EasUr Sun day, should b in the hands oi the church editor early at possible, especially pro grams. Th page will appear as usual on Friday. First Covenant 823 Walnut avenue. Pastor, R. E. Johnson. Friday at 7:45 p. m. we have an all-family night sponsored by the Ladies Aid of the church. A program in harmony with the coming of Easter has been arranged with special singing, music, and a brief mes sage. The hostesses will be Mrs. Rafson and Mrs. Reinoldson. Our Sunday services are as follows: Sunday school at .10 a. m. with classes for all ages. A Palm Sunday message will be given by the pastor. At 7:45 p. m. evening service with good live singing and a message on the cross by the pastor. The public is welcome. Wednesday at 7:45 p. m., mid week fellowship, with a special communion service. The mem bers are urged to be present. Thursday at 2 p. m. the sew ing circle will meet in the church. Mrs. Oscar Olson will be hostess. The women will be engaged in Red Cross and mis sionary work. Good Friday, special service conducted by the ministerial as sociation at 7:45 p. m. The pro gram will appear in the paper. Welcome. St Paul's Episcopal Rev. F. C. Wissenbach, rec tor. Palm Sunday: 8 a. m., cele bration of the Holy Commun ion: 9:45 a. m., church school, for all grades; 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon. Announcements for the week: Monday, 7:30 p. m., meeting of the Altar guild in the parish house. Tuesday, Holy Communion, 10 a. m.; meeting of Sunday school teachers in the rector's study, 2 p. m.; Boy Scouts meet ing, church basement, 7 p. m.; vestry meeting in the rectory, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Holy Commun ion, 10 a. m. Thursday, Guild meeting, parish house, 1 p. m. This being Maundy Thursday, ' celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Friday, (Good Friday), the three-hour service begins at noon and will last till 3 p. m. Meditations on the Seven Words from the Cross. . Saturday, (Holy Saturday), the sacrament of Baptism in the afternoon. Arrangements should be made with the rector during the week. Sunday, (Easter Sunday), first service, Holy Communion, choral, at 7 a. m. The church school service will be at 10 a. m. The offering of the mite boxes. At 11 a. m., choral cele bration of the Holy Commun ion and sermon. Special music by the choir. Klamath Lutheran Cross and Crescent streets. L. K. Johnson, pastor. Mrs. Carl Brandsness, organist. Good Fri day, April 23, from 12 o'clock noon until 3 p. m. The first word, "Father, for give them, for they know not what they do." 12 to 12:30. The second word, "Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise." 12:30 to 12:55. The third word, "Woman, be hold thy sonl Son, behold thy motherl" 12:55-1:15. The fourth word, "My God, My God, why hast Thou for saken me?" 1:15 to 1:35. The fifth word, "I thirst." 1:35 to 1:55. Offertory, selected. The sixth word, "It is fin ished.55 2 to 2:25. The seventh word, "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit." 2:25 to 2:45. Veiling of the cross, anthem, and recessional. 2:45 to 3. There will be special music, hymns and prayer during each o the above periods. The pub' lie is cordially invited and are welcome to come for any of these periods if time does not allow attendance for the full three hours. Every person attending the service on Good Friday at Klamath Lutheran church will bo presented with a little cross made of mahogany from Ba laan. - First Church Oi God Located at the corner of Al tamont drive and Delaware street. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m.. Mrs. J. D. Ker. nutt, superintendent. Morning devotions, ll o clock. Pre-serv ice prayer meeting at 7 p. m Preachine service. 