April 18. 1048 PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Glacier Priesi Says U. S. Will Get Use of Siberia McUiheU and fyinoHcial o 1( STOCKS HIT FUST CLIP UPWAHD TRAIL By VICTOR EUBANK NEW YORK, April 15 (tV)- Stocks hit a fast early clip on the recovery track in today's market but profit taking bar rlers eventually stemmed the sprint and extreme gains run' ning to 2 or more points gener ally were reduced in the final hour. Rails and utilities led the fore noon jaunt, appearing in blocks of 100 to 9000 shares. Bidding subsequently switched to indus trial specialties including li quors, amusements and oils. Transport issues lost some mo mentum when Southern Pacific directors failed to act on an ex pected dividend but the major ity did better near the close. Dealings dwindled after mid day although transfers were around 1,500,000 shares. In the stock section Interna tional Telephone, Norfolk and Western and Schenley posted new highs for the year or long er. ' Favored most of the time were Santa Fe, Lackawanna, Southern Pacific, Great North ern, American Telephone, Sears Roebuck, Bethlehem, Goodrich, J. I. Case, American Can, Stan dard Oil of Calif., IiOew's, Para mount, Distillers Corp., General Motors, - Douglas Aircraft and Johns-Manville. ' Bonds tilted upward. ' Closing quotations: American Can Am Car & Fdy Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Calif Packing Cat Tractor . . Comm'nw'lth & Sou . General' Electric General Motors Gt.. Nor Ry pfd ,. Illinois Central ,, Irit Harvester Kennecott . Jjockheed Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv N Y Central . Northern Pacific Pac Gas & El Packard Motor Penna R R Republic Steel . Richfield Oil Safeway : Stores Sears.e Roebuck Southern Pacific- Standard Brands Sunshiner Mining Trans-America - Union Oil Calif Union Pacific . U- S Steel Warner Pictures 81 331 1421 281 271 45 i 353 491 281 131 683 323 23 91 391 91 17 153 281 43 , 291 17 91 391 691 233 6S 61 83 185 911 551 12 steady; bulk good to choice 94' 108 lbs. wooled lambs $15.90' $16.10; top $16.10; but best of fcrings not comparable with Tuesday's best; good to choice 93 lbs. clipped lambs with No. 8 skins $15.25; sheep steady; few head near choice ewes $9.40; bulk $9.00-23; today's trade-fat lambs slow; early bids and sales 25c lower than Wed nesday; talking $15.50-75 on good to choice wooled lambs; choice held about $15.85; noth ing done on fed western clip ped lambs; practically no sheep available and for few here around steady prices.. LIVESTOCK 'SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, April 15 (AP-USDA) Cattle sal able 50; load fed steers back; me dium to good heifers and range cows absent, few common cows ?10.00-50, most cutters $9.00-75. canners $8.00-50; medium bulls 9.VUt1Z.uo. Calves none, nom. lnal; good to choice vealers quoted $15.50-16.50. .-togs salable 200; around 10-15 cents lower, quality plain er; iew medium lo good barrows ana guts $15.85-95; odd good SOWS $-..3. Sheep salable none: nominal spring Iambs $15.00-75, old crop itiiuus aosenw CHICAGO, April 15 (AP USDA) Salable ho-r 7nnn total 12,000; open strong to 10c nigner wan Wednesday's aver age; closed activity, mostly 10c 15d up; ton $15.25: hulk- ltm. 360 lbs.' $14.90-15.10; generally $15.00-10; good and choice 150- -ou ids. lights $14.25-15.00; good 350-550 lbs. sows $14.60-90; Mostly $14.75 up with a few choice lightweights to $15.00. Salable cattle 4000; salable calves 800; fed steers and yearl ings strong to 25c higher; good and choice offerings showed