April 18, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Mllli PTA The rrgiilnr moot. lull of Mills I'TA win held In tho si'lioul Wodiii'sdny Willi Mr llnckliiim, prusldunt, In tho cliiilr, I ho (lull niilulo win led by mn llmlucr. Fifth mid "Ixlli grader led In tho Inulntl of "Tho Btiir SpiniKli'd U nil hit," They nlno sung other snims. Kmlllu llul tluiiiuii, li'iiflii'r, received tho guest award. Mr. domain won tho room roll cull with eight mother ironoiit. Now officers woro noMilniiU'd for tlio coming your us follows; president, Mr Ciroviiwiiod; flml vice president, Mrs. Luiiibo; second vlco prosi' dont, Mm. Gregory; eerctury, Mrs. Uvchtcl; treasurer, Mr. Down. Tho hint muIu of defenso tumps tolulcd :)ull.flO. Noxt sulo will hn hold Tliuracluy, April 22, nt 12:45 p. m. In South Mr.' mid Mr. T. S. Abbott of South Sixth treol huvo received word from tholr on. Nlolnii. thut ho Is some where In tho South Pacific with tho US nuvy. Nlcliin received his Clirlstmus piickugcs In Mtirch but siiloycd them lust tlio sunie. ho ndvlsus his fumlly. Hubby Abbott Inn returned to hi homo hero from Prospect whero he bus attended school and Is now ii student at KlniniiUi Union hllih school. Vliltlng Here Gereno Tip Ion. ilntiuliter of Mr. und Mrs John Yoiiiiu Tlnton of 110 Kwiiiinn slruet. und Juno Hownc daughter of Mr. Stella llownc of 313 High itrcet, are hero from Salem visiting at tholr home and awaiting orders to report for duly with the WAAC. Both Klrls enlisted In I'orlluncl. i Famllv Want Friday hns been designated ns all-family nluht nt thn First Covcnunt church, It wim Announced by tlio pastor, tho Itov. It. E. Joluuon. The program will bo sponsored by mo L.ume nia ana win nur monlzo with tho Kustcr season All Intorostcd persons arc Invit ed. Hostesses will bo Mrs. Itiif son and Mrs. Itolnoldson. Tho mooting I planned for 7:49 p. m On Furlough Staff Sergeant missel L. Kalrchlld, Jr., I visit Inn here with his wife and par nil on furlough from Camp Sun Luis Obispo, Calif. HI wlfu Is tho former Put Peyton, and his nnront. R. L. Folrchlld of 1S30 Warden avenue. Blko Missing Bill Clovcland Lof 1B74 Derby street roport Mho loss of his Colson bicycle, pnlntcd oranRO and block. The iniiclilno was stolon someumo Tuesday from tho Tower tho atra. Circl to Mt The Suaihlno clrclo of the First Covcnunt church will meet Thursday at 8 p. in., nt tho Albert Clnwson homo with Itoso Clnwson as hostess. Sewing will bo accom plished for tho Red Cross. Report llnroUl Patterson, on of Mr. and Mra. James Pat terson of Wordcn avenuo, has reported for duty with tho US army at Fort Lewis, Wash. Ho Is a former Oregon Stnto college student. Police Court Eleven truf- )flc tickets, one drunk and dis orderly, ono drunk and vag, one vug and four drunk mado up tho Thursday morning police court report, Theft C. B. Howard of tho Hart hotel advised pollco prowl er mode off with his overcoat, a pencil and clip, and a comb From the Fort Jack Mc- Aullffc, well known Fort Klam ath rancher, was a business visitor hero Wednesday. In Klamath Mayor Henry N. Rodlsch of Chiloquin, well known county resident, Is 111 In this city. Ho ha been confined to hi room at tho Tourist hotel, Bik Stolon Jack Work man of 4814 Cottngo street ro jiortcd to city pollco tho thoft uf his Rocket bicycle, dark blue, stolen from school Wednesday, Los Roportod Esther J. Dunivan, 1114 Crcscont avenue, reported to city pollco that her sugar book was lost. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS Mllea of Kldn.y Tub Flush Out Poisonous Wait If yml have an minim of r.olrUIn your blond ( your Ifl niilw or kldnry tulxw nia bo over workml, TliMollny Mt.ra and tttofisrA work In ilsy ami nlglit to help Nature rid your ayalftm of etcfM aclila anil nolinnoui waMa. Winn cltannlor ol klilnoy function twmlta A-f oiao'inua mutter to mm-ln In yor mootl, U naveau.e nnuslnB ltAoknnliA.rliimm-.tln n.lna. Iar pallia, Irnm of ion mill energy, gotlln up Slglita, AwolllnR, imfllnMa under the eye, ontlAohofl anil (IIriIiioaa. Fromiant or aeanty rAfnAKOA Willi amartln nnil burning aomq iniM aIiowb there la aomotbln wron wKb your klilneye or blndilnr. KidnnynmAynood lioln theeAmeubowobiJ lOAok your drilRRlnl for Uniin'a I'lll. iimhI aiia mgifiilly by million for ovor 40 yr.ra. Tli.y rive hnpiiv