'April U, 194S 'CLASSIFIED ADS 2 Lott lid Found LOST Qai ration book belong ing to Allon Hanklns, Bonanza, Ore. 414 LOST No. 1 food ration book belonging to H. J. McCluro. Oregon Hotel, 031 Muln. fH LOST Ration book A belonging to O. F. Andoron, Rt. 1, Box 018. H LOST Clin ration book belong Ing to Uomard P. Rocbon, 3040 Allninont Drive. LOST No. 2 ration book. Ar thur N. Howard, vim wiiii. Phnnn 7108. 4-14 LOST Sugiir ration book bo- loimlna to Tim Wilson, lion eata. Calif. 4-14 LOST No. 1 ration book. Wll- bourne E. Faulkner, Return 11 ivorv Pine Co.. Wllllumi BltlK 414 f.rmr Ration book No. 2. O. E Rt-nnk a. Itentlv. Ore. 410 LOST No. 1 ration book belong log to Fred Bellinger, 10(12 Melrose. 4-to LOST Three migar ration books belonging to James, Jackie and Patricia Hardin, 433 Divi sion. 4-13 LOST Ration book No. 1 bc , longing to Mrs. Esther J. Dunl van, 11 14 Crescent avenue. 4-10 LOST No. 1 ration book. Gene vieve Heavers, 7816. 410 LOST Ration No. 1 belonging to Raymond Bcebe, Matin, Ore. 4 16 A ,OST Gas ration book belong- Ing William Larson, Box 833. 4 10 General Notices NOTICE I will not be respon sible for debts contracted by anyone other thnn myself. Signed April 10, 1943. Ruby E. Bradford. 4-18 Personals MONUMENTS Klamath Falls Marble and Granite works, 116 So. 11th. Phone 8381. -3-1 CALL 8730 for concrete work nn vour cemetery lot. .1-12 Transportation 2 STAGES DAILY TO LAKEVIEW AFTER APRIL 15th Leave for Lakevlew 6:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Arrive Lakevlew 12:00 Noon and 11:00 P. M. RED BALL STAGE LINE 4-30 tv A MTFn Inafl Ar nnrt lnnd to Eureka. California, or vicinity. Klamath Falls Tranmcr tc Storage. 4-14 10 Service BLACKSMITHINQ and welding. Tractor, truck and farm mach inery ropalr. Special built elevators, stackers and buck - rakes. 9 - BROWN EQUIPMENT CO. S040 So. 6th St. Phone 8247 4-23 HAVE vnnr mas and furniture cleaned by experts. Doromus Riis Co. Dial 6878. 4-17 CHIMNEYS FURNACES - STOVES . OIL BURNERS cleaned, repaired. J. A. Tufts, 1442 Oregon, pnone inn. 4-18 PICTURE FRAMING Goollor's, 230 Main. 4-14m ."WE CLEAN and rcwax floors. Doremus Rug Co. Dial 51)75. 4-17 BELTS for nil makes refriger ators, washers, vacuum clean ers, or general use. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 V ' South Sixth. 4-30m PAINTING KALSOMINING II. L, Brown. Phone 4226. 4-10m LAWNMOWERS Sharpened Bodenhnmor Repair Shop, 351 E. Main. 4-23 WOMEN relieve that nagging backache with a Sponocr Sup' port. Mrs. James Sullivan, registered Spencer corsotiere Phone 6002. 4-28 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Frank Lolbloln, 2018 Bisbco. 4-16 PLUMBING-HEATING, sheet- moliil work. P. L. Johnson, 1436 Sargent St. Phono 8320 4-25 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covorod. Alterations on now and old clothing. Mrs, H. M. Allonder, 731 Main, Room 216. Phone 7263. 4-16m PLOWING By tho hour, any amount, trautor with 2-way plow. uonmci at tun ana Main, Victor Cab. 4-19 10 Btrvleas BA0 3 MACHINE CLEANED and patched. People's ware home Bag Co. 2140tf PICTURE FRAMINO Van's Cumura Shop, 727 Main. 4-30m I WILL OBTAIN your delayed birth certificate for you. unni. Hathaway, 120 No. 10th St., Klaniulh Falls, Ore. 4-80 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, rcfliilslilug, repairing, wuui nots built. Carpenter work of ull kinds. Painting and kalso mlnlng done. Phone 4517. 31)41 Shastn way. 8-7 ALL MAKES Refrigerators, washers, Ironers, vacuum cleaners serviced and repaired. Akn small annllances. Victory Service Co,, 1008 Prospect. Dial 0173 or 6448. D-Bm FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phono 3022. 