7:30 n. m Prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. ' A cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to attend all of these services. Rev. J. D. Kernutt, pastor. Metal Unity Center Preparation for Easter" will be the subject of the Sunday evening lecture by the Rev. Nora S. Elliot, ordained pastor of Unity. The lecture will be given at 8 o'clock in the ban quet room of the Elk hotel. Class in "Lessons in Truth" are held each Monday at 2:30 p. m. at 628 Pacific Terrace. These classes are open to all who wish to attend. ' Rev. Elliot will be at the Elk hotel Monday forenoon for con ference with anyone wishing help in healing or spiritual guidance. Unity is practical Christian ity. The teachings of Jesus the Christ are presented in terms of modern life and thought. These teachings as interpreted by Unity have brought to many people new courage, hope, health, abundance and peace. Through correct application of divine law the ills of man are overcome and his divine heri tage of good is restored to him now. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all to attend the lecture and classes. Bible Baptist (Northern Convention) "The Southend Community Church with the Chimes," Wi ard street at, South Sixth. Take city bus to Idella's corner. George W. wheatley is the pastor, and may be reached at all times by calling 7210. Na dine Dinning is in charge of the music. Morning worship service, 10 o'clock. "Why Were the Graves Opened?" This is the third of a series of pre-Easter messages. Bible school at 11 o'clock with classes for all ages, under the supervision of .Frances Smith and her staff of Bible trained teachers. The pastor is the teacher of the adult class. High School Young People's fellowship, 6:30 p. m., with Mrs. wheatley the teacher, trances and Rose Smith in charge of the music. Ruby Rose brings the Gospel on the trumpet. Evangelistic song service at 8 o'clock. Bible study in the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John. "Knowing God's Name" will be the subject. The pastor will occupy the pulpit at both services. Ladies Community Bible study class Wednesday at 2 o clock. Children s Bible study class at 4 p. m. Wednesday, 7:45- p. m., mid week- prayer fellowship with praise, in church parlor. If your church does not sponsor a prayer meeting, we invite you to be present in this time of blessing with us. If you are without a church home, we can help you. If you are looking for church work. you can help us! Come to "The Church with the Old Gospel and the Whole Gospel." Altamont Community Presbyterian Meeting in the junior high school, South Sixth and Sum mers lane. Rev. Hugh T. Mit chelmore, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a, m. A. C. Olson, super intendent. Attendance last Sun day, 137. We are working to ward a goal of 290. Seventeen in the adult class last week with a goal of 25. Mrs. Roy Nendel, teacher. If you have no other church home, bring the children and come study the Bible with us. Special Palm Sunday service at 11 o'clock. The pastor will speak on the subject, "The Tri umphant Processional of Christ Down Through History." Spe cial music with Mrs. Kenton Knight as director. The junior church meets at the same hour. The pastor will give a junior sermon on the subject of "Prayer." This is one of the last of the junior ser mons based on Ephesians the sixth chapter. The nursery con. ducted by adult leaders releases mothers of the 'young children for the service. At 4:30 the Jun ior Christian Endeavor meets at the manse, 4431 South Sixth. Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchelmore. superintendent. Neil Olson is the leader for Sunday. The Sig ma Pi Young People meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Olson, sponsors. Remember Future generations will re membir th list ritlng place of your loved one when prop erly marked whan Identi fied In keeping with your fading of reverence with memorial that will stnd for all time. You will find the design to suit your tat among our display. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 116 S. 11th St Phone 8381 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON First Methodist "In the Heart of the City" at North Tenth and High streets. Rev. Victor Phillips, minister. Residence, 1005 High street, telephone 3688. Director of music, Andrew Loney Jr.; ac companist, Mrs. George W. Mo Intyre. Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. Processional, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Al mighty." Prelude, "Allegro Maestoro," by Rossini. Mrs. S. Meade Badger will sing the so prano solo, "The Palms," by Faure. The offertory will bo, "Intermeno," by Lalo. The choir will sing the anthem. "Ride On, Ride On," by John Prindle Scott. Incidental tenor solo by Meade Badger Jr. The minister will preach a Palm Sunday sermon. Infants and children will bo baptised at this service. Evening Lenten service at 7:30 o'clock. The minister will give another address on the general theme, "The Drama of Christ's Passion." The church Sunday school will be held at 9:45 a. m. Don R. Drury is the general super intendent and Dr. Peter H. Rozendal is acting superintend ent. There Is a class for every age group, trained teachers, and graded lessons. Students ac cepted at any time during the school year. The Methodist Youth fellow ship meets at 6:30 p. m. in two groups. The high school group meets in the league room and the older young people's group in the parlors. All young people are cordially invited to these meetings for fellowship and study. First Christian Church "The, Downtown Church," lo cated 'at Pine street on Ninth. Arthur Charles Bates is the minister. If you need his serv ices call 5432 or 5388. It is his wish to be of service to those who need. The Bible school under the leadership of Stanley Kendall, superintendent, convenes at the hour of 9:45 a. m. There is a class for every age group with a competent teacher and an in dividual class room. New mem bers are most cordially wel comed. The morning worship begins at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Mary Hay den is the organist and will play the prelude. Mrs. Vera Howard directs the choir. The service begins with "Gloria Pa tri" followed by the invocation and the choir response, "Al mighty Father." Opening hymn is "I Love Thy Kingdom." Conv munion hymn "Have Thine Own Way.". The Lord's Supper is ob served" in memory of the Lord's death and his promise to return. "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink the cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till he come." Special number by the choir," "Sing On." The min ister's sermon will be "Aware ness of God." This will be a further study of the message last Sunday on "Closer to God." Hymn ,of invitation, "Jesus Is Calling." Benediction and the response. "Hear Our Prayer." A Postlude by the organist. Evening services begin with the Christian Endeavor hour at 6:30. The class for adults in "New Testament Evangelist" will also meet at 6:30. Evange list service begins at 7:30 p. m, The sermon, "I, Not So," by the minister. You are most cordially Invit ed to attend services with us. . Pilgrim Holinesis Located at 2229 Wantland avenue, Rev. Sherman Moore, pastor. For his pre-Easter topic, Rev. Moore has chosen, "The Cruci fixion." He will speak Sunday evening on the subject, "The More Excellent Way." Let these services aid you in thoughtful contemplation of this signifi cant week. You are cordially invited to attend these services. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m,; worship, 11 a. m.; Pilgrim Junior League, 6:30 p. m.; evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. The Apostolic Faith Services At 228 N. 8th St. Under the Electric Sign "Jesu th Light of th World." Friday -8 P. M. (Special Services Tonight) Tonight special rvici will be conducted by our Dis trict Ovrr C. W. Frost (a converted ex-loggr), end ' ' ' Rr. B. J, Hoblniort, evangelist, of Portland, Or., with ptoial vocal number, and th orchestra leading th congregational hymni. Followed by ringing personal Uitimon! from all walks of life. Concluding with an old-fashlond, stirring, fundamental ermon, Sunday Sunday School at 9:30 A, M. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 7:45 P. M. Evangelistic Servle. Wednesday and Friday 8 P. M. Regular 8rvlci, Everybody welcome to all services. ' No collections ar vr taken. Presbyterian Delegates Complete Spring Session Tl'LELAKE In a spiritual, deeply impressive atmosphere, delegates of 27 Presbyterian churches of southwest Oregon gathered here Wednesday and Thursday for spring sessions of tho Presbytery and Presbyterlal society of tho Presbytery of Southwest Oregon. Seventy eight delegates signed with Mrs. Morton J. Brown, registrar. Tho meetings marked the election of a new moderator of the Presbytery and other offi cers of both organizations, in stallation of Rev. Hugh L. Bron son as pastor of the Tulelako Community Presbyterian church and presentation of a number of distinguished speakers in the ological circles on the west coast. Rev. Elmer E. Rosenkildo, Bandon, formerly pastor of the Malin Presbyterian church was elected to succeed Dr. Morris H. Roach, Roseburg, as moderator. Rev. Donald Dod, pastor of churches of Malin and Merrill, will serve as temporary clerk, Rev. Lawrence Mitchelmore, former pastor at Merrill, now at Jacksonville, will act as stated clerk and tho permanent clerk is Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore of the Altamont Presbyterian church, Klamath Fulls. Commissioners to the general assembly of Presbyterian churches to bo held In Detroit, Mich., in May, were announced as Dr. A. T. Smith, pastor of tho Klamath Falls Presbyterian church, ministerial commission er, and Rev. E. E. Koscnkildc, al ternate. Tho lay commissioner Is Jack Frost, Ashland. No al ternate for this office was an nounced. Rev. Bronson, who returned to tho local pastorate November 1, 1942, after an absence of three years, was installed Tuesday evening with Rev. Rosenkildo, presiding. Rev. Forrest C. Tra vaille, missionary homo on fur lough from Thailand, gftvc the invocation and tho scripture, Acts 1:1-15, was read by Rev. Lawrence Mitchelmore. Rev. Hugh L. Mitchelmore gave the charge to the pastor, and the charge to the congregation was given by Rev. Harold M. Rob erts, Medford. Questions to the pastor and congregation were read by Rev. Roscnkilde Dr. Morris Roach delivered Assembly of God Revival services at the Pente costal Assembly of God, 746 Oak street, will continue for one more week every night at 7:45 o'clock except Monday and Saturday. Rev. John Dean Lewen, na tionally known evangelist, is the speaker. Tonight he will speak on, "How a Former Fran ciscan Friar Received tho Bap tism of tho Holy Ghost." Sun day morning at 11 o'clock he will speak on, "The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church." Sunday evening, 7:45 o'clock, there will be a special evange listic sermon and the public is Invited to hear him peak on, "When Hitler Meets God, Alone!" There will be good con gregational singing and special music. Klamath Tmpl Located at 1007 Pine street, Daniel (B. Anderson, pBstor. Phono 3874. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 . m. Ovcrcomers young people's service, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. Orchestra and good music a specialty. We invite you to come and worship with us. Women's missionary circle, Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purs Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mrs. A. A. Ward, owner Willard Ward, U. S. Navy, " Manager Arthur W. Larson, Acting Mgr. 925 High - Phone 3334 tho sermon, "Ye Are My Wit nesses." Special musia was by tho women's chorus under the direc tion of Mrs. Frank Bull. A second musical number, "Forgivo Mo Fathor," offered during the sessions was written especially for the meetings by Mrs. Ray Aiken,. Tulelako, with the music score arranged by Mrs. Virginia Street Browns oombe, Woodland. Mrs. J. C. Stevenson Jr., was the soloist, Other speaker before tho ses sions were Dr. Morgan S. Odell, president of Lewis and Clark college, Portland; Dr. James Millar, Portland; and Miss Ethel V. Hlggins, director of tho Ming Quong home for Chinese girls In Oakland. "Light In Education," was tho theme of tho Presbyterlal meet ing which convoned simultane ously with the Presbytery. Mrs, W. M. Campbell, Roseburg, fill ed out tho unexpired term of tho presidency for Mrs, J. E. Edgar, Ashland. Mrs. Akerlll, Cirants Pass, presented the program; Mrs. B. E. Morcchctt, Glcndalc, tho re view of the society's activities during tho pest year; and Mrs. Ray Martin, Jacksonville, gave tho treasurer's report. Mrs. J. E. Edgar spoke on tho plan of the organization. Mrs. Morris Roach was in charge of devo tional. Other speakers were Mrs. Ralph