April 18, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVIM Midland &MfUia KENO HONORS TEACHERS AT A largo crowd gathered In tho Kono Kchunl cafuleilii on the ovenlng o( Friday, April 0. The occasion was a iul luck dinner, a tribute to Mm. I). K. Kerns, Hud Cross loader unci to tho local toucher. Creamed chicken unit liol blicult were the tun In course, wllli ii vurli'ly u( huIuiIh and dtMiHvrtit. Following tho dinner Mrs. W. L. t'ruln guvt ii short speech o( appreciation of the lcudcrshlp of Mra. B. E. Kern In local lied Cross work. She than prosontcd tior with a bath room act, shower curtains and acceaaorlea. a Itlft trom the Ktno towing unit. Mm. Kern responded briefly. Mrs. Hosa Slmmora than gave 11 faw re mark In appreciation of tho work and achievements of tho ttncliotn thin yciir. Guc.ib luvitccl wore Mr. und Mrs. II. C, Sliurpc, Mr. and Mm. A. T. Hoffman, Mr. und Mr Tom Tcnnery, Mr. and Mr M. M. Donolson, Minn Edna Bloom, Mint Alice Lyllo und MIm Klhol t'ui'kutt. Adults preaunt uidudcd Mr. ltd Mm. Uallaspy, Mr. and Mr. Joo Huldorur, Juno Mutch ott, Lonu and Soruh Parsons, Anastasla Zuroaluakl, Mary und Nella ltldguway und Mm. T. 1'. Zaroniiuki, Mm. Hoy derrick, Mr. and Mm. Hom Slmiiu-m, Mr. and Mm. Guy Moore, Mr. and Mm. Dow, Mr. und Mm. W. L. rruln, Mr. und Mr. E. E. Ktriu, Mr. und Mm. J. Kerns, Mr. and Mm. Joo Foster, Mr and Mm. Hunklnson, Mm. Leon, ard Mamsoy, Mr. and Mrs. liou bleln, Mr. nnd Mr. Hurlbut and Mr. and Mm. G. Dow. Many children were also present and seated nt small ta ble. After tho banquet every one enjuyud a pleasant social hour. Hildebrand Tha llildubrund grauga No. 708 held its regular meeting on Friday evening, April 2. Mr. and Mm. Emlle Egert and Mr. and Mm. Leonard Kilter wart transacting business In Klamath Fall on Friday. Clara Rlttur spoilt tho wcok nd In Langell valley with Mary Gift. Charles Crawford was a busi ness visitor at Urn Loguc ranch on Thursday. Peter Lorenz Jr., spent the weekend with Warren Flackus Clarenco Parker mid Hartman Logue went fishing on Thurs day. Mr. and Mr. Charles Flackus and daughters, Mrs. P. C. Lorenz and Ada Flackus, spent the weekend In Langcll valley with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mm. warren Kilgoro and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borough of Bpraguo River visited for a short time on Monday with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael. Clarenco Parker and daughter Mary, wera Klamath Falls visi tor on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Emlle Egert and SYNOI'SIH Or ANNt'Ali BT.VTKMK.NT or Tim London & Lancashire; Indomnity Company of America fkV.kT .V'V;l,'.ln. "" .'.n, K '" on tha Jhlrl y-rirt illy nt llrrnnhrr. nil. ,,ul J tin Inauranra -Ctiniinlwlunrr of Ilia Slata of Urrcim, ilrillant lo Inwi . . I'AI'ITAI. Amnimt ot uapltal itnck palil M .. ,,.0.000.0, hl pramlumi mtlveil Ourlnt Ilia inum,;i,T;'n';,rtiiTWM'M'1(l otlrt.l durln, ilia ,., u7.5n.jn Inrrane from mIImt nuiiini to. clil diirkm tho ymr .lUaj.sa Total toonme 13 7301101 niSRIinsKHRNTK ' ' Jltt loon n 1,1 ,tlin t Ii n viar inciiiiiinii iiiuiiDiiiii ,i.ii.ri at.Tai.oai.aa Comml.ilimi mil anlailn i.nl.l T..".'."f, ;- i.sia.T7i.u Taui, Hi-riHM anil fni pnlil dnr- ln lit yaar .. H0OT.fl Amount of all uthrr irmllfiiriii ais.ooK.oa Total P'nrimirM Mj7ma7 . ""TTRD ARSKTR "!. ,","d, (amor- Ilt.n) ......... joo 107 I, Valua of atork ownnl (marar't ' ' vMiid) M7,Rno.i)0 cam m bank) ami on linml ... 077.t01.1u rremluma In roiii-m of miirctinn willltn lnrn Roptouilier 0, 1 " . - t,o.vi.Mi.. I?1?"" ""' ""'I arcruml M,4IW.I Othar Miota (not) lo.nrj.ai Total atlmlttrrt nnrt ,7,o.m l.lTio MAIIIUTIIiH nroil elalmt tor Inora nupuld a.nt)7,ATt.TT Amount of iinraiiiail iri-iulum on all oiiUlniiilina rlk 0,101,315. us Una for canimllnn and hrokt. aiiSTi3imm'ii,i;ii,'iii.';';',i,i, J?,;"?: Total llalilllllai, crit capital miTm lanital pW up , 780,00(1.011 fliirpliiH ovrr all Ihlillltloa .H 1,631,850,81 Rnrplui aa rouanla palloyhulilpri , l,MI,IM.SI Total toSlsUo miaiNRsii im orkoon urn tiib ykar Xft primlnmi taiwlvnil durln tlio yaar sT.8tt.na Not lniii paid dnrlna Hid yanr a.tu,l LONDON LANOASHIR INPIMNITY OOMPANY OP AMBnioA (III.IIKIIT KINIIAN, I'rcl. JOHN miMSilN, goo. Statutory railitaut attorney fur icrvloo, Dudley