PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'April IS, 1941 CORN CEILING GETS BOOST IN NEW PROGRAM Consumer Savings Noted in Studies Of Price Control Despite great inflationary pressures the inauguration of WASHINGTON, April 13 OP) Price control has effected t re- rood Administrator Chester Da- savings 10 .armers, om- vl announced Saturday a new er consumers, ana the govern- price control and production pro- ment. Ed Ostendorf, OPA dis trict director, announced today. His statement was based on a comprehensive study made by the national OPA. 'The general maximum price gram including a 5-cents-a-bushel boost in the ceiling price of corn in the surplus producing areas and designed, he said, to bring about a "more equitable rela tionship" among livestock, meat, regulation has already saved the and feed grain prices and to as- average family $12.89 on cloth sure continued heavy production '"8. $7.54 on major meats, and of livestock products. $a.4u on other selected foods. The program did not include ostenaorx declared. "By De- ceilines on prices of live hogs as cember 1943 these savings will had been forecast in some quar- amount to $76.31, $49.60, and ters, but did hold such ceilings $17.60. For all consumers in the In reserve for use In event hog single momn oi uecemcier, mis, prices do not soon decline to a savings on these items alone will "proper relationship" with OPA - " million dollars. ceilings on meats. I By individual price actions. The program does not con- the OPA has saved buyers hun- template, Davis said, any change dreds of millions of dollars. The In the level of either wholesale or retail meat ceilings. The program Has been ap proved by Price Administrator Prentiss Brown. The immediate increase of 5 cents a bushel in I the celling price of corn in sur plus producing areas would raise the celling from $1.02 to $1.07 a bushel for No. 2 yellow corn at Chicago. The increase in the corn ceil ing was designed. Davis said, to stimulate the sale of corn, sales Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Alexander, of which have been tied up large- 1644 Manzanita street, received ly by owner anticipation of hlah- word recently that their son, IA er prices. . R. H. Alexander, has left his base Other phases of the Drosram at Homestead, Fla., where he has include: -en siauonea ior me past An increase from S13.2S to month, for an overseas destina- $13.75 per hundred pounds. Chi- "On, cago basis. In the government support price of hoes. This PANAMA CITY, Fla. Staff price was set for a period end- Sergeant Robert H. Ackerman, whose father is a. ii. Ackerman, 110 N. 8th street, Klamath Falls, Ore., is one of the men "behind the scenes" in the country's war effort as an important cog in the set-up of the government to pro duce deadly aerial gunners the army air forces flexible gun nery school at Tyndall field here. Sgt. Ackerman is an aerial gun ner expert, and is now an in structor of aerial gunnery Tyndall field. MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE ing September 30, 1944. LIVESTOCK GROWERS WANT CEILING LIFT ALBANY, April 12 (JP) western Oregon livestock grow ers want price ceilings and meat quotas lifted. Resolutions adopted at the close of the annual meeting here opposed those OPA regulations . . ,:a,U,f"' , , . in; autuuii uiis weei. 15 milium and also urged the surplus com- .--.