most advance: sharolv abrirleprl receipts main stimulating fac- ior; duik steers and yearlings $14.50-16.75; top $17.60 paid for choice 1360 lbs. averages; next highest $17.00; heifers strong tO: 15c up; choice kind active; bulk $13.75-15.50; top $16.25; cows strong, shade higher; cut ters $9.75 down; most light can ners at $7.00-50; however draggy, peddling market on light and medium weight bulls at $10.00-12.50; extreme outside on. heavy sausage bulls $14.00; vealers strong at $14.00-16.00; stock cattle closing the week at 25c lower, slow at decline. Salable sheep 7000; total 9000; late Wednesday fat lambs slow early but closed active, mostly B0UEL WORMS f AMI ajlec. MMW fAMIT UIIBT mmmt ', . n-m TIKI rhti what rod think I But ugly round. Jrornn may bs Inside yon right now. caus ing troubla without your knowing It Warn. "In. n' uneaw stomach, nerrotie less. It-hlni part.. Get Jama's V.rmlt.g. rtihl warAYNE'8lAnnrlca'a leading renrletarr worm medicinal aclentlflcallr sled and iis-d by million!. Acta gently. M tun you jrt JAYNE'8 yEBillf USE I PORTLAND, Ore., April 15 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable and total 50; calves salable and total 10; market nominal; few medium grade steers $14.00 to 15.50; odd common heifers $10 12.50; canner to common cows $8.25-11.00; common to good vealers $11.00-16.00. HOGS: Salable 250, total 350; market generally 25 cents low er; good to choice 185-230 lbs. $14.50-75; light-lights $13.75 to $14.00; few good sows $13.00 25; feeder pigs sharply down for week, few lots $16.00. SHEEP: Salable and total 25; good to choice wooled lambs nominally quotable to $15.50. WHEAT CHICAGO, April 15 (flfV- Grain prices tumbled in the fi nal minutes today, wheat drop ping more than a cent, as an in crease in offerings found the market with a scarcity of bids. Until the last five minutes, prices had held within a narrow range in dull trading. Inability of the market to make any progress earlier in the session caused the late liquids' tion, traders said. Oats and rye dropped with the bread cereal, but corn held steady. Possibility of a ceiling on cotton was con sidered responsible for bringing some selling into grains. In the cash corn market, how ever, another day of heavy trad ing was in progress in reflection of higher OPA ceilings. De mand from the east and south east was heavy and about 500,- 000 bushels were sold for-ship ment to those areas. Most sales were at new maximums. : Wheat closed 1-13 cents low er, May $1,421, July $1,411-1, corn was unchanged at ceilings. May $1.01, oats dropped 1-Ic and rye was off 1-11 cents. Portland Woman . Held In Choking PORTLAND, April 15 fVP Mrs. Evelyn F. . Lovelady, 23, former Oklahoman, was held in the county jail today while dep uty sheriffs investigated her statement that she strangled her 17-months-old daughter. Deputy Sheriff Forest Hudnut said the woman, who came to Vanport City three weeks ago, signed a confession that she tied a string around the tot's neck at Cement, Okla., on November 4, 1942. Mrs. .Lovelady was picked up for investigation on a petty lar ceny charge, Hudnut said. No charge has been filed against her. I LOCAL CATTLE T SEN TO YARDS STOCKTON Another Urge shipment of hogs and cattle from the Tule lake and Southern Oregon area reached the Stockton Union stock yards through the Modoc Livestock Shipping - association this week.' Hogs In the ship ment told at $18.25 and $16.45 per hundred-weight. The cattle consisted of varying grades and sold at - prices from $7.00 to $12.50 per