'Auiil 15, 1941 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SIX1 ) fl i .1 it POPPY BE MAKING GINS AGAIN Hitler, Duce Talk 'Reverse Invasion1 N HOSPITALS Making memorial poppies has begun again In the government hospitals where men who have served America are under care, Mr. J. H. Gallagher, poppy chairman of the Klnmath unit of the American Legion auxili ary, has announced. The little red memorial flow era are being made for the aux iliary by disabled veterans of the first World war and will be worn In honor of the dead of both conflict, said Mrs. Gallu gher. Millions of the flowers, ahaped In replica of the poppies of Flanders' fields, will be made before "Poppy Day" next May, Tha work provides earnings during the winter and spring tor raen so badly disabled that they are unable to undertake other employment. It gives them Interesting occupation to speed the long hospital hours arut l valuable occupational ajd to their recovery. Men dis abled to the present war aiso will ba employed in the poppy w,iri.Bm If anv nrfl in need of th financial and therapeutic benefits of the work. The poppies will be distribut ed throughout the country by niiintr workers from the aux iliary on "Poppy Day," May ; Auxiliary women expect them ; to be more generally worn than aver before, exceeding even last year's display, when more than 18,000,000 were worn to "hon-i or tha dead and aid the dis-' abled." Contributions received for the flowers will be used in i tha relief and rehabilitation work which the American Le-, Hnn and auxiliary are conduct ing for the disabled veterans of both wars, and for the families of the dead and disabled. It is essential that when this war la over the United Nations should maintain sufficient force to ensure that neither Germany nor Italy nor Japan can ever again plunge the world into war. Anthony Eden. .' v I My j c s 4' f i , i t . , S'i An invasion in reverse Is what Adolf HlUer, rlght and Benito MussoUnl must have talked about In tneir recent meeUng, believed to have been held Rrrrnlrpiss. April 7 to 10. They are shown shaking hands as they mS loe conTereSe. photo radioed Stockholm-Mew York. COFFEE HOARDING CASE GETS HEARING The first public hearing of Its kind in Portland was held today vw th. rilstrict OPA involving al leged violation of wartime ra tioning regulations. Appointed by the OPA region al hearing commissioner at San Francisco, Judge Julius Cohn acted as presiding officer at the administrative hearing held in OPA offices at the Bedell build ing. Tha case involved an alleged false declaration of coffee by the Portland cafe, 514 S. W. Tay lor street. Manager of the cor poration is George Chocalls, who was present in person and was represented by his attorney, John D. Damls. The OPA was represented by WacCormack Snnur nnrl Or-llin P. Gallalher. counsel of the OPA enforcement staff. GET WONDERFUL RELIEF rw Bam aa Itoh of Umpla P-I-L-E-S!! Simp) plW W not wrk snd tortur you with maddrnlnc itch, bum nd Irrtl. tlon. Star' Pyrtmld SapltrlM brtn qutek. wtleomc rtlltr. Tntr i-wur mnw linn mum ma I MrrtforL rduCS Btnln. help tUhttn rUx4 mwbrna, wntly hiirlniat and atftafu. Protect tvt and nlK hfln. so y to a. It' wonderful to tm of pit tcrturc utin. Gl nuln Smart' Pyramid Suppoaitorlta at your dru tor without dUuf 60 and tU0-e gMkr asonyoaca iruarmm, 1 IT? 1 BJir-.j-tf13 It 1 M IWUJIHIgB 1fiW That Will Last- j LMsJilJ' tor the Duration! I I vii'Vti I s ladies' ' ' JMMmft v ! Blouses. ' mMmmily' Si H' '5 Sheer., .Uks, exepe, to a Hw Ii 'f.iwliAl largo eieetion of wMMM i 1 If , llilNI- I and colors. Sixes 38 to 40. fflMWMW ' H I I I 1 laSise. 