'April 18, 1048 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN' "CLASSIFIED ADS 2 ' Lout and Found LOST Rutlon book No. J be - longing to Mrs. Esther J. Dunl van, 11 14 Crescent avenue, 418 LOST No. 1 rutlon book. Gone vleve llenvors, 7010. 4-10 LOST Hut Ion No. 1 belonging lo Raymond Beebe, Miilln, Ore. 410 LOST Cin rnllon book belong' lni William Union. Box O.IB 4-10 LOST Sugar ration book. B. A. Dnvlclson, 1438 Wordell 41 I. MKT Cilia ration book. Chrlsinan George. Boatly, Ore 4-21 LOST Clin ration books A and II. Orvllle M. Elfort, Merrill Ore., Hox 10:i. 417 Oonaral Notice! NOTICE I will not be respon nlblo (or debts contracted by anyone other than myself . Signed April 10, 1043. Ruby K. Bradford. 418 B Personals MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works, 110 So. 11th. Phono 0381. 81 CALL 0730 for concrete work on vour mimicry lot. 8-12 Transportation 2 STAGES DAILY TO LAKEVIEW AFTER APRIL 15th Leave for Luknvlew . . 0:0(1 a. m. and 8:00 p. ni. Arrive Lakevli-w 12.00 Noon and 11:00 P. M. . RED BALL .. STAGE LINE 430 10 Service BLACKSM1THINQ and woldlng Tractor, truck and furm mnch inery repair. Special built elevntort, stackers and buck rakes. BROWN EQUIPMENT CO 8040 So, Otb St, - Phone 8247 4-33 HAVE your rugs Bnd furniture cleaned ,by experts, Daremus Rim Co. Dm 0070. . e-i We CLEAN and rewax floors, 1 Doremm Rutf Co. Dllil BH70 r . 4-17 BELTS for nil makes rcfrlger Mors, washers, vacuum clean ors, or Roneral use. , Merit Wash no Machine Service, mi South Sixth. 4-30m PAINTING KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phone 4226. 410m LAWNMOWERS Sharpened Bodnnhamer Repair Shop, 381 E. Main. 4-23 WOMEN relieve that nagging DncKncne wnn a npencer oup port. Mr. James Sullivan, registered Spencer corieuere. Phono 0002. 4-28 RAWLEIGII PRODUCTS Frank Lelbleln. 2018 Bisbce 416 'LUMBING HEATING, sheet- metnl work. P. L. Johnson, 1430 Sargent St. Phone 8320. 4-28 HEMSTITCHINO DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing, Mrs, II. M, Allender, 731 Main, Room 216. Phone 7203. 4-16m ' PLOWING By the hour, any amount, tractor with 2-way plow. Contact at 8th and Main, Victor Cab. 4-18 PICTURE FRAMING Van's Camera Shop, ' 727 Main. 4-30m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate (or you. Chas, .w Hatha way, 120 No. 10th St., J Klamath Falls, Ore. 4-30 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, refinlshlng, repairing. Cab! ncl.i built. Curpcntor work o( nil kinds. Painting and kalso- mlniuit done. Phono 4817. 3041 Shnsla wny. 0-7 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlslr Ing. Clifford Golden, Phone 3022. 4 30m CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Phone 3717. 8-3 SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month. Singer Sowing Cen ter, 1213 Miiln St. Dial 0771. 8-8 ELECTROLUX Authorized Ser vice. L. C. Curr, 021 Mitchell. Phono 7187. 8-Bm ICTURE FRAMING Goeller's, 230 Mnin. . B-14m HOUSEHOLD rerrlgoratlon and washing machine service, Dial 5303 or 0448 after 2 p, m. . Victory Scrvlco Co., 1005 Pros pect, 8-14 CARE FOR CHILDREN week .ends. Phope 6144, 8-14 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS, 407 N. 0th. Phono 34U8. 4-33 LEARN to play pluno the now quick way. 407 N. Olh St. Phono 3408. 4-18 13 H.alth DH. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic cllnlo, colon and rectal dis eases. 832 Main. Dial 7218. 4-30m 14 Help Wanted female WANTED, competent STENOG RAPHER FOR ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. Salary $128.00 per month. Address communica tions to Pat 11. Donegal), Wl burn Bldg., Burns, Oregon. 4-16 WANTED Reliable woman In Roosovelt school district to care for girl 7. between 2:30 and 6. 1854 Melrose. 4-16 WANTED Cook for Malln Hotel, Malln, Or. 4-19 LADY lunch counter and foun tain manager. No evening or Sunday work, Apply 823 Main St., Klamath Tails. 4-16 WANTED Competent woman for general housework, care of children, Good wages. Phone 3716. 417 WESTERN UNION OFFERS Girls 18 and older an oppor tunity to serve as communica tion carriers. Full or part time. Light, pleasant work with opportunity to learn and advance. Apply Weatarn Union office, Klamath Falls. 4-20 WANTED Woman or girl to care for children while mother works. 238 Martin St. Cnll before 11 a. m. 4-17 WOMAN OR GIRL for house work 8 or 6 days each week. Steady work. Phone 7350. 418 18 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Elderly man for light farm work. On share crop or cash bails. , Ivon Trapp, Box 39, Olene. 4-17 MEN WANTED Ripsaw man, resaw man, grader, tie-up man. Alturaa Moulding and Box Co., Alturas, Calif. 4-20 WANTED FAI.LKRS MILLWRIGHTS CAT DRIVERS RATCHET SETTER Western Pine Mills 518 Main Phone 3612 or 4400 417 WANTED Janitor at postofflec building, Phone 4216. 4-17 WANTED Elderly man for car penter work. Phono 3078. 4-16 WANTED Experienced couple to work on ranch, woman to cook. Good wages. Box 3318, Hcrald-Ncws, 4-16 ATTRACTIVE POSITION rop resentlnc life Insurance rnnv puny for man 45 to 88. Ex clusive local territory. Guar anteed commissions. Phone or sco Mr. Bauman, Elk Hotel, Monday, Tuesday evenings 4-10 WANTED Good rouah rumen. tor and handy man. Steady work si per hour. Phone 8426 evenings. 4-17 WANTED First clasa radiator repairman. Permanent em ploymcnt. See Rod Smith, Bal slger Motor Co. 4-17 II Situations Wanted MIDDLE-AGED, married man wants buckaroo Job with liv ing qunrtcrs. Write or see Floyd Freeman, W. E. Wilson Ranch, Bonanza. 4-10 WANTED Carpenter and main tenance work. Phone 5840. 4-18 ELDERLY MAN wishes light work on farm. Call Hart Hotel. Room No. 17. 4-17 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klam ath. 4-16 ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phone 4765. 1028 Jefferson. 3270U 22 Rooms For Bent ROOMS 1034 High. B-5m CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with now innerspring mattresses. Free parking. 4-30m MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by the armory, steam heated rooms $3.60 weak up. ' Tran sients $1.00. 5-3m 1 1 OUTSIDE ROOMS. Crator Ho tel. 120 N. 2nd. 5-0 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 410 No. 10th, 4-10 R1VERVIEW One and two-bod- room apartments, furnished, garage. Phone 5462. 1356tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Couple. No pets, villa Marquise, 1320 Onk. 1503lf 1 DOUBLE living and bedroom, suitable, for two. Greer Apart ments, 710 Main. 330U1 11 34 Automotive Cash Right Now Wanted to Buy 8 or 6 Good Clean Late Model Gars For Resale Purpose 6-Cyllnder Preferred Douqlas Motor Co. 734 Klamath Ave. 24 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Apt.-cottage, close In, on Oak St. $16. Also one for 110. Phone 4272. 8130 evenings. 1010U SMALL two-room and one-room apU. 812 Oak. Inquire 806 Oak. 1179tf VACANCY Lee Apartments. Phone 0047. 1585U PONDOSA APARTMENTS Phone S627. 4-23 FURNISHED APTS. $4 and up per week. 133 No. 10th. 4-25 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 4-24 CLEAN, furnished two-room ca bin. Shower. Also desirable housekeeping rooms with kitchenette. 248 Broad. Phone 5482. 2071U CLEAN, FURNISHED APTS. Also nice room, private bath, garage. Pine and Cedar. 8-8 CLEAN Housekeeping Rooms Close in. Everything furnish ed. $4 week. Sleeping rooms $2 week. 410 So. 8th. 5-8 VACANCY Rex Arms Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5780. New management, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. 5-8m THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 221 Spring. 4-16 CASCADE AFa R T MEN T HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotel service. Complete! kitchen and dinette, day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 4-30m 2-ROOM "furnished. ESPLANADE COURT APART MENTS furnished; by the week or month. Walking dis tance. ' 1005 Esplanade. 4-30m FOUR-ROOM furnished apart ment. Hot and cold water. Utility room furnished. Adults 1745 Monloway. 