page sir HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 'April 0, 10-13 Klamath Ghutoh AlewA LEWIS, CLARK HEAD TALKS TQ PRESBYTERIANS Thlt coming Sunday, at the First Presbyterian church, Dr. Morgan S, Odell, president of LewU and Clark college, Port land, Oregon, will be the speak er at both the morning and eve ning services. Dr. Odell served for years as the head of the department of religion and philosophy at Oc cidental college, Los Angeles, Calif., before he was called to the presidency of what had been Albany college, on June 2, 1942. He has lor years participated extensively In the work of civ ic organizations, college admin istrative duties, and student counseling. Since his coming the name of the college has been changed from that of Al banv. which It has maintained for 78 years, to that of Lewis and Clark, a new campus costing $1,300,000 has been acquired on Palatine Hill, Port land, the faculty has been en larged and greatly Improved, additional laboratory equipment has been purchased, the library is being enlarged, and the ties between the college and the community and business life of Portland have been strength ened. The notable improvements have been such that "Time Mag azine" in its issue of Septem ber 28, 1942, called special at tention to the college under the caption, "Courageous College," and said: 'The future never looked darker for the business of U. S. higher education. So the obstinately optimistic citi zens of Portland, Ore. (home of Henry J. Kaiser' miraculous ahipyards), thought it Just the time to launch moribund little Albany college on a bigger ca reer with a new name, new -resident and fantastically lush new campus. The trustees heard that the fabulous si.auu.uuu ra Lloyd Frank estate could be bought for $50,000. ., The college raised the money overnight. , Promptly the trustees gave their 'dream college a handsome new president, the firm-chinned Dr. Morgan Samuel Odell of Los Angeles' Occidental college. A brave new name topped the transformation Lewis & Clark, for the northwest explorers.' The morning worship is held at 11 o'clock. The evening serv ice at 7:30 o'clock. The Pres byterian young people of the community and Klamath ba sin are invited to attend the evening service, when Dr. Odell will show the beautiful poly chrome pictures of the wonder ful new college campus. Dr. Odell is also to address the student body of Klamath Union high school on Monday morning, and will also be heard under the report of the com mittee of Christian Education at the meeting of the Presbytery of southwest Oregon, which is to be held this coming Tuesday and Wednesday at Tulelake, Calif. The First ; Covenant Church 823 Walnut avenue. Pastor, R. E. Johnson. Phone 8517. Friday. April 9, at 7:45 p. m Hev. J. Carter speaks on "Al most Persuaded." Pictures will be shown on "Skiing" and "Law and Grace." On Saturday at 10 a. m., children's meeting and open to anyone else that may be interested. The pictures of the "Little Lost Sheep" will be shown to the boys and girls. At 7:45 p. m., "Gods Looking Glass." A surprise picture will . be shown. Our Sunday services are as follows: Sunday school assembly at 10 a. m., Mrs. Carter will brine a lesson to the entire Sunday school. At 11 a. m Rev. Carter will bring the mes- saee on "The Vacant Chair.' At 3 p. m., a mass meeting. A prophetic message will be given In the evening at 7:45 o'clock, the last service with Rev. and Mrs. Carter on the subject, "The Great Trial." Special singing at each service. The public is In- vited to all of these services. Wednesday night Is midweek fellowship, and Thursday night the Sunshine circle will meet at the Rose Clawson home. Frl day night is Ladles' Aid, and Mrs. Rafson and Mrs. Remold' son are hostesses. A program of spiritual interest will be render ed. Mt. Lakl Preibyterian Rev. Hugh T. Milchelmore, pastor, will speak at 9:45 a. m on the subject, "Looking Toward Easter. The junior sermon, "The Sword of the Spirit." Sun day