O. Allen. POTLUCK m Mr. und Mrs. Leonard Ritter wera biulnun visitor la Spruguo Hlvcr on auiuliiy, Mr. und Mm, H, K, llurt.ler nnd duughtcr Llussia, visited on Hiindtiy with Mr. und Mm. Mar vin Michael und Mr. und Mm. T, P. Michael. Mr. a 1 Hi Mrs. Rolluu Muyc.ru of flly, visited recently with Mm. Muyurs' puronUf, Mr. und Mrs. Mlko Kueck. Jossu Drew was a bualuess vis itor at tha Michael ranch on Monday. Miss Sarah I.oguo visited on Tliumcliiy with Mm, Marvin Michael und Mrs. T. I'. Michael. Cluud Fruley was transuding business In Spraguo Hlvcr 011 Salurduy. llarliiian Logtio I omploycd at tho Charles Crawford ranch. CiiurU'j Flackus Ik staying at the Kllgore ranch in Langoll val ley helping tako caro of War ren Kllgore, who I seriously ill. Bly Tha Huvorund Victor Phillips of tho Methodist church of Klamath Fall will deliver the bucculuuroatu address to tho lily seniors tlio evening of Muy 2, ut tlio Malhodlsl church in Bly. Mrs. Olivo Protsmun returned homo Suiuluy morning from Cutis Luke, Minn., where Iih visited her mother who hud been 111 for soma lime. She wu much Improved wlion Mrs. i'riilsmuu left to return homo, but upon her urrlvul in Port lund she received word tliut her mother had passed away. Mrs. Protsman was met In Portland and accompanied home by her daughter Janet who is attending beuuty collcgo In Salem. Mrs. Clarenco Oumm, accom panied by her daughter Eileen Schneider left lust week for the Mayo clinic in Rochester where Mrs. Diimni will receive treat ment for a bone ailment. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kobler wcro guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harrington and Mr. und Mrs. Jnincs Still well lu.it week, Both aro em ployed in tho Portland ship yards. Mickey Moll, young son ot Mr. and Mr. Leo Moll of Bly. who submitted to a major op eration on a broken leg a few days ago, Is reported to bo do ing satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck and daughter Kay, spent Satur day In Klamuth Fulls. Mr. and Mm. Carl Proobstci and daughter Jessie Leo Kcffler wcro also shoppers in Klamath Falls that day. Mr. and. Mrs. Clark Abbott and their daughter Betty and Lois Osborne spent tho last weekend In DoitIs visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hitch knek who have operated tne Whlto Lunch cafe have closed the business indefinitely. Ed Kcndell of the Bly Water Works who Is living In Ash land spent two days In Bly last week attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohor have gono to Portland aftor a brief visit with Mrs. Rohor's sister here, Mrs. Everett Bolt. Rohor Is connected with the OPA in Portland. It i reported that Carol Tuck er, young daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Tucker, Is very much Improved. Sha has been In tho hospital somo time suf fering from an attack ot pneu monia, Miss Katlioryn Bishop spont Die lust weekend In Klamath Fall visiting friends and at tending business matter. Mis Evelyn and Miss Orctha Hudson spent tho past weekend hi Medtord visiting friends. Mr. and Mr. James Boyd ot Portland recently became tha parents of a baby daughter. Tho child la a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Boyd of this community. Tho senior-junior class play presented to a largo crowd last Saturday evening waa much en joyed as well as a financial suc cess. The officers report a net profit of $55 which was turned over to tho senior class to flti anco tho senior class gift to the school. Following tho play most ot tho crowd enjoyed a hard time dunco hold at the Ivory Pine community hall. Music for tho dance was furnished by Mrs. Ernest Sunbarg and Paul Cary. Tho "Saw and ' Save" club met at tho homo of Mrs. War ren Osborn for their 4-H cloth ing club Wednesday afternoon ot lost week. Games wcro play ed nnd refreshments of cocoa and do-nuts were served to tho fallowing: G w 0 n Ashbnugh, Laureltn Griffin, Bcrylo Kcslor, Betty Jenn Aulorborry, Betty Abbott, Lois Osborn and Martha Glvan. QUICK, HAPPY RELIEF for Excess Stomach Acid Distress! F.meQi 8TUAMT TABLKT8 tonttln th rry IngrttdUnta to oflan um1 byiloatri to bilntj Iulok, Walloon illt( from loldalndlgtilloii Ulriif oauttid by txatit itotaaoh acidity (Ut allng or drinking. Dalloioua taitlng) air lo take, No botlUf no