April IV PAGE TWELVE the United Stales entered the war, XUHS Band Gives Thursday night by the KUHS headed by Roy Rukcstruw. Lt. Byron Kennerly Visits Family Here Lt. Byron Kennerly lias been visiting here a few days with Kennerly, from Mother flld whore ho Is a gunnery director. Lt. Kennedy hut been in the U. S. nlr force for nearly a year. Ho was a' member of the Amor lean EhkIo squadron which fought for Enillmul long before 70-piece band directed by An drew P. Loney. The band presented five num After the concert, members of high school HI 1' 1 1 i iTTl M f ! 1 ' !f ! i M f ' H H : , 0 1 i i i r I j 1 1 i H I ti i f 1 i 1 1 i T I f ' ' 5 ' i ' ! 5 jiii iliiM.l'Mill!'l!lil' !l l;!INi!l"'i IHi 'liiU'imi'i' Concert for Elks the band partook of light re freshments in the Elks' dining room. Always rend the classified ads. Thursday Night "British Pl re o Rommel's New Lino" headline, And that'll a direct hit at the line Hitler hnndii out nt home. iais m mm A half-hour concert was pro- bers. The program was arranged scnted before the Elks lodge by the entertainment committee, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. AU Corrtror. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON OREGON LIFE ADOS E MONTGOMERY WARD mmmmm TO BOND DR1V Oregon Mutual Life Insurance company added $25,000 to Klam ath county's April war finance campaign Thursday. Lynn Roycroft, Oregon Mutual representative here, notified the war finance committee that his company would purchase bonds in that amount in Klamath coun ty. The company Is Investing $1,000,000 in the current war bond drive, which Is in addition to $1,500,000 previously pur chased. This is the second purchase made by an Insurance company in Klamath county in the last week. Roycroft, who Is presi dent of the Underwriters associ ation, also pointed out that local insurance men are actively work ing on war bond sales, carrying a heavy part of the campaign. Deputy Sheriff Dale Mattoon left Wednesday evening for Al bany on a subpoena to appear as a witness in the trial of Rob ert Lee Folkes, charged with the train murder of Martha Brinson James. Deputy Sheriff Jack Franey was called to Albany earlier in the week for the same purpose. District Attorney L. Orth Sisemore is assisting in the prosecution of Folkes. The two Klamath deputies participated in investigation of the murder When the death train was held here after the slaying in lower 13 berth last January. SALEM, April 16 (JP) The state tax commission received five clothes baskets full of mail today, the largest amount on any one day in its history. This year's collections up to last night deadline for filing income tax returns and making first paymentg-ntotaled $10,500, 000, compared with $5,800,000 at the end of the filing period last year. A total of 185,975 returns had been filed last night, compared with 165,000 during the first six months of last year. Returns received in today's mail are accepted without penalties. Giraud Orders Pro-Axis Purge From French Army ALGIERS, April 16 (IP) An authoritative source said today that Gen. Henri Giraud had or dered a purge of all pro-axis and Vichy-minded officers from the French army. He said the French civil and military leader in North Africa had ordered commanders of the land, sea and air forces to re port to him by May 1 the names of all officers who had shown a reluctance to fight on the allied side because of their allegiance to Marshal Petain. Bonanza Library Club Holds Party The Bonanza Library club will . give a public card party Tues day, April 20, at 8:30 p. m. in the library clubhouse. Refresh ments will be served, and every one is invited to attend. Ad mission will be 25 cents. Pin ochle and bridge will be played. ' WHAT SHORTAGE? DALLAS, Tex., (AP) Here's what OPA agents said they found in two homes: Fifteen hams hanging in a bathroom. Two cases of razor blades. Fifty-two pounds of butter. Two new automobiles tires. An extra 514 cans of food in addition to 840 cans de clared when rationing began. (The OPA said it would give the illicit canned food to the Dallas war chest for hospitals and needy.) By ANITA GWYN CAMPBELL , The junior amateur snow was a success Thursday morning with music danclne and laugh ter all rolled into an hour and is minulps. Jean Boiling won the first prize of $5.00 by sing ing otar uusi. ft I Jeanne Hamilton Af!dLI played "Indian Love Call" on the piano and was awarded the second