April 12, 1043 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE 4 Here Friday Frank E, Be dord of tlio U. S. nnvy arrived Friday by pinna from Norfolk, Vh., called by tha death of hla futhor, Daniel J, Ik'dord. Mm. Penrl Rabbins of WcniiU'hee, Wiish., bully D. liudord of Purl Orchurit, Wiish,, und Mr. Mid Mm, C. L, llortziig of Quartz Moiiiitnin, ii 10 horn lit tha homo of Mil. D. Ik'dord, 200 Lagunu (itrctit, mid Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Bedord, 1 52 Hunt nMIn atrcct. Called Eait Jumna Illulr of 1527 Oregon avenue will leuvo Tuesday for Ulyssca, Nobr., call ed by Ilia Illness of hla brother, Andrew Illalr. The Klnmiilh Fulls mini, will miiko nn Indcfl nlle visit In Ulysses, Andrew Bliilr him vlalted In this city and has ninny frlonda here. Milla PTA Members of Mllla PTA will meet Wcdncsduy at ii.iu p. m, inr mo rPKiuiir nprn meeting. Mothora aro asked to vlail the aclioolrooma from 12:43 p. m. to 2:30 p. m. and then ad journ to the auditorium. ORDER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF JOH- ANNE SIEMENS, a minor. The petition of Elalo Slomcns, a gunrdlnn of the estate of Johanna Slcmoua, a minor, for the aale of her interest In certain real property, hereinafter de acrlhcd, this day comliiil on reg ulurly to be heard, and no per son appcarlnu in opposition to sold petition, and It appearing to the antlsfacllon of the court, after a full examination Into tlio facts and circumstances, and after hearing and examining the peti tion aforesaid and tha evldonco introduced In open court, the court finds: that due acrvlco of notice of said hcarinK was Riven In the manner and form required by law, and by that certain order of thli court, dated the 8th day of March, 1043, to the next of kin of sold minor, and to all per sons Interested In ild estate, by publication of order to ahow cause in accordance with law; and that It la necessary and to the advantage and best Interests of sold minor and all persons in terested in said estate that tha said Interest of sold word In the property hereinafter described bo sold in order to provide funds for tha support and maintenance f said minor, IT IS THEREFORE OR- DERED, ADJUDGED and DE CREED that the said guardian be, and aha hereby la, authorized to soil tha Interest of said minor In the real property hereinafter described at private sole. The property to be sold Is described as follows: An undivided ono-thlrd In terest In and to the Northeasterly SO feet by SO feet of Lot 8 and of Lot 6, In Block Thirty-five (35), of Hot Springs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Klam ath County, Stato of Oregon. Dono In open court this 10 day of April, 1043. DAVID R. VANDENBERG, Circuit Judge. Apr. 12, IS, 20; May 3 No. 213 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap sffc pointed executor of the estate of Thcodor lleim, deceased, and has qualified. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are notified to present tha same to me with proper vouchers at the office of L, Orth Sisemore, Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from March 20, 1043. v John H. Houston, Executor. Mr. 20; A. 5-12-10-26. No. 203. SUMMONS Equity No. 0610 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. R. M. FERGUSON, Plaintiff, vs, . It. B. FERGUSON, Defendant. To: R. B. Ferguson, Dofondnnt: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, GREET ING; You aro hcroby required to nppenr unci answor tho com plaint filed ngnlnst you in tho above entitled suit and court on or before May 3, 1043, and it you fall to so nppcur and answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tlio court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: a dlvorco from you upon the grounds of deser tion for a period of mora than ono year. This summons Is served up on you by publication pursuant to an order of tho Honorable David R, Vandonbnrg, Judge of the abovo entitled court, said or der being dnlcd April 3, 1043 and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and successive weeks (5 Insertions). Tho data of the first publication is April 0, 1043, and tho dato of tho last publication is May 3, 1043. W. LAMAR TOWNSEND Attorney for Plaintiff, 214 Wllllls Building Klamath Falls, Oregon. A. 8, 12, 10, 28; M. 3 No. 208 Horn EC Club Tha Home Economics club of the Henley grange No. 7'IB will meet at tha homo of Mrs. Karl Mack on Wednesday, April 14, at 2 p. m. All women members of the grunge and their friends