p SERIAL STORY DARK JUNGLES BY JOHN C. FLEMING Gr TIIK Ki'llllVt Allison TniintllK, MUlr Klrl, la uir to IliiMlriiialM, l run har falbar'a rali'ln plan!' linn. Unrrr lrlalillti, nilnlna an ftlnaar an rmilM lo- thm aaata Irople land. Irian ( dlaauntla htir, alraaa In the nardalilya ah will fan. Harry offara lo lall Alllaan laa nalurr. f hla aaorat mlaalim If aha will lanva tha aali nn4 Mlva lip bar pinna. Wlian alia prnmiaaa III e,iinahlrr M ndloa, Ha rarrala laal Im aaaki ti obtain tha lnrn ttun uf ijtilc-ltallvrr mini ownatl br lha ttnlrhn Indian trlha. Ilnrrr fnrna nivar In tllatfual whan Al lium lalla him aha rrlll not turn hai-k. "ha follow him. ua In lima lo aaa n nallr latin 1mm a hlillitv nlnrn. M hnlfn upmlaatl In hla hand. 1 DANOKIl AIIKAD I CIlAPTKIl IV AS Bnrry ntrodo nlonif the dnrk dock, hi annex at Alllr-on fadnd undor atrunif, rlnlng p prrhonslon. Ha was In rinia of lliitfllng alcrtiiFta when her nrrsam rami out. With tlio II nl Bound ha whirled, doUklnK. Tha ltitlnctlvo side movement nvod him. A tho durlt form of the nntlva catapulted mjuliut him, nburllnK him to the deck, tho awlft f,i descending knllo lld hiirmlMu ly through hU coat alcove, barely praxlnp hU arm. For n hldeoua locond while tho breath waa knocked out of him, he fell tho knife being riiiped looio for an other pluiiKo. But control re turned and he grabbed tho native1 arm midway In It vlcloua down ward Jnb. Instantly the dark giant rencheC hli other hand for Hurry's throat. Hurry twisted free and they went Into a grim, rolllnc fight. Allison stood frozen, her screams strangled Into hrnnthlei terror oj tha two lltho bodies writhe, and strained across tho shadowy deck lirfor her. Then she caught tho gleam of tho knlfo atlll In tho natlvo'a strong grip, waiting waiting for that one fntnt In.ntunt when Harry's dospernto restrain ing hold relaxed) Fury flowed through her, bringing strength. She ran forward with a sobbing scream. ) "Harry! Kill him, Darryl" Just bolow her now waa tho eniel black face of tho native. With fastidious loathing sho closed her oyea nnd began beating It with her flats. "Heyl" She opened hor eyes The native had twisted over and aha was beating Barry' headl Sho drew back, gasping. Sho saw that Bar ry's teeth wero gritted with a hard Inst effort, his hand being forced slowly down the huga black arm that was relentlessly raising tho knlfo over his back! She throw herself with a scream upon that murderous, hairy hand, Her teeth ssnk with frantic vlcloumcss into tha flesh of tho hugo black wrlstl Sho heard Barry's yell and tho dull clank of metal on wood at tha samo Instant. Sho leaped up, grabbed tho knlfo from tho deck and ran to tho rail to throw it overboard. Then sho whirled back f -but sho could sco nothing of tha fighters nothing but blackness. A deep surging void roso to engulf her.' CI IT. was In hor cabin with tho " captain tuklng her pulse and itlio cabin boy bathing her head Kvhen sho camo to. h'TVhero' Barry?" sho whls ired. Tho captain smiled at her with Idcep relief. "Feel all right?" ho questioned. Sho nodded Impatiently. "I ai rways, faint lit the most exciting Imoment," she said. Then sho (screamed at tho captain's mad idcnlng smllo. "Why don't you tell :me where ho is!" The captain and the cabin boy 'both Jumped. "Mr. Floldlng?" tho captain ald, inlnrmed. "Oh, he's in his cabin, 'I bcllove." She began to laugh hysterically. What's (In. Would you mind 'telling