! SERIAL STORY DARK JUNGLES DV lMJMf CI CAilkKr.miCFRV copyright, to l . , ATTACK ; . . . , CHAPTER III j VJT7HEN the new moon was high' "In the black, star-gleaming sky they rode In the small, rock-j ing tender back to the freighter.! The three men drifted of! to their cabins, leaving Allison with! Barry the prize she had worked: so hard to capture. When they; had gone, she lost some of her gay, sang-froid. She dug a hand into, the deep pocket of her light wrap! for clgareU. As he lit it for her,, she glanced up at his lean brown face and dark, steady eyes. She sighed a tiny sigh and blew a smoke ring. "I suppose," she said faintly,! "It's an apology, not a kiss you're! waiting for." Barry chuckled in spite of him self. He lit his own cigaret lei surely and nicked out the match. The warm night breeze brushed It along the deck. "As a matter of fact, It was neither," he said. Her upturned face was a heart shaped blur in the darkness. "A walk, maybe?" She moved off along the rail, : a fragile figure against the black silhouetted mountains of Cuba which loomed behind her. Barry followed. "Are you going back ashore?" he demanded. "You mean am I giving up my Jungle dream?" she murmured blandly. "Going back to New York just because of a few words of warning you gave me the night we sailed? No." "He said, "I think you'd better reconsider. I'm telling you, a Guatemala chicle plantation is no place for you." - The teasing laughter in her voice was plain now. "Maybe," she said archly, "if you had spent more time describing the horrors of the jungle to me on the trip down, and less time with your old Quiche books. ... As it is, you fascinate me almost as much as Guatemala. I can't decide whether it's be cause of the jealous girl who brought you aboard and prac tically dared me to . . ." Her voice broke off into laughter. "I sup pose I owe you an apology for her, too." "You can settle that with Ula,". Barry said dryly. "The problem now is " , . ' "Or whether," Allison mused on imperturbably, "you fascinate me because you're so aloof and mys terious. Why under heaved would' you be so intent on histories of the Quiche Indians? If you were an archeologist, or a professor, or even a student But you're a min ing engineer!" . . "THERE'S no mystery about it," ' Barry exploded impatiently. "It's a matter of simple business. Look. I'll make a bargain with you. My business is on the con fidential side. But Til tell you' . about it if youH forget this crazy; adventure of yours and take a plane home from Santiago to-' night" : ; "If youH ten me," Allison said! breathlessly, "I promise you HI: consider going home." ' There was a new note of serl-' ousness in her voice and Barry; .accepted it as oath. He told her I his business with casual speed. I i "My : company sent me downi (here because the United Nations' iwar effort is in vital need of quicksilver. It's used in a hun dred delicate instruments of war fare. The Guatemala highlands are one of the all too few sources. And on the Guatemala highlands live the Quiche Indians. Catch?" :! "Catch." lauehed the jrirL Then she frowned. "But why the his tory books? Need you get so ichummy with them just to work la few mines?" , "There's the rub," admitted Barry. "We don't work the mines. We don't know where the mines are. The Indians bring their j crushed and vaporized cinnabar Idown to the shore in clay jugs and Itrade it for bananas and fishing irights. But where they get it is a tribal secret." i Allison gasped. "And you said Jit was 'just business!' It sounds Hike something out of Ali Baba!" r "It's a hell of a deal," Barry isald irritably. "When we need that quicksilver the way we do and we're willing to pay plenty Ifor it" She laughed with delight. "That blood oath of theirs in your books! iThey can't really be tempted by ihigh prices?" "Apparently they haven't been, since the time of Alvarado," Barry ladmitted gloomily. "Then you're on a wild goose chase yourself," she said trium phantly. j "I'm not so sure." He thrummed jnervous fingers on the rail. "In mil this boning up on their tradi itions, I think I've got an argu ment to use on them. They're pretty high class, you know. In tegrity. You can't help them. .That's their strength. But I'm going to ask them to help us." i "And why should they help us?" "Because the allies are fighting for the same thing they've strug gled to hold for centuries. Free dom. Independence. We're their blood brothers in those respects. I'm going to try to make them isee that, I have a feeling they imlght open up at least a couple jot their mines for rapid exploita tion in such a cause." , Allison touched her. cigaret to the rail and watched the sparks float down towards the dark iKwellff of wafer. She murmured. '"Brother, you're talking strong tuff." '.''. T ARRY laughed, regretting now IJ-' he'd told her o much and 'been so eloquent about It He said Qightly to cover his previous out burst, "It won't hurt to try, any iway. The other fellows kept of iferlng them more money. - That "didn't work. ..." i She said, "Others? Were there ethers hero before you?" '1 "Two." . ,. . I . i'How fld they treat them??.. NEA SERVICE. INC. "The first one ' reported they were a little short with him." , "And the second?" ; "The second one didn't coma back." She stared at him a full minute, horror deepening In her eyes. "But then you're In danger!" she cried. "Why didn't you stop me tonight? All of us shouting those Quiche words!" He laughed shortly. "Nonsense," ; he snapped. "The second man was probably bitten by a snake. Or delayed somewhere. You see, that imagination of yours would play havoc with you in this coun try. Now get in there and pack, and I'll take you back to the mainland." She stood flattened against the rail, her honey-colored hair blow ing back from the white piquant outline of her face, her eyes dark blurs. "I can't," she said. There was a tangle of laughter and bewilder ment in her voice. "I don't know why. Maybe it's the jungle maybe it's you. But I'm going on. Barry recognized decision. With a snort of anger and impatience he turned and strode off. "Wait a minute!" she whispered, and ran after him. She rounded the forecastle 10 feet behind him in time to see the dark, naked figure of a native detach itself from the black shadows of the hatch! Her scream rang through the dark night a second too late. The native had leaped the gleam of a knife in his upraised hand! (To Be Continued) Unless the Hitlerite army and state and the new order in Eu rope is completely smashed, we cannot hope for any better fu ture for the world, for yourj country, for my country. Rus-, sian -Ambassador to Britain Ivan j Maisky. I THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson iiy jjjP Tjkp US AM OOP "JV T. M. KG. U. ft. PAT. OFF. II VT. irT&- V J I CATTLE HAVE BEEN DOMESTICATED SO LONG THAT NO ONE KNOWS FROM. WHAT WILD ANCESTORS THEY ORIGINATED OR WHERE THEY LIVED. NEXT: Shades AMERICAN HORIZONTAL . 1,6 Depicted ' U. S. bomber, Boeing B-17E '13 Behold! 14 Greek letter 15. Wide ,, .. 18 Him r 17 Sick. 19 Indian 21 Wager - 22 Bowling club 23 Put in earth 25 Tiny 27 Corruption 29 0cean (abbr.) 30 Finish 31 From 32 Planes life, , this are active In the Answer to Previous Puzzle L OIRID I BYR0Nl IPIOlElT verL y e r b a Tr m a D'AlpIrp ETA ftlE E L gmo L0DD sjlloIrl EPIC E or:? SAGE sIoirt BYRON WnethTeIr A PARR RlEll GNsliHrA 7rJds ECTOlELEMJIsCORN kHiNU DE E T C H;10 O EOSgTARBAI rsfor netstwine"rope ts!ar ieTa s tTsi nes!s 54 Monkey 55 Embellish 59 Cereal grain 60 Sister (abbr.) 62 Brown 64 Regret 65 We 66 Was anxious 68 Covered with ice 70 Therefore 71 Fidgety 72 Make deeper ' VERTICAL 1 Toss 2 Lounge '3 That one 4 Indian dancing. .Pacitc 35 Different 39 Belongs to him 40 Mineral rock 41 Choose by . ballot 44 They bomb the Jap 46 Symbol for gold 47 Insect 50 Music note 51 Deeds i i 3 5 n is ii wo r,,rir,nr" WTfi : Hi'1 r4s gas " il1 p?T pr- " . m' ' 1 ' -M M U-LJ fe 47-- 'flru-'. ip; gg ' iSsT tk 1ST IB ; t H 4- vrTi , m mi E7 mm m W-ts : 3 ' ' I H 1 I l LI 1 11 1 2 The world today Is full of dis illusioned people who have fought hard to gain success and who havo emerged from tlio struggle with an empty feeling. They may have won the things which they went after, but in do ing so they have found that they have lost touch with people. They have their gold, but are themselves desolate and friend less. Rev. Joseph R. Sizoo of Now York. Always read the classified ads.' Thanks from SKATELAND We wish to thank the many people of Klamath Falls and vicinity for their patronage during our almost 6 years skating operation in this city, in both our portable rink and Skateland. It has been a pleasure to work with the thousands of young people and we might add, it has been profitable. But due to existing conditions that have taken thousands of our fine boys and girls into service and defense work, and with an opportunity to lease our rink for 6 months with an option to sell our Interests to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, we have drawn a con tract with this organisa tion, who with the music of Pappy Gordon and his orch estra will offer the public a dance floor in the center of Klamath Falls that is equal to any floor in the state. We sincerely hope their success at dancing will be as good as skating has been for us. COL. SWIGART and Son ANCIENTS TAUGHT THAT ALU MATERIAL WAS COMPOSED OF FOUR. ELEMENTS... KE AND ARISTOTLE ADDED A FPTH, WHICH HE CALLED THE MATTER ... AND THIS GAVE US . I TUP Aftor 1 ( QuAreaeMCf! JuST BECAUSE A MAN IS (.l-ilfcl- mn. RAD WARDEN IS NO SIGN HE IS A 8LOCK-HEAD,'' Sspj -borppt p. aai ipi i go . of Jules Verne. BOMBER 33 They need and gasoline to fly 34 Employ 36 Garden tool 37 Before 38 Steep in water 42 House pet 43 Pertaining to a cough 44 They raid oo cupied 45 Guided 47 They bomb Nazi , 48 Upward I 49 Obtain 51 They have motors , 52 Facility y 53 Near- ' 56 Either 57 Trick 58 Gaseous element 61 Anger 63 They 1 RAF bombers 66 Court (abbr,), 67 Doctor of . Science (abbr.). 69 Biblical ! pronoun ' exhibition 5 Narrow strait 6 Free Baptist (abbr , 7 Spherical 8 Fish eggs 9 Drum beat 10 Road (abbr.) 1 1 Lower part of leg 12 Dispatched 18 Louisiana (abbr.) 20 Female sheep 22 3.1416 24 In no way 26 Half an en 28 Toward stern 32 Her Out Our Way rYn---W boy, is thw guv y thats about kmgkt( too) i . Kxtfy ase.momtmis Wull be onis It ET. m a 7Sk&m IKADIC5NJAMT.' HE'D --WE TOOK IT OFP TO CUB ;?wa' Ol StB. 30B6iT0 KEEP GTEPM Ji P" " i- LIKE TO THROTTLE ) WIS NOSE AM PUT IT "f UP IMTME ANLO GIRR.UL7 Akf VWV- AW ER. V. . I ME--I Tat) HIM OM TO UKE TH' TOOL.JM vM UERE 16 ER SUOYEL. Kprirl CAPTMM MADAM.' i HEtS DCOPPED y TOOK IT OFF TO PEACH tvW ZfflL rT? "gjT UW ASSUMED X '. tl OWE OF HIS J ( IM HI6. POCKET.,. PUT IT ) W WW Ti. l CiIq W uuTcC-TO RB PORSER 1 f HITLEC OM TO PICK UP TH AWN . TIAIS h StR BOILfcR- WftSlO Bt. ukjek i H Tl - jXfl - WbJ!!r HEUPE DCIlX TilM... TOOK Y if VE WOLL FIRE UP DURN' itTr ARE VOD 6U&G6W- i dJrrl'4-KlJC 1 r OFF TO PUT TH' A S Wa THE TRIP, AVERSE tW& T AM AL90 LfcVV.r.. THE HOLDUP KAAM - J B&M!&&i m. a&W iwb jdJt " . J HOLD EVERYTHING! i iucu ate we gumg 19 earn; while we learn, like they do inl the war plants?" BIRDS AND FLOWERS ARE COLORFUL TOUCH IN" a ... " i. s : 7487 by Alice Brooks Scatter gay color all over a bedspread or a cloth with these unusual embroidery motifs. Birds perch or flutter their wings against bowers of flowers. Use these colorful motifs on scarfs and cloths, too. ' Pattern 7487 contains a transfer pattern of eight 51 by 5i inch and eight smaller motifs; materials need ed; illustrations of stitches. To obtain tms pattern send 11 cents in coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of tho envel ope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No. , to followed by your name and address. NEW AERIAL DEFENSE WASHINGTON, (P) You don't, the office of war Informa tion explains, hang "Flying Fort resses" in the sky and use thorn for aerial pillboxes. Dr. Gerald Wlnfleld, who works for the OWI in China, told a group of American reporters here that a Chungking newspa per not long ago told its readers that what the wartime capital of China needed was three "Fly ing Fortresses," which when hung in the sky at the corners of Ihe city would, fend off any possible Japanese bombing at tacks. The alarming upswing In crime among women and girls points to the need for renewed efforts to kcop the home front clean, wholesome and strong. FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover. txru tciyicf. T. w. tie uf. ti JAW 4 By Red Ryder Freckles and His Friends Wash Tubbs Boots and Her Buddies .nO'l. vtM" V- Vo . 1 fflCE.CKOlA5KE0l f 6UPOEI0LV. flJOfX 1 leHfcRIFF"tJM JRtBIHDH'' $ efiA M JkV-i " ) ( for -wis for Out or the distance, pronto' rvr , WBL-. -i OH? ? J 4iOo.nH VC rV "-'-" iSOCKitf' TW'CHIEF, ALONE RIDS.R PEOPLE 00 WXO' Kflf KW;K lS r1 V c00"j TtrPriZ . a-- t . (v out he had. stuiaks for the V them hurtle vri2wcv P 1' j j " ' r Bur 1 oiont fa wea, iw tmch itxj pur up that not so ONLY' STANOIMO- Bfff'r ' THE WEATHER I'VE ABOUT FOR TOMORROW) FIM6HEP THE - PROMISES TO 8E INTELLK5EM0E J PERFECT, EASY, MAY WORK ON IT, A. BE OUR ONLYCHAWCE Ssm SUH yf TO BOMS L'5CAR0OT -6 . 'ft ir-, t BEFORE THE BIO '"JL J A T6W T6'."WS. H00W6 "bl,iWOKl I Ml TV V KV'b Allep Oop Little Orphan Annie BUT HAMS HURT WILL GET WW, AMD LET WITH THAT SECRET I HIM EXPLOSIVE) WE GET MUST STOP HIM I I AWAY! ffl'M GIVIMG AMOSl If KJOPEl SAIDI'D V'KMOW, DOC, gHli''" ME CO THAT WITH THIS WAP AMD VJUST FIVE MINUTB3 II GET HIM, BY EMJT, TMF.PH'S MOTMIM'W '-V' Oi" BAvCK tdevek!thikis(wommuo y Ato talk some 1 gum.iH gomma alueV, uke a good e Z5r 11 moo?? but; v& much too busvamd as Ssemse ikotO ft77rDoT( with omlv; ol.' hrnw K fg J I doc.iVe tobetimkerimg foe this oop's head,.. T.yh.? !J stdme shammer to f-f.'W, 'l OMLY JUST WITH VOD AKro BUSIM&S3 OPITME! I'M GO- B,5' W Wl B WAMMEP.yse.TTLE eom),- It? fill fat COME FPOM) THE TIME- I YOO'GETTIWG' IMG TO BEAT K BOV..., JKiX. i Z THIMGO r:- -1 , -a, kTHEEE.V MACHIKSE J HITLEC ....ITS AjSOME IMTO IIrV-irI 1 ' '?V WITH Wi: f Xfflpb .4.x O vL . ABsuRD.'jI2iiri, it Sift &7 I ' Si . r.mjA; v-& p- Mm J. R. Williams Our Boarding WE'VE simply GOT TO FIGUHB OUT A WAY TO PUT TMAT J MEAN OLD f 1 MAN IN , I 7CAH-... his piaceMbut dow?! 60od: them TOMORROW MOR.M1M61 IT 15. BRIEFIN6 AT 0720 rrrrsuH.AMy I Vf I HEWS VET ABOUT PENNY, SUH? 1 1 PENWy, 2 what? "WEI him TTTTIr EH? OH' 60 Tlistcn!1 GETAWAY"? ARE 1' THAT'S IT 1 1 VEG- I YOU MAD? HERE I I Vft 1 SHOULD HVE ), THE- I HAND ME THAT I BACK' KNOWN-I iM U"S)W I SUB-MACHIMeCiUMljJ A SUCKER I EAHGi Houta TUatsuy scurne II cant tviiwk or JU&T WALLOPED ANVONH WeD , ME.' CAN 1 BET ATWCR. HAVE f7 . . 1 . JV NONB. BUT VOU MAY BE INTERESTED TO LEARN THE U-BOAT THAT MACHINE 6UNNEP THOSE LIFE BOATS... THE 11-7... IS REPORTED TO BE IN THE VERY PORT WERE POO'S TrKs6S WV0 HWSE. COUVJ W I With Major Hoopla By Fred Harmon By Blonor TM8 BAlVJCB Of POWClt NOW R83T Willi IHB LLIfc:. By Crone r BLAZES! THIS WAR LStfErriNA TOO ALL'FIHBD PERSONAL FOR ME TO VOU LL IT BEHIND A PS, COLONEL. 1 HAVE TO PEOUEST PERMISSION TOACC0H-I SEE THE PAMY THE RAID A CO. ABOUT THAT By V. T. Hamlin VOO VCXJ? WM. rVOKStV CWiVt'.WtWt'b ROOM By Martin By Harold Gray a YOU SAID VOU'O BEEH A 6Eyl BUT HELPING 061 CHAINING OUR confidence! VERV AH! NOW THEY PAB8 OUT IMTO THE CLEVER OF VOL)! VERY II RIVER- I ., A. ft o