rellnf aw) will liotplne IS mllm of Iilney luhee fluah out notannou vaet (ron your Wood, Clet boan I'ilia, In Bout h Mra, Cluyton Swnaay and young daughter, Dliinno, aro expected homo from ii two weeks' trip to Ilukcrnfleld, Calif. They hnvo been tho guest of tho Howard Hullnttn, former rcsldonl of Klamath Fulls. Book Gon B, A. Davidson, 1431) Wordcn avonuo, reports tho loss of hi sugar book, MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Feb. IS. 1943) Train IS Southboundi 6 p, m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m. Train 18 Northboundi 10 p. m. Modford Stag, Westbound, 3i30 p. m Evening Airmail. Stages to Alturas, Ashland, Lake view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m. Woman of Mooi Th home muking commltteo of tho Wom en of tho Mooso will meet Fri day at 12:30 p. in., for a pol luck luncheon at the Mooso hull. All members aro welcome. The organization will sponsor a curd party Friday uflernoon at 2 o'clock In tho Moose hull. This Is the third game of a scries and tho public I invited. There will bo a handkerchief shower given for Helena Hrlczlscc, who Is awaiting her call to tho WAAC. This will bo held Frl day evening at 8 o'clock In the Mooso hall and all members of the chapter are welcome. Eagles Auxiliary Th Esglet Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting tonight pt 6 p. m, in the Eagles' hall. All members aro requested to bo present. Dane Tho Townscnd club will sponsor a dunce Friday at Iho KC hall at 0:30 p. m. There will bo good music and a caller. Lunch will be served. A bus iness meeting 1 scheduled for 8 p. m. Individual Germans are going to Dutch people asking for cer tificates that they huvo behaved correctly and thoso testimoni als hud better bo given, or else! It Is clear whnt purposo those certificates of decency are going to serve. Netherlands. Ambas sador Alexander Loudon. Hans Norland Fir Insurance. Eisenhower Congratulates Montgomery - i I h4A -:m ti iJ Ali.il . General Dwight D. Elsenhower (right) of the U. S. army, allied commandor In North Africa, shakes hands with General Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, chief of th British 8th army, dur ing a recent tour of th southern Tunisian front after the British broak-through at the Mareth line. This picture was radioed from Cairo to New York. DEAF? OR ONLY HARD OF HEARING Do Not Negloct This Condition Even If You Are Only Slightly HARD OF HEARING An Amazing Development! THE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AURAL EXERCISER No Batteries! Nothing to Wearl GROUP CONVERSATIONS How Well Do You Hear When Three or Four Are Talking? "VACOLITE" MODEL "F" With Its modern patented FREQUENCY CONTROL allow for individual fitting today and refitting any future time without cost. Only VACOLITE can offer Patented Fre quency Control, See Also the Model "G" Straightlin Instrument, at Only $109.50 AMPLE BATTERY SUPPLIES Free Demonstration - 2 Days Only Friday and Saturday, April 16ih and 17th PHONE OR CALL 1 Ask for Mr, Omonundro, Elk Hotel, Phone 4181 ZlflA BALDWIN PIONEER STAG E DWNER.DIES Zlm Buldwln, pioneer Klam ath and Lake county garogo and stage operator, passed away April 12 In Martinez., Calif., ac cording to word received here from hi brother, Will, who Is in Sun Francisco. Tho aon of one-time County Judge George T. Baldwin, Zlm Baldwin was one of the colorful figures in the early days in Klamath Falls and Lakevlcw, and ho had a prominent part in tho introduction of the automo bile into this area. He was born In Linkvillc, later Klamath Falls, on January 27, 1887. In tho spring of 1910, he brought the late J. A. Gordon to southern Oregon, and Baldwin and Gordon together introduced the Buick automobile in Klam ath and Lake counties. They held the agency for many years, and In 1914 Mr. Baldwin moved to Lakcview where he managed their Lakcview garage. Mr. Gordon remained here, handling the Klamath end of their operations. They operated auto stages from Klamath to Lakcview over tho rough pioneer road, and then established stages from Lakcview to Palsleyt Plush and Adcl. In the winter and spring, tho auto stages were exchanged for horse-drawn ve hicles. After selling the Klamath Fall garage, Mr. Gordon went into banking here, but ho retain ed an interest with Mr. Baldwin in the Lakeview garage so long as he lived. In later years, Mr. Baldwin gave up the Buick agen cy at Lakcview, selling only Ford. Mr. Baldwin wa still active In Lakcview business and civic af fair until a few years ago, and ho was one of tho founders and charter member of the Order of the Antelope. Funeral services were held from the Richmond funeral par lor April 14, with cremation at Oakland. Having no eyelids, fish can not shut their eyes. 