me Is ho dead or nllvc?" . Tha captain looked mora alarmed. "Oh," ho said. "Ho'a live. But of course, ho' alive." "Thanks," said Allison. Sho wont on laughing. "Sorry to bo so inquisitive, but when I left him" At that moment, Barry's figure darkened her cabin door. His faeo was bruised and swollen, ono cyo was black, and his coat sleovo still hung In ribbons, but ho looked nit In ono ploco. And ho could grin at her. "Now what axe you laughing about?" he accused, "You," she old cryptically. "I wouldn't cull you handsome now." Tho rubber men crowded In after Bnrry, end tho elderly llght Jioubo kocpnr brought In hla first aid kit to see If Allison, too, needed (treatment a- "Sha doosnt need any of Mint," I lorry nld. "All sho needs Is a ood strong nntiseptlc mouth wash." Ho found tho bottle Alli son had in hor bag nnrt superin tended a thorough disinfecting, iwhilo he told her whnt sha haa) imliscd of the fight. Ho gave her (full credit for her part In tha fray. "I was just beginning to count the seconda I could hold on to that knlfo arm of his when you camo to the rescue. Boy, you must pack I mean bite. Ha willed llko a daisy In a thunderstorm under It. And onro he'd dropped in knife, ho Inst honrt In (ho whole mess." "What happened to him?" Alli son murmured botwecn gargles. "I saw him," tho captain broke In, "lust ns he got freo of Mr. Fielding. Ho ran across tho deck find dived overboard. Ho came ip by a mall boat, turned on Its tnotor and raced In to tho shore." "Ha must havo used oars com ing out," Bnrry said. . "Wo were Wound on thoothor aldo of the Week, hut we could have heard a motor." ALLISON said bitterly, to the nant.l., fiW. -t..,. A Una b,,bcill l'tl OIIUUJU lie. . u gono nftor hlml Ho'a a murderer! An long a he's loose somewhere, Barry's llfo Isn't safe!" -BWTyJfWjUhodj. .'ahnttanatvA- LOIS EBY eopvnioHT, imi NKA KRVICI. INC. tlon of yours! Ho waa Just a poor pklipockot from Santiago who snw us UmiKht nnd Ihouglit wo looked llko easy pickings." He turned to appeal to tho captain. "You sea now why I think you should help mo persuade this young woman to go back to her home?" Tho captain nodded. "Tha llfo down whero you nre going Is not the kind of clvlllintlon you know," he told Allison heavily. "It I filled with many such Incident you snw tonight." "And It you go fainting nt overy sight uf roughness," Hurry cut In dryly, "you enn seo for yourself you're not suited " "I didn't fnlnt till the danger wiw pnnt," Allison reminded him belligerently. "That's a fine way lo pooh pooh me aflor I nvod your llfo!" "I'm going to thank you for that Inter," Harry said grimly, "Right now I don't wnnt you to got a heroine complex and think ono lucky Incident fit you for Jungle life." Allison dropped back Into hor pillows with a grlmnco at Barry. She sold to the oaptaln, "Some times I think . I could love that man. But sometimes ho just bore me." Harry wns studying his wrlst wntch In tho flickering light of hor candle. "You havo Just 18 min utes to pack before the boat sails," ho said steadily. "Do I?" Sho lay wntchlng his determined luce with lnnguld humor mnklng no move. She saw tho urgent command slowly fade out and stern resignation tako Its place. Ho turned and went to the door, to spin around for a last bit tor word. "All right. Oo Into the Jungle! But I hopo to God what you haven't got In that pretty, friv olous head. of yours you've got In your hide," ho shouted. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferqu.on HERE ABE NO TWO PLACES ON EARTH TODAY MORE THAN IfVDU TRAVEL- eYs'..' T, m, ma U, ft. CAT, Off. r Aiorrr ammaiS ANSWElApcron who NEXT; IeamlM AIRPLANE HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted 1 Inslgne erf Squadron 8, U. S. Naval Air Force H Musical Instrument 15 Hinder 16 Foretoken 17 Antelope 19 Hebrew tribe, 20 Limb 21 Assert 23 Grieve 25 Needy 26 Stout cord 30 Roman' goddess 31 Goes by 33 National ' skating association (abbr.) . 34 Sweet potato 37 Stretcher 30 Atmosphere. tOFomcilo ogre 42 Pacify Ai Ireland A rawer to Prevfoua Pnasle FiLIYI I NS EORTR E 5S USuIAU-broad She .! WUtlUItikiBETPlN p L A NU ii W E E ' T A I NT 6 c "if nidP o f AUaSIUlGDRE F t j i a P EK Adorn OA TP S I S? THAN 7; RUE ySAREDTICYgso rtiEisif lultislsl iDlc.lrp1ciN S Befoul -with .mud . 4(1 Behold! 48 Abstract being 40 King o( Judah B2 Walking jtlck 84 Sword S6 Peraonot charm VERTICAt 1 Inexpensive 2 Man's name' .3 Ural (comb. form) 4 Farthef In 6 Edward IT i' t Is IT it j I? la p I i'nrTiLTu IS WiTTtt M M aaa aaaaaaaaaJLaaaai iSuUt , ,, ,, " " 14 " s kjs r ' ' K " " " . ' aaiai I mmm B "You mean guts," ah said cheerfully. "Well, who knowa?" The door alammed nftor Barry. (To Be Continued) GRIFFITH HAS ORDERLY COLLEGE PARK Because he Is a tiixlcub driver who atlll luia III car,. Pitcher Chester For mm), recruit pitcher, lias been detailed ui orderly to President Griffith of the Senator. v We don't care who win the hog-culling contests this year Just so tho hogs answer. Most of the candy In tho Unit ed State I sold on the penny bail. CREDIT WITH THE CONVENIENCE OF CASH PURCHASE COUPONS Art Really Buying Power Purrlme t'oujvwi r inftthr rouvwilcnt type ot tretllt fllht to you Hrara. You make out c.l it nux Credit Office, ifll ft txiokftiT of Couponi, theo tpa6 th-ro Ilk cah whta jcv vint 4c Itioutiindi of imftrt woma ketp ft tsook htorljr o thr oYr ml ft bftrcrtlnt Small down tt)mtnt, 10111 month 1y pftvrocnti, uiuil CAtrjiDg churn. GET YOURS TODAY AT Sean CREDIT OFFICE Vvl. pirst WHIXe AAEN TO DiSCOVE AND RECORD 50OTH6RN CALIFORNIA'S NATIVE PALWS WERE , ...HjORJCW SOIDIERS WITH KEARMH ABMf OF THE WEST. een. iHinw stsvics. me. classifies plant and animals from the dmnb antmals. INSIGNE 33 Muse ot lyric poetry 24Cloae to 27 Indian 28 Postscript (abbr.) 29 Eel-catcher 31 Parent 32 The suslik 34 Large bundjel 35 Malady' 38 One who train 38 Test solution (abbr.) 41 Measure 42 Manila hemp 43 Years (abbr.) 47 This inslgne is borne planes of the 'squadron" 19 High In pitch' (abbr.) 8 Color 7 Station (abbr.) 8 Century (abbr.) 9 Either. 10 Tantalize HDip 12 Compass pomr. 13 Small Mnsect 18 Decigram (abbr.) 30 Anno Anta Cbrlotum (abbr.)- (music) 50 Capuchin monkey III Bustle 53 Near 84 British Co 1 lumbla (abbr.) 89 Half-em l II CREDIT COUPOM BOOK f mwm JXy r Bl l ... am m m i Out Our Woy ' By J. R. Williomi Our Boarding House With Major Hoopla rJrc &?2L, -1 HOOT WONiJ NE WULU TeGAD, CAPTAIN! MftCDAW IWtMSdeB4WM9) SSIet M MWTOFEEDTHB 1 TH&RE-S NOFILLIM&1HE MAW ) lUrir TVVCO5eTK&.