4-30m CURTAINS laundered and atrotched. Phono 3717. 3-2 SEWING MACHINES RENTED by month. Singer Sewing Cen- ter, 1213 Main St. Dial 8771. 8-8 ELECTROLUX Authorized Ser vlco. L, C. Carr, 621 Mitchell. Phone 7187. 5-Bm 12 Educational ACCORDION LESSONS. 407 N.Oth. Phono 3408. 4-33 LEARN to play piano the now quick way. 407 N. 0th St. Phone 3408. 4-lfl 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, chiropractic clinic, colon and Tectal dis cuses. 532 Main. Dial 7216. 4-30m DENTISTRY S a 1 1 s f a c t o r y work, Excellent dentures. Plates nicely repaired. Gold, silver, porcelain fillings. Dr. Taber. Bonanza. 414 14 Help Wanted female CASHIER WANTED For handling cash on retail store tube system. General of fice experience helpful. Sec Mr. Berg beforo II A. M. tomorrow. SEARS. ROEBUCK St CO 414 WANTED, competent STENOG RAPHER FOR ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. Salary $123.00 per month. Address communica tlons to Pat II. Dnnegan, Wl- burn Bldg., Burns, Oregon. 416 WANTED Competent woman for general housework, cure of children. Good wages. Phone '18716. 414 WANTED Housekeeper, woman or girl. Good wages to re sponsible party. Call 6203 be tween 1 and 4 p. m. 2802tf COMBINATION GIRL WANT ED $5.50 per shift. Phone 9115. Night Hnwk Cafe. 4-14 WANTED Reliable woman In Roosevelt school district to care for girl 7 between 2:30 and 6. 1834 Melrose. 4-16 WANTED Cook for Malln Hotel, Malln, Ore 419 WANTED CoOka, waitresses and dishwashers at Max's Cof fee Shop, 535 Main. 4-15 WANTED Experienced maid Apply housekeeper, Wlllard Hotel. 4-14 WOMAN elevator operator, ex perionccd or unoxpcrlenccd, Wlllard Hotel. 4-15 LADY lunch counter and foun- tain manager. No evening or Sunday work. Apply 823 Main St.. Klamath Falls. 4-16 16 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Elderly man for light farm work. On share crop or cash basis. Ivon Trapp, Box 35, Olono. 4-17 MAN LIVING IN KLAMATH COUNTY to take over Estab lislicd Watklns Business In Klamath county. Excellent opportunity, $60 to $00 wook ly earnings. Write Tho J. R Watklns Company, 4512 Hoi lis Street, Oakland, California 4-14 WANTED Experienced time keepers and senior clerks. Ap ply Morris and Knudscn Co Esquire Theatre Bldg. 4-14 PAINTERS WANTED Steady work. Call 4637 after 7:30 p. m. 4-15 MEN WANTED Ripsaw man rcsaw man, grader, tie-up man, Alturas Moulding and Box Co. Allnras, Calif. 4-20 WANTED FALLERS MILLWRIGHTS CAT DRIVERS RATCHrfl' SETTER . Western Pine Mills 618 Main Phone 3612 or 4400 417 WANTED House man. manager Hotel Elk. Apply 4-16 WANTED Janitor at postofflce building. Tlione 4216. 4-17 WANTED Elderly man to care for place, liowers, garden, etc. Call 4(137 aftor 7:30 p. in. 4-1B IB Bltualloni Wanted MOTHER with nurse's training, experience wants babies, one month to year, to care for. Call Mrs. Rader, 70S8. 4-14 MIDDLE-AGED, married man wanti buckaroo Job with liv ing quarters. Write or see Floyd Freeman, W. E. Wilson Ranch, Bonunza. 4-10 TRUCK DRIVER, experienced, with heavy equipment, wants work. Call or write George Fniln, 238 Martin St. 4-13 WANTED Carpenter and main tenance work. Phone su. 4-18 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klam ath. 4-18 ROOM-BOARD Close In. Phone 47113. 1028 Jefferson, 3270tf 22 Rooms For Rent CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th All outside, newiy aecoraiea, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 4-30m MARS HOTEL 1411 Main, by tho armory. Steam heated rooms $3.80 week up. Tran sient $1.00. 