Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 15, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    "April 18, 1048
ir t
Mrs. Sully Louis, ctlwti'ibut Ivc
coordinator of Kliimiilh Union
high kl-IuxiI, report Unit 70 girls
enrolled In tho piirt-tlnio coousir
nllvo program this semester,
" Out of tlmt number, 311 nro
Mtciitly employes on a ptirt-tltno
Im.iltt Willi nu average sulnry of
US ctHitit an hour und, work lug
approximately 3:1 hours per
week, with toll onrnliigs of
I0II4.78 in of Murcli III, 11)43,
" sliion September 23, 1012. Sumo
of -tho girls wore not unrolled
nil your, mid ninny were not em'
c ployed during nil thin period.
Several speakers, mostly from
V viirlous business houses In town
i nppc-nrcd beforo tho classes. Otlv
I er spcukors will bu secured as
V the yenr closes, mid this week
tho ulrls are hnvlnit a.pruclicnl
cxpurlenca unit, worklnu on tho
' Job with experienced persons In
" tho stoics down town.
' I'lflv-threo ncrsons hnvo re-
' colved vocntloiuil ccrllflciilcs In
evening ""(I lifter school classes,
' tho majority of these being
' idults,
Mrs. Louis, coordinator, nlso
' reports thnt tennis of two girls
' each wcro trained for grocery
rationing and checking and
' wore employed during tho week
of the grocery ' freeze to chock
' mark und assist grocers where
tlriwor nmiA in (tin llltlh
' school for nclunl Job operation
tiiilnlni! during that week and
' sent clerks during the day for
' training.
Girls assisting in this work
were: Clollw Snyder, Winifred
I Towne, Betty Brisbane, Bertha
Eceles, Evelyn Miller, Esther
J Collmnn, Dona Roe Crump, Af-
Slim Swimmer
f ...m iiim-fiwwi.i i lump pinn
Rushing summer Ml, Francis
Bnirorty strikes fumlllnr beside-tho-old-iwlmmtng-pool
pose for
Hollywood cameramen.
Decamp Discusses Denial
Health With Nutritionists
Dr. Frank DcComp, mcmbor
of the Oregon state board of
hculth, orul hyglone director,
met with members of tho Klum
utli county nutrition council nt
noon Wcdnesduy to lead a dis
cussion on tho Importance of nu
trition and Its relation to dontnl
Dr. DeCamp told members of
tho council that a statement he
had heard 10 years ago in re
gard to tho fuct that "ona-third
of tho nation was mol-nourlsh-od,"
he hud found to bo mora
than true und that It was up to
communities to remedy such a
condition through education. Dr.
DeCump stressed the Importaneo
of a woll-balunccd diet with suf
ficient quantities of Vitamin C
and tho D complex vitamins
found In green leafy vegetables
and whole gruln cereals.
"Nutrition pluys a very lnv
portant part in dental health, es
pecially during the early years
of childhood, In the formation of
good teeth," Dr. DeCamp said.
The oral hygiene director
said he hoped to return to Klam
ath county to carry on his stud
ios In remote Breas In regard to
dental decay.
Two Killed In
Puget Sound Navy
Plane Accident
SEATTLE, April 13 M'j Two
men wcro killed yesterday when
navy plane crashed Into Puget
Sound on the cast sldo of Cam
ano Island.
The 13th naval district an
nounced the victims were Ensign
Robert J. Haggcrty, 23, Cleve
land Heights, Ohio, pilot, and
George Taylor, 18, aviation
radioman third class, son of Mrs.
A. Taylor, San Diego, Calif.
The medium sized plane
crashed and sank In Port Susan
Unconscious Girl
Has Gopher Snake
As Pocket Per
VALLEJO, Calif., April 15 (IP)
Seeking Identification, Nurse 1 la
Murphy reached Into the pocket
of 'a girl brought Into General
hospital unconscious after a
motorcycle accident.
Then the nurse screamed. A
tiny gopher snake was entwined
around her hand.