- X AKJD PNofe SIRRUL A jfe OP THIS MOBSTER! A6 Ifin . WOW I'M IM TH'&TATIOK)EI? 1 ALU THE TIME VOL) Z , BIT AORE PUEUJ W QUICKLV AST TOSS IM eX f Ls3 iW MOW W JTEWELRV--SAW, WAMT NOSING S M THERE'S SO f SHOVEL OP COAU,T GOES " INI -M'CJMTHYAROUMD IMTOMy LITTLE STEAsA IN A, ROARING UP THE FLUE; f- ID 13 1 TWwSSS HEVtX BUSiNESS.y ( THE BOILER THAT W EGAD PERHAPS VslE SHOOLD 1 10 1 K auiuw rnvSi rn 4- W K when i toot the XI oript ashore and hwj& ill 'i V baSmewt? ) VrjSGMs'a i Li rirP1 whistle, the:, R THEDRrxFT FiV-ED M-SjMm 1:, ihir, yWI(Mt- - WW vn boat stops mim HOLD EVERYTHING! "Hey, Mike send up a pack of cigarets, will ya?" HIBBON-TIED ROSES IN EASY BUTCHERY ifi7396 by Alice Brook That next luncheon table will score a hit with this lovely em' broidery on your cloth and nap kins. Sprays of roses are tied with graceful ribbon bows. The pattern contains motifs for tow els or pillow cases, too. Pattern 7306 contains a transfer pattern of 10 motifs ranging from 6 by 141 to It by 2 inches; materials neoded; stitches. To obtain tn pattern send 11 cents In coin to The Herald and Nows, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No to followed by your name and address. BIBLE AS SERIAL The New Era paper of Park er, S. D-, printed lhe Biblo in its entirety as a serial and re quired 22 years and eight months to complete the job. More thnn twice as many per sons are killed In the home as in Industry in the United States. Susceptibility to Infantile pa ralysis runs in families, results of a study show. First records of the use of bi tuminous coal in Pennsylvania date back to 1759. Perhaps it all evens up. At least tha early worm catches the fish. Sir Hubert Wilklns visited the Arctic by ulrplunc, dog sled and ww Ji submarine, Red Ryder SHERIFF HE.fUii(' UrtHE. THIS . n W THANKS -'I'MOLIST Freckles and Hit Friends Wash Tubbt Boors and Her Buddies Allep Oop Little Orphan Annie NO' NO I THEN WHV B3 GKGEC DID HE HWG ISN'T A 1 BftCK WHEN NAZI W6 WENT TO That stufp owe No one in towm will FROM LARDS garoem. lrff Buy outs. VEGTO&LeS. (WHAT can 1 1 -1 , AND SCUTTLES TRYIN3 MV AND I THINK YOU J DQ WtTH I I to seu.- f V know why: ihem then? I i it: mbs. ikied t -.-.. ..-a k against WHAT.' ANOTHER INTELLIGENCE OFFICER WANTW6f 5ER6EAMT, N1 i sl 1 TO ACCOMPANVA B0MBIH6 MISSIPN.'wr A CHAMcTE. SEE IF HE CAN A p' VT CAPTAIN, UNLESS YOJ PISMANTLE.BE- iw Ss. 1 VE HAMPLEP PtANES ) CAN CUALIFV AS A i ASSEMBLE, AMD ) f&SfS I AND MACHINE 6UNS I MEANER OF THE SHOOT A , ffB , VM KlQOUKl& 'BOOT OK. AV rJtNH'.HOvO I "'" " $T 1 GUAtZAHTES WEU..MV 'Wyi1" Lf 1 je.(tr ,c Xf lllil! 1 SWEAR, DOC, WELL.OOM'T STRAlM J loop is GO'ua E jVM05"'00. 8&2 rSv 'lstLs Si icaki't fiogerXvour. BRA1I0... r-n l SACX 7C MOO.., ) ElW IPII WHAT OM jBS . CAVi rnA ''ST? O I 1 HOW "THAT HAMMER ) JUST CARR.V J I KEXFIBS1.' R'Vvlrl EARTH f 5J T,1! I3 r VVk V. EVER GOT UP ELBERT fT6rJ " '" ' '. ' 1 PTJWrt X"' I L POR THE ' WHY OIO HE LET THEM 1 BUT HE ESCAPE-HOLD US BACK ) ALSO AT GUN POINT? AND KEPT THAT NOW THEY HAVE CUARO. KARU THAT SECRET FORMULA FROM KILUN .OSlVEl I YOU! f'6AH-WE.a.L OUGHTA V .Au vltu cno evr-iTli tuwi PEACEFUL Or wwaoos, But instead Wfll.T would sjesEsrswj USE SOME OF THE TOMATOES! TO DEFEND- YOURSELF I I DEFEND NVfSELM ITO 1UU vcvouvo AND HE GOT YOU OUTO" TW TORTURE CHAMBER, TOO I HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S COIN T MAVBEll BUT, IP I I 60,1 I By Fred Harmon By Blotter By Crana ilB.He AUTTlBcVmTHEBtS slow purnu' a waist 6uu 'EM TOGETHER, I WCAWCV OJ THtl BUT HE CANV BAMBLNO SHOOT THE TAIL KODVKT OFF A JAVBIR1? By V. T. Hamlin By Martin By Harold Gray THE U-BOAT t EH? WHAT TH"? WHAT IS YOUR 6AFELY OUT IN ; THE RIVER "NOW. IF YOU WISH, YOU WW SHOOT MB! .GAME f ASrVMST THE RESTOFTMT ' I . t Tomatoes ry r r law, i i i aai I I 'jKL J "UF