Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 15, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    'April 1(5, 1043
. BE
TUI.KI.AKK Tuleliikn gang
ers responding l n letter from
U. S. Senator Downey, appoint
ed II. 'I'. Street, grunge miisler,
W. II. Woltkiinip mid L. C. Klrby
In attend a meeting of Tuleliiko
funnels Tuesday niglil lit which
problems of farmers of Iho Tule
liiko nroii were recorded to be
cn l to the senator for Muily.
Cognizant of Ihn Inbor short
age, of tha shortage of fiirm ma
chinery, nnd oilier farm iiccessl
licit Senator Downey will en
deavor lo help iron out Ihe.ic
problems. A detailed report of
alleged conditions existing lit
Newell, WHA project, particular
ly In regard to farm machinery
Hint luis been niiitlo available for
U mo of ihn Japanese Hint In do
t ii led to funnel elsewhere also
wan forwarded to (ho senator,
W, II. Anderson, Siskiyou
county agricultural commission
er, during tlio gniiigo session re
ported that ho had signed up
100 applications fur grain sacks
in n do at Ak-atraz and asked Hint
thoso who planiipd lo poison
ground squirrels call for the pol
onpd grain nl tlio agrculturc
office. Anderson urged that Im
inedlato steps ho taken In squlr
rcl control ilnce warm weather
will bring tlio rodents out In
W. II. Anderson nnd O. A.
Schullz were nppoliited lo check
on tho possibility of stirring up
interest from Home sourco In es
tablishment of dehydrntor com
pnny here.
E. A. Davis, publisher of the
Tulelako Heporter, nuido nil In
terostlng talk on tho Victory
Bond drive opening thin month.
Fort Klamath
With Ihn removal of the last
of tlio decked logs In tho woods
on tho Yowkey tract nenr here
Tuesday, logging operations of
tlio Algoma Lumber compnny
were tcnnlnnted. Tho Algoma
mill has been shut down and Is
being dismantled, and the com
pnny Is being disbanded.
Krnnk Dychc, brother of W. K.
Dyche, logging superintendent
for the company for ninny years,
In n patient at tho Klnniath Val
ley hospital In Klamath Kails,
whero he will havo to remain for
nt leant a month ns a result of
scvoro Injuries sustained Friday
whllo working na choker letter
for tho Algomn company In their
J' local operations.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack F. Mc
Auliffo, their daughter, Nora Mc
Aullffe, and Mrs. McAullffo's
mother, Mrs. O'Connor, return
ed hero Monday from Cotton
wood, Cnlif., whero they spent
tho winter montlui at tho Mc
Aullffe ranch.
L. M. Strceter mnde a busi
ness trip to Red Dluff, Calif.,
Inst week, nnd returned Sunday
after looking after cattlo Inter
ests there. Clay Taylor wus em
ployed on tho Strceter ranch
during Mr. Strcctcr'i absenco.
Mr. and Mrs. Krnnk Miller
have returned to Fort Klamath
from Medford, where they spent
tlio winter months.
Joo Baker, aon of Mrs. Pearl
Baker, la a patient at Hillside
hospital in Klamath Kails, hav-
lng undergone nn appendectomy
yon Monday. Ilia brother, Noel
Maker, Is iiI.mj nl Iho hospital
following a minor surgical oper
ation. Both boyi aro reported as
doing lino.
, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eldon Brnttnln
nnd son, Bob, moved this -week
to tholr ranch on Klamath
Marsh. Brnttnln la suffering
from tuberculosis and will hnvc
to remain In bed for two months
as a result of a recent consttl-
,..,! - I it -
imiuii huh cxHuiiiiiiuuii uy a aim
Francisco spcclnllst on tho liint
tnln'a visit to the city,
Mrs. Hnrry E. Wilson suffered
a broken anklo when alio fell In
a fainting spell at the family
homo Tuesday.
' Stnff Sergennt Mcrvyne Wilde
Qwho has been In training for sev
eral months In a glider corps at
Lubbock, Tex., arrived homo
Tuesday night on a furlough of
several dnys duration, Ho was
mot nt Klamntli Fulls by Mrs.