mliinrj. Vat won cUiiui, bUitad tlll (torn axoau anld uf()r Ing, for lamout flTUART T A JUSTS without dalar, "At all dm rj alotaa 3Bo, 60a and SI. 30 aador makai'a tnonaybaok guatantaa." fileutl MALI OES IDS 'VISITORS' NIGHT' MALIN Visitors night with Prosperity chapter, 1U0, OES, Mulin, tho ovenlng of Thursduy, April 8, was a delightful event with guests from Klamath Falls, Tuloluka, Morrill and Malln greeted by Mr. Hazul Kalina, worthy matron and her co-officer. Tha Initiatory work of the chapter waa rovlowed with Mrs. Hetty Hunter of Aloha chapter, Klumath Falls, und Mr. Mario Mlcka, former member of Pros perity chapter, now living In Corvallis, acting as candidates. Tho chapter plans to meet in a body, Sunday, April 1 1 for morning sorvlcos at the Malln Presbyterian church, All mom bom and visiting member aro urged to attend. Included among tho out of town guosts woro Mr. Clarence Humble, worthy matron and Lawruuco Phelps, worthy pu tron of Alohu chaptor, Klamuth Fulls, tho corps of officers of that diopter and a number of other members; Mr. Beulah Wleso, Tulcliike, deputy grand matron of the fourth district of the ntuto of California, OES; Mrs. Marie Mieka, Corvallis. Refreshment!) were served ot tho eloso of the ovenlng by Mm. Helen Morcland, Mrs. Frances Council, Mm. iluzcl Bowman and Mrs. Florence Hill. Lakeview The an nun I meeting of the Lakeview Library Board of Trustees was hold Murcll 29. Mrs. John Bucll was elected president for tho coming year; Mm. Mabel McDonald, vice pres ident, und Mrs. Walter Dykc mun, secretary treasurer. The trustee members arc Mrs. Ernest Fetseh, Mm. John Bucll, Mrs. Richard Corbctt, Mrs. Waller Dykeman, Mm. Mabel McDonald, Mrs. Clifton Howard, Mm. Phil Smith, Mrs. Dtidtoy Baker a lid HUB. dUllll DJilir. O. D. Brown, buyer for Hallo well, Jones and Donald of Bos ton, reports this week the pur chase of 250,000 pounds of Lake county wool at 40 cents per pound, representing a total fleece purchase ot $100,000. County Agent Victor Johnson states that approximately 25 to 30 por cent ot the wool has been contracted for in Lake county. He estimates that there ure about 82,000 head of sheep in tho coun ty at present. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lerwick re ceived word this week that their son, Everett Roger, hud been ap pointed as a candidate for the U. S. Military academy at West Point, New York. The Lakeview boy is attending the University of Oregon and he was unaware of the honor until his parents no tified him. The Rev. Gordon C. Griffin will preach his last sermon in Lakeview this Sunday as regular pastor of tho First Baptist church. He has accepted a call to the First Baptist church at Ashland, and ha and Mrs. Grif fin will leave for their new homo next week. Major VanFlcet and Lt. Heath ot the Klamath Falls state guard unit were In Lakeview Thursday evening tor the meeting and drill practice of tho Lakoview company. At a meeting hold last Thurs day evening, the Lake county board votod to hold a fair and round-up In September, but due to the war lt Is anticipated that the celebration will bo somewhat modified and may be of only two days duration, Tho Girl Scouts had another big day Saturday when they sold $128.60 worth of Defense Stamps in three hours, to make this their biggest day so far. Stanley Hanson was ra-elected president of Lakeview Water Users, Inc., at a meeting of the organization Monday at Irriga tion headquarters, Wcstslde. His term is for three years. Other of ficers are E. G. Favell, secretary, treasurer, and Harry R. Sand qulst, who was retained as man ager. Directors of the association are Stanley Hanson, E. G. Favell, Hubert Koons, Gcorgs Stock burger, Cecil Gibbons, Elmo An gclo and W. H. Lcohman. America Industrially has done In two years what took Germany 10 years, Russia 20, and Japan 30. C. of C. President Eric Johnston. Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To sootlio itching, burning skin, apply medicated liquid ZEMOr-a Doctor's formula backed by 80 years continue ouasuccessl For ringworm ymptams, eczema, athlete's (not or olomlshea due to external cause, apply ZEMO freely. Soon tho discomfort should disappear. Over 25,000,000 paekiiKos old. One trial convinces. Only 8&y. Alao 60)! and $1.00. ZEMO mm to OFFER REWARD FUR RUSTLERS LAKEVIEW In an effort to curb cattle rustling und a black market, both the Central and Northern Fremont Cattle and Homo associations this week voted to offer $500 in cash for Information leading to tho con viction of anyone stealing cattle from any member of the associa tions. While the Horsefly Cattle association at Bly discussed the problem of cuttlo rustling, they took no Immcdiuto steps. Ed Cliff and John Herbert of the Fremont forest service at tended all three meetings at which officers were elected and discussions held on grazing and other matter pertaining to the cuttle business. At tho meeting Saturday of the Horsefly Cuttlo association, B. Richardson was elected presi dent; Basil Hall, vieo president; Henry Gerber, secretury-treasur-cr, and W. R. Campbell, Lloyd Gift and J. L. Arvin, advisory board members. Central Fremont The Central Fremont Cattle and Horse associ ation of Paisley elected the fol lowing officers Monday: W. II. Harvey, president; J. B. Elder, vice president; W, B. Snider, secretary-treasurer. Wult Camp bell and the foregoing officers were elected to tho advisory board. Northern Fremont L. Line buugh was named president ot the Northern Fremont Cattle and Horso association at a meet ing ut Silver Lake Tuesday. Oth er officers elected were Dan Shoemaker, vice president; J. D. Coreen, secretary-treasurer; I. S. Hamilton, W. W. Vaughn and Les Elder, advisory board mem bers. Fort Klamath Clyde Gilbert, forest ranger in the Crater Lake purk service, I was a business visitor , here last wcck irom nis nome m Medtord. The war department last week notified James Miller of Fort Klumath that his brother, Ser geant Glen Miller, had been wounded March 22 in a Japanese bombing attack on a New Guinea air base, where Miller has been stationed for some time as plane ! mechanic with tho air corps. No further details were given, and to date no other information has I been received. j W,ilbur Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ferguson, left I here April first to report for duty with the army air corps at Fort Lewis, Wash. The Ferg usons expect to move to town soon trom the Seven Mile ranch, belonging to Mrs. Mary Loosley which they have leased for sev eral years and which has now i. , i i a ...... j ..;,. c me uixon ana jviBevuision rancu. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will oc cupy the Glen Ferguson house in Fort Klamath. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bishop are also preparing to give up ranch life and move to their home in Fort Klamath. Mrs. R. O .Var num has been busy for some time papering and redecorating the Bishop house here. The Bishops have lived for many years on the Kirkpatrick ranch west of Fort Klamath, which has now been leased for several years to Nich olson brothers, local stockmen and ranchers. Miss Avera Hudson of the WAACs is now stationed at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, according to word received here by friends. Cpl. Curtis Crum is a patient at the army hospital at Fort Snclling, Minn, Three local boys in the marine corps who served on Guadal canal are now enjoying a fine time in a liberty port some where, according to their letters to their parents here. The boys include PFC Weston Engle, PFC Donald Gray and PFC Vernon Wlmer. Another Fort Klamath boy with the marines is PFC Samuel Emerson, who is on tho DEAF? OR ONLY HARD OF HEARING Do Not Nenltct This Condition Even If You Are Only ' Slightly HARD OF HEARING An Amaiing Development! THE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AURAL EXERCISER No Batterieal Nothing to Wear I GROUP CONVERSATIONS How Well Do You Hear Whan Threa or Four Are Talking! "VACOLITE" MODEL "P" With lta modern patented FREQUENCY. CONTROL allows for individual fitting today and refitting any future time without coat. Only VACOLITE can offer Patented Fre quency Control, Sea Alao tha Model "G" Stralghtlln , Instrument, at Only $109,50 AMPLE BATTERY SUPPLIES Free Demonstration - 2 Days Only Friday and Saturday, April 18th and 17th PHONE OR CALL Ask for Mr, Omonundro, Elk Hotul, Phona 4181 USS ' Colorado on duty some where in tha Pacific. Mr. Hugh Rlessen ot San Francisco, Calif., arrived here by atuge Tuesday to look after her local property