April 4, 104.1 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN HOW TD GET mm s OF BIRTH TOLD UiicIit a remit lnw passed by did Orruoii Iculnliiliirii, blilli cer tificates eun now he smiied by person born In or rcsldi'iit of OroKnn, by iipplyliiK lit Hid county clerk's office In tho court house hero. Hi'low Is ii copy of tlia law, tslv Intf cdinph't'i Instructions im lo procedure to follow In Kt-curlnu birth certificate: DiniH ncconDS JUDICIALLY ESTABLISHED (Chapter 110. Orefion Laws, 1043) AN ACT To provide, un alternate mi'tli od for rculstnrlnii births and i:lv liiK tho mailt courts Jurisdiction Oto miilto finding mid order in lit 1 1 itft to roKlnlrtillon of birth of resident of tho iitiilo of Oi-ckoii lid persons born In tha statu of OroRou, nd dccliirlnif an emer gency. Uo It Knnctcd by the People of Iho Btato of Oregon: Section 1. Any person who Is resident of or who was born V n tho stiito of OrcKun, unit whoso birth Is not of record with . tho stnto rcitlslrnr or of public record In liny alnto of the United States, nuiy file a verified peti tion with tho clerk of tho circuit court of nny county of this stnto setlliiK forth us neurly as Is known to the petitioner the time nnd plnco of such petitioner's birth nnd tho name nnd residence and birthplace of his or her fath er, nnd tho name nnd residence nnd blrlhplnco nnd maiden name of bis or her mother, and stiilinu unit no public record of such Q, birth exist. A fillnit fee of one dollar ($1) shall he paid to the clerk of the court nt tha time of tho filing of such petition. Korms of petitions prepared by the sec retary of stato shall be furnished the petitioner by the clerk of the court upon request without charge Section 2. Prior to filing such petition tho petitioner shall servo upon tho district attorney of the county wherein such petition Is filed, copy of such petition nnd the district ntlorney shall accept service upon tho original thereof. Section 3. At nny tlmo nfler flvo day ntter such petition Is served nnd filed the petitioner may appear In person or by at torney before tho court In which such petition Is filed nnd present to tho court such evidence ns Is 0 nvnllnble In support of tho slate J nients of such petition. Tho dis trict nttorney may appear nt such hearing and examine witnesses produced nnd mny submit proof In support of or In objection to such petition. Section 4. Upon tho henrlng of such petition tha court, if satis fied Hint tho facts therein stated ars supported by substantial evi dence, shall mnko finding with respect to tho tlmo and placo of tho birth of such petitioner nnd parents of such petitioner, and shall order that such birth be registered with tho stnto regis trar. Any change In tho nnmc of nny such petitioner between the time of birth nnd tho tlmo of filing of such petition shall not bo cause for refusing to make such finding nnd order, but nny change of name shnll bo noted in js tho findings, j liv Section 8. Tho order for tho1 No Absenteeism Here Because of Children TRUCKERS GET WARNING OVER GAS BORROWING 'I'lu-iw Bsn "nuiclsco women don't tins children ss sn excuse for being absent from work on their community victory gulden. Hie inotliorn simply bring children nnd piny pens to tlx garden, pork them close to the plots i. ' bolna worked and go on about lliolr business of growing vegetables. , City Treasurer Presents Statement on City Funds Showing a net debt of $841, 054.74, a statement of tho bond ed debt and redemption funds was presented to tho city coun cil Monday night by City Treas urer Ruth Hathlimy. This Indi cates that tho city's bonded debt bus been reduced to an ex ceptionally low figure, due to the redemption fund Hint has been built up to see tho city General Obligations: Kailroad Refunding - Municipal Sewer Municipal Sewer Airport Armory Bridges General 311 through the critical period from now and through 1047, Mrs. Diilhiany pointed out. At that time "some largo issues will bo due," tho treasurer slated. The' bonded debt has been reduced in tho last 10 years much over $1,000,000, Mrs. Bathlany said. Following Is the statement ns of March 31, 1043: (ir. 31-17 $235,000.00 5 1-1-2I) 103,000.00 5 7-1-20 115,000.00 5 1-1-34 50,000.00 4 1-1-34 24,750,00 .. 