hundredweight. Cattle shippers were Ed Al- baugh, Adin; George McCullam, Malln; Hathaway Buell, L. C. Kirby, William McClymonds, George . Heltstuman - and J. H. Turnbaugh, all of Tulelake. Those who marketed hogs were Ralph L. Holmes, Beaver; Clark Bros.. Alturas; L. B, Ross, F. O. Frenner- and Pete Holzhouser, Klamath Falls; D, E. Hill. Cedarville; Roy Hiney, Carl Taylor, Malin; Clifford J. Shuck, Merrill; Ted Johnson, Clayton Waring, L. . C. Kirby, Albert Scott, W. L. Clink, Otto Haynes, Levi Griffith, O. L. Rudd and John O'Shea, Tule lake." . Portland uce PORTLAND, Ore., April U (APK-BUI. TKR AA irada prints. Sl&e; cartons, 324c; A frada orlou, HSifi; cartons, ate: B grade prints. Sic lb. BCTTERFAT First, g-alltr. maihnnm ot .6 of I per cent acidity, delivered In Port land, M-Wc lb.: premium duality, mail, mum of JS of 1 per cent acidilv ,--&.: lb.; valley route and country points; lc less than first, or M'.c; second quality at Port land.' -c under first, or iO-SO-i-- lb. CHEESE Selling price to. Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets. We lb.; loaf. SOe lb.; triplets to wholesalers, r lb.-, bat, TH- F.O.B. EGGS Nominal price, to retailers: A grade, large. -SO-Ue; B large. JMOc; A mediom.-3S0c; B medium, M-7c: A small. Jlc dot. nominal prices -to producers: A large. 39c: B large. He; A medium, 17e; B medium. S5o dot. M LIVE POULTRY Bujing prices: Ho. 1 grade Leghorn, broilers. Hi to J lbs.. 80c: colored fryers, under I lbs., 90c; do J'.-i to 4 lbs.. SOe: colored roasters over 4 lbs.. Soc; Leghorn hens, under IV4 lbs.. Uc;. over S'4 lbs.. SSc; colored hens, 4 to 5 lbs., Me; over 5 lbs.. Me; No. S grade hens.-te less; re jects. 10c less: roosters; Ifie lb. - ' - . DRESSED TURKEYS Selling prices: coun. try dressed hens, M4M: packers etoc-e hens. No. 4, tSMc each-carry; largo torus, over IhJi. Wc, cash-carry. RABBITS Government celling: 'average country killed to retailers, 4e J-.; live price to producers, ie lb. - ; ' COUNTRY MEATS Sailing prlco to re tailers: country killed hogs, best butchers, 10-140 lbs.. e-Z3e: .vealers, AA. Me, A. tSe, B, SISc C. IMic, D. inio lb.: ranner cutter cows (new celling). 1S4- lb.; bolls, (new ceiling). K4e lb.: lambs. AA. Me. A, s,4c. B. !4Hc. C, Bile, eea, S, 150, R. 15HC R. l4c I-.- . . WOOL 1042 - contracts. Oregon ranch, nominal. st-JTo lb.; eroisbreds, s0-e lb.. ONIONS Green. 11.00 down bunches; Oregon dry. !S per M-tb. bag. POTATOES hew nonas, s.au pn.'o.nir . liner. . lb.: old: table stock. cash and carry price; No. 1 (AV Deschutes, X3.35: Ko; 1 (A) large. .;-s. 1.SO. 60-lh. bag; local. No. 1. 03.50 cental. HAY Wholesale prices: alfalfa. No. 1 or better. 034.00: No. l.;S4.00 ton; oat-vetch. tU.00-30.00 ton, valley points; tlmouiy vai. ley). tM.00: do Montana, tIl.0O-82.0O too; clover, 025.00-10 .00 ton. Always read the classified ads. Stepping Stones for Invasion? 1 Corsica, under French ru!e since 1768, hissed Mussolini, and vroi bombed and occu pied by Itoty in summer of 940,Once famed (or its tol orfui bandits, Corsica today harbors axis marauders Cop Com i . Miles ,50 CORSICA 'y'lVa-fiVctcevtllOi I impart, today L. ooireiicae ijji fj a modern sea-oZitA ri-in 7 CJt "i-v V4tW(.' I S,r..rJ y f , 8onifacie7. "?'" Porf TorrtVJS ,!t. ', Boief JvJr-t-si)NMor6r , 1 A?(Vieij l" Seotfererf if- jf SfeX laget and small rj f 1?X1A. towns, many de- F fprktema, JI ( pendent on fun- .( . . Sv. ' ny fisheries or Vuno"nj?- h'V'T1 vineyards, art V,.