school follows at 10:45 a. m, All members of the community are invited Jo attend these serv ices. First Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church, North Sixth and Pine streets. Pastor, Rov. A. Theodore Smith, 435 North Second street, phone 5477, and at the church 7311. Di rector of the choir, LlllU E. Dar by, organist Mrs. A. H. Denison. The morning worship opens with the organ prelude "An Easter Flower," by Worrell. The processional is "Fairest, Lord Jesus." Choir and congre gation, following the pastoral greeting, unite in singing "The Doxology," and, after the invoca tion and Lord's prayer, "The Gloria Patri." The period of quiet meditation and prayer for the armed forces and for the young men and women who have gone forth from the congregation is opened by the choir singing, "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord," and concludes with all singing "Our Father's God to Thee, Author of Liberty." The choir offertory Is "We Give Thee But Thine Own," by Schumann and the organ of fertory is "Shadows," by Stough ton. There will be two musical numbers, the anthem by the choir, "Fear Not, Oh Israel," by Splcker and a solo by Fred Ross, who will sing, "Going Home, by Dvorak and "On the High way to Galilee." The speaker of the morning will be Dr. Morgan S. Odell, president of Lewis and Clark college of Portland, Ore. Hit address should be of special in terest to prospective college stu dents. The service will close with the benediction, the choir dismissal, "Threefold Amen," and the or gan postlude, "Postlude," by Har ris. At 7:30 p. m., Dr. Odell will present polychrome pictures of themew college campus of Lewis and Clark college. This will be attended largely by young peo ple from the Klamath basin. The general public is welcome. The service opens with the organ pre lude, "Alleluia Alleluia," by Armstrong. The offertory is "Idylle," by Overholt and the postlude, "March," by Hopkins. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Imme diately preceding the opening, at 9:30 o'clock, a prayer group meets in the pastors study. The three young people's groups will meet at 6:30 p. m. It is probable that Dr. Odell may address the group. All young people are made welcome. Klamath Lutheran Church Cross and Crescent streets. L, K. Johnson, pastor. 1175 Cres cent street Phone 3452. Sunday school and Bible class, 9:45 a. m. Divine worship hour, 11 a. m Lenten service, Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. General theme, Thorns in the Crown of Christ." The sermon will be. The Peoples Choice." Choir rehearsal follows im mediately after the Lenten serv ices. Confirmation class, Satur day at 2 p. m. Men's Brotherhood Tuesday, April 13. Hosts will be Y. G. Hoff, Oscar Thompson, and Gus Anderson. Fireside hour, April 18 at p. m. Jiosts win dc nimet so- lie. Casper Murdock, Jack Peeb ler and Frank Subject. On Good Friday "The Seven Last Words from the Cross, three hour service from 12 noon until 3 D. m. These services will be supported by hymns, anthems and solos. Communion services will be held in the Holy week on Wednesday and Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o. m. Easter . services Wltn aunrise services at 6 a. m. Festive services at 11 a. m. You will always find a wel come at Klamath Lutheran church. If you are seeking a rhiireh home In the city we sin cerely invite you to worship and work with us. Friends are nkpd to come to the church Saturday to clean up the prem ises. Please bring tools. Altamont Community Presbyterian Church Meeting in the Junior high school, South Sixth and Sum- mr- lnno. Rev. HUBh T. Mitch elmore, pastor. The Bible school with classes graded for all ages meets at 9:45. A. C. Olson, sup- orlntnndent. Wnrahln service at 11 o'clock, conducted by the pastor who will speak on "The Road to Easter." The Junior sermon subject from Ephcsians is "The Sword of the Spirit." A nursery is conducted for the benefit of small children nnri their mothers. Special music, Mrs. Kenton Knight, director. If you are not on some other church home, we welcome you to attend our Services. Junior Christian Endeavor at the Manse. 