SERIAL STORY , DARK JUNGLES BY JOHN C. FLEMING & TOO DANGEROUS CHAPTER Vtl rjE stunned confusion on Alli son's face sent Barry Into howls of laughter. She Ignored him, her wide violet eyes fixed on the imperturbable face of the Spaniard. "What do you mean, 'A train of mules'?" she demanded. "Do you have mules pulling carriages or something?" Barry laughed louder. Even Renaldo's thin dark lips struggled with a smile. "No, Miss Topping," he said gently. "The mules carry the luggage and the passengers." Allison's delicate chin lifted haughtily. "That's ridiculous," she sniffed. "There's a train. I saw it. I shall go on that." Barry exchanged helpless glance with Renaldo. "Do that," he said in a choking voice. "Tip the engineer and smile at him. I know he'll turn off the tracks and take you just where you want to go in the jungle. Or maybe you could transfer to a subway." ' She gave htm a wide, mirthless smile. "Are you kidding?" she said. Her voice was flat and a little frightened. "I've been trying to tell you for five days I'm not kidding," Barry groaned. She turned to Renaldo and said, "Where's the hotel?" He pointed it out a flat little building raised on piers just back of where they sat. Beyond it, corrugated iron shais littered the glaring coast before the high green wall of the jungle closed in. In dians, dogs, pigs, naked children were everywhere, in dirty, noisy confusion. Vultures floated above in the white-hot sky. "I don't think I'd like It there," she said stubbornly. "You'll think it's heaven after a few days in the jungle," Barry retorted. She shrugged. "Who knows?" Barry gave it up. With an im patient shrug, he said to Renaldo, "I wish you luck with her." Renaldo rose with a troubled smile. "Thank you," he said to Barry. "Now if you will excuse me, I have many things to arrange before we can begin our journey. . I will first have your luggage carried to your rooms. You will have no other worry. Make yourselves comfortable until to morrow." VT71TH a quick, deep bow he was " gone, his tall, white-suited figure moving with sure, arrogant strides toward "the hotel. The waiter brought them more coffee and they sat on in the thatch-covered veranda lazily watching the iew small boats on the glistening blue water, while the sun rose higher in the sky and the heat poured down in heavy, moist waves. Small beads of perspiration - formed across the girl's wide forehead (beneath the brim of her hat She wiped them away furtively and smiled when Barry caught her. "Aren't you going to tell me it's hot?" she-jeered.- Baity -grinned at her cheerfully. "I am ot,"- he retorted. "I've turned you over to Renaldo bag and baggage. I've an idea I've been handling you all wrong any way. I'll bet you came down here in the first place because someone dared you to." A secret smile twitched the cor ners of her mouth. "Maybe," she murmured. "After all, an owner has a right to manage his own plantation ..." "Oh. It was Renaldo's letters then. He wrote you not to come." "Well, practically." "Renaldo is a smart man. Til bet he's an efficient one." "He's pretty, too," said the girl with a mutinous laugh. "Just the same I have a life to live. And if I want to" "Throw it away," Barry cut In dryly, "it's yours. Go ahead. No body's stopping you." A fat little man in soiled white ducks waddled up the hill to tell them their rooms were ready. They followed him down to the