-, ' V; linked by Sard,- I VC isS f-, f no' for rail- ..fWS '.!' V t& o iCenter ol ltaly's 5JrCorionlo9 JT J potenrrof target I -. a J Cttstca; 114 miles long, a 106 miles south of frotKt, ISO onto welt cV - .rtoww 1 ' Naples, frequent allied' target, .Is obout ITS miles due east el wtb- arnSanflnla' :t:.t..il...,i... The eastern coast ol this historic, moan toinotts island is steep- clilled; dilll cult to approach by seo. Cuds migrate htit Irom Alrico: So do -death -ideating v. 3: Sardmto wudfeft (0 i of pesiible trac notion heren tor harassed German Italian tones In Tu nisia.' Island-would bm togtcol stepping stone to allied ma - Hon el Holy Capo Teuloda t ir, Cap Sparlivinfo , , Mfdilararieoi) Sea Record flight ol too If. i. hear bomb ers blasted harbor here French Corsica, now axis-occupied, and Italian Sardinia are two potential stepping stones for Invasion of southern Europe. ' Close . lo the coasts of France and, Italy, they would be ideal bases for attack if seized by the allies, The parallel islands are already be.. ' fe Junius to. make newa with tUtucoidiaid ca Cifiiaxi, 6atdlnisW WASHINGTON, April 15 W) OPA prescribed a now "mark up" system of pricing fresh veg etables at retail today while of ficials intimated that the step was a preliminary to bringing down the cost of garden produce In compliance with President Roosevelt's order to reduce the cost of food where possible. Poultry also has been mentioned by officials as a likely candidate for similar price trimming. , Complaints about vegetable prices now constitute the bulk of "kicks" received by OPA from the public. Prices soared In the wake of canned goods ra tioning. Frosts and other dam age in some growing localities complicated things. The first step, taken last month, froze prices of seven key vegetables at then current levels. Today's order, which goes into effect April 22, sets the maximum retail price on each of the seven products at a fixed percentage above the wholesale price. The next step, freely pre dicted in OPA, will be to cut the wholesale prices and under the retail "markup" system that ac tion will automatically cut retail prices. Meanwhile, the markups are not expected to make much change in retail prioes, and offi cials said the results could be judged only on a store-by-store basis. Constitution of j Oregon Prevents Chessman Service I SALEM, April 15 (rP) The' constitution prevents a man from serving both as state sena tor and as a state highway com missioner, Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle ruled today. " The opinion applies to the case of Sta'i Sen. Merle Chess man, Astoria, appointed to the commission. Courthouse Records Complaints Filed . Lillian M. Spiccr versus Har ry Henry Spicer Sr. Suit for di vorce, charge cruel and Inhu man treatment. Couple married in Pasadena, Calif., August 30, 1941. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff. Justice Court Bert Adolph Johnson. No li cense tags. Fined. $5.50. Abraham Garfield Williams. Failure to stop at a stop sign. Fined $5.50. ' BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, April 15 (AP- USDA) Contracting was much slower today in the west due to slackening of mill buying. Cor- riedale wools were bought in Texas at 50 to 51 cents, grease basis; 45 to 47i cents was paid for 12-months Texas wools. Aus tralia to-arrive wools were ac tive in Boston. PREPAREDNESS I CAMP ROBERTS, Calif. J (AP) Sentry dogs at Camp Roberts have been ' equipped with raincoats. A 'rJht A Along with spring, mumps came to the Simla family of Pnlnon. vino, O., giving these triplets three swollen checks and their, mother plenty of work Inking