8-3m ROOMS 1034 High. 3-Bm OUTSIDE ROOMS. Crater Ho tel. 120 N. 2nd. 0-0 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th. 4-16 RIVERVIEW One and two-bed room apartments, furnished garage. Phone 6452. 13SBtf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment Couple. No peU. Villa Marqulso. 1320 Oak. 1B08U 1 DOUBLE living and bedroom suitable for two. Groer Apart mrntK. 710 Main. 3301tf 24 Apartment For Rent FURNISHED 2-room cabin with shower. $13 month. 2 blocks Off Main. 512s High. 4863 4-14 FOR RENT ApUcottage, close in, on Oak St. Also one for $10. Phone 4272. 8130 eveninas. 301011 QMAT.l. fwn.rnnm nnrt nne-room apis, ol a UBK. inquire ouo UBK. 11 (UU VACANCY Leo Apartments. Phono 9047. 1505tf PONDOSA APARTMENTS Phono 5627. 4-23 FURNISHED APTS. $4 and up per week. 133 No. 10th, 4-25 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 end up week. 1404 Klamath. 4-24 FURNISHED 3-room apt. Wun- dcr Motel. 121 So. 2nd. 1748tf TWO ROOMS AND BATH Electric range and refriger ator. 920 Lincoln. 2446tf CLEAN, furnished two-room ca bin. Shower. Also desirable housekeeping rooms with kitchenette. 248 Broad. Phone 8452. 2071U CLEAN, FURNISHED APTS. Also nice room, private bath, garage. Pine and Cedar. 8-8 CLEAN Housekeeping Rooms Close In. Everything furnish ed. $4 week. Sleeping rooms $2 week. 410 So. 6th. 5-8 VACANCY Rex Arm Apart ments, 224 Broad. Phone 5769. New management,. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. B-8m NICELY furnished 3 room Apt., all modern conveniences. Adults only. No pets. Call 208 Main. 1889U THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 221 Spring. 4-16 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Apartment accom modations with hotol service. Complete kitchen and dinette, day, week or month. Three blocks from city center. 4-30m 2-ROOM furnished. 421 Oak. 4-16 ESPLANADE COURT APART MENTS furnished; by the week or month. Walking dis tance. 160B Esplanade. 4-S0m FOUR-ROOM furnished apart ment. Hot and cold water. Utility room furnished. Adults. 1745 Mcnloway. 4-17 LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnish ed ant. 2219 So. 6th. 5686 4-19 BEAUTIFULLY furnished four- room apartment. Electrically equipped, oriental rugs, uaDy grand piano. Adults only. Rct nrenros renulrod. Inauira 1909 Auburn street, evenings. 4-14 FURNISHED, newly renovated 3-room- apartment. Close In Adults. 825 Grant. 4-14 LARGE 2 ROOMS, bath. Elcc trie range, refrigerator. Adults, 325 Commercial. 2666U 2-ROOM FURNISHED APTS. Wood and water.' $18 and $20. 900 Owens. 4-20 WALKING. DISTANCE Clean 2-bcdroom rurnisnea apart, mont, Utilities paid. $25. Gar den it desired. 138 Morllnior. 2720U ITEItALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 24 Apartments For Rent APARTMENT COURT Close to business district. Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bldg. 3220tf UNFURNISHED APT. 1085 Auburn. 4-17 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Utilities furnished. 419 No. 10th. 8-18 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT. 405 No. 3rd. 4-20 28 Houses For Rent SMALL, MODERN, furnished house. Everything furnished. 2125 Blchn. 2139tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save W. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 Eaat Main. Phone 8304. 5-7m HOUSES FURNISHED 3 and 4 rooms. Clean. 1662 Man tanltai 4-16 B'URNISHED house E. Main near Lucas Furniture. $30.00. Also Apt. West Main, good view. $35.00. Both havo gas heat. 733 Main. 4-16 UNFURNISHED house. Adults only. No pets, 737 Alameda. Phone 4451. 2630tf FOR RENT Three-room fur nished house. 1545 Crescent, aftor 5 p, m. 4-15 FURNISHED 3-ROOM duplex. 2023 Darrow. 