hotel and parted at their differ ent doors. An hour later they met on the veranda to stroll back up to the small restaurant for lunch. They had both had showers and a change of clothes and for a few minutes they felt fresh, almost cool. The very young naked na tive population clustered around them, staring at Allison with round, dazed eyes, at "the daintl jess of her sheer blue cotton frock, it the. wide leghorn hat that framed as it shaded the delicate oval of her face, f "Well," Barry thought humor ously, "she's dazzled keener minds than theirs." Now that he had found she was in capable hands, she was no longer the irritating responsibility she had been on the boat. He was content to drop his own problems for the moment and concentrate on the remarkable prank of fate that had put him In this tropic village with one of Iho big city's glamor dolls for a single afternoon. "What do you want for lunch?" he said. "You'll get tortillas." "You make life, so easy." She turned the full battery of her blue orbs on bun in mock adoration. rVKEY settled down into tha x bamboo chairs again and the waiter hurried out. . From his stuttered explanations, they found that the thoughtful hand of Re naldo had been in the luncheon preparations. Ho brought on plates of soup, then chicken, rico and hot red peppers, and finally bowls of fruit, mangoes, bananas, pineapple. When the slanting rays of sun had lost their violence, they took a walk around the town. They peered Into closed steamship of fices and watched the little loco motive wheeze away from -the small station bungalow, Allison brought her camera and took pic tures of the slender coconut palms that leaned against the board walk, and the pelicans preening (Lheir plurnage with heavy beaks. LOIS EBY COPVRIOHT, l(U, ' NEA 6ERVICS. INC. She screamed with delight at two parrots lumbering stodgily across the sand before the walk. It was sunset before they turned back. On the hotel veranda in the rose haze of the tropic eve ning Renaldo was smoking an evening pipe. ... "Did you have an enjoyable dav?" he greeted them. "Not bad at all. Did you find that guide for me?" Barry asked. Renaldo frowned. "I am sorry to say I did not," he said. Barry stared at him. "But I thought you were sure." Renaldo turned troubled eyes on him. "Somehow," he said with slow emphasis, "the word has got ten out where you are going. These guides are not fond of trespassing into Quiche territory. I offered them fabulous sums." "But how could it have gotten out?" puzzled Barry. Allison was fanning herself with her wide hat "Are you hav ing trouble?" she inquired sweet ly. Barry whirled on her In sud den suspicion. She laughed at his accusing anger. "I didn't!" she cried. "That was a trick I missed." "The only thing -1 could sug gest," said Renaldo decisively, "is for you to go with us into the plantation and take some guides I have there, whom I know will go. If not, I'll go with you my self." Barry stood glaring in inde cision. "A long way around," he objected. "But if it's the only way It's decent of you." Allison's mocking chuckles went on. (To Be Continued) A circus python once swal-; lowed whole a goat that weigh- j ed 84 pounds. I THIS CURIOUS WORLD EUGENE ELY, l ) MADE THE FIRST ( f 3 -v'X? fiS I FROM THE DECK ( -J FJ V fILyS A (. AND THE FIRST ( n S'&T r . -.