cn.ro of them. The smiles, of course, ! indicate joy at not having to go to school for two weeks. CHICAGO, April 15 (VP) EIIIht by forco or by consent of tho Russian tiovm'iiiiient, tho United Stiites will ubliiln use tit Hu.islii's Siberian air buses to bomb Japan, snys the Rev, 11m nurd It. Hubbard, tho "Glacier Priest of Alaska." Father Hubbard, In nn address last night at a meeting of tho North Shore Sportsman's ultib, gave no indication ns to when tho .Siberian all- bases might b ucqulrod, but ho declared (hat America now Is In a position lo "get tough" about them, "I am certain thai Ilia United Slates will gel thoso bases for day In mid day out bombing of Japan," ho sold. "This will hap pen in one or two ways. Russia will lllvo tho buses to us, or we'll 1 11 lie them, "The United States Is at tho peak of Its iiiuiipowcr unci pro duction and Is In a position to get tough. It no longer need tnko advice In Ideology from across the Atlantic." He said Siberian nlr fields would afford American nlr fight ers clear wenther for Jupnneso bombing ut virtually all times. NICE LANDINO FA11HACIUT, Idu (AP) A wild grouse crushed through a window, severing Its Jugular vein. It's recovering, though It fell Into the U. S, naval train ing station's medical dispensary, and first aid was prompt. .'.The Greatest Mother in the World" ;miii5? SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT of tti- PHILAOILPHIA FIRE AND MARINE IN1URANCI COMPANY of Ph.Ude.phU, .n tbt BUt of Pfnoiyt Tanfa, 00 th thlrtj.flrit dv ot Uecmir, IMS, mid to the InauriDce CommlMlortfr of tha State of Oregon, purmant to law; Capital Amount of capital itock paid upl ,000,000.00 fnoonw Xeft premium recclred during the year S2Ml.Ki.i3 Interest, dlrldfDdi and rent re ceived during the year . income irom airier tourcei re wired during the year Total Income . DlaburMmtmla Ket loiiea paJd during the year loeludlng adjuitment Commliaioni 'and during the year alarfe paid 1IS.317.75 200.000.01 1(17. 120.32 TaiM, llcennoi and fee paid dur Ing the year Dividends paid on capital itock during the yrar Amount of ill other eipendlturei. Totil ipendlturB 2,402.0.1.2, Admitted AmiU 'Value of hondi owned (amor tiled) l,S5,ltS.33 vaiue or atocKi owned (market . 8.M0.MVO0 CKfih In hanka and on hand I,W5,5tl.76 iTrmium m rouri or oncction written llnce fieptemltff so. !M2 813.M4,.W Intermit and rents due and e- enied . ; 12,11.70 Other ttieta (net) IfiXi.m Total idmltted mieti .14,37 1. 7.19. j UahllltlM t flron clalma for loiaei unpaid e,SSI.OO Amount of unearned premium on II ootitandlng rink MII.8M.27 Hue for com mini lon and brok- . erege ,.,., IH.M0.W All other llabllltlea 197,313.01 Total Ifibllitlej, except capital. 92,mftO'..2t Capital paid up - l .000.000.00 Surplus orer afl liabilities 2,87B,MI.2 Surplus as regards pollcyhold ...JW.B7 1,786.01 Total ' . But I nets In Oration for the Year Net premiums received during th year : -43,5M.0l Net tones paid during tha year . 1,851.1!, Kam of fVimpany - PHILAOILPHIA Pint AND MARIN! - INIURAN0I COMPANY , JOHN A. ItfKMANO. Pres. J. KENTON KIHP.NRRHV, Rec. R. H. DUNBAR Raaldanl Aitnt 111 I. rillh II. Thorn TIM KLAMATH fALU, 0(11. If You Can't Go . . . GIVE! Only Tho Rod Crou Dooi Thoio Thlngi. Only Your Gifts Support Th R.d Croil. A: The Klamath County Chapter American Red Cross needs $30,600 for its 1943 War Fund. On our citi zens rests the whole responsibility. Tho following contribution! ora gratofully acknowledged; Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Employees' Contributions Machanieol Dept., $106.00. Sawmill, $176.50. Greon Choin, Yard, Dry tvunj, aracKors, unstacKers, l-lcan-Up Crow, $150.00. Ship Dock, Dry Bolts, Rough Shed, $207.50. Planing Mill, $181.00. Toul $821.00 Mechsnlosl D psrtm.nl M. w. Rica Data Atl.r Wall riorlrlfs, E II J. Knlihl o. r. M'sssi K.irl Wilson . Chis. A. Cooper Ed Popo L. E. Carr Damon Chfnsy 0. 