2H-3 3-1-38 36,000.00 3'i 3-1-38 14,000.00 Undermuis 2 3-1-38 14,000.00 Total General $501,730.00 Refund Improvements: Scries A - 'i Series n 4 Series C 4 Series D 2'i-3 7- 1-35 8- 1-35 101 35 11-37 226,000.00 195,000.00 123,000.00 100,000.00 Total Refunds $734,000.00 Total Handed Debt $1,325,750.00 Total Redemption Funds 684,695.26 Net Debt - $641,054.74 registration of such birth shall bo properly signed in duplicate by tho Judge, and one copy there of shall be entered In the journal of the court, nod tho other copy thereof, bearing the seal of the court, shall bo transmitted by the clerk lo tho state registrar, who shall register the same In the rec ords of the state board of health. A certified copy of such record, when issued cither by tbci clerk of tho court or tho state registrar, shall bo prima facie evidence in all courts nnd places of tho facts slated herein. Certified copies shall bo furnished by tho clerk of the court or the state registrar nt a fee of fifty (50) cents each. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drivo Move Yoursolf Sv '4 Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Mnin WPB To Hold Meets With Business Men Nelson English of the War Production board from Port land will be In Klamath Falls Thursday, April 13, to hold conferences with those Interest ed in priorities and the con trolled materials plan. Dotos for tn conferences can be made by calling the chamber of commerce at 3193. English comes to Klamath Falls tho third Thursday of every month for these consul tations. Defense Calendar First Meeting, April 16, 1943, 8 p. m. at KUHS. Subject: General Course. 1. Target for Tonight film. 2. The Klamath Falls Defense council Earl Reynolds. 3. The Klamath Falls Con trol Center Harold Francy. 4. The Work of the Rescue Unit film 16 minutes. 5. Summary Earl Reynolds, civilian defense council coordi nator. All enrollecs are asked to bring pencils for registration. VITAL STATISTICS MURPHY -Born at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., April 13, 1043, to Mr. and Mrs, Vern L. Murphy, 2527 Wlard street, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 5i ounces. If a piston slap disappears regularly after the motor be comes warm, there is no par ticular cause for concern. If it persists, however, serious cyl inder wear will result. The practice of borrowing transport ration gasoline cou pons by truck operators must be stopped. This warning was issued to day by Marshall E. Nuumiin, district, manager of the Office of Defense Transportation, when he said this misuse of gas olino coupons had been on the increasa in the southern Ore gon district area. He declared that ODT was making a careful check of mileage traveled against actual asolino consumed by operat ors and tnai inose wno nave had excess gasoline allotted them will be reissued Certifi cates of War Necessity provid ing less fuel and mileage. MEN AND WOMEN IN 'SERVICE Klamath men who have ar rived at Camp Farragut, Ida., for navy training, are Paul Robert son, husband of Mrs. Edna Rob ertson, 640 Conger avenue; and Robert Tarklngton Dowdcn, hus band of Mrs. Ebba H. Dowdcn, 737 Alameda street. Aviation Cadet Henry L. Da vid Dutton, son of Mrs. Charlie Dutton of Route 1, Box 935, Klamath Falls, is now at Santa Ana army air base. Cadet Dut ton enlisted on September 12, 1942, and he reported for duty on March 12, 1943. He writes his mother that after taking his apti tude test he was classified as a bombardier. Dutton has been transferred to a pool squadron, waiting for an opening in some pre-fligbt school. Niliil!!lirt!t! res ana rummsai '.I ,I. V!;l!!l::'!lit!l!!llil!0:l;;!Jn!iifl'lill!l Have you saved 15 cents? You'll wish you had If you haven't, for the Junior amateur show starts at 10:45 a. m and tho admission price Is Just 15 cents. The peo ple In charge have arranged a good program and you won't want to miss it. LARGEST METEORITE What is thought to be the largest meteorite aver to land on the earth was found In the Tanganyika region of Africa in 1931. It weighed between 70 and 80 tons. Gandhi, the Indian leader, car ries his false teeth with him, but only puts them Into his mouth when he eats, Australia was called New Hol land at first. Critical Period Seen in Short Manpower Situation PORTLAND, April 14 (P) what has been accomplished. In The next half-year will be the critical period in the manpower situation. Dr. William Hcbcr warned Oregon employment service officials yesterday. The labor utilization planning specialist for the war manpower commission said, "the next six months will tell whether we can stick to tho traditional voluntary system, shift to tho British meth od of compulsion by consent, or resort to some system of compul sion through the national selec tive service act." He declared critics of the man power program did not realize the past 16 months war workers have increased from 7,500.000 to 18,000,000, another 8,000,000 have gone into the armed forces and the greatest food crop in history has been harvested. Hcber estimated another 2, 700,000 will be needed by in dustry this year. Approximately 2,000,000 will be women, he said. With rationing putting more cars in the garage and less liquor on the market, there will be fewer blowouts this summer. Always read the classified ads. Ft'; - --f - t-, ,-, -yrc- n-....