4-17 LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnish cd apt. 2219 So. 6th. 5680. 4-19 LARGE 2 ROOMS, bath. Elec tric range, refrigerator. Adults. 323 Commercial. 20G6tf 2-ROOM FURNISHED APTS. Wood and water. $18 and $20. 000 Owens. ' 4-20 WALKING DISTANCE Clean 2-bedroom furnished apart ment. Utilities paid. $25. Gar den If desired. 138 Mortimer. 2720U APARTMENT COURT Close to business district. Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Mclhase Bldg. 3220U UNFURNISHED APT. 1985 Auburn. 4-17 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No 10th. 5-18 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT. 405 No. 3rd. 4-20 FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apartment, close In. Call at 825 Grant. 4-17 SLEEPING ROOM New Inner- spring, private bath. $5 per week. Phone 8769. 4-16 APARTMENT available for cou ple. Audlcy Apis., 8th and Walnut. Phone 7243. 4-19 28 Housts For Rent SMALL, MODERN, furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Biehn. 2139U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 8-7m HOUSES FURNISHED 3 and 4 rooms. Clean. 1682 Man zanlta, 4-16 FURNISHED house E. Main near Lucas Furnlturei $30.00. Also Apt. West Main, good view. ' $35.00. Both have gas heat. 733 Mnin. 4-16 FURNISHED 3-ROOM duplox. 2023 Darrow. ' 4-17 TWO SMALL furnished houses with garages. See or call Chris Huck, Dial 6470. 4-19 FOR RENT Furnished house, $15'. 2130 Herbert SI. 4-17 FOR SALE OR RENT Unfur nished 3-room cottage. Largo back lot and garage. Call 3236. 4-10 FOR RENT five-room house, furnished, refrigerator and Maytag. Adulte. $30. 1715 Oak St. Call 10 a. m. till 5 p. m. 4-16 THREE-ROOM furnished house. Inqulro 430 Washington after 6, or 125 No. 8th. ' 3-17 34 Automotive 4 22 21 Houses For Rent THREE-ROOM furnished house. 338 Commercial. 3070tf NEWLY DECORATED, unfur nished five-room house. Range. Call 8206 after 8 p. m. 2135U FOR RENT House on Conger avenue, one bedroom, fire place, sun porch. Phone 4326 or 5113. 33Utf FOR RENT 3-room house, $10 month. Inquire 615 No. 8th St. 3082U FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, close In. 718 Jeffer son. 4-22 21 Miscellaneous For Rent WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Beautyrest mattress, floor waxers. Phone 5353. Klam ath Furniture. 4-30m DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 4-30nv 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 165-acrc farm, stocked and equipped. Sandy soil, all under irrigation; 20 a. alfalfa, 05 a. pasture. Modern 3-bcdroom home, lawn, and shade trees; two large chicken houses, brooder house, 50x30 barn; 23 cows, 12 young heifers, 3 steers, 1 bull, 3 horses and farm machinery. This is a real buy at $12,000. Terms. EXCEPTIONAL BUY A modern 3-room plastered home. Concrete foundation, largo living room, kitchen with breakfast nook, Raragc, wood shed and frost-proof fruit roam. Beautiful lawn and shade trees. Garden spot. Half block off East Main on improved street. Also includes cook stove, circulating heater, shades, curtains, linol eum, lawnmowcr and garden hose, and $35 worth of wood and coal. Only $2750. $500 down, balanco like rent. WEST KLAMATH " A 6-room modern, plastered home. Lot 50x150. Well fenced with lawn and big garden spot All kinds of water. A real bar gain at $1800. Terms. . FOR SALE i block off AHamonl, a 3-room home with utility room. Two lots 50x150. Irrigation. A pick up at $950. $250 down, balance like rent. See Henry Newhouse at T. B. WAITERS 615 Main St. Phone 4193 East Side Buy Newly renovated four room house half block from East Main Bus Line, large living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining nook, screened back porch, ga rage, brick foundation, full size lot, new paint and new roof. $2500.00 with reasonable terms. Chilcote and Smith Realtors - 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 Since 1909 FOR SALE 3-room house. Insu lated root cellar, shade and fruit trees, berries, some lunv ber, 1-3 acre excellent garden soil. Call at 3115 Lodi St 4-17 FOR SALE QUICK Four-room house. 1441 Wilford Ave. 4-23 FOR SALE 64-acre dairy ranch, 41 miles from town, on old MMlanif rnaH. 14 pnwi. 1 hull. milking machine, deep well water under pressure, selling grade A milk. Price $7500. R. C. Prudhomme, 6102 So. 6th St. Phone 4943. 4-6U FOR SALE New five-room home, corner Eldorado and Painter, Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approved loan, . monthly payments less than rent. Phone 3301. 2133tf LOT AND S-ROOM HOUSE $750. Two blocks from South 6th St. Right on bus line. 2440 Shasta way. Phone 7620. 2132tf HOMES, farms, business proper ty. See EVERETT DENNIS 121 N, 8th. Ph. 8491 8-2 FOR SALE Half aero nnd three room house with fenced In chicken yard. $250 cash. In quire or phone Kcno cafe, Keno, Ore. 4-17 FOR SALE 4-room house, 2 blocks from Main. Inquire 825 High. 2619tf FOR SALE M acre. Lawn, trees, shrubs, garden spot, ouU buildings, house, near school, bus line. Inquire 2205 Wlard. 418 FOR SALE OR RENT Modern home. Phone S385. 4-16 34 Automotive Easter Ford Specials USED CARS 1935 Ford 1936 Ford 1936 Ford 1936 2 dr. 1936 Ford 1937 Ford 1937 Ford 1938 Ford 1939 Ford ALL DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION FOR THE DU RATION, AND PRICED FOR EVERY PURSE. WE ALSO HAVE OTHER MAKES AND MODELS. Lombard Motors' 424 So. 6th 34 Automotive Used Buicks 1940 Special Sedan Radio, heater. Good tires. Low mileage. The next best to a new car. 1939 Special Sedan Radio, heater. Overhauled. Good tires. Reliable transportation. Reason ably priced. 1937 Roadmaster Sedan Radio, heater. A big beautiful car. Me chanically perfect. 1937 Special Coupe Complete ly overhauled. A good buy. 1933 Buick Sedan A good sub stantial car for the duration. Priced right. 2 Now Sedans for immediate de livery with certificate. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main St. 30 neal Estate For Sale SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. 5 rooms furnished or unfur .nished. Large attic, service porch, electric range, refriger ator and water tank. Tile kitchen with double sink and metal cabinets. Inlaid lino leum, hardwood floors, pipe furnace, air conditioned. Base ment with pump. Lots of trees and shrubbery. Sprinkler sys tem, paved street. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2319 Union. 4-16 LARpE 3-ROOM HOUSE, bath, $1675. 201 Eldorado. 4-19 NICE 3 ROOMS AND BATH- Gas water heater, laundry tubs, garage and lawn. On paved street. Small down pay- ment, balance like rent. In quire 111 N. Rogers St 4-16 FOR SALE Good house on Ore gon avenue, corner lot, two bedrooms, closed in porches, garden space, shade trees. Phone 3725. 4-16 FOR SALE OR LEASE 60 acres, I miles north Tulelake. A. B. Cripps, Tulelake. ' 4-16 FOR SALE 720-acre stock and grain ranch. Large house, barn, other buildings, all in good shape. 130 acres under cultivation. Spring water. Theo. W. Flackus, Dairy, Ore. 4-22 34 Automotive We Buy and Sell Used Cars For the Best Deal SEE SELBY LAST Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Ph. 7378. 8-6m PRIVATE PARTY wants to pur chase for cash, 1040 or 1941 car. Phone 7013 days or 4210 nights. 4-21 FOR SALE 1939 Mercury 4-door sedan. Heater, radio, good tires. Excellent condi tion. Will trade for cheaper car, balance cash. Call at 123 S. Laguna after 5 p. m. ' 4-16 1041 BUICK Century Deluxe Se dan Large motor, radio, heat er, defroster, low mileage, has over $150 worth o extras. Good tires. Should sell tor $1500. Will sacrifice $1325 cash. Phone 4871. 4-17 1029 CHEV. TRUCK, good mo tor, 4 good tires, needs new battery and work on lights and brakes. ' Best offer takes it. C. E. Eyers, Bonanza. 4-17 Automotive 2 dr. sedan coupe coupe sedan 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan 2 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan coupe Lot 821 So. 8th ' 4-16-21-23 34 Automotive CASH for Your Used Car Pickup op Truck See Vern Moore Balsiger Motor Co, 4-27 FOR SALE '34 Chevrolet se dan, good tires, $115. 2603 Altamont drive. Phone 3027. 2269tf 1940 MODEL -.70 OLDS Club Coupe, perfect mechanically, good tires, $875. Phone 7987, 6431. 4-17 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN Tu dor. Excellently cared for. This highway driven car has five good tires and a good mo tor. Only $425. See to appre ciate. By owner, Mr. Starmer, wwara Hotel. '37 OLDS SEDAN A-l mechan ically, five 6-ply tires, radio, heater. Jack. Elies Mobil Ser vice. 6th and Walnut. 4-17 36 Miscellaneous For Sale DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1485U GLASS ; Mirrors, resilvering, plate, window and auto glass, furniture , tops, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7376. 5-6m FOR SALE Gem strawberry plants. 824 Grant St., off Ninth. 4-17 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 6691. 4-18 LANDSCAPING Shade and flowering trees, evergreens, shrubs, large site fruit trees, strawberries and raspberries, roses, blooming size red and white peonies. We trim and spray trees and shrubs. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 4-19 AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk. Phone 3450. 4-19 HEADQUARTERS for Fine Chamois, $2.00 up. F. R. Hauger, 519 Market 5-4 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 4-30m NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805U DUST MOPS, 60c up. Dust mitts, 20c up. Steel wool, 3 pads 10c. Limit 6 pads. Wall brushes, $1.50. Wet Mops, Scrubs and Brushes of every description. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market. 5-4 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth- ' ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 2138tf WE HAVE good selection of pure Bristle Paint and Kaljomine Brushes for painting contract orssubject to slight restric tions, F. R. Hauger, 515 Mar- ket. 5-4 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301 ., 2134tf FOR SALE Gem strawberry plants, 824 Grant St., off Ninth. 4-17 ROOFING See us first for an estimate on all types of roof ing, Sealcy Bros., Contractors. Phone 6385. ' 2456 tf I 34 38 Miscellaneous For Sale PALMER'S SPECIALS In USED FURNITURE 20 Beds $2.00 up. 2 Sewing Machines cheap. 10 Heaters and Circulators. 10 Wood Ranges $15 up. 8 Studio Couches $15 up. 1 Piano, only $75. Terms. 5 Dinette Seta ftlO uo. 2 Beautiful large Walnut Din ing Suites priced right. Buy Hera and Save PALMER WANTS TO BUY 100 Washers, 100 Radios. 100 Sewing Machines. 100 Bedroom Suites. 100 Ranges and Heaters. 100 Davenports and Chairs, 100 Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Palmer is a Tradin' Fool Make That Trade Today. PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 Klamath's Bargain Center 4-18 RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6632. 4-30m WATKINS PRODUCTS. Phone 6623 or 2318 Horn. 4-28 16-INCH GREEN SLABS Pine double loads, $4.75; pine and fir mixed, double loads, $5.25; suitable for stoves, fur naces, fireplaces. Peyton & Co., dial 5149. 4-30 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6617. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 5-8 FOR SALE Small dry onions, some suitable for planting. Co fers, 4860 Hilyard, south end of Wiard St. 4-16 FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 532 South River side. 5-8m FOR SALE Cull potatoes, out of certified seed. Breithaupt Bros., Poe Valley. 4-20 FOR SALE Electric Singer sewing machine. Call 5851. 4-16 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 5-14 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 6144. 5-14 FOR SALE 2-wheel sleeping or camping trailer, good tires, built-ins, gasoline pressure camp stove, miscellaneous cooking utensils, electric iron. 1127 Alameda Ave. Phone 4356 evenings. 4-17 8-FOOT round walnut extension table. 1123 Crescent. Phone 4384. 4-19 FOR SALE Farmall 14 tractor, rubber tires; new 2-way 16' inch plow. Phone 3284. 