Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 10, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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Briefs w j
Fullerton, Jr.?
;NEW YORK, April 10 (P)
The other day, Al Del Greco,
the Hackensack, N. J,, sports
scribe, came up with the sug
gestion that golf clubs suffering
from the shortage of profession
als might do worse than to hire
some of the better feminine
golfers to take their places . . .
There's no kidding about that
shortage, cither, though e'entu
ally the supply of golf courses
may run short, too.
So, along with Rosie the Riv
eter and Susie the Section
Hand, why not Pauline the
Golf Pro?
About a half dozen top-flight
women golfers have turned pro
Helen Hicks, Patty Berg and
Betty Hicks Newell for example
and Joe Dey, the U. S. Golf
association secretary, figures
that any gal who can qualify
for the women's championship
Is a good enough golfer for the
job , . . "They're really good,"
he says. "And women seem to
take more lessons and show the
effects of Instruction more than
the men." ... On the negative
side, there's the question of
whether they could teach golf
especially to men, who play
a harder-socking game than
most gals whether they'd want
to give up their amateur status
for temporary jobs, and what
would the crabby quartet think
about it, anyway.
Twenty-six thousand fans at
Twenty-six thousand to see the
nags run.
Tires and trains and shoes all
are rationed,
But still the folks got there and
bet a mill-yun.
The Canadian censor now has
passed the news that Flight Sgt.
Sigurd ' Hannes of the royal
Norwegian air force you re
member "Sigurd of Little Nor
way" who turned in some re
markable ski jumping feats a
year or so ago has been killed
in action on a sweep over
France . . . Sid Luckman, Mr.
Brains of the Chicago Bears'
"T" party, is the principal lec
turer at the Purdue football
clinic today.
,PFC Americo Woyciesjes of
the marines, former eastern in
tercollegiate 175-pound boxing
champion from Syracuse, spent
his spare time on Guadalcanal
collecting butterflies. He has a
collection of 200 rare specimens
. ; Corp Ken Sylvestri, former
Yankee and White Sox catcher
now playing for Camp Bland
ing, Fla., says he'd rather face
Pepper Martin's spikes sliding
into . the plate than get mixed
up in a bayonet fight any day
. . . But as long as he holds
his "expert" rating with a 37
mm. gun and Garand rifle, he
probably won't have to worry
about anyone getting within
bayonet range.
Skyhawks, Royal
Navy Hockeymen
Meet in Last Tilt
LOS ANGELES, April 10 (P)
Tied with one victory each, the
San Diego Skyhawks and the
Royal Navy Ice Hockey team
from Victory, B. C, meet to
night in the deciding game of
their three-game series.
A 6 to 2 win by the Can
adians last night gave them the
edge on points for .the series.
however, which will determine
which team meets La Can-
adiens in a seven-game series
starting Tuesday.
All School Tournament
For School Championship in the
Respective Weights
Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.
Admission 25c '
Ringside or Balcony
Pelicans Second in Rogue
Relays; Medford Men First
Bocchi III; Petersteiner Makes High
Jump; Top Spots Split With Medford
Klamath Union high school
track men lost the Rogue River
relays to Medford yesterday in
the valley by a score of 32 to 26.
Grants Pass was third with 12
and Ashland fourth with 2.
The absence of Jim Bocchi,
star Pelican shot-putter, due to
illness, was felt keenly by the
J. Garrison
Garners TKO
Over Burke
PORTLAND, April 10 (JP)
Jimmy Garrison, 149, Kansas
City, scored a technical knock
out over Jack Burke, 147, of Og-
den, Utah, in the fourth round
of a scheduled 10-round main j
event last night. j
Burke, dazed from a knock- j
down in the third, was knocked j
nearly through the ropes twice i
in the fourth before the bout was j
stopped. 1
Spider McCallum, 145, Mis-,
soula, Mont., won a six-round
decision from Jimmy Collins,
147, Portland, in the semi-final.