4:30, 4431 0UM sixth. Mrs. Hugh T. Mitchel- more, superintendent. Joanne Robinette. leader. Slema PI Young People's so ciety for high school and other ages meets at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Olson, sponsors, Immanutl Baptist Church The church is located at the corner of North Eleventh and High streets. Rev. William B. Rica, pastor. Residence, 712 North Third. Telephone, 7400. Director of music, C. E. Losjer- well. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. We are working toward a goal of 100 In our Sunday school by Eas ter Sunday. Come along and help us reach this goal. Our attend ance last Sunday was 81) let's go over the top this week. Mrs. J. O'Neal is superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a. m. "It a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High." Psalm 92:1. We Invite all people to Join in our worship hour. The pastor will speak on the subject, "In the Midst." Evening Gospel hour, 7:30 o'clock. Many have found that it pays to make the effort to get out to church Sunday evening. We will be continuing our stud ies from the Book of Ruth this week, Chapter II "Ruth Serv ing." Bring a friend or neigh bor to church with you. Orchestra practice Sunday evening 6:45-7:15. Bring your instrument and enjoy playing during the evening service. Wednesday. 7:30 o clock, pray er and Bible study at the church. This service is open to the pub lic. . Bring your Bible and be prepared to discuss Romans X. This is the best service of the week. Don't miss it. Saturday, 7:30 p. m young people's meeting at the home of the pastor, 712 North Third. (Please note change of address). If you desire transportation to and from this meeting, phone 7400. Bring a friend. Yes, this is the friendly, Bible- loving church and you are al ways welcome at our church. Make it your church home if you are a stranger in the city or have no church home here. (Northern Convention.) First Methodist . . Church , "In the Heart of the City," at North Tenth, and High streets, Rev. Victor Phillips, minister. Residence, 1005 High street, telephone 3688. Director of music, Andrew Loney Jr., ac companist, Mrs. George W. Mc Intyre. Morning . worship at 11 o'clock. Processional, "Holy, Holy. Holy, Lord God Al mighty." Prelude, "Nature's Adoration," by Beethoven. Mrs. Edwin J. Schneebeck will sing the soprano solo, "Hold Thou My Hand," by Curran. The of fertory will be, "Lento," by Chopin. The choir will sing the anthem. "God Is a Spirit," by Kopyloff. The minister will preach on the subject, "What Jesus Taught About God.' Evenine Lenten service at 7:30 o'clock. The minister will give another address on the general theme, "The Drama of Christ's Passion.". The character study for Sunday evening will be. "Pilate." The churcn sunaay scnooi will be held at 9:45 a. m. Don R. Drury is the general super intendent and Dr. Peter H. Rozendal is acting superintendent. There is a class for every age group, trained teachers, and graded lessons. Students ac cepted at any time during the school year. The Methodist Youth fellow ship meet at 6:30 p. m. In two groups. The high school group meets in the league room ano the older young peoples' group In the parlors. All young peo ple are cordially invited to these meetings for fellowship and study. Sacred Heart Catholic Church Corner of Eighth and High streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas tor. Sunoay masses are at 7 a. m., 8 a. m. 9:30 a. m., and ll a. m Holy days at 7 a. m., 8 a. m and 9:30 a. m. Confessions every Saturday and the eves ot Holy days and first Fridays from 3 to 4 p. m and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Daily mass at 8 a. m. Religious Instruction classes are held every Saturday at 9:30 a. m. for Catholic children in Dubllc grade schools except dur ing vacation. High