--;-. r mnrfitv mrr.nrfi, -n-i-..i Clifford FitzpatTick, husband of at FARRAGUT To begin train ing as a new recruit in one of the camps at this U. S. Naval Train modify corporation to maintain a steady flow of feed grams in stead of spasmodic releases. Increased appropriations for control of predatory animals as a meat-saving measure was ask ed, r ' : - Eugene was selected as the site for the next year's meet ing. All officials were reelected, Mrs. Blanche M. Fitzpatrick, 807 Lippincott street, Klamath Falls, While here, he will undergo a thorough schooling in various subjects including seamanship, physical fitness, discipline and other topics necessary to the making of a good sailor. Herbert W. Henderson, Klam ath Falls, has been promoted to the grade of sergeant, according to an announcement at the Mid land, Texas, army air forces bombardier school, largest of its kind in the world. Aviation Cadet Louis Alden Bruner, son of Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Bruner, Klamath Falls, has Draft Age Men May Volunteer To Join Navy Seabees Men with construction trades who are within the draft age (18- 38) desiring to get into the con- struction branch of the navy may completed the second phase of SZ,,1"?! be sent to his flight training at the army air T gov- forces basic flying school, Gun- "d", t p , army air field, Montgomery, in rir80"gtothemainsta- Ala.( it was announced today, tion these men should avail Prlor to his arrival here, he had themselves of the opportunity of received his primary training at local interview ' with the Seabee Helena, Arkansas, where he ob- " j s m,. , jcu u vroi- tained 60 hours in the air in ftcMD i wrrant carpenter primary training planes. He was USNR, to give applicant the re- appointed an aviation cadet Sep- h--- ,.-. examination Member 4, 1942. w wreiuiuic . qui ior e- uee raung. FABDifiirr Tri n arMi. After examination the man tion to the gunner's mate service may be sent to the main station school roster for a sixteen-weeks tor final physical examination specialized course, is Richard prior to nis volunteering for in- Otis Rasmussen, son of Mrs. J. duction. In case of physical dis- R. Hitter, 125 South Seventh ?k u I appucani can street, and the husband of Mrs, "" - iciurnea nome ana need not complete his voluntary in- uuction ior the armed forces un less he desires to. Mr. Wolea. mood will interview applicants at the local navy recruiting sta tion in me post office building, April 23, from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. . i pointed out these men snouia report to the local sta tion prior to this time for prelim inary physical examination and to get necessary forms. Kaiser Orders No Days-Off for Men Working on Ships PORTLAND, April 12 OP) The Henry Kaiser Swan Island shipyard ordered an end to days-off for a number of work ers today. Burners, chippers, welders on the ways and pipe welders were told they would have to work seven continuous days. Women helpers were ex cluded. Double time will be paid for the seventh day. FOOD FROM HOME RUBY, S. C. (JP) Canned to matoes he helped pack at home were a part of the ration Lieut. Jule S. McGregor, Jr., ate while with the army in North Africa. "Imagine my surprise," he wrote to his father, "when, as I was opening some supplies for Ihe army here, I found cases of our own tomatoes, with oiir labels still on them." Richard Rasmussen, 227 Jeffer son street, Klamath Falls, ' ATLANTIC CITY Private Kenneth E. Nichols, the son of Mrs. Mattie Johnson, 210 East Main, Klamath Falls, has arrived at the Atlantic City basic train ing center, army air force tech nical training command, While attached to this station Private Nichols will undergo a course in physical conditioning and instruction in military fun damentals, and will be scientifi cally tested for aptitudes In me chanical specialties needed by the technical training command for the development of ground crews and air crews. FORT KNOX Among the thou sands of selectees now entering the armed services, Pvt. Wllber E. Muma, son of r. and Mrs. W. E. Muma, 319 East Main street, has entered the armored force replacement training cen ter for their basic training In the newest and hardest-hitting branch of the army. Always read the classified ads. Pi LES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lon of Tlmt Permanent Ruuim DR. E. M. MARSHA Chiropractic