Other results:
Pat Black Cloud, 167, Fort
Gates, N. D., technical knockout
over Ted Damico, 171, Portland;
Jimmy Allen, 157, Portland,
technical knockout over John
O'Connell, 154, Portland; Mel
Roberts, 141, Portland, decision
over Orv Teeters, 146, Portland.
Whitman Takes
Double Header
From Cougars
PULLMAN, April 10 (JP)
The timely hitting of Outfielder
Ray O'Dell and WSC's ill-timed
errors combined to give , the
Whitman college Missionaries
both ends of a double header
here yesterday, 8-6 and 2-1.
The victories gave Whitman
a four-two advantage in the
annual baseball' series.
. In the first game O-'Dell
batted in the lying run and
scored the clincher on an error.
In the second he gave Whitman
its tying run again and an error
later contributed the victory
Game Animals Need
Reducing in Idaho,
Says Specialist
BOISE, Idaho, April 10 (JP)
Domestic and game animals
should be reduced along the
south and middle forks of the
Payette river, Herman Koppes,
big game specialist for the
Idaho fish and game department
said today. -
He made the recommendation
in reporting on a game census
and range survey completed by
the department in cooperation
with the forest service, in which
"serious overgrazing condi
tions" were noted.
PULLMAN. Anril 111
The scheduled dual relay meet
between the University of Idaho
and Washington State college
today has been cancelled, Track
Coach Babe Hollingbery said
last night. He explained the
cancellation was at the request
of Idaho Coach Mike Ryan, who
said his boys were not ready
for competition. .
Thrills! Spills!
30 Rounds Boxing
30 Minutes Wrestling
April 10, 1943
Klamath squad. Petersteiner
took Bocchi's place in the high
jumps, making the highest jump
of the relays five foot, seven
First places were split evenly
between Medford and Klamath
teams. The Pelicans placed first
in the mile relay, 440 yard relay,
high jump relay and broad jump
relay. They also placed second
in the half-mile run.
Next Friday the Pelicans will
go to Medford for an invitational
meet with southern Oregon and
northern California schools.
880-Yard Relay First, Med
ford; second, Klamath; third,
Grants Pass. Time, 1.36:5. Klam
ath team Foster, Hunter, Vail
lancour, Mocabee.
Mile relay First, Klamath
Falls; second, Medford; third,
Grants Pass. Time, 3.43:7. Klam
ath team Silva, P e r s i n g,
Young, Henthorne.
440-relay First, Klamath
Falls; second, Medford; third,
Ashland. Time, 46:6. Klamath
team Davis, Vaillancour, Moca
bee, Foster.
Distance medley First, Med
ford; second, Grants Pass; third,
Klamath Falls. Time 15.17.
Klamath team Dawson, T y n-
dall, Cada, Foulon.
Spring medley First, Med
ford; second, Grants Pass; third,
Klamath Falls. Time 3.52:3.
Klamath team Vaillancour, Mo
cabee, Silva, Henthorne.
Shot First, Medford; second,
Grants Pass; third, Klamath
Falls. Total distance, (3 puts)
109.5 feet. Klamath entrants
Silva, Patzke, Conroy.
Broad jump First, Klamath
Falls; second, Medford; third,
Ashland. Total distance (3
jumps) 56 feet, 51 inches. Klam
ath contestants-: Foster, Vaillan
cour, Bigger.
High jump First, Klamath
Falls; second, Medford; third,
Grants Pass. Total height, 16
feet, 7 inches. Klamath entrants
Petersteiner, Foster, Bigger.
By The Associated Press
MUNCIE, Ind., April 10
Pittsburgh and Detroit took the
field today for the first of their
nine-game exhibition series
which winds up at Detroit on
April 19.
Manager Frankie Frisch of the
Pirates nominated Rip Sewell
and Lloyd Dietz for today's en
counter while Steve O'Neill of
the Tigers, picked Rookie Frank
Overmire and Johnny Gorsica.
NEW YORK Although the
Brooklyn Dodgers and the New
York Yankees resume their in-tra-city
series today, it is likely
that President Ed Barrow of the
Yanks, will miss some of the
Frankie Crosetti, veteran in
fielder of the club and its only
holdout, is expected during the
day although Barrow has no def
inite word that he is en route.