- - - -- aw President koosevelts dog vv4zz4 "is a white house BLACK HOUSB-DOO," Sayr WM. S. HOFFMAN, NEXT: The southern hemisphere's weather stabilizer. AMERICAN HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured U. S. warplane, the P-43 "Lancer" 8 It is one of the fastest 13 Anger 14 Abounding 15 Music note 16 Hail! 17 Drink slowly 18 Within 19 Observe 21 Still 22 Ells English Answer to Previous Puizle lAIUIGIUISITlEI IRiOlDj I IN RIE N TlS l C A B R I E D PfAgE D EpP acIe S .?-T I LA S S O H. F A P. EjqaE. kjS Olf'P. 0 SlEB E U R ET PA DpT A R Wf O DP AC O I nIer I f?5;'3A seNh r 5 t aImI I In A 7i AIR tKIp Qf T E i N A R Dl VCjT QAHCIKTr TAIT H AfNiK I. I Ro S HEtwHrEl DODIN cThp" r eIe ni.. ' I k . "Tf h i nker 46 Tantalum (symbol) 47 Occasions SI South Dakota (abbr.) 23 Sign 24 Plant part 26 Rupees (abbr.) 27 Symbol for iridium 28 Print measure 30 Skill 34 Dined 37 Sodium (symbol) 38 Therefore 39 Part of "be" 41 Any 42 Goddess of fortune 44 Whiskers (abbr.) 52 Toward 54 Give warning 56 Irritation 58 French article 60 Altitude (abbr.) 62 Nevada city 64 Indian army (abbr.) 65 Atmosphere 66 Meadow 67 Each fabbr.) 68 Blowers 70 Vehicle 71 It is one of i i i 4 h b 7 a 9 is a ii iMa n Hp's p' j ...... M- 41 1 "" 44 MS Jl 71 11 ONCE FORBIDDEN SONQ France's national anthem, i the "Marseillaise," was once a for bidden song in that country. It was sung so enthusiastically by French revolutionists and was employed as accompaniment to so many horrible deeds that it was considered dangerous and therefore forbidden. No fighting airplane made In the United States reached the western front in World war I. Uncle Sam hai plclctd you out To htlp him stop th fot. Evtry war bond that you buy Hits 'tm high and low. V you havtn't ready cash. Sell stored and unused things; The cash you gtt when put In bonds' Buys Unclt Sammy's wings. DO IT NOW NOT TOMORROW Herald & News Want-Ads Get Results By William Ferguson -M. ' "tot, ' In CONTINENTAL' UNITED STATES, THE AVERAGE PERSON USES ANNUALLY INI HAWAII, THE AVERAGE IS 77 fi00AS. PLANE 20 Bone 23 Either 25 Myself 27 That one 29 Mother 30 Insect 31 Fish 32 Enemy 33 Tally 35 Sailor- 36 Finish 38 English . ' author . 40 Net 43 Court (abbr.) 45 Paid notice 47 Play part of host 48 Tavern 49 East Indies , (abbr.) 50 Insect's bite 52 Soft mineral 53 Oil (comb, form) 55 Space 57 Current money 58 Prcvaricatol 59 Sins (11 Beret 03 Removed 65 High card 60 Three-toed sloth the best planes 72 These planes are also known as VERTICAL 1 Get up 2 Great Lake 3 Vitality 4 Edge 5 Row 6 Provided 7 Celsius (abbr.) 8 Scheme 9 Body of waicr 10 No ll,Always 12 Matched pieces (pi.) Out Our Way HE VvVS OUT ALL WIGHT I DOM'T THINK HOLD EVERYTHING! "Out hotel detective got tired ol stooping all the timet" VIVID CROCHETED FOOTWEAR FASHIONS 7321 by Alice Brooks A "step" ahead of the new ra tioning are these colorful slip pers, for even the soles are cro cheted of rags, with the rest made of rug cotton. Use the tie- sandals for play; the scuffs for bedroom wear. Pattern 7521 contains instructions for making slippers in small, medium and large- sizes; illustrations of stitches; list of materials needed. To obtain tms pattern send 11 cents In coin to Tho Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep It and tho num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. VICTORY FOR V-MAIL When 110 rolls of V-mall film were lost in a Clipper crash at Lisbon early this year, the origi nal letters were re-photographed and 