school dis cussion club meets every Sun day after 9:30 a. m. Mass ex cept during vacation. Latter -Day SilnU Latter-Day Saints meetings are held in the city library club- rooms on the corner of Fifth street and Klamath avenue. E, E, Burrows, branch president, phone 8293 or 6721. . Sunday school meetings are held at 10 a. m., with separa tion at 11:30 for priesthood, re lief society and primary class es. Sacrament service is held each Sunday evening at o'clock. Elders working in the Klam ath district may be reached at 703 North Ninth street. Phone 0428, or 4809 Hllyard street. BlbU Baptist Church (Northern Convention) 'The Southend Community Church with the Chimes," Wl ard street at South Sixth. Take city bus to Idclla's coiner, George W. Wheatlcy is the pastor, and may be reached at all times by calling 7210. Na dtn Dinning is in charge ot the music. Morning worship service 10 o'clock. "What Happened to the Veil of the Temple?" This Is the second ot a scries ot pro- Easter messages. Bible school at 11 o'clock with classes tor all ago groups, under the supervision of Fran ces Smith and her staff of Bi ble trained teachers. The pas tor Is the teacher ot the adult class, which meets in the auditorium. High School Young People's Bible Fellowship," 6:30 p. m., with Mrs. Wheatley, the teach er. Frances and Rose Smith in charge of the music. Ruby Rose brings the gospel on the trumpet. Evangelistic song service ai o o'clock. Bible study in the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John. This Is Life Eternal." The pas tor will occupy the pulpit at both services. Wednesday 7:45 p. m., mid week prayer fellowship with praise, in church parlor. If your church does not sponsor a pray- mecting, wo invite you to attend this time of blessing with Save gas and tires and walk to your community church. A welcome awaits you at "The Church with the Old Gospel and the. Whole Gospel." Assembly of God 746 Oak street. Rev. A. Har old Persing, pastor. Residence, 844 Eldorado street. Phone, 5735. Service Friday at 7:45 p. m., with Evangelist John Dean Lew en preaching. No meeting Saturday nignu Services for Sunday: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with Mrs. Al Kennerly in charge. We give you a hearty invitation to at tend our growing sunaay school. Morning worship, ll ociock. Young People will meet at 6:30 p. m., with Mr. Jim ken nerly in charge. Evangelistic service ai i;ta .. . t r r-ui p. m. iivangensi u' - cago preaching. Hear his soul stirring, interesting and instruc tive sermons. Services for the week: Mon day we will have an aii-ciay fellowship meeting beginning at 10:30 a. m. Aiicrnoonr service at 2:30 o'clock. In the evening Young People's service at 6:30 o'clock. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. Special speakers have been arranged for each service. . There will be special meet ings every nigm mis "s week under the leadership of Evangelist Lewen except Satur day, starting at 7:45 p. m. Zion Lutheran 1025 High street, Victor A. Schulze, pastor. I eiepnone, 6793. nivine worship at 11 a. m., with the fourth of a special bio graphical series of Lenten ser mons based on the leading characters from the Passion his tory of Jesus. Sunday's sermon will present, "Herod, the Seek er After Religious Novelties." The Sunday school meets ai 9:45 a. m., featuring lllmsiides on the Bible stories of the New Testament. The voting assembly win meet for the quarterly business meet ing immediately at me ciosiim of the Sunday morning service. The children's confirmation class meets on Saturday morn ing, 9:30 to 11:30 o'clock, at the parsonage. This class welcomes any children desiring a basic i..ti.llnt nn in ihA t iinnnrneniuiii nf tho Christian religion as set forth by the Lutheran church. The Lutheran hour wun a stirring Gospel message by Dr. Walter A. Maicr and icaiuniiB music by the students' chorus of Concordia seminary, St. Lou is, Mo., may be heard every Sunday at 1 o'clock over our local station, KFJI. First Church Of God Located at the corner of Al tamont drive and Delaware street. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m., Mrs. J. D. Ker nutt, superintendent. Morning devotions, 11 o'clock. Pre-serv-ice prayer meeting at 7 p. m. Prrnehine service. 7:30 p. m. Prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to attend 811 of these services. Rev. J. D. Kernutt, pastor. BlbU Auditorium Eleventh and Main streets. Morning services will be held nt tho Bible nuditorium Siitur day. Bible classes for both children and adults meet at 9:30 a. in. At tho 11 o'clock preaching service Evangelist A. L. Bcazloy's toplo will bo "The Bride the Lmnbs Wlfo. and the Woman Jesus Divorced." "The Unpaidouablo Sin" will be the ovaiiKclisl's subject for Sunday night. Everyone Is in vited to hear this lecture that ho might guard against this sin that cannot be forgiven. Each topic for tho week will bo woll worth your time to hear. Tuesday night, "Divine Healing versus Satanic Influ ences." Thursday night, "Twice Born Men Can Flesh and Blood Enter Heaven?" Friday night, "The Great Red Dragon." Special music every evening. Como at 7:30 p. m. for the music. First Christian "The Downtown Church," lo cated at Pine street and Ninth. Arthur Charles Bates, minister, Stanley Kendall Is the super intendent of tho Bible school which meets at the hour of 9:45 a. in. There is a class for every ago group. i Morning worship begins at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Mary iluyden Is ' the organist and Mrs. Vera Howard is the choir director. The Lord's Supper is always a regular part of the service. The 1 sermon this Lord's Duy morning ! will be "Closer to God," built on a request of a soldier to his 1 chaplain: "Chaplain, I want to get closer to God. Will you help I me?" The choir will sing a : special number at this service, j Evening services begin with ; the Christian Endeavor and the adult class In the study of tho New Testament evangelism. The time if 6:30 p. m. I This friendly church Invites , you to worship with them. Pilgrim Holiness Located at 2229 Wantland aveuue, Rev, Shermnn Moore, pastor. The sermon subject for Sun day morning will be, "Dlvlno Wisdom." Tho evening subject will be, "American Idolatry." There will bo food for thought In both mossages. This church believes and teaches tho Biblo doctrine ot en tire snnctifliHtlon, a second defi nite work of grace subsequent eTIic Ciroati-M Mother 1 as taught by to regeneration John Wesley. Regular sorvlces as follows, Sunday school, 9:45 a. m, wor ship, 11 a, m,; Junior league, 6:30 p. m.j evangelistic service, 7:45 p. in.; prayer meeting on Wed nesday at 7:45 p. m. Apoitollo Faith At 238 North Eighth street under the electric sign, "Jesus the Light of the World," Sunday, 0:30 a, m Sunday school with classes and efficient teachers for all ages and grades. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, ' J 7:45 p. m special orchestra se lections with Evelyn Craig dl. reeling, also selected vocal nunc . bri followed by personal ten tlinonlos, Concluding with a fundamental gospel sermon by uplrlt-fillrd ministers. Wednesday and Friday, 8 p, nv, regular services. Cordial Invitation to all services Is ex. tended tho public. Collections are never taken. Come as you arel t V v i'.v If You Can't Go-GIVE! Only Your Gifts Support ths Hed Croir Only the Red Cross Has Super vision Over the Training of All Nurses' Aides. The following contributions are gratefully acknowledged! First Baptist Eighth and Washington streets. Rev. C. C. Brown, pastor. Resi dence, 414 North Eightlf street. Phono 7439. Bible school, 9:45 a. m., with classes for all groups. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Sermon sub ject, "The Church Enfolded." This message is a continuation in the Ephcslan of the study Epistle. The Bible meets at 6:30 Training service p. m. with unions ; for all ages in a departmcntlzed ; program of Christian training, j The evening worship service po gins at 7:30 o'clock with a good , song service. Sermon subject, I Three Hours in Hen." i The Women's Missionary so ciety meets Thursday al t n e church for luncheon at noon fol-, lowed by the executivo and business meetings. Weekly broadcast over KFJI Sunday, 8:15 to 8:45 a. m. St. Paul's Episcopal Rev. F. C. Wissenbach, rector. Fifth Sunday in Lent. (Pas sion). 8 a. m., celebration of the Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m., church school for all grades. 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon. 3 p. m., St. Barnabas church, Langell Valley. Evening prayer and sermon. Monday, 4:30 p. m Girls Friendly society meeting. Tuesday, the International Art and Crafta show, held in the parish house. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Len ten talk and Litany service. Choir practice to follow. Thursday, meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary. Time and place to be announced later, Friday, 10 of the Holy intercessions. a. m., ccicpranon Communion and Unity Center "Divine Law" will be the kubject of the Sunday evening lecture by Rev. Nora a. .uioi, ordained pastor. The services will be held In the banquet room of the Elk hotel at 8 o'clock. ' Classes In "Lessons In Truth" are held eacli Monday at 2:30 p. m. at 628 Pacific Terrace. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all to attend the lec ture and classes. Rev. Elliot will be Bt the Elk hotel Monday forenoon to give assistance to nnyono In need of spiritual advice and healing. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward. Owners Wlllard Ward. Mar. 925 High Phone 3334 15 Remember Future generations will re member the last resting place of your loved one when prop erly marked when Identi fied In keeping with your feeling of reverence with a memorial that will stand for all time. You will find the designs to suit your taste among our display. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 116 S. lllh St. Phone 6381 Harold R. Wlm Olho N. Pool -. Il,j,rx)r M,flln Hhl M. Aha . . Mr. Mlbtl Mahan ...-. Mr. Ploron Col . Mr. Pleva Vat - John OuVall Lm Norwat Clarlo Lolch arlha B. Lolaha Mr. and Mr. Don 0amiagna. Mr. Malvlra null Mr. Flora Loblrt Dan Gor( - Laandar w llaon. Smla Lani, John 0. Suall, Art Mayllald, Leonard lonl, Mlllla Oarrall, Harry Paaraon, Tom Lons -Hlram Ronhlna small Lobar! Shadlay f.OO t.n I.M 1.0 I.M l,M 1.(10 1.00 1,00 MS t.oo I.M .11 f . I. McClar Mr. Paul Oallon Mr. floy LaPrarl nuth Sartlald H. Wamla Charl Hhi Wlllard D.,1 Alma Pound Jo Kallar . D. J. (lobar . I. Diaon 4. S. Morrla J, Panllooat . . Hilaon Ml, Rally Crawford . Mr. Mary Klrh R. O. Courtrluhl H. R. Muakral . M il . 1.00 . i.on . I.M . I.M N. W. H. Clamano Varl Hatalln Haiti SflhlmlnMliv Audolnh tohlmlnotli . R-rl imllhar Ida Qrlmaa I.M I.M I.M 100 I.M .11 I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M I.M loo I.M to M - I.M Lost Rl.r Horn loonomlo t.M Jo liilllyan . - . t.M Ol'na.po ValUy latanalon llwrj Oil i.m I0.M Mr. and Mr. Harry Paron I.M Victor Slaaon - t.M Mr. and Mr. Oorhatt B. Lwyr t.M Mr. Jamao A. Naah - Oaorl I. Oarln . t.M Allan W. OalKrallh t.M M. P. Oaywood . I.M Oaorl I. Kaohart t.M Mr. Chrltllno layar t.M CI, da Jam ... .M .lhn R. Mop t.M Thtodort B. Bald t.M Mr. and Mr. Oryllla Blllolt - I.M Mr. and Mr. John L. .i-hi-wi t.M Mr. and Mr. Alhrt Pnltr t.M M' Wllhtlmlna L, Kaalrat 10.M Ml, a Lull. 1 0. Lund .. a.M Mr. Jnnnh . Mon I.M Mr. Molll Laol - t-M C. O. AalMon - . t.urj Mr. and Mr. ntM W. Taylor t oo J. w. Lunar t M Blbart J. Plovd I.M Mr. Mabtl M. Murphy Ik MOM B-n Jon . Mia Wlnllrxt Blthop . Marlon Orant flail Baaeh . Howard Bala , Barbara Adam Mavm P. .lohnaon rial Kumleh . Prd nitMon 1 Blhl L. Marlln . Paulina Potter M-. an- M-t. Lawranc Gtrachtv R-n Murnh Mr. and Mrs. John Marthall . J'thla Marshall - Marlha Maalcn . O. L. and Ad Brown . . Mr. nd Mr. Marlon Bam . Harry Lmlar . .. - Mr, and Mra, L. L. Onwtord . Slanlav Maatan t.M 1 1a t.M I.M I.M I.M 1.M t.M Mr. and Mra. flow