4-17 FURNISHED two-room cabin LLghU, water. $15. On bus lino. Phone 6876. B&M faer vice Station. 4-13 TWO SMALL furnished houses with garages. See or call Chris Huck. Dial 6470. 4-19 1-BEDROOM furnished house. 1518 Siskiyou. 4-14 NEWLY DECORATED, unfur nished five-room house. Range. Call 8206 after 5 p. m. 2133U SMALL unfurnished house with kitchen range. Garage and garden space. Inquire at 1 ISO Pine. 4-15 FOR SALE OR RENT Unfur nished 3-room cottage. Large back lot and garage. Call 3236. 4-19 2-ROOM HOUSE Close In Adults only. Call at 510 So. 5th. 4-15 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE Glassed in porch. Vacant Sunday. 635 N. 2nd. Phone 8294. 4-20 FOR RENT Furnished 3-room house, $15. 2130 Herbert St. - - 4-14 28 Miscellaneous For Rent WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bed with Bcautyrest mattress, floor waxcrs. Phone 5353. Klam ath Furniture. 4-30m FOR LEASE 40 acres of po tato land. John McFall, Bo nanza, Ore. 4-13 DEAD CAR STORAGE ONLY Safety and protection. Cars are not moved or molested. 231 So. 11th. 4-30m FOR RENT 300 acres good pas ture. Water and shade. J. D. Swift. W. D. Miller rock crush er, 3 miles Vtorth of town. 4-15 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 84-acre dairy ranch, 41 miles from town, on -old Midland road. 14 cows, 1 bull, milking machine, deep well water under pressure. Selling grade A milk. Price $7500. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St. Phone 4943. 4-6tf FOR SALE New five-room home, corner Eldorado and Painter. Full basement, oil furnace. FHA approved loan, monthly payments less than rent. Phone 3301. 2133tf LOT AND 3-ROOM HOUSE $750. Two blocks from South 6th St. Right on bus line. 2440 Shasta way. Phone 7620 2132U HOMES, farms, business proper ty. See EVERETT DENNIS 121 N. 8th. Ph. 8491 5-2 FOR SALE Half acre and three room house with fenced In chicken yard. $250 cash. In quire or phone Keno cafe, Keno, Ore. 4-17 FOR SALE 280-acre ranch In Langell valley. 40 acres Is good spud ground,' 3d' acres timothy and clover hay mea dow, balance pasture. Make good dairy ranch. Box 3264. 4-15 3-ROOM modern house, H acre. Phone 7839. 4-14 FOR SALE House in Mills ad dition suitable for couple, not more than tlireo. Venetian blinds, electric hot wator hcat- ' er, oil stove Included. Garage, woodshed and workshop. Call 8204. 4-15 FOR SALE 4-room house, 2 blocks from Main. Inquire 82S High. ' 2619U FOR SALE OR LEASE 80 acres, i miles north Tulelake. A. B. Crlpps, Tulolako. 4-16 FOR SALE Good house on Ore gon avenue, corner lot, two bedrooms, closed In porches, Harden space, shado trees. Phone 372B. 4-16 34 Automotive Cash Right Now Wanted to Buy 8 or 6 Good Clean Late Model Cars For Resale Purpose 6-Cyllnder Preferred Douglas Motor Co. 734 Klamath Ave. 30 Real Estate For Bala FOR SALE 4 14 acres, 4 room modern house, concrete foundation, basement, floor furnace, elec tric hot wator heater, garage with concrete floor. Work shop, chicken house, lawn and trees. Price $3250.00. TERMS. FOR SALE H Acre near South Sixth, 4 room house, large back porch, garage, work shop, wood shed, feed house, chicken house for 500 chickens. Deep well pres sure water system, nice lawn and trees. 