Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 14, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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April 14, 1043
For lh Durttlon Mm. Ruth
Turner returned to Klamath
Km I In Tuesday night nccoinpiin
li'il hy lie I- dnughler, Mm. Allan
I'rloat of Hlocklun, ln llf., who,
with tier tin -o I'lillilri'ii, Alliin,
Jr., iiikI tho twins, Juiin unci
Ji'iin, will in ii ko their homo
hero for tho duration. Captain
Priest, US tinny im-dlc-iil corpii,
lum been ordered to Suit Lake
(.'Hy or further orders. Pvt.
Lurry Hny of tho US inurliiii
curpa, who l homo from hellvo
mmvIcc In tho South I'liclflc, la
recovering lit tho fmnlly runl
tlenco on ilomodiilu roud from n
recurrent attack of miiliiiiii.
1 1 In friitmla will ho happy to
learn ho In greatly Improved.
Wookond Here Mary Awdry
mid Helen lladcllffc, daughters
of Mr. mid Mm. It. Holier Had
cllffo of Pacific Termi'O,
were h t e for tho week
end from ichool. Mary Awdry
In n student at Oregon Btntfl col
lege and Hclon attend Southern
Oregon College of Education In
Ashland. Melon hnd na a hoimo
gucal with her, Lllllnn Beatul
of Grants Pnaa, alao on SOCK
In Mdlaon Dr. John Merry
mnn, aon of Ur. nnd Mm. Goorgo
II, Morrymnn of Pacific Terrace,
la now aorvlnis aa nn Interne In
tho Wlarnnain State General hos
pltal at Madlaon, Wla. Dr. John
waa graduated in March Irom
the Unlveralty of Oregon achool
of mcdlclno in Portland and
a pent a week here with his par
ent, leaving April 8 for Madlaon
where he will Interne from oi.u
to threo years.
At Tort Lewla Lt. Thomaa
Radcllffo, aon of Mr. nnd Mra.
R. Heher Radcllffo, la now atn
tloned at Fort Lowla, Waah.. and
haa been assigned to hla division.
Mra. Radcllffo nnd young daugh
ter, Diane, who were in Port
land while Lt. Radcllffo waa at
Camp Roberta, are now In Brem
erton, Waah., aa guests of her
Father Passes Rev. 11. L
Ituaaell, 020 Martin atreet, hoa
received word of tho death of
hla father, A. M. Ruaacll, on
Tuoaday morning, April 13, in
port Wayne, Ind. Rev. Ruaacll
returned recently from Fort
Wayno where hla father had
been ill for aomo time.
Returns Mra. Freedn Kern
nltzcr. teacher at Riverside, hna
returned from southern Califor
nia, whore alio visited her hus
band who la stationed there with
tlio U. S. army air corps. Dur
ing her abaenco Mra. Eldn Fletch
er acrved as substltuto teacher,
From St. Paul Mr. and Mra.
Grant S. Macartney of St. Paul,
Minn., will arrive. Thuraday to
apond tho weekend with Macart
ncy's brother nnd family, Mr,
and Mrs, R. R. Macartney of
Washington street.
Discharged Mrs. Lyle Fried
ley, 329 Lincoln street, left
Klamath Valley hospital Wed
nesday morning with her Infant
In South Mm. Burgo Mnson
, Jr., and daughter, Clarissa, arc
spending this week In San Fran
, claco. John Mason Is visiting
his grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Durgo Mason of High street, dur
ing his mother's absence
Returns Home Mrs. W. C.
Krouso of Dorrls, with her in
fant son, left Klainnth Volley
hospital for her homo.
First Lady Meets Welder
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (above, right) look time off on an
Inspection tour at the Henry J. Kalaor shipyard at Vancouver,
Wash,, to chat with Mrs. Francos Carpenter, a weldor. While at
Die yard Mrs. Roosevelt christened the first aircraft carrlor built
by Kalaor.
Improving 'Frank Dyeho, At
gomii employe, waa reported Im
proved at Klamath Valley hoa
pllal whern he la receiving treat
ment for Injuries received at tho
AIkoiiih camp near Fort Klam
ath. Returns North Lloyd Q. Heed
haa returned to Vancouver,
Wash,, lifter spending a week
vlaltlng hla paronla, Mr. and Mr
Gcorgn Iteed of 112ft Walnut
avenue. Iteed la employed na a
welder at Kalaor ahlpyarda.
Dlamlaaed Charlea McCain
of Quart): Mountain, employed
liy Illy Logging company, waa
dlamlaaed from Klamath Valley
linapltal TucBday after receiving
medical treatment following on
accident at tho wooda camp.