Wildo. Sergeant Wilde Is a son-in-law
of Mnyor and Mrs, A.
! Charles Hamilton received
word Tuesday of tho critical con
dition of a nephew at Yrcka fol
lowing injuries received when
lio was thrown last weekend
from n horse. Tho young man,
IB yours old, suffered a frac
tured skull nnd brain injuries.
'quick welcome
! relief for
o upset stomach
; In 3 Minutes or Double Your Money Back
famoui BTUART TABI.KTfl oonUIn tbuvtry
IngtodUnti in often mad bydonloia to bring
auinlc welcome tellef Irom eold-imligailloa
IMriM Dftumxl by exoesi ilomaoh aotHHf
(Altar allng or drinking. Delloloui illnq
;ny lo lk. NohnltUj nomiitng. Fotwrni
idfttlul hUaied ra1ll from ax ohm a eld itiflar
no, try (nmotii BTIIAHT TAH..KTR without
d"Uy. Al fill ding Mmer) 2 Ho, 00a and $1.30
tudei auket'i money-btok eiutante
1 I
Wlillo his biidtltM wntch tensely, this Yank exnmlnea a Nasi mine Just
Ilcforo Uio Amciloun force could enter the town these Axis "fangs" had
to "plccea" but literally.
tho social events of Iho week
was tho farewell party given in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal
Ayrcs by tlio ladles of the New
I'lne Creek Plnochlo club. Tho
party was held nt the homo of
Mrs. Knyo Keller last Saturday
evening nnd fivo tables of pi
nochle progressed lo the wee
hours of tho morning when a
sumptuous repast of shrimp sal
ad, sandwiches, olives, pickles,
lemon pie, entice and all the
trimmings were served.
Thoso present were Mr. nnd
Mrs. Alvln Duller, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Marshal Ayres, llershal Klein
log, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnek lllnton,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Alexander,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Coleman George,
Mrs. Besslo Woods, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Waller Cumbron, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Joe Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Irvln
L. Fails and Mr. and Mrs. Rich
nrd Keller.
Mrs. Jewel Cnmbion was high
scoring lady and Mrs. Kdnn
Ayrcs, low. Alvln Butler was
high scoring man nnd Hershnl
Fleming low. Tho club present
ed Mr. and Mrs. Ayrcs with a
lovely coffee maker ns a token
of sincere friendship which has
been built up In tho 17 years
that tho Ayrcs hnvo resided In
this community, living on and
managing the Lohmann rnnch.
Mr. Ayrcs lins not yet decided
what lino of work he will get
into, but nt present is enjoying
a littlo vacation which is tho
"i '
ib". r
Yanks Dig for Axis Death Traps
first he has had In all the years
ho has lived here.
The regular meeting of the
Plnochlo club waa held last
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Buna Faris. Two kinds
of ico cream sundaes were
served for refreshments with
butter wafers and coffee.
Mrs. Alpha Smith won high
score and Mrs. Kayo Keller low.
Business of the session Includ
ed planning of the Ayrcs" fare
well pnrty.
New Pine Creek
Miss Eleanor Hamilton enter
tained the Needle club last Sat
urday afternoon celebrating the
March birthdays of the following
members: Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs.
Jack Moffitt. Mrs. Sadie Keller,
Mrs. Jewel Cambron and Mrs.
Myrla Robnett. Birthday gifts
were presented and refreshments
of Imperial Jcllo salad, wafers,
angcltood cake, ice cream, coffee
and candy. Mrs. Robnett who
bus been 111 for nearly a month
with the flu was unable to at
tend. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton St. Clair
moved to Bly, Oregon, last Mon
day whero Mr. St. Clair will bo
employed as a timber taller for
the Ivory Pino Lumber company.
Emmctt Bear and family have
moved hero from Canby. Mr.
Bear will work for Evert Reid
nnd will live on the Bill Green
ranch which Mr. Reid has
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Andrews
of Kirk, Colorado, and young
son visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Lightle and
fnmily. The visit was in the
form of a reunion as the two
Every woman will find here
her dream of a new Easter
hat .' i' .' to give her that
individual look, and the
feminine touch.