aro welcome to attend. Thoso hav ing rummage may bring It at this time or to tho next graiigo meeting, May 6. Also bring an apron pattern to exchunga with a member, Attempt Made City police wero advised that on attempted burglary wus performed at the Bimdcson grocery, Division und Wantland, aometlmo lute Satur day. Marks of tools wero found on the door but tho prowlers wero frightened beforo they gained entrance to the building. Police Court Three drunks, ono disorderly, three drunks and vugs, ono liquor to Indian and one possession ca.se, two vugs and 10 traffic tickets mado up one of tha heaviest pollco courts in several weeks, Pollco Judge Harold Francy reported Mon day. Condition SameThe condi tion of Frank Dyche, long time employe of the Algoma Lumber company, remained unchanged over the weekend. Dyche suf fered hurts when struck by a log at the company's woods camp near Fort Klamath lata Friday, Finger Injured A. C. Malm berg, 2144 Applcgute avenue, was treated at Klamath Valley hospital Monday morning for a smashed finger on tho right hand. MBlmbcrg is employed by Ewauua Box company. False Alarm The city fire de partment received scvcrul false alarms over the weekend but there wero no fires reported. In Mt. Shasta Tommy Hop kliw and Bob Hcup spent the weekend at Mt. Shasta at the A. P. Hcup mill. They returned Sunday evening. Mtot Slated Members of the city planning commission will meet Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock in the council chambers of the city hall. This la a regular session. Operation Mrs. J. S. Herd un derwent a minor operation Mon day morning at Klumnth Valley hospital. Recovering Mrs. Dewey Fos ter, who Is enmloved at La- Polnte's, is recovering at her homo from a two weeks illness. Htr From Chiloquln Mrs. William Lorcnz of Chiloquln has been In Klamath Falls for tho post few days. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective Fab. IS. 1943) Train 19 Southbound) 6 p. m. Train 20 Northboundi 11 a. m. Train 17 Southbound) 7 a. m. Train IS Northbound) 10 p. m. Madford Stage, Westbound, 3i30 p. m.. Evening Airmail. Stagea to Alturas, Ashland, Lake , Tiaw and Rocky Point 7 a. m. Woman of Moose Tha Wom en of the Mooso will meet Tues day, April 13, in the Moose hall at 8 p. m. Committee chair men for membership, hospital, guild, war relief, publicity, Mooseheort, Mooschnvcn, li brary, and academy of friend ship arc to report. Suburban League Tha Sub urban League auxiliary will hold tha second of their series of pinochle parties in tha ban quet room of the KC hall Tues day at 2 p. m. There will be no luncheon. Rummage Sale Tha Senior Circle of tho Congregational church will hold a rummage sale on Snturduy, April 17, In tho building formerly occupied by Tim's delicatessen shop, on North Ninth street botweon Main and Pino. Anyono having articles to bo collected call Mrs. Myers, 4207 or Mrs. Little, 7448, or leave it at tho social hall on Garden avenue Wednesday or Thursduy afternoon. Tho ladles of tho circlo will be thoro to re ceive, mend and press articles turned in. Eagles Auxiliary Tha Eagloa auxiliary club will meet Wednes day, April 14, for r ono o'clock potluck lunch. All members aro asked to bring needles and thread, Regardless of how many dates n girl has, there usually is room for one boro. When In Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joa and Anna Earley Proprietors I AFTER ILLNESS Sister Mary Alacoque (Cath erine Rose Dyer), for the past two years a teacher in the Sa cred Heart academy high school, died Saturday at 8 p. m, follow ing a one week's Illness, A sol emn high requiem mass was said at Sacred Heart church at 0 o'clock Monday morning and tho rcmulns sent to Pendleton at noon for interment In that city. Sister Mury A 1 1 c o q u e was born Junuury 30, 1870, in Iron- ton, Ohio, and was 64 years at tlio time of her passing. She had spent 38 years of her llfo in Ore gon, entering the convent at Pendleton on May 0, 1907. Sho wus a membor of the order, Sis ters of St. Francis. Two sisters, Ellen G. Dyer and Mrs. Mury Dyer Depcw, both of Pendleton, survive. Sister Mury Alacoque had taught at the Pen dleton academy for many yoors prior to coming here. Word of the death of her sis ter, Mrs. Carl Cofcr, 58, was re ceived Sunday evening by Mrs. Leslie Rogers, 8S1 Pacific Ter race. Mrs. Cofcr Is a former Klamath Falls resident, making her home here from 1007 to 102S, when the family moved to Yakima, Wash., and later to