April H, 10-1.1 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREB F Boost for Victory Loan Drive JEFFERS ASKS FIRST TANKS OF WAR The British first used tanks In World WBr I. They derived their name from the fact that they were sent Into France disguised as water tanks, in order to con ceal their Identity from the Germans. HEREDITARY Ilaiserl In a pen where it has never seen another living crea ture, a chicken will, when fed, seize a piece of food and dash away, looking back now and then at imaginary pursuers. COTTON GOES TO WAR The Texas agricultural experi ment station says that 230 pounds per soldier ! a good es timate of what amount of cotton Is necessary to equip an army. "Joe," "Java," and "Jamoke" are the names American sailors give coffee. A Jute bag Is a gunny sack. TOUGHENING PROCEDURE In order to : toughen thrlr hands, to that eating hot foods with their fingers would causa no discomfort, ancient Greeks) handled hot pokers, OF Mado in 1038, a United State loan of $23,000,000 to China 14 being repaid with tung oil. ' BE Y Always read the classified ads. ' ' 1 ' V 0LAT0H5 0 BLACKOUT TO GREAT DN PUNISHED fey ft' 1 vkJh SAI.KM, April 14 !-) Gov nnnr Kni'l Sncll IxMlcfl II picicln million tocliiy iiuiklnu Idnckoiit vlcilutinnn piiiilxlinhlu by Btulu law, Tho priH'liiiiuillim, nimlo under thi) lull! clvllliiii (U'rciimi net, fol lows it nlinllnr ono iiffuollnK dim ouln. 'I'lic ruU'ii mo tliu Mime in those In effect In Ciillfortilu iiihI Wiwh iiikUhi, mid comply with iirmy raiut-ats. Army vehicles, fire trucks, niiiliuliiiiees mid police cms limy opcnito clui'liiK liliukoulN iiikI ulr ruklit, but prlvnto cum ciinnot bo operated without permit Issued by tho Kovernor. )lleiillluhtii of vehicle! per mitted to operate m u 8 1 bo iiiiwked, and tho vehicles them selves must bo easily Identified, When s blackout or nlr raid alarm beliis, nil vehicles must stop at tho sldo of the road or street, except those allowed to operate. Street cars must slop at the nearest loiidlnK points or lit other safe locations. PTA Notes 'if jrr; Ben Gibson, rlaht, local agent of Western States Life In surance company. Is shown buying from Lloyd Porter of the First National bank $23,000 In war bonds as a contribution to ward Klamath county's victory loan drive. The company made the purchase hero. City Treasurer to Attend VVPB Allocation Meeting FAIRHAVEN One of tho most successful PTA meeliniis of tho year wus held at Kali-haven Itct Thursday evenlnit, April II. This was Dad's nllilit, but ri'iilulnu tho men arc all very busy this year they were not asked to take chariio of tho knieetiiiK but Instead, were icsts 'along with tho teachers at a planned politick dinner served by the executive committee at 0 p, m. in tho school cafeteria. Howls of daffodils and pussy willows centered each labia and place cards made by tho Tulip Bluebird (troup of Fnlrhaven school marked tho places for 05 Kiiosts. After dinner those pres ent assembled in the school nyni for the regular PTA meeting. A report from the nominating com mittee chairman, Mrs. T, Ci. .inn, was given and Mrs. A. II. McLean was elected delcgato to the stnto PTA convention In Portland. following the meeting a social hour win enjoyed consisting of singing, games and dancing with Mabel Hanson, recreation chair man. In charge assisted by Mrs. Illuford Howard and Mrs. Kollln Ciintrnll. Kvcryono reported a most on Joy able evening. RIVERSIDE The spring musicals planned for tho pleasure of 'Riverside PTA members is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, In the school auditorium. Mrs. K. A. Fred rick Is In charge. All interested mothers are invited. The stamp sale of Tuesday netted $110.50, and Hlversiders have now purchased virtually $1700 In war savings since the beginning of tho school year The goal Is $2000. Ruth O. nathliiiiy, city treasur er, will leave Friday for Port land to attend a meeting where Maury Maverick of Texas, direc tor of the government division of tho war production board, will speak. Maverick is in Oregon to get first hand acquaintance with