Ernie Bonham will start for
the American leaguers, while
Max Macon probably will get
that chore for the Dodgers.
Philadelphia Americans one up,
the Phillies and the A's resume
their city series today. Johnny
Podgajny will start for the Na
tional leaguers with Si Johnson
chucking the final chapters. For
Connie Mack's nine, it will be
Lum Harris and Jess Flores.
Young Early Wynn has demon
strated enough hop on his fast
ball and consistently good con
trol in three spring mound as
signments that there is some
talk he may get the call to start
the opening game for the Wash
ington Senators.
ST. LOUIS The world cham
pion St. Louis Cardinals are no
better than a 50-50 befin the
Music by
Baldy's Band
' Dancing 9 Till 1
Regular Admission
Slim Chance
Of Dodger's
Harold Peck
Ex-Brewer Star Slugger
Bought by Brooklyn Even
Though Ho Shot Off Toot
NEW YORK, April 10 (JP)
One of the best major league
prospects ever to get up to the
big show without a chance of
staying is Harold Arthur Peck of
the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Peck was ono of the stars of
the Milwaukee Brewers last sea
son and led the American asso
ciation in total hits. Ho was such
a prize that even though he shot
two toes off his left foot in a
hunting accident last September,
Larry MacPhail bought him for
a fancy price.
Peck's problem now is this
his foot has not yet mended suf
ficiently for him to earn an out
field berth with the Dodgers and
when it does get well he must
report for induction.
This seems like a hopeless cir
cle for the immediate baseball
ambitions of the 26-year-old
swatter from Genesee Depot,
"I was classified 1-A last fall
before the draft board knew
about my foot," he said today.
"When they examined me they
didn't give me any new classifi
cation, they just told me and my
doctor to report back as ,soon as
the foot was well."
Peck is married and the father
of a nine-months-old daughter.
He was classed 3-A last Septem
ber 3 when, with four games of
the association schedule remain
ing, he took advantage of an off
day to go hunting near his home
and sent a shotgun blast into
his foot.
Washington Tops
Ballard Boosters
In First Battle
SEATTLE, April 10 (JP) The
University of Washington base
ball team opened its season here
yesterday with a 6-3 victory
over the Ballard Boosters.
Howard Kafer, frosh pitcher
from Clarkston, held Ballard to
five hits and hit a double that
scored two runs. Len Tran, Se
attle frosh third baseman, hit
four for four including a double.
seven-game city series with the
Browns that get under way to
day. A year ago the Browns tied
the series although the Cardinals
took the National league flag
and then went on for the world
Bill McKechnie of the Cincin
nati Reds picked Ray Starr and
Elmer Riddle as his hurlers to
day against the Cleveland In
dians, who boast five .300 hit
ters in the spring games. Ken
Keltner, Indian third baseman,
has an average of .368.
NEW YORK The New York
Giants, who have gone unbeaten
through a series of spring games
with service and minor league'
nines, collide with the Boston
Red Sox today. The Sox have
been scored upon only once in
their last 35 innings of play.
Manager Mel Ott chose Cliff
Melton and Johnny Whittig for
his pitchers today in hopes of
Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City
Assessment Liens
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 22nd day of April, 1043, beginning at the hour of IOiOO ,A. M. of said day, ot tho
front door of the City Hall in Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at public sale for cash on hand all of tho
following described properties, to-wit: ' , '
S 14 of 9 74 Lottie Lambert September 14, 1D2S
S of 10 74 Lottie Lambert ' September 14, 1928
3 105 James E. Swansen , Juno 30, 1928
SE48' of 2 5 Allen Sloan November 18, 1926
Pt. of 1 (Lot 1, less DV 71,
pg. 554) DV101, pg. 294 1 V, Verna Anderson November 18, 1926
NE9' of 7 6 C. L. Blgelow August 26, 1927
NE50' of 1 & 2 26 M. L. & Alice Johnson . May 4, 1927
Balance of 1 & 2 26 M. L. & Alice Johnson May 4, 1927
4 18 Dr. E. D. Lamb May 4, 1927
25 14 O. W. Chapman May 13, 3027
S. 9' of 26 14 O. W. Chapman May 13, 1027
SE 6' of 35 18 Earl F, 4t Zella R. Blankonshlp December 6, 1927
NW 12.5' of 37 18 Earl F. & Zella R. Blankonshlp Docombor 6, 1927 .'