'IIOTWIIG BETTER' to relievo itchy ornes of SKIN IRRITATIONS So Many Druffdsts Sry! To promptly relieve tho red, itching, burning soreness of simple raahea.eczema, and similar akin and scalp irritations due to external cause apply wonderful soothing medicated liquid Zemo a Doctor's formula backed by 30 years' success. Zemo starts at once to aid heal ing. First trial convinces 1 Only 35. At "" , ZEMO Works on a New Principle mti HEW, E4ST MONEY- SAVING WAY TO QUICKLY uk. fala. tM& FIT TiQHf EH. ctmUbo . rMtr mouth contort and loMonlnq Boby ImOi chin aad bad bm(h bom ID.nts9 pUUi. Eatooly.iMW awthel Mmly apply NUTTT lo pUta and placa tat mouth. Hohaatiwadad. II toon soBdUUa, adfrann? plat Kingly to fa anap of & mouth, maldno. a brtter fit No fun or botbar. Not a pail or powdar yon bar to apply aaeb day. NOTH bKoma a pari ofmaplal . . . aoBd. taiMaaa. barmlaaa. natural pink In color, aaay la cta'n and aanltary. SdMllflcallr daitaad to conv panaat for lliaua ahrinkag and ui racaadon. Entblaa you lo tinow plita alboraa. SaTtamonay. Not a temporary1 "mmk. Ona application luk lor monlhj. II you want lo anloy raal mouth comori enca mora, boy PfUrTT today. MONEY BACK U not aatUtlad. At La Hendricks, Eait Sid Phcy., Everbody' Drug Store and other good druggists Openina Qaialif iz Special Starts Thursday, April 15th I? U 1 Package of Your Favorite Brand of CIGARETTES With Every 8 Gals. Gasoline And Look (g A ff 5 Besides What You 3 V V L on These HIGH QUALITY Independent Brands WILSHIRE ETHYL No higher quality sold. Comparts with Ethyl sailing tot SSe er mor. You live at last 2a on every gallon .... WILSHIRE POLLY Hljhait anti-knock quality gasoline. WILSHIRE SUPER Long mllaaa gaa. "Rgular" In every respect txcept lh prlc. Save ration ticket and 2a a gallon besides. 2 'She 32 2Hie WILSHIRE RADIO Highest octane low price gasoline sold In Oregon, Try a Jankful and ave 2c a gallon. 19e Fill up at these Wil shire Oil Co. Independent Stations MAIN and CONGER ' So. 6th and MARKET 2996 So. 6th (Oil City, MERRILL (Oil City) rr...tir.iii.misiiiiiillltltlli'ssillllilll"ltlllllllllllltly I I :. - FESTIVE DRESSES 1 One- and two-piece f M I Vf '. fS"la.Zrt - S ' dresaes In rayon Jersey, f f,'i--r- aT V 11 ' IKI v V " i ' rayon crepa, spun ray- i S.ji'-JS I " 1 K Vk , ii i on and heer. Print ." I U; X'l " K if I 1 '-II i or plain, touched off Iff UK I Am TM 11 with ipindy whit f , t 1 ) 1 VfvHx 1 . frill. Site 12-20 and J J ' J W 1: Hf -' V ' ' f !!'i4u ll V 11 Top your prlng outfit with ; ; I J f S 1 fa I SkA Hf f X fc 11 one of these bright coat. , ! ''ff?- faff ft ntt'll Tailored to perfection with , .t.'ti.A' 1 Wl If &x"i U thoe nice shoulder that go ; '-'iv ' l ft Ii .1 1 VsVs II moothly over your suits. Ii i jV ' I , x;sf m Big pocket ... lapel collars. i. ' i I if if I sa!Aelt ,ty''S' t' 1Z'2' " PATRIOTIC ' Iff.T ll Ml ' ' i GAY EASTEr'dRESSES i i fj Vfi : i FOR LITTLE GIRLS j mf M?Vj$ ' '' 1 pert little frock for your young j A I i f l XASE' l '''K ' Easter parader. Crisply tailored l - :? F'l ! VI " 1 In chambray. percale or dainty fkl A i I'.J V' VJ" ftfJ5g ' heer cottons.: Gaily mooked and IrsV V V"- lf kaf5 if4fPK ' trimmed. Print I . If fA j ,."W or plain color, to Tl 1 Q Li i LA C i( lA d please young V El KJ l All VSr.fc-fV..rf ' 1 3 J , misses. Sizes 1-3, JJ, C y''M JL I ' ' Ilk ifeiJ to onlastcr Frocks ; ! Ill illlll tLf FOR GIRLS . I ' Wf !ljniiUI Styled to please daughters --w' ' ' i ,'l 1' j ' Prtecd o please moth- AT J rT ' , j j I'l jKra M crsl Festive new styles In w I 1 ' j' : 7 M fj pastels, with contrasting ap- . 1 i ' I I M I' plique or embroidery, trims. "y i I " f j W ' Watch her eyes sparklet Sizes ! I J ("ji - Pj Stprt tloret fiove potled or morlceo' coiling pr'if ; -X Ijiiillli), ROEBUCK AND CO. 133 So. 8th . Dial 5188 , .J....i nf iiMimins ,,; ii liilaJU