The girl later was Identified
Oreqon News Notes
By The Associated Press
The farm security administra
tion announced the arrival at
Portland of 111 more Mississippi
farm hands 28 families and 37
single men to take Jobs in truck
gardens along the Columbia
as Lanelda Wallace, 18, a navy
yard worker. The snake was
identified as Otto, her pet.
river , , , Oregon recorded 22,
740 births in 1942, an increase
of 19 per cent, the state board
of health reported, while deaths
totaled 12,924, up 6.6 per cent , ,
The S. S. Edward Bellamy,
named for a onetime New York
and Massachusetts newspaper
man, was the 167th Liberty ship
launched at Oregon Shipbuilding
corporation . . .
Whales were reportod disport
ing themselves near the foot of
cliffs at Depoe bay, unusually
close In for the big mammals . , .
Two Portland policemen, Ale
Johnson, 29, and Frnnk B. Seidl,
28, were suspended from the
force for conduct unbecoming of
ficers at a homo In St. Johns
March 27 . , . The annual meet
ing of the Oregon Entomological
Society will be held In Portland
Saturday with C. M. GJulIln,
federal entomologist, and Dr. H.
A. Scullen of Oregon State col
lege as principal speakers..
P i L E S
He Low 01 TlKM
Ptrmamnt RMuttsI
Chlropractlf phyllrtan
MS He, Jit, - (MUlr Thutrt Ids.
ton Pholps, Barbara Homer.
Any firm desiring trained
; girls for summer work may call
k Mrs. Sully Louis at 7305. Most
, of the girls enrolled will not bo
' ablo to go to college and are
earning a vocation to be nblo to
support themselves. Many of
them are nblo to stay In school
becuuso of this income.
Tho 8 o'clock retail selling'
class of Klamath Union hlglL
school entertained the boys of
the vocational classes at a skat
ing party In the Rollordromc,
Thursday evening, April 8, 1943.
Fifty-two guests attended the
party. Mrs. Sally Louis and Al
bert , Fitch, teachers, were present.
Four-H News
Johnny Cakes Club
: The first meeting of tho John
ny Cukes club was held In the
home economics room of Fair
haven school. Wo elected offi
cers who arc, president, Margie
Mlkkclscn; vice president, Bar
bara Zltin; secretary, Chrlstcnc
McC'arroll; news reporter, Nor
ma Chandler.
Wo appointed cooking teams.
The first ono was Gcraldino
Martin, Uernlco Bennett, Bar
burn Zlim and Marian Schlcfer
llcln. Tho second meeting, tho local
leader passed out our cooking
books. Members of tho 4-H club
luide baked custard nnd served
i nnd took time to criticize it. Ono
of tho meetings wo mnde a sal
ad and two of tho girls had
brought bread from homo that
they had baked. Wo criticized
tho bread and tho snlnd as wo
Wo arc going to have our fnlr
the lust of April. In tho mean
time wo nro working llko bees.
Murlun Schlcfersteln,
News reporter.
Busy Little Beavers of Malin
Our club met on April 6,
19-13. Wo have met regularly
each week and wo have been
hnving demonstrations in cook
ing I and cooking II. Wc hnvc
been practicing new songs. To
day wo had a spplling boo and
wo had n raco in arithmetic
problems, Wo uro planning n
) ton for tho mothers. Both the
girls nnd boys In cooking I nnd
II nro putting out fine demon-
Constipation really had me
on tho rones. I'd tnko a me
dlolnnl lnxntlvo and got
relief but soon, tho old
troublo would roturn nil over
It wns constipation due to
lack of "bulk'' In my diet
the kind so many folks sut
ler from. Bo I began outing
xiu.ona'8 AMi-nnAN regular
ly. It's n swell brcnkinst
cereal, nnd it got directly nt
tho ontiso of my constipa
tion and correotcd it. .
- If your constipation Is due
to lack of "bulk," why don't
trail try am.-iuian? Est It
regularly, drink plenty of
wntor, and "Join tho Reg
ulars"! Mndo by Kcllogg's In
Bnttlo Crock, Micnignn.
strntlons. Ench Is trying to fin
ish nil their projects.
Mnrlo Fields, news reporter.
Henley Busy Bee Sewing Club
Our club met March 23 for
our eighth meeting. After our
club pledge, a song and yell, we
discussed progress on our lunch
cloths. Some nro very pretty.
Alum Stover demonstrated
tho making of a zipper placket
In her dress.
Plans were made for demon
stration of making a wnll hang
ing nt our next meeting.
Jacquclino Giles,
News reporter.
The 4-H Victory Breakfast Club
Tho 4-H Victory Breakfast
club is planning a Mother's tea
for April 14. This tea finishes
tho work of the club for this
year. They plan to exhibit
cookies or cup cokes at the
spring exhibit nt Altnmont Jun
ior high school, April 23. The
officers for the year were, presi
dent, Evelyn King; secretary,
Mildred Burgess; song lender,
Sharon Campbell; news report
er, Louise Sexton.
Louiso Sexton, news reporter.
RENO. April 13 (IP) Mar
riage licenses issued here today
included: Albin J. Du Bois, 48,
nnd Anna D, Pendleton, 33, both
of Klnmnlh Fulls.
In snow, chnlns nrc less than
50 per cent effective if not hold
tight by side springs. Loose
chains in a snowbank some
times remain stationary while
wheels futllcly spin within
Just ArrWodl
Pillow QQ
Cases Pair"
Cross-stitch and Floral CQ
Ladioi' Aprons .
Matching Apron for AQt
Small Daughtor '
Table Cloths Many
With Qt $449
Napkins to
Buffet and Dresser 3Q
Hemstitched JQ
Dresser Scarfs
, , , Many Othorsl
Flannel Baby Sacquoi, AQt
Whllo, Pink, Blue t
Wafflo Piquo Socquoi, White
With Pink or AQ$
Blue Trim
Matching ng
Krinklo Crepe Sacquos, 3Q
Blue, Pink
Matching Q
Klmonas 07
Carriago Robos, Pink $119
and Whlto Organdy .. '
Blue Crib TQ
Blankets, Pink and Blue
Appllquo, $198
Large Siso ... '
Small $119
Slse . '
White Flannel CO
Matching 3Q
The Smart Top Half of Spring's Official Dress 'Uniform'l
Men's Town-Clad' Sport Coats :
Tlirm dnys iport costs nd slacks Are best-drest In
ity nun's WAnlrobe! Fine lierrlngbonej, checks And .aqa
plslds In smooth weave, bold flpired ALL WOOL! Ill'V
The three-button Brehtlcy ! No. 1 1 W
Neat and LIghtwelghtl Water-RepellentI Wind-Resistantl
Men's All-Weather Poplin Jackets
PROTECTION for your outdoor hour! More than
Hut, they're the smartest sports Items on two tQQ
shoulders! Rurdenless cotton poplin In fly front JlQ
models with slanted slash pockets. Mm
Plan NOW for a Smartly Dressed Summer In Comfortl
Men's Two-Tone Casual Jackets
Cool togs are the fashion keynote to warm weather
and these jackets will be leaders for dress-up! m QA
All wool plaid fronts with gabardine sleeves, oacK JV
NOT Cost .You
Men's Sport & Dress Slacks
Mucks srs going everywhere nowadays and these
are the dress-up choices the country over! Hand- OA
some ravons and rayon blends for sports, suit fab- kWlU
rlcs and patterns to give suit trousers a rest!
and trim In contrasting solid color!
Your "Best-Occasion" Slacks Should
it 't
mm m m
America's Young "Fashion Plates" In The Easter Parade!
Juvenile Boys' Rugby Suits
A Small editions of young men's favorite styles!
Smart' tweeds single or double brcsstcd
brown or blue. Sites 3-8.
Boys' Short Sleeve Sport Shirts .
BConl- and practical well-made cotton sport shirts. Qg
nine. Inn. ircen. Slse 6-14. ' if
Itluc, tnn, green, Slses 6-14.
1 Boys' Dress Jimmies
C Durable materials of 40 wool, 80 cotton,
balance rayon. He can wear theso well cut
Jimmies for dress, tool.. nines, browns, tcnl.
Slses 3-8. .
Modern Asset to Cooking!