5 86 C. C. Clino June 13, 1027 .
325 111 G, & Katherino Neubcrt September 10, 1027
3 7 David W. Johnson et al i ' June 30, 1928
This sale Is mado under and by virtue of a warrant or list In tabular form for tho collection of special assessment Hons,
which have been delinquent for more than one year nrlor to March 18, 1943. on real estate within tho corporate limits of tha
Citv of Klamath Fallst Klamath
described is located within the
96,2210, Oregon Code 1930 as
Each of said lots, parcels
of Klamath Falls the full amount of its assessment Hens plus Interest and the costs of and upon
: Dated this 18th day of March,
First Publication, 3-20-43.
Final publication, 4-17-43.
M. 20-27, A. 3-10-17,
K Club to Sell
Tickets Saturday
For School Smoker
Members of the K club of
the high school lit an advance
ticket sale for tho smoker
Tuesday, April 13, will can
vass tho downtown section of
town this afternoon. Tickets
will bo on sola at 25 cents for
adults and high school stu
dents, and 10 cents for gram
mar school students.
Willie Draws
Big Crowd to
Boston Arena
BOSTON. April 10 (JP)
Thanks to Willio Pep, the fast
punching Hartford, Conn., feath
erweight who owns the New
York version of that division's
title, Boston today appeared to
hnvo rehabilitated itself as a
major boxing center.
With pep as a magnet, a crowd
of 15,949, tho largest that has
seen an indoor boxing show here
since 1931, poured into the Bos
ton Garden lust night and saw
him win a split decision over Sol
Bartolo, a supcr-UKgresslve Bos
ton youngster, in a 10-round
overnight bout. Both weighed
The gross gate receipts were
$39,030, only u bit less than those
provided by Boston's last really
big boxing crowd, the one that
saw Lou Broulllard of Worcest
er, win the welterweight title
from Jacklo Thompson 12 years
PORTLAND, April 10 (IP)
Behind the one-hit pitching of
Am Shapkin and Andy Plenovl,
the University of Portland col
lected a couple of baseball vic
tories from Pacific university
yesterday by margins of 20 to
0 and 7 to ,0. Portland got 29
hits in the two games.
PORTLAND, April 10 (JP)
Grant high school, almost peren
nial track champion of Port
land, again won the city relay
meet yesterday, topping both A
and B divisions.
BERKELEY, Calif., April 10
(JP) The Oakland coast league
ball club lost its sixth game in
seven Thursday, bowing to the
University of California's home
run assault, 9 to 0.
MOULTRIE, Ga. First 300
game by a soldier was bowled
by Corp. Vincent C. Statts at
Spence field, Moultrie.
lengthening the 'club's victory
string while Boss Joe Cronin of
the Sox selected Ken Chase and
Anton Karl to share the duties.
Wilson, pilot of the Chicago
Cubs, is so elated over the pro
gress of his veteran pitching
staff that he already has picked
Claude Passcau to hurl the major
league opener against Pittsburgh
April. 21 with Bill Lee down for
the second game and Hi Bithorn
for the third.
PLA1NFIELD, N. J. - Nate
Andrews, who came to the Bos
ton Braves from the Cincinnati
Reds during the winter in tho
deal for Eddie Miller, will be on
the mound for tho tribe today
against the Newark Bears of the
International league. Jim Tobin
also is expected to do some
Countv. Oregon, which warrant
City of Klamath Falls, Klamath
amended, providing a method of
and tracts will bo sold separately
Zoe Ann Wins National
Women's Diving Title
Twelve-Year-Old Also Takes Third In
One-Meter AAU Swimming Competition
CHICAGO, April 10 (!') Little Zoo Ann Olson of La Porto
City, la., is destined to become onn of tho nation's greatest diving
stars. Hor mother says so, and gives her about eight mora years
to do it.