Phyllelan MO Ho, Jlli exjulra Thulrt Bids. Phonr 7oei estimates are based on the as sumption that in the absence of price control, the World war 1 pattern of price movements would have been repeated. This is an understatement, Ostendorf stated, because Inflationary pressures are much greater this time than they were in the first World war. Price control has already saved nearly $500 for the aver age farm family since the out break of the war $155 on living costs and $340 on operating and maintenance expenses. Over half of this saving occurred during 1942, and by December, 1943, total savings per family will have exceeded $1100. During the last war, prices of farm machinery rose by 74 per cent. This time the increase in the 3 years since September, 1939, has been held to 61 per cent. During the last war the price of fertilizers rose by 86 per cent. In sharp contrast, the OPA has held the increase in the price of fertilizers over the past 3 years to 13 per cent. Prices of meat scraps and other farm foods, and for egg cases were also reduced by max imum price regulations affecting these items. Consumers have been saved millions of dollars by the gen eral maximum price regulation Between May and December, 1942, the average family would have paid $12.89 more for cloth ing and $7.54 more for its prin cipal meat purchases if the aver age rate of increase in retail prices from September, 1941, to May, 1942, had continued. Be tween May, 1942, and December, 1943, the average family will save nearly $75 on clothing and nearly $50 on its principal meat purchases if prices are held at current levels. Huge savings to consumers on numerous other items followed in the path of price control, When a large cigarette producer announced an increase of 57 cents per 1000 cigarettes in De cember, 1941, the OPA promptly issued a schedule holding maxi mum cigarette prices where they were. By securing a voluntary agreement from major producers on November 3, 1941, OPA fore stalled price increases of 10 per cent which had been announced generally by mattress and bed ding manufacturers. By denying requests of soap manufacturers to lower the soap content of laundry bar soaps and certain laundry packages, the OPA through price regulation saved 6 million dollars a year in the nation s soap bill. Other consumer items on which large savings were affect ed through price control includ ed used tires, vacuum cleaners, woolen clothing, sugar, vegeta ble oils, and fluid milk and cream. By preventing the pattern of price increases which occurred during the same period of the last war, OPA has saved the government 25.8 billion dollars on the cost of the war through 1942. By December, 1943, if prices are held at the current level, this saving will amount to 78.3 billion dollars. To put it an other way, total war expendi tures will amount to only two thirds of what they would be if the World war 1 pattern of price increases had been permitted to develop, or savings 2 J times greater than the total cost of the last war. LEG O AK TO REPORT REHABILITATION PORTLAND. April 12 OP) uregons requirements for the rehabilitation of service men will be presented at the state American Legion convention in Baker August 19-21. State Adjutant June Valiant made the announcement here at a meeting of Legion officials and representatives of the vet erans' administration in which Legionnaires urged immediate preparation for rehabilitation of wounded. They recommended that pri ority ratings equal to the army's and navy's be given to construc tion of new hospitals and other buildings for the veterans' ad ministration. The recommendations will be studied in Washington, D. C. Radio Stations to Be Ordered Off Air During Alerts SAN FRANCISCO. April 12 OP) Radio stations will bo or dered oft the air hereafter whenever a public air raid the warning is ordered by fourth fighter