Kinney m Inat River Qrana , lo.M Mr. and Mr. Dan Lllkor la.M M-. and Mre. L. J. Horlon I0.M Mr. end Mr. P. J. HullKen .. I.M Mr. and Mre. A. I. Morthall I.M Mr. N.inhwx PranB BanrerrJ Bob Hartley John Stoub Vlnll Itrlrhl Jim BrooMnft, . Hi Mr, lelllnier -- Jemee Randall - Mre. Stewart Mra. Al Slaen Mre. Pal iloeealeln Mre. Rurae MiHa Jr. - Mra. 0. A. I.IHIad Mra. 0. W. Rulh A. B. Lun .,., Mra. Ida Odell Rav. Wlleenbaeh -, Mr. Aharla Wood Bberleln Daroth 0e Mr. Prlr Room . Mr. Sown' Room J. H. Drew Oaah . rlharle narleon Joeenh Oolahan DtiarlM ftrawlord Deil Woalh J. R. Mrltrlrte , ,,,.,.. Warren Plaabue ... - . Leonard Rllter and family . Rmeel flitter John Andrraon . Leon Dhalll , , , H. T. Latterly .- J. P. Oolehan . -. Mre. Roea Vlerlr . P. M. Chain .... . M. T. Mlehaal T. P. Mlehaal , Joe Vlerlr I.M t.M t M t.M ( t.M I.M t.M IN I.M I M 10 M t.M .M till I.M t M t.M I.M I.M IM l,M I.M t.M I M a M t.M I.M t.M I.M t.M t.M t.M t.M t.M 1.M IH 1.M t.M I.M I.M t.M t.M 1 M t.M 1 1.M t.M t. IM I.M Jim Brown J.eft. Kellav Ja-ai Himllrtt on l.fl, -Qrff e Wendell Oerlton . Mr, and Mre. Ouv Barton .. Mr. and Mre. Hormon Tlplon I.M Herman Tlplon Jr. ... - .M Mr. and Mra. Geo. Iteventon . IU Mildred Tlnton . . Mr. and Mra. John Wllllama t m Hurd Tlnton t.M Rill Hoaan I.M , Jaeal fleed I.M Tom Galmeo . .. - ll.M Andrew Rodner - ft. J. Rllee ... Bmll "aerl Ada Plaeaiua . (1. A. Parker and family . Mre. 4. J. Rao , , J. J. Itaee P. B. Lotreland , Ad Lovelend . R. L. Haney Hu'h Porter ... Toe: Parrla ....-.... Rob Piehef Domtlon .. L. A. Rrown Mav Ma aey , naorf Allen Harry Rallay .. Perl Thorp I M I.M I M I.M t.M M t.M I.M t.M I.M t.M t.M II t.M ,tA 1 M Id 1 M t M t.M Harold Wllhlla M.. A. R. Dlekeon . lole Rumor .. D. B, Murnhy . . Mre. Jnanlte Halite. Mr. Llovd Miller Nadlrve Shiner ... Henley Grade Sehool Mwlr Stevemon Mr. and Mr. L. 0. "In Mr. and Mr. Dlloa Mill , Mr. Kate Smith .- flharl niaon . 110 . t.M . t M . I M . M . t M . t.M . LM . t.Tll . ' N . 10M . tt.M tl . t.M . t.M Mr, larilo Hewnham Mr. Heallr .n Mr. and Mr. O. n. Rdr tM Mr. and Mr. L. P'rk M Mr. and Mr. Poh n-Mlnr-r . t M Mr. and Mr. Harnld DahllnCar .M Mr. and Mr. Wilt Blaakman . to.M Mr. Bruee Gaddl t.M Mr, t, Horrl t.M Mr. and Mr, riharle flraan t-DO Mr. an Mr, Boyd Bruner and Mary . . ..- a M Charley SnowKOOM J. W. smiley Mre. J. w. amlley Mra. Jea Tenr , , H. R, Garden mend Aeh . . T. L. Ranee Mr, and Mr. H. Howard Mr, and Mra. a. Howard Diwalda Maa-allanee namnn Talamantaa . Mrr-an ehlne I., c. I.vbrend . Mr. Wayn Daeleon Mr. Joe Prllehard Mr. I. P. Saeh Mr. 0. S. Hull Mr. P. A. Seavar Mr, T. R. Denlton . t.M t.M t.M t.M t.M t.M 4.M t.M ShorN Rohwar , W. H. Soholer Sam LoMffhonheal Batty Hunter , Rov Pnherte , , Kale Hllvarrf .. . , niann Hllvard narref nean Hllyard P. C. Short Maine Iwldler A Prlend 0. B. Ho- Mae and Wllma Marvin - Helen Dumhok Mr. and Mra, Wlllard nimean Mr. and Mra. Arthur Gol Mr. and Mr. Olla Jotineon Marlln Srldneo Mr. and Mr. Pdwln "atraaak Mr. and Mr. PlahhacH Mr. Prad Peterson .....4 a." Mil Mirvarn . ... Keith Swlehar Glenn LaPralrla Jack Oohor R. A. Whlllr Mr. B. P. Whit Llovd flavldeon - ii. w. Jurikim MHorv-a Y ...j John Roaont M-r (eiher Newell . A. L. Stewart Plovd Short Harbtrl Wllaon ........ Mra. Anna Anderson . R, H. Andereon n R. B. D'mn ...... nor aoodind William Cunningham , P. A. Straw W. P. Taylor A. n, Camoholt . no Klneman Dale Wher D, It, AtahMna A. R. yrrmwell . to.M . I.M . 1 M . t.M . t.M . I.M . t.M . IM . I.ofl . I.M . T.M . I.M . I ' . I.M . .M . t.M . R.M . a.M . I0.M 1.00 I.M t.M I.M I.M too I.M t.M 1.01 a oa 1.01 t oo I.M I.M t.M 1.01 1.M 1 M 1.M 1.00 I.M I.M . and Mr. R. 8. Kcrna . Mr. Ralnh Jotmaten O'rraU Prlel John Lilly . .. Mre. Jo Hladtr ... . ,. . Mre. Marlln Parfron Alvln Burbank ., Joa Prlel Bll Haalar . Plovd Sloan Prank Parker - Prad Pulll . Pvarell Hotchklaa . r.harlee tlohr Jaek Whltaman Berl Wolle Darroll Wick Art aortdy t.M 1.M t.M I.M t.M t.M t.M t.M I.M t.M I.M t.M t.M t.M t.M I.M t.M I.M I.M 1.0(1 1.00 I.M t.M flaor. Lara T. R. Srre nhutl Iwellord Mike l.oe-lvlr Mra. J. R. Thompson . . Damon .... rtharle Mevelet Mr. and Mr. Dan Uekey n. M. Mes lellorty T. L. Holland M Henry Pelrell , , R. H. Rrone Pauline llioll L. A. Murnhv w L. R. Maleelf -. Purh latahen Ral Oelahen . - Jannl R. Orover . W. L. Terwlinaer . IM . IM . t M . t M . t.M . MM . tM . t.M . .1 . t M t.M 1 M t.M 1 M 1.M 1.M Bill Randolph t.M w. R. SnenMr t.M Mr. and Mra. Al Dallman t.M Prank Kaler . t.M Velda Sloan t.M Mr. and Mr. Ouy Moora ..