problems of state and local officials and to imulyzo what part the local government can play In the successful prosecu tion of the war. llo will also ex plain what materials and equip' mcnt local governments may ex pect tho WPO to allocate to them for carrying on these services. Some 80 state and city officials of Oregon are expected to attend the session April 10, in the Port land city hall council chambers. Mrs. Biithluny will also attend a board meeting of the Oregon Finance Officers association on Saturday. Plaai will bo made for tho annual meeting to be held in Portland, May 12 and 13. Oregon News Notes WASHINGTON, April 14 (TP) Rubber Director William M. Jcf fers recommended today the cre ation of a separata government agency under a "two-fisted" ad ministrator to see that essential civilian needs are supplied to bolster "home front morale." Jcffcrs told the senate bank ing com in It too ho had reached this conclusion as a result of his experiences as rubber adminis trator, although a little more than two months ago he voiced opposition to the proposal. Endorsing a bill by Senator Maloncy (D-Conn.) to establish a civilian supply administration, Jcffcrs said the head of the new agency should be "a man like Earl Smith, head of the Illinois farm groups." Smith is presi dent of tho Illinois Agricultural association. AERIAL CONCERT Whistles are attached by the Chinese to the tall feathers of pigeons while they are young. These whistles are tuned to harmonize. When a flock of pigeons goes aloft, an aerial concert results. Fox hunting Is a national sport ! of the British at home and they've taken it with them to j Tunisia. 1 i During the 1940-1941 market ing year, U. S. usage of flaxseed was the largest in 12 years. By The Associated Press Tho Portland weather bureau disclosed that the thermometer there lifted to a now high of 85 degrees Monday. . . . The Portland district OPA ordered all restaurants to submit menus and prico lists for a check on maximum prices. . . , The Portland coast guard re cruiting office announced the enlistment of Ethel E. Bur roughs, Silverlon, former ste nographer in tho secretary of state's office. , . . Tho OPA warned . that rented trailers must be' registered as housing accommodations, since they como under rent regulations. . . Eric Underwood, British au thor, In a Portland Interview urged the United States and Britain to stress propaganda and give propaganda directors major cabinet positions. . . The Portland OPA preferred its first coffee-hoarding charge against a cafe proprietor "who contended he had overlooked 35 pounds at time of declara tion. Always read tho classified ads. FOR EASTER! Buy Quality Sport Coals and Slacks Coats from $13.50 Slacks from $7.50 65 Sport Coats 250 Slacks To Choose Froml RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP Wh and Main - - Courthouse Records Marriagos PKNBALL-V1NCKNT. John floury Penbiill,- 2r, rigger. Nil ' live of North Dakota, resident of Campbell, Calif. Violet Juno Vincent, 10, file-clerk. Native of Oregon, resident of Sail Fran cisco, Calif. Complaints Filed Miicbcll Yochem versus Don Yochein, Suit for divorce, charge cruel and Inhuman treat ment. Couplo married In Las Vegas, Nov., September 28, 1941. Plaintiff asks custody of one mi nor child. U, S. Unlenlinc, at torney for plaintiff, Juatlco Court Carl Bernard Mlllor. Operat ing motor vehicle on left sldo of highway. Fined $5.50. Baseball cannot bo played In Cillpln county, Colo., since there is no level placo large enough IVor a diamond. Consumer expenditures In the United Slates during 1941 totaled $75,000,000,000, according to estimates. If You Suffer 'PERIODIC mm Which MaKot You Waak, Cranky, Nervous If At (inch 11 mod you, like ro mntir worn nn nnri ftlrlH HtirTor from cramps, Iwmlnolins, bnoltnolic?, tflstrrra of "IrrrK iilnriUcn", prrlwln of tho blurs duo to functional monthly dlnturlmnrrfl own ni onco iry juymu k. l'liikiiam onetflhlo Coninnuntl. Thlri fnmmm 11. nulil not only helps relievo monthly pntn hut nlso nccomjmnylnff ttrru, witk, nervous feci I nun or