1 1 KHALI) AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREH TWO FOLD PLAN Klamath County Girds for Battle With "Scorched Earth" T April 10, 1043 FIGHTS HIRES I. ,::'1 l' tSZ.V :. li'wft '-B.V."' (Continued From Pnuo Ono) to recruit mid to t ni I ii n "reserve army" of forest flroflKhlors, Reserve Flreilghtors Tho primary ohjuctlvo of tlio reserve is to linvo readily uvull nlilu a slr.uhlo source of mini- powor to bu culled by tho respon sible protection iiKiMicli'M when unci IC Ilia fil'o loud becomes too much for tho flint Una of do- fining which Is inndc up of tho roKUhir pornuiiiont und sunsoniil piMsoiiiii'l of tho several nucli des. ThoHO who unroll in the reserve forest flrofluhters unit nuroo In effect to Klvo a holplnu luintl to tho protection uKoncles when tholr flro luminous become more thim they ciiii hundlo ef ficiently, und thul In about till there, In to tho formality of en rollment. 11 Is believed thai all (torus, offices und other busi ness establishments In Klamiith Fulls can well spuro ono or sev eral employees from their duties for rolutlvely short periods of llino In order that they may Join In curb-Inn u destructive demon which would literally bo n men- nco to them und their commun ity, und It is also believed thai they would enjoy an opportunity to net out In tho forest even thotiKh they w.111 find tlio work Involved quite different from their customary duties. How Reserve Called Thero uro two predletublc situations hi the forests which would "nctlvulo" tho reserve: first, al the time of n ixirllculnrly heavy lluhluhiii "bust" mid sec ond, when a flro has attained or ll looks ns if It will reach con fhiunitlon proportions, In tho event of heavy llKhlnlnu storms, when fires started arc beyond tho capacity of tlio pro tection agency to hundlo, culls will be mudo for lookouts, smoko chuscrs and firefighters to lend hand until tho loud litis boon reduced to volumo proortlon Bio to tlio personnel und re sources of tho oucney to hundlo. Tho rcscrvo will renlly come Into pluy in tho event of a con flagration or a bill fire. Tho re sponsible ngoiicy will cslimnto its maiiowcr needs, requisition tlio typo and number from tho roster of tho reserve. This roster will be complied from tho nppllcii' lions of enrollment and It will be maintained and munpower dis patched from it by ono agency In Klumuth Kails. Such a system facilitates tho .procurement of manpower when it .is most ur- licntly needed, thus spuring the protective agency viiluublo time and facilities it would require to contact firefighters individually When it responsible protection nuency requisitions men from the rosier of thoso who huvu jilc.nl fled availability at that purlieu lur time und when those requisi tioned report to tho uttcnoy for duty, they will bo employed by that agency us tiny other fire filthier und paid the prcvnilhiK utiles of wanes, which nre uni form in tho several agencies. Members of the reserve who no on "active duty will bo released from tho flro Just us soon prticllcublo und feasible, or when tholr absence from their r ocular employment becomes a hardship or conflicts with u greater con tribution to tho war effort. Woman Applicants Positions open to women up- pllcauts Include flro lookouts, cooks, timekeepers and licensed shortwave radio operators. The uso of women In such work this year will not establish a prece dent as they wcro slmllurly used In World War I und havo been used In tho present wnr. Mrs. Alico Hamilton operulcd Huckle berry lookout on tlie Rogue Riv er national forest lust summer and Miss Lillian Rcdkcy and Mrs. Thclmn Todd divided the operation of Schonchin Butte lookout at Lava Bods notional monument last year. Flra Dafonaa Commlttea Tho machinery for tho execu tion of tho emergency flro plan is represented by tho Klamath County Flro Ocfcnso committee, composed of Charles E. Ogle, Klamath forest protective asso ciation, chairman: John W. Stir- ginson, nntlor.nl forest service; Carlisle Crouch, national park service, nnd N. F. Cnywood, U. S. Indian, service. The forest flro unit is an Integral part of civilian defenso and is closely coordinat ed with the Klamath county of fice of civilian defense, Whero to Enroll Enrollment in tlio emergency flro protection defenso unit enn bo made at any of