s o c 1 L. J 4 .kC' Tournament Play Friday at Reames Year's Schedule Printed Again With Several Changes Made at Friday's Meet Mora thnn twenty plnyers were out for coif nt Rcnmri Country club Friday mornltiR nnd the women competed In tho blind bogey tourntiment which won won by Mrs. J. J. StclKor. Potluck lunchoon wn nerved ill noon nnd It win decided to enjoy pntlucki this yenr. Ho.itcn.ics wcro Mrs. Henry N. Moe, Mrs. Peter A. Alburtson, and Mrs. Frnnk Tnrr. Klvo tables of bridno wore Jn ploy, . . .i During the business meeting It was announced that sev ernl changes hud been mudo In tho program for tho year which is published here. 0 Award of the day went to Mrs. W. O. Smith. April 2 Reception, lunch. Fun tour nament. April 9 Blind bogey. Draw part ners, post pairings. Hostesses, Mrs. 11. N. Moe, Mrs. P. A. Albertson n d Mrs. Frnnk Tnrr. April IS Tin Whlstlo tournament. Hostesses, Mrs. C. V. Rugh, Mrs. R. D. Hakcstrnw. April 23 Dcfcnso tournament. High and low handicap, with Mrs, G. II. Merrymnn Sr., and Mrs. W. J. Grove, hostesses. April 30 Blind partner tournament. Hostesses, Mrs. Oscar Pey Q ton, Mrs, II, F. Murdoch, Mrs. w C. E, Dennis. May 7 Victory tournament of 84 holes. Play 18 holes, post scores. Hostesses, Mrs. W. E, Lamm, Mrs. Harry Land. May 14 Victory tournament, pluy 18 holes. Hostesses, Mrs, Frank . Jenkins, Mrs. G. C. Blohm, Mrs. G. A. Krauso ond Mrs. Hugh Campbell. May 21 Victory tournament. Last 18 holes. Hostesses, Mrs. T. E. Shoop, Mrs. J. J. Stclger and Mrs. Matt Finnignn. May 28 Qualify for Lamm .tournn mciit. Hostesses, Mrs. J. H. Houston, Mrs. Robert A. O Thompson, Mrs. T. M. Med ford. June 4 Annunl Lamm tournament. First diminution. Hostesses, Mrs, Earl Wolmnr, Mrs, R. E, Hooker, Mrs. Percy Murray. Jun 11 Second elimination tourna ment. Class B tournament. Hostesses, Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. R. 11. Macartney, Mrs. T, B. Wnttcrs, Mrs, Charles L. Mooro, Mrs. Jack Kimball. June 18 Scml-flnnls Lamm tourna ment. Class B tournament. Hostesses, Mrs. Harold D. Morlnnson, Mrs. Carl Huson ond Mrs. Guy Harmon. June 25 Finals Lamm tournament. OAU classes. Hostesses, Mrs. D. E, Hayden, Mrs. H. C. Gcr ber. July and August Flvo best scores. Must bo checked nnd signed. Soptombor 3 Guest dny, luncheon and cards, Swocpstakcs tournn mcnt. Best nlno out of eight een. Hostesses, M r 8. E. P. V -4 shov o be spon w,'to THE Arts ood Crotw t out this iwiVITATIOHS TO ,P4nf,i thirteenth, were ht HVr';, Tuesdoy, Apr " p women. u by tU committee of St a Wafrcn ond Mrs. Swonscn. Utuo Brostcrhous, Mrs. L. D. Ste phens, Mrs. John Kirby. September 10 Two ball foursome. High and low handicaps. Hostesses, Mrs. Oscar Shivc, Mrs. F. Ce cil Adams, Mrs. E-. D. Hum acher, Mrs. Fred . Schallock. September 17 Qualify for championship tournament. Draw for part ners. Post drawings. Host esses, Mrs. J. A. Shaw, Mrs. J. C. Johnston. September 24 Annual championship tour nament. First elimination, matches. Hostesses, Mrs. G. II. Hancock, Mrs. Martin Swanson, Mrs. H. R. Coulam. October 1 Second elimination match es, first matches for B flight. Hostesses, Mrs. W. G. Hagel stoln, Mrs. Harry Punning, Mrs. Robert Sprout. October 8 Annual championship tour nament. Semi-finals in all classes. Hostesses, Mrs. R. W. Oldenburg, M r s. J. Hardin Carter. October IS Championship finals. All classes. Hostesses, Mrs. H. E. Haugcr, Mrs. B. L. Harden brook, Mrs. Lcsllo Rogers. October 22 . Mystery tournament Must bo disguised. Challenge somo ono unknown. Any kind of costume. Hostesses, Mrs, Mitchell Tillotson, Mrs. Paul Landry ond Mrs. W. C. Dol ton. October 29 Annual election of officers. Luncheon, PORTLAND VISITOR IN KLAMATH Friends aro greeting Mrs. Frank Picrco Drew and young son David, who arrived from Portland Thursday morning to spend a fortnight at their for mer homo. During tho early part of their visit they will bo guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Coppago of Lowell street and later go to tho N. B. Drew homo to visit David's paternal grandparents. Several informal affairs liavo been planned for Mrs, Drew's pleasure while rIiq is here. On Fridny Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Coppagc nnd Johnny, and Mrs. Charles V. Rugh spent tho dny visiting In Mcdford with Mrs, James Busch, an other former Klamath resi dent. ' Mrs. E. D. Lamb nnd Mrs. ' A. G. Proctor visited tho Bo nan.n Garden club Friday afternoon. V PLANT SALE READY FOR APRIL I9TH Want to buy a plant? Tho Garden club will meet on Monday, April tho nine teenth, and Bt thnt time tho members will sponsor a plant salo in the library club rooms under the direction of Mrs. Will Wood. There will be carefully tend ed vegctabia plants such as tomatoes, cabbages, and pep pers, and also plants for tho flower garden, most of theso In the perennial class. Tho salo will begin at ono o'clock and no ration tickets aro needed. A business meet ing Is planned for half past two with an interesting talk on "Birds of Oregon," by Mrs. F. O. Small, illustrated by beautiful hand colored slides loaned by Dr. A. W. Eliot of Portlond. Thero will also be on display many Interesting and somo rare bird nests col lected by the Camp Fire Girls. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Krauso returned this week from Pasa dena, California, where Mrs. Krousc has spent the winter months. "7 t t' sf LOIS STEWART nvitations For Tuesday Show Arts and Crafts Exhibit Planned at St. Paul's Par ish House Starting at 1:30 o'Clock A featured exhibition of the International Arts and Crafts show to be given by women of St. Paul's Episcopal church Tuesday, April thirteenth, will be paintings and art objects loaned by tho Rev. Frederick C. Wisscnbach of this city. Tho rector of St. Paul's is a member of a family which numbers many ! well known painters within its circle. Mr. Wlssenbach'g career start ed early in life when he studied in Paris and Munich, exhibiting In both cities and In Portland as well. His pic t u r e s hang In New York, Philadelphia, Kansas City, in Wyoming and in many pri vate collections. The city of Pendleton purchased twelve of his Indian paintings which ore hung In Vert Memorial building in that city. His work includes landscape, portraits, pen and ink sketches, etch ings, water colors and oils. Treasures from many local homes including early Ameri can china and glass will also be on display. 1 ,.'- V..-. ,..'. s RECENTLY ANNOUNCED was the marriage of Cecelia Bar bara Mlelke of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miolko of that city, to Mr. James Royal Shaw of Klamath Falls, the ceremony read March thirty-first at Trinity Evan gelical church in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw will be ' at home here after April fifteenth. (Courtesy of the Capitol . Journal). . ... T Y Out The public is Invited to at tend the Arts and Crafts show to be held in the parish house at Eighth and Jefferson streets starting at half past one o'clock in the afternoon and continuing throughout the evening. Tea will be served in the afternoon. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Balcom, who made their home in this city several years ago, will be Interested, to learn that Mr. Balcom has gone to Ketchikan, Alaska, where ho will join his brother in the salmon Indus try. Mrs. Balcom, now In Co quille, plans to join her hus band later. V 4 t -wkw'.v..k. I y " 'I Vi 1 l " v- ' I. T 7 r-r ' fa ,' '-k-a- "3 i V I 7 VENTURE CLUB HAS DINNER The Venture club enjoyed on interesting dinner party at the Pelican party room Tues day evening of this week. Several accordion numbers were played by Loyal Heath and Donna Brotherton sang a group of solos accompanied at the piano by Delbert Morris. Mrs. B. B. Blomquist present ed a brief skit. Guests of the club were Ann Kulm, Gail Biwer and Mrs. Don Rice and members present were Frances Balin, Dorothy Buchanan, Margaret Froom, Maxine Hotchkiss, Bethel Hutchinson, Catherine Johnson, Shirley Mayhew, Clara Oetjen, Mary Jane Ped erson, Kay Schlothauer, Bev erly Siemens, Pat Shaw, Mary Truelove, Barbara Sellers, Gladys Walland and Pat Schupp. MISS COLLIER GRADUATES WEDNESDAY Of Interest to her many friends in . Klamath Falls is word from San Francisco that Carolyn Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Col lier of this city, has been grad uated from Red Cross Nurses Aid at Stanford-Lane hospital in San Francisco, receiving her certificate on Wednesday of this week. Miss Collier left for the south in mid-January after spending some time here with her parents. Miss Collier will give her services at Stanford-Lane and the University of California hospital, both in San Francis co. She is . employed at the University of California insti tution at this time. RETURNS FROM VISIT IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. E. D. Johnson returned this week from a delightful stay in San Francisco and Claremont, visiting at the lat ter place with her daughter, Mary Lou, student at Pomona college. Mary Lou will re turn here the last of April as school closes In the south at that time. She will visit with friends in San Francisco en route home and at Stanford with Merlon Albrccht, daugh , tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Al brecht. While In San Francisco, Mrs. Johnson was the guest of Mrs. Del Gammon, former res ident of this city. . MRS. HARMON ' HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Guy Harmon enter tained Thursday evening at her home, 1874 Melrose street, when she asked a group in for cards. Dessert was served at eight o'clock with bridge later. Guests Included Mrs. E. D. , Hamacher, Mrs. E. M. Ray mond, Mrs. Charles Kcmptcr, Mrs. C. L. Hubble, Mrs. Ray Coulam, Mrs. Jack Bishop nd Mrs, Elmer Kinderdtck. Musical Progra m Slated for Monday . Lovely Medford Girl To Sing at Last Planned - Session of Library Club This Spring , y ;: Far and away one of the most delightful musical pro grams planned this spring is that scheduled for two o'clock Monday afternoon by the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club when Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, music chairman, will present sev eral hours of vocal and instrumental music. This is the last program of the year, the May meeting devoted to the annual business meeting, election of officers and flower display. ' Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Alfred Collier" and Mrs. G. C. Blohm, and flowers are being arranged by Mrs. ' Lawrence K. Phelps. : : "T. Hazel D. Muller of New York "Une Fete a Madrid," ..Thome who now makes her home at Virginia Tyrrell Camp White with her hus- Songs: band, who is a member of the "Waltzing In the Clouds," ' staff there, will be the guest .. Stols artist, and her lovely soprano "Springtime," . Becker voice, which has been heard . Joy Kent in Medford on numerous occa- Flute obligatos by sions, will be enjoyed-here for Jean Underwood ' 1 the first time. She will be ac- Violin: companied by Mrs. C. S. Pet- "Adagio" from Concerto in D tee, also of Medford. minor ... Bruch Mrs. Muller started singing "Allegro Brilliante," .... Have at the age of ten years, sang Mrs. David Burgoyne leads through her high school Mrs. Joseph O'Neill, : . and Sunday school years and piano accompanist was a member of the Orpheus Songs, selected. Glee club and other small con- Hazel D. Muller cert orchestras. She won a Mrs. C. S. Pettee, accompanist scholarship for the best so- Piano: prano in all city high schools Sonata In E. minor (First of New York and was present- Movement) Grieg,. Op. 7 ed with this award by Mayor Arabesque Schumann LaGuardia in Madison Square Mr. Albert Woodruff garden but a few years ago. Songs, selected. . Mrs. Muller, now twenty-two Hazel D. Muller . !. . years old, has a lovely, fresh String-piano trio: young voice which will de- "Souvenir de Campagna," ' light her listeners. - Godard . During the past few years. l.'Tambourin" .. Rameau Mrs. Muller has sung at the ;Be,r. Jarnefelt, leading New York hotels, in- Violins, Mrs. David Burgoyne, eluding the Park Central. Mrs-Josph e"1; ' ?iano' Towers and St. George. She . Mr. Albert Woodruff .;, : was leading soprano for two years with "Masque and Lyre" VISITOR . light opera company and sang UCDr rnz-u j the lead in "Naughty Mariet- rltKt rKUM ta." Mrs. Muller studied with EAST COAST - Raymond G. Hunter at Carne- . . ,' ' gie hall, New York. Her hus- Miss Ivy Whorwood of band, Lieut. Muller Is station- stamord, Connecticut, who ed with the 363rd Infantry, ,. w ,, -. ninety-first division, Camp visited here two years ago as White. the 8uest o Mr- aml Mr, Following is the afternoort Charles Fairall, spent this past program: weekend in Klamath Falls and . Junior high girls' chorus: was greeted by a number of "When My Mother Sings," friends. - Dvorak Miss Whorwood has spent "Calm As the Night," .... Bohm 80mo J11 JhlASgeLe,.? i, c - enjoyed attending the gather- "On Wings of Song," in 1 u,e Rose Bow, last week Mendelssohn wncre Madame Cnlang Kai- Directed by Lillie Darby spoke. She described the Piano: spectacle as "thrilling." Prelude In G sharp minor Dn Wednesday evening the ..o-u 'TuVru n T Falralls entertained for Mrs, "The Little White Donkey' Whorwood at Sari's. . ' ' , '' '7;r;''unA"A;';' " Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver ?nn. Underwood askd Connccllcut vJlItor "RoLnce, from "The Desert "11 bS. :"d1 Sr AbbU Wanda Shaw taincd at nnr- Baltet music from "Rosa- M'ss Phyllis Collier, aeeonv monde," Schubert P? a sorority sister, "Hunting Song," Gravle Miss Anne Walker of Port- "Chopsticks " land arrived here Friday eve- Arr. by John Thompson. nlng from Eugene to spnd the MadelonAdler weekend with Miss Collier's S0ngs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew "Tho Blue Danube Waltzes," M. Collier of Olene, . . Strauss ' . ' : .; "Only A Rose,'''"!!!!"!.!.. Frlml , Thcta Bho girls wilt sponsor Mary Louise Sexton the last of a series of card par Piano: tics tonight at half past seven "Chanson Trlslc," o'clock in I00F Dall. The ' Tschaikowskr public Is Invited. ;