-. t.M Mr, and Mr. Rm Slmmar , 1.00 Mr. and Mr. H. 0. Sharp 4.M Mr. T. S. Prather . , I.M Mr. Art Goorrar . t.M Mr. Gana RaamM . t.M Mr. and Mr. M. Ma-allanl Mavbelle KvM Mr. and Mr, fl. Smith I M a, M. Tollman ., La Mr. and Mr. Prad Halt tt.M 4. M. Hlllon .... , I'M Mr. RrMlertvau "M Mr. D. Stephens , ta M Lewi B. Ilev tt.M Mrs. Wlr1 WH . . t.M Mr, and Mr. P. M. Kolkaie t.M Bond Porlland Trurk Serlee ll.M M-. and Mra. Arthur OharlM Bain 'M Mr. and Mr, floy Huff t.M . H. B. Brumbl I.M Dsn Kalenaa ... I" Rulh Prnveneel . I M G, A. Kraue . -1M.M Dr. Ralnh W. Stearns . . M M Lnnnle lahorn . l,0 Mr. John Johnolon - t .M Wesley Mary t.M Mr. and Mrs. Patrllk Qulnlon . M I. Bryant tM H. Serial . .. t.M M-. and Mr. Jo Main t.M Mr. and Mr. H. B. Pallf tt.M Paul H. Oalllna I.M Mr. Raymond ... . , t.M P-lrvlaw Pourlh Grids ... t.M Klamath Thaalr .1M.M . It M Pd venrfarhurf n. W. Hilvard .... W. P. Hllvard Mala Sirndharrv n. w. Whllnar Ham Arnold - Mr, Pd Rlaharrlion Mra. MnVeahin . Haiti- Haav Mr. Pd Ruallll R-a Woodv R, Rounder ,..., Al Oryital t.M 1.00 1 no I.M 1 oo 1.00 t.M .11 t.00 t.oo I.M 1.M I.M 1.00 1.00 t.oa Paler Patareon Mra. H-lan Joftman . Mln Alio Lvll . Mr. Jun Donclion Mr, Valma Tannery . . Mi Bdna Bloom .. Mill Blhel Puokall Mr. and Mre. John Dunnlsan... R. R. Hurlbut .. ..... Ted Zaroalnekl ., B. Klrlland rharlee Meaner 0. pllralmmon , Mrlvln Gallaapy - Glome Dow .. . W. L. Praln , rtuhy Salllay Gal nidRawav .............. .- nolnh Johnston Mr. and Mr. 0, Husklnaon Mr. and Mrs. Joa Poslsr ... L. A. Imllh Mrs. K. I. PiMhlll , Prank BtroburS .. GMrne AKer , Tom Brown Dan Sohsrsr ,.. Jaok Maralon .... 0. R. Morion -,... Ivan Taylor ...-....... B. H, Pros! .... Rrloo MortornloK -.... S. Crosslins . Mrs. L. Ramsay Marts Anderson - ,,.. Wilbur Ward ... Mr, and Mre. J. W. Kerne Mr, and Mre, P. D. Bvsrhart... Mr, and Mre, R, I, Harrlok. W, U Praln ,, J.M i.oa I.M 1.M 1.M 1.M 1.0(1 I.M t.on t.oo I.M t.M t.M t.M 1.M t.M t.M 1.00 I.M 1.00 1.0) 1.M t.oa t.00 1.10 t.M .11 LOO t.oo 1.00 I. AO 1.011 .11 t.M LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 Mildred L. Weaver Joeenh Oonxer School Aldo U. Dlnemoro . . Mr. and Mr. B. L. Cody Grant Itaneoy A, W, Wlnefjar J. n. I 'Han Myron Turner Viola MoeeloK . . Mre, 4. Holrlans Mrs. Prsd Tllson Mr, and Mrs, Jot Hloks Ruth Romlund Owen Haron . J, R. 0. at Palrvlaw llh, llh and Tlh Grades Mrs, Laura B. Bastwootf Rulh Quvahera .... .. H-lenlo Mutual Bensvslent Soelely flnosls . WIlMion , , , flhai H M. Ohlaa Mr, and Mre, T. A, Gruhll .. 1.00 Murnhav'a Seed Store ,...., 11.00 H, H. VanValkanburl ... 11,00 Mr. Rllworlh Gray ... . t.M Gharlat Qrllfllht LM Muriel Garlah LOO Pelhsr Hankina LM Thslma Hsnrv ,., LM Al Tholh LOO , t.M 10.M t.10 1.0 I.M 1.00 1.00 . I0.M 1.00 1.00 100.M 1.00 LM t.M 1.M . t.M Mil , . t.oo t.oo Shall OH Gomnanv Mr, and Mr. 0, H. Oliver AMamont Junior Hllh .. 'Mra. f.lvlniiton .., -Bironllmlal Olub Mr. and Mra, P, W, Rl( Lyman Williams ,,. Slsannr B, Marlln .-. Mr. pinoh Klamath Iron Worka Paleloar Motor Go, Aooalollo Pallh . Suburban Lumbar Go Motv and Van Dyht, Ina R, t.lmmarman ,..... Wtslirn Pint Mill 11.01 1.00 II.H to.oo to.oo to, 00 I.M 1.01 LM , 1.M , I" M , 11.10 , 11.00 , 10.M , 1,00 , 11.00 TOTAL d8CurD.t. $24,645.96 Acknowledgements at times may run several days after your contribution Your' Dollars' help make possible the AMERICANO RED CROSS These ads published for the Klamath County Chapter of the American Red Cross by the o to t)