II. Mort, Portland, dean of women at Lewis and Clark college and Mrs. John Mc Cormick, Portland, synodical president, who was Installed as president of tho Presbyterlal so ciety for the coming yoar. Musicians assisting with the services Included Mrs. Allison Osborne, Tulelako, Miss Doro thy Reed and Miss Ruth Henry, Klamath Falls. Luncheon and dinners were served by tho Community guild of Tulelako, In tho annex of the church with breukfa.it prepared In the homes of friends of the church and niombors of the con gregation where they wero ac commodated. Twenty- seven churches were represented. A profusion of spring blooms brought from various points in the RoRtie River valley were used In the church and the an- ncx. Wednesday, 10 a. m., at the 1 church. Regular midweek . preaching and praiso service, 1 Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Radio i broadcast over KFJI Saturday, 6:30 p. m. I The Greatest Mother - i ur. 1 1 m UlC IIUTIU i -a-P. . - 1 The following A lit a 1.M I.M 'I.M 1.1)11 I.M 1.00 I.oo' 1.00 I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M 1.01 I.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 , or, I.M .M .oo J.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.M 1.00 . I.M 1.00 I.M I.M . 1.00 . I.!0 1.00 ?.oo 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 . 1.00 , 1.00 , 1.M , 1.00 . 1.00 Mn, Jim Harpar Mn. H. I. Baokatrom . . p, MiLoupwi ridy Monliomiry N, D. Olaon O. L, Btlstr Paul Ihonar , W. 0. Bana N. J. Rotlruhlaltr Mn. 0. A. Phillip frank Yanoay Mn (larhrko . John Klaa n. P. Burllnjram . Mra. Irla Klillr Mra. M. O. Kln Burl LonK . nuiaall MoCollum , Lula Owln .... , Maria Smllh Arehla Warnar . W. P. Aharn Liik Plamlns Mary J. O'Connor Mr. and Mri. H. . Wood . Mra, J, D, Roaa H, R, Surrlll . W. J, Arnold J. K. Rano W. 4, ll i ,w, smllna M. L. Sallard O. A. MoOord John ItalllnM.. d. D. Polla Mr. L. M. HUdon Mrt, Eaton KIRar Mra. Osla Mra. Fay Walara ,. Mra. I. n. Balalstr Mra, Sohlolhanar MIMrajl Oaray , Mr. and Mra, Mllanl . Phil Molaanbiohar . A, Plnalll mmi Plnalll I.M Mr. an Mra, H. Larsanl 1.00 Millie Molaanbaahtr , 1.00 Mr. anil Mri, Lta tiillon .. I ll Mr, and Mri, Jacob Saullar t.00 r v. Acknowledgement! at times may run vral day after your contribution Your Dollars help pt make possible the AMERICAN ?RED CROSS Thoie adi published for the Klamath County Chapter of the American Red Cross by th First Baptist Church Eighth and Washington streets. "The Church With a Message." C'eell C. Brown, pas tor. Residence, 414 North Eighth street. Phone 7430. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Senium subject, "The Church Exhibited." Tho pastor will continue tho series of messuges on the Epistlu to tho Ephesians. Tim Sunday school mod at 8:45 a. m., with clusse for all ages. Bring your family to tho Biblo school. Tho Training Union nieel each Sunday at tt.30 p. m. fol lowed by the song survive and evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. At thi service the pastor I presenting u series of messages on "Christ und tho Cross." Special Easter service are being plannud for next Sunday. Tho Easier messugo will bo de livered at 11 a. m., and the choir will present a service of Easter music at 7.30 p. m. Midweek p r u y e r service Wednesday ul 7:30 p. m.' fol lowed by choir rehearsal t 8:30 o'clock. Weekly radio broadcast over KFJI euch Suuduy ul 8:15 a. m. Spriguo Rivtr Frlendi Church Evort J. Tuning, pastor. Sunday services Sunday school, 10 M. m.; worship erv Ice, 11 a. m.; evongollslic serv ice, 7:30 p m. Wednesday, prayer and praise service, 8 p. m. If you have no church home we welcome you to worship with us. Located In Spraguo River. Mil. otfau&eutilfe: In these days of rationing and careful selection of foods so as to get the most In money end food values. It is evident that MILK is the very best food available. Considering the perfectly balanced nutritive val ues of the fats, proteins, carbohydrates, sugors ond minerals in MILK, tho very best food ovoilable to day is that! fine wholesome MILK delivered by the Raymond Dairy. Phone Ul to Commence Deliveries of Our MILK To Your Home RAYMOND DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 3179 If You Can't Go .GIVE! Only Your Gift Support th H Croi Klamath County Quota $30,600.00 contribution are gratefully i Mr. an Mra. Oalln OoeMry I.M Mr. John Hwntr Mr. and Mra. Amoa lurnalt Idna Trawara Mr. anil Mra. Oao. Plovrart Mr. and Mra. Bud Shulla Joa Aycra floharl Caaablar Allan Caaablar Mr, and Mra. 4. O. Hoirtfc Mr. and Mra. John Mlallar OlO. Mlallar A. O. Smith , 10. M I.M t.M 1.0 1.