command, The order was Issued by Lieu tenant General J. L. DoWltt, commanding genoral of the western defense command, in letter to Jnmcs C. Sheppard, re gional director of the office of civilian defense. It Is intended "to eliminate the existing con fusion in the publlo mind con cerning the relationship botweon the radio slloncoi and air raid warnings," General DoWltt wrote. Always rend the classified ads. MISPLACED WICHITA, Kms., (P) Tli-ioO was quite a bit of commotion whon office workors In a wnr plant discovered Miss Doris Vat) Curron, clerk, was missing, - After searching everywhere else, thoy found they'd lockod her In the vault. Tlie Greatest Mother' in the World V SGT. CAI COOK TO ENTER ACTIVE DUTY Sgt. Carl K. Cook, well known resident and former police judge, left Sunday morning for San Francisco to report for active duty with the United States marine corps. Cook has been re cruiting officer in charge of the local marine station. He reports April 15 in San Francisco and will be transferred to headquart ers in the San Diego area, Camp Elliott. Cook had long expressed a de sire for active duty which he had experienced during earlier serv ice in the marines. Mrs. Cook accompanied her husband south. The Earley hotel, which the Cooks have operated under lease, has been sold and Mrs. D. S. Doremus is now the manager, it was announced. The business man of America is interested primarily in econ omics. The new world will be one of political economics. Our business men must be interested in both. C. of C. President Eric Johnston. HEAR FARM SPEECH TULELAKE J. O. McKinney, Yreka, Siskiyou county agricul ture commissioner, introduced by W. H. Anderson, program chairman, reviewed in a humor ous talk the natural resources of Siskiyou county for Tulclake Ro tarians this week. Big strawber ries of the Shasta Springs coun try and apples grown in the high altitudes came in for a share of praise. Wild flowers, metals, tim ber and minerals and the finest farming land in the world all are found in this county that is as large as Rhode Island and Connecticut combined. The meeting was called to or der by President P. C. Bergman who, with Fred McMurphy, new ly elected president, will attend the district Rotary convention to be held in Reno the middle of this month. Guests for the luncheon were i Wilson Wiley and Major Under-1 wood, Klamath Falls; Douglas Ames and J. O. McKinney, Yreka; Ensign Kenneth W. Rob erts, Boston; Fred Engle, Tule- lake, and Wilbur Arnold, Newell. - HlGiSSHOO l!i:i:l!ilil:'ll,:;'''illllllili!'i!ll'!lli!!'iiiii!! till I I I,'.' K'nrrLrli::!,! ; i-a. ! i''!Ki'i'!:ii . ' : -:i HI I; l ':"V ;Wew5:;, 0.ndi Comment wmm if! I!ii"iliiii!'; Although it wasn't quite like spring in the great outdoors Fri day evening, the boys' gym look ed as if spring were here to stay. With all colors of the rainbow repre sented by for- mals against the background o f palms and flow ers, the dancing couples made a lovely picture. The punch bowl was kept busy and cookies disappeared quickly. There was a good attendance of students and faculty members and from all reports everyone had a happy time. Dr. organ S. Odell sook'e In dual assemblies on "Education for Victory and Peace." The speaker was Introduced by Rev. Eugene Haynes. The ribbons won by the Peli can track team in the Rogue River relays are on display in the exhibit case. Bettie Hopkins 285,170 Betty McKinney i 72,600 Vivian Dirschl 66,795 Sally Mueller 248,405 Say, look at Sally Jump-up. Are you juniors and sophomores going to let the freshmen get away with it? Looks as if the seniors are going to have to work. DELIVERED GREAT FALLS. Mont.. (Pi A case of coffee fell from a de livery truck. The driver stonned within a block and ran back to pick it "P. It had vanished. Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No lonacr bo annnvr-rl nr r.t fit .... h'nauae of loolw, wabbly fnl teeth. PAH TKKTII, on Improved alkaline (non-acld) powder iprlnkled on your platea holda thnra i "... " . ' wraiortnliln. RootrilnR and cooling lo giima aora by ex. ePMIva arid month. Avoid emhnrraufnipnt iiBii,rd by oon plalra, 0t FASTKliTH today at any druj atora. The National Better Business Group does not recommend the various battery "dopes" which are supposed to Drolonz the life of the power plant. To rtHtva distress of M0HTHLVaV Female weakness Which makes you CMNKV, NERVOUS torm E. Plnkham'a Vegetablo Com pound la mads avedallv or women to relieve pcrlodlo pain with wen,, nervoua, blue Icellnga due to Juno tlonal monthly dlaturliancea. Taken regularly Plnkham'a Compound helps build up roslatance ngalrut auch symptoms. Follow label direc tions. Thousands beneatodl , 2b rr Olri ImuI Troop No. T Donn Bradford, th Chat tain, Barbara Bloohbum. Iha ron Robinson, Bttly Kopfca. Fran Starlit, Bttly Btll Srtaaror, Mary Lou Btanbtry, Arltno Itanbary, LouIm Un man. LorHa Pyla, Lorna QrovM, Marlann Row. Miriam Goridard, Joan Ktlna, Ntll Ha pUr. Bud Lm - B. B. Scrtmoa , Frd Sctunot A. LogiM C. L. Fralty - Ollvo Fralty , O. E. Ttiatcrnr , Harbtrl A rant Mr. and Mr. R, H A. 0. McCumhtf Frank Robinson Ruth Hill Jana Whit ... Emma McComlar , Vlnetnt Chofnloatty Mr, and Mr. John A. Jont Franklin A rant W. P. Tabtr - Mr. and Mrs, W. I. Jont - J. B. Jont .... ,.,.. Mr. and Mr. Orlin MoCumbtr Jot Sullivan ,, ,- , Orvlll Cms. tr. . Vf. H. Btll ftharlt (man S. A. B.irnum Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colohan Jar Thathtr .-,- Ceorc Kuthl Arvlll Cms, Jr. Jrtst Hilton - Olat Ntlton - - - Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Stothtltr Jlmmla Mytr , J. J. Dtnton Tom Chat burn and family Dav Dorm I y B. Wilton Clnl Hammond . Dorrl Jont Mr, 1, letnble Floyd thorl Cvolln Htndtrson Mr. VlrK Ma now Roy Foi Mrs. H. A. THtarman , Frank Griffith Jo A (vara do ... -.,,. Frtd Mabrty ' Crnnl Buck , Henry Holmt Mniln Col . Mr. and Mr. G. O. King J, w. WhMttr A. E. Fuwt F. 0. Whtlr Madx Ohcrn Mr. P, O, Black Dolly Htmnleuft Tom Laoty Mr. Ctn Hill L, A. Frytr ,. , . Roast Carlyls , . , Mrs. Wavn Wood Htifh O'Connor , , -Vln 8fD Julia Sip Pet McNeil . Both Roblty E Irion Camholl Mrs. Frtd Stukal Mr. Ruth Foot C. A. Hawkins Jtan Moor Mr. Jim Otltft Bill Jlnnttto - Edward Nordhortt Amos Co i . .,,- Con Murphy Bill Gould Vtr Rttv Ray Anbury I. E. Nttlty Mrnry Johanmon Dmalrt Dod Mrs. Roy Thompson Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Robinson Henry Varknltz , 1.M . i.oe . ' , S.00 , I.IK , 1.00 , 1.00 , I.N , . , 1.M 1.00 1.M 1.00 1.10 IS S.R0 1.00 1.00 1.M 1.00 M t.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 s.u 1.00 1.00 .11 t.M .s 1.00 1.00 1.M 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1.00 B.OO 1.00 1.00 B.OO Mrr. L. L. DorouKh 0. 0. Pitta Jim RoK.ra Mr. and Mr.. Jaeh Wait Mr.. Therxa Macomb 1-00 Mr. and Mra. Charlae KlnMa S.oo M-. and Mra. A. B. trl.. S CO Mil. Anna Dolerat , 1.00 Milln Oranna No. 707 MM Mr. and Mra. Karmalh C. Wllaon . S.OO Mr. and Mra. Will H. Helhrook I.M .. Mr. and Mra. Harvay Cluraton 2.00 Malln H.lplns Hand Soclaly II. M Mra. Annie Warlow W M. J. Loo.lay Family Mr. and Mra. Loula Rami l-M Mr. nd Mra. Wl. Slundnra ... 1.00 Mr. Marlon and Norman Ruparl 1-00 MMIn O.rdan Club 10.00 Lloyd Plalda 1.00 Mr. and Mra. Arthur McKoarn 10 Joan Thompaon 1-fl0 toralla Faulhnar . 1.00 Mr, and Mra. Anion Suty 10.00 1.00 S.OO 1.00 5.WI . 10.00 Mr. Huall Risk . Waldon Salvers . Mr. and Mra. Imll Tol.ll Mra. O. H. Morrow . , Mr. and Mra. J. E. Carvan Mr and Mra. Vincent Hllna. Mr. and Mra. P. O. Wllaon 1.00 Mr. and Mra, Ji Whlllach ... 1,00 Mr. and Mra. T. A. OeM.rrltl IS. 00 Mr. and Mra. H. K. Wllaon 10,00 Mr and Mra. Joe Mleka, Jr. . sn.oo Mr. and Mra. J. W. Jamee 1.00 Mr. and Mra, 0. M. Klrkpalrlok 1,1)1) Mr, and Mra, lamaa Bradahaw... 