$298 $g95 $g95
and up
(NKA TtUphoto)
dug up from sand near Oafsa, Tunisia.
to be pulled or plans would have gone
families had not seen each other
for seventeen years. Mr. An
drews, who is a brother of Mrs.
Lightle, has located In Lakcvicw
and will be employed there in
one of the mills. He has one
son in the marines and one in
the navy.
Mrs. Dorothy McDonald of Al
turas was a weekend visitor with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evert
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Collins and
family and Mr. and Mrs. James
Pembcrton and family of Lake-
view visited last Friday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Pembcrton. Mrs. Jimmy Jay
and son, Bobbie, are also visit
ing for a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Pemberton, while
her husband is in search of new
employment. He was formerly
with the Smith mill at Canby.
Fannette Offield Hodges, who
is studying at tho Southern Ore
gon College of Education in pre
paration for teaching, is one of
two Klamath county girls to be
initiated In Phi Beta Sigma sor
ority. Bcrthlcl Nelson, Klamath
Falls, was the second candidate
Mrs. Hodges, who has rated un
usually high during tha months
she has been in Ashland, Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Offield and Is a native of
Her elder sister, Mrs. Fred D.
Fletcher, Klamath Falls, who
taught In Klamath Falls schools
a number of years ago, has also
been called back to teaching at
Riverside school, Klamath Falls,
within the past month and ex
pects to enter Southern Oregon
Pelican poat, No. 1383, Vctcr-
ana of Foreign Wars, has taken
a long term lease on Skatcland
on Klamath avenue, and will
conduct dances every Saturday
night during the coming season.
Opening date is set for Satur
day, April 24.
"Pappy" Gordon and his Ore
gon Hillbillies have been en
gaged, It was announced by the
executive committee. The VFW
extends a cordial Invitation to
the dancing public to attend
each week. At the present time
post members are busily en
gaged in renovating the build
ing and making repairs and Im
provements with the view of
making Skatcland a modern and
completely equipped dance hall.
In the near future. Mrs. Hodges
entered cUsscs last September
and following a short period be
tween the close of the winter
term of school and the opening
ol the summer term will return
to Merrill.
Protect the Only Pair of
Your eyes CAN be beautiful they ARE beautiful when
the heavy, dulling load of eyestrain is lifted. Be SURE
your precious eyes are clear, aparkling, alert . . . alwaysl
. Marine Hero and Bride
f Wfwwwi,' wmmn . I" 1 I'm"
I ' . v. put.
Y ? . -' t ' ""
Sgt. Albert A. Schmld, who waa nearly blinded after killing
200 Japanese In a single Guadalcanal engagement last August,
looka over gifta with hla bride, the former Ruth Hartley, who
wouldn't let him break their engagement. They plan to build
a home with money Schmld expecta to receive from the movie
dramatization of the story of hla heroism.
by Craftsmen Factory to You!
MLY $1
Manufacturing and
... in KLAMATH FALLS - 715 MAIN St.
' Dr. William B. Siddens - Registered Optometrist in Chargt.
. - T,
!:" )
- -, ' -J- v.:
Eyes You'll Ever Have!
If lt'a been longer than a year since your laat check-up.
ae the capable, registered optometrist here for complete,
scientific eye examination nowl
Dispensing Opticians
Instructor, Cadet1
From Pasco Station
Killed In Crash
PASCO, April 15 VO Tht
public relations office announced
last night that an Instructor and
an aviation cadet from the Pasco
naval air station were killed yes
terday In a low-altitude plan
crash at an outlying field. The
trainer, in which the pair wer
making a routine flight, Ignited
and was destroyed.
Names of the victims were
withheld pending notification of
next to kin.
A TOWDIt THAT':-'-':
4 nil Ism JoM$f '"
5I wUft, aaWhM pawaar feUt
444 fUin. CfatlB tan, r
littlaf mika tar tart, taatfar
faat, FtaetEsfty aWvafaJi
MOT awri Iti, 9M, taMi
wHfcaaf warry af taafiTasaMsal
9th and Main