176,000 duplicate copies were dispatched to men over seas. MILLION BONDS A DAY The treasury department says that 20,000,000 war bonds aro be ing bought each month, or near ly a million bonds of all denom inations each working day. TOBACCO SHOWS ROAD Each tobacco warehouse in Bedford, Virginia, has establish ed a "Tobacco War Bond Row," in which planters place crops for which they accept war bonds In payment instead of currency. One New York .hotel servos fresh lettuce soup. 1 i-.i in, - THiiaut pvt. ct L cc imi it w hiwi. twe. w. mi n mi Hwa. we T w ua v. . hi gtt Wit' fr By TH HORSE ALWAYS DID KKiOW TH DV51LL& BPTTFP TWAKi HIM , AMVWA' 1.1 vrt. I - HE &oVED MV BACOKi MAWV TIMES, THAT OLD TROOP HOCSEOF MIME.,. so ip the bcead amd beams giveoux ok) roots amd grass I'll: dime... "before x'd touch a t-bome op. that old troop hocse . OF MIME -j OWvMiUist Rod Rydor Frcckloi and Hi Friendt Wash Tubbt 77 N STEAD OP V "HEADIM6 STRMSftT FOR THEIR TARStTT, THE ! FLyiN6 FORTRESSES JAKE ! A CIRCUIAR ROUTE F OUT TO SEA, HOPIM TO SURPRISE TH& NAZIS, PUT NNOCENT LOOKIMO i FISHIMO BOATS IVE .THE WARNING Boots and Her Buddies Allep Oop Little Orphan Annie iM,r! vsTCO -jr77 A31L-Vl f'cutsi or mshock VwT iH'- 1 f XVB LOCATED 1HE V f ITS A PRETTY BK l8 J SCReW-TDP Sf IT OWV LI ItANK, lARO.' THE SCO IP ir I ... v. .-.. ML CTll-f CLrBCi rV-MAJM rnMFQ I ID II X ESffi&r UtrrT 1 S3S a ways V weY VJi 1 is f.v.t i eviww, weH.,ELBERT. I SEE MDLrVE) ( IT SEEM HIsKl SIMPLV CT'SiiS V ( COME AROUMD...PeRHAPS V-QUACPcU WrrHlAMTIClPATED JTATlm wBifmT MrtDB MOW VOU'LL LAV OFF UMHK.HinER WvS 7TIJOIIBLB; I 5 codVuu? I NOrt: I V ,l .f . V THE VIOLEKJCE AMD !.tIDM'T I BASEO OM AWHERB THEtt BE 7 MOO POB 1 f I Ml, STICK TO SCIENCE I JUST HEW! THE MEAT ) WAS iCV IT 'EUB"'VT ."- ' . g7 ' JOOPSAVHETJ SHOCTAGE KSOME,?) J , I w S ' ' J$$f r- i 7ri-irnnr-rr-- rmirr , run. ' f V I h 0,A I' OF COURSE ,M0W I TOLD YOU t TwE HAV6 HERE ALLJ f PERHAPS HERR SALTZll fMOR IS HIS VOICE WOWM&Xl WE CAN CONTACTs WAS A EPV IN THE POSITIONS OP I IS ILL. EH? WE CAUGHT J I TO THE COMMANDERS OP TUB THEIR U-BOATS OFF OUR GERMANY FOR THE U-BOATS OH THE I A HERR SCHWARTZ ON I I WOLF PACK"60O"l SHALL MhM COAST- BUT WHAT TWENTY YEARS- LAST DAY HERR SM-TZ 'T Ji I BE HERR SCHWARTZ, ACTINCi tT GOOD WIU.THAT DO? 7 PERHAPS OPERATED THIS SET-, K "iJ AT L FOR HERR SALTZ- (A MIGHT J. R. Williams Our Boarding A GOOD U&ED TO SLAB AT TO .W ME WtV? 4 Wl I Houio MAM VJlTU A does tooting a whistle LEFT WOOK ' TO BE A8LB i COME UNDER. SEIZE A t THE HEAD OF BREAD WORK?- TWI& TABLE, THAT'S HOOPLE- BUT fclWCB LUCK AFTER SEEM NEAR5 OP PARK-BEMCU VJORWMG. A , COW..AMDO A9TROMOM COULDM'T ' WOO LAND A r APTURE A CRUMB: A FNE-BELL- LAUGH.' it-- V li . ll. ' 0 I MT. Wf Stamd bck j Mow do MArcx ' srurp is (OA501INEV 1 C?He AlERT 15 u50UN0EPAlN4 TH! ENTIRE FREiKH COAST SOUTH OP BRE6T ' y. ''. ' T. M. f O. U. . fT. Off, t.vw'c oe w-i a vn rrc . With Maor Hoopla FAVW.'WOUR CHIMP AN"ZEE GlBBt-RISH LEAME6 ME UN-ROFFLED- OF - SOT AFTER A DAS OF .HONEST TOIL I'M TOO WEAR.W TO REPLV -r r Li ll th IS LnJE ISN'T F00LIN6, ElTUER. i By Frod Harmon By Blosici EXHiBir A ) CortTIfB HCK.B ... n t ,.i .r-fiiir.Kt.vf soM-noovs IJMr-pglPr COtAIHU AMD 1 IHlWK ITi By Crana I. V'V MP LOWS BEFORB THE AMERICAU ptAwes SI4HT rne U-BOAT BASE AT L'ESCAMOTiiPEfH FOCKS-WULFS A06 CLIMBIM6 TO I INTCRCBPT THEM ! By V. T. Hamlin .MfMHiril' ('""tlT, ' '11, By Martin By Harold Gray