0. Wlard Vlrsll Heavll n 1. V. riekslt Frj1 La Porra , A.-Iiy Ooolh E. J. Walla Tom WrilCit niymind L. Hall C. W. Crlua P.. E. Bow.r Anion Amunrfaon ti-a Swsala J. n. Hamlin L. n. Green . Rj 'o'ph 6ehrnedsr tlrlph Edwards , In-n HanCy V. 1 Foster 0)-. I Brill Jio't A. Relleld L. F. Qresory Trno Jolmson Levrla flotens Sr. JimH Lucas . D-Jroth- Trmplar Fl?yd Walla os LelslnRar . A. L. Gabrl.lson . P.07 Florin C. H. Coll.lt J. 0. House F. 0. Perslnxsr Jcssa Sims Harry H. Panning . Earl Weimar - T. E. Johnson l-mmMI- 0. Saylsr . E. w. Parhhurat - Fillmore Nlda 8::va Washnurn Floyd -licit T. L. Cornell 0. 0. Alt! P. M. Presley 0 -.-.n White E. L. KrueRcr . RoVert E. Davis B. Dolre - SOD . 1.00 . I.M l.M ..00 l.l'O . 5.M 2.00 . 1.10 . I.KI . 100 . 10D . J..1 . 3.?0 . l.M . l.H . :.oi . in . . J-H . 1.59 . 5.M . 1.01 . 1.00 . 1.00 . l.M . l.M . 1.10 . 1 ?1 . f "1 . 1.90 . 1.00 . l.M . 7.M . 1.30 . l.W . s.oo . 1.00 . l.'tO . 1.C0 ' . s.eo . l.M . l.M . l.M . 10.09 . (.00 n. 0. Miller 0. II. Fields O'o. MeKlnnay W, D. Crawlord . Allorri Cooper Jrtm A. McCullouKh C. E. Mltcli.ll P. Olan?ni Frrnh Inyder Mel"'n Paeemore - L. S. :hleel R. V. All.b.ry M. H. Sllofc II. J. A'len Al In Hlllrisn - P'rla W. P.'tmsr . Jni 8n"-.r Jr. L. A. Uh-lna A. B, Snanan f. r. P-m-tl C. R. L. V. Hnysa j. D. lmw.ll Jesse Overstrsst E. P. Hebcrl J. Tenoshl Jr. Olio B. MIMtelssn Floyd phslpa Arn-ld J. Toung H. E. aanders John Shearer r'l.'ford Kenyon S. J, Collier w Hired Magallansa Coritm Freemen C. D. Dlssonstta R, J. Malhsrs Brock L 8rown . R. J. Springs . Ooo. Hlseon John Burg . ... , R. L. Owens Lena Oragory Floyd Stout Ell South M-ward Mstcalf Wslta Inman C. L. Franklin W. C. Andarson . Hsrry H. Rogsrs -Boh C Speelmon Hell Prllchett A. L. Bergctrom . Alfred Carlson M. F, Pedlgo John Rorigers C. A. Sellsted R. L, Klrkpatrlek , Jerry Lewis . W. P. Padgalt 0. 0. Davll Leo Cola . R. L. Comha ,, R. E. Hlirlblit 0. R. Heavllln r.ua Marcua Carl woods O. F. Durkea ., , , Jot Kennedy J, 0. Stalling! E. L. De Witt J, 0. Hawee D. H. Heuhleln - A. H. Miller John Seymour Chae, McCandllss , Jsck Fitrgsrald Rov Morscha . Tom Jsmleson . Clauds Moraoha p. A. Coslloh L. Msrehettl E. B. Barti V. D. Vallaoa J. S. Mesa . S.M , .SO , 1M . 10 , 1.M , l.M . 1.0. , 1.00 . 1.M . 1.00 . 1.M , 1.0J , 1.00 1.00 i.eo 1.l'0 1.00 l.M l.M l.M 1.00 l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 3.110 1.t0 1.M 1.00 l.M l.M 1.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 .SO l.M CO l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 S.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.M l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 l.M 1.00 l.M 1.00 l.M S.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 S.00 i.no 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.111 1.00 1.01 1.00 ri st. Tnmnklns P. M. Krnnsdy Ed Oris. II .. r.r m E. Davison -. J. A. noeser T. M-kovso J n. Hes . P. H. "o'llday .. rrl Mills O'n, E. Mason Julius nsvnolda . Ra Cummln-a Ion's Revrwlda . N. Roh'rts 0---n Chain Yard Dry Kilns, Starkrrs. Uneleekera, Clean- ut ersw ft-vla 0iniera . . M. A. n. i .imatsr . r. p. wicker ... R. H. Chimin P. E. Lamb K. L. Brl.es C, O. Ew'ng P. B. Hcnklns . , ii. Tr-omas Hannlng ti-nrls nison ... Pd .Inmsa . . . M-'lon F. Miller E'le M. Olson Ru'n Peterson R. P. Frees. -.. Omsr Persin ... RliS!S.I Orllllth I Tra'no Wll.on M - llovd MeFarland . P. R. Blngman W. L. Cl.m.nt O. I. lalhron P. W. T.irwstsr , Willis King . l.M l.M l.M I. CO 1.00 l.M 1.00 t 10 l.M 1. 