lnterei.ts. Mrs. Itlcsscn Is employed In tho bay city as night housekeeper at tha Stcwurt hotel. Her husband 1 also working in tha city. She expects to spend a few day here before returning to San Fran cisco. Many local school children have been immunized against whooping cough by Dr. McCan nell of Chiloquin following the outbreak of an epidemic of a severe cough among the pupils. Although the malady is - not whooping cough, It i very sim ilar in its symptoms, and several of the children have been forced to remain at home as a result. Twenty-two members enrolled Monday night in the Red Cross First Aid courso now being con ducted here each week by Mrs. Kenneth Roberts of Chiloquin. Classes will be held for two hours each on Monday and Thursday nights in the C. I. club house, completion of the course requiring five weeks. W. T. Hescock of Fort Klam ath is now employed at Lamm's camp at Yamsay, Ore. Miss Ruby Smith, formerly cook for the Algoma Lumber company hotel here, is also employed at Lamm's camp as cook. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Denton are moving back this week to their Fort Klamath ranch from their winter home in Grants Pass. First Lieut. Robert R. Gorden is now attending the Third Oc cupational Military Police School for Officers at Fort Cust er, Mich., according to new re ceived here. Young Gorden en listed some time ago, having been employed by the California Oregon Power company in Tilla mook. His wife has accepted a j position in Portland for the dura tion. Tec. Cpl. Donald Parker is home on 15-day furlough from Tanforan, San Bruno, Calif., where he is an MP in the U. S. army. Ho is the son of Mrs. A. J. Parker of Fort Klamath and enlisted in January. 1941, in company with Raymond Van Wormer of Fort Klamath who is now with a quartermaster unit. Dairy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kolh of Pondosa, Calif., spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Schmoe. Mrs. Ray Hicks was taken to Klamath Falls on Thursday to receive medical attention. Mrs. Alice Kendall and daugh ter Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. jess Roberts of Lakeview, were business visitors at the Schmoe ranch and Klamath Falls on Tuesday. Neil Arant, nephew of Mrs. Ray Hicks, who is making his home with them is slowly im proving after his serious ill ness. Miss Darine Higham spent the weekend with Nadine Schmoe. Friends will be glad to learn Mrs. Waldo Jones is improving at a Klamath - Falls hospital where she underwent a major operation recently. Friends hope to see her homa before long. Mr. and Mrs. Orlan McCum ber, Mrs. Franklin Arant and Herbert Arant of Dairy were Klamath Falls visitors Tuesday. Malin Another plea for help with Red Cross sewing is sent out by Mrs. Vaclav Kalina who states that a number of blouses have been cut out and are ready for distribution. Response to the first call brought no results and help is urgently needed. Vaclav Kalina, who for sev eral months has been employed on a defense project at Van couver, has returned home and will be associated with his father-in-law, Elzte Roberts, on his farm this summer. All useless appendages are to be eliminated from men's clothes. Meaning we'll have only the pocket we keep our knife and keys in. The best way to insure against unemployment is to have no un employment. Winston Churchill. LAKEVIEW Another good water year for Lake county irri gation tarmers is in prospect, fully as good as lost year, and better than average, according to the annual snow survey and ir rigation wator forecast agreed upon at tlia annual committee meeting held here today, by R. A. Work, Medtord, in charge of this project for the soil conser vation service and tha OSC ex periment station. Full reservoirs, good summer stream flow and plenty of soil moisture for range grass are in prospect throughout the area. Snow stored water Is so abun dant that water storage In Cot tonwood reservoir has not yet started. Storage will begin with in n day or o and this reservoir will be filled to the agreement capacity. Weyerhaeuser Mrs. George Netherland and son Jimmic, of Bremerton, Wash., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herrick. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dunn are parents of a new baby boy. Mrs. W. E. Dunn of Bend is caring for Nancy and Barbara while their mother is in Klamath Falls. Local musicians played for the dance Saturday night in the community hall. A large crowd attended, with visitors from Ash land -and Klamath Falls. Lydia and Glen West ot Jack sonville, spent the weekend at the Archie West home and at tended the dance Saturday night. Mrs. Habert Knapp and chil dren of Jacksonville, spent the weekend with her husband here and attended the dance. They plan to move to camp soon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hearn and children moved to Pinehurst Sat urday. The home extension meeting usually held on the third Thurs day of each month has been post poned one week. It will be held April 22 with Mrs. Winnifred Gillen presenting a demonstra tion on the cooking of vegetables. Mrs. William Hartlerode has called a meeting of Sunday school pupils in the community hall on Thursday evening at 7 p. m., to practice for the Easter program. A galloping pinochle party was given at the home of Mrs. Adolf Johnson last Tuesday. Prizes were won by Mrs. William Stacy, high, Mrs. Dave McLaren, low, and Mrs. Jack Chapman, pinochle. Mrs. Dave McLaren, who plans to be hostess to a galloping par ty soon is spending this week with her father who is ill at their ranch near Rogue River. Mrs. Lee Prescott was hostess for the card club party on Thurs day afternoon with a party in the community hall. Dessert was served and pinochle played. Mrs. Jack Chapman won the prize for high score, Mrs. Earl Cruik shank, low; and Mrs. Paul Win ningham, pinochle. Carol Friedrich celebrated her fourth birthday on April 8, when her mother, Mrs. Karl Friedrich entertained all the lo cal children from two-years-old to school age. There were games, birthday cake, presentation of gifts and picture taking on the lawn. Children invited were John and Philip Winningham, Darrell Jameson, Dorothy Lip pert,, Margaret Ogle, Dani Wal- drip, Joe and Georgia Roberts, Nancy Dunn and Truman Sand lin. Patsy Benton entertained some of her friends at her home after school on Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Bill Benton serV' ing a birthday cake with eight candles. Jean Lippert, Pearl Chapman, Udell Lippert and Fred West attended the party. Langell Valley C. W. and M. W. Dearborn have rented the Harry Ticknor ranch. Elliot House and Bruce Biel er spent Wednesday at Ashland. Mrs. Madge Boley spent Tuesday night with her cousin, Mrs. Norma Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift In these days of rationing and careful selection of foods so as to get the most in money and food values, it is evident that MILK is the very best food available. Considering the perfectly balanced nutritive val ues of the fats, proteins, carbohydrates, suggrs and minerals in MILK, the very best food available to day is that fine wholesome MILK delivered by th Raymond Dairy. Phone Us to Commence Deliveries of Our MILK To Your Home RAYMOND DAIRY PRODUCTS CO PHONE 3179 spent Sunday in Klamath Falls with Mr. and Mr. Cecil Green. Doria Leavitt atayod with Ruth Brown at Bonanza Friday night and went to the eighth grade party in honor of Mary Louise Haines, who 1 leaving soon for Portland to receive medical care. The eighth grade gave Mary Louisa chenille robe as a gift. Mrs. Mercy Johnson and Mrs. Carolyn Dearborn spent Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Bes sie Frazier doing Red Cross sewing. Everyone is urged to come to help sew every Wed nesday at the Frazier home. All day, half day, or an hour will help this needy cause. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pepple and Bob wera Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zick and Larry in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Oscar Campbell and Mrs. Ladd Hoyt spent the last weekend at Ashland. Ted Pepple went to Klamath Falls on Monday to have the stitches removed from his head. Ted was badly hurt last Mon day when hit with a baseball bat while playing at the school grounds. Mrs. Mike Dearborn spent Friday at Henley with . Mrs. Thelma Short. Mrs. Earl McCoy and daugh ters of Malin spent the week end in Langell Valley. Her hus band has already moved from Malin to the Wilkerson ranch which he recently purchased. Mrs. McCoy and daughters will remain at Malin until school is out. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett and son spent the weekend at Grants Pass visiting his parents who recently moved there from Midland in hopes tne change would benefit his father's health. The Langell Valley Commun ity club, under the direction of Johnnie Campbell, is sponsor ing a dance at Lorella on Fri day night, April 18. Good music will be furnished by the Bly orchestra. The colored piano player is "the one man band" and a good time is assured ev eryone. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Novotny spent last weekend at Ashland with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bunn. Keno, Merrill, Bly to Exchange Faculty Heads MERRILL A three-way ex change among faculty heads of Keno, Merrill and Bly was this week announced by Ray Oehle rich, principal of the Merrill elementary school who will go tn Keno next vear. Clenree Elliott. Drincinal at Bly will come to Merrill where he will be in charge ot Dom me high school and the grade school succeeding both Oehlerich and Eber E. Kilpatrick who has re signed to farm. H. C. Sharpe, principal of the Keno school, will go to Bly. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hart- well attended the funeral serv ices of Mrs. Olive Noble in Ash land Tuesday. Homer and Gilbert Rowton of Vancouver, Wash., are visiting their mother, Mrs. Nellie .Row ton. Shopping in Ashland from the Greensprings Saturday were Mr, and Mrs. BUI Davidson and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Bates, Mrs. I. McBride, J. C. McBride, Mrs. Edna Hartwell and Carl Frosh. Friends and neighbors wel comed the Rowton boys home, with a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. McBride. Gilbert Rowton has received his induction papers and is to report in tha near future. Mrs. Walter Monroe is visiting with her daughter who lives in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brady re turned Sunday from Ashland where they have been visiting his mother. DEEP IN HIS SUBJECT SALT LAKE CITY (AP) The Salt Lake City Tribune had to find a new reporter to re place Bruce Thornton, who wrote columns of bright lea' hires from army camps. Thornton has been drafted. lions MERRILL You may corrjr home some straw on your denim or your ginghams or a horse col lar 'round your neck It you go to the barn dance on Friday, Ap ril 16, that Is being sponsored by the junior class ot tho high school. But even if you do you'll have n lot of fun, promise the committee that is working out plans for the dance that may take the place of the annual sen ior ball this year. The dance is planned for the pleasure ot the older generation as well as the younger, and mu sic furnished by the "Morrill Melodcars" will be as popular as it has been for several local dances during the w 1 n t e f months. Tha dance, first of the school year, will be held in the high school gymnasium starting at 9 o'clock. Light refreshments will be of fered and the tickets per couple are only 77 cents for adults. Students and unescorted ladies will pay 35 cents. HENLEY MESH PUTS The March bond drive con test ended at Henley high school with the team made up of eighth and eleventh grades winning by the purchase of $1237.80 in bonds and stamps. The ninth and tenth grade team bought $677.40 worth while the seventh and twelfth grade team raised only $138.05. Total sales amount ed to $2253.25, more than enough to buy $3000 worth of bonds. The March sales set a new record for the school and era titles them to a "jeep certificate" from the treasury department. Sales in the contest were head ed by Ann Stevenson, Fat Mas ten and Donna Kinney. The losing senior and seventh grade team must provide assem bly entertainment for the rest of the school. . Attention of, students is note focused upon ..the fat and tbl drive sponsored by the communa ity service division of the Vio tory corps. With the loss of Guadalcanal, the Japs' first defeat in hun dreds of years, it probably will be ' hard for them to get used, to such things. to WEAR OYER ANY SUIT 21.95 Shetland! Plaids v Twills Fleeces Wear rr over suits or over dresses these smart coats in Interest Ing new weaves. Easy but not sloppy . . . In smart shades. CRAIG'S a 617 MAIN aa.