111 I I tt 1 i i " -1 I ! H MWnAMnWnwA vow III i LAYAWAY A! S,a plan M 495 i Mlnk-Dysd Consy j S KLA3IATII VARIETY FOH aster Clothes Pretty little Batter dresses Just arrived. Silk X.uana, taffetas, dotted Swiss, prints in polka dots and solid color broaddotn In becoming stylos. Sites 2 to ex to 14. $149 828 Two-place suits In silk Luana with solid color skirts and fancy blouse. Also Seer. .... ultS. S2.98.ndS3.98 nrlnt and ff?!.,.TL -r.ei In full range. Site. 1 to 14 fJJc years. Special $1.39 to $2.25 Children's Slips With Bullt.TJp Shoulder Hayon Satin, Sise 1 to 3 49 Rayon Taffeta, Site 3 to 14 49 Rayon Satin, with lace trim, Sise 2 lo 14 79 Junior Batln Slip, white and tearoie 98 White Satin Pantle, elattio back, yoke front, lace trim leg. Sis 8 to 14 59 Ladies' Slips Rayon satin, crepes and knit ray on. Rhythm cut with beautiful lece trim. Tailored 4-gore with embroidery trim. White and Jta rose. Sise. 32 to 44 and 48 to 52. 98 - 139 Ladies Hats $1& Come see our large collec tion of flattering hats for spring. Pill boxes, berets, turbans, off face and brims prettily trimmed with flowers and veils. 95 98c ?3 Alio the ntw head shawli in attractive fllc colors Ladles' Hosiery Even knits, " lovely rayon in 81-gauge. Cotton or rayon top. fiftC Two shades. Pair tJU Infants Anklets In wide selection of colors. Pair 15c and 19c Misses' and Ladles' Anklets Pair 19c Easter Sunday, is April the 25th Tha Ona Day lit tha year that . . All tha Gals . . . Like to hare . . Naw Clothaa . If you ara Yonnf or Love Youitf Things .... tha Placa to Shop la Foulger'sl "PERKY TEEN DRESSES" ' It's . . Blouse . Time . at ' Foulger's! Styles of tomorrow, today . . . . Gnli, you'll have your httd In ths clouds ... If you wesr one of theia dreues . . Enter Sunday. 8.95 to 16.95 tS "EASTER BLOUSES" a it- 41 T..- T IIUH (I Mai Ll air nj ouiw uu9 yuv 7 V . i, . u t vt.u a. "Mntm Maria1 hlntlia . . r.' a m tfWll "wua; v ... v..-. ... That t. the password . . . You'll say they're the loveliest blouses ... I ever hid , . 2.29 to 3.50 Ll II 1 11 1 ra '"PLAID P ' SKIRTS" That say , . . spring Is here. . . , All wool and part wool .". . The swankiest skirls you ever saw In your lite. 4.95 to 6.95 4.95 'iBld 'Trikskirt By KORET of California To wear Easter ... for the office ... or to go places with the Boy Friend . . . They are smart look Inj . . . and oh! bow nice they fit . . . "YOUR EASTER SHOES BY JOHANSEN" "THE PBYLUS" Your dream shoe ... Dlack patent . . . make your feet look like Cin derella ... For tha gal . . . who wants to go placesl 8.95 "THE TEMPTER," 7 J . "JUMPER . . . DRESSES" Designed especially for you ... a lumper dress and two or three blouses from Leons , . will make just that many new outfits . . . 4.95 to. 6.95 EASTER HOSIERY stocking cere requires thret pair . . . These lovely new rayons . . . will surely give you a thrill . . . Best buy your spring hosiery now . . Featured In black patent or gabardine . . . sll tha style of tomorrow! High heel . . . Sices 8H to and AAA A to B widths. 1.15 "YOUR EASTER ft BAG AND GLOVES" n f , IT l-i -sevlia. "THE FLIPPY A lovely blue kid sandal... It will give your foot that dainty look , and will be very smart , . with that new outfit ... 8.95 Tou lust can't step out Uss ier .. . unless you have . . . a new pair of gloves and a good-lookJng bsg . M a, J" 0) o Skunk-Pysd opossum a y Gray Caracul i f . a Sable-Dyed Muskrat if m Plan aheafll! Invest wisely I ' J In a magnificenf warm fur coat. 1 I fei CRAIG'S . 117 MAIN i i I t fm i KLAMATH VARIETY 1.00 to 4.95 STORE 838 Mala 838 Mela