Portland. Mrs. Gofer's doHlh fol lowed a lengthy Illness at her home in Portland, 2041 SE 43rd avenue. Mrs. Cofcr was born Dorothee Murgroitor, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Margreitcr of the Rogue river valley. She. is survived by her husband and ono son, Lt. Howard C. Cofcr, sta tioned on the east coast. He and his wife were expected to arrive by plane in Portland sometime late Monday. Other survivors In cludo four sisters and three brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, accompanied by the lattcr's sis ter and brolhcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley of Rogue River, will leave Tuesday morn ing to attend funeral services for Mrs. Cofcr. E' The Wilshlre Oil company, the oldest and largest Independent refiners on the west coast, has purchased the Dean Miller "Oil City" plant, trucks and gasoline distributing facilities, it was an nounced by officials of the Wil shlre company today. Cash con sideration was not made known. Distribution here will he a company operation, according to K. Rocpkc, northern division manager for the company, which will operate stations at Main and Conger, 6th and Market, and 2006 South 6th. J. R. Blatch will distribute the company's pro ducts at Merrill. Ross Gilkerson, formerly associated with Oil City, will be district manager here. Opening dates for the com pany owned stations will be an nounced later this week, accord ing to Roepke. TEAM, TRANSPORT . Tl MERRILL, A big transport truck owned by Hcnzel brothers, and a team operated by Mike Duran, employed by J, Frank Adams, wero involved in an ac cident at noon Sunday one-half mile east of Merrill. Tho truck, traveling cast on tho highway returning to the Hcnzel ranch, left the highway and struck one of tho horses. The animal had to bo destroyed. Duran said ho Jumped to one side when ho saw tho truck com ing toward him and oscaped in Jury. Name of the truck driver was not learned. Visiting Hera Staff Sergeant and Mrs, Clifford J. Hall arrived in Klamath Falls April 6 from McDlll field, Fla., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Millar. Sgt. Hall left Sunday morning for the University of Pennsylvania for two months of school there, Mrs. Hall will re main hero for a visit b e I o r e Joining her husband in Washing ton. T). C. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Mot Yourself Save U Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phona 8304 1201 East Main SACRED MEAN TEACHER DIES Cougars, Whitman Split Baseball Double Header PULLMAN, April 12 (IV) Washington State and Whitman college split a double header in their annuul baseball scries here Saturday, Whitman winning the opener, 0-7, und the Cougars coming back to take tha night cap, 4-3. In the second gama WSC scored oil four runs in a second inning rally, while limiting tha Missionaries to 2 In tho second and another in the third. In the first gnmo Whitman pushed over six tallies beforo WSC got start ed and ncvor relinquished the lead. THE HARD WAY RICHMOND, Calif., (!) Guadalupe Soto, a Mexican who speaks Ilttlo English, walked Into a school building, which houses Red Cross, rationing and other wartime agencies. A nurse took his name, ad dress and other data, and sent him to an Inner room where attendants drained the usual pint of blood. Then the bewildered Guada lupe managed In broken Eng lish: "Now do I get my gasoline?" tt-Mu MenI Town-Clad FINE SUITS 29" Season's Bast Patterns In All Wool Worstadl Make your new Easter "show off" suit a xcortkwhilt invtit mnt make It an all-wool worsted Town-Clad I Style with a handsome outlook for sea sons to come and stamina to match! Superb smooth finish atrlplngs FIRST for 19431 Head Stylos by Marathon I MEN'S FELTS Fashion-Firsts at 98 A Thrifty Prlcel 3 Fashion personified and excel lent quality they're fine fur felts! Spring-featured shades and smart NEW trims I WHITE Bast for Drasal Towncraft ' Shirts Rich Broadcloths 98 Sanforiiedt Shrunk! Willie is right with any outfit and 1JKST for dress occasions I And for perfection I .Sanforised and proportionately cut to aire! Man's Spring Neekwaar 98c Reg. U. S. Tat. Off. t Fabric shrinkage will not ex- ' cced'1. MAIN FLOOR I wlil llli Extension Unit News Care and repair of electrical equipment in the home is being demonstrated this month at the homo extension units In the county. Homemakers are asked to bring any extension cords or equipment cords which need re pairing to be worked upon at those