10-pc. Glasbake Set
1 iVt ql, Covtretl Cafttrolt
0 t 03. Cuitaril Caps
10 ik os, Meaiurlnp Cup
Cook in glass nnd snvo gas I Serve
In glass for an attractive setting I
Each plcco Is oven-proof I
Tills sot makes wonderful gift, tool.
' Of course you'd like a glamorous Easter wardrobe
recklessly choien, without a thought of budgets.
Bur you'll do better for yourself (and with no lost of
allure, either!) if you choose what you buy to lost
for the duration fabrics that will wear well style
if its "scruT
that will stand remodelling after their first term of
service. And make lure you buy only garment and
color that fit into your present wardrobe that will
help prolong its imartnes and interest.
This Easter it must be useful to be smart!
Smart New Navy Sheers With White!
Delightful Rayon Crepe Prints!
Print-and-Plain Combinations!
A truly classic collection of smart spring frocks . . . and one
that will delight you! Each one will thrill ,you with its new
ness of line and zest of color! Featured is the two-piece
rayon crepe , . . printed all over with spring buds! Lovely
pin-wheel pockets make this frock outstanding! We also
have the very smooth dirndl frock . . . with long sleeves,
and prim flutings at the blouse front and pocket edging.
Smartly dotted, gayly printed and clever - combinations!
Bright colors. Sizes 12 to 20. - ' '
1 If J I Vv m ws
r4 lAr- Smart Spring
XF$&Dr- -AK Hat
Select Your Easter Fashions Now and Wear Them All Spring!
Misses' and Women's Coats and Suits
Fine All-Wool Tweeds for Sturdiness! .
- Rayon-and-Wool Plaids for Added Color!
Your most important purchase of the entire spring is that suit
or coat you're thinking about! It must be the very best you
can find for your money! This fine collection of smart styles
is here for your choice! Select a fine all-wool tweed, or a color-,
ful plaid of wool-and-rayon! Or a suit precisely tailored . .
man-tailored or dressmaker In style . '. . just as you prefer! . A
grand variety of new, clear spring colors and mixtures! Sizes
12 to 44.
second noon
New, Shining
Soft, Colorful
You've never seen
surh a delightful
collection of spring
hats I Tiny sailors,
padre brlms,: off
facers and berets. "
Flowered c a 1 0 ts,
too! New spring
Beautifully Tailored
Dainty enough for your
loveliest frocks I Soft-as-A-pctal
rayon satin or
smoothest rayon crepe.
Plain styles or - lavish
with lace. All cut to Bl
smoothly. All slses.'.
Smartest for Spring!
Flattering hosiery to ac
centuate the beauty of
your spring frocks !
Sheers or service weights
with a sleek, dull finish.
Tailored to Fit!
Rayon Knit Pantie
Sleek fitting and smooth
, , you can wear them
comfortably under the
sheerest- spring frocks!
Easily laundered.
"Get Her Ready for Easterl
Girls' Coats
Trimly fitted that's the style
she wants! Some with tie
belts and some without!
Springtime nicely blended
'tweed weaves in. rich wool
' and rayon fabrics. Sites S to
Deliohtful Ravon Pastels I tTtTlr!
t little princess, port basque waists or trim I ,'ti 's;'ViV
tailored types ... all on her list of fav- fcfrfSfftA.N
Outdoor Togs for Your Toddlersl
Coats and Bonnets
Semi-fitted coats with tucking A AO
or embroidery. 2-4. t e
Bonnets to Match 49e
So Military and Smart!
Girls' Cape Suits '
Navy blue with dashing red, trim en
cape , . , epaulets and gold buttons I
Perfectly tailored skirt. How she wduld
love this Easterl Slurs C Oil
614 to it . 'y.
Frocks With Frill for the Easter Seasonl
Crisp Cotton Prints
' Delightful Rayon Pastel ,
Time for practical cotton frocks that will
."take to the. tub" ... and some new ray
ons, too, for "Sunday Best" wearl Darling
little princess, port basque waists or trim
tailored types , , . all on her list of fav
orite - stylesl -Nicely made irresistibly
trimmed. 3-8X, 7-14.