Zoe Ann is only 12 yours old, but she already Is tho national
Junior Indoor lowbonrd diving champion. Last night sho placed
third In tho one-meter event of tho national senior women's
AAU swimming competition,
"I was happy, but not too surprised with her showing,"
proudly confessed Mrs. Art 01'
sen, wife of a high school prln-1 n. B AA
clpul and formor YWCA swim
ming instructor at Sioux Falls,
S. D.
"I've had to squeeze my gas
oline rationing cards to take her
to Waterloo, 33 miles away,
and to Ccdur Falls, another 44
miles, because we don't huve a
pool In La Porte City,
"You can see that my daugh
ter and I are determined sho
will become a great star some
day, Sho'U probably reach her
peak when sho is IB or 20."
For tho third straight year,
Ann Ross of Brooklyn's Dragon
club won tho ono-mctor diving
crown last night, with Dorothy
Zleglcr of the host Mcdinuh
club second.
Tho Multnomah club of Port
land, pre., made a strong bid
for the teum championship by
-collecting 10 points as Suzanne
Zimmerman, Brcnda Holser and
Noncy Merkl finished 1-2-3 In
tho 100-yard free stylo. Observ
ers could not remember another
time when a tcom so completely
dominated an event In a nation
al meet.
The Riviera club of Indianap
olis, minus its star, Betty Bcmis
of the WAVES, banked five
points when 14-ycar-old Jonn
Fogle won the 300-yard indi
vidual medley.
Always rend the classified ads.
Of th. Uv.vpoe4 l-ondo and Clloha
iMnnum Company, Ud.. of Liverpool.
England, on the Ihlrly tlrt day ol Oe
e.mbr. 1HI, made In. Insurance
Comrnletoner ot lb. Slnta Oregon,
pursuant le law:
Amouat af atalulory depolll III.M1.M
N.I premium. MC.lv.il "",,,.
log the year lll.OIO.III.II
latereoi. dividend, and r.nl.
received during- lha year lll.lll.ll
Income from oth.r aourcaa
received durlnr tha year . in, in. II
Talal Ineom. ll.tol.f Jt.10
Mat loaaaa paid during th.
,..r Including adjtj.l-
m.nt aip.naa MM."."
Commleilone and ealarlee
paid during lha y.ar ... I.Tll.lll.ll
Tax... licence, and (eee paid
durlnr lha year .W.ITP.H
Amount of all olhar ap.n- ...,
dlllltaa '"'" "
Total eapendllurei 1 13.l3l.0l7.il
Admitted Aaaala
Valua ot raal a.iaia owoed ......
(market valua) I I.IM.M
Loana on mortgagee and
Value of bonde o w n a d
l.morllt.d) l.H,ll.ll
Valua of elock owned (mar
ital valua)
Caeh In bank, and on band
Premium. In eeuree of col
lactlon written ainca flap
imiur 30, 1043
Intar.al and rant! du. and
Olbar aaaala (n.l)
3. III. HI .01
Tola! admltt.d aaaala .
Oroa. elalmi for looaee no-
paid I.ITMll II
Amount of un.arn.d premi
um, on all oulatandlnr
rieka I. Ill, III. II
Dua for commlailon and
brokerage .IVilltl
All oth.r UablHII. lol.lll.n
Tola! Ilablllilaa, a glipt
capital I1I.SSI.I7T.04
Slatulory dapoell ;??;?!
Surplua ov.r all Ilablllilaa 1,131,113.17
urplua a
' rerarda policy-
I M31.I1S.I7
Total I ..l.1ll.T0O.l
Iluelnnea la Orornn for lha Year
Nat pramlumi received dur-
Inr lha y.ar ; 10,110.71
Nat loaiea paid during lha
rUmY f,Co!npVr"'ThV,Lly.rpool
London illoba Ina. Co.. I.ld.