10 l.M l.M l.M 1"! i.n 1 10 1.10 l.M l n l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M IO 0 l.M l.M 1 "1 l.M l.M l.M Chas. DeBol William Qeorgeaon C. 0. Worley Hehert , Lodlsn Miek Oleklmon Eiigsm Barrett Li M-n!ia I'-hn B. Cote . M. L. Baimdera Fred Parrett ...., Ml'lnn H. .lonsa Kellh F. Hull Mule 1 owe .. . Il0"rt F. Hartlsy -. P. H'lvorssn Jack Swsgle . Jihn O. Allsn J. W. Blaekwsll Vie Franklin . ncrt Paulson 0. W. Data R. R. Shosmsksr - n. H, Psulson i n. M. Shults l.M S.M !."! l.W l.M 1 M l.M 1 11 11 l.M l.M 1M l.M l.M 1.11 1.00 l.to t.M I M l.M l.'l l.M l.M 1.M 1 11 l.M 4 M 1.00 1.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.00 t.00 l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M John Ronteldt Carl Hssrth Ed Hall ... L. Matson H. W. Kaepsr J. W. Atehley . Frtrl Kil.ker Ed Erlcliscn .,.. I HUan Qr-en . Dan Ka'ctrse , .... H. L. Tracy , V. Karma .. O. M. Prrwn . Don Hrnslsy Jii M'nro ..- C. Watts R. K. Miller E. W. Knspir ,.., . . J. T.nn-fn.. . . Harnld Weslln , O. O. .immtrman . P. O. Conner .- 11, n, nalrvmple . S II. P-rl-H CHI lord Ciwan ,.. P. . Mawe L. X. Miw.lman .. n. A. McKay . V. Tailen , C. H. Traoy , J. R. fit ptwev Maenn . Finnic H-ll . , r. A. MeClung S' ' ' Dock, Ory Bells. Rough S'led- Ja-k Blwef . . P.ul I. Oerav WHUir Ohaikln T. 0. II l O. L. O.lmea . M. I. Cnoprr Q-"'e Morfleelt .1. M. ftureham . P. A. Seaver l.M I.M l.M l.M l.M l.M .10 l.M 1.00 l.M 1.00 l.M l.M .10 I M l.M l.M 1 M l.M I M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.M l.M l.M t.M E. M. FranMln Frank Oarrah . . B. Dalum ..... 0. E. Carlson Ray P. Jonsa Fred SunduulBt ,.. Blmsr Abell .. W. o. Sls.ia . Ohsrlsa Smith W. A. Bishop l.M l.M t.M l.M t.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M I.S0 Lloyd Oeburn - D. Buike John R. Sterner . Ernest L. Cody i.e. M. HlRhland . . lo.se Jeiee A. w.llirs . t.og Ks.l V. Allen , l.M Kails Itrunec . .-. l.M C. A. Williams . l.M Werner I undqulel , .o I. W. Metier l is V-ld Oaburn l.M Mane Olion . f.sg Joe Inldrr ut. ..-.,, l.M P onlng Mill F. V. Foeter , ..,.... l.M T. E. Demean ..,..,.-. t.u w.elsy Cress - , .M Alh.rl rrs.een . t mi arrtei afell Alma Sllek .. Ion Bunnell Ealrlls Arno'd Pisl Johnson . P. L. Malhsrs J-msa R, 0'ivsr Floyd E. Plks Rohsrt E. Orltmsn . P'"'t Joiner . O. Snlkr V, J. royle M 'Iv'n T"rry K-nnilh Eilon Clvdt Dsrlly Ray E. Jonas R. g. Botens C. R. Jinaa R. n. Tylsr A. J. K.nnsy .. J. H. Molonald , P. n. Plslion Chnrlos Floyd . t. V. Zsll Julrs Wallaerl . A. I., arleohkowsky p. B. Mousy . P. B. Pdmunson D. Ssbero ... niorge Davis .. Wll lam w. psrker Jsck Haysa I"SSS M. Burchsm M. C. Thurman .. J. C, Lawrence H, D. Sohroeder .. R. A, Soder Olenn Briimbla nov L, Fry A, H. McEaoharn . J. A. Cone ronrad Schwelger . Fred Ervln . . w. ft. MoKala W. J. lilies Louis Olson L. B. Hnnklns . w. M, Hewlon OrlsnH Lvnnh .... Paul Layman . O, J, Hardin .. .. .. F. N. Ferrell W, rl. Frvmlrs . W, C. Federhart .. - Orvll Ferrell :.. Paul Lundhotm ... Pd Shlilmlrs Cirt L.rvlek P, .1. Pall-'iw . P. P. flirosth .... . P. M. Miver . - F. Malhllen l.M 1.00 l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 t.M 1.00 l.M 1.M 1.00 l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.M 1.00 l.M l.M l.M 1.00 1,10 l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t.00 1.S0 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.M ThM. W. schuh Vlnoenl H. Hills Dick Pearson . .... A. W. Eckslrom riyds Holherl M. Dsvld , Sua Coplln -.. Insi DiLamater H. H. McOann L. I allrks B. Dorst L. O. Ssymour A. L. Seymour V. R, Toombs .. , E. JaMhson H. H, Floyd O. Weathsrholl Jsns L. Andsrssn . R. O. Mowsrd Evsrt Slsvsr . Loyd MeFarland , Perl Slarr . 