April 10. 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRZ1 LLSWDRTH ST0GI1T0 STUDY FARMS WASHINGTON, April 10 (Pi Rcprcwenttitlve Ellsworth (R-Ore.) who, beforo his nlectiun to con Kress wni publisher of the Row burn (Ore.) News Review, will turn hlii literary tnloitU to other dlroutloni a member of the republican committee to lnventl Kiito the fnrm problem. Ellsworth hns boon appointed chiilrniiiii of the mih-commlltec on publication of the commit tee' reports. Ho also will oct bo the committee a socrctnry. If is collenKuo, Kirpresenliitlvo Stockman (ft-Oro.) hna been ulven membemhlp on tho aubcommll tern to Investigate problems of production and marketing of field crops and of form machln cry. l Rep. Normim (R-Wash.) wns nNslimed to subcommittees on dulry nnd poultry prolucts nnd o n fisheries. Representative Holmes (R-Wnsh.) wns nssiKned to tho food nnd lend leuso In vestigations, Representative Hor- nn (It-Wash.) to the group on fresh and processed fruits and vendibles. Carpenter Fight Brings Withdrawal Vote From AFL VANCOUVER, Wash., April IB (?) A dispute with tho car penters' union over Installation of certain types of machinery brought vole of 2U0U members of tho International Association of Machinists today on with drawn! from the American Fed- , eratlon of Labor. Results of the ballot will not be announced lo cally, the union said. Brown Claims OPA "Obligated" to Up Oil Price WASHINGTON, April 18 (VP) Price Administrator Prentiss Brown told a house commlttco today It wns the "obligation" of Ills agency to increase the price of crude oil If such action Is necessary for successful prose cution of Hie wnr. Review of Federal Deferments Asked WASHINGTON, April 18 P) The house military committee "recommended today that Selec tive Scrvlco Director Lewis B. Hcrshcy issued a directivo to nil draft boards to review their flics "with view to eliminating nil deferments of government em ployes not thoroughly justified by supporting evidence." "Government must be made to sot the example," the report commented, In tho federal gov ernment of having adopted a general policy of hiring "draft cliglblo men In the 18 to 38 group on a hlt-or-mlss basis, with llttlo attempt to dcflno a policy whereby women or men not subject to tho draft" would bo given preference In hiring, PIGS, PIGS BILLINGS, Mont., April 10 M) A packing house employe drove in load of pigs Into nn elevator Pshnft the elevator had boon moved. Waller McGruil, working be low, was untangled from tho squealing mass and taken to the hospital with a skull Xraclurc. Production would suffer, not benefit, from labor compulsion because there Is no substitute for tho Initiative and willing effort of free men. National Association of Manufacturers' resolution. Where Will We Meet? Why Of Course! ORCHESTRA Wednesday and Saturday Complete Bar Service Every Night Sorry, NO Dining Room Service Special Added Every Wednesday . . . ASK ABOUT IT! CAl - HIOHWAV Packrat y?. V:j if"-'''. ?.ife.?f.. , MM In the packrat's nest In an old house on the Old Fort road, F. L, Chltwood of Klamath Falls, Ins other day, lound lha above plctura of tha old-time Upper Xlamath lake boat, the Winema. The picture was on a postal card postmarked 1911,. and It shows the Winema loading or unloading on Odessa creek, on the west side of the lake. The Winema sailed the Upper lake in the early years of this century. It was built by Totien and Hansberry, and was favor ite excursion boat for Klamath youth In those days before the automobile introduced speed into pleasure riding. The picture will awaken nostalgic memories for Klamathttes who were the local youth of that period. The Winema burned at the Shipplngton dock tn 1825. SILL HIES NEWAPPOiNTMENTS SALEM, April 18 (IP) Cov ernor Earl Snell announced the appointment today of C. K, Mc C'ormlck, La Grande, as Union county Judge, succeeding Alex McKenzle, who resigned to op erate his farm near La Grande. The governor appointed Char les A. Rico, Portland, nnd Poul W. Houston, Oregon City, to the state blind commission, succeed ing W. P. Yaw and Mrs. R. E. Boiidiirnnt, both of Portland, re signed. Ho reappointed Dr. L, O. Clement, Salem, to the samo commission. Ruth Whcciock and Helen MncKrlll, both of Portland, were reappointed to the stale nurses examining board. Eleven Army Men Killed In Florida Plane Accident FORT MYERS, Fin., April 16 (!') Eleven army fliers were killed lute yesterday when a twin-engined advanced training plane crashed at, Buckingham field near here, public relations officers announced today. The plono wos returning to the field after a routine gunnery mis sion over the range just off Fort Myers beach. Strike Ends On Jeep Assembly Line TOLEDO, O., April 16 P A strike that halted assembly lino production of army Jeeps was ended today. Frank Rossiter, unit chairman of tho ClO-Uniled Automobile Workers at the Splcer Manufac turing company here, said 150 strikers voted last night to re turn to work nnd voto later on whether to ask tho International UAW to authorize a striko. Spring has started a lot of youngsters off on their music lessons but tho house short age Is preventing a lot of peo ple from being moved by such music. 611 3. 