-J......... w.-...,. ..j-.v.. ,....... i-,.,,.:.. IMC! ON nr turns 1 4 JOHNS-MANVILLE ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION Keeps Rooms up to 15 Cooler In Hottest Weather HAVE YOU BEEN TIREO but wouldn't go to bed early be cause It was too hot to sleep? Then have your home insulated with the new Johns-Manville Super-Felt Bntts. Quickly Installed no muss or fuss they not only make your home cool and livable in summer, but shve up to 30 In winter fuel. Sond for Free Booh contains dozens of sllmu- Intlng Ideas for tho home fully illustrated. BIG BASBM LUMBER CO. Main and Spring Phone 3144 FOR BUILDING AND HOME REMODELING i4 i !1 Tude o Iptnmoud, i ' 1. 1 ', it. Li- -.H I i 1 A ship launching Is an occasion (or pardonable pride on tha part of every person, man or woman, who drove a rivet, sawed a board, or had anything else to do with completing tha Job. When some luoky lady smashes that ' bottle agalnat the hull, even old "Poker Face," tha timekeeper, can't help but feel a alight surge of amotion. And rightly ao, Any man worth his aalt hat pride in good workmansbJp.That'a certainly true ol railroaders. We're quite sure that every Union Pacific employee in shopa, offices, stations, or on tha rails realizes the need for top notch efficiency and takes pride In the fact that his railroad, with his help, is doing a bang-up Job of transporting vital war materials and tralnloada oi troops. 117 Forum Building, Stenmtnte, Calif, 9 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROAD Or ijeiftstiiei la 'laV tWaa ejlUefr'afrtsetai THt STIIAMMNIDS AND THt C H A t I N O ( S 1 Yl..-, i iiwii'di.iwu.i v 'm i '.i .i"i'-fiiritiiMinfr nt.ia-y-fftt-f Something we forgot to men tion while talk ing about the Journalism Jam boree is that there is no admis sion fee, nice, huh? Every year when the Girls' league formal dance is given, the league plans on paying one-half of the expenses. This dance was very well attended and the treasurer of the league will only have to put out enough to cover one-third of the expenses. Seniors: Money owed for cards and announcements is due tomorrow; so pay up. Rental fee for caps and gowns will be col lected next week. Bcttie Hopkins 787,045 Betty McKinney 72,600 Vivian Dirschl 78,505 Sally Mueller ... 288,287 From what we've heard, that high score of Bettie's has not dis couraged anyone, in fact, they are all working to pass her. Keep it up! I'm proud that they were able to qualify for duty with the United States fleet. They weren't afraid to fight and they Weren't afraid to die for their country and for you and me. Mrs. Thomas Sullivan on christening destroyer 'The Sul livans" for her five sons lost on cruiser Juneau. THAT DEPENDABLE COLUMBIAN SERVICE SPEED-SPEED-SPEED Defense Worker Office Worker Business Worker ARE YOUR EYES READY to Stand the Demands of Speed and Greater Speed in Present Day Defense Work? HAVE THEM EXAMINED NOW BY A COLUMBIAN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Registered Optometrist Examination No Cost or Obli gation One Price Cash or Credit 165,000 Satisfied Patients Open Evenings by Appointment THAT DEPENDABLE COLUMBIAN SERYICE ii Czechoslovakia, the waters of Pilsen gave fame and flavor to Filsener Beer $C In old Bohemia, near Pilsen, the waters have long been known for their exceptional brewing properties. And over the centuries, thanks to Pilsen brewing water, Pilsener has gained fame as one of the world's most famous beers. Ut9s the Water" . . . that gives lympia its matchless quality. . . "GARDENING FOR FOOD" OX THE AIR! 3 nights weekly by CECIL SOLLY Sponsored by Olympla on ten stations. A nationally renowned expert on home gardening. Mr. Solly gives valuable information to Insure tha success ol Victory Gardens. FOOD PRODUCTION IS VITAL! 4f Our own subterranean7 wells at Tumwatcr, provide us with an exceptionally purs watcrof rare brewing qualities that produce matchless flavor, and refreshing clean taste in OIympia...l;erV type Pil sener. Truly, the Water", Visilon iwm "Out ef Amtritt' Exctp'tionol Brtwmts" OLYMPIA. BREWING COMPANY OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U.S. A. BUY WAR BONDS . . . BB CAREFUL AND SAVE MAN HOURS V i