Nam. of Unlt.d Statee manarer. Har
old Warnar. '
Nama of Hecratary, J. flordon Ba,
Portland, Oragon.
or list Is in mv hands. Each of
County, Oregon, and is being
foreclosing special assessment liens. .
and will bo struck off to tho first
Chief of Police of tho City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon,
tvrecjon patters
Beaver Pitchers
For 14 to 1 Win
COUVALLIS, Ore., April 10
(V) The University of Oregon
baseball team teed off on three
Oregon Stuto pitchers here yos
tordoy to gather In tho opening
Hii mo of tho northern division
schedulo by the lop sided scoro
of 14 to 1.
John Bubnlo, Oregon swat
king who batted fivo for five
to lead tho slaughter, started
the route In tho first Inning
whon ho doubled with tho bases
full to drlvo Oregon's first three
runs, after Don Cecil, OSC's
starting hurler, had passed all
BEAVERTON, April 10 (P)
Bcnvcrton high school defeated
Salem yesterday, 8S-7 to 34.3,
for its third consecutive track
victory. Boavcrt6n won all but
two events, tho mile and discus.
srNursi or nsvi statkmknv
ok run
New England Mutual Life
Insurance Company
of Ronton, In tho Stat, ot MauarhuiHt.
un lha Ililnj llrtt day of Hncrml.tr, u,
mailn to Die tntiram: rummlMloitar of the
.Htat of Urrifitn, ur,iiant to lawi
Amount at eapllal lUwk paid
up yog.
Total premium locum, for lha
r a.m.ctM
Intrrrit, ilvlili.mil and rvntl
racrhrd during lh y.ar . . ll.tll.lse.M
tinxiin from other aourral
rrcrlvrd during th year IMltl.tlo.il
Total Incomi pa.io'.iuj.oi
I'altl for toilet, amlowtneull,
annulliri and lurrrnder val
1 I t.tl.I.U
lllrhlrndi paid In pollr)bold.ri
during Ilia year ...
Dlvldrii'U paid on capital itocll
during lite rar M
ContiiiUiloiu and lallrlei paid
during Iho )mr ...,
Tatet, llrrmri and feel paid
during the year ... - .
Amount ot. all other eipendl
turel ., . . ..
I, 711,111.01
II, ftW,S!fl.A7
Total eipemllturei .
Valua nf real citato owned
(book valua! I M,M,ltt.tl
Iinn on mortgage and cllet
er.l. etc. M.IM.SVU.M
Value of bond! owned (amor-
tired) . ItK.OJI.MJ.J!
Value of itoeki owned (maf.
ket value) M,wa,ITT.W
Premium notea and policy
loam tl.lM.MIl.M
Cnili In liHpki and on band 13.ira.tna.oi
Interett and rent due and
accrued l,ll,aM.I9
Net unci reted and deferred
premium. l0.1l,IS7.l
Oilier aneli (net) . 7,,ls.OT
Total admitted aneli oln,)!r,,TM.I
Xet reiervrl ISII.WI.Ha.il
11rM rlilmi for lonei unpaid S.
All other llabllltlei 97.IM.M7.Ttl
Totnl llabllttei. MCcnt cap
tal MS 1, 01 1, 1)14.01
Soerlal real citato and mort
(ao ('""I s.oon.ooo nr)
Huriilus over nil llnhllltlrl tO.IM.lw.M
Siirnlm ai reuardi policy
. holderi U.4U.IW.M
Total IWt.ila.SUJI
BiMlmit In Oragon for thl Vlir
Net premium, and nituulllci re.
celvrd during lha yenr im.Vim.M
THvbp-iida pnlil during tho year.. ISft.TID.SS
Net lonea nnd clulmi, endow
ment", iiirreiideri, and annul-
Ilea paid during the year fn.MJ.
OKollim wll.f.Alll) Nlliril, I'r-l.
MOkVIIrl V, UAI'KN, Hec.