meetings, Plans for next year's program will bo discussed at all the meet ings, and there will be election of officers for the coming year. Units holding their meetings this week ore: Bonanza, at the home of Mrs. Fred Rucck at 10 a. m. on Tuesday, April 13. Mer rill, at the high school at 7 p. m. Tuesday, April 13. Henley, at the home of Mrs. Fred Mueller at 1 p. m. Thursday, April 15. Shasta- Homedalc, at the home of Mrs. E. H. Tillman, 2113 Madison, at Styl-d lor Mt or Malront EASTER HATS Flowered Straws "1 98 Tailored Felts A smart hat will be your spring tonic! New padre sail ors, demure bonnets, fetching pompadour types and dashing berets! New colors to match your cost or suit ! Gayly trim med I SECOND FLOOR Spring Handbags 2.98 Oman noyua 1.98 Your choice of t a 1 1 o red or dressy typ e s I Washable ray on In pastel colors. 32-10. Rayon SKIRTS 2.98 Fetching gored or pleated styles for your spring w e a r I Gay colors! Rayon SLIPS 1.29 Fine riyon crepe or soft rVyon satin. Some strictly t 11 o red ... or trimmed I HOSIERY 79c Dressy sheers f or prac 1 1 c a 1 service weights Nicely shaped ! v v Rayon PANTIES 35c Smooth fitting, tailored styles knit In rayon! Comfortable , . . :i practical! Colored HANDKIES 23c Gav prints to tuck In your purse or poc ket! Rolled edges I Fine quality I Embroidered Nockwcar 79c Drcssca take on new life with sheer organdie, lace or crisp pique collars! Rayon GLOVES 98c Dashing new season styles In I o T e 1 y rayon fabric. Attrac-' tire spring shades I MAIN FLOOR HhftH II w 1 p. m. Friday, April 16. And I Bly, in the high school at 10:30 a. m. Saturday, April 17. Winnifrcd K. Gillen, county home demonstration agent, will present all Die demonstrations. The Henley Midland extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Mueller on Thursday, April 14, at 1:30 p. m. Care and repair of electrical equipment In the home will be discussed by Mrs. Wlnnifred Gil len. All are asked to bring elec Here's a new approach to the Easier clothes problem for you soldiers' on the home frontl Your hew clothes have to keep up your spirits, keepi you cheerful and confident I They're YOUR wartime uniform! But, like other uniforms, they must be bought for long service. Well-cut, simple clothes will furnish a background for the spice of accessories; they'll give longer wear . . . and lend themselves well to, remodelling. All these things we kept in mind in selecting your Easter apparel I Prints Set the Pace for SprlngI k VTjjf rtV 'Ar(n& JERSEY DRESSES "?J SW The gayest, and at the same j? flpSr '113 you can select for this spring pressed pleats, or jaunty two- - .fcj Tf '''il'i piece styles in dressmaker or v ym .m llvjirA 3 r4fj l ' 1 Dellglniui' Variety of Small TashlonsI jytl'l RAYON DRESSES vwSv ' V nu,ual Llngerl" Tibamlnatl 7398 T- Ld. "r Fascinating Spring Colorsl fitfl W'&p RUT 1 ' - N Va 1 j i WAD 1 Soft sheer frock'' for d53 lvear wlth I jA I . ' shirred waistlines . . . others in the popular .3 Ii CTl STAMPS two-piece mode with casual aet-in belt! Sizej iP jf ' wrwvr 12 to 20. New Stylos! Bright Colorsl JS Jt SPRING FROCKS fXfflC&t W 3 hVm?M&M) Choose a practical dress this Easter and wear it all season! Smart two-piece styles in one lovely solid color ... or a charming print in bright flower pattcrnl Sizes 12 to 20. Thrifty Fashions Are Smart! BUDGET FROCKS Clever printed spun rayons that are cut in the popular midriff manner! Smart two piece stylos that can be turned into suits! Delightfully simple button-front -""esses! Sizes 12-20, 38-44. Girls of All Ages Love Pretty Dreisesl FROCKS FOR GIRLS 19 1 298 Cotton charmers for all the girls in your family from your tiny toddler to teen aged sis! Demure little princess styles, captivating basque waists or trim tailored types with all the pretty trimmings, girls love! Summer prints and plain colors. Tubbablc, of course! A grand choice of checks, dots and attractive prints In bril liant colors. Sizes 1 to 3, 7 to 14, 10 to 16. H UtflfAIJU tric cords or small appliances to north of Mac's cash (tor on the be repaired at the meeting. Merrill highway. m-. m..ii.. ii.... k. i.. Nomination and election of of- Mrs. Mueller lives he first fiMri will 1m be told for ntxt place past the Jay Manning place a, about one mile west and one mile i i i i 77rTTth""PhorT7687 BURR-O-N Refrigeration Service Cloaad for Repair. Wwd KtnM s,r,,e,mtB WATCH FOR MERIT WASHING OPENING 'MACHINE SERVICE I0ONO FLOOR. tlOOND FLOOR II lr II fa V tiuitairiinr-,