prize of S3.00. The German band 15, 8 I boys won the I Tfc, I third prize of $2.00. We imagine they all bought milkshakes so the money could be divided evenly. The junor class did themselves proud this year. It gave us an idea of what they can do and what can be expected of them next year. "Who do you think you are?" or something to that effect was the greeting Latin club initiates received yesterday. They were all dolled up in fine resemblance of early Romans wearing the latest style in togas. Bettie Hopkins 3,537,570 Betty McKinney 2,580,500 Vivian Dirschl 2,617,010 Sally Mueller 2,912,885 A lot of people are wondering how the girls shot up so quickly, so here it is. Klamath Union high school bought $100,000 worth of bonds and put an equal amount of $25,000 on each girl. Did you buy a bond this week? E : PORTLAND, April 16 m Orders for pine lumber dropped sharply during the week ending AprU 10, Western Pine associ ation reported here today. Information collected from 99 identical mills showed orders for Idaho white, ponderosa, sugar and associated species of pine totaled - 67,556,000 board feet, compared with 82,023,000 for the previous week, and 119,194, 000 feet for the corresponding week last yeaf. Similar comparisons of ship ments are 69,288,000 feet, 67, 600,000 and 79,203,000, and of production, 60,574,000 feet, 62, 856,000 and 67,300,000. Motorists to Get No Gas for Summer Vacation Jaunts PORTLAND, AprU 16 UP) Motorists will get no gasoline for vacation jaunts this summer, I the OPA said today. "Ninety miles is the only por tion of the mileage allotment of A, B or C bookholders which is not intended for occupation driving," said Edmond W. Eg gen, district mileage rationing representative. "And even that is meant to be used for family necessity driving." Army Bomber Gets " German Submarine WASHINGTON. Anril 18 IJPi An army heavy bomber caught a German submarine on the surface in the Caribbean sea several months ago, the navy reported today, and destroyed a wun aeptn cnarges. A member of the submarine crew who survived the attacks was picked up 10 days later by United States destroyer and taken into port. He had sur vived through the aid of a life raft and vest dropped to him from the bomber. President's Order Said "Violation" WASHINGTON, April 16 UP) AFL members of the war labor board today asserted that the president's hold-the-line execu tive order is a "flagrant viola tion" of the no-strike agreement and they believe lt is "neither sound In construction nor work able in practice." Always read the classified ads. CORRECTION Ford V-8 Motor Ad Ran in Wednesday Paper Outright Price ......... $124.95 Should Have Been $94.95 With Suitable Exchange Motor MONTGOMERY WARD to- A NEW EASTER HAT 3.98 Brent hah are genuine, long- jfe wearing fur felt. They look bolter I $X3 because they fit better. (Special Conformallc conitructlonl) New shapes and colors for Sprin What a grand and glorious feeling... ALL YOUR EASTER CLOTHES ARE NEW! IT A ' VMTi 7-7 k ' '. s i m 'mm..- jgm-' a turns' m . nmw ..'' -r- n a Mm IMw n? brent suits BEADY AT WARDS! 100 WOOL FABRICS . IN FRESH NEW PATTERNS U0 isMnm. 28.95 You want your new suit to look expensive. Brents dol You want a lull that really fits at the shoulders, across the back from top to toel Brents dol -You want it priced for 1943 budgets. Brents are! And you get spring's most popular fabrics coverts, gabardines, worsteds all In long-wearing virgin wool. Brents are quality suits and quality means economy WARDS POPULAR AVIATOR OXFORD Ralioned-coupon . No. 17 needed This smooth brown leather oxford is a fa-; vorite with men everywhere! Its masculine good looks and satisfying comfort make it an ideal walking shoe and it's handsome enough to wear any placel Be sure and buy yours todayl Men's Black Leather Dress Oxford. 4.95 07M YOUR NEW SHIRTS Every Brandon- shirt comes In pat terns that are woven-n; can't wear offl The fine broadcloth Is 99 shrinkproof. Roomy sizes! "j NEW SPRING TIES looking for something really new In ties? Wear a Corllandl These rich; lustrous royon fabrics knot well ond drapa easily. 00 NEW ESQUIKE nun Fine quality dress rayons In fancy clocks and stripes! Handsome mer cerized yarns In novelty ribs and knits! Sizes 10-13. Wr QQq SEE OUR CATALOGS Thousands of values not In our store slocks are available quickly through our catalog department. Montgomery Ward NINTH STREET, Corner Pint Telephone 3188