Stnlutory rrililrnt. attorney for irrvlee,
llorncn Mccklcm, tjeneral Agent, Portland,
Street $ 14.10
Street 98.81
Street . 77.14
Sower 31.02
Sewer 13.71
Street 94.55
Strcot and Sewer 510.86
Street and Sewer 358.02
Street ' 482.58
Sewer 37.33
Sewer i . 13.32
Street 7.10
Street 11.43
Street j . ' 242.05
Street 117.73
Street ' 330.25
tho lots, parcels or tracts obovo
sold . under Sections 56,2201 to
blddor offering to pay the City
this sale. . .
No, 201
Baseball -Scores
y Till Alioclilid frail
llinokltll (N) i, New Vlirll (A) I.
New Vork IN) II, Mltrhel field I.
II. l. n (N) II, Vnle II.
Wa.hlnitoii (A) 1.1. Curtll lliy rout
tliiiiril I.
Philadelphia (A) l, Toronto dot) I,
lloiton (A) 7, Newaik (lilt) I.
Illevelaud (A) VI, lliillaliapolli (AA), tr.ll-
oelleil, .
Elk Hunting Bill
Needs Signature
Only Governor Earl Wurron'i
signature Is needed to open a
California oik hunt. Tho as
sembly completed notion yosler
duy on a bill nlluwlng tho otiitt
fish and game commission to au
thorize oik hunting upon pity
mailt of a $10 hunting fee, Pro
ponents' said a i)ii Ir of elk turn
od loosa In Inyo county a few
years ago hud multiplied until
n largo herd was devastating
farm crops.
; X
By Th. Alioeliled frll
noHTON-Wlllle Pep, mv, llarllord.
Colin,, outpointed Hal liartolo, Iltnloo
Pllll..tlii:i,PIIIAt'hirley lloblniun, in),
Philadelphia, outpointed Wally Hear. 111.
tlhierivllle. Pa., (Ml,
lllll.l.VH llllli-JlMimr Mcllanleli, 11111,
Uia Anielrt, milpolnted Hltlea Pangel,
llS, r'reano, Cat., (10).
I1II1TI.ANII. Ore Jllnmv (larrllnn. Ill
Kanini l.llr, won liv a technical knockout
over Jark llurke, 117, (laden, Utah, (I),
Or4 Tllri
UnlUd Stales Branch
Yorkihlra Insurance Company,
Ltd., and th Yorkihlra Under
writers ol th United States
Yorkshire Insuranc Company,
or New York, ta Ilia Stall of New Vork.
on the Ihlrty.flrH day of liecemhrr, ivif,
made lo the ImurAnce oouilttliilmter of lha
Stile of Orrlon, piiMiiant lo law
Amount ot itatulory deM,iltt IM.OM.M
liKomi e
Net prepiluntl recrlird durlna Vi
ba year U.lll.KH.IT
Interret. dllenli and renti le
eched during t)i year lll.asdll
Ineuni. from other iouicii ia
ceivca during in. year I7.tll.fta
Total Income , l3.WI,9ao.al
Net loetci paid liming Ilia )ear
including adjustment etpcntci I m.fli.li
t'utnmlMloni and lalarlee paid
during the year . 114,1)1.04
Tatei, Iteeiiiei and (eel paid
uunng in. year , , , iDi,oti.rr
Dtvulcndi paid on capital itock
during th. year Noni
Amount of all other upendl-
turei . tit.iii. a
Total iipenillliirri CUI.OUI
Admitted Allltl
Value of reat citato owned tmar.
ket value) .... I I.IW.M
butt, un mortgage, and collat
eral, elc . . I.77I.S7
Value of bundl owned (amor.
Hied) i I.III.IIO.SI
Vahta of itocki owned (mar
ket value) I.IH.III.TI
('ah In hanki and on hand m;.MI.M
Premium! in eourio or collec
tion written line. September
M, 1013 . tW.7Ji.tlj
Inlereit and rente due and a-
cruel IMU.H
(liber aneli (net) " al.til.M
Total admitted aneli ... M.JII.Ui.H
(Iron rlilnu for loeei unpaid I IIT.Otf OO
Amount ot unearned premium!
on all oiitelandlng rlike MM.IU.IU
line tor commliilon and broker.
age . I,. . Ill, MO 00
All ulbcr lllblllliel , llWlol.l
Total llibllltlei, .icept capl.
tal . K.alo.HI .07
llepoilt capital t tW.OOO.M
Hurplui orer all llahlllllei l,tm,Ql.i.l
Rurplui ai regard! pollcyhohl.
, in - . . al.Ml.0UI!
Total l,llU,.'..:i
Alter deducting eiceii Iniuranee ilock
lioldlnge of IIMJ.IM.MI.
. attilnaat In Origoil tor ttti Vlir
Net premium! received during the
year KH,0-..7I1
Net lo. e pohl during the )ear . I6,iar T
vonKiHtni imuriANci oompanv,
nriAHCH vonKiHine ihiupancs
II. V. KI.I.K.N. Ilinnrli 11, S. klanagrr.
Statutory reibtent attorney for irrvlce.fj
InuMMO'C f'olllllllfltiller. tlnlnii.
Noris nr anni'at, btatkmbnt
nr lha Queen Inaurnnco Company of
America, of New York. In lha mala nf
New Tolb, on the Ihlrly.flr.l day f
nec.mber, ins, m,d. , ,h, ,,rnr,
nnmmle.loner of the stale of Orewnn.
puranant lo law '
Amount ht eapllal Block
, " l.ltMM.e
7Tt premlume raclved dnr-
Inr the year Ill, 111. Ill It I
Tnlereel, dlvldende and
renle received durlnr lha
, ' ; III.IIH.IT
Income from oilier eoureea
received during Ih. year m,l;.lt
Total Income 111,041,111,11
, niebnreemenla
Wat loaaea pnlil during tho
year Includlnr ndjmt.
menl eipenie 1,101, lit. II
Cominuelnna nnd iilnrlei
paid durlnr lha year ... t ill IK It
Tniea. Ilceneee and feel
paid durlnr Ilia year ... Ill, III 41
Dividend! paid on capital
eloch- durlnr the year ... IflMflft aa
Amount of all olhar axpen- A
""" Mii.mi.iiI
Talat aipendllurea til, 011,0(7. II
Admitted A.aetN
I,oani on mnrtgnrei and
collateral, eln l.tln.Ot 1
Tnlua nf hnndi iwnlil
Kamortli.d) u.ll,:(i 71
Value nf ntofVi owned (mar-
kat value) MlMtl.e.
Taab In bank, and on hand 1,071,13,1.70
Prnmhima In conria of col-
lecllon Vfrltten llnca Hep.
' (ember ,10, 1013 , 1,030,75m
Tnlereet and renll due and
aenrllid Ill, 550,01
Oilier aaeeli (not) 1M.ml.ll
'Total admitted neeela , ,134,011,178, II
, Mnbtllllea
Clron olalma for lonea nn-
, Pbl I I.tin.llf.tt
Amount of unearned pie.
tnluma nn all oulotnnrl-
lnr rlik 1,711,171. Jl
T)ua fnr commlaalon and
hrnkorngo fi7,4!l.7l
Alt other 1 la T1 ) l I err 1,140,1111.1.1
Totnl llabllltlig, aicapt
apllnt 111,111.111.71
Rnpiint paid up i n,ono,nno.oo
flilrplna over alt Ilablllilaa, T.WlMao.Sil
Hurplitn ai regardi polloy- - A
. Tinldera , ,,,,.,,,,,111,111,010,34
' totnt , '. 194,001,179.11
' llmlncaa In Ornron fnr the Veeir
Mat premlutna received dur
lnr tha yenr t 11,1111, II
Net Imeea paid durlnr lha
, Xiar I.TTl.aV
Nnma of Company, Queen tnmranca
Compnny of America,
Noma of I'renlilenl, Harold Werner.
Name nf Secretary, n. A, Nolllnghom,
Statutory raeldnnt allorney for aervlae,
J. Oordwn Kraa, Portliad, Ocaron,