1.S0 . Mr. and Mrs, Charles W. Hamilton l.oi) Mr, and Mra, John Raoka S.oo Mr, and Mra, Pmll pollvka S.00 Mr, and Mra, Wilfred Dlion 9.00 Mr. and Mra. John Honzlk 1,00 Mr, and Mra, Joaanh nholard... 1.00 Mr, and Mra, Dlok Haniel .. Ifl.oo Mr, and Mra, Rarl MflOov . 1.00 Mr, and Mra, flhrla Paula.n M 1.00 Mr, and Mra. Ban H.nial Mra. Rmll Poluoak Tad Oharlaa DaMnrrllt Mr. and Mra, 0. I, Pope dnarme DaMarrlll , Mra. Mary Hanral . 10.00 . 1,00 . 1.00 , 1,00 , 1,00 . 1.00 and Mra. l-aonarri Patrlk iM Mr, and Mra, John Spolak 4.00 Mr. and Mra. Joe Jacob S.OO Fred Barlow l.M If You Can't Go... GIVE! Only Th Red Cross Does Thou Things. Only Your Gifts Support Th Red Cross. It's you who keep the Red Cross activities alive. The Red Cross gets no money from the government. The following contributions Mr. and Mm. San Orlllllh l.M Mr. and Mra. N. I. Nyhan l.M Homer 0. Lens l.M Barlha Oompton l.M Mra. OharIM Bdwarde l.M Mr, and Mra. Frank Paysr t.M are gratefully acknowledged: 11.0? . 1.M . l.M . l.M . l.M . l.M . l.M . 1.M . l.M . l.M . l.M . M0 . .SO . .M '. 1.1 . l.M . ISO , t.oo . I.M , l.M 1.00 , l.fO . I.M S.M S.OO S.M l.M l.M l.M 1.11 l.M l.M 110 l.M S.M 10.10 l.M l.M .11 ISO l.M l.M .IS 1.M 1.M Crurlee Andrews Amalla Btahep Bill Can Claudia Clev.lanrJ Frank Colllne Blllie Dillon. Jr. Loula Draaer Floyd Harmond Walter Harmond Pansy B, Hombeak J. L. Howard Marlorla Kins Donald Macfc.n Dan MaAulllte Mloha.1 MeAulllla Frtd McDonald . Alb.rt Mlcka Corse Mytr. A. L. Schmidt Bart Shosren J. I. Smith tarn Woodlay Barl Wllaon Wayne Holbrook .i,,.., Raymond Honaa Vaclay Kallna Theodora Bvane A. D. Salyara H.rb Blrlemhlnk John B. Roblnaon l W. LubbM Oaorsa Bmall.y , John Kant Arnold Klrtl.y Tad Bvane Geerse Brolhanak M Rudolph Jatlnek O Wlld.r .. Morrla Kaaalar . J.rry Ralnua , Vlneanl Jallnak T. V. Vo.l John B. Kant Alai larulikl L. J. Poaol 0. A. Lven . , T. J. O'kaalle W, O. Handaraen Harland Mayer , (. a. M. niton Leonard Wehtr Tad Nl.lay. Jr. ... , . Caeraa Spolak ' Frank Vlctorln . Jarry Mlcka D. P. Raid . L. Thome J. P. Hnlay t.rl MoV.y Caorla Qraham Allrad lohultl J tn Bakar Tony vlotorln Frank Blxner J. R, Ratlllf, Jr. J. R. Ralllll, Ir. - Joa Drain O. F. Brlckn.r , Pat O'Oonner Claude OalnM . A. Kallna V. Draill Charlae tlavakat . Joa Schmidt ,, Frvlne Lal'hold Fmma Wild. Joa John. William Normlle Will Ranua Q, J. A. nrewelow . Con Johnaon ...... S.M l.M . S.M . I.M . 10.M . 10.00 . S.M Johnson's BervlM Station t-SO W, L. Paulaan l.M J. W, Damarla l.M Laddie Ralnua 10.M Loula Kallna , S.M Broadway Theater -- B.M John Kruml , l.M Joe Huxo l.M Vinoant lxmt 1.00 Mr. and Mra, Charlie Duncan. l.oo B. 0. Potta l.oo R. 0. Madaen l.M Ohae. and Stanley JohrtMn . ts.ol Jo Pulkrabak l.M Mra, D. B. Johnson l.oo Mra. Leo Item ... I.M Arthur Duncan, Sr, , 1.0s Lee Vnruh Mr. and Mra. Ohae. Kenyon l.M John Brotanak , t.M Thomae Staeh ... l.M MoCollum Lumber Co. is.M Mr. and Mra. Dlak Slaaeneon l.M Herald Wllllama 0. W. Jump Frye end Barney . Ivan Pelraeek . L. Thompaon JamM Ottoman .. Antone Palraaak . William Uwa Hubert Moralock . Lao Donovan h, novr Jim Wlnaton W. w. ThompMn Wood Oliver I, A, Harvold Anna Pnavar nanava flutharland Hanrv Laldholdt . Clavlon Rabar . Maria Vacknlll Frank Maehae . Francae Palraaak . Adolph Oacke JamM Wilder J. H. Runaan . Laval Order el Moooo, 101, Merrill Woman ol Moon, II, Merrill.. l.M . l.oo , l.M , l.M . I.M , 1.00 , l.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.M l.M 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,09 1.00 t.M 1.00 1.00 l.M l.M 1.M l.M 1.10 l.M O. I, Smith and family . Auctioned Cake made by Mre. Merle Htni.l . M.M John and Mary Hlrehlolo) l.M l.M l.M I.M 1.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M I.M l.M 1.M 1I.M l.M l.M 10.M l.M t.M t.M l.M , l.M l.M t.M 1.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M It.W l.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.M l.M . 1.M l.M . 1. 10 . I.M . IX . I.M . t.M . Ml . I.M . I.M . I.M . t.M . I.M . I.M . MM to.M . l.M . 1.03 . 1.M . I.M . t.M . S.OO . 10.M . t.M . I.M . t.M . 10.M . IS. IS . 10.M H.rman end Rudolph Soetek. A. zwolKerl Mil. A. C. Caeks l.M Frank Mlcka ., S.M Rose Blmore 1-M Bill Anklln l.M Mra. Blshofl I M Dave Mvaro . ... I M Rav Van Meter l.M I. E. Brothanak . Max Jaooheon ' 1-M Mr. and Mra. Monle Snellen t M Anton Sleyakal . , l.M- Mra. John Kruml I.M R. S. Thompaon 1-M Jl-n Loa , I M Joa Krllal l.M a) Illen Carr , 1-00 Mra. L. B. sehrelner , 1-M M, M. Itaalnv M.M Valcry Sauarbari irvins a. oapek H. B. Booth Jack Vanaall . Vane.ll O.rald D, Weel Merle Evens III. Evans John Item ... Pearl Item Clyde Ven Meter , Rudolph Kurt, a. it, Marie Kuna Roy Kunx .. Joe Halouaah B. B. Imllh Anion pollvka Ctoh Amerlaan National Al liance L. E. OurseM John Darra R. 0. Halnay Edwin Blaatnay Ethel Roberta Donatad In Klamath Pall. , Harold O. Oleeeon Ota, I, Itephenoon , , William J. Kuru Lynn Racmueeen .... Jamae W. Parkins L. B. Maad Tommy Van Clave loyd Llek . Ca.h J. I. Pop. McDonald Jamae O'Connor Mr. OraMe .. A. J, Kins Roy Vanmeler Mr. Copla Wilt polherlniham . A. Bond!. Id . ... . Jamee Woodhouee Frank Pavsr Mildred Imllh , , , John OlaMmlnl O. W. Ivay . I.M . I.M . I.M . t.M . 1.00 . S.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . 1I.M . 1.M . I.M , S.M . I.M , t.M . I.M . t.M . I.M . 1.H . 1I.M . t.M . I.M . 1.S0 . S.M . t.M . MM , l.M . I.M . I.M , l.M , l.M , 1.M . t.M Marer1e Ploufh Mr.. I. snaprj Veiled Httklne Mra. O. Wclocll Mre. O. B. Harrle Dan MeOollouih .. . , Myrtle Chatburn Dwlcht Easle Alonre HediM Mre, Cheater Haaklne arali Warner ., , Irvins Snap. Olalre Duncan Viator Rhuek ... Mre. Walker Joa llukal John Taylor Ine Tenlon Mre. B. Johnson Henry Coi Vivian Harllerodo F, Winter , . 1.01 . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . .11 . .11 ..t.M .l.M . I.M . " . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . . . I.M . S.M . 10.M . t.M . I.M Voda Flumlee F. E. Troutman end family Oaorse Olllald J. H. Dasnan ft. 0. Chapman .. Ttrry Eriwarde Millie Flick . W. D. Noble . t.7 . t.M . I.M . Ml . I.M . t.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . 10.M . I.M . I.M . 1 "a . t.M Mra. CIHt Shueh W. A. Kotlolf Mre. Oona Blotch . Mr. J. R. Blotch Mra. W. Kandra . Mre. L. V. Search Mr. McBrlde Ca.h . .. - Robert Pelrlk Mra. H. Potherlnsham , Mra. Dan Barry Mre, M. Ra.muean Mra. O. Waal Hlah School Student Body , Mra, Joe Lehoda nolle Wlnthar . Merrill Orade School Ore Btirkeo fiolumhlo UIIIIIlM Helen Dennehy .. Iva Klloalrlck Beaala Hodeee Mr. and Mre. Bill Poe S.fawav Store Melvln l.araon -- Odd Fallowe Boh nalten Hal WmI Doe M. Bowman Lee Brown . Walaon Berkley A'onro Hodee Don Palmer J'hn O'Neal BMI Layman Hodeae Broe. Store Ren'amin F. Faue 0. n. Prentice .. . n. Rurkar O. M. CMleman Oaorse Thome Dr. L. A. T-har Mrs. L. A. Taker Amerlatn Lesion , Bern Chin Luther Haaklne John Llekay Mra. Mvrlle Hlbherd , fltnrae Hohbe .-. .... niavla Hobhe 'rin rvleo Club . Rav Phanman ... Roh Dllon Ilene O.nt J. A, Murry ,. n, h, Mora . I.M . I.M . I.M . .10 . 1.M . .11 . B.M . I.M . I.M . 1.10 . I.M . S.M . I.M . I.M . B.M . I.M . S.M . t.M . 1.M , l.M . t.M . T.M . t.M . 10 00 . S.M . I.M . B.M . " , l.M , 1.0 t.M 1.00 l.M 10.M . IM 1 la m ISM t.M MO t0 t.M S.OO 10 M , S.M t.M . 1 "a t.M l.M To Ohathurn Jr. Will, klnoharear ' Altavat L. Andrew Mr, and Mre, I, R, For , Waller I emit C, N, Haaklne I awla KanHra Sr, .. Jama rvnonnor . C. W, 0lln Pranoia nennall oaorse Baldwin I. A. Van Ollvs Frank M'aka Maurice n'Keeffe Rarl MoVav Iva -lane Hetklno P. MnnonMd ' Mrs, Roy Beealay - l.oo . I.M . 1.00 .. 1.00 . 1.00 . I.M . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 , . 10.01 . 1.00 ' . 1.M . 1.00 . I.M . I.M . 1,M . 10 00 . 1.00 , , 1.00 . 