6th Phone 5669 Refrigeration Service Ward Arnold, Sorviceman MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Attraction ORE 97 SOUTH Kept This Picture of the m if.": t to l Mi , ' ,1... J 4 OWI Says Civilians Face "Serious Food WASHINGTON, April 16 VP) An office of war information prediction that American civil ians face various shortages tn a "serious food situation" drew nation-wide attention today, un derscored by the recent resig nation of 15 OWI writers who indicated they felt the food report was cither not strong enough or not Issued soon enough. After an extensive survey of national prospects, OWI report ed that "conservatively and roughly estimated, and assum ing average weather, civilians wilt have about 3 per cent more food (this year) than in the pre war year! but about 6 per cent less than 1042," although stat ing that more will be produced. However, tho OWI pointed out that home front food pros pects are governed by many factors not completely predict able, adding that the purpose of tho report was neither to "alarm or reassure." It had been many months in preparation and Di rector Elmer Davis said it had been held up since January be cause of differences between federal agencies over tha facts. It also was the subject of controversy with the OWI staff itself, members indicated, with those who resigned issuing a statement that they left "be cause of our conviction that it Is impossible for us to tell the truth." The report said that success of the nation's food program depends largely on cooperation between many groups including farm, labor, administration and others as well as care on the part of housewives and more work for victory gardeners. Even then, it said, American civilians "must expect incon veniences from time to time Fresh Lemon Sherbet Cake A very delicious two-layer butter cake with a fresh lemon custard filling. Iced with a creamy lemon icing. each 69c Walnut Coffee Rings A rich coffee coke dough with a filling of cinnamon and nuts. each 23c Mocha Donuts The perfect menu for Winema Shortages and understanding of this fact is most Important in compre hending the food situation." It listed estimated percent age decreases In various foods to be consumed by civilians dur ing the year. Judge Puts Price Of Stolen Horn High PORTLAND, April 16 P Charles O'Donnell, 42, will serve a year in jail for stealing a 14- pound ham, valued at 128 points under food rationing. Sentence was imposed by Municipal Judge J. J. Quillan, who recently sen tenced a man to serve six months for the theft of a half-pound of butter. GENTLER TREATMENT FOR CONSTIPATION If you suffer from eorutlps . tlon duo to lack of "bulk", and have normal Intestines, ' here are two things you ought to know about medi cinal laxatives. They work principally by working on you prodding your Intestines into action or drawing water into them from oUicr parts of your body. A dose gives only tem porary relief. Treat such constipation byestlntt xsxloog's all-skan regularly. It works chiefly on the contents of your colon, getting at the cams and correcting it. Eat all-ssah regularly, drink plenty of water and "Join the Reg ulars"! Made by Kellogg's in ijstus creek. breokfost.'' dozen 35c GROCER HELD BY FBI OVER ALIEN CHARGE SAN FRANCISCO, April 16 M") Henry Louis Klutc, former San Francisco grocer and food broker. Is under arrest in Reno, Nev., on a federal grand jury fn- i dictment charging him with hav ing acted as a German agent without registering with thci state department. The Indictment was announced yesterday by Nat Pieper, special i agent in charge of the San Fran MEN'S MO 7, Broadcloth I Bold, brignt rfripe patterns.,. enr4S" ing piping- Cea r middy sryi. A to D. . , Expertly Fitted by X-Ray cisco office of the federal bureau of Investigation. Pieper mitt Kiute long has been active Its German-American affairs in the San Francisco bay area, and that Kiute was an as sociate of Prince Bernhard Zur Lippc, a German propaganda agent who has since returned to Germany. Kiute, ft native of Germany Loyal Order o! Moose Family Night, Saturday, April 11 Com as Apron and Overall Dance New Musis Refreshments TRU-POIHT PftJAHRS Pair rr ii Hen's ROMEOS SOFT BLACK K1DSKIM 79 Pair h4 t!..Sn. sU side gorw ;,r9beMerfiKA3tUeth.rEn.d.. Sties 6 12 IK, 133 So, 8th but naturalized in 1810, had taken up residence at Reno after being ordered cut of tha) Pacific frontier by trta western defense command. ASHLAND POSTMASTER WASHINGTON, April 18 fP) The senate has confirmed Mil lard W. Grubb as postmaster at Ashland, .Ore, You Are Visitors Invited SHIRTS Here's jfcfrt flat combines comfort with good Soob. Ho mere eoiiarj wrfh curling points . . . no more ekfJ t:- f eted nsdr , smooth fitting collar I always IftAt. -."-Li IWeshfest eeW SPORT SKIRTS Comfortable caawt sfyie in reyos gaberdine. Cot Song eftoagh to stay in your trousers. Convertible collar, three-button cuffs. Tan, blue, green. SERVICE HENvS-:S0CKS Woven of soft, sturdy cotton yams . . . 4-ply reinforced heels and toes. Service colors. Reou lar length. Sandy Nwns Afr eorw uur Staunch, rugged !sthr Flax tomtructisn. Srown SAtlDY IIBilH CCD NO BMAKlNO 45 Fair h to comfort from the ?of Military tyl jS'.W.aT. . durH Wet toed orford BDB(tGs WAS BOND ALIMONY SAN FRANCISCO, Ctlif, April IS m Mrs, Lucille SUW son obtained divorce from He bert Ellison and agreed to cept a $25 war bond each moni i in lieu of alimony, GRAY HAIR TURNING DEEP BLACK $S Mr j.. 3., &&3it "After uinf Grert only thof l nra, i no:;ta my mv hair waa tuminr to , rvafdttp bUck, exactly m It wri to be. What a dirt ef face th makM in my ' Mr. Bum tipeiltnt may fir may not h f&j&fsni than yam. Vihyfxti try GRAYYITAf Mom? Th nii-pay hair viiamfe immtrr tsftird by a tezd'm maxasin shewact 9i penoat tested &uf jwuif mdeact t wow tttora t hair eater. t A GRAYVITA tablet h 10 mem. of Caidum Pantothenate PLUS 4S) U.S. P. unit! of "pep" . viumin Bt. Oet GRAYVITA bow! 30 4ty tup-! piy J j.50, sj dsy uppit W.GO, S'Vwe Wi 0. 204 JU1H0RS - in. (1(1). Dial 5188 1-1" 11 T t