(Eliectlve Feb. IS. 1943)
Train 10 Southboundi 6 p. m.
Train 20 Northbound) 11 i, mi
Train 17 Southboundi 7 a. m.
Train 16 Northbound! 10 p. m.
Medlord Stage, Weatbound. 3:30
p. m Evening Airmail.
Stages to Allures, Aihland, Lake
view and Rocky Point, 7 a. m,
Revival The revival at the
Pentecostal Assembly of Cod
740 Oak street, continues this
week. Rev. John Dean Lcwpn,
who was a Franciscan friar be
foro ho becamo an evangelist,
will speak on tho following lop
les at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday,
"Armageddon, tho Coming of
Christ in Glory." Thursday,
"God's Way of Healing." Friday,
"How a Former Franciscan
Friar Received the Baptism of
the Holy Ghost." There will bo
no service Saturday. Sunday, 11
a. m., "Gifts of tho Holy Spirit
for tho Present Day in the
Church." Sunday, 7:45 p. m.,
"When Hitler Meets God
Congregational Circle The
Senior circle of tho Congrega
tional church will hold a rcgu-
lar meeting on Friday, April 10,
at thu homo of Mrs. Bruce Hull,
4020 Cannon street, with Mra.
C. L, Jones, tho assisting hostess.
Dessert luncheon will bo served
at 1:30 p. in. There will bo a
business meeting, and Rev. Eu
geno llaynes will review tho
book, "On This Foundation.
Members may meet at tho homo
of Mrs. H. S. Stone, 2204 Darrow
nveinic, at 1 p. ni.; for trnnspor
talion; nnyono taking tho city
bus should get off at Boito'a
storo nnd walk two blocks south.
Card Party Tho Women of
tho Mooso will hold n card party
Wednesday, April 14, at 8 p. m.,
in tho Mooso hall. This is tho
second in a sories of card parties
open to tho public.
Rummage Sale Methodist la
dies of Circlo 2, will sponsor a
rummage salo Saturday In the
Pelican hotel building at 1016
Main street.
Robskah Lodge Prosperity
Rcbckah lodge 104 will meet in
tho IOOF hall Thursday, April
15, at 7:30 p. m. All Past No-
bio Grands nro invited to at
Pinochle Party The Ladles
auxiliary of tho VFW is sponsor
ing n pinochlo party Thursday,
April 15, In tho KC hall. There
will bo a luncheon at 1:30 p. in.,
nnd playing will begin at 2 p. m.
Tho public is invited. This Is
tho last In tho card party scries.
1M II!
w aiiiilli ; w j rai irKli I lf, -XtttW
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$5688.05 IN
Klamath county school chil
dren purchased $5068.05 In war
aavlnga during the month of
March, It was learned Wednes
day from Mm. Franklin L,
Weaver, Klamath women's war
savings chairman who hos Just
completed a visit to all schools
S : Rothmoor! Swansdown! Brittany! Columbia ' - .
f I Hi ' ' nC' man' many otner nationally adver- I
"SljfJ ; tised brands. All wool, of course, and all ' 5 3
-1 " imII 1m colors, all sizes, and all prices, too. Your J 1
. Jy!! Easter parade starts at La Pointe's! I
8-. tei -W5to$59 VTTf :'"
in the county. Mra, Weaver ad
dressed students of both ele
mentary and high schools in
tho Intercata of war aavlnga.
Following is the gatlafactory
report aa Issued from the
achool auporlntcndcnt'i office:
Weyerhaeuser camp, $12 40;
Fort Klamath, $42.35; Bly,
$300.55; Kono, $134,76; Fair
haven, $260.20; Shasta, $420.40;
Malin, $30.00; Gilchrist,
$302.80; Henley elementary,
$103.15; Henley high school,
$2253.25; S h e v 1 I n, $54.70;
Sprague River, $151.45; Chllo
quln, $145.45; Altamont ele
mentary, $270.60; Altamont
Junior high, $640.95; total,
Thero are oysters that live In
trees In Florida.
P. r
It r
rmpmrm.iw , Tier ltm m
! . M of he Datf Ntwtreel From NBA)
Vnatr the snow-capped mountains fringing a north em fjord several German warships lie at anchor
;ln this picture from a captured Nazi newsreel. These enemy vessels are a threat to United Natlor
convoys on the North Atlantic-Arctic supply route to Murmansk, Russia.
. I.-
Since the nazla occupied Den
mark, customers at barber shops
have been required to bring their
own towels. Danish toweling
has gone to Germany.
Mustang fighters of the Brit
ish army co-operation command
are armed with eight machine
Hans Norland Fire Insurance.
Cloaed for Repairs