1.00 Cars A. Flyereft Mre. M, L. Moore Mre. Barbers Danoeky , Jim Looey Ghat Barton Jean Lodse . Brenard Oulman dne Mae Oerleeen , t.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1,M l.M 1.M Mr, and Mre, E. H, Olemene l.M Mudse Cary IBM O. H. Cerlelon ,. , , l.M Bea.l.y and family l.M Hush Falery I.M Hill Bros . ft-M Julie Utile Bradbury LouIm Bavrmen Jim Merrllue till M. Beldwln l.M l.M l.M W, J, l.M I, AusuctlnM Alter society to.M Loot Q.rden Oluk -- I.e. Mra, Harlay Mam l.M Mr, end Mre, W. C. Bell.y l.M Bill Bailey Mre. 0. E. Klund . Mre, J, P, Bell ... Mre, E. 0. Martin Mr, end Mrs. fl, E. Ballay , Mr, end Mrs. Glenn Vaple , Mr, end Mre, A, J, KlraJ . Cart Hardlns Mike Noonan end family B. Wehl.rl R. Oehlerlch Utl Dllltid Flrel Netlonal Bank Marrlll Fire Oapartment Claude Moeland Murrey Howard E. B. Kllpalrlak Tom Barry .. aimtr stuket Bv.rell Jonee . Ban Franklin llore Valley loraiee Station Wrel A Loyewe . ,, , McKendraa Raneh Mir, III Oarese J. McDonald . . Merrill Lumber Yard J. 0. Riehlmler Oren Storey Morrill Mills Bob Bany -. Warren Frulte Allrad Cerlelon John Oulvon Lynn Smith , Pat Mehonoy Oaorse Allan B , ,, , Erie Hokaneon Blaa Echaharre. Frenk Millar Hank Tanhe . I.M . 1.M . M0 . t.M . I.M . I.M . t.M . I.M t.M . t.M . t-M . IM . IS.M 11 M . I.M . t.M .' I.M . 1I.M . IM . t.M . IB M . t.M . IB M . II oo . IM . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . II. M . t.M . t.M . I.M . Ml . IM . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . I.M . 1.M . IM . I.M , l.M . t.M . IM . 10. M 1.1 l.M l.M l.M l.M til E. H. Baylor Loula E. Stewart Leonard Bowmane Charlae Cimnlnshems Warren Oomor .. Mr, and Mre. John H, Poppy Mri, w. E. Sheler ... Mr. and Mra. J. v. Waltcre , Mre, John Cole , ,. Alloc Bakar Elinor Ariame , o. H. leh.reeehmtdl Mre, O. R. Bird .... l.M Mra. Harry Thraaher t.M Mre, W. M. Hector 1.M Mr, end Mre. John Rlchereon l.M Mr, end Mre. W. H. Marian l.M Mr. and Mre. 0. A. Wlllard l.M Marsarat Ollleeplo t.M Mr, and Mm. Wlllard Jaeeu. t.M Mr. and Mre. Roy Wllaon t.M 1.M l.M l.M l.M l.M t.M Mr. end Mre. J. E. Turner , ear, and Mra. O. R, Lynch . Mre, Ion Hnlleway Mre. 8. E. Peloreon Mre. A. H, Peush Mre. E. L. Oloce .. Mre. Oeerse A dime Mra. Helena Malaae Smile Store He. t Dorothy Darby ... Mra. W, E. Pry-Ire l.M l.M Mr. and Mra, dan Slllae 1.M Mr. and Mre, W. E. Sonford Jr, l.M Mr. Vincent Held ... I.M Mr. end Mrs. cnaa. W. Blrauf. han JemM Blair Mra, Jamae Blelr Mre. Marsarat Muccl .... Mra. Hypatla Oammlns Mr. J, L, Jurseneon J. T. Welch ..: D. w. Oo Mre, Arthur Oher Mre. William w, Llnbeek Mre, Herbert Dlion Mre. S. B. New Perl I. Oreen Mra. A. F, Oroaellald Viator Orllns Wllaon Onrlara Mre, John Oarhall Mre. NeMIe Phelps SMrleir Obaaa ..-. Mre. L. Boldlachar F-ed Hlllon . Mra. Jlnnla JonM Mabel Broehtrup w. n. nroontrln, . William 0, Harlan may MathM Mrs, William Liatwle Mr, and Mra, Jra Karke ir, t , ,,-. rare nolle Mre. Anna Numlck .. Carl F. flnoria Mr, and Mra. fl, L. Iniie Mr. and Mre. Waller Croft Mra. narald Amerllns . Fl.le Korlle " R, J, Welch " I, J. Daley ' Joa Hanik Ra Mlnlll .." Jaok Dovl ..-..-...J A, Runhta . J. H. MnOanor . Hnrid Holer H. B, Wlnaharlcr Z John siott John Auebro H, Knnr Tom Titrnttr J, R. Hunlwork Choe, p. nrnii J. n. Ratlllf A, 0, Voae ...Z R, M. nambo RHI Thomson Prfward A. Schleeht . P. Shannon , I. Malson .... Wall launder l Merillild . t.M 1.11 1.11 Ml 1.11 t.M l.M l.M t.M 1.00 1.M l.M l.M l.M l.M 1.M l.M l.M .11 l.M 1.09 1 M IM 1.M l.M l.M l.M ,M 1.00 t.M t.M . 1.00 . 1.0 . 1,00 . 1.00 . i,o , 1.00 , 1.00 . 1.00 , 1.M , 1.00 , 1,0 t.M , 1,00 00 l.M 1,00 l.oo B.M 1.00 , l.M 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.M .10 1.00 TOTAL "U $26,713.52 Acknowl.dgem.nts at times, may run several days after yourecontrlbutlon ' YoorDollarihelpi p. (make po$slble the AMERICAN VRED CROSS These ads published for the Klamath County Chapter of the American Red Croii by the