thin nntnro. Til lit In brtrnurm of It flontblnu iMTnnfc on ONK OP WOMAN'S MOST IMl'OH TANT OKQAN8. Tnkon roKUlurly t.ydln Plnkhnm'i Cmnpmtnri helpn build up rcHtfiinnro nitnlnrtl. nuch Hymptmnn, Thounnntbi Winn thouwintln rrpurt, br unfit,. Alr.o n tlnn niorniichlu (onto. Follow label Ulroa Hone, Worm tryinyl enUuj, Qaialine Special Starts Thursday, April 15th uei Package of Your Favorite Brand of CIGARETTES With Every 8 Gals. Gasoline i And Look (g A M 5 Besides What You v IS on These HIGH QUALITY Independent Brands WILSHIRE ETHYL No hlghor quality lold. Comparei with Ethyli lolling for 25c or more. You invo at load Zc on evory gallon ... WILSHIRE POLLY Highest anti-knock quality gaioline. WILSHIRE SUPER Long mileage gns. "Rogular" In every reipect excopt the price. Save ration ticket! and 2c a gallon beildoi. WILSHIRE RADIO Higheit octane low price gasoline sold In Orogon. ' Try tankful end save 2c a gallon, 2hc 2)2 2Hic Fill up at these Wil shire Oil Co. Independent Stations MAIN and CONGER So. 6th and MARKET 2996 So. 6th (Oil City) MERRILL (Oil City) SEARS Spring Brighten-Ups for Your Home! PASTE WAX lb. Waterproof and transparent. Durable finish. For floors, furn iture, etc. Shines bright. WAX APPLIER For applying self-polishing wax to surface. Lamb's wool head. 48" handle. OIL POLISH .....pr. Easy to apply . . . dries to a lustrous, smooth glow. Waterless Cleaner 5 lbs. All purpose cleaner for painted walls, woodwork, varnished furniture. All Purpose Cleaner lb. Handy dispenser container. Com- bines water softening with high cleanser action. IRONING BOARD ALL WOOD BOARD S" Polishina Wax. Mirror. IIU. . ' ,pt' b ffing Dri., Uphofsrery Ceoner, Foam V ? or' fur- . 10T '"ml. unhol.7. ""Wobtt Cn,a" !d "".he. Hard i "P'WMon. ,U,trou n- Sprar on 7 tpT.nl en . wip. AIDS 49c, ' 65c 59Cj ,1 . FOLDS 2- L t g h t w eight and easy to handle. Lege fold within top. Stande firmly and steady. 12x4-lnh. WALL DUSTER Handy S2u R v rslblt. wuhablt. 13x7" spread, Md of Mlctd gray goat hair. 29 MITT DUSTER Fits like OtJe glove. Preshxunk yarn. , SILVER POLISH Cleans and pol ishes other metals tool . 8 or. ' SPOT HEMOVER Will not AC. harm delicate fabrics. 8 os. WINDOW BRUSH Sterl- JOf. liscd horsehair.. 8" block' CLOTHES DRIER Opens like an umbrella. F AQ 100 ft. of line..... 3.17 VEGETABLE , BRUSH. . BROOM Sturdy broom corn. Enamel handle lie 69c MERIT SELF WRINGING MOP FLAT TYPt Remevable hrad. toft cot ton yarns. Easy to wring without soiling hands. 98c 4 Strand DUST MOP Liftrtweigfrt OIL MOP Triangle shape "JOm head. Llntprooi cotton yarn ' CHALLENGE MOP HEAD- I ply cotton yarn. 3Q 12 ounce..., JTt TOILET BOWL BRUSH Qe Tube shape 1 7fe 98c mmm l u.e. ; Ing cotton wri. nntlhlei " 1 dusting sur face. Oblong inapt. REVITALIZE YOUR HOME! MASTER-MIXED 4-HOUR ENAMEL' J PER QT. Covers In one coat easily and affectively . . . saves money, time and work.' Leaves no brushmarks, Won't crack, chip or peel. FLOOR and TRIM VARNISH tili? - - '- - il For All Interior Wood Finishes HIGH GLOSS FINISH Enriches and prolongs the life of all surfaces . . new or old. Tough elastic and wear resist ant. Even hard usage. wil not dull Its high luster or turn It white. Fast drying, 75' per pint Gives your walla and woodwork a high, shin ing gloss you'll like. Rich warm colors. Easy to apply . went leave brushmarks. SEMI GLOSS FINISH Not too glossy ... not too flat. Leaves Just the right amount of sheen) Covers well . . Is easy to apply. Many colors. 1 10 FLOOR AND PORCH ENAMEL Crystalline CLEANER Use Inside or outside on all types of floors... wood, concrete or linoleum. Fast drying . . , has excellent hiding powers Colors to harmo nize" WALLPAPER CLEANER Keep your walls bright and shining. WIdm dirt way . . . goes a long wnyl 115 QUART 39 Cleans quickly and thoroughly all painted or varnished surfaces. Perfectly harmless to your hands. LINSKED OIL SOAP Linseed ell Is the life of palntl That's why this oil soap eleanser Is so amazingly effective. Cleans painted or varnished aurfacee. QUART 95 QUART 35c POUND 49 , 1 LBS. Mill BffllllBfl ITIh Wffi