tho following places, all located In Klamath Fulls: chamber of commerce; National park service, room 302, post office building; National forest service, room 217, postof flee building, and Klamath For est Protective association, 240 Conger avenue, Training A limited amount of forest fire fighting will bo given mem bers of Iho reserve. This train ing will bo conducted by the sev eral protection agencies nnd will A i If mi ' i'-" m ft 1 i TtV I ' m4I ' 2 4 fl ' f"l M& 'till irt" Will M m MmMm i ni if St try a.J?' 14 It would be nlca to know that this had happened In Germany, but unfortunately, Klamath county has lost through fire this timber which would have holped the war effort and destroyed feed that would have raised livestock to help the meat shortage. Itlfli Till" ---f ' " - ..-or.'... JaXfST'f lati.'- iTaflV irn' i Jve 11 ' '.E, 4 Klamath's glorious pine is ready to go to work for the war effort if not destroyed by fir. r SjfJ 4 - ' 'f '.y t " IS !. Vj it--,. i - 4 T KUHS boys who have takon their training and aro to bo employed to man fire stations this summer. Don Norlin. instructor for forest fire fighters' service, is standing at extronb right. These boys are the backbone of fire fighting personnel this summer. Involve only the fundamental and basic principles and tech niques of forest fire suppression. Concrete training plans will bo announced Immediately follow ing recruitment which is open now. Tho time required for training, which will bo very lit tle, will have to bo contributed by the trainees, Won't you go now to ono of tlio offices enumerated nbovo and indicate your willingness to give forest protection agencies a helping hand this summer if nnd when they call you? Help the protection agencies protect your properly from fire. "It should be emphasized," suld II. H. Ogle In commenting on the emergency forest fire ser vice, ."that tlioso who enroll do not sign an iron-clad contract binding them to uctlvo firo duly or slnndby service throughout tho summer nnd that only those who aro free to do so will be culled for active flro lino duty." If you want to sell it phone Tho Herald nnd News "want ads," ?124 1BLE AUDITORIUM P t L E S. SUCCESSFUILY TREATED NO PAIN - NO HOSPITALIZATION No LoM of Tlmt Pernmneiit nMiiltil DR. E. M. MARSHA fthiroprantlo Phyuolin ltd No. Ml - Eaniilrn Thou In Itlrig, Phonr TPfS Corner Main and Eleventh Sts, Sunday, April 11, 7:45 p. m. "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN" Never To Be Forgivon in This World, Neither in the World To Come. TUESDAY, APRI. 13, 7:45 P. M. "IS THE DAY OF DIVINE HEALING PAST?' THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 7:45 P. M. 'TWICE BORN MEN. WHEN AND HOW?" FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 7:45 P. M. "GREAT RED DRAGON and WOMAN OF MYSTERY" Don't Miss These Vital Subjects. SPECIAL MUSIC -:- SEATS FREE A. L, BEAZLEY & G. M. MacLAFFERTY, Speakers Don Norlin, Instructor for forest fire fighters' service, and Carlisla Crouch, chief ranger. Crater Lake national park, and a few of ine KUHS studems going to xhe woods for additional training. S lll ;.-L 11it-ff-- :---r..L-.;i.-. ....... -1 I rr- SM l. in Amv tint- iMrf thl 45 dVf flf tCCTtpt W KllD .j i..nm ik Wmrv of Sta thall ftHpmd iht licrntt of ' K'L .... virfj means v " ZfCrZbM ,hc-ft Po( of htiJiKMl rtponrHHy in ine luiorr. Suspension of your right to drive is now mandatory if you nre involved in an auto accident from which damage or death results, unless . . . you can pay for damages assessed against you. FARMERS LIABILITY INSUR ANCE gives complete protection pays damages or judgments provides investigation si'1 dc- tense . . . FOR ONLY $5.18 each six months. Present "A Gas Ration Rate for $5,000 10,000 Bodily Injury and $5,000 Property Damage fonhislocality. $5,oo life mmbmbip fie payable with first six months premium. if Insure with FarmcM md you won't risk losing the right to drive. We' hive prepared s brief analysis folder ' of the financial responsibility lev' which will be mailed you upon rc quest. all, write, or come in to the address below for your copy. ROMBERG and BEATTY 330 So. 7th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone B923 rAHMCSlS AUTOMOBILE ..... INSURANCE ..c. TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE .