April 0, 1013 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN I TUBERCULOSIS DIE STARTS The "curly diagnosis cam paign" o( tho Klitiniilli County 1 Irnltli association, an Important purt of tho bnttlo against tuber culoala. opened on April 1 unci la nuw In full swing, Flfdt project of llm campaign In thla coui.ty wnn the of f of of skin touts to seniors of Klamath Union high school, but the re sponse on tho purl of tho stit dents to this opportunity win disappointing. Only VI) out of nioro than 2uo stuili'iils took the teals, as well nn four teachers. Positlvo reactor will bo giv en x-ruya. Those who cannot af ford to pay for their own x-ray art given theso examinations at the county health tenter, paid Christmas aciil fund. Industrial teatlng will begin upon tho return of Dr. Puter Ko.endiil, county health officer, ,who l at a clinic In tho caat, lie will bo back In the middle of Muy, and employes of certain Industrial flnna al that (line will be given the akin tcata. Tho executive committee of the health association held a re cent meeting at which time It wan announced thai a sound projector had been secured. This will be uaed In visual education, with Kev. Eugcno V. llaynca In charge of Una department of health education, lie will show Mms throughout tho county. Plana aro underway for an extensive expanalon program tho coming year. In view of war conditions, 11 becomes necessary to carry on a more active tuber culosis prevention program. Miss Martha bhanberger, state statistician of Ilia tuberculosis department, will be In Klamath Falls in the near futuro to as sist with plans for the coming year. Tin association annual meet ing which Is scheduled for some dato in May, will Include elec tion of officers as part of the routine business. It is expected this meeting will be attended by Sadie Orr-Dunbar, state worker, and representatives from the cnllra county will also attend to help with plans and suggestions. MYSTERY AZUSA. Calif., W) Miss Guadalupe Homo says us mi very confusing.- She notified the sheriff of fice yesterday thai sho had re ceived a 211-pound carton filled with elaborately printed pamph lets In French and Spanish, de scribing the four freedoms, air planes and other wartime topics. It came from the overseas branch of the OWI. Red Cross Notes Again wa ara sending out an SOS for help on surgical dress ings. Wo need 40,0110 per mouth from the main workroom, If ex perienced workers will give three, hours al a time we will bo able to moot this quota. It must bo done, Day after day the need is Increasing; there can be no let down as the war action Is growing more fierce every day. This week wa shipped 05,200 surgical sponges and the stuck is now depleted, The last ship ment before thin was made on It'obruary 1.'), 00.200. This it not fast enough, Hy Juno 1 we aro expected to make and ship 70, 000 a month which means that the main workroom must turn out 40,000 a month. The bal ance comes from units through' out the county; Merrill, Matin, Tulelake and Gilchrist. These auxiliary units will be expected to produce at the rale of 4000 per month. Mrs. Macartney is very happy to state that tho Mills school unit exceeded their quota last month, Starting Monday, April 12, the main workroom at the Red Cross headquarters will be open from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. dally. Instead of from 6 a. m. to 0 p. m. If tho workroom Is filled during these hours we can still maintain our rate of production. These hours will doubtless be moro convenient for women to attend; please come and do your part for tho soldiers who are serving for you. Nolo to knitters; Tho yarn to bo made Into garment for the navy Is now ready for distribu tion and you can get It at the headquarters. Spring Cleaning Ration Will Save Family Upsets Stretch your spring cleaning; ovar a period of months this year and save tho uaual family upset, says Wlnnifred K. Uillon, home demonstration agent. Thora are two possible pro cedures to make that semi-annual houso-clcaiilng unnecessary and spread the housecloanlng throughout tho year. Tho first Is to do ono or mora of tho fol lowing In several rooms on tho same day: Brush window shades or Venetian blinds, or wipe blinds; brush curtains, draperies, wall and wood trim, or wash them If necessary; wlpo pictures; wipe or wash windows; clean box springs and mattress, clean under side of rug and floor bo noath It; clean closets and draw ers; polish wood furniture, and clean upholstered fumlturo where soiled. Use of the unmet tool and routines In several rooms at stated Interval will In sure doing the same amount of cleaning in a year and may take less time than the second pro cedure. Tho second procedure 1 to thoroughly clean ono room at a time, Including the basement and sloro room in the schedule, by adapting the things llstod above to each room' requirements. ' In addition, tach month the carpet sweeper should be oiled. Other equipment should aUo be oiled if the manufacturer so di rects. Where directions have been lost, ask the manufacturer or local dealer for them and write them Into the schedule. Either of these methods should mako less of an upset In your war work schedule and in the Fire Laddies Voice Appreciation for Dance Attendance Member of the Klamath Fall fira department hav voiced ap preciation to residents of th city who assisted and attended at the dance given last Saturday In the armory. It is hoped that the afitlr will be an anual one now that the city council ha revoked an old ordinance which prohibited tho department from sponsoring a dance. B ARK-BARGAIN SALT LAKE CITY, OP) filgn In a south Salt Lake City ken nels: "Sale Second Hand dogs." family' disposition. Both are Important to the welfare Of the family and the nation. Always read tho classified ads. E POLISHI Do polish your shoes often. A good wax polish softens tho leather and also serves as a pro tective coating, slates Wlnnifred K. Glllen, home demonstration agent. Don't let your heels run down. That Is a false economy. Crooked heels twist the uppers out of shape, shorten tho life of the shoe. Do put your shoes to bed with shoe trees In them. They will live longer. If you don't own shoo trees, stuff paper In the toes. Don't put wet shoes near the stove or radiator. That I the best way to dry up the leather and cause it to crack. Do wear your rubbers when you walk In the rain. Average weight of 11,000 hu man brains weighed was 1361 grams for man; 1200 for woman. CHOICE OF THE SMARTEST WOMEN... iptl.OO the pair CXJfrrr fl fl.35 rfV I J Rerauae Phoenix rayons beautiful hnt not extravagant.. Because Phoenix Hurona ar aorrlreahle and comfortable for the busy hours yon Veep, yet sheer enough for parties, loo. Derauae Phoenix Rayons fit and wear. These aro the reasons the smart l Phoenix) man Insist an wtf i.t.r.l . SL IWt v.a'lt ....ri nalra Ta-nKa tek. 11 Vim t. Tdrx end rnnil want It alter-cute. NEW MAGIC SUPER SMOOTH ill yon idles There's no rationing of- luxury by Munsingwear in fact these under lovelies are more wrinkle-proof ond satiny In finish than ever! They'll underscore your Easter glamour because they give you that "sylphline" feeling. Munsingwear Dream-maker O Gowns O Created for the modern need for undies that launder long and well. Tailored and dress maker styles, including a new model with satin binding neckline. Fashioned of the new super-smooth rayon. Tearose and blue. 2.50 and 2.98 Munsingwear Sylphline O slips o Simple, fluid lines that might have been moulded to your own body ... so lovely do they follow every curve of your contour. Classic cuts free from frou-frou and wrin kles. Soft supple knitted rayon that won't twist or sag or ride up. Slips that go every where in the best of company! Tearose and white. 2.25 to 2.98 Munsingwear Leiier-perfeci O Panties O Of super-smooth sleek knit rayon, In sheer or service weight. Snug-fit Panties--05c to 1.25 Super-smooth rayon Of Pearl Glow Ration - 1.00 ' Step-ins and Brief s G9c Of super-smooth service weight rayon Bloomer Style Panties 05c & 1.00 For the slightly bulkier figure. Plain or with elastic bands. Tearose and white Vests to Match -- 05c and 1.00 In sheer or service weight. Tearose and whit rnecs I HE WOMAN'S SlPPE,int BrSBr I " . W J m M W M Til: SslV.I W W 1 0Ut ! v27 New Showing of Smart Mannish Slacks Corduroy Slacks in tailored tapered bottoms wine, blue and' green 5J95 Strutter Cloth Slacks Tailored styles with zipper or button openings Black, navy, brown and blue 1.95 to 7.95 Sport Blouses Bold colorful patterns in floral, tropical, scenic and stripes. Mannish sport collars and short sleeves. Best quality rayon fabrics. Sizes 32 to 40. 1.98 and 2.25 TShirts Colorful, wide or narrow stripes, or solid colors. Small, med., and large sizes. 1.00 and 1.25 FOR YOUR DOUBLE-BUSY LIFE ' Tailored Slack Suits You'll love these smartly styled strutter cloth and rayon gabardine slack suits for home or travel. Fitted and belted jacket styles, in single and double breast ed. 8J95 to 10.95 Covert Slack Suits 16.95 II Denim for Work A COMPLETE STOCK OF GARDEN TOGGERY NOW AT MOE'S .EVI MANNISH BLUE DENIM . Pants -2.79 and 2.90 ,'eavy weight riveted styles that really go to work in garden or war! SANFORIZED SURF DENIM Slacks -2.90 Tailored styles In light and dark blue. All sizes. HEAVY DENIM COVERALL STYLE Suits -3.90 Light blue heavy denim, with detachable pants or one-piece styles. Mannish utility style pockets. e EXTRA LARGE SIZES . 4.50 ALL-SANFORIZED SURF-DENIM Slack Suits - 3.90 Striped and plain tops, short sleeves. Tough wear ing easy to launder. EXTRA LARGE SIZES 4.50 macs THE WOMAN'S STCEp