0. R. Mulllna . 0. 0. Akin ... Ed 8. Morgan . W. Laavllt Bruno DeMeyer ...-, T. W, Butler n. 0. Howsll 0. D. Howard Allen Ivsrson R. R. Hsyes , J. F. Ohrsmskl .... Rstnli Yoeksv J. A. Ksnnsrly , If. B. aioisr ninl Oravell . Roy J. Johnson R. W, Wakemsn .. nsnrga W. Marlld - Pmli Jnhnaon 0. P. Vnung Roy A. Larson . ff'Ava Allsn , . Virgil Shsnird Frank W. Molt Jim W, Oson ... .. Mslsn Peace . Helen nndgers .... John I, Harriott R, M, Wollt A, 0. WH"lna . . Lowrenna Cada ,. W. J. Howton H. A. Wenrel il, 0. Bruner .. .- l.M l.M 10 M f M l.M S.M 1 M l.'l l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.10 1.10 I '1 l.M 1.10 l.M 1.00 l.M l.M l.M S.13 l.M 1.01 .10 l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.00 l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.S0 1. 10 l.M 1.S0 1.00 t.M 1.0 l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 MO 1.10 1.00 1.00 l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.00 l.M 1.10 l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,011 1.M 1.10 1,00 1.00 1.10 1.01) 1.00 l.M Felher Oetrom ... Cv'lyn Stint Btrltta Wcalhcrholl P art Mee..n W. O. Wsalhsrholl Dsll Dttrtsa .. Lvl. Havdan . Dave Wlsssnbsek Stella Powell . . Tay'of Hays T. M. MeCarroll Dava Carkhutl F. J. Sorahen .,. Lole Parka . Matlne Oulnoska Oals Mahan Alva Bgan . Harry Idgsrton Clair, nilg.r Che.t.r Owena 3. S. Grammar Martle Henry , . H. Sruns J. I. Ksrssy H. I. Groaeelesa Bill Wundsr H. Sltsron . . Coy HorltKutl L. C. Clanton . n. S. Fairbanks J. D. Bssbs , W. E. Ward W. B. Wakkurl Brnesl Q. Jsnssn , W. E. Mosk ,1, ., , H. O, Boatwlck J. A, Lybrand D. E. Poller . nishard Tlornbsrg . Van Swllilsr Arnold Johnson . Maynard Paugh Lane Warren. .. N. O. Summers A. L. Holllday P. H. Oom Harry L. Hurlbul .. H. P. Jarrsrd A. P. Brown C. W. Swllrlsr III l.M l.M l.M t.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M t.U 1 M l.M t.M l.M l.M l.M t.M 1.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M t.M 8. J. Jonss .... A. P. Oldhsm . Laura Sample Lewis Botens E. Oheslsr Norhsrg M, Qsllnspy A, L, Johnson .,... M, 0, Dserlng ...,....... W. A, Mllchell Dill Wooldrldga T. 0. Hsstlngs J, J, Moillssll Arnold Mosk D. P. Daslsr ,..,. Alles Kmsgsr J. M. Woodard Sylvia Lsltika . O. D. Rey V. M. Brlggs Oeorga I.. Joneen Jsmss Btsllsr .. Chistsr B, Oultlng Jr. H. T. Amoiireul .. ,. R. W, Rookholt Wlllla Powell Rarl L. Slewsrt Virgil J. Stlpploll Hugh Long 0. 0. Thrash George A, Tillman . John Bolons H, B, Ksllsy O, coplln Iryln Morrll st. . Oog . t.M . l.M . l.M . l.M . t.M . t.M . l.M . l.M . t.M . 1.00 . t.M . l.M . t.M . l.M . t.00 . t.M . l.M . t.M . 1.10 . l.M . 1.10 . t.M . ISO . l.M . 10.11 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.M 1.10 l.M t.M 1.00 l.M t.so t.M l.M l.M t.M t.M 1.00 1.00 t.M 1,00 1.00 t.OB I.SO t.M 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 l.M l.M TOTAL tutSBHr"riiu W7.534.52 Acknowlsdgam.nts at tlmts may tun lavaiat days after your contribution Your Dollars help i-j make possible the americanOred cross These ads published (or the Klamath County Chapter of tho American Red Cross by the