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M 1.00 a, oo t.M I.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tom Oibrlal Joaaphlna anydar Mra. Vartla Swtarlnlar . .. rtobart Slmmira Mr. and Mra. J. P. nonunion . Jaofc Pwla I.M Mr, and Mra. jamaa Sullivan.-, i.oo Mra. Dlok Haydtn . .. I.M W. H. SlaMar I.M Olara Slalar 100 Anna M. Woolaoar a.. 100 J. I. Oardoro 100 Mra. Oaear Olaon 1,00 Mr, and Mn, B. P. Ichmaok 1 1I . Paul Arnatt ........- 1.01 Mra, O. 0. Barry . 1.00 Mr, and Mra, 0. I. lonnay 1.10 Mr. P. A, Mariana . 1.M Mr, Id i. Moora I.M Mri. W, M. paarrlan - I.oo Marlon Mouao - 1,M Mr. an Mra. Oharlay Andaman . 1.00 inula Pood Markal I.oo Raymond Parkar . ... I.M Mra, Ralph Wlmlir 1.00 Mra, B. niorklund . . t.00 Dorothy Maxwall ..,. 1.00 Mra, ll, Mouannaio ,... i.'w Mra. Haiti lawla Mra. Bdla Olaan . Clara (nullah 1,00 1,00 .10 I.oo 1,00 I.oo 1.00 1,00 1,00 1.1m l.oo Mr, W, D. 0001 Mr. Bart BirmII . Mra, R. O. Howard Mr, A, Paaraon Mr. Cava Wlaianhach Mn. B. A. Hualad Mr, IdKar Albarl ..... . Mri, Irwin .-. TOTAL Of Contribution Lilted Her to Date Iterate anil Jfcutjs April 18, IfMS The Community Congregational Church ruhn Hunuuy service in beautifully decorated church, Sunday. April 18. Church school, 9:45 a. in. Murnlng worship service, 11 o'clock, wllh Hov. Eugene V. llaynes, pastor, conducting llin service. "Tho Supremo Need of tho World Today," I Mia Ihemn of Mr. llnyne as ho rpcuka at this crvlco. Asilstin. In tho service with their lulu. Isliy of music will bo John Pa. sok, violinist, with "Sliniiln Aveu" a the proludo und "(Jim cortlnu" for the offertory "Jr. rusaleni" by Parker will be sunn by Frank Thompson at a sulo. The choir under tlm direction of Mr. Hunry W. Moore will sing the "Introlt Palm Branch. e" by Faure, and the beno dlellon and prayer responses. Comrades of tho Way will meet at 6 p. nt., with Albert King a tho discussion leader. A cundlcllghl com m u n I o n service, now an established tra dition with thi church, will he hold Thursday, April 22, In the church sanctuary beginning lit 8 p. m. The public I Invited to attend und participate In IhSt, great icrvlce. J' Fr Mthodlt Corner of South Ninth and Plum streets, W. II. McCormlck, pastor. Sunday service. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching al 11 a. m.; evening services: YPMS at 6:30 o'clock, preach ing al 8 o'clock. Prayer meet ing Thursday at 7:45 p. m. (Additional Church! on Pag Ten) acknowledged: Mra. Prank I. Walla Mra. H. L. laehlar . . Mra. Jaalln Danlol Mra. Haral Klmaay . .... Mr, and Mra. P. I. Doata . Mr, A. M. THomaa ,. Mra. H. J, Allan 1.00 I.M i.oa . I.M I.M . 1.00 - 1.00 .IOH.r 1.M 1.M Prland Mra, Yarnall . ... Mra, Harbart Hanallnt Mr. 0. I. Allay . . II M Mra. R. W, Party float Bananbtl . Roy Oall Auto Do, I.M t.M I.M I.M 1.00 1,00 Swill Oo. Imployaaa , Mrt, Lorana Borouih Mra, Thoma Ovaran Mr, and Mra, John HniliUK . I.oo Dlrl loom Troop No, 7 I.M Homarlal Thuraday olub , 1.00 Hoy Lm .... I.M Mr, and Mra. Oao, Moll I.M Room II. nooaaval! aahool 1.11 ' Mra. L. Olaon 1.00 A Prltnd I0.M A Prland 10.00 Mr. Dlnwlddla . t.1.0 Anna Oviard 1 .. f.oo Klamlth Lulhtran Aid , 10.00 Mra. A. (. Aahural Wadnatday oluh Mr, Lona Murray H 1.00 . 1.00 ..... 100 J. D, Karnult I.M Towniani Aualllary No, I IM Mary Bllan Lon -. I.M Inula Harndan . I.M tloyd and R. H, Bunnall M.M Mra, J. R, Slarnar .. I.M Varn Bailor 1.00 Mn, Lulu Wllion 1.00 Mra. Bart 0, noil 1.00 M. W. Oharry 10.M , DRthollo DauRhllrl of Am, . ...No. 1101 10.00 Indapandant Study Oluh . I.M Mr. and Mra. J, H. Hauls 10.00 (. 0. Adarm I.M Klwanlo club ol Klamalh Poll n il A Prland 1.00 naaohiitM Lbr, Oo. 10.00 Btiiinau and PofMilonal Woman'i tun ............ . 1t,oo $28,385.47 )) (J ? Si