2266tf POSTS Cedar and redwood. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 3313tf DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS $5.25, 128 cubic ft, delivered. Or save by hauling your own in truck or trailer. Metier Bros., South 6th and Altamont. Phone 5852. 3338tf 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE or trade for late model car, $1200 equity in 8-room house, one year old. Fireplace, floor furnace and hardwood floors. 2501 Vine. 4-19 FOR SALE Half-acre ground, good house, new garage and woodshed, small chicken house and park, city lights and. wa ter, nice lawn and trees, all fenced. 1405 Etna St. $1200 If taken at once. C. L. Berry. 4-21 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath Falls in come property for acreage. Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bldg. ' 3219tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUY Tricycle for young boy. Phone 4466. 4-17 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkeys and gobblers. Blue ribbon strain. Also turkey set ting eggs. P. O. Box 853. 4-17 WANTED TO BUY horsepower electric motor, cash. Phone 3197, or 6226 after 6 p. m. 4-17 WANTED TO RENT Furnished house, No. 6th or vicinity. Call 5023. 4-22 WANTED John Deere power cultivator. Martin Dingier, Rt. 1. Box 95. 4-19 44 Livestock and Poultry TEAM WORK HORSES. 1600 lb, bay geldings, lively, but gentle; set harness, almost new, both for $325 cash, Frank E. Olinghouse, Dorris, Calif. Call evenings or Sundays. One mile west Dorris on Piccard road. 4-17 FOR SALE 800-1000 head feed er hogs, 50 veal calves at pub lic auction by the Farm Bu reau -at Anderson, California, Wednesday, April 21, 1043, at 1:00 p. m. Hogs graded and sold in truck load lots. Calves sold individually by the pound. 4-17 - FOR SALE Good young pure- blood shire stallion. Priced to sell. Phone evenings 5426. Days 8361. 4-17 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 FOR SALE Freeh heifers. Call after 6 p. m, or Saturday. 8704 Avalon. 4-17 TRISTRAM NOBLE herd aire, 17 mo, Very typy and good pro duction. Mrs. H. L, Plank, Junction City, Ore. 4-20 AUCTION SALE ' Tuesday. April 20, Grants Pas Commis sion Yards, one o'clock. 10 head Hereford!,. 2-year-old heifers and steers, one entire herd 15 head purebred dairy cows, Jerseys, springers and fresh. 50 head good dairy heifers, brood sows, weanera and feeder pigs. 4-17 48 Financial MJTOMOBILF FURNITURE. SALARY ' LOANS A. Ask for Loan B. Bring Identification C. Complete Loss TODAYI COMMERCIAL FINANCE ; CORPORATION 116 South Sixth Street Telephone 3265 CASH LOANS WITHOUT XKDOSSBBS t WAYS TO OET A CON8DM11 . CASH WAIT ... TBOVt . WRITI . COM! ! ' . Ton aced so eo-ilgntri or odom to .-It. eoniunw toaa THREE LOAN PLANS UO. 1-IKCOMB IOA98 On your not m1r. Wo w ments. Vo co-il(nrt , ronr character fa mora than the furnltara ltlf. NO. -AUTO IOAWB M tn W0 Mah VMM Mtj 74 oaadnr, CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY - (M-UJ . 720 Pine St Phone 7T11 4-10 Lawrence Leochrw ' For i' ,. AUTO LOANS. 7 PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE. LOANS Simple Credit Requirement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service f No Co-Signers Locally Owned. " Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th - Phone 3328 t-dura First Federal Has.' . Plenty of Money . . Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rent' Long Terms : Low Rate FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 5195 4-30m Ask us obout EQUITABLE Disappearing - Loans Low Rates - Prompt Service If you want to buy a home or refinance your mortgage, ask us about the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 N. 9th Phone 4564 Since 1909 ' ' Tue-Fri-tf 48 ' Business Opportunities FOR LEASE Hotel and cafe in live small town near Klamath Fails. News-Herald Box 3038. 4-20 BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main, k Spring Phone 9144 EffN.T.'VI ultra yip m