78 White Leghorn hens. Price $2840.00. Part terms. See Fred Cofer Howard Barnhisel Agency 112 So. 8th Street Bisbee Street A lovely one bedroom home at 3630 Bisbee, with half acre of ground, nice lawn and trees. Sacrifice for quick sale. $2400. Terms can be had. Shasta Way Lovely 4-room home, basement, furnace, own irrigation system, lovely view. $4500. E. Gray, Real Estate Corner 7th St Pine 4-16 NORTH SECOND Walking distance, 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, con crete foundation, garage and woodshed, corner lot, bearing fruit trees. Also 3-room fur nished house on rear of lot, fac ing side street. The whole works for only $2750. E. GRAY, REAL ESTATE Esquire Theatre Bldg. Corner 7th and Pine 4-14 SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE furnished or unfur ' nished. Large attic, service porch, electric range, refriger ator and water tann. me kitchen with double sink and metal cabinets. Inlaid lino leum, hardwood floors, pipe furnace, air conditioned. Base ment with pump. Lots of trees and shrubbery. Sprinkler sys tem, rjaved street. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2319 Union. 4-16 FOR SALE Equity in 4-room house. H acre, double garage. 4fi27 Shasta way. 4-15 80 ACRES deep sandy loam, Ma- lin section. Modern house, irood outbuildings, potato cel lar, 40 acres potato land. Equipment. Seed and fertilizer available. Will consider terms, M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 4-18 LARGE 3-ROOM HOUSE, bath, S187S. 201 Eldorado. 4-19 Ntr-ip s nnOMS AND BATH r.n water heater, laundry tubs, garage and lawn, i On paved street. Small down pay ment, balance like rent In quire 111 N. Rogera St. 4-16 TWO REMARKABLE BUYS . One 6-room house, one -room Stewart addition. See R. H. Dunbar, 130 So. Bth. Phone 7211. -ia a Automotive CASH for Your Used Car Pickup or Truck See Vern Moore Balsiger Motor Co. 4-27 nm.T. tip Vnnr Cr for SnrlnE Quick service on body and fender work. Painting Wash - Polish Slmonize Porcelain- ize. Good workmanship Promnt service. Bulck Garage 1330 Main St. 4-15 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shoo. 827 Walnut. Ph. 7378 B-6m PRIVATE PARTY wants to pur chase for cash. 1940 or 1941 car. Phone 7013 days or 4210 nights. 4-21 1941 CHRYSLER COUPE, per fect condition, tirea excellent. MnlhnsA Garaae. 4-14 FOR SALE 1940 V-8 pickup. low mileage. Phone 8601. 4-14 FOR SALE 1039 Mercury 4-door sedan. Heater, radio, good tires. Excellent condi tion. Will trade for cheaper car. balance cash. Call at 123 S. Lasuna after B p. m. 4-18 34 Automotive 4-22 34 Automotive - ITon Chev. Truck Chassis and cab dual rear wheels, mechani cally first class, new paint.. $425.00 cash. No trade. H. E. Hauger 1330 Main W Buy and Sell . Used Cars For the Best Deal SEE SELBY LAST Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak 35 Fuel Heating LIMB and BODY WOOD Yes! We have NONE! If it's comfort you want and freedom from fear of being cold next winter buy slabs---buy plenty buy now. Peyton St Co. Dial 5149. 4-15 38 Miscellaneous For Sale DRIVEWAY CINDERS Phone 6817. 1485tf FRYERS FOR SALE Drive out and get them. Lewis Farms, Washburn and Garden. Phone 4580. 4-14 GLASS Mirrors, resilvering plate, window and auto glass fiimitnra tons, shelves. Kim ball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. o-em FOR SALE Gem strawberry plants. 824 Grant St., off Ninth. 4-17 AVON PRODUCTS Phone 4-18 6691. LANDSCAPING Shade and flowering trees, evergreens, shrubs, large size fruit trees. strawberries and raspberries, roses, blooming size red and white peonies. We trim and spray trees and shrubs. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4082. 4-19 AVON PRODUCTS. Anna Funk Phone 3450. 4-19 POULTRYMEN: Don't experi ment. Use Hodgen-Brewster CHICK STARTER. Always for sale at People's Warehouse, H-B dealers since 1929. 2042tf HEADQUAHTERS for Fine Chamois, $2.00 up. F. R. Hauger. 515 Market. 5-4 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 4-3 um DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. feet, $5.25 delivered, Phone 5852. 2487U NEW wool sacks and twine for sale at Charlie Read's Sad dlery. 2805U DUST MOPS, 60c up. Dust mitts, 20c up. Steel wool, S pads 10c. Limit 6 pads. Wall brushes, $1.50. Wet Mops, Scrubs and Brushes of every description. F. R. Hauger, 51S Market. 8-4 FUEL RATIONING NOW HERE Genuine U. S. Rockwool in sulation, blown in with our special equipment, will solve your heating problem. Noth ing down, payments as low as $5 per month. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Phone 3301 2138U WE HAVE good selection of pure Bristle Paint and Kalsomine Brushes for painting contract ors subject to slight restric tions. F. R. Hauger, BIS Mar ket - 8-4 UNCLE SAM SAYS: No re strictions on repairs and main tenance. Let us help you with your painting, roof and re modeling. Nothing down. Pay ments low as $5.00 per month ' Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 2134U GASCO BRIQUETS FOR BROODER -use only. The best fuel for coal brooders, The WPB has permitted us to buy one car for our farmer customers to uso for brooding purposes. Sack lots 95c. Ton lots $16. Bring your own sack, please, Peyton St Co. 4-13 FOR SALE Gem strawberry plants. 824 Grant St., off Ninth. -4-17 ROOFING See us first for an estimate on all types of roof ing. Sealey Bros.. Contractors Phone 8385. 2458U 38 Miscellaneous For Bale AUCTION Sunday, April 18, at one o'clock at saleyard next to feed store on South Sixth St. Livestock, ma chinery, tools, furniture, chick ens. Bring what you have to sell. Phone 8770. Col. Swigart, auctioneer. RUBBER STAMPS, printed signs, made-to-order, commer cial printing. Most reasonable prices. Geo. J. Kunzman, 127 No. 4th. Phone 6832. 4-30m FT. PHILCO REFRIGERATOR, practically new; also 7 ft. Mc-Cormlck-Deerlng grain binder. Phone 4756. 4-14 RASPBERRY PLANTS $4 hun dred. Call 3308. 4-14 FOR SALE Cedar chest and rocking chair. Call 6126 after B p. m. evenings. 4-14 MONARCH Combination Range Mrs. S. R. woodley, Merrill, Oe., Adams Point 4-15 PALMER'S SPECIALS in USED FURNITURE 20 Beds $2.00 up. 2 Sewing Machines cheap. 10 Heaters and Circulators. 10 Wood Ranges $15 up. S Studio Couches $13 up. 1 Piano, only $75. Terms. 5 Dinette Sets $10 up. 2 Beautiful large Walnut Din ing Suites priced right - Buy Here and Save ' PALMER WANTS TO BUY 100 Washers, 100 Radios. 100 Sewing Machines. 100 Bedroom Suites. 100 Ranges and Heaters. 100 Davenports and Chairs. 100 Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Palmer is a Tradin' Fool Make That Trade Today. PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE 2401 So. 6th St. Phone 8469 Klamath's Bargain Center 4-16 WATKINS PRODUCTS. Phone 6623 or 2318 Home. 4-26 16-INCH GREEN SLABS Pine double loads. $4.75; pine and fir mixed, double loads, $5.25: suitable for stoves, fur naces, fireplaces. Peyton & Co.. dial 5149. 4-30 FOR SALE Mastodon straw berry plants. Phone 3975 mornings or evenings. 4-15 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6617. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta way. 5-8 FOR SALE Small dry onions, some suitaDie tor piaming. go fers, 4860 Hilyard, south end of Wiard St. 4-16 WINSOR PIANO $123. 2129 Oak. 4-13 FOR SALE 2 tons baled hay; 1 ton baled oat hay. 2705 Wiard. 4-14 FULLER BRUSHES R. V. Mor gan, 3348. 832 South River side. 5 -8m FOR SALE Cull potatoes, out of certified seed. Breitnaupt Bros.. Poe Valley. 4-20 FOR SALE English Springer pup. 2039 Etna. Pnone 497o 4-15 FOR SALE 12 ft boat $15. Phone 3874. 4-1S FOR SALE Kitchen utensils dishes, wooden icebox, Perfec tion kerosene heater, electric Iron, books, child's sled, camp cot Call afternoons only, Z0Z7 Eberlein. 4-14 FOR SALE Electric Singer sewing machine. Call S851 4-16 38 For Sale or Trad WILL SELL No. 61 all-electric erector set with whistle, like new, packed in steel carrying case. $12.30. 923 East Main No. 8. 4-14 A HOME IN BONANZA, Ore., for sale or trade for K. F, property. 204 Willits Bldg., Klamath Falls. Ore. 4-13 FOR SALE or trade for late model car, $1200 equity In 5-room house, one year old. Fireplace, floor furnace and hardwood floors. ZBOl vine. 4-19 WILL TRADE Klamath Falls in come nroDerty for acreage. Fred D. Fletcher, 12 Melhase Bide. 3219tf 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Live poultry: of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Pro duce. Phone 3372. 6-17 POULTRYMEN For Poultry Litter we have: Baled Straw Cedar Shavings Scrval Cane Litter Peat Moss PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 2040U DAIRYMEN; Use Security Calf Food and sell all of your milk People's Warehouse. 2041tf TEAM WORK HORSES, 1600 lb. bay geldings, lively, but gentle; set harness, almost new, both for $325 cash. Frank E. Olinghouse, Dorris. Calif. Call evenings or Sundays. One mile west Dorris on Plccard road. 4-17 Nevada enacted a pension law for Its aged on March B, 1923. PAGE ELEVEN 41 Financial AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE SALARY. LOANS A. Ask for Loan B. Bring Identification C. Complete Loan TODAY! COMMERCIAL - FINANCE CORPORATION 116 South Sixth Street Telephone 3203 S-Ml CASH LOANS WITHOUT KNDOMIM I wats to out a covtxmn !' CASH LOAN ; PHONE . WRITE . COKl nT You Deed no eo-ilgnrt or AndorMrl It gt s cooiumr iota THREE LOAN PLANS WO. l-7IfCOnl lOAKS . : On your not onlr. !o uttts- mnU. No co-Blgn'rs K0. 1 FURNITURE LOANS Your character li mow Import thnn th furniture itllf. NO. IADTO LOANS m tn tun eftih ka m1 nfl- nandnf. CONSUMERS CREDIT COMPANY (M-tSS ' tWI 720 Pine St. Phone T711 440 . See Lawrence Leochner For AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service No Co-Signers Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. K. A. Moore, Mgr. M-275 S-S44 114 N. 7th Phone UM 4-8 Ora First Federal Has Plenty of Mone Buy a Modern Horn Refinance Your Old Home . Pay Less Than Rant Long Terms -:- . LowMi FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Fall Sixth and Main Phone SIM 4-90ns BagaBBnftaHftaBoaejejiMeMHMBBBsi ' 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE The Diamond Laka Junction Service Station. Sea Bert Loosley at station. Write care Chemult. - 4-14 FOR LEASE Hotel and eat In live small town near Klamath Falls. News-Herald Box 3035. ' 4-20 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MEETING OF EQUALIZATION BOARD OF THE LANGELL VALLEY IR RIGATION DISTRICT. i Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Director! of the Langell Valley Irrigation District will, commencing Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1943, at the of fice of the Board of Director in the District building, Langell Valley, Oregon, sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of reviewing and correcting tha assessment roll of said district for the year 1943-1944. CHAS. A. REVELL. Secretary of Langell Valley. Irrigation District. . ' April 14,21 No. 211 The hiinln urns Invented ti llttla more than a hundred years ago and is strictly an American in strument. Approximately 78 per cent of the world's petroleum supply is produced in the two Americas, Footprints of. prehistoric men have been found imbedded